North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, September 07, 1864, Image 1
HARVEY SXCULljDEJYl^'iorrletor.} NEW SERIES, 'llaillj ftoanrji flentofrah A weskly Democrati paper, devoted to !'ot y). tics. News, the Arts j end Sciences Ac. Pub- ■. RLA.J * iL ' fished every WeJnes- As jwiiiPmU day, At Tunkhanuock, fSpj jfyVw Wyoming County, Pa. WV * fJI—D BY HARVEY SiCKLER. Terms —1 copy 1 year, (in advanced 51.50. I not pain within six months, $2.00 will be charged A.DVER.TISI3XTG. 10 lines or , less, make three i/our two <three ) sir | one one square ieecks\ireekspno' th :mo' tie mo' th [year 1 Souaro LO'F 1.2 V 2.25 2.9:' 3,00 ! 5,00 2 do 200 2.50; 3.25 3.50 4.50' 6,00 3 do. 3,00' 3.75, 4.75; 5,50 7,00 9,00 i Column. 4,09* 4,50; 6.50' 8.00 10.00', 15,00 do. 600 "-00 10.00 12.00 17,00. 25,00 do B'oof 9,50f 14,00, IS,OO> 25,00; 35,00 1 do. 10,00} 12.00! 17,00' 22,00' 29,00' 40,00 Business Cards of one square, with paper, S3. JOB wortiv of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit the times. fhtsititss IfltitfS. GIX.O. 8. TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 Tunkhannock, Pa. Office in Stark's Brick Dlock, Tioga street. \\J M. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of- V v fice in Stark's lirick Block, Tioga St., Tunk hannock, Pa. R.&S, 4V, UTTLE ATTORNEY'S AT, LU LAW, Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannock Pa. HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON • Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa. r IMB FOR FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZE la at " ' - VERNOY Merhrsr>7>en Sept IB 156'. JV.SiffTU, >l. I>, PnYSIPTAN A SURGEON, Office on liriuge Sireet, next door to the Demo crat Office, Tunkhannock, Pa. .T C. BEC K l .Il . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON," Would respectfully announce to thi - ilizensof Wy tning th-it he has io -ated at Tunkh inno k wh er ho will promptly attend to all calls in the line o his profession. Ur" v.- ill b found at home on Saturdays :uih weo WALL'S HOTEL, J.ATE aIMERICStN HOUSE, Tl SKIIAN NOCK, WYOMING CO., PA I 'HIS vstaltlLhuicnt has recently been refitted and furnished in the latest vie Every .otention will he given to tin* comfort und ••onvenience of tie se ir'ao patronize the Jlou-ie. T B. WALL, Owner and Prej rietcr. Tunkhannock, September 11, 1361. NORTH SRAWCIJ HOTEL, MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY PA Wm. 11. CORTKKHIT, I'rop r { T .VYING rcunied the proprietorship of the above .1. Hotel, the undersigned will sji.ire no effort to render the house an agreeable place of sojourn for *ll who may favor it with their custom. Win. 11 Ct'KTRIIIIIT. Jane, 3rd, 1^63 ifiinits Hotel, towaltcba, PA.. 1). B. BARTLET, [Late ol the BBUAINARO ITOI SK, ELVIRA, N. Y. PKOPRI ETOIf. The MEANS HOTEL, i-one of the LARGEST nnd 13EST ARRANGED Jli>ujes in the country —It is fitte-1 up iu the most modern and improved style, and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and agreeable stopping-place for all, v 3. n2I. 'v M/GILMAN, DENTIST, \ T OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk- IVI. Vianncck liwrough, and respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of this place and urroundiDg countrv. ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIS FACTION. ITff Office over Tutton's Law Office, near the Pos Office. Dec. 11, 186/. DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED ? nt'CHAs's ENGLISH SPECIFIC FILLS cure, ESS than 30 days, the worst cases of NI KVOL'SNESSS in potency, Premature Dacay, Seminal Weakneos Insanity, and all I rttiary. Sexual, and Xcrv Affections, no matter from what cause producedus Price. Gne Dollar per box. Sent, postpii J, by mail o receipt of an order. Address, JAMES S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible House New York. I n3l-3m. M. k Co,, A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility. In- i competency, Premature Deeay and Youthful Error] | actuatee by a desire o benefit others, will be happy j to furnish to all who need i:, (free of charge ), the j recipe and directions for making Ihe simple remedy j used in his case Those wishing to profit by bis, and | possess a Valuable Itemed*, will reieivo the came, ' by return mail, (carefully sea led.) by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN „ . No- 60 Nassau street, New York. 3-n4O-3wo T1 SE " ( :™™ l— BUCHAN'S iSPECIFIC y 1 ILLS are the only Reliable Remedy for all <* the Seminal. Urinary and Nervous Sys- Try one box, and be r-ur.-d ONE DOLLAR 1.1/ box perfect a cure, or money re *aaed. sent by mai l on receipt of pr j cc JAMES S. BUTLER, ' Station D. Bibl# Poaso Now York, 41-H-3a | .U A gtnt OFFICIAL TltiSOT ItPUTIiU (Dfficc uf Jutcntfll gfDCQOf. SCHDULE ofSTAMP DUTIES, From and alter August I, 1864. Stamp Duty. Acknowledgement of deeds exempt, Affidavit 5 cts. " in suits or legal proceeding exempt. Agreement or A ppraisemen'(for each sheet or piece of paper on which the same is written)... 5 cts. Assignment or transfer of mortgage, lease, or pokey of insurance, the same duty as th® original instrument. 44 of patent right 5 cts. Bank Cheat, drafts or orders,&c., at sight or on demand 2 Cls. Bills of Exchange, (Foreign,) drawn in,but payable out of, the Unted Slates, each bill of set of three or mote, must be stamped. For every bill or each set, where the 6um made payable does not exceed one hundred dollars, or equivalent thereof in any foreign curreuryin which such biHs may be expressed, according to the standard of value fixed by the United States 2 Cts. For every additional hundred dol lars, or fractional part Thereof in excess of ODC hundred dollars (Foreign) drawn in, but payable out o', the United Slates, (if drawn singly or in duplicate.)pay the same duly as Inland Bills of Exchange [The acceptor or acceptors of any Bill ol Exchange or,order for the payment of any sum of money drawn,or purporting to be drawn in any foreign country, bul paya ble in the United States, must, before paying or accepting ihe tame, place thereupon a stamp indicating the duty.J Bills oj Exchange, (Inland.) draft or order, payible otherwise than at sight or on demand,and any pro missory note, whether pm.ibie on demand or at a time designa ted, (except bank notes issued lor circulation, and checks and intended to be and wh 100 shail be forth with presented tor payment) for a sum notexcceding one hun dred dollars 5 cts. For every additional §IOO, or trac tto nai pat t thereof. Sets. [The warrant ol attorney to confess judgment on a note or bond is ex empt from stamp duty, if the note or buud is properly stamp ed. ] Bills of Lading, of vessels for ports of the United Slates or British North America exempt. " or receipt for goods, to any foreign port 10 cts Bill of Sale of any vessel, or part thereof, when the consider* tion does not exceed five hundred dollars 50 cts. 4 < xceeding §SOO, and not exceeding §I,OOO §1 00 44 exceeding §I,OOO lor each 500,0r Irac'ionai part there (4 50 cts. 44 of personal property (other than sh p or vessel) 5 cts Bond, personal, for the payment of money. (See Mot (gage) 41 official §I,OO 41 for indemnifying any person for the payment < f any sum of money, where the money ultimately recovt rable there upon is §I,OOO, or less 50 cts. 14 Where the money recover able exceeds §I,OOO, fur ev cry additional §I,OOO, or fractional part thereof 50 cts Bonds. —County,city,and towu bonds railroai and other corpora tion bonds, and scrip, are sul ject to stamp duty. (See Mortgage) 44 of any description, other than such as required in le gal proceedings, and such as are not otherwise ehrageu in this Schedule 25 cts. Certificates of depo in bank, sum rot exceeding one hundred dollars 2 cts. 44 of deposit in bank, sum ex ceeding one hundred dollars. 5 cts 44 of stock in an incorporated company 25 c8. 44 general 5 C , B . 44 of record upon the instru ment recorded exempt 44 of record upon the book.. .exempt 44 of weight or measurement of animals,coal wood, or oth er articles, . xcept weights' anJ measurers' returns exempt >; of a qualification of a Jus tice of the Peace, Commis sioner of Deeds, or Notary "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. " —Thomas JeJferson. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1864. Stamp Duty ?übl'C 5 ct' " of search of records 5 eta* " that certain papers are cn file 5 cts. 44 that certain papers cannot be found 5 cts. 44 of redemption of land sold for taxes 5 cts. " of birth,marriage,and death s'cts * of qualification of school teachers 5 cts 44 of profits in an incorporated company for a sum not less than §lO and not exceeding §SO 10 cts " exceeding §SO, and not ex ceeding 1.000 25 cts. " exceeding §I,OOO, for addi tional 1,000, or fractional part thereof 25 cts " of damage,or otherwise.aml and all other certificates or doqjiments issued by any porf warden.marine surveyor or other person acting as such 25 cts Certified Transcripts of judgments, and of all papers recorded or fui file 5 cts. [N. B.—As a general rule, every certificate which has, or may have, a legal value in any court of law or equity, will require a stamp duty c-f 5 cts.] Charter putty, or letter,memorandum or other writing between the captain, owner, or agent of any ship, vessel,or steam er, and Any other person,re lating to the charter i.fhe same, if the registered ton nage of said ship, vessel, or steamer does not rxceed one hundred and fifty ions.... §IOO 44 exceeding one hundred and fifty tons,and not exceeding three hundred tons 300 " exceeding three hundred tons,and not exceeding six hundred tons 5 00 " exceeding six hundred tons 10 00 Check, dra r /, or • rder for the payment of any sum of money exceed ing SIO, drawn upon wiy"*"* 1 ' person other than a bank, • banker, or trust company, at sight or on demand 2 cts. Contract (See Agreem< nt.) '• Br ker's 10 cts Conveyance, deed, instrument or, writing, whereby lands, ten ements, or other testify sold shall be conveyed, the actual value <4 which does uol ex ceed §SOO 50 cts. 11 exceeding §3OO, and not ex ceeding §I,OOO §1 00 4 ' for every additional §SOO, or fractional part thereof in ex cess of §I,OOO 50 cts. Endorsement of any negotiable instru ment exempt Entry of any goods, wares, or mer chandise at any custom house, either for consump tion or warehousing, not ex ceeding one hunhred dollars in value 25 cts. 44 exceeding one hundred dol lars, and not exceeding fiVe hundred dollars in value. ... 50 cts. " exceeding five hundred dol lars in value §1 00 " for the withdrawal of any goods or merchandise from bonded warehouse 50 cts Gangers'* returns, if for quantity not exceeding 500 gallons, gross 10 cts. " exccedidg 500 gallons 25 cts luSUra ce, [Marine, Inland, and fire] where the consideration paid for the insurance, in cash, premium notes,or both, does not exceed ten dollars 10 cts. " [Marine, Inland, and fire.] exceeding ten dollars, and not exceeding fiuy dollars.. 25 cts. 44 [Marine, Tnlaml and Fire,] exceeding 50 |dol)ars. 50 cts Insurance, (L fe,) when the amount insured does not exceed si, 000 .. 25 its. 44 exceeding §I,OOO, and not exceeding exceedi 5,000 dollars .... §1 00 " limited to injury to persons while traveling exempt Lease of lands or tenements, where rent does not exceed §3OO per annum 50 cts. 44 exceeding §3OO, for each ad -44 ditienal 200 dollarp, or frac tional part thereof in excess of 300 dollars 50 cts, 44 perpetual, subject to stamp duty as a "conveyance.' * Ihe stamp duty to be measured by resolving the annual ren tal into H capital sum. 44 clause of guaranty of pay ment of rent, incorporated or indorsed, five cauls addition al. Manifest for custom hou# entry or Stamp Duty, clearance of the cargo of any ship,vessel.or steamer for a foreign port, if the register ed tonn nge of such ship,ves sel, or steamer does not ex ceed 300 tons §1 00* 44 exceeding 300 tons, and not 500 tons 3 00 44 exceeding 600 tons 500 Measurers' Returns, if for quantity not ex ceeding one thousand bushels 10 eta. 44 exceeding one thousand bushels 25 cts. Mortgage, trust deed, bill of sale, or personal bond for the payment of inoneyexceeding §IOO and not exceeding §SOO 50 cls " exceeding §SOO, for ev ery additional §SOO, or frac tional pait thereof in excess of SW) 50 cts. Pawners 1 I hecks 5 cts. tension Papers.— Power? of attorney and all other papers relating to applications for bounties, arrear ages of pay, or pensions, or to re ceipt thereof. exempt. Passage Ticket from the U. [5. to a foreign port costing not more than §35 50 cts. Passage Ticket from the U. S. to a foreign port, costing not mora than §35. and Exceeding §SO. §1 00 Passage licket for every additional §6O , or fractional part thereof ir. excess of §SO §IOO Power oj Attorney to sell or transfer stock, or collect dividends there- on 25 Its. Power ot Attorney, to vote at elec tion ol incorporated company .. 10 cts. Power of" Aftoi ney to receive or col lect rents 25 cts. Power of Attorney to sell or convey. or rent, or lease real estate §1 00 Power of Attorney for any other pur- P' ,Bc ' 50 cts. Probate of Will, or letter of Adminis tration, whe r e the value cf real or personal estate does not exceed §2,00 SI 09 44 for every additional §I.OOO, or fractional part thereof in excess of §2.000 50 cte. 44 b nds of executors, admin istrators guardians, and trustees, are each subject to a stamp duty OF si 00 44 certificates of appointment. 5 cts. Protest upon bill, note, check, or draft 25 cts. Promissory Sote. ( Se Bills of Ex change, Inland.) 44 deposit note to vautual in sur.inoe companies, when policy subject to duty exempt 44 renewal of, subject t u same duty as an original note. Quit Claim Deed, to be stamped as a conveyance, except when given as a release of a mortgage by tho mortgagee to the mortgagor, in which case it is exempt, Receipt for the payment of any Sum of money or debt due exceeding §SO, or lor the delivery of any property 2 cts. 44 for satisfaction of any mort. gage or judgment or decree of any court exempt Sherifps return on writ, or other pro cess exempt Trust J)eed,m<iile to secure a debt, to besiamped as a mortgage. 14 conveying estate to uses, to be stamped as a conveyance. Warehouse Receipt for cov goods, wares,or merchandise.not other wise provided for, deposited or stored in any public or private warehouse, not exceeding §SOO in value 10 cts. 44 exceeding §SOO, and not exceeding §I,OOO 20 cts. 4 ' exceeding §I.OOO lor every additioual §I,OOO, or fraction al part thereof in excess of §I,OOO lOcte. 44 for any goods. &c., not oth erwise provided lor, stored or deposited in any public or pri vate warehouse or yard 25 cts. Writs and legal documents: Writ, or other original process by which any suit is Commenced in any court of record, either of law or equity ? 50 cts. Writ, or other original process issued by a court not of record, where the amount claimed is §loo,nr over.... 50 cts. Upon every confession o. judgment or cognovit for Sloo,"r,ovt#r,e v -*pt incases where the tax for a writ has been paid 50 cts Writs, or other process on appeals from justices'courts,or yther courts of inferior jurisdiction, to a court of record 50 cts. Warrant of distress, when the amount of rent claimed dees notex ceed § LOO 25 cts. Warrant of distress, whan the a mount exceeds SIOO 50 eta Writs, summons, and other process issued by a justice of the peace, po lice'er mo:d- ; pd eour',af BO greater jurisdiction tnan a justice of the paace'in fhe name State exempt Writs, and other process in any criminal or other suits commented by the United States in any State.exempt Official documents, instruments, and papers issued or used by officers of thcUuited States Government exempt. GENERAL REMARKS. Rt vanue etamps|niav be used indiscrimi nate ; y upon any of the matters or things enumerated in Schedule B,except proprietary and playing card stamps, for which a special use has been provided. Postage stanigs cannot be used in pay me nt of the duty chargerbie on instruments. It is the duty of the maker of an instru ment to affix and cancel the stamp required thereon. If be neglects to do so, the party for whose use it is made may stamp it before it is used ; bu f in no case can it be legally used without a stamp ; and if issued after the 3uth of June, 1864, and use d without a stamp it cannot be afterwards effectually stamped Any failure upon the part of the maker of an instrument to appropriately stamp it renders him iiable to a penalty of two hundred dol lars. Suits are commenced in many States by other process, than writ, viz : summons, war- p'jblication. petition, &e.,in which ca ses these, as the original processes, severally require stamps. Writs of scire facias are subject to stamp duty as original processes. The jurat of an affidavit, taken before a Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, or other officer duly authorized to take affi lavits, i 3 held to be a certificate, and subject to astamp duty or five cents, except when taken in suits or legal proceedings: Certifica'es oj b an, in which here shall appear any written or pr nted evedence of an amount of money to be paid on demand, or at a time designated, are subject to stamp du ty os' Promissory notes." Tha assignment of a mortgage is subject to as amp duty as that imposed upon tb origi nal instrument : that is to say, for every sum ■ ffl ve hundred dollars, or any fractional part thereof of the amount secured by the mort gage at the time of its assignment, there must be affixed a stamps or ttarnps denoting a duty of fifty cents. V* hen two or more persons join iD the ex ecution of an instiument, the stamp to which the instrument is liable under the law may be affixed and cancelled by any one of the parties. In conveyance of real estate, the law pro vides that the stamp affixed must answer to the i alue of the estate or interest conveyed. No stamp is required on any warrant of attorney accompanying a bend or note, when such bonder note has affixed thereto the stamp or stamps denoting the duty required, and whenevtranv bond or note is secured by mortgage, but one stamp duly is required on such oapers, such stamp duty bning the highest rate required for 6iich instruments, or either of them. In such case, a note or memorandum of the value or denomination of the stamp affixed should be made upon the margin or in the acknowledgment of the in strument which is not stamped. LETTER FROM CLINT, ARTILLERY BRIGADE } IN FRONT OF PETERSBURG, Aug. 2G '64. \ FRIEND SICKLF.R :—I havo not receive! a copy of the Democrat for some weeks now ; and, indeed, it has been anything but a regu lar visitor lor a long timt. I know how these papers, straggling to the four quaiters of the globe, are often missed in making up the mail, on publication day : and how, when the edition happens te be short, they (those going in 14 single wrappers") are the first t) be cut; but it often happens that they ate more impatiently expected and more eagerly read than any of those going in larger pack ages. lam not, by any means, making a paragraph of this topic for the benefit of oth ers ; and have only to say send me the first readable paper that comes from the press . and by the first direct mail that travels fr%m the Post Office, and I will not loose sleep by wondering Whether other people, who get their papers in "single wrappers," do or do not get them. Most of the nun who belong to the 3d N. Y. Independent Battery, having followed the fortunes of Gen. Geo. B. Mo Clellan. ' " ugh the successes and vieissi - tudes of his military career, and never having had cause to question or doubt his vrlor, patriotism and ability, are disposed to look upon his pretensions to the Presidential chair with an eye of great favor. Clearly two thirds of the men in the Battery have the warmest admiration for the man, and would support his election with heartfelt zeal. Thus the North Branch Democrat has r requent inquiries made for it by those who have no local interest m its columns, and their political cravings are held in beyance quite as inu o r.s are my local longings.— Active operations having been resumed upon this line, we have had some rare knock ,ng about lately—hurried inarches from point to point, fierce assaults, desperate defences and much desultory fighting—all without tor apparent result, with the exception oi tfi® immense advantages gained by Warren's j vst h) corj*, n its demonstration upon th TEHIVIJS: 92.00P5R. ATVTIWTT enemy's right en Saturday Senday but. f Our force# net duly took possession of tits , Weldon Railroad, but bave fortified aome three miles beyond it, and held their por tion, with comparatively trilling Toxk up to the present time, The Rebels have made despi-rate efforts to recover posse s ion of thia important line of communication, but with in measure of success that would justify the immense sacrifice it has cost them. During yesterday afternoon and last night they made seven successive charges against our first line, and finally succeeded in taking it, and with it 12 to 14 pieces of artillery ; but the success was dearly purchased, and Will result in no permanent advantage, as all the force in the Rebel army, will not be suffi cient to wrest from Grant the immense ad vantage the possession of this important line of Railroad will give to him. It is the main artery through which the Rebel army in and about Petersburg and Richmond draws its supplies from the south. There now remains to them but the Lynchburg Road; and another successful Hank movement would put that in our pos session ; but unfortunately we have not the men to spare, and have resorted to rathpr questionable means to keep up tfiA appear ance of strength, when our weakness would otherwise be too apparent. It is a veiy easy matter to spread canvass over fields, but it is not so easy to people it or give it the ap pearance of being peopled. Everything has been brought up from the rear for the pur pose of making a show wherewith to quell tho rebs. Their lines are, no doubt, weaker than our own, and if we only had our own glorious old Corps here, we could walk into Petersburg before sundown. Rut, alas ! we have only a skirmish line, aad one line of battle composed of 10th Corps niggers. We have m Ist beautiful Pyrotechnic dis plays here, every night, and those to whom the sight would be new, might find mncb in them to admire; but when you have bad your rest disturbed night after night by the incessant booming of cannon and rattle of small arms with the occasional bursting of a shell in too close proximity to be safe or amusing, these displays become entirely too common to be novel or desirable. Some times there are as msnv as 12 to 14 shells in the air at the same time, and you can trace their (line of flight, by the burning fuse, which looks not unlike a shooting star, from the time they leave the mortars, until they strike the ground or explode in mid-air. I have the inclination, but not the timei to write you a long letter, as lam quite biwy with Pay-Rolls and other company writing aEd expect to be kept 60 for a week or two. Our Captain, William A. Ham being the senior, is now in command of that portion of the brigade remaining here. He is a most excellent and experienced officer having served under; Anderson in the ever memorable defence of Fort Sumpter—and ii in every way well fitted for the position.— This leaves the Battery in command of sen ior Ist Lieut. A. S.McLain,who has proved himself a most excellent executive and will, undoubtedly, make quite as able a commander. Ist. Lieut. Harry Fitz Ger ald is Brigade Ordnance Officer, and will soon earn for himself the reputation of being prompt and efficient—the two qualities most necessary and desirable ia his position. 2d Lieut. Geo. P. FitzGerald was a former Ist Lieut, in the Battery, when it was known as Mott's, has had command of it in some of io periods of greatesi trouble, but was forced to resign on account of ill health. A sea voyages, however, restored him, and he aga'n enlisted—coming out as a private, but attaining his present promotion rapidly.— He has an innate love for the profession of arms and is a promising young officer. 2d Lieut Gee. W. Kellog is more of a book sol dier than a practical one, but will soon Be come accustomed to the rotme of actual field duty and make a very useful officer. The Ist or Orderly Sergeant of a Battery, after the commanding officer, is by far tbe most important personage,in point of fact, in it.— Upon him devolves the care of company property, the dress, discipline and well or dering of the command. All tbe minor de tails are dependent ypon his sagacity and discretion. He is required to know every thing and a little more. Oar Battery is for tunate in the possession of just the man for the place—lsaac RheitCo, from the vine-cl hills of France, that land of poets, philoso phers and soldiers—though, indeed, his mer its are deserving a much more exalted posi tion. But I meant merely a deserved compli mentary word for Capt. Ham, and 1 find I have, unconsciously almost, given you a brief of all our officerp. Hoping to havo and opportunity to write yon a more generally in teresting letter soon, I remain Truly your friend Clikt. 4*- '" Thc Kmg of Bavaria is coming to Ameri ca, As he is coming incog, he will doubt less be invited to enlist within thirty-five mc ends after Undiog— provided, that he lan<| at Boeton. VOL. 4 NO. 5