ajoint uksolltion, piiorosixa aer.TAi* Amendmsts to the Coustltutian. Be is resjWe ftjur, as fol lows ; i SBOTION 4, Whenever any of the qualified elec- j toraof thts Commonwealth shall be in any active 1 military service, under a requisition from the Pre*:- | dent of tho United States, or by the au:hority of ho j Commonwealth, such electors may exercise tho right • of in ail elections 'oy tec citizens, under such regulations as ire or shaii be, prescribed by j lsWj w fully as it they were present at their usual place of election." S*crton 2. Haere shall be two additional section# to the eleventh article of tho Constitution. te be des- j lgneted M sections, eight and sine, as follows: '•SctW* 8* No bill shall be passed by the leg's- j leture. containing more than one subjrot which shall be clearly expressed ia the tile, except apptopria- ! ■mi bills " "SBCTiof 9 No bill shall be passed by the Legis lature gnmting nay powers, or privilege#, in any * eas4, where the authority to grant such powers,, or ; privilege*, has been or tuny hereafter le conferred upon the courts of tlusC'iniinuawewMli." HENRY C. JOHNSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNY, Speaker-of the Senate. Orrici ox THE SECHETARY or THE Comma- ij WF.AI.Y.H HAKIUSBL'IIG, .April 25, f Pennsylvania, S*S. Ido hereby certify that tho foregoing is a full, true..and correct copy of the original Joint Reso lution of the Geuerai .Assembly, entitled "A Ji/'nl Resolution proposing certain Amen linents to the Constitution," as the same remains en hie in iht office. [Seal.] I* TESTIMIXT whereof, I hare hereunto set my hand and cause i the seal of the Secretary's office 'o be affixed, the day and year about written ELI BLIFER, Sec. of the Common weaUh ' i The above Resolution having been agree 1 to by a majority of the members of each II ml", at t*o suc ce-eive sessious of the Geneml As* mbiy of this ConitnoOwea'lh, the proceed ;un*ndini*itUi will be submitted to the peopl". for ib-tr adopeion or rejec tion, on the FIRST TUESDAY >F ACGU-T, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred, a d 1 sixty-four, in aeoor Initio With the provisions of the Ccnth article of the Constitution, ami the acieuiiilci anl the act entitled. "An act ( ,tc ni.ing the time and manner of sutmiilting to the. people, for their approval and safifs-ation, or rejection, the proposed j amendments to tl.o Outstitution." approved .the twenty-third d*y of April, one thou.-unJ, eigct bun- ; drol and sixty-four ELI SLtIER. Socr-tn* v of the 0 laua mwea'th. Harrisburg, May, 9. —dtn. BUCKEYE MOffES 111 MS Fawners should secure one of these excellent M i chinos at oncn as the supply i- limit- !. ai I v.e me confident thnf the demands f>r tho above M.tchiriv will be great the coming sea-'-n as the liIt'KEYK . iethe best Machine flow in use and i.s the be* adaj t e l to rough, hilly, an i uneven ground, is the tisa: durable an i is managed with the gte&ieit ease of all "titer machines now in use. For further particular? a 1 ires? JoIIN r. STONE, .Agent f.>r Wyoming County, Wilkes Burro, i'a. Also Manufacturer ot llOltSJPuWtt* r { I i I I AND SEPEH \TOKS. s's. Manufacturer of IVIU'.KIf S I'\TKNT('OMH!N- J'.L; THIiLSIIi 'U A C 1.1 : V.N 1 Hi, i the best in the State. v3n4o dm. "him iisTifiT i e? ml Tunkliiiiuiofk, l'n. —d— T. !\ PERKINS, Principal,: J. Jl. Nul l:. Atsisiuitl. -°- . . . I The first *- nd only full term of this Institution tor this year will com met me n Wcdnr* IAV. July 2b*ih. | 1-64, and continue six week' Tte object of the It) • stitute is to :tif>r 1 facilities for a /''tori, ir' t Muti'zi Education, especially to •urh ladies and gentlemen aa are desirous of qualifying f em-elves tor :n ti ers of music, either v > -1 urinstruuvut il. or st chor isters. For circular* r.nd further i: fi.rmnlmr. apply to P. i P Ross Esq. or A. E. Lsu k. iutikhniiao-k, Pcnna r to the Priu ipil T E l'.*rkiu . care of 1". J. Hun ttngton 4>-4 JJr< erne St. New York. Bw. ADMINISTRATOR 'S S.E Of Personal Property# The Subscribers will sell at public sale by vendue at the late residence o" Jacob Fiumcrfe'-t, IN* MESIIoPPEN, ON THURSDAY, JUNK 2, 1804. - j at 10 o'clock A. M. the toilowtng described personal property, to wit; TWO HORSES, ONE COLT, YOKE OXEN, FIVE j COWS, LOT OF YOUNG CATTLE. 1 WENTY- ! FIVE SHEEP, SEVEN HOG-, •!♦> Wagons, Harness Sleighs, snj other firming utensils -n lot of Oak lugs, grain on the ground j else household furniture, ,tc Ac. TERMS—AII um.unler five dollars, cash down all sums ovi r five dollars, nine irimtlis erodit, with' approved secu.-itv. JOHN FLT MEP.FELT, ) , , . SARAH FLI MERFKLT. S r? A GENTLEMAN, cure I < { Ntrvuus Dol>i!ity. In- • eompclency, Premature Decay and Youthful Error, | actuatee by a de-ire to benefit others, will he hip.-v j to furnish to all who need i , (free of charge ). the i re *ipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in hiscase Those w.-hitig to profi! i y hi. and possess a Valuable Retried , w 11 rciciie the came, . by return mail, (carefully scale i,) by ad in-s-mg JOIIN 11. OGDEN No* 6U Nassau street. New York. v 3 r.-10-3ir.0., Willi! AICTIOI!! c. ti Vaa.TJGriijNr Licensed Auctioneer forth# County of Wyoming will attend to the rl or | personal property on short notice and reasonable [ terms. Mvcnopanv Pa. , ... . May 5 til: I=o4 $ *• * '* 'jLN FRESH GROUND DM BURST i CAYUGA Plaster* FOR SALE, i IS CHEAP IS THE' j CIiEAPEbT, BY E mowrey, J,., I V re " h round Plaster h, ci, lan ,it P""' 1 "'"* lor,. _ MowrtJr a rgTjtVx'' ip rm. j i INGHAM andWRENCH, Manufacturers and Dealers In '¥l ON WYALUSING CItEEK, CAMPT \VN, BiiADF ItD Co Pa Hulls (larded and Cloth Finished. MANUFACTURE CLOTH FOR CUSTOMERS ON SItARES CR AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES PER YARD: Casstmere, IN it Finish, fine 45 cents Plain Cloth, tio 45 lt Gray and Mixed Cassimeres,4s " Tweeds, 32 " Common Fulled Cloth, 40 " White Flannel, 22 " Madder Red Fiaanel, 32 " Gray Flannel 26 14 1 The Gray Flannel made wtth taste and very suite ' j ble for Clothing* HARVEY IMC,IIAM | AMOS WRENCH. i w Pere .nliving at a distance can have rolls ; csr lo Isoas to t ike thein home with them ; and saveriie expense nf a second trip. Ma:.ufacture of Woolen (ioode ! lUAI'TUR 1 The Manufacture oi Woolen Goods, both in the household and in the factories, h ia become of great , i porta nee on aeeanntofjits funning at present our principal articles of clothing. The nature of our eli uiatc make it neccessary, and tbn scarcity of Cotton has greatly increased t.he value of wool and Fahricks made troiu it • and being engaged in tiie business of makingClorh and Flannel, and a!s > oil Girding, and t lotb I'ressing. we hsvi- thought few remarks with regard to hai, ding Wool, and the proper pro cess of Manufacture might be of .ervicj to tin. coun try. and u benefi' to ourselves ihe first proees- with the farmer wlio intends to m ike his wool info rolls for spinning ml weaving al home, after washing mi 1 shearing, is assorting the qualities. Tb: s we io not expect, n farmer to do its perli 'ti v as a regu'ar mnriufictorer, oat by try ng h* will approximate towards it, and he amply pari ; lor the httle pains require), by having an e*.*n threao ami smoother fabric. ibe fleece should i,c who'u* and bespread out on a table—this en*•*••■* W"ol will be fou r d on the skirts ot the flee e, and ; car. en-ii.v be distinguished by looking i-h - !y to the 1 fiiire Iwn qualities from oa lb fleece will peril apa lie close enough for ordinary purposes, but as the ':eei ij. coutdry iliffer nitich HI their gra les of woo! the coarse put ...tic may do to go wirb the cer part of another, and th is make or four qualities out of the lot It it is going to the manu- I factory or to market, the fleece siicn : ! not bo torn. I ut after removing the tag-locks, sic old be rolled up ■ compactly, skin our st le Not less than one poiiud ofbi'd, Irish butter i>r oil ,-ii ,uM be rent with every ten pour t- wo-d gorng to the carding tn iclii ie. I ut x' tit ng of importance is of eottr eto be well end tor whi. !i wo will bo entirely responsi ble . but in '!•■ mutter of-pinning mi t teav ug, we Lave am ther caution t-i add I nker's the y-m 's evenly lav —te l. ami beat up evenly in tt c loom, the clo'h si -ink-unevenly iti fuliing—making some pla ces ni l■ :n I others u irmw, aniifihu fi.iher gitc cecd- r pressing out th • wsmelcs, the cloth will re •utrrc it- intortion again when made into a gir fivtif, ."in the tucch iuic is sometimes wrongful!v blamed :■ r a mat s becoming / infer;i jairrtl on ft ■iiaii .- oick. It is easily avoided 'by giving the who, in -<|a-.I number of turns t'a given length of thread Sjii*n out We find rhi - lifficufty mte sng ol l.it.* y - c. ;ii i have cor.le to the con -in-ion ib d : - e•t *he spiniurs do not keep better time on thfi* t • : -'h o:i fb.-ir -jfitmirig wheels, v.e sliourd bate lireridiully toKstea to their music. A ; rvcrv ii >:ii.~nt of labor sboul I tie etiijiloyed to ■ ao'vafi*; gi. and tvi rv ounce of 'material le uppropri ned t i th# I * purnase, on tccou-i' of on,* war, wc propose tu vvrr. -one other ch q 'rr- on our "ftlich ot brisrness offer this i reel -offi-ier. I v to be rrmrinhrrrd. tiiid sh It endeavor to do our work nice enough for n i ilnror il skirt ira d dor's io;it. an Ini ike Ir s-sr- -tour enough to I s 1 a. f irtnrr ■b:* u.'h a yeai'scauip.iign at It s-r. INGH AM A WRFNCH. Hon 1 A r ::T, Ca \I:T nv.v, II a A in* lit) Co Mry 2.'04 ! >II:KC V\TII,LI APi'lt VISfiaMKNT. Tiie uii-b isigncii. Lav iiig ioccn :• | puintcd Meia . tile upprniser tor'! u County ot Wyoming f r th • ye.tr I lr4. hereby < ertifies the L I'.owi; gto I a cor -•i 1. i of R -tabcrK in foreign Merchandise, with :bcir nvuve. class ;,al rate ia the sevceal .vi.sl. ; - 1 to Wit : Ct-AO- Bn.ATXTriM 13 K Runnel! $lO.Ol 13 Jrio. H. Lruwn li' UO 12 1.. M rritt 12,A'J CLI XToX H 11 A > G Mathewsou 7 00 11 Jnc. Well? A K. BorO. 14 G P. Miller 700 13 T L Ross A Co. 10 0d 12 M .tt A U rght 12,50 14 E. Wjieeiock 7.00 14 Jno. -Veil 7,00 14 C. M Kw.n 7,00 14 Geo. liOigliton 7,00 WIXHU.AM 14 II S, Graves 7,00 WA.sHITGTnY. 14 <*. W. Furtnan 7 00 14 F. AY. Zimmerman 7 iX) 14 Frank C. Bunnell 7.00 A*i appeal will be held at the Court House in the Burougu of Tunkhanuock, uu Friday, the S2i day ;>f July, A b. 1504. C L VAUGHN. \ Meri-rn'.le j ( Ajiprmser. i PENBIONS! T'r.der fhe act of Congress of Julv llh 18G2, any soldier in the army of the United States, who has b rn. since the 4th of .March 1861, or Oo shall be disabled l>v wound or disease, contracted in the ser vi"" i- s entitle i to a pension of from Eight to thirty Dollars per month, according to his disability anu rank. And in enso f death of any soldier Irom wound or li-e.ise coutr.u ted in the service, his wife or personal representatives are entitled, ?o the to which he would have been cntitlad if totally disabled* Ihe umtcrsigne I will attend to the piocunnent of such panions tor thos# who are entitled tbcuts Ttinkhnnnock ) Feb 10 1864.' \ R 11 & S W * LITTLE. MRS. MILTON COOPER, j (AT EXL-KRLKXCEO TA II.OHET-S,) will make CfIATS, POTS, VESTS i AND— MEN'S WEAR GENERALLY, ■ the her. style, and moat substantial manner. She solicits a ah are of the public pnfronag#. Residence, two doors balow the Mthod ; ct Chnr-h •a Sad St, T# alTe# a# A p .... ! JUST RECEIVED, -FROM i PHILADELPHIA | -- IS. ewYork, A FULL A SSOIiT ME N T 0 F / DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, C ASSIZERS, I Olotliing, Sli oc s , Hals, intuit (Dooiis, \OTIDVS, &r. tfcc , adapted to this Season' i which will lie sold at the VKHV LOW EST MA KET PRICE for Cash or Com try Product .it the Store of John Weil. I'll Lihh'arrt'k V: 11 h I' IM4. [ Treasure! s* Sale of Unseated I.and In j "tiling County* N'OTICE is hereby p'ven, thit un ier and by virtue <'t tli Sever ,1 Acts of assemble of Die Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pas-scd f->r luc.ot j lection ol taxes on unseated I ai is, the Treasutcrof W .oming County, tvill, <>n the second Monday (to wit. 13ft) June A I' 1864, af the Court House, in j the Ihirough of Tuukhui nek, excise to I'm dies tie, the following -reels nod parts f tracts of unseated i land, for the t.ix*sand (ii.-ts on them resnoelively, t S ile to commence at one o'clock P. M. EaT"*,. 36 of Eldv OeorjT, Eiton SIC? ; (i'i •• Thomas Elizabeth ' " 1.70. 190 ! Weshart WilKatu, " 2,60. 50, " il ilhnveli John, •' 128 140 '• 'i h'Uii • J< si'ph, " 31)4. 210 " Lewis David, " 6,21 330 •' lio-s Thomas, " 9.36. 4>9 Bridge Junes •< 1143. 4ill l'i-k Williams, '• 11.42. 4i9 Fowic- S imuel, " 11,42. 200 of 1100 l James, Fills, 5 30. ► ••RKSTOW. I'D r.ailerton Willi-in, Forkston, 13.80. 406 Bow :wn Solomon •• 1 I ill. 400 liat i er or Burton John 13.H0. 406 R ireley ll.innuh, " ' 1,01. 30;) of l>otv:.i til .1 tseph " ]O,3J. ! 406 151rllet t Jos.,-ph. " .14,01. 4 i Bird or 15 >' r1 Bti.j itniu ' 14.'.'!. 306 of Bryce John, " J.H 4 .'8 Oym-r I oniel, •* 14.76 10'.' of Cotin.'.-r J.tines, " 3 43. 406 Carman S:: "I, ' 1401. 40i Carmon -Vi d.ois '• 1401 306 of Curium J din. ' 10.43. 1('U # '' (.'.•■■ .nil Fredii k, " 3.43 100 '• Caiii|!.ell K>i ert, •' 3 43. j 406 Belong l'eter, " 11.01. 406 Deiong Simon " 11.01. 407 Belong Wiliiam, " 11.01. 4i'7 Belong John, - 4 14 01. 306 of I'eiitt \ iron, " 10,48. 2'i.) '• Bewitt Andrew, • '• 7.11. cxttcr. 400 AllenSamuol, M mroe, 25 60 439 Better' a Jacob, ' 24.10. 406 Bra liev Hannah, " 25,97. 321 of Baiß Daniel, " 20 54. 400 C imput'll J lines " 25 60 | 400 C iinpl-eH Margaret, " 25.60. I 369 of Dougherty Kiehurd, " 21.83. 406 Bowninir lieuheu, " 25.97 ! 4 6 lMvi Jonathan jr. " 25 97 400 Berkshire John, " 25,6) 4'5 Beiany Maynard, " 25,*91. 376 of Uelativ Fanny, " 24,07. 400 Espy George, " 25,60. i • 173 of tin" I 1 nomas, r 11,07. ' 409 (i.illlup Eunice, '• 25.60. i 4 3 Oridlev Baniel " 26.10. 4 i't H irrais in Wallace, " 25.60. 4 19 11 rmans William, " 23.10. j 275 ' ' McKuight Bavi J, " 17,61 4do MeCoy Ephri tin, " 25,60. j 4io Nash Phineus. " 27.22. 411 Palmer Asher, • " 27.53. j 409 Pierce J"hn. '• 23.96. i 400 Palmer William, " 23,60. i : 429 Remington J ibn, " 27,39. j 439 Renshaw Attn, 28.10. ! 4)9 Rensh.tw John, " 29 10. 388 of Stewart Mary, " 21.82 439 Stephens Siinon, " 29.10 418 Smith Peter " 26.74. ' j 406 Tripp John, •' 25.97, j 406 To,id Join, " 25.97. 126 td Wrllta Geo. £■ John ■' 8,05. I ItnKTHB KAXCH. 410 Burklev George, North Brunch, 11.49. 130 of Kittle Samuel, " 3.64. ! 400 Covel Mathew " 11 20. i 362 of C-.vel Uralia, " 10 14. ! 410 Davis llul lah, " 11.48* I 300 of I '*h Jabe*, " 5,33. 400 Fish Baridi, " 11.20 ! i 410 Hagarmnn John, " 11,48. 410 11 ill James, " 11,49. 410 J di ison Jacob, 4< 11,48. 410 Johnson Johnida, P " 11,48. | 410 Johnson Christianna, " 11,49. 200 of Lenox William, " 5,60, I 325 " Mason Abraham, " 9 14. j 410 MeCray Robert. " 11'48. 410" McCrav Samuel, " 11,48. 225 of J'hipps Tb.unas, " 6.28. j j 188 " llurvey George, " 4,86. TI'NKU.VNXOCK ' 63 " Harvey Job, Tunkhannoek, 1,64. I 441 " Heplcr George. " 11,46. j 150 " Thoinpso i William, " 3.88. ! 145 •' Thompson Samuel, " 3,76. 90 of Hampton Samuel Washington, 2.34. | 61 " llarupton Smnuef, " 1,59. JAMES L. MULLISOJT Trcuuier. Treasurers Office, ) . Tuck M-reh 31, 11 > Deli's Shcclflc Pills—Warranto J in ull Casci, J ean Le relied on ! N*ever fail to cure ! Do not I ni'.usee.te ! Are speedy in actic.u! No change of di- I jt required! Do uot interfere w : tii business pursuits !:. i Can be used without detection! Upward of 200 , cj e- this month —soUio of them very severe cases, i Over one hundred physicians have used them in their ! practice, and all speak well of their efficacy, anl ' approve of their composition, which is entirely vege j table, and harmless on the system. Hun ircda cf i ! certificates can he shown. j BELL'S Si'xcipzc PILLS are the original and only I j genuine Specific Pill. They are adapted fur male and foniale, old or young, nnd the only relinbih reme ! dy for effecting a permanent and speedy cure in ail • cases of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with i all its train of evils, such as L'retberal and Vaginal j Discharges, Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or Invuiunta- j rily Emission, Incontinuence, Genital Debility and ! ' Irritability, Impotence, Weakne?* or Loss of Power, J i Nervous Debility. Ac . Ac , all ef which arise prir.oi- | pally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, ornnit ; | constitutional derangement, and incapacitates the i sufferer from fulfilling the duti-*" married life. In ' all sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea. (Jleet, and Strict ures. and in Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, 1 they act as a charm ! Relief is experienced by tak ) ing it single box. j Sold by all the principal druggists Price SI ; They will bo sent by mail securely sealed, and , ' confidentially, on receipt of the money by •J BRYAN, M D., No. 76 Cedar Street Few York, Consulting Physician fur the treatment of 8e ntnal, j j Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will send, free to all. the following valuable work, in se ile 1 envelope : THE FISTIFTH TNOl\?Axr>--Dn BELL'S TREA TISE on Self Abuse, Premature deenv, Impotence j and Loss of Power, Sexual Di-eases, Seminal Weak- • i riess. Nightly Emissions. Genital Debility, Ac., Ac., i a piniphlct of 61 pages, t oiiiaiuiog important advice j I to the afflicted, and which siiou. I JO read by every sufferer, as the means of cure in the Severe t> stages t is plainly set foitb. Two sumps required to pay i (" "d ; KC j iMfuRTAXCK TO LA Tit PS. — Dl{. IIaHVPY's PPMALC. { Pius htv„ never yet failed in removing difficulties ! i arising trom obstruction, or sto; page of nature, or in j restoring the system to perfect heaiih when s'/fcrirg ; rlrotn SpinaVatfections, Prolapsus, I'teri, the Whites, jor other weukniis ot the 1 terine Organs The Pills ; a re perfectly harmless on the const II til ion, and may , be taken by the uus) delicate female .without cans- I ing distress —the same ti.ne they act like a charm 1 bv srengthenine, irivig rateing and res'oring the j system to a healthy e*>ti iitiou, and by ringing on ' the monthly period with regularity, t.o matter from ! wh it caues the obsttuelion tiny aiis~. Toy sh iuld | however, SOT betaken during the first three or four I months, ot pregnancy, t tough sate ut uny other | t me. ns nnscarri ige would be the esnlt, Each boxcontaitis 66 Pills Price 81. Bn HARVEY'S TREATISE on diseases of Fe i males. Pregnancy, 31 Bar re nness. Sterili ! tv. Reproduction, ani Abu'rs o f Nature, nnd ; emphatically the I,adt-s I'ri.nte Medical Ad j viscr, a pamphlet ot 64 pages, sent tree to any address Six cents required ' pay postage I The Pills and hook will he -< n' 1R- mail when de , sired securely scaled, and prepaid. I v J.BRYJA, M. IT.. (7*NANI AGENT No Tf] Cedar st . Ni w York, f *e7" Sold ' y all the (>rinci|>al driiggi-ts. Jan 2), 1-64 v-3-n-23-ly U. S. 10-40 Bonds. Thee C"t. Is arc issueii un ler the Act of Congress of March 6'h 1664. which provides TL it allll- ni* i-sued under this At skill be EXEMPT FROM ! TAX \TION )'V i-r under any state or municipal au : tii ritv. Su'iscrip.ions to tlicse Bunds are received i in Unitei States n itesair n >U:t of National Banks. Tii )y ..re T'> BE REDEEMED IN COIN, at the I Unsure of the Government ny peii -i not less j thun tzis nor ..i)i* than foriy irs frotn their da*© ; an ! until t'.ieir r '.cm, :i iu F'IVE PERCENT IN I I TEREAT WILI. T :E PA.II' IN r OIN : B :.! f i..)t "vrr • r.e I m Ire I dollars annually aril on all ' other Bonds re ni-ntinually. Th. interest is payable i on '.he fir*; Jays of March and September in each i year. j Subscribers will receive either Registered or Cou ! pon Bon Is, as they Et.iy prefer. Registered Bor.d --' are recorded on the 1: <>ks of the U. S Treasurer, 1 I aud can be transferred only ou the owner's order, — : Cuti|- in B'Cids arc payable io be irer. m l are more J eoniciiiet.t f.jr commercial uses. Subscribers to thi loan will have 'ho option of having their Bonds draw interest frotn March Ist, by puvin ■ the accrued iiiterkst in coin (or in United : .States or the note? ot National Banks, ad-iit.g fifty i ° , percent, from premium.) or re-eive thein drawing • i interest from the di to of sulscrtption and depuset— j ns these? 1! -nd are U.xenipi from Municipal r Stat) Taxation, I their value is increased from one to three per csnt , | per annum, according to the rate of tax levies in ! various ; arts of the country, i At the present rale of premium on g -,d Ihey pay Over lilgltt per C"n> Interest j in currency, l"n 1 aro of equal eonvcnicn- e as a per ; manent for temporary investment. | It is behove I that no securities offer so grc ;t in i ducemcnts to lenders as the various descriptions of i 1.8 Bonds. In all other torins of indebtedness, the I faith or ability of private parties or stock compa nies or separate coininunUi * only is pledge fur payment, while for the debt of the United States j ! the whe'v property of the country, is holden to se- I cure the p *.7nieiit of both principal anl interest in , ciiiu. Th?se B.)n Is may he subscribed far in sums from 150 up to an 3" in ignitu le, on the same terms, and are tbue made equally available to the smallest lcn d-~ and the largest capitalist They can be convert ed into money at any mtment, anl tho holder will have the bone-tot the ieterct. It tuay be useful to slate in this connection that • ' the total Funded Debt of the Uuited States on which interest is payable in gold, on the 31 day of March 1964. was 8768, 963, 000. The in'err>t on i this debt for the coining fiscal year will be 813,927, i 126, while the customs revenue in g"ld for the cur ; rent fiscal year, ending June 30th, 1854, hits been ; : ao far at the rate of over 8100,000,000 per annum It will be seen that even the present gold reve | nue of the Government are largely in excess of the wants of the Treasury for the payment of gold in terest, while tho recent increase of the tariff will ' doubtless raise the annual receipts frotu customs on j the rame amount cf iuipartations, to 8150 000,000 per annum. Instructions to the National Banks acting as loan i agents were not issued from the United State . reas j urv until March 26, but in the first thiee weeks of April the subscriptions averaged more than TEN j MILLIONS A WEEK. 1 I * Subscriptions will be received by the i First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa- Second National Bank ef Philadelphia, Pa. The National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa. AND BY AUG NATIONAL BANKS ■ whicn are depositaries of Public money, and all REsPECTACLE BANKS AND BANKERS j throughout the country, (acting as pgents of ths ' ! National Depositary Binks) will furuish further information ou application and : J AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBER? ' ??-!? IMPORTANTTO FEMALES PILLS/ P !? O C L M A T ION! TO THE LADIES I Beth Married aur Flushes, Sick Headache, Paine. in the Loins, B tck avl Sides, Palpitation of fie Heart, Nervu'js Tre: llysier cp'isuts, Broken Sleep, and other un pleas: ut and • agerous effects of un uui: ." -il vori-lflioii f the ro i dui-tice poicer of nature, cannot re. Ut it TTIMY CANNOT DO HARM iiuny otii-r wav. BR.CHKE-EMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Are the on''>/ Me licine that MARRIED AND SIN GEE E \ 1)1 E< have rciie 1 upon for innnv years or ! can r- ty UJKUI now. tJEtVAEE OE IMITA \ TIONS! Tiiese I'ill* (orm ibe Finest Preparation ever put forirard with IMMEBIATD and t'Efv- SI - TENT SUCCESS. DON T BE DI'TI'.IV ED. Take litis adverti-cincnt to v.,ur Druggist, and tell liitn that v'l I rant 'he. b'E .ST and most : rET. 1 11! L E FEMA LE M EDJCIXE IN TIIE If '* >RLV. whi- h coinpris.-d in Ml. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, and arc now receiving the sanction of the uio.st eminent rhy*iciaas in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS wi h each Bus the price, ('lie Dollar per HOT. cuat iii.iug from 50 to GO Pills. Pills < nf by mail, prompt\l ! v remitting the priieto the Proprietors, or any auth'rued Ag.nt, in current funds. : SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. lIUTCIIINGS 4 IIII.T.YER. PnopiniiTOit's, ' ! Cedar Street, ■ CIP York. f "x.** f>li in Tor.ave OXK HI'XDIIKD pr.u trx? of thread ar; I silk, and stake tho i. CKSTITCI? alike on both si-Ps. Tiicy require no instruction to nj.-rnte perfectly except ''the printed directions-" No hinge in sewing trom one kind of goods to another. Aad no taking apart to cle in or oil. OurXt.w MAM FACTORY is now complete with all its machinery and tool- entirely now. and is already rapidly turning out Machines which for IIKAI TY :ir. l iTßrrt " v f FINISH aro riot surpassed by .Dy manufu.: i c in tho worll. • N B.—Should any Machine prove unsatisfactory, it can be returned and money refunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed Lyont own agents. FINKLE A. LYON. 8. M. CO. No. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK April 13 1863, v3-n)3- WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PREMIUM Sewing-Machines. 77 te Cheapest an ft Tiest. OVER UO.OGO OF THE-E WELL-FSTAPLISHED SEWING-MACHINES HAVE BEEN SOLD. 4SF-SJM> VOH CIKCILAR, LADIES* ALMANAC, ic. AGENTS WANTED. Address WHEELER & WILSON Sctring-Mnrhin* Co. 704 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. A LA MODE. THE I) AT EST FROM NfiYV YORK. RS. A. f.-. STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN 1 ag i.n intorining her friend?, ' I the ladies sren erally, that she has received, and is still receiving a . irge ami well selected assortment nl SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Con-isting .f II ITS. BOMKCTS. RIBBONS. |'"i.O*SES, ki:A IIIDRS, i.AI IIS, III.AD DRFSSKS, and, in short ull art 1 s usually ( found in a MILLINERY STORE. | She solicit.- i call frotn all requiring BOOBS in her lino, before purchasing elsewhe.e. Mrs Stark 1 can be found at t he house formerly oc-U|ued bv Hen ry Stark in the borough of Tunkh "mock, readv and willing to serve all who may favor tier with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced DRESB-MAK33iI, and at all times will be prepare I to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest and ui<>st approved manner.—: Soliciting your call* before purvhaeiog elscwheru, w I remain Yours. Kesjeelfullv, MBS. A G STARK. ?ttßkhArm! ?f. ISA 4. ; NOT A RUM DRINK A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A Pi;RE TONIC, TIIAT WILL RELIEVE THE AFFICTEIt, AX® Not make Drflnkittdt. OR. HOOFLANB'S GERMAN BITtERS, PREPARED BY DH. A- M. JACKSON, PHff ADKLPHIA, PA. ' WILL EFFECTUALLY ANIMS.Ti: CLRTAIJIL2 CFiE ALL DISESE3 - ARISING FROM A ) DISORDERED LIVEK, STOMACH OB ILIDNEYS, Thousands of our citizens are suffering from Dye pcpafa aiifi Livn Olscises, tfxt to *iKii Ihiftl I lowing questions appiy—we guarantee * IIOOFLA N I)*S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CTRL Til EM. IIOOFLAND'S GRHMAN HITTERS \YILLCI'RE EVERY CASK OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of I the Kidi. vs. and Diseases arising front a Disordered Stomach, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS i Resulting from Disorders 'ike Ligestits Organs: Constipation. _ Ir.ward Files, Fullnes or Blood ?u Die Head, A-'i lit v the .-ioniach. Nausea. Heurt ; burn. Disgust t-.r 1 >'l, Fulliieasor Weight tc th- Stoinach. Sour Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at j *|' c '' lt 'be Stomat h, Swimming of the Head. Hur j rid and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering of the Heart Choking or Suffo ating Sensations when in a Dm* [iosture. Diuiiif.-s of Yii-.n, Dots or Wets before" the Sight, Fever and Dull Fain in the Head, Deficiency .i of _Per.-j.imtion. Yellowness oj (he Skin an Ejc* Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Lit ibs, Ac., Suddcil , ; lm.-hi-s of Heat, Burning in the Fish, Constant lm ; agitnugK of Evil, an] great Depre -ion of Spirits. PA RTICULAtt NOTICE r " rt malu J preparations sold under the name | o, bit ere, put up m quart Lotties, compounded of hie chruf •• >/ irhisfcty -r canit on rum, costing from . o ji. cent - per - allots, the histt 'Lis: r uised by Anise , or Coriander Steed , I 1 his class of tiitles has caused and uiil continue . j tocause as lons as they can he sold, hundreds to die. the d. in of the drunkard Ly their use the system i- Kept r.,nf (ally wider tins influence of Alcoholic , j Stimulant, f the irorst bind, the desire' for Liquor t, i eel and Kept up, and the result ; s all the hor rors attendant upon a drunkard' and cit itk. , ~£ r th ' jse desire and will hate a Liquor bitters, ice publish the followinsr receipt. (rt/One Bottle Hmjn.iHlNGc.l,lo, Hit,! rs SSm ' i .rith I .tret (Quarts ol Good Brandy or Whis key, and the result will be u preparation that t cut j ' Itn medicinal virtues and true excellence | any aj .he numerous Liquor Litters in the market, ■ and irdl cost ~l Uc li less. You trill hare all the i Llr J ue "'' f Itiilers in connection with . a good . • eoj Ltqunr. a t a much less pr ic 9 ihan I these interior preparations will cost you lIOOtLANDM GERMAN BITTERW WILL GIVE YOC A.GOOD APPETITE, : WILL GIVE YOC STRONG IIKiI.IHY NERVES . (Mi WILL ..IVE YOC AND hNKßtl'Jilt: FEELINGS V. ILL ENABLE YOC To SI.I-KT WELL. AND ILL POs'll tVELY PREVENT ' YELLOW FEVER, BILIDL'S FEVER, Ac 1 hose suffering troio it token down am I Delicate Conslilutioht, From wljufei'er causes, ei.fcer in M * 1,1-1 SMI Frw-! T; WILL FIND IN IIOOT LAN IPs GERMAV RITTER6 A REMEDV ; That will rest >re thorn to their u ual health. Snch has hern- the enso m thousands of instan. , and a j fair trial t but required fa prove ihc assertion. From Iter. J Newton Brown, 1). D.. Editor oftha Encyclopedia of Eeliciaus Knowledgs. AF-hough no; disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent Medicine? in general, through distrust of their ; ingredients an i effects, T vet know of no sufficient ; reasons why a ma a may not testify to the benefits**' 1 t>e!teres himself to nave received from auv siuiale I preparation in the hope that ho m. V thus contribute j to the benefit of others. Ido this the more read i u regard to Uooflsnd'i licrniin Litter- prejetred oy l>r. C M.Jackson, of j this city, because I was prejudiced aga net them f..r many years, under tho impression that t! ey were I chiefly an alcoholic mixtu.e lam ind-V<| f0 Hr frienl Robert Shot maker, Esq., f„, ,ho removal of , this Prejudice by proper tests, and foremour .gctncce .. try them when s-.Termg „nl longcos tinucd debility. r J.-e twaof fl .eo bottles of- D eso i beginning of the pr sent' vsar. was j followed by evident relief, and rotors tiontoa de i urce ot bodily an t nienta! \!g,> r which I had nof fblt | lor six months before, ani had almost despaired #f regaining I therefore ihank God and mv fr.cpd for , -It.ceting me <,i the u.— .f them * Piiilah'a. June 23, 1-61 N>wro* Biftw*. DISEASES OF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, In Young ot Aged, Male or Female, Speedily removed, and the patten? resterid to health. ELL UJATE (JUIL D HEN, Those suffering trou. MARASJICS, wasting a wav with scarcely any Cesh on their I t,c*. are cured n* tory short time: one bottle in such eases wi'l have a most surprising effect. ' i ~ V1! ?P su nx children as above, an i wishhsg te raise them, will never regret the day they eommeafc , eu with those Butffrs. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working hard wuh their brau.s, should |. ■ ways keep a bottle of llonfor.d'a ftitters uc lr them, as they wilt finl ,nuch henctit fiom its use fw j both mm 1 and body, lavigorating and not deposing IT IS NOT A I.Kit'Oß SI I-MUDAMTV AND LEAVES N'O PKuhTKATION'. ■ ATTEDTIOftT SOLBSER&f AND IIIE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. | YVe call attention of n!i 1: mng relat ons or friettd* ■ in the army to the fact that " HOOI LAXD'S Ger | rnau Bitters wil! cure ir tenths of the diseases ir. duccd by exposures and privations incident to cnt~> ! n!e ,hH !,sf# - published almost daiJv ih the nVifs papcrs, on the arrival of the sick, It will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from dchil. ity Every ease .f that kind can be readily mved r.y Hoofland s (leiman Bitters. \V e have no hesita tion in staling that, if these Bitters were freely used among our soldiers hundreds of lives m,gb7be*a"d I that otherwise would be lost. I f> '! ''l o"l' r,t -' t <;rsa r e daily receiving thankful letters from sufferers in the at my and hospitala, who have been restored to health by the use of these Bitter* sent to them by their friends. beware of cor ytfrfeits. See that the Sijrnnfuiv <>t "<_\ M. JACKSON" is on the WRAPPER of each Bttle. Price per Bottle 7,% rem*, or Hall Dox. for 91,00. Should your nearest druggist not have the attie'e do not be put off hy any of tbe intoxicating prepay., , t.ons that may he offered in its place, bnt send to n s and we will torward, securely parked, by exjatrss. ' Principal Office And Manufactory. KO.GSI ARCHSTBEE, JONES & EVENS/ (Successors io C M JACKSON Jt Ce) - tqr FOR SALE by DraggV,. a B -f Deiftfrf. •ay *ayrc to 'he Sfft-rt