North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, August 10, 1864, Image 4
E1i..L%l K. & WESTERN K. It. , Time of Vi e-rer Train*, Jt:ne RT. IBC4. v iv. .voHTHir.UiD. | lkavt. lui fii.i *i;:i A<-y m- Paseen | j Pit "so n • Aecom- : 1 moda- gcr. j j ger, modi- j lion. j j lion, t p. m P. w. ! lA. m, p. ; STATIONS . ~C\ 10 7J. 2giT~ , 1.35 (i,2l .NY* Mdb.rd 7.59 2.15 1.00 (i.OQ Muntnwe -.. '.'J 1 15 12 25 s.itH 1T.., l.i ttoiu ..11 ~50 11, b,R> f*t u aol !• i/0 l > US'" Fa<*tu#yvi!to P24 ft. 15 j IV fS 4,40 • 9.40 5 W 10,40 1,32 CI irk' Summit 1 ' O.ihl 10.10, 4.1H St.'llA N'TON 10,2 • t i l A. M 3.42 Greenville 1' .4 1 i' M F* .... "! yf) Dunning I'i. -2 •• * ' 3,17 M isc"w 11,' "2 2 • 2.40 Tolivlnitua ....... i 1 40 ....2. < .... 3,C0 Forks) 11;5 ' .... 202 Oakland- 12,17 •••• - p> .... 1 4'5 llearyviilfr • 12.33 ••••£' _ -• •• 1,35 B;>r ijrupvil'e 1 ? 25 1 B3 1,03 V.3iter G ( l.uS •••• r~ •••• 12.47 Mount IS hei 1.34 •••• .-- U 12.10 *M.tmiiik.i Chunk •• 1"5 ■■■■ ~ 131)2 Bridge*,illc 3, 5 ••• '• •• - • 11.51 <>x tir l 2,15 • • t- „ 11 -;flT MRHhingf- i 2.3 ••••. 1i.30 Now 11 'injiten 2,45 •••■ *••• A- M. 1 r I'hil.• • 1' M 'l'flk Passei-gor T; alii V.nftv,:. n Lnrvs N**.v l(ti!i('u ia C ■ orri*. 1 < tfi .1 Train whi-I. k-tves. NEW YORK at 5 tit \. 51.. n 1 At AN UN N A I'iil NK "it 11,0 of the 'l2 a which Ravi. I'll I LADI'f.Pil rA. (Ker.-iugs-n De j.i.ittt 7-15 A. 31. At S< RANTON Tr in mak s close vm. •-;i. n- with trttinioi the LA ;i* AW NNA A- it:"'>A.VSl,! i'.. and DLI.A t AKE*A Iff i-O.V 1;, n!:v i i: , at t; Bend villi I lie Mail Train on the Eric K liltvuy ;*•• :ng Wot. Trie PitsM'tigfi- Trait; Sim'.fiiv.ii' l I.crvea Great Hand .titer tho arriv..! of tit- Citi inn it Expre.n troin the West, connecting it Ser.niton with Trains on the J.iiek iwanni atil BIOOM.-'urg 7 and iiel .r.iire and ilulsm Ruiroads ; at Mann.iv'i Cnuvk with the train for l'h: 1 tdclnhia, -n i at New Hampton with Trains r„V ■ v Y.> . the I. - high Valley, Harri.-' urg. A". I'.t ■ .-* ivet-- I \ this Train arrive in New York at ft 50. in j'hila lolfeiu at 0,30. nsiij in Harris! ':i r - at 30 J'. 7>l. The Afeomni itiation Tutln X'-rrLwar 1, conne. *. at Great Bend with the Day Tlxpter- going Weot, 1-y wh ii p::-<engsrs arr'.vo at Ith'iea mi l the s uno ,iav. £tonr'a\var I, lttve? ( !>•• s 1 a,t,r iiie arrival or the New Ymk K.\; : --g .itig East. All Pa.s-'feiiger Trams on the Erie Kailw tv s' ,3at Great IScmi. WATTS COOKE. Sn;t. R A. HENRY, Gen. Tkt. Agert. 'X'XIIIT r CHICAGO TIMES. GEtf. jI'CLEJjL N'S lIEPCHT. A C II E A P F. Dili O X . We have reniy, in eheip took form (paper Gex XrC't.Ei.t. w's 11: pnrT - ortr;inaHy tr.uiini!tC(i to tiio War Department. 1 v 2;i . A - tLis is a document >f fhe most cxtrilit ary pabii interest. It ought to have universal eir-o. .tion. ft ought lo he read ly every man, w .11. nan l • ' i in the country. It ij sup[iel as follows 'lii i '2 copies Sli.OO ;£.> copies 5 JH) t) O copies !),()() Singio c >pie-, 30 cents* Postage, t-irrgio copy M 2 copies Oli i " I ' o G" i f '• 12 ' 2W ♦ 2.5 '• .TO ' ' " .TO " , 110 Which in all cases mtit he ye-,,.;.]. STOREY A WoRDEN. CHICAGO. 111. I 'LA MODE. THE I/ATF.ST FHOM NEW FORK. MRS. A. c. STAHK " KES Pf/E \ IS "gain informing h-r fri.m is. and the la li, < gcti trully, that slie has received, irri is still re 'iviag a large anrl weil selected as-- r tment ol BPKING D SU MMER GOODS ; Oonsisiiug of II4TS. RON MKTS, RIRUONiS, PI/OSSCM, FEAI'HRRS RACKS, III'.AD DRESSES, and, ia short all art 1 s usually found in a MILL! \ E S T 0 E E. She solicits a call from ill repairing COODtfin her line, before purchasing el.- he,e. Mrs Stark can )>e found atthe house t >rinerlj iccupied hy If*-n --ry Stark in the horongh of • no k, re aiy and willing to serve all who iuy favor her with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. We have accn. J t-i> .-vices of an cxperlsii c i X3X1.311161 &- 3Vt -rSLXSLifim , and at all times w'l' he prepared to Fit an 1 Make Dresses in the latest and most approved 11 nacr.— Soliciting your calls before i urchasiuft elsewhere, wr remain Yours Resjeetfullv. MiiS. A G. STARK. Aj El 27, I-'24 T II E "CAMPAIGN AGE. Tins rcßLrsiitnts OF THE PnII.A I) EL P 111 A AG E Will issue a fkunpaign Sheet f*r (he Pemt raEr and Cotiservati .e ma-ses It will 1 printed on a large she-t of fm > white paper at such rates cs will bring it within the reach ot nil, It will supjiort tin nominees of the Doruocrjtw National Convention, tho full pro. • *d ii£s of whiph wild i,e published in its columns. it will boldly iu.vocato ttie lights ,t the white to; n, uad fe;u!' is2y su.-tatu al! ILO i t-* uti,,nal rights or the citiieii, u> uiuiior from what ouartor thev raay be assailed. |*iic first number will I>c issued uiiout tho sth of l e ll *' - '* The whine numUr ic !l he tliirteen f,, 1 - lowing each cither weekly, uiuil tho i'rcsidenti.c election. ,!i :e.-ult of wkicb v.i!lLe contained in the DUtohcr. Deuux ratio an I Gonscrvativc Clubs, County Comnn taos, Agents and ah inter ested t" the citiso „re tav Roil to co-operate in ih ■ crrculatlon of a ilia CAi\i TAKiN A(_rK. T K RMS: The CAMPAIGN ACE, o! Thirteen XgrA.cs. Sixotr Copir.s for tho TIC--, 'ftp cents as Cci us ol not Its.- tlia.i to one adore s ducts each. ts Cuns of r.ot Ic-b than 30 to one address 45 cts each. Cash must nccoinpnnveach order and NO Y\ RFATWM WIM.W M A ,G2 IX VY OGK FROM THE ADUYE TijiJU. Orders should io sem in iintmsliutclv to GF/OSSIJR EN % i;i. .*\VEJ,SII. lUO Cl;; sstint.t street, * * • Thilcdvlphia. J'a. ] .. s 1 d r LETT! 1 .A. ' MU.Y 5 IWIN r^Cl|fNF| fw t'f-Arig- .1 H .P f Fe >fuhitt,*a.. Tl is be vntid Jr. 11l to* bet*'an !el cap •* " od ro * > *' t 1 ' u,l!o! of all I'ami \r Sewing Machines vol ofi.tAd to the | isuhlic. N -th-r F.itoiE Sewing Marhnm has so 1 uisi V un lni app; uin-es for Dili ling, l ell ng. Tiji king. ' ia'ibevit'.g, Gn -ieg, R: aiding. Eta ! hroi Jcnnv, c.n Rug. an I rfo: * k h IE. ptb*. Family Sewing .Mn vue has mi much cnpaeUy fir a great vancty of moifc D will w yl! kind-of cloth, an ! W'ifii all kitids "( thread. Great ; rfi recnt illl- I proveiucnts mniiiJ our Fatni y Machine tuoet j 11 li 1! !o. ..a I i.Jbst 7E'*'-.*! id must • m. in .••- ' I;itin at all ta'gs -d sp-awt Jt makes the interlocked I ,-tii h, • :Ac..)3* At 1 a known. Any t-uc, e*- • ] en .4 the it >7- .•ttj.-o-ity, .-an see,■ glance, i how to use the I • ti. rA. Family -owing .Machine i Our Family -cuing Machines .vie finished in chaste ; aud exquisi'p styie The 1 Iding t ;'-e of tho Family Machine is a pieoe. or' cuiinii g yorkiuaieiii of thoni',&t useful J kind. Tt I', ■- tho ni.ichii e when not in u-e and , wi.on ><j be opcrstod may t e opcood a- a spa- j ! ei.nh ni.d -uhstnntiHl table to stistuin the work.— : j While vn;.* the i uses, made out of the choices! j Woods, arc finished in h" simplest and chastest man* 1 ncr | ossibie, other arc adorned euibciishod in j the 11,0.-1 enjily ... t apcri ni.mncis. I It i- absoiutely 01 yto .-*. c the Family Ma-! chin - n oj'.-ration, so as to ,uJ,ii of its gtcat capaci ty an 1 beauty. It -f: Uc min : \ puiar for family suwing i as our machine.- arc for mauutactur- j 1 ii.g purp- s s ! ih.* Xfranch { arp veil supplita i;h stig. ; ist. * !, 11st 1. s, ,ve.. i f the very best quai i itv - . r i v el. , fin Il*a vi 1 *:; t. 1: T. a;: sin t:a mm i factfki ng -company. 1 t'i • Rr i * 1 w iy. N- *,v T'oi k. ' ' Tss!.7<*l|il:!:i Offlgf, K1 O C'hc>tnt Bt. E . . ' ' ~ :i ' ' Agt's in Tutikliannock. ' ]. A C.V;U/IVI;LI., y " gS WmmmMmm AM)— i Shop. ! tiv H E sa!v ri'.cr li-i- ' ■ eived at his -Imp, our j i- iliitiktns. u's; fctoi*' hi MESHOPPEN PA., and will •.01..- :.. ai, g*epoo hand all (he latast | MPROVID COIN] SrVES Jtni' t.g- win h ir • the a CALORIC," MINER an 1 . t4 UNlON**pattenw with PAKLOtt STWkSand :(ati-is if awery dc> riptiou, w ao-h lie offers ft r Hsady it pri<f * th*it will -kfi mpct'.ii-n His stores ire bought lint! vof the SanufuchMr-j ALBAN 2 . Wii.Kl SUA&IiS. PROVIDENCE andSCRANTON. He is therein re enabled to sell them at a snvill ndvap-e on the* original cost TIM, SHEET-IRON, —AM)- Copprr I Fare. ' ill kinds on hind and m 1 is t.v ..Tl<*r Also 1 PIP, IVAOON 5". > X S, V V I) M,l (i ll v. te ;>• < \f.C, Tiie popular Cookin . Stove, {•or St (> U C 11, ■. n'ed ovenl if now i*-f rik, offered at >2O f. r 3 ire h, #25 for i"*b. ?,£?Ai JEt v i 2AN I) 40SBJN u ne.itlv ir <' 1 ; nit ' • I 1 EN3 Y STAN.. Si ItY Mc&ti 'fp n, Doc 17tu, .inlhiyi _ M __ j-sms fKiiEimz 'pi F>' Ho'TERER IIAF HAD 137 SI XT ESS ii I. A opcr.iFn n, l'i A several vears, W& i where -11 of 'he tn- st a; 1 • ! r 1 r ire k'ud- f FRUIT dr ORNAMENTAL TREES, Can be obtained. Ifi ing cr,nv.need frr.m erpcrietipe that hf Trees and I'latiU will give :ir i-.-tter eatisfactii-a to f|,c fruit-growers of Wyoming County t;i n any grown in other localities, he coali lently - di its their patron age. He will make annual visits cither in person or by his agents to uio.-1 d ■ tow ships of Wyoming C-i . and asks only th it lE-- -■.••• ••met..- ci :y I e examined an i hi- u.eiii id of dealing be te-ted. Al' or ! •■ r.-" >y letter ormherwise, for Trees, vines or pp nt> iGU. oc | io!Aiptiy attended to. 1. ..L Ij . I>. HARK IXS. r HARD \V Al! E & IE OA : * Hlm SFi0 5 S & JSUVSB j I OW OFFJKIt FO li SLE j j IRON". .-TE ! 1., Nil 1.3 AND SI'IivES. MilvE RAII., K.Arr.Rt AD MM!.F V ' \N\'lJ>S BEI.I.DWS. I'LAIN \ E.Y HoFoSF-sTIOKN. HAM MEIIED IIOIiSL XAILS. WROUGHT IRON, BFILBEBS' fiAHBWARB, CAiri'F.X TERs* 'fccLS, (ALL WARKAN i ED ) HUB.'?. SPOKE.4, i El/I.''i.S, SEAT SITN'DLE.-, t AERIAGK .SPRINGS. AXLES, PII'E DUNES, .SI'RING Si'EEL, BO its, Mi'i >, WASH ER- BELTING, PACKING, GRINDSTONES: ri.A-"H i;"' v ' 1 ' FA HIS. fj MEXT RAIJ .iijj YEL - Wlli'l i: READ 1 KEXCiI V. INDuA -A I c., \ TJ3Q i'OORS VNDLI.VN o> ' ON IIA\ I> I|i \sfi IK r:.I EN T ' 4 ! ' AND M AN T FACTFEMI) 'ru >iRPER LEATUEEII AXE EIXbIXGX I 11 R ] - ] I Sa'JjES. 1 S;rr.t:tcß March 2(1, 1363 Tln33— i ' * EA* 1 • * He*, t '""t lee<e*kT l-T TXIIE 1 TLIGE TO BUY! Bp ■ ™ ' 1 •" iwlr^ wrov ITJ © 11 IS AT TIIK %. ! >T')VE. TIN, < TOPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE \ 1 A \ ITT' * /Ml mA I * ~ \ • Jti. \ - : tJ s I u x . Wfltylb M/\ \* rßl'■•!'f i 1 1 i Xjp •■: ii'l well : ' f,.,-f••• run- .* of the in--? t-pprove.l t.attern - •?i-i -' i• 2 COUKIX'J. PAKI.OK in-1 II EAT J N. ] STOVES, foi wood Ul dUt, a:i>l wi 1 be soli at low i prii ■ •?. A. e -a.. i!d eftU-thsaJf. fctOp o th-V public. m-1 Vr*i ■ '•• i artmwlr.r. '•> <r '"NEW LEVA • E. < 1 OVKK oloKlXt* STOVE, for vr i >r e< al, •Tf?K ftAOOTAII! ! i wbi-i 'or economy, durability an I iir..tno. of desL'ti L'niiin t e surpassed. it is made with extra HEAVY ;:isS ami VENTILLATED CENTRES and with s• • -nf Int-re-to-ii.lo. The <>ven an.l flue are unur - ;iy large, making it Sl' l'lill IOK TO ANA #TOVK Of THE KIX I) ever br nc':? (ofo'thi? rtfirkct. Tt cir ; fail ti g've g. ' i-! .-t'aeiiori. Tho.e in want ot a. &ood Btove [ hould calf an i examine it'l f purchasing <•! e i WXIiTC. ITIW, ZWPm & 9H£ET -I*o'.l vVA fi£ of all kin's, ZINC, FOX E BE, IRON WARB, xe.. jViViivs fft Lav. i. 3Jei-.-l.anU .-.applied with. ■£■. fi- on reasonable ter:i... R'. >fing. guttering an I all kin is of jobbing will a j.S'oiuj i v ott-iaiol to. <?LD IUU-VC mm;;:, PEWTER. inns aai TR(>N- ; 'wtVon I.UMBEL, SHINGLES, and - ." luce tA;.n it catch. age Im goods anl v .r.-s Th .■ ' T f.>rpfl 1 t.-on ge, we r -pectfuily invito ali i: -co -of v:Mit<r in <>ur line to give io a call. a ; .nd let live." Qui k sales im i small profits Is ri:r moMo. E. I". .-NOW A CO Mkh i .* .a ■ * .. jIT o)• Iho ftxoo d s aiaavtN'o atthf, Mew Store! AT MILL TO Wis, PA. Nu\v is- your tiruo to jturshase in it it w * r, (|II:;:\-IVAI!5:, CIiASSXVAK U, liOll.'lS . SIIOKS* litis it CAPS, And a Variety of other Article# too Numerous; to mention, Cheaper T C. SHERWOOD, Has received direct trom tiic cities *>t PHILADELPHIA. I MEW-YORK. The Largest, Cheapest ami Best ssortnient of Fall and Wiiit r C*oids i eutiia-lv for t'a.-h) ever nil -r >1 in MILT.- TOWN, whi 1 tso is selling at UNCOMMON LOW P I CKS! Ilis jSTock, which lie intends to keep always Full, cmhraeese very ' j thing wanted hv the I'eople in this : Place, and custoinens can at all times relv on scctfing the rticles they niav !". . * want fc Satisfactory Prices. ei< not to be undeisuld by any, and asks : the Public to call and examine Lis STOCK. , c would ask the L DIES got call and Examine bis Assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS I !A \ LX t F i\ fx c Y jATi r r 1 CT.K S , OrWHICII lie H AS the FIKST CHOJC'E. : POSTSCRIPT. His stt .at EWTON EN Tit h; and i * H.WAU three in all, | are also in full- blast, thereby enu- I blingbimt- keep up a complete vs ! oi.tfiiiO.ot iu ,'ach. C. HU:it\Y( )E Nr.v .'a.,l£(J'j ' AICTI3S! AICTIBS!! ' License-:! Auctioneer CJ.rT. A7ATTG- ii j for jhfl C'.untj? ot U yoming v.,n uttfci.d too ,1 w i | porsorvai property uu el.urt notice and reawnabla 1 terms Mehoopanv pj. y _, , !„ fCj ?Tth. IStM j LXAtGI.N i \ * 4 ? ' 5k. v J i T ;U. 10-40 Bonds, j Tb<*e flt>r.df arc Ejuj I u:..!: r the Act of Congre.=- of March Bth, 1864, which provides Ihut allli. nl is.-u> 1 at;.let this Act sh.ill he EXEMPT EP.OM . . TAX-MIoN hj- or under any state.or municipal au di rity. SuLscripti >ns to the-e B.nds are roevivcl in I'nileu States notes or u..ti*s of X itioiial Bank-:, Ttjj are TORE RBDEEMED IX COIN, at the pita sure of the Government, a any peri. I tvU las than ten nor more thanj ■rlo years from their date j an 1 until their re ietupti.>n 1 YE PER CENT IX- i TffRWT Wil.l. BE PAID IX COIX, on Bon is of nof oyer one lumdred dollars annually a:. I < u all ■ t'ner i< u<U emi-nnnvaMv. The intercut is payable t. first days of M trek an l September ineaeh year**' PtTlw-rii-ers will receive either Registered or Cou pon Bon is, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds are reeor lt lon the books of the li. S. Trei -iyer, an t .in be transferred only on the owner's order, — - pay ..lie tube trer, end are to ore (•onteiiient f. r commercial uses. Subscribers to iliis '.o: n will have the option of !.:.i. g their I on Is Ira v. ii.tsras! from March Ist. by ti: vjng the .rued Titero-sf in coin—(or in lintel ■Stifles or ihe n 4-- of National Bank*, adding 11 ftv ler .-i nt, from projnium.) .vr rveive them drawing iuteroil ft, a 'he 1: tt of subscription and — as tlreioe 1) nd are • ! lev tip' fmm .Municipal or State; Taxation, tlmir value is in -r-asc 1 Irorn one to three per cent per annum, according to the rate of tax levies in \ u pasts. i the c* untry. At lite pr. - ■ i: * r .to of j.rei.-. u on goi l they pay Over Jrigle per tent Interest in curren v. n l are ol cptal conveuieiii e as a per manent 'T leutjKiriiry investment. It is believe I no scvurtics offer so great in dti ctnetd.- o lender- as the various iles. riptions ot l'..v Bo: Is. la ell otb -r forms f indebtedness, the faith or al iiity of pri ite parties or .- compa nies or -eparato communities only is pledget for paynte while for the debt of tho I'nited C'tatfs tiic u't t property i f the country, is holden to se nt e the i .-/uiect of b. iu prin-.-ipal aal interest it; eoi i. Tti .se B-.n Is may be su' s tribed fr in tutus from S3O up to any magnitude, on the -a me terms, and are thus made equally -ivai'able to toe sirullest len der an 1 the largest c ipitab t They rati be convert c 1 into til iney it .my in u- nt, and the h dder wi: have the bene-t of the ir'er'-t. If to ly l o u- 'ul to state in this connection that the total Funded Ec'd .( the United .Statrs on which i.. rest 5: j ayable in gold, on the d I day of Mar.b 1 til. w-■ ! v io, OjO. Tho in'ere.-t on t'.i- 1. ; g ti.- .il will be £ 1d,927, 126, while tho cu.-t >ins: revenue in go! i for the cur rent !'. a! year, ending June 30th, 1 - ai, h -.s been j f.t- a! theri -of >v-r 3! ; J .b°90 ; 000 per annum It ill be seen that even the present gol I reu 1 - hue of the t .o-iamcut are 1 trgely iu ex -o-s t the wants of tb l'r. isui v for the payment in terest, while the recent increase of the tariff will •b ibtlc r.ti c - r.t.u-tl r- eipts f;- .:a custon -• • n the same am.-uni ■ i impart.ttions. to S13 : l t;t '.t'dO per ani.utn. Instructions to .the National Banks acting as loan agents w-re not issued Iroiu the I'nited .State i reas urv until March Yd. I.lit in th ; f.rst thi '• week? of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN Mil LIONS A WEEK Subscriptions wilt be received by the I'irst National 15 ink of I'tnhtJelphi i, Pa- Secoi. 1 National J'.tuk ef Philadelphia, i'a. The National Bank plYlailelphia. I'a. AXitltt A NATION AI, HANKS whim arc d-po itarie? of Publi. mon. y. md all KEsPECIAt'i.E BANKS AND BANKERS through, ut tho country, (acting as agents . f rh? Nation i! Depositary II ink- ) will furnish turi! r information on pB aii .nc.nd AHOIiB E\ LitV i. ACiLLT V TO SUBSCRIBERS n r Vffi* T T> r " 10 T? r Tc A axA aaLx xx* I T . - Y Lyi o FROM ELTiOPE Is .HI 1 v eonhrmatoiv ..f former reports that THIS 1)1 S C II HAY H POSSESSION Of HOI,- I. \ Nt). it is also authoritatively announced that o. S3. TMEilXis Ins exclusive p> ; scssion of tho STOVE AND TIN-SHOP AT— TUNKHANNOCK. where, every thing in the lino of his trade can be had at the L 0 WEST LIT'JXG TROLLTS. > IIOrSK-KKEI'F.I'.S will find nt his Shop, the lat est i.ud ii.est improved Patterns ot : OOOKIN&, AX lb - Jf&Ki'.-G m S7 [}' if MS, ' with nil the IT UN 1 TUBE and IT XT I RES complete. J Roofing & (jiultcrisi^ in all its branches, attciidel tt o i short notice and on K i: A S O ST A Ii 1, E T II It MS. j PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AM' CHEAPLY DONE 0. S. MILLS runkhanuo k. Nov. 4, ISG3 v3-nl3. I j WHEELER & WILS(JN T 'S HiGHLST PREMIUM S e win a-Ma c 1) i nc s. T7ir Chen j test and Jiest, OVER 150.000 OE THESE WELL ESTABLISHED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. X)->'k.NO FOB Cmcui VR, Lames' Ai maxac, ic. AGENTS WANTED. j ' Address WHEELER & WILSON Srtrfng-ATncftine Co. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. • - N The Latest Style 1 —OF— ;SPRISr& SUMMER Bonnets, and MILLINERY GOODS, have just licen received at the establishment at LOUISA KEPGURfi. on Tioga Street, the Post-office, where he f>uinl La iics. Ciulrea. Misse-, and Boy's FLATS, ' j HATS, ami CAPS; JIKAD-DRESSKS,KI i;BOX'S, ; FLOWER.--. .md TKI.MM iXU.S, an i everything in the line of Mi linery, whi ti will be sold at Hit iowt c ! Cash Prices. lit j airing promptly ami neatly done. Ladies pi. vail ami examine for themselves, j 'J i.vkher no> l.'.Oct J IS{s'2—v2nli lvwil IST E3 ~W %#i& il4 & I A\li - <C 3HE Jk. I 'JFL =. ~ ? OcsasSi# w JT .=3. 'frrVfrv I p it. MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture ' .' )• f an 1 Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock. next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store —where are kept on hand and itiunufactured to order: a \ 1 I.rot :.i! • pattern.-, and styles. CHAIKS Cane - a f , Flag-bottom, and common. ; ! RE At - .t il style -, sizes, aud urice®. BETS': Id .LiS. Cottage i common. < ,:xu;i-; tables, work stands, doom- : CASES, and indci J every thing wiri-h can be found j ,n tlie large ? i'au.itiiro e-taldi m■- in the country. I wl.i- i he will sell at prices as 1 tr as they < t;>i be I • a.-lit in tit •.r. ( ut-ideof the i-ifies. L*it • -at- i i-ti i lie • an . -tiipete, both in woiitui". -i® i : prices with any establistuntjn the eountry, he j i iici s the public p •trot igo. liI'PATRIXO of all kinds done in a neat, sub.tan i ti"! tir. 1 woikinanlike uianner. X. R. —Old cane-seat chairs, new-3c;:ted and rc • ' ENDERTAKINti—Hiving a Hanrse of his wn. i and having t 1 mu.h experience. he will attend to j thi- dop trtuient of the business on short notice, and ! in a satisfactory uianner. ABRAHAM IIAAS. j MOC&RYm 1 A Large IStock just Opened AT . T. L. BOFS & CO'S., tPjjijpM: i %2 wall baler. W ALL PAPER. WALL I'ALER. WIXI M)W SHADES, s WINDOW SHADES. r WINDOW SHADES. OF ALL STYLES. (T.o'i n suadks wn H Borders CLOTII SHADES Wi l li BORDERS. riXI 1 liKS AND HOLLERS,! oMLLETK J FIXTURES AND ROLLERS COMLf'.BTE. EMBROIDERED .MUSLIN El MAINS. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS EMBROIDERED M Us LI N CURTAINS. A IX) i A Large Stock of White Good*; SWUS MFI.S DOTTED SWISS ME3LIN. BRILLIANTS, J A CON ETS, LACKS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, Sl'klNt* SKIRTS. GLOVES. REAL AI.EXANURE'S K.1I). And a Large Stork of i VAWKEE NOTIONS. I run, Nails, . j White-Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil, Ulass, rutty, Door-Locks, and a general assortment of BUi LD£l?§' HARDWARE. Fish, of ail kinds. '! Oasli r'aid lor a.l kinds ol Grain. . j Tunkliannock, March, Oth 18G4. i j 1" it Itv'i - '-Miri., Roaches, Ants, Run Ring i M ins in Frits IVimt.' Ns, Ac,, Insects on Plants F< v. t.s. Animals. Ac Pu upin 25e fifle. .n 1 00 B .xos. Baftltsi and 1 a ——. -- and ca siiOc K>r Hotels, and Pflbfic itt 1 stitutions, Ac. '"Only infallihlo romodies known." „Free frotn IVisons." "Not d..ngerou> to the Human Family." "Rats ciuiic out of their hi les to die." I ' -old Wholesale in all large oilict. „ v .- ill by all liruggEts at Retailers everywhere it 'b • ! • Lewaue ! ! ! of all worthier imitation ■ ' See that "Costab' name is on each Box, Bott! j at. 1 Flask, before you buy. C ; >r A duress Uemuy It. Costar r Depot 492 Broadway, N. Y. j y5->li by J. Lyiuxu, y P,. ( wa)!o>a!s Tut khancb P* Jp v The peculiar taint t tN-A inft-rtionwbicfjwfe call 'yfo-i Oj Sr:KO#n.A llhrks in V tj, P the oonsfitutioiis of S-i multitudes of men. It J either produces or if fep-cA produced by an en* . feeblcd, vitiated stfta °f the blood, wherein I Ljwthat fluid becomes in- Wjgk t competent to sustain V/Cfci-i-Nj l ' l6 vital forces in their vigorous action, and leaves tlie system to fall into disorder and decay. The SCTofuloos contamination is variously caused by mereurial disease, low living, disordered digestion fan unhealthy food, iinjiure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vires, and. above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit the iniqub ties of the fathers upon their children." The diseases which it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In tho lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption ; in tlie glands, swellings which suppurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the stomach and bow els, derangements which pro* duce indigestion, dyspepsia, and bver com plaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These all having tlie same origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you can* not have health; with that "life of the flesh* healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayor'a Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual and* dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of th® disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by nil who have given it a trial. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary iu their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : King's Evil OT Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas. Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum. Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in tho lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole i series of complaints that arise impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual ca-es may be found in Ater's America* Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Tiiose cases are purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to hiin of its benefits from personal experience. Sciofuia depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal remits than are healthy constitu tions. Hence it tends to shorten, and doe® greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considera tions has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ayku's Sarsaeakilla, although it is com posed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsipariila in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out j the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood ; purge out the causes of disease, an 4 vigorous health will follow. Bv its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital furrc : tions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any , part of it. We know the public have been deceived b* many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promise; ! much nnd did nothing ; but they will neither bt deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtue have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence i for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in , tended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which ha® ever been available to them. AYER'3 CIIERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Remedy fbf Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of tho disease. This has been so long used and so univer sally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may b® relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Dr J. C. Ater & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist 4, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. (3. S . in,;, . ; T i.-. .-|Hiug, J.aeeyvil a | ILiruin;* .V X : he!- u; li .; J, Faetuiy | i ;"e, una l y ;_u\-r.- iu M< aLliies v.tiiywba.e. Traveling Public! :t£ T * ♦ THO ncroinmn 1 fe per>o'U niching ti- gf> by pubffu -L convoy iru-c from 'bis ii ice to any sevtiou. or re turn, tho undersigned continues t,j run a I>£til37" Ijin© OF © i/fJ M WC? ! it Ji : i"y* -M sip g I nnd ir- 1 " F ' ryv.'ie TVprd, leaving . his ' o'clock, a. 11. arriving at Factoryville in time fot Trains to (Dm! pciii?, Sfroulaii, Rfw4)tk, and PUlt iWIPJUAt li 1 11 Llill U 111 1I >- Rofnrmrftr. leaves Faefaryvilla on tf.- irri'.a of tha New York. I'liftrdclphia and Ace (luioda tiou Tt lin from tireat- Lend,- arriving in 'f mklmn nock a! 7 o'clock, p m. S. F — All Ex pro os tu it tor, packages and q ioL will loi rouveyed l m - fr<r.i th- Doptd. at ■•.'.r.-iM* rates: the proprb'tor holding him -If rc-f r.-'Mo fd| !t! .-.'te delivery of nl! -neb ve'rufttcd to hi.- tare, i Tnwanila !■* age ari it os ct thi.- hot id nt 12 o'clofk, i La. Ileturuu g, leaves at i> t-'clnok, p m I . Stage- for F it, V'y ling, ntrl "tTilkasoarr#, 1 leave on the arrival ■-f the la r, aud rt " ! turning connect w : lh the rami), M"nfroco "tage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays 3B ! .Saturdays, at o'eb ek, a tn., c nn-cting a ntn-a ttiih st ipe- for llinL'l'atnton, A Returning, ccioiiot with stages for Pttlrou, Ti wanda, Ac- Person* wishing to be onileti tor at their re#idcnt I will be acc ■uinioJ.ito.J by. leaving their iwaiss at • I hold of the proprietor. I ' ' ' Horse® and Carriages in r.a tines* la ffrxr . acrs at all times. . J • Tl W""