North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, August 10, 1864, Image 3
u. S. 7-30 Loan Tha Saeratary of the Treasu y nf,t 'f e t,,at ••beeriptione will be receivei :■ - .upon Treasury Notts. payable three year* from Augflsr.i, 104, With .emi-atiual interest at the rate of seven m hree ihfee-tenths per cent annum-principal nd interest both to be pa. 1 in lawful money. Tt'ese notes will bo converuhle at the ©ptuo i oi the fii'TSer it maturity, into sis per cent, gold bear- In* bonds, payable not less than five nor more than twenty years trom their date, ns the Government may elect. They will lie issued in denominations of 150, <IOO, SSOO, SI,OOO atiq $5,000, and all sub scriptions mutt bo for fifty dollars or some multiple of sfty dollars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners fiee of transportation charges as soon after the receipt of the originul Certificates of Deposit as they can be tprepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, per sons making deposits subsequent to that dato must jy the interest accrued fioiu date of note todate of aenueit "Parties depositing twenty-fire thousand dollars end upwards for these notes at any one time will be ,allowed aeomihissionof one-quarter of one per cent., which will be paid "by the Treasury Department u> - on the receipt of a hill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made No deductions for commissions mast be made from the deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF TIUS T PAN. IB A NATICXAL SAVINGS BANK, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, an! the best securing. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U S. Notes, consider that it is paying in the best circuit ing medium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything better, for its owu assets are either in gov ernment securities or in iietcs or bonds payable in govern-nant paper. It is equally convenient as a temi>orary or pelina nent investment. The notes can always be sold far within a fraction of their face and accumulated inte rest, and are the best security with banks as collate rals for discounts. CONVERTIBLE INTO ASIX PER TENT 5 -0 GOLD lIO.NI> In addition to the very liberal interest on the wotee for three years, this privilege of conversion is Bow worth about three per cent, fier annum, for the wurttont rate for 6-20 Bonds is not less than nine percent, premium, and before th war the premium on six percent, U. S. stocks was over twenty pr cent, It will he seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than fen per cent per annum. Irs EXEMPTION rnon STATE on MUNICIPAL TAXATION Bt Aside from all the advantages we have enu merated, a special Aet of Congress exempts alt bonds and Treasury note* from local taxation. On the average, th s exemption is worth about two percent per annum, occording to the rate of taxation in va rious parts of the country It isle loved that no securities offer so great in ducemei t to lenders as those issued by the govern ment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faitli er ability of prirate parties, or stock companies, or eeperate communities, only, pledged fur payment, while the whole property of the country is held to securethe discharge of all the obligations of the United Stales. While the government offers the most libera' terms for its loans, it believe dlhit the very strong- Wst eppssl will be to ttas loyalty a:il patriotism ot the people. Duplicate certificates will be issue! for all do posits. The party depositing must endorse up.ii the original certificate the denomin ition of times raquired and whether they are to be issued iu l.lariK or payable to order. VVhen so endorsed it must be left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be for warded to tho Treasury Dcq ai tmcn . SuhicuiptioDs will oe received by the Treasure! of the United States, at Washington, A- - eistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and j bp the FIRST AND SECGND NATIONAL BANKS OF SCRAN ION, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK TO WAN DA. and by all National Banks which are repositories of public money, and ALL RESPECTBALE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further inio'rsiiation ami AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS I'utnam Clotlirs wringer, j IT IS THS ONLY RELIABLE 6ELF-ADJU&TLASG \VRI A'OELi. i NO WOOD-WORK TO SWELL OR SPLIT. NO THUMB-SCREWS TO GET OUT OF ORDER . WARRANTED WITH OR WITH'II T COG-WHKEi.J It tn>k the FIRST PREMIUM at Fifty-Seven St> te end Ciunty Fairs in 1563, and is i ril/iout mi exception the beet Wringer ever made. Pateuted in the United stute, K.,iar. I, Caaaif* and Austraiia. Agents wanted ut every town, and ia ell parts of the world. Energetic agents can mak from it to 1 Dollars per day. , Sample Wringer sent Express-paUion-receipt of price. No 2, $6 50. No i, $7,50. No V. 3-id. N A $9,50. Manufacturedahd sold, whelosale and retail, by THE PUTNAM .tANUFACTI RING CO No. 13 Piatt Street, New V'.rk, ClevJlar'J, Ohio, j and Benni igtbn, Yt. S. C NORTHROP, Agent. WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, viz.— That Iron well galvanized xcill not rust; That a eiuiple machine is better than a ceinpUcat - ed one. That a Wringer should be self -adusting, durable. and efficient. That Thumb Serexre and Fasteningt cause delay and trouble to regulate and keep in order ; Thtt wood soaked in hot water will si cell, shrink and svlit; The wood bearings for the shaft to run in icill wear out; That the Putman Wringer, with or without cog wheels, will not tear the elothes; Thatcog-wheol regulators arc not essential ; That the Putnam Wringer has all th> advantages . and not one of the disadvantages above named ; -That all who have tested it, pronounce it the besl Wringer ever made; That it will wring a Thread or a lJ;d-Qailt WITH >OL'T ALT E RAT ON. We might fill the papar with testimonials, but insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such there be ; and wa say to all, lest Putnam's Wringer Test it THOROUGHLY with ANY un 1 ALL others, any if not entirely satisfactory, return it 'Putnam Manufacturing <'o : AJBNTLEMKN- ; I knoxefrom practical experience that iron well ga/ranixe with zinc xrill not oxidize or ruxt one particle. The Putnam Wringer is c* • tar perfect as possible, axid 1 can cheerfully rec omtnd it to be best xn use. Respectfully vours, JNO. W. WIIEELER, Cleveland, Ohio. | Many years' experience in the galvanizing busi ness enable mo to indoise the above statement in alt particular*. New York, Jan,l?64. JNO. C. LEFFERTS i 11/0 Beektnnn St. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by practieal working, arid know that it will d>. It is cheap ; it is simple ; it requires no room, who her , at work or at rost; a child can operate it ; it does ' U ? ut 7 thoroughly; it sanies time and it sates wear,, and tear. We earnestly advise all who have much j washing to do, with all intelligent persons who have any, to buy this Wringer. It will pay for itself in a year at most. U. N. HORACE GRE IL EY. NTTiIIAL ELIIM A8116Y.- CONDUCTED BY HAUVV AND COLLINS, WASHINGTON, 1), C- In order to fariliate the prompt ad justment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pensions and other Claims, due sosdiers and other persons from J tho Government of the United States. The under- , signed hns mode arrangements with the ahov; firrn ' whose experience and close proximity to, and daily I intercourse with the department; as tveli as tho ear- | ly knowledge, aquirtd by them, of the decisions frequently being made, enables them to prosecute i claims more efficiantly thai, Attorneys at a distance, i 'ffV All persons entitled to claims ofthe few ha, e 1 k e,n properly attended 7 g on me and entrusting them to mv care harvey sickler, i Tunkhannock, Pa. Agl U " VJ * ColliDf -1R. j. C- HECJv|;i{ PHYSICIAN & SUHttlSf& | oJi U 2a?ri fnn f a rr Ce 'n-'' 10 citizens of \\> h# will , eU A J • where his to ml] calls .n the line* c r h ° m * ° b of i 31a ufacture of WnoKti (Sooda ! CHAPTER 1. The Manufacture of Woolen Goods, loth in the j hoinehold and in the factories, h is become of great i'i;]'rtnmo on account f.fjits forming at present oar principal articles of elnthiug. The nature of our cli mate uink n it. neoeessarv. and *!>e s eirvity of (' :t n has greatly in reused the' value of wool at. i I'.ibr k* 1 in tile trnn, it • ant being engaged in the bu.-hu .- f making Ch.rh and Flannel, and also , oil ' >r ling, ' and Cloth Dressing, we h ire thought a few reniaii s i with regard to handling Wool, and ti ■ ( •, . r pro- , < ess of Manufacture, might be of tervi .-- to tii ■ > • uu- | try, and a benefit to ourselves The lir.-q process with the farmer wh • intends to ; make his wool into rolls for spinning an 1 weaving at home, after washing and .-hearing, w n-- riin ; the ualities. This we do net ex'ieet a farm,, rto <U> n erfeetly as a regular manufacturer, but by try ng 1 he will approximate towards it. and "t >• amply paid i for the little pains required, by having an even j thread and smoother fabric. Ihc fleece -liou! i be whole and be spread out on a table—the coar- .-t wool will be fourd on tlie skirts of the i coe, and can easily be distinguished by 1 w.king ci ~-e!y .c • fibre Two qualities from ea Ih fleece will perhaps be eloso enough f- - ordinary purposes, but as the sheep in our eout.' y differ much in their gl ide- of wool—the coarse pait of one may do to go with the finer part of another. ,md thu-tinke three or four j qualities out ofthe lot If it i-going to the nianu- , factory or to market, the fleece should not be torn, | but after removing the fig-locks, shmibl be rolled up | | compactly, skin out side Not lc-s th.-.n one ' of lard, Iresh butter or oil should be sent with over ten poundsi.f wool going t,, the ca r lii g ma.diine. The next . ng of ini[M,rtauce is of cour e to be well cariled, for which we will be entirely responsi ble . but in the matter of spinning and weaving, we havo another caution to add, Unless the yarn is evenly twiste I. and beat up evenly in t 1 u loom, the cloth shrinks unevenly in fulling—making - one pla ces wide and others narrow, and if the finisher suc ceeds in pressing out the wrincles, ttie cloth will re sume its contort: >n again when made into a g ir nent, an 1 tho mechanic is sometimes wr<n gfullv j i blamed for a coat.s becoming tanti rn jawed on a ; man's baek. it is easily a\oided by g:\ : g the wheel in equal number of to a given length of thread drawn out. We find thisd:fk-u!;.v increasing of hito years, and have come to the e ,nclusion that if sonic of the spinners do not keep better time ,o> their pianos than on their spinning wheels, we should hate dreadfully to listen to their music. As e very urnou-nt of labor should bo employed to the best adva. ige, and every ounce of material be appropriated t > the best purpose, <ui io. . ount of our war, we to write some other chapters on . ir brauch of business after ths.- is read sufficient! V to be remembered, and shall endeavor to do our work niee enough for a skirt or a doctor's coat, ami make trow-eis stout enough to last a farmer I through a year's campaign at least. INGHAM .t WRENCH. | HOME FACTORY, CAEPTOWH, BRADFORD CO May 2.'64 j LLXTEW ,1581:0 jtresy IT. umir BLOCK; 505 R ROAD WAV, NEW YORK. The proprietors Lave perfected Arrangement | which enable them to annmine to thu Ladies of i , New York and vicinity, that they Lave secured the | I services of MRS. E. WINTLE, (for some year- Superintendent of tho L .die.-' De- j pat lent in " GEMN'S BAZAAR") who will hive j char re ot their iliantilla, (Cloalj, ani) (Crcssmoljini) MINIMS. | i Mrs. W. will be s-i-te Ibv one ofthe u> >st c- I •".mpii-tied Cu'tteri and Do-igtnrrs of | | ! LADITS', MISSES,' CHILDREN S, & INFANT'S OUTFITS | all of which they are prepared *o I'urntrii to order. | Particular atten; ■.*> v i'l be given to i B!U.\I)LTHOrSSF,AI X, I ! IN ANY DE.-IUED STYLE, HOWEVER ELAJ3- | ORATE I Ladies f i voring us with their orders may rely | I upon hiving them executed in the n .-t ;q.rove<i | manacr No pains will he spared in g;ii"g |r --1 feet satisfaction. SCOTT lis. BAI.BU IN, j Importers of Furnishing Goods arid M itiu'sctur i ers of Ladies' Outfit- Ac. .*<>s liroadviayg N. V A. L SCO! T. y 0. S. BALDWIN. § [lililifr iTIIEL & EI.I rn ODTJCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3<l GKEENWICH STREKT, Kew Voik. G. S. Ilalding, 1,. Hamniel, > L Harding. y Farmer- having luff t and other produce to sell ' will receive from luis iirui the highest" . priej and prompt returns. Mr. L. Harding, one of tiie members, who rc-i les ■ ! at Nicholson Depot, will receive and attend to j ' hi puient of til! articles, and if desired wili in ike j dvaneein ent-of one half mnrko t '.:il tut time 1' ! clivefy to him. i BUCKEYE mdWER S BEAPfB.! ! Farmers should secure oneofth -e ex-ellent Ma- ! chines at once as the supply is limited, and we are j eontident that the demands for the above Ma'-'uiiic will be greet the coining season as tho BUCKEYE, ' is the be-t Machine now in u-e. and ; - the best udaj.-t --ed to rough; hilly, and uneven ground, is rlie most j 1 durable and is managed with the grcutdst ease of all other machines now in use. For further particulars address JOHN U. STOXF, Age a ! SHEIILFFLS SALE. | ; 1A Y virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facias, 1 1J will exp>se > public -ale at the C out lUoise, | in Tunkhannock lluroogh, on Saturday, tho Pith ! day ot August. 166-1, atone o'clock P. M., all the • right title and interest ofthe Defendant in and to the following described piece or parcel of land, sou ate in Falls Township, Wyoming County Pa . boiiud : ed an-1 described as follow s to yvit: on the North l.y ' lands of Aaron Brown an 1 A. J Yantuyle and hinds of 11. W. Finn. On the East by fai d- of Lewis Daily . on the south by lands lately or now belonging to Giles Townsend ; on the West by lan Is |of Aaron Btnwn and A. J Yantuyle. containing 1 about ten acres, more or less, with a small frame ' house, one apple orchard, and other iruit tr cs thereon' j Seized and taken in exeeulion at the suit of Jvi i ley Sickler assigned to A. Mahon. rs J C. Corsclius ; And wilt be sold fer cash only, by AH IRA GAY harifT, Sheriff's Offc-e. ) July 22th, llr'Jd \ SHERIFFS SAI.I'. BYy virtue ©fa certain writ of Venditioni Fx pomu, I will to public sale at the j Court House in Tunkhannock Borough, on Satur ! day, the loth day ot August, 1564, at re o'clock, P. M-, all th dt-fendnu's rigl: la titie and interest in all of that certain let, or messuage, situate in the ' j Township of MehOnptrny, and bounded on the South, i Ly.imift"' of Luke V'oae, on the West by lands of | ; lleury I. ve, <>n the North by land of Henry Love, i and Ea by tho Meh(.pany Creek. Containing about tb.oe fourths of an acre, more or less !) ii n _ 1 proved; with one two story frame dwelling huG-os i f'raine hara, and some fruit frees thereou— la',9 Uuo ' estate of Hie def't in a rid writ named- Seized and taken in execuf.oii at the suit of P.-.- | vtd Amy vs iieiijamiu Ross aud 6 i;atj 80-s Alf'KA GAY, Sheriff, f herlff's OTee, > Julv7s, 1964 * " ; 1 JUST RECEIVED, —rtv.jM PHILADELPHIA -AND— X<i owYorlt,i | A P U LI. A S S 0 RT M EN T OF j I | • DRESS GOODS, i | SHAWLS, GASSfMERS, | Clotliing 1 , Slt o es, Hats, j lancD (SooH i _y j — ' NO TION'S, t'kr. ivr , adapted to this Season' which will be .-•>! iit the VERY LOWEST MA KKT I PRICE lor Ca.-k or Country Produce. at the Store of John Weil. Tu nkhantioek, Mirth 30. 1 - J G4. A JOIN r :: ESOIJUTION; PKOL'USISG CETiTAIX Amendments t. ttic Constitution. Be is res'l veil by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the (\>mm< wealth i.f Pennsylvania, tn general assembly met* That the following aim a iiuoiit- he prejioseii to the Constitution uf the Ciiiiiiiiiitr.vealth, in uceurdauce w' , the provisions of I the tenth article thc.eof • Tie shall be an additional section to the third I rirticl- of r!ie Constitution t> be designated section I four, as fill lows ; iSnn-'S 1. Whenever any of the (nullified elec torsi'fihi Coiiiiiiiiiiwcalih shall lie in any active miUcirv s< rvice, under a requisition from the Presi !ci:t of the Tuned Slates or by the authority of tho Coii'inonwc illh. such clc-f r.- mat over use the right of suffrage in all elections bv the citizens, under t: ii regulations as are or shall In-, prescribed by but a-i ally as it they were [ resent at their usual [.lace of election " Section 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of tho Constitution, to be des ignated a- sections, eight and nine, as follows : "SuuTi'N >r No lull shall be passed by the legis -1 dure, containing more than one subject which shall i e dearly •.\rre--cd in the tile, 'except appropria tion lulls " •ci- 't N 0 N'-> biil si-ii; be f-a(s Jby the Legis -ire granting any powers, or ; tivtiege*. in any - t.-e, will rc the authority to gram such powers, or |.i'.vih _,i - i.,i it"ii or may here-dter be conferred ujiou the ■ oiirts nl this Commonwealth." IIKMti i . JOIINSON. Speaker cf the House of Repre-enl.iG e. JOHN I*. PENNY, Speaker of the .Senate. <>! I'll I ol Till Sl I'IiKTARV OF Till". CointON- ( wi \r t::: i eituisßi KG, April 23, I*i'!iit-.j I v aiiia, SS Ido lieieby certify that the foregoing is a full, I trn-,,'iiid .correct rojiy of the original Joint Reso J - tt nof the fli-riersi Assembly, entitled "A Joint j K- -olutioti |iro|. ising certain Amendments to the j •'•institution, as the same remains on file in this .d" • I.'] Iv Tr STIMONI whereof. I have hereunto -t my hand at 1 caused the seal of the Secretary's ! i i-c to ' allixc 1, the .I iy aid year ahuut written ■ r.LLSLII-'LR,>-c. ot the Common wealth i'i lit n! ve Tleso'iiHon having been agreed to by a iiisj >ri of the men ber I each II mw, at two suc c -ii- -ions of the tieneral Assembly of this IC. lo iiiwe i!th, tho proposed amendment:! will he | -uiuuiitcd t i the people, for ihoir adoption or rejec tion. or. the FIRST TI ESDAYOF AUGUST, in the \i ir of our Lord, one thousand, eigtit hundred, and sixiy-f-iur. in accord-nice With the provisions of the tenth article <>f the Constitution, and 'he act entitled - in 1 the act entitle I. "An act prescribing the time ' aii■ 1 iii.irincr i.f j'll-tnitfing to the >ple. fr their .IJ-; ro\ il and salification, or rejection, the projioscd iluciidinciits i . the Constitution," approved tho j t n ciii v-third Jay of April. one thousand, ciget bun • Ired i-'i-l - \ty four. j ELI SLIFER. Secretary of this Comtnonwealth". I Harris burg, .May, J, 1664 —3tn. notice. V"OTICK is hereby given to all persons inter as e-tcd lluit the folli wing accounts have been filed in the Register's of. ••• at Tunkhannock. and will be pretcnted to the Orphan'- (.'-■uit of Wyo ming County to be held at I unkhannock on the 15 day "f August next, for eouliruiation and allow ance, to wit : Tho Final account ot -unucl De Fay Executor? of tho last sviil and Testament of George Carpenter, l.i'<• of Clinton Tov.n-hi; deceased. Filed May 2," lil4. The Final account of John Kinsley and Win • Kinsley Executor? of the last will and l'e lament ot Michael Kiit-h-v late of Windham Towns! '*>, de | icased Filed June 11th, IS6L Tho Final a •count of Anion Armstrong and Lew i i? Armstrong adiiiiniitra torsof the Estate ->f 1 Arnistroiig late of Eaton Township, deceased. Filed J irne 20. 1 "'i- 1 * 'Fie Final :. not of Newman Miller executor op j i c last will and testainent of. Jabez Jenkins luteo i Tunkhannock Borough deceased. Filed July 12f I i -(id i-cg -tei s ifn e. ) , , „ tßlvll runkhannock Jt ly 12 '6l. f 1 AnISH. A (id itor's Not ire. The undersigned having been appointed by the t i urt ot Coiiiiuon Fleas of M yotning County an Au ditor todlstribute the fund arrising from the Sheriff's j s lie of rli- Ileal E.tate of James \V G.irey, will at f. nd to that duty, at his office in Tunkhannock Bor | iii:,': • a Saturday. August 13th. A. lb 1-fil at 10 | o'clock A, M-; at which time and place all person? : ! are required to present their claims or be debarred j r iu coming in u|o:i sai l fund. ) July 16th 1861 Ilarvey Sickler, j Auditor. | auditors Notice. The undersigned having been"app< intcd by the ; Orphan's Court of Wyoming County, an Auditor to disiiit ute the luiaj in 4 ouit iur distribution, on final a count of William 11 Mar icy penny Adiu.r of Mary MICK-;, t-eimy ilec'd. will attend to ® >id distribution at hi.- Uliifo in Tuukhaiu. -k Borough on Saturday the 13th day of August A I 1 !564; at 9 o'clock A. M at 'vliich iiino and [iace all persons are re quire I to present their elaiovs or be debarred from coming in uji ui said tun 1. July Kith 186 J. J'ArvySickler j Auditor j INGHAM and WIIKNC 11, Nlutiuluclurers and Dealers iu <>X WVAR.RSINO CKI;EK, CAMPTOWN. DIIADFORT) Co Pa ! Bolls Carded aud Cloth I-'itiished. YAf|UC#GTURE CLOTH FOR ON SHARES i AT THE FOUOV/.NG PRICES PER YARD: C-issic.ere. Best Finish, tine 46 cent* I'laiti Cloth, <io 45 '• Gray ami Mixed Cassimeres.4s 44 T woods, 32 44 C'etumoti Fulled Cloth, 40 41 M'bite Flannel, 22 44 Madder Bed Flannel, 32 44 Gray Flannel 23 44 Tho Gray Flannel made wttb tnsto nd very ?U!tR ble fur* . . , IF AHVEY IMGUAM AMOS WRENCH PersonLring at a, distance can have roll tarde-! o rg to t-Ve them homa with them j *•* larttiu •' ireend trip KTew Drugi ii -AND j FANCY STORE. NICHOLSON DEPOT, PA. H. S. HARDING ft CO, Having refitted a part ot the building formerly oc cupied by E. F. Snow A Co., as a Stove and Tin ware Store, wptil t.respeetfuljy announce to the pub lie that we have on hand an,entire new and care fully selected stock of HIUUS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS AND DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS. AND VARNISH. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, TOYS AND CLOCKS, POCKET CUTLERY, TOILET ARTICLES. KEROSENE LAMPS, ALBUMS Ac. Ac Ae. CIGARS AT VYIIOI.ESAI.E & RETAIL, and every thing usually kept in a Drug Store. PRESCRIPTIONS OAREFULLY PREPARE!). This brunch of trade will be under the direct su pervision ot A. t'. BLAKESLEt M. !>., wel' known a? an exjiorienced and skillful Physician and Surgeon ; and with strict attention to busines* we b'ljit to merit a liberal share of public patronage. I'fT OCic* of A. C. Blakeslee, at the New Drig Store. II S. IIARDINQ A Co v3u443m. Iteli'a Sbecific Pills—Warranted in all Ct?e?. can be relied on! Never fail to cure! Do not' nauseate ! Are speedy in action! No change of di et required! Do not interfere with busines*pursuits! Can be used without detection! Upward of 200 ••ure this month—some of them very severe cases. Over one hundred physicians have used them in their practice, and all speak well of their efficacy, and approve of their composition, which is entirely vege table, and harmless on the system. ILmdreds cf certificates can be shown. BELL'S SEKUFIC PILLS are the original and only genuine Specific P'H. They ore adapted for male and foo.ale, old or young, Mnd the only reliable reme dy for effecting a permanent and speedy cure in all cases of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with all its train of evils, such as Uretheral and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or Involunta rily Emission, Incontinucnce, Genital Debility and Irritaiiili'v. Impotence, Weakness or Loss of rower. Nervous Debility, Ac , Ac., all of which arise princi pally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, or •<> me constitutional derangement, and incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life In ail sexual diseases, as C -rhea. Gleet, and Strict ures. and in Diseases if ;he Bladder and Kidneys, they act a? a charm ! Belief is experienced by tak ing a single box. _ j Sold by all the principal druggists. Price 01 They will be sent by' mail securely sealed, and confidentially, on receipt of the money, by J BRYAN, M D., . No. 76 Cedar Street. Few York, Consulting Physician for the treatment of Seminal, I ritiary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who wiil send, free to all, the following valuable work, in pealed envelope THE FITIKTH THOCSIWU— BR, BELL'S TREA TISE on Self-Abuse, Prematur# decay, Impotence and Loss of Power, Seiua) Diseases, Seminal Weak ties?, Nightly Emissions, Genital Debility, Ac., Ac., a pamphlet of 61 pages, containing important advice to the afflicted, and which should be read by every sufferer, as the means of cure in the severe it stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. IMPORTANCE TO LADIES — DR. HARVFT'S FKVALB PILLS Lavs never yet failed in removing difficulties arising troin obstruction, r stoppage of nature, or in restoring the system to perfect health when suffering rfroin Spinal affections, Prolapsus, Uteri, the Whites, or other weakness of the Uterine Organs The Pills are perfectly harmless on the consti'ution, and may be taken by the most delicate female ,without cans ing distress—the sutne time they act like a charm j by sreng'hening, invigorateing and restoring the ' system to a healthy condition, and by ringtng on j tiie monthly period with regtilar'fv ! no matter from ' what caucsjtheobstruction may tr se. Tn -y should | however, NOT betaken during the first tbrey orfour i months, of pregnancy, t-iough safe at any dthej ! t tne, as miscarriage would be thexesult, Each boxxontains 60 Pills. PrtcoSl. DR. HARVEY S TREATISE on disease* of P males, Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, Sterili ty, Reproduction, and Abuses of Nature, and emphatically the Lpdies PriVato Medical Ad visor. a pamphlet of 64 pages, sent free to any address Six cents required to pay postage. The Pills and book will be sent by mail when de sired'Sceurely sealed, and prepaid, by J.BRYAN, M. D., General Agent No. 76 Cedar at., New York. tzr Sold by all the principal druggist*. Jau 20, 1864 r-3-n-23-ly. Court Proclamation. THERE AS. the Hon. WM ELWELL. Presi Court ot General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, and the President Justice of the Court of Oypr Ter miner and Gencnl Jail D iv ry. forthq tfial °of cap ital and other offences, for i\c twenty-sixth Judicial ' | District of Penn'ai'S. lfijSero, nnclN. H. Wal';, Esq?. ' ! Associate Judges of tho Court of Co"^m on p[ e ' as an ,j j GeneTtf 'garter Sessions of t he Peace, and Aseocl- | aje Justices of Dye- un( j Terminer and General Jail ; Delivery Z* the County of AVyouiing, have by their, precept to mo directed, ordered A GENERAL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER I AND GENERAL JAIL DELIVERY. ! to be held at Tunkhannock on Monday the 15th day • August A. D-, 18t>4. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coronor, all Justices ot' the Peace and Constables within the Coun- ; ty of Wyoming, that they be and appear in their pro [icr persons at the time and plane above mentioned, ' wth their rolls, rooords, inquisitions, examinations, recognizances and other remembrances, to do those ! tbin'-s which to their offices in that behalf respective- j ly belong, Notico ts'slse gi*en toat time wbc are bound by i laoognizanees to prosecute tho prisoner* that are or f shall be in the Jail of Wyoming County, thatthey be . then and there to prosecute them as shall be jest. t AHIRA GAY, Sfcerif. Sheriff's fHßee. ) Yaakkaaaeek. Mareh N, IMA < 'i ' I IMPORJANTTO FEMALES <( ( IPROCL M A T I O N ! TO THAI LADIES 1 Deth Married and Single. THE OLDEST REFIOLATOR M FEMALES. DR.CHEESEMAIPS FEMALE FILLS : 3Vill im*nediately relieve, without pain, nil disturb ! ance of the pefioiligdischarge, whether arising trom j relaxtlon or suppre ?ion. They act like a charm in j removing the pains that itccompany difficult oriin i —"derate menstruation, and arc tho only safe and | i\*liable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, I'aiiis ' in the Loin-. Back and Sides. Palpitation of the j Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, -Spasm?, Broken Sleep and other unplems nt and uangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. Xr: the worst cases of Fluor Alb us, or Whites, they ef feet a speedy cure. DR. CIl EES EM AX'S FEMALE PTLLr Have been u*ci OVER A QUARTER OF A (JEN- . TI'RY. Tbey are offered as the only safe means of! renewing interrupted menstruation, but T.adits must bear in mnifl that there is one condition of the fe male system in which the Pil/s cannot he taken \ mithou/./woducime- a JPJiCUIJIAR Rh'Sl',LT. — The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result, .MISCARRIAGE, Swh is the irresit ible tendency of f'te medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal conditi . thai xv en the pro dudi' e power of nature cannot resist it THEY CANNOT DO HARM inanv other way. DR.CHEKSEMAN S" FEMALE PILLS Are the only Medicine that MARRIED AND SIN* GLE LADIES have relied upon for many years, or can rely upon now. BEWARE OF I'M IT A TIONS! These Pills form the Finest Preparation ever put forward, with IMMELiIATD and PER SI STENT SUCCESS. DON'T UK DECEIV ED. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you i"ant the IJE NT and most RELJABL E FEMAL E MEDICINE IN TIIE WORLD, which is comprised in * DR. CUEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLB !!! They have received, and are now receiving the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS with each Box - the price, One Dollar per Box. contuiniug from 50 to GO Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptyl by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorized Agent, in current funds. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HUTCIIINGS A HILLYER, PROPRIETOR'?, 81 Cedar IStreet, A etc York IT So Id in Tunshannock, by J W. I yman. in ' Montrose, by Able Turrell. in Scranton ty L. S. A E. C Fuller, in Factory villa by all Druggis's The greatest improvement yet in the Sewing Ma chine art. A curiosity worth ocing. Please send for circular with 'arr.pla of sewing. These Imjsroved Machim ssave ONE HPNPDED PER CENT.of thread and sill':, and make the LOCKSTITCH alike on both side?. They no instruction to operate perfectly except 41 the printed directions-" No , hange in sewing from one kind of goods to another. And no taking apart to clean cr oil. Our NEW MANUFACTORY is now complete with all its machinery and tools entirely new, aud is already rapidly turning out Machines which for BEAUTY anl PERFECTION of FINISH are not surpassed by aDy manufacture in the w„jj. N B.—Should any Machine prove unsatisfactory, it can be returned and money refunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by OUJ own agent*. FINKIiE A. LYON. S. M. CO. No. 538 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK April 13 1863, v3-n35- TTiiiiNeEf —AGAINST— FIRET FIRE!! FIRE 1! ! Taken at tbis office, on. nil kinds of .Town and Country property, at the HOT REASONABLE TFRMS, and for any time from THREE MONTHS TO FIVE YEARS—either W 11*1* or W ITItOITT PRFMfI M NOTES 1 Is the company reliable 7 Will it promptly pay i its honest losses 7 are t : important inquiries with j all inFurers. We answer : j THE LYCOMING CO INSURANCE COMPANY i HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FOR TWENTY-THREE YEARS.—IT HAS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER $2,41 -0 IT PAYS FROM S6O, TO $125,000 LOSSES ANNUALLY. ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLT ADJUSTED AND PAID. EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED ANNU NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPE.VDITI RES AND OPERATIONS OF # TIIE NY TIIE COMPANY rS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. TIIE CHARTER IS PERPETUAL. Reference*. Ilqn. Wm. M. Piutt, lion. A K Peckbftph Henry Stark and Samuel Stark Esqs of this County ; Sayer A of Susquehanna, and George M. H""cnW'k and others of Lurerne County, ; *h" "nsure in and have been paid leases by this, • Company. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. 1 WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM ! Sewing-Machines. Tfic Cheapest and Best, OVFER 150.000 OF THESE WELL ESTABLISHED j. SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. ' roe Cucrua, IJIDIX-' ALXCIC, ho. AGENTS WANTEP. ff Address WHEELER & WtLSON Sctring-AfticJiinr Co. 704 Otoftntft Street, PNilsdelphi. N OTARUMDmNK A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED *■ VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PURE TOXIC, * D { ill AT WILL RELIEVE THE AFFICTID, AND Not make Drunkards* DR. HOOFLAN'S GERMAN BITTERS, Pit EPA BED BY lilt. C M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL EFFECT! - ALLY AND MOST CERTAINLY URE ALL DISESES ARISING FROM A •• ' DISORDERED LlVEft, STOMACH OR KIDNEYS, ' 1 hr.u-r.nds .f our eifi-ens are suffering from Dys pepsia and I.ivr;- Diseases, and to whom theft) lowing questions upply—we guarantee HOMELAND'S GERMAN BITTERS V.'JLI. CURE THEM ' HOOFLAXD'S GERMAN RITTLKS WILL CURi: EVERY CASE OF ' Chronic or Nervous PebilLty, Diieuet *t tile Kidneys, and Diseases srßlug fros a Disordered Stomach. ' ! OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS R esvltivsr from Disorders of the Digestive Organ*: Const!p i< i n, Inward Piles, Fullnes or Blood, to ii.* Head. Acidity ot the Stomach, Naqsea,Heart barn. In-gu.-t for Food, Fullness or Weight in tfc e . Steniaeb. Soar Eruet.tti n?, Sink'ng or Fluttering at the Pilot the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hur ried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering rd - the Heart Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lyinr posture, Dimness of Vi-ion, Dots or Webs before the ro* ran i I,uil l ain ,hc w ® a <*. n " f '" u t*rr of Perspiration, Y'ellowness of the Skin and Eves, Pa:n in the Side, Buck, Chest, Limbs, Ac., SttdW Flushes of limit, Burning in the Flash, Coneta'at la. agin.ngs of E. I' UTICILA NOTICE There, are man;/ preparations sold under the nam4 oj bitters, put up in quart buttles, commanded of the cheapest wkuskey or comir on rum, costing from CC ' L 9 P er gallon, the taste disguised by Anus or Lor land-, r Seed. htis eta s of bitters has caused and will continssu to cause as long as they can be sold, hundreds to dis the death of the drunkard by their use the meter,% is kep ontiuuully under the injbtrnce of Alcholic stimulantg of the vor st kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the remit is all the hor rors attendant upon a drunkards and de Uh. - For those who desire and will have a Liquor hitters, are publish the following receipt. Get One ~oofflal,< l's German Hitters ai>4 rn.Lt with Three (Inarts of Good Brandy <> Whis key, and the remit will be a preparation t,Oat will tar excel i:i medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor bitters in the market and well coat much less. You will hare all the rtr/ueso^lloo(land's Hitters in connection with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than these mf-mor preparations will cost you. IIOOF LAND'S GERMAN BITTER WILL GIVE YOU AGOOI) APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES. WILL GIVE YOU BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS WILL ENABLE .YpC TO AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, R Those suffering Irom broken doutn and Delicate Constitution*, From whatever causes, either in MAM: AND FT MALE, WILL FIND IN HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS A. REMEDY That will restore them to their usual health. Saeh has been the case in thousands of instances, aud m lair trial is but required to prove the assertion. From Re r. J I lew lon Brown, D. D., Editor of A* Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received" from any simple preparation, iu the hope that he may thus coottibute to the benefit of others. . : I do this the more readily in regard to Booffand'e German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M Jackson of tins city, because I was prejudiced aga nst them'for many years, under the impression that they ware chiefly an aieoholie mixture. lam indebted to ay friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for -the removal oI this prejudice by proper testa, and far encourage®•* to try thetn. when suffering from great artd long coi tinucd debility. The use of three bottles of thoso Bitters, at the beginning of the pr sent year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to* de gree of bodily and meat I vigor which I had not fait for six months before, and had almost despaired of re#umng. 1 therefore (Lank God and my friend for directing me to the n- of them. 1 HILAII A, June 23, IRJL. J. NLWTOK BROW*. DISEASES OF KIDNEYS AND 3LADDER, In A nutig or Aged, Male or Female, trpcediiy removed, and the patient restored to healUt DELICATE Those suffering from MARASMUS, wasting away with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cared in* very short time: one bottle in such oases will have a most surprising effect. T*A RENTS Having suffering children 03 above, and wishing la raise them, will never regret the day they souimene ed with these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working hard with their brains, should al ways keep a bottle of Hooflatid's llitters near them, as tlifey will find much benefit from its use. to both mind and body, invigorating and not depressing. IT IS NOt A LIQ,LOIt STIMULANT,' AND LEAVES NO PROSTRATION, ATTEST J Oft, SOLDIERS I AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. Wc ca.l attention of ail having relations or friends in the army to the fact that " IIOOFLAND'S Gar man Bitters' will cure nine tenths of the diseases in duced by exposures and privations incident to camp life. In the lists, published almost daily in the news papers, 011 the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very lar e \. proportion ire suffering from debil- I itj\ Every ease of that kind can be readily cured Iby Hootbind's German Bitters. We have no hesita tion 111 stating that, if these Bitters were freely use! among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be sayed . that otherwise would be lost. K0 The proprietors are daily receiving thankful,Jettsrs... , from sufferers in the army and hospitals, who have i been restored to honUh by the use of these Bitters, ' t sent to theui by their friends. BEIYARE OF COUNTERFEITS. •' ' See that tin* Signature of ! 'O. M. JACKSON 1 ' is 011 the WRAPPER of'each Bottle, lrire per Dottle 1 >1 cents, ur Ilati Hot. for 84,00, Should your nearest druggist not havo the artiste % i do not be put off by any of the intoxicating prepare- ' ' tions that way be offered in its place, but send to as, | and wc will forward, securely parked, by experts j Principal Office and MauufartOrj, NO. i ARSHSTREET, _ JONES & EVENS; (ftiecessors to C M. JAOKSON A Co ) Proprietors./ ' VW FOP BALK bv Drnggiiw red TteetaaK erv t*wi ia >* I'rwj ?*•*