0 -* hit •' * 'T. P. |) "V - >!-;•' ol rratiH, June • i isai. -3sC. jr> ...:-~a -a.- ■! _ J ukaT e soi CUWAHD ! j IW-eu- J Aecom- I \ s ger. I I g- | inodn- | UHK < ' j . toot. ! pf M |P.M. ! lA. HI. P. M. I i STATIONS "i 00 Bv4l Great 7.10 .' 20 iio3 ti.-Tl TiTew Milliard ">9 -• I .1 6.0t) JI >urr*wo • 5,21) 3.!0 h&M S3S&7& j T D io -iJ°. d irk'- 9.4s 6,00 #*s- H5 srVtvrON l'•"•'■) 0.30 Jra&P***' iM ',.... 231 Won! Isb-no 11.26 ••• se ® ... f J 4i< T.v?.-. li inna 1t.40 •••• ce < ... 2 20' V'lk ••••> r? -fv -I# 0 vkl i'i t 1217 " s *' 2 !.'46 Ilehryvilfe * 12.73 •••• _ ".. A .25 sfiriG'uev iiv ■ 12.4 5 ■'••< ~■• Li c,Uuu.M'urg 12,"1 ••••2 td ..a'-pos >r.itct'o-iD i,j ••••== .... 12,17 Mount Bethel 1,21 ••••> 1 ... ■?>**, yi|.,n-.irc 1"0 S ..A 1 ■'!0 Jhonn!;a Chunk" 153 ~ *".... ■* t"2 02 Pitjgevil'o- • ••*••• * 2. 1 ■••■>> yi..., 11.51 -P-. ori 2,15 ••••.- .... U. 38 Washington 2,2s 1 ~2l Xv Hampton •••• ) ■ ••• A- M P M. •••• •be Iasei gVr f' shi V rthwaid I< .4 e ll'i r >o He orrn ai of th" fcl "1 * fTiv s v r?W ° ? 0 4. M , and M VVI.MvA flit '.VK n the arriv :il of the Tram w i:ib leave*Pß IL.ADKLPIiI A Kensington De a *l3 ,i M At SUE ANTON thOTra in ir-aii; j ...* e, ruvtk'j\s with tram.- o tbo B VJiv* AW\vv \ * IVfOOM.YIWFO at; I DEI YW \ttl .v HfcjDsO." t 01l a , .•)<•! it Un it L. i' i with the >lai, TiVin ti>„- Erie 15 nlw ly g.iug West. Tie l.i'lnjr anh Deli-w.ifw iim ritt i- " K ■' rA.l' ; at M inn .k • w' b•• >c train f - I'h'l uielf-alli, tin. I at X itr t! itiiiMnav&fe Ti in- for N" \• *rlt. tie I • biiih V-Ui nt.'Sltafri."! , ' r -. - v ' i' iss •ttiivf r>y ttiis Tr.ir. > - Y . V".'U t 5 " r> . in 'Philailelpoi.i at tiy'J. l r e2O P. M. Thr \c otiim tii ~tlnll T'aiii > -*■ . r -.- i 4 ~i [>n I tih the Daa j,; N West, by which piiswngaii Hrltre at j. i. f tttA .^sS*:n■.*,* Ihc same '!* !i .vv f.it (jeii'itfftcr the arrival ot th'°s 2 " r|M " 2 East J-1 I'.i-- A-' Tram" on the Erie Eaihyay :>>L' .it G. 1 ' Pel. 1. •" \VATTS COOKE. Suj't. R A. lirX'liY, Ccn. Hit Ajject; I CHICAGO TIAIKS. UEfy. ,;iVt.F.!.!.AVS IvEFOUT. , A (J ii L A r U D I r I 0 X . form (eoj-e j covrr-.) (l: V Vi't'l Kl.l.A\'s R'reiir a origin" t fiiMiiitt -i| to the \\ .n: In (>ait.vaeiit, 11y him this law liK-utMut of ti. m ey ra.irlit %ry pub i •.nfereit, it ■ tf'.i t, 1 ; ,i t . min-rs 1' ."nvilfarii n i fit Ho rat |ly • ••••>• nan, wmil'n aril vhi! u ih" counti v. it is sujijilie'i a? in .ops at I 2 n0..-, s 5.5,0f ° a y%. .<<> >• >x\:i, ii.. * P si'ikb iapy SO.OG 2 e . <> " 4 • ?'> ' 14 '• 1 J " • • T '• <• ivj " .>fj " *••••, 1 io IChieU in tUi uitsnp most preji • •!. i'I'OEEY £ WOEI'EV, oi Cm, j i.A {!(.!{-. lAI Lb. llllAlf 1> 1< an i, in shirt all art 1 s usually | found iu ' w s f , -,-.>y yy | | y>" v r fti'i "I I i V i J JLI UA El LI IL |T JL U 4 111 • h so'i. its fr no ill ri'n'itrinff (iOniW in i her liu', lie? 'e wout has hi % elsa-who.e. Mis St.ai ; emi fc i f iut. lat tli Jo,use fvn un-rlv o- euj.ieil by Hen. rj St-.r't in the b iruWgn ..I fa iklia mo k. ready and j ■tailing to serve .ill i*tto in .y favor her vith a call. MA AT UA-M AKIXG. h-yvs: TL.. . fL ,2i a /&? fc -XV J. AS. aliZ, Aid UTi. ? .iat a 1 t m . a ill ej.. ;i nod to lit and M ike oe-.es in the !•; ••? ■n l most *pj>rr.ve4 manner.— j i ititv your e tl' - before purchasing elsewhere, we j -in tin Jv"S| eei fuilr. MRS A O STV.EK. Ai ril 27. P' i T II E CAMPAIGN AGE. ■THE: PL bl.icU E!l- OF I II F. PIT I V, A P EI.P IT r A A G E Jt ■ ' II i.-'O* a Cimai'-'n. >'n •t f the ]1 nmriti .i. ' i '.l is • rv'niivV • ■ i ! • will he i.ruru l -*ti i I • r.e she-.-t t-f tino white t, i.t su. it an . : *>:' irnny it wit ( in tin ft V:l, It "i,' tr |i it the n mm-.-sof the ' i ai e r bo fSvnPcin i,i. tlfe f.itj pru eo l I , s . r viii h •;i pu .ti.h-d in 'ts -(on i.n.s It 1 lli*..i ty. K, i'o lij.- ol the. wiii.e in in. r'ptly i!! t'io cni'-t 'iiif.in. ! ri -'i's v ae •itire'i. no • t'icr from irhai quarter thev I *l# ill" /' e fir-t him mt iv"i' ic e.-ncT lismt the sth i f • HJ'vt. The vh"' ( . km nhor w'tf 1,. thir con fi- L'fV'h I'lftli l WPekic, unri' the Pri Si h-Liti.i '•en Mien suit ct e'. \ h will !•> ~ nfained in • •*(!* ntfei cr Deal . • smi f'on-erv itivc C .untv UoniiilT'fi es ' s 'lis ail ! ,•) iriti-r -lin the ,o-- . ■•. invite.i to en-operate in th I . Hfa'MeW el ' . THECAMPMG:: AGK. f **" T R t< M S : A Hi '*■ €AV P \TOX \fE. of thirteen Nimbm. * *l44+', CHii# ii i th# s.iriM. ' f if p,,nig. VXAJ. is Ot'not j-s.. than 2* to ftne ad irtss 43ctr S Ci.i-Binf not !c--s tl.au 50 to one ftdiretur 45 li < e ii-h h ioul iM oivi anve cb r ler. and VH ! :: K'lh- WIRE HE MADE IN ANV CA'-E / ' M THE ABOVE TERMS. ' i * italM kh -yl I b eu in ifi jiediafelv to GLOSIiItKI V \ ICR A. AVkIABJI ia Chestnut PUl#4#l|k P It LKi iER A. FAAI.IA iEWIXt) M i, "'iSSu i:2,"tiS r,t 'i';l tSr'i'lt jAiiw M=S U""' '' v, ..'''2 r 2 V' lb * 11 V ' .Ih r Fuuitv Fewinx Maoh ne bas so | S,'; fafcl ri!-H m. ts Sir Heium.n* Bin Hug. Fgl- I " . 'TuSSp. iL'theiing. Umttrmg B. a.J.og, E.u ( ;.| lenne IV- Hug. an iso forth. No other Family C in. \i .eh-ne has so nun-h capac.tv for a great S t;Sv of wITk It will row 111 kinds „f cloth, Vi. i V-th .111 - 111-It Of thread. Great ami recent iut |. n vomcots m■ kc our I anniy Fewiug Machine most 'i. v|.|c and Hirst iiuv 'de, and most certain in nc tl„n at -11 rtves of speed. It makes the interlocked h, which is ihe best stitch known. Any one, ev cn ihe most ordinary capacity, canee. at agl :nce. , how to use the letter A Family Sewing Machine ; our Family "tewing Machines -.ro huisbed in cliriste and exquisite style The Folding Case of the Family Machine is a piece ot cunning workmanship ol the most useful kind 1' protects the machine when not in use, and when about Co he operated may I e opened k a spa cii.us an I substantial table to sustain the work.— Wailo some ot tile teases, made out ot die choicest iv , N. arc finished in ih" simplest and eh istert man ner |s.i.dhlc t others are adorned an.l oiubelishcd iu the most costly MII i nperb m nic.rs. It i. Ibs- Intelv n't essarv to s, r the Family Ma chiti'' in "I oration, so as t > judge ot its groat oapaci tv and beauty. ' It i. fast beci tning as popular for family sewing as our m in 'fa taring machines arc for manufactur ing purposes Ihe idraucb Offices are well supplied with silk. tvvi=', thread, needles, oil. 0r.., '.'the very bortquhl ity. Send for a PAMPHLET. THE SINGER MAN GF ACT EKING COMPANY. ■133 Broadway, New York. '■ * Phitaillpliia Office, HIO Chestnut St. D.*A. sJimintSJ* i -4st' i Tt,.kii.innocV. —AND— Six-o-p. G 1 lIE >ub- ri'-crfc -jut received at his shop, over i Hiiukni.M-D'.- S'ore. in MESHOPAEiM PA., u:. v.... exn.sT.iß ly kiep or. band all ihe latest KPROVED mm srvss ,\v ng wht. h an- th" " CALORIC," MINER, and ' : MON" patterns, with PARLOR STjYES and '{,..,tc! •• ut t . • ,\v .le? ription. wnivh he offers for Er&.ostcLy' it prices that vvil! d< fv cumj i tition lii -.-MV"- " .-.ought dir-.-tiv ot the M ihuf icttir ,t \ LJS \NY, WiriKi SDAKRE. PROVIDENCE 11: • SiT".ANTON lie is theref'.ire en tiled to gc' hem at a - n • U tldvct, e on the i Hgtnal viist TEN, SHEET-IBON, —AND— Copper Ware. •;! kinds on h-L : a:, made to order Also . '£l'. tV.VCItN >i > XN V V If M.I AI/E. The popular Gin'king Stovey ro r 8 t U " * n, Ed. -.• ed oven) i i wf .r the first, offered at >2• f r • ill. li A.5 for 9 'ii 'b. fiE'PAHHHu Mi o JOBSiG urn' JIU a pr< i.Mptiv d. ue. HENRY S'i AX.-LEUY M I- ; ] on, De" 17th, I°'j'2—v2iilf)!y. ?Si iJYIS LSU7ES3 -pHF. HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL JL (((.leutioii. for SvV"ra 1 veurs a T'f 77 ra 'D TV T) 7T ill X) Xi ©Sil ± i rr-9r ORWAMENTAI TREES t c pwimptly attended to. ' i.o.G-Jy. D. HARK INS. HARD WARE & IR0?T i HUNT SRO'S A SLAJB OW OFFER FOR SLE IRON ST P. T . NAILS AND SPIKES. -MINE IvAIl-t KAILRCaD -ITKES. ANVrL.S, BFLd.OTi S. PLAIN .v CONVEX IfOU>K-SHOKS. HAM MERED HOKSE XALLS. WROUGHT IRON, IflllUS' lOIIAIE. a CARPEN TERS' Tt'OI.S, (ALL WARKANi f D.) HURR SPOKES FELLIES SEAT SPIN DLLS. CARRIAGE SPFTNGS, \XLfiS P'PK RONES, SRRTNG ther utipleas. Nt and dangerous effects gf an unnatural cftti lirt.n, of the sexual functions'. fn the WOT. si . AES OF Fluor Albus. or Whites, they ef fect imspcedV euro. t'r?. VdILESr.M W'S FEMALE PILLS H i-e hec'n used OVER A QUARTER OF .-f CEN TURY. They are Affwred as the only safe me >ns ot | hut I/adtiis muft bear in viihct That Ihtrt is one condition of the je rn-ule system' i/t tchtch. the Fills camot he laden m iih out product nz a I' E C ULI A U li ES I El' The condition referred to is PR EG if A TICY — the rebut'. MIS OA RE lAG £, Such is the irresist ibte tendency of the medicine to restore' the sexual Junctions Iqu normal condition, that even the pro ductive poreer oj nature cannbt resist it TULA* OAN NOT DO HARM in any other way. DH.CIIFESL'M.IN'3 FEMALE PILLS Arc the on'.y Mcliclnc lhg.l MA Kill ED AND SIN" OLE L iDlt'S have relt< I up n for many years, or cnrflcihy up n now. EE WARE OF IMITA TTOPIS ! The.-v PilHto'ip the Fined preparation ever :ut ftfripard with JMAIEDLATD anil PER SISTENT SCtCE*? BOX'T' RR 'DPCEIV- I KJ>. JilUe titii to yo.ttr Druggist, a • tell bin- :k it vhn irnnf 'the 1 PP. Mi and rrfr/st R flf ABLE FEMALEMEpICIXE IN TEE \r r 'KLP, which "is comprised in DR. CIIEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, and are now receiving the - auction of the urnst eminent Physicians in Amer i-y. LNI'LDTT DIRECTIONS wi-h each Box--the pi a, e, (hie Dollar per Box, containiug from 50 to ' J 60 l*i ID. j pi -cni hy mail, prnmpiyl l.y remitting the ; price to toe l'tvirwjiur.-. or any authorized Agmi_. 1 i;i cUtrvCt fun is. . •,i > ■ ' 5 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS CtNERAtLY. HI TCIHNiiS y J. W. JLvmas. in Mo tr.ne, by AP.< iuru il, iu So run ton hv L. S.& i; C Filler, in Factory villa by all Druggists ?3 2- €U €3 ) * * * , Worth of Goods i| ARRIVING AT THE " i:r ' RTow Store I AT MILL TOWN, PA. f i Xow is your time to pursliase *II,K GOODS, DKY GOODS, lIAKDWARE, (IUEESSWAKE, GLASSO ARE, ' HOOTS & SllOF.*' , H \TS A TAPS. And a Variety of other Articled too .Numerous to mention, i . Cheaper Than hirer C. SHERWOOD, Has received direct lroui the cities ot PHILADELPHIA. & HEW* The Largest, Cheapest and Best ssortment of Fall ami Winter Goods (purchased entirely f ?-DR Br' CI I.AX'S ENGLISH .iPWIk'FIC in 1 -i tTit-n 30 d.ivs, ihe worst case* of KBnYOLS-] T N'E-S I niT'otpn,*,, "Prtfmsi flirfc lAy, Sotiiinn 1| „ W enkness Tnsmity art fnH * rnn ifyr Sexual and e N -ri 4- VtljscMwnt. rw> m>t t- r ftitkiu .vlfr^cwtse>#ro-~ ( ; -du'cd* iy*, perjft*. Ftirf.iistnftliU by miiT, on receipt of an ord r.. One Box ill ner feet ihe cure in haft CUSPS Ad IrCsS " " ' JAMES S. UfTLER 1 General Agent, 4UI v4nl 3B: k* PP e^; KtlttM EUUOI'E • I .TIJ •IM ft % w■■ n W of. ' Is FIDRC confinnaforr OF FBTIAEF REPORTS (hat TIIK Dl ' L'-CH HAVE POMEhsION OF AiOL t.AN 1). It is also nnthoritatiVely announced that * ' ff • ni>. ' ,H,r • " o. St. mills j has exclusive p° ,, ' ES *' ON of (he STOVE AND TIN-SHOP . ! ..E ~■ "IR AT ._ . • J !T ' ' .. " Mil. TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing iu the line of his trade can be •had at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. tlwiw ,\MHlinftT}H M mu< ! . 110 l' < L-IV.EE^ > ERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns ot COOKING, AND Pia&£Qß STORES, : . t • . - I'. 1 I: : ' witiuil thaFURNITUHE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all ii br richer, attended to o i short notioe and on REASONABLE TERMS. REPAIRINTa, PBOMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONK 0. S. MILLS RULKBIIIJNOK. Nov 1, 13G3. v3-NIH. •—— 4k Mauutaccure of Woolen Goods : cmrtKF. 1 The Munufn -ture of Wonion Goods, OOTLI in the houseiu !d ind in the factoriei h.l* HECOME of great i ..P' "TIINEE ON account .tyruiing at present, IN prin< ipal arficjes of clothing- The nature OF our cli mate NJUK" it neccessary, and the scarcity of Cotton has greatly increased the value OF wool and Fabricks made, lroui it - and being engaged in the business of iiiukiug CJorh A%.1 Flannel, and also . ol! Carding, AND Cloth DRESSING, we have thought a tow remarks with regard to handling Wool, and the piopar pro cess of A! inufacture. might beof service to the coun try. and a benefit to < 'USELVCS The FIRST proees> with the farmer who intends to make his TIXOL into r
>arse.it wool will BE FOGRD on the skirls ot the fleece, aud piiri'easily be eks, should he rolled up LIIINPAC'!Y. skin out si le Not less than one pound oil ml,fresh butter IK >*ii shott,'.! be sent with every ten poundsof wool going to the CARDING machine. Ihe n xi th ng of import , nee is of coMr e to be WEIL carded, for whiih wo will be entirely resnontfi- BLE . hut in the MATTER of spinning and veavinir we have another caution to add. Unless rhe yarn is evenly twirled, and bout up evenly in ti e LOOM the •loth shrink- unevenly 'N lulling— making SOME pla ces wide an 1 others narrow, AND if the Scisher suc ceeds M pressing CUT the wridolew. the cloth will re sume it> contortion again when : .DE inrb A GAR- I.ent. AND THY mechanic- is SO.UETINIHS wrongfully llainei for a cou I, S BECOMING lantern jarred one inaa'S back . It is easily arrdded by giving tha wheel M EQUAL TMM I ar of RAMS TO RT giveu length of thread -.rawn out IVB find I his lifti'-ulry increasing ot late years, and have come to the conclusion that if Sl.mo of 'he *| "liners no not keep better time on their pianos than on their spinning wheels, we should hate dreudlully to listen to their music. As every moment of Ut bor should bo employed to 'he OCTII advaniage. and every ounce of material he apprtijiriHted to the best purnoso; on account of our war. we propose I > write some otlierch ipters ON our brunch of business after this is read sufficient! R to be remeiubeic-J, and shall endeavor to do our work nice enough for a balm oral skin" or a doctor's I oat. J ami rnnkt trowsers stout enough to last A farmer | through A year'scampaign at least. INC RAM A WRENCH. HOMK FACTORV, CAMI TJW.V, BP. vntoKP Co May 2,'G4 i ELi oxl AGAINST— FIRLU JFIUE ! ! • FIRE J 1 ! Taken at this office, on all kind* of Town AND Country property, AT the MOST RKASOXABL* TS-RMS, Ind for any time from THREE MONTHS IF! FIVE YEAR' — either H ITH or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOTES Is the company reliable ? Will it promptly pay its honest losses ? are the important inquiries with • all ir-urers. We answer t THE LYCOMING CO INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPF.KATIUN FOR TA\" F.NTY-TIIBL*E YEARS.—IT JIAS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER. *2,400(0© IT PAYS FROM 660. TO *125,000 LOSSES ANNUALLY. .ALL * 'LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ? ARTU&TFD ANT) PAID . " EAcft iNsURFTf IS FURNISHED \JJTU AN AUTHENTICATED ANNL". NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF TIIE COMPA- J NY THE COMPANY IS" CONDUCTED ON J JUST AND EQVIT-ABLF PIIINCIPLES. TIIF. JCIIARTSR IS PEKPETUAL. References Hon. WM. M. Piatt, Hon. A. K PF khait, Henry Shark and Sfuhtier Stark Esq?, ot drisCounty ; S.l.ver A DK>s. of Stuqnehinna, AND ieorge M Hollenback and other? of L,userric Countv, who insure in and have been paid losses by this. Company. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. DISIITii Of CSfARtIERSBIF The Pnrtnershifi between 0. L HALT.STEAD A SON, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, The note* and accounts will bo loft in the hands of 0. I, II rjlstead to settle and can be found at the STORE formerly occupied by 0. L. llallstoad A Son, with some one to attend to the same. 0. L HAI.LSTEAD, II I'. HALLSTEAD. Nicholson. July 27th 1861. The busines* will be continued by IF nry P. ILA 11 stead and Lours Hummel, under the name and firm of HALLSTEAD & HAMMEL. W'uo will be pleased to retain the patronage of all who nve putmnived the old firm and will t>E pleas ed to see any who ui;iy favor us wi;H A call. ,\V I, ary pre pared "F> furnish RA IN DUC E - rt:NTO VT 'THOAE H WINB PRODUCE *0 DRSPORE OF. will pay the HIGHEST CASH I'RICE for the same. ■ls& , X *****#: TBEKELEE. i The llufest Kfvl e I \ —OF— * : bonnets, and MII.I.INERY (rot)ps, have just bn raoetvod at the establishment ef LOUISA HEPEERH. | on Tioga Street, opposite the Post-office, where wi he found Ladies. Chilren. Misses, and Boy's FLATS " lIATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS FLOWERS, TRIMMINGS, and- everything in the line of Millinery, which will be sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Ladies I please tall and exnminefor themselves. ; Tunk.hjuinock.Oct 3 1862.—v'2nLl lywil ' Kr e w . CABINET I - —AND iCHAIR W '% J MANUFACTORY! The ?,jbs, v riber lias just opened a new Furniture : i i Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock, ! '■ • next door to 0. -V. Koon's grocery store—where are kept on hand and' maTTOfsetured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles. CiiAiiflS Cane-seat, Flag-botiout, ind common. BUREAUS ol all styles, sizes, and Drives. BEDSTEADS. Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASEB, ati'l indeed every thing which can be found ! in the largcs; furniture establishments in the Country, i which be will sell at prices as low as they enn be i bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat- j iified that h- can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, he so-i licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan- j tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—OIJ cane-seat chairs, new-seated and rc- ! ' paired. UNDERTAKING —Having a llears**f his own and having had mmeb experience, he will : t t.-nil ! this department of the business on short notice, an in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM HAAS. July 16, 1662.—v1n491y CROCKERY!!! A Large Stock just Opened AT :T. L. RQSS COS.,| I WALLPAPER. WAI L PAPER. WALL PAPER. WINDOW KH ADES. WINDOW .SHADES. WINDOW SHADES. OF ALL STYLES. CLOTH SHADES Wi l li BORDERS CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS. FIXTURES AND ROLLERS, U-OM PLETE'i FIXTURES AND ROLLERS COMPLETE! EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. ! EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS- ; EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. ! ALSO A Large Stock of White Goods; I SWISS MULS - J DOTTED SWISS MUSLIN, BRILLIANTS, JACONETS, LACKS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, SPUING SKIRTS. gIWES, REAL ALEXANDRES KID And a Large Stock of YANKEE NOTIONS. Tron, Nails, White-Lead, Z no, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door-Looks, I and a general assorting* j 5 t'l E R S'_if A R# A RE. j Pish, of all kinds. Cash Paid for a.l kinds of Grain. Trmkbannock, March, 9tb ISG4. WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. The Cheapest and Best, ove sc-Hm.?2 < L of . THE:SE WELL-ESTABLISHED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. FOR CIRCULAR, Luuts' Am.\iAc. AGENTS WANTED. I Address WHEELER & WILSON Scu-iny-Machine Co. __ . 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. LAO YOU V'lBli to BE CURED ?- h Ml a UAN S R > ' G, " ISN SP* CI PIC ru.Ls cure han 30 day* , the worst pases of NERVOVSNEM* in P *lnitv V '.nd ,U n a r° J)l0ny ' Sft minal AV'eakneo JAMES a BITLFR, *ttiei D, Bible House 1 iftia i *•* T|A F I . S. 7 30 Loa } ao Secretary of tti • fmsay g iveslriotleet he sujicnpHofcg will be receiver! for Votnln' WWsur " payable tbree jenr* (torn Aug Jfttk |ht4 t7r, B ! UMM,ttni ioferejt at theyrat* of seven at i 1 u fll , r " s ' t C(,nt P o *" * r -a.—pnwHpa , LoU> to 1* in (awful • he b •"i 001 *.* Wl " be> convertible at th* optim at i irur ~'ll' m * tur ty. mto si* per cant, gtldbdar tJ , payaMe Do t less that* Wl more tban nTar 'vu™ tK ' l . r ,j!ite ' aa Government, of esfi lino £-/'* ba Issued redenominations ," f 9uO. 9100, 9V>6, SI,OOO a,q S,OOO, ancTall sob 'of Sfty doll"™ ' f ° r "* 0r Bome , Thcer annum, recording to the rate of taxation in va rious parts of the country It is believed that noseourities offer so groat - in duceaieiits to lenders as-tbose issued by the govlrn inent. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability ot private parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, pledged for jjwvmeht while the whole proj e-ty of the countr' • is cefd iv> secure the discharge of all the obligations of the United ,>'taies. White the govemnrent offers the most liberal J terms lor its leans, it believe dthafe the very itrong- I est' aj will 'be to the loyalty and patiiotlsui of I tins people. i Implicate certificates will be issued for all de ! The party depositing -igust f endorsb upon j the original certificate tnc dcrtolninatioß of notes | required, and whether they are to be issued in Mann lor payable to order W hen so endorsed it mast be | left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be'for-' warded to th" Treasury Department. SuliTCiiiptions will be reeeived hy the Treasurer afi the United states, at Washington, tbo several As sistant 'freusgrers and designated Depositaries, aad. bp the " " ■ FIRST AND SEf f ND NATIONAL BANKS OF SCRAN'TON. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OE TOWANDA. I / and by all National Banks which are repositaries of public m-mey, and ALL ItRb'PECTBALE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further iuiormatioa a d AFFORD EVERT FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS rhe greatet improvem- nt yet in the Svwing Ua chine art. A curiosity worth seeing. l'leaae send forcircular with sample of sewing. These Improved Much in stave oxe HCS DT>KT*TF W j CR.VT. of thread and silk, and make the lAICKSTITCH I alike on both sides. They require no instruction to operate pirfeotly ! except " the printed directions*" No hange in sewing frum one kind of goods | auother. . t ~, And no taking apart to clean of oik j Our NEW MANUFACTORY it now ec*plet with all j ts machinery and tools entirely new, and ia already | rapidly turning out Machines which for BKAUTY aMA PERFECTION of FINISH are not surpassed hy ay manufacture in the world. N.B.—Should any Machine prove unsatisfactory it can be returned and money refunded. t Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by ear own agents. KINKIiE fc I,YON. S. H. CO. No. 539 BROAD IVAY, NEW YORK April 13 1863, v3-n35- Traveling Public! TO accommodate pers n.s wishing to go by pub conveyance from this place to any section, cr c urn, the uudersigned continues to run a Oaily Line i OF n I from FaHoryvillo Depot, leaving his hotel o'clock, a. m , arriving at Factoryville iu timet - Trains to (ftrcAt Bcnb, Saonton, tltui-^orfe, and PHILADELPHIA. Returning leaves Factorv V ,„ a on the irr ; v of ,be Nel ! hl '"-iielpbift and Aee o.noda tion fi iin from B en j arr jving in Tinkhaa nock at 7 p m . N. I '.il Express matter, packages and <>ods wil be to and from the Depot, at vasonable Rt'os; the proprietor holding himself resf uaible for he safe delivery of all such entrusted to hi.* care. Towauda .are arrives at this hotel at 111 o'clock, m. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p m Rtages for Pittston, Wyoming, and Wilkesbarre eave on the arrival of the Towauda stage, and re urning connect w'th the saute. Montrose stage leavci on Thur.-daj s Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a in,, connecting at Jluntre with stages for Binghamton, Ac. Returning, con*i with stages for PitUton, Towanda, Ac. Pi rsons wishing to be called for at their res iden will be accommodated by leaving their name s aid hoti 1 of the proprietor. Hoy-as and carriages in realises* to fo ward pa e-ng|e at 1T Mmes. r ' T h WALL.