■ - FOR— , ic.r ■- Bargains. WAR OR NO WAR, Tin: PEOPLE ARE BOUXD TO HAVE mom ®im? o 0. L. HALLSTEAD AND SON have just received, and are constant ly receiving, a large stock of goidg, consisting of Dry Goods, y 7 Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Reatly- Made Clothing, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Nails, Lime, Flour, Salt, Fish, Pork, Clover and Timothy Seed, Soaji, Candles, Grind Stones Plow- Castings, a.ul everything usually kept in lirst class stores. GREAT BARGAINS IN— Dry Goods. Wc are n<>'.v prepared to exhibit a'l the most popular variet : *s of Fall and Wintei Dress (roods, Lades Clothes, shawls, h hmr.e's, Hosiery, Br.lmorai Skirts, 11:r-. Hoods, Sontags, Scarfs, Under Garments. &c. &c., all at very low prices. O. L. H LLSTEAD & SON. WANTED. All kinds of Farmers Produce.— Lumber, hingles, Wool Socks, Sheep Pelts, Beef Ilides, and everything that will sell ; for which the highest market price will be paid. NICHOLSON, July 29. lgr.l. LIMB FOR FARMERS, AS A.FRRTITTZE for sale at VKKNOY tlrcbopptn, ?ept 18 iw. " fillfffElM ; T | i our Tirrmt a. famtlv sewing m achtve it frt gaining a trwl'l-wide r-pn'atioo. It is bu j yoVrJ do'.ibt t!ic*bt.u ai. l slic tiHdt and ui"St beautiful of all Fa mil/ Sewing Machines yet offered to the public Ki> other Family Sewing .Machine ha" so ! many nsej'cl appliances for lleuimfng, Binding. Fell ing. Tucking. Gathering, (iuaging, Braiding, E:n- . br-o lcring, Cotdi '.nil so forth. No other Family Sewing M mimr h iseo much rapacity tor a great variety cif tv<.k It will s -ty all kinds of cloth, j and with all kind* olthread. Great an 1 recent iL proveuicnta make our Family Sewing Machine tnojt reliable, an i inest diirc'-de. ami most certain in ac tion at all rate# of speed, Tt makes the interlocked stitch, which is t!i" best #Mteh SnoWn. Any one, ev en of the tuuet ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance, how to use the letter A. Family Sewing Machine. — Oar Family Sewing Machines .-.re tiui.-iicJ in chaste and esS B road war, New York. 1 f |7"Plil!adelplila Office, * i O fft est nut St. I j j 1 aawis mmw mm AN D I j E X s iKt 9b.op. tP HE subs . r p or hv> just received at his shop, over i iiaiikitisi n's S'.oie. in PA., I and wilt cci.stau ly ktcp oi hand sli the 1 itcrt ;MPROVED COIN! MS| Among wli: h ar the " EALOk IC," MIXER and i "UNION" patterns, with PARLOIt ST *V£S and ' '.'caters of every description, which be offers for j 3Pay ; at prices th it will defy competition I His stoves arc bought direc"; >• t the Manufaetur-' ; orsat >I,I.ANY, Wll.lv I SB MIRK PROVIDENCE ! 'On sf'KA\'l "N lie i- thor ore ennblod to soil "cu; at a small advance on the original co t TJH, SHE £ T -1R OM, ! Copper Ware. ( all kiu !i on It. n i a; : lin id t> r. !• r A' so I'll*. >V Vt.O V ;I >. i . ;) '-s.s (1 ti- SII '' I ! i I I Th- popular C < .kin - S' .ve, Fuk* c s t li uec n, Elevated oven) i* n-nv fu the f;r., offered at i S-0 for cir a. f y inch, BEPAmiWJAHB 3088H48 neatly and promptly tl< as. li EN ii V STAN'S UURY. i Mc.-bcppen. Dec. 17th, !->;"/?—\ ?aiTS j r P!IE EBSCRIP.KII HAS HAD IN Sl T CE€SSFI"L X cper.it'.c>n. for sever. I years, a . \E zJ£ 2 £ r TTZ\jW^TVXDiJ*L., * | where all of the uiost approvd mi l rare kimis of I rRUIT d- ORNAMENTAL TREES, I Can be obtained. Being cn\ ncd from e .rience thar his Trees i and Plants will give far better sati- faction to the ■ Fruit-growers < t Wyoming ( . unty than any grown ■in other localities he confidently soil . its their patron- i i t He will make annual visits either in person or by ! his agents to most of the townshi; .f U yoiuing To . i ' cud asks only that his omens uw>y no csaminej an ! bis ii ethod of dealing be ti -t-1 Al! orders by f -t'-r or otherwise, for Trees, vines or | pj nta will be promptly intended to. , * t.' .il-ly. b IIARK INS. • i HARD WAR E & IRON ' mm sbo's -s> \OW Ol'FEIt FOR S At.l. ? t IRON, STET, NAJLS AND SPIKES. MINE RAII,. RAILROAD SPIKES, AXVri.S, BELLOWS, PL UN A CON YEN HOR.-E-SHOES. HAM MERED JIOBSE NAILS. <; WROUGHT IRON, j BUILDERS' nmuun, CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, ( ILL WARE \NI ; r> ) HERS, SPOKES. FKLLOI..S • EAT l SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES PIPE BOXES SPFJNG : T EL. 1 I BOTTS, NETS, w ISII I ERS JtKLTINO, 1 PACKING, GR:MD STONES; ' I PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. IIAIR, >I!OVEL<. M IIITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, "*> All li, ULIEUNSWAKE, CEASXWAKF., HOOTg ek SHOES' IIOS CAPS. And ft Variety of otlicr Articled too . Numerous to mention, Cheaper Thau fJeer i !. C. SHERWOOD, ! Has received direct trom the cities of | PHILADELPHIA i IffiW-YK, The Largest, Cheapest and Best Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods (Purchased entirely for Cash) ever offered in MILL TOWN, which he is selling at UNCOMMON LOW PRICES! I * His /Stock, which he intends to keep always Full, embiTcese very thing wanted by the People in this Place, and customers can at all times rely on getting the Articles they may want, at /Satisfactory Prices. lie is not to he undersold by any, and asks the Public to call and examine his STOCK. He would ask the LADIES ot call and Examine his Assortment of ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS! AN I> I'ANC Y A T ICI, S , OF W lilt II HE H AS Hie FIRST C HOICE. POSTSCRIPT. His stores at EWTON CENTRE and li \UKIE —making three in all, are also in full blast, thereby ena bling him to keep up a complete is ortmeot iu sadi. C PR FRVVf op Nov ** n 18(V* .THE CONFESSIONS ANU EXPERIENCE OF A NERVOUS INVALID. Published for the i-cneiit and a ■? a < auti->n to vouug men. and others, who suffer trom Nervous Debility" ' Early Decay, and their kindred ailments—supplytn" ! the means of Self-cure. Ity oun who has cured hitrP I self after being a victim of misplaced confidence in 1 medical humbug ami quackery. By enclosing a post, paid directed envelope, single copies may be had of ! I tho author, NATHANIEL MATRATR, E-P, BEDFORD-' if'MX® ?oualf, Kp Terjr - yj-itli-ly f RA^FOAD. CII/AdNTGE OF TIMB j . j ON aftd after Monday. November 25th 1 SGI, Trains will run as follows : EXPRESS PASSENGER TEA INS Leave Great Bcnil at ..7:20 A. M. | New Milf-ru •* T:N9 " Montrose- S:0O " Ilopbottom • 8:23 " Nicholson 8:40 44 FaUpryville 904 " A Ling ton 9*20 " SCRANTON 10:00 " Moscow 10:41 " Gouldsboro 11:07 " Tcbyhanna- 11:20 " Struud-burg 12.32? P. M Water Gap .-12:46 •' j Oeiuinbia ••••!:00 " Delaware I:2S 44 llopn (Philadelphia connection) • • 1:33 '• Oxford 1:53 " Washington 2:10 " .1 unction 2:32 " j Arrive at New York- 5:30 " Philadelphia 6mt) 44 MOVING NORTH t Lenvo New York from foot i f Courflaml | Street -8:00 A M. i Pier No. 2, North River, 7:00 " | Philadelphia, from Kensington Depot 7:10 •' j Leave J unction 11:15 " Washington 11:33 " Oxford 11:50 ' Hope (Philadelphia connection)•• 12:14 P. M. Delaware 12:43 " Columbia 1.-00 '' Water Gap 1:16 " Stroudsburg 1:30 " j Tol-yhanna 2:43 " j Goublsboro 2:55 " i Moscow ' 3.17 " SCR AN TON 1:10 " Ahmgton -1:10 " J Factoryvi'le ,:56 " Nicholson 5.16 " j Ilopbottom 3:38 " Montrose 6:PO 44 | New Milfur.J 6:21 " Arrive at Great Bend 6:40 44 ' fc V* These Trains onnne< t . t Great lb-n l with the Night-Express Trains both East and West on the New York UOJ Erie, and at Scranton wiiii Trains on j Lackawanna an-l Bloomsbnrg Railroad fur Pit-sti.n. j Kingston an I Wilkcsb trre ; :ui 1 the Train m>v South contents at Junction iih Trains for Dethic-' iieni, Mauch Chunk. Pending and llarrisuurg. Passengers to and from New York change cars •< Junction. To aiul Fr-un Philadelphia, vm 15. D. R R., leave or take c;.-# at Hope. F-i Pittstun, Kingston :u,i Wilke-Larre, t ike L. ,k P. R R. car.- at Scrant -n. ForJcssu; Archbald and Carbon-dale, take Omni bus at S" ronton. ACC) 1 ion AI ION TIIAIN. MOVING NOR'i II ; Leaves S wanton '1:50 41 Al -.ngt. n .55 , Factory vil ■ il.-bO " Nicholson 11-30 44 } r i.pl>tfom 12:05 P. M Montroe 12:45 '• New '. fortl 1:20 44 Arrives at v..eat l end 1.45 41 , MOVING SOUTH ! Leaves Great Bend 2:10 P. M : New Mi!?-.i 1 2:.!5 4 - ?.! .ntre.-em -3:05 ' j Ib-P'oH.. 3; 15 44 Nt- fnrisofl 1:15 14 j ' Fa- toryville 5:13 14 j A'-.ingtan 5-40 44 Arr.v?s at SiTiaton 6.50 4 * | This Train leaves S. rant a alt-r the arrival ofthc j i'r .In from Kingston, avid o meis at Great 4!end with 'he Ray lixpie-.- Tiaius bo'b Ei.-tand West or. , i-'e.v York an i Eric. .TOUN BRIBBIN, Supt. Biiperiutc:.dci.:'.- ~ii e. > Scranton, No . I-j! \ I i ~ " Del., I.ack. ek W o-t rti Itnilroad. THE PASSENGER TRAIN | EAVES GREAT BEND AT 740 A M AF jl i terthe arrival at 50 a.m..of theCINCINNA j TI EXPBE>S from tho West, connecting at i .-t'KANTON. wiiere i: artivrs at 10.10 a. m. with .. : tram on t cL \* !-. \WANNA and BI.tW.MSB' BG HA 11.ROAD, for PITIS'IvX. WYG.MING \'A L- I.EY, KINGS 1. N a:.l W4LKES BARBE ami with the DEL AW All E and HUDSON RAILBOAI) for PR OVf DE.Vt'i:. t.'LYPHANT and CARBOND.M.E. At HOPE 1 ATIOX this irain i-oiinei-ht by omnibtis with the BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD ! for PfHLIPSBI HG, I'REX TON and PHILADA.- 1 \t NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION, .vhcre it ar , lives at 2.35 p. in , tho some train corrects with 1 trains on t!. • CEXTK ' L HA I S.ItOAD of New .lor ' s.• v . for ELIZABETH, NEWARK, NEW-YORK. , EASTi'N, BETIiLEME.M, ALLEN'TOWN, M \UCfI j Fill NK. READING and IIARRISBUIM. i'assen • ger-1 y this trim arrive in NEW YORK at 5.50, in PAILADELi'IIIA at 7.69. and in UARRISBURG it 820 p m The trtins leaving foot of COFRTI.AND ST.. NEW-YORK, at S.Oli a m , and KKN'SIi'vGTON DEPOT, Plill.A DELPHI A nt 710 a tti . conm-et ' wftii the Passenger Train of this road, leaving NEW j HAMPTON JUNCTION v 11 20 a.m. and arr'.v --! inj? at SCR ANTON at 102 p. Nt . where it connects with n train m the LACKAWANNA and BLOOMS BURG RAILROAD, and with the omnibus running to the DELAWARE and HUDSON RAILROAD This train arrives at GREAT BEND at 6.10 p. rn , making a close conn tion with the mail trail: going West on the ERIE RAILWAY. AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves SCRANTON nt 10 10 a. in , connecting at GREAT BEND with tho day Express train West on (lie ERIK RAI I.WA Y. Bv this trai i passet grs ar } rive at ITHACA, SYRACUSE, BUFFALO, Ac. the is line day. Returning, this train leaves GREAT | BEND at 2.20 p. ur, on the arrival of the ND\V "j YORK EXPRESS going East, and BUI rALO EX PRESS going West, an 1 arrhceir. S3RATON at 5 30 p, m. JOHN BRISBIN, Superintendent. R. A lle.nrv, General Ticket Agent, -cranton, June 15. 1863 'THE Xrj-xTEST | FROM EUR OPE D fully cnnfirimtorv of r >micr rcpons that THE ' DUTCH HAVE POSSESSION OF IIO!,- i LAND. It is also authoritatively announced that ! o. s. IVfi llss > i ! has exclusive posses: : >n of the ) | ' STOVE AND TIN-SHOP I AT— TUNKHANNOCK, ; where every thing in ?ko lino of his trade can be , ! hud at the t LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. i HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat : est and most improved Patterusof i OOOBLmG-, AXD PAfiL-QS STG-¥ES, | with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to O'l short notice and on • ! REASON A I* 1/ i: TEH M S. HE PAIRIKT G, PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE. | O 8. MILLS 1 rnnkticro k f NT 1, • |u '"The Latest Styles! I —OF— | SPUING- & ftUAJ -YfKui Bonnots, * MILLINERY GOODS. I i { harejiwt hern reeeivtd nt the eatablKhment rf LOUISAHEPBURU, 1 ! ! on Tioga Street, p|#-rite the Post-nffiee, where will be found Ladies. L'hilrca, Mift-c., nn l Boy's FLATi, ; I HATS, and CAPS; IIE A D-L It ESSES, *RI BINS i FLOWERS, end TRIMMINGS, a til everylhing in the line of.Milliner- vrhLh will be Eul-1 of the i.ires! Cash Prir'S. Repairing promptly an Ine ii!* done. I.adie. p! en so, call art! examine for them#c!v Tunkbnnnerk.Oet 3 1562 —\2ull lvwil "W ! smmi ? AND - CHAI f I Cr- '-eT'A ~ . l MANUFACTORY! i— _ , The pules,-riler ha- p.iPt <> :ne ? .: new T arntru-t j ; Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkh.iuiioc-k. j next door to C. 31. I\ on's grocery si te— where arc i kept on hand an 1 inanufuHu cd to order: TABLES of all -ii-.cp. pattci'.i-. an l aba. CHAIRS Cnnc-xeat, F! ur - * •*t. u, an ! t-o.u'r.on. BURE AU-" 4 ol nil sfyb-p. EU-.-P, and ra-i ■?#. BEDSTEADS. Cottage nr. i common. CENTRE TABLE-. WORK >T. .S, BOOK CASES, and i-iv '-1 wary thi- g '.tin- h i-.in be foil 1 j ? t'el. at i:-v a Joa a- tiiey Mil I e | bough' in any town *>u: .le th- ei :ep. Being :::t I i-fied thai lie 'an compete, i .(!* i w riimni.ship ai ! prices with any e-iiv ili.-hn-uni ... the '.-ountiy. l.t ■>- ■ : li.-i the 1u- lie 4 atronagc. t EPAIRIXG of all k'trbd. :.e ' 1 lit .f, r'.i'-rtai.- ! MCI nod workman'rke niannt-r. • \ ll.—Old cane-seat < hair*, new ?ca 4 - i -ml r j paired. j UNDER TAKlNG.—Having a Hcnre -.f hi- w:. and having ha li. ti.-'i expi-iic.. i u .ii "t i ! this dtp iriureiit -X t'.e '• . .-.m--- on sh i i , | ?n ja fiiil-iif. 'ULt r. A BRA II AM 13 A ,\s. , I Jul v 13, 1 62. —a lol'.H y | CROCKERY!!! A l/Liy." ;*■':• ek just fUjiun-.'.t AT I T. r,. KOSS fit (.'(.AS., | {.feii | WALL I' APF.IL W \j f_ f> \ WA! !. I'AFKU' AY.M/OW >[!AII-i WINDOW SHADES. WIN"Do A SHADES. OF Af.l. S i Y LEA CLOTH Sil \ <)j.;s Wl i|| IU I; i>l IL S t'LO ! II SHADi ■ YVi'l !! UOriDEUS. , FIXTURES AND KOi.L! ]>,< OMiM.K! E FIXTURES AND Eoi.f.KHS fuMi I K! E. ! EM IJROIDEHED MUSI.IN t'l II TAINS. EMlli'Ol DELEi> Mi Si !N <1 CTAIN 4 -"* E.MIiROHJEIiEI) .Vil si.iN CUGTAIXS. ALSO A Large Stock of White Goods; SWISS MI LS DOTTED SWISS MUM.IN". BRII.LTA NTS, JACONETS, LACKS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, i SPRING SKIRTS, GLOWS, ; RUM/ Af.LXANDIIES F. | D And a Large Stock of YANKEE NOTIONS, I N Jrun, 4 a. i Is, White-Lead, Z He, Linseed Oil, Gla.>s, l'utty, Door-Locks, and a general assortment of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Fish, of all kinds. i I C4Sdb. i'Po.iea I for a.I kinds of Grain. , ; Tunkhannock, March, btli 18G4. Fott HATS, MICE, ROACUEH, A\TS, BI:i> Brcs I MOTHS IN Frits WOOUKSS, ic„ INSHTS ox FLAMS ' FOWLS, ANIMALS, 1 Put up in r.ie. 50c. au-1 SI 00 Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. 8i and 85 sires for Hotels, and Public in , stiiutions, Ac. ''Only iufaliil !e remedies known." „Frec Ir Pwisooa." . j j '•Not dat.g*rou to Mic Human Family.' 1 ; "Hats come out of their h les to die." L'fTSold A\ holt-sale in all large cities. £ U sold by all Druggi.-ts a- Retailers everywhere < • ! ! Br.w.vßi; ! ! ! of all worthless imitation j I ■; Re ' ' -* v j - i <:•*' *■* * rv r 1 ; >v lD y : SCROFULA AKD SCROFULOUS DISEASM. From Enu ry Fries, a weti-Luown t,t< cium.l cf o.rf.rd, Maine. " I have ••old large quantities of-your Bakrafab* ilj.a, but never vet one bottle which tailed of the desired effect and"lull sati-faction to those who took it As fast as our people try it, they agree there liu been no medicine like it before in our community 4 * Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin, From. Her. Ilr,fit. Stratfon. Itristot, England. •' I only do my duty to you and the public, whea I add my testimony to thut jou publish of the me dicinal virtues of your Saubafauilla. My daugh ter, aged ten, hail au afflicting humor in her ears, eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to cure until we tried your Sa rsara p.ii.la. bhe bee been tvell for tonic months." From Mr*. Jane F,. Hire, a scell knotrn and Mack esteemed lady qf Dennisvillc, ' 'ape May Co., X. J. " My daughter has Buffered tor a year pnat with e ecrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your 8a i* •apahilla, which toon completely cured Iter." From Charles I'. Cage, Esq.,qf the widly-knownft, m qf Cog., Murray if Co., manufacturers qf enam elled pap. rs in \askua, A'. 11. 44 I had for several years a very tioubleaonw Ate tnor in my face, v. hich grew constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became an intolerable affliction. _ 1 tried almost everything a man could of . bctU advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until F took your Sarrafaru.la. Ii immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few weeks tiie new akin t gau to form under the blotches, aud continued' until my face is as smooth as au; body's, and 1 am' without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owu it to your Sarbaparilla." EryEipalas General Debility Purify th* Blood. From T)r. Hoht San-in, Houston fit., A*. Y. Dr. Aver : I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your Sakhapakilla. and 1 have just now cured ail at tack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No altera tive we possess equals the salsa barilla you hav# supplied to the profession as well as to the peopW." From J. E. Johnston, Esq , W ahem an, Ohio. " For twelve venrs 1 had the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm. during w hich time 1 tried ail the oeb eb'rated physicians I could reach, and took hundreds of doliats' worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that mv arm must bo amputated. 1 began, taking vourSARBAPARtLLA. 'l ook two bottles, aud some of your Fills Together they have cured me. iam now as well and sound as anybody. Being in • public place, my case is knowu to" everybody in tide Community. and excites the Wonder of all.'' From Her.. Ilenry Monro, M. P. P . < f Setr cattle, C. if'., a leading member qf the Canadian Parliament. " I have used your Sarbapakii.la in inv family, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial results, aud leel confidence ia commending it to the afflicted.'' Et. Anthony's Fire, Boso, Salt Rheum, ficald Head, Sore Eyes, From Harvey Sickler, Esq., the aide editor qf th* Tunckhan nock Democrat, Pennsylvania. 14 Oar only child, about tlft-ee years of age, was at tacked by pimples on lus forehead They rapidly spread uiiti! they formed a ioathsome ai d virulent acre, which covered his face, aud actually blinded bis eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of sib cr and'other remedies, without anyap parc nt effect. For fifteen day swe guarded his hands, I< et with them he should tear open the festering and corrupt wound which covered his whole face. Ttav jug tried evcrv thing else we had any hope from, wo began giving*your .Sarsaparilla" and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. The soru bega . to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we had finished the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, ami he is now as healthv and fair as anv other. The whole neiglil oi hood predicted that tlic cfiiiti must die."' Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From l)r. Hiram Slont. of St. Louis. Missouri. "I find your Sarsaparilla a more effectual remedy for* the secondary symptoms of Syphiln, and for syphilitic disease tnau any other we posses®. The profession are indebted to you for some of the best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M />., on eminent physician qf Eatrrence. Mass.. mho is a prominent member tf the Legislature of Massachusetts. "Dr. Aver— My dear isir: I have found your Sarsaparilla an* excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary and secondary type, ana effect ual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can em ploy with more certainty of success, where a power ful alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. I'an Licic, of Few Bruntwck, A*. J., had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the a bus* of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more" aggravated for years. In spite of every remedy cr treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of Aveu'p Sa hsava killa relieved him. Few case <•' -' c found more inveterate and distressing than . . :.nd it took se\eral dozen bot tles to cure him. Leueorrhoea, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrqfulous Vices* ation. and are verv often cured by the alterative effect of this Faks'aparilla. Fome cases require, however, in aid of the Sarsaparilla, the sxilfla application of local remedies. From the wel'-Pnoirn and widety-csUbrated Br. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. 44 1 .ave found your Sarsapakilsa an excellent alterative id diseases of females Many cases of ir regularity, Leucorrhcea, Internal Ulceration, and local deb'ilitv, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, aini there are few that do not. when its effect is properly aided by local treatment.'* A ladyj unwilling to allow the publication qf her name, writes: 44 My daughter and myself have lieen cured of# very debilitating Leueorrhoea of long standißg, by two bottles of your Sarsaparilla." Rheum at ism, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cured by this Ext. Sarsaparilla. AYE R'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other pur gatives in the market, and their superior virtue# are so universally knovtn, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the I>est it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., 4 CO, Lowell, Mass.", atul sold by S. _ 41.„ 0.i ; 1 IK Spring. Laeeyvil'a llardinf A C.i., >'ii-Sa-b"u; E A J Frciir, Facieiy . fills, A '.i by dealers in Me li ones every where. j Traveling Public I ! r r° aeeotiitiiodiife person - wishing to go l.v fcilic 1- t >nvi yanse from this place to any sect fin, or re turn, the undersigned continues tj run a Daily X-nl xio 0! 4 ' ©t® m fir 1 sa © u and fr..m Fa. teryvillc leaving bis hotel at (5 c -1 ok, .a. , arriving at Fact- .y ville in tiuic foe. Trains to £reat pcn&, SrraHtun, IIeu:-!)jrk, awl PHILADELPHIA. i.eturntog, loaves Fuetoryvine en the arrini ... .ho Yew ork, PuiledclpLia nnj Accouuuoda. ti..n rrain from Ureal Rend, arriving ia Tunkhsn i;.> ii at 7 o'clock, p ;u. '* B.—All Y '.xprcss inalto-, pi' kagos ttnd goods will l>c conveyed to .nd fr.mi the 1 j. t at lee-omthlu rates; the proicfi-tor bolu.sg himself ro-pirnsi' : e for ihc snfc -le-lit i /of nlrfU.-'t cntru ft 11 a bilcfire. Towan :.t sti;c arri.es at th:- b>Ul at 12'clock, til. lleturnipg, leaves at 3 o'clock, 1> ui Stages f. r I'ittster, Wyoming, antl Wilßesbarrc, leavo (.ii the arrival of the Towanda s'age, and re turtiinr* connect ivilh the same. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thurs-btys "d Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. tu., connecting at Montr-e with stages for Bingbamton, Ac. Returning, emit ..is with stages for Pius on, Towanda, Jtc. Persons wishing (.> bo called for at tueir residence# will be accoißUMhiatcd by leaving their names at U. hotel of the i roprietor. liui'see and Carriages in readiness toforward pa* et'.gcrf at ail tint?*. ► p r *4 1 J*. WA