North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, May 18, 1864, Image 4
MSB -FOR— Bargains. WAR OR NO WAR, * . 4 THE PEOPLE ARC BOUND TO HAVE 0. L. HALLSTEAD AND SON \ • r have just received, and are constant ly receiving, a large stock of gocds, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Ready- Made Clothing, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Nails, Lime, Flour, Salt, Fish, Pork, Clover and Timothy Seed, Soap, Candles, Grind Stones Plow- Castings, and everything usually kept in tirst class stores. GREAT BARGAINS —IN— Dry Goods. We are now prepared to exhibit all the most popular varieties of Fall and Winter Dress (roods, Ladies Clothes, Shawls,* Flannels, Hosiery, Balmoral Skirts, Nubias, Hoods, Soutags, Scarfs, Under Garments, &c. &c., all at very low prices. 0. L. HALLSTEAD & SON. WANTED. All kinds of Fanners Produce.— Lumber, h ingles, Wool Socks, Sheep Pelts, Beef Hides, and everything that will sell ; for which the highest ttkritet price will be paid. P jSjCHOLSQN, July 2D., 1863._ _ Auction ft Auctioti!!!~ * L.G. CONIC LI*, licon*el auctioneer under the late ** of Congress, offers hi? serrice to all person* hav *l property to eel! by reuilue or Auction. Tfaii*nflt Mmh 3*-? 18€f. L <}■. OWULIV ' TMHMIIK Our LETTER A. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is fast grilling a world-wide reputation. It is be yond doubt the bftst imd ehuaport and most beautiful of all Fa lull J Sowing Machines vet offered to the public- No other Family Sewing Machine has so many useful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell- : i ing. Tucking, Gathering, (lunging, I'taiding, Em- I hroidcring, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine so much capacity for a great ■ variety of work It will sew all kinds of cloth, ! and with ail kinds of thread. Great ar.d recent itii- ! provenients make onr Family Sewigg Machine itfdet rcltab.e, anl most durable, and most certain in ac- ! tion at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked ! stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, ev en <>l the moat ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance, hew to use the letter A. Family Sewing Machine.— j Our I amily Sewing Machines arc finished in chaste I and exquisite style 'Tito Folding Case of tho Family Machine is a f piece of cunning workmanship of the most useful , kind. It protects tho machine when not in use, UDJ I J when about to he operated may be opened as a spa i cious and substantial table to sustain the work. — ' | While some of the made out of the choicest ! woods, are finished in the simplest and chastest man j ner possible, others are adorned and embelished in i the most costly and superh manners. It is absolutely necessary to see the Family Ma chine in operation, so as to judge of its great capaci j ty and beauiy. It is fast bee< tiling as popular for family sewing as our manufacturing machines are for manufactur ing purposes I Lie Branch Offices are well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil. Ac., of the very best nual- | I ity. ... ; j Semi for x PAMPHLET. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ! 458 Broadway, New l'ork. ' |3?"Plil!adelphia Office, Hit) Chestnut St. MRS. C. T. MARSH, > ~ , 1). A. BARD WELL, £ s luiLvhannock. mm®samm's m&m —AND— Tin Siiop. THE subscriber has just received at his shop, over llaukiuson'e Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., and will constantly keep on hand all the latest IMPROVED COOKS'J STVES Among which are the " CALORIC," MINER and j " UNION" patterns, with PARLOR STOVES and | Heaters of every description, which he offers for Meady Pay I at will defy competition ! His stoves are bought directly of the Mannfaetur | ers at ALBANY, WiLKESBARRK. PROVIDENCE : and i-CRANTON. He is therefore enabled to sell | them at a small advance on the original cost TIN, SHEET-IRON, —AND- Copper Ware. all kinds on hand and made to order Also PIP, WAGON BOXES, AND SL IGII SIIOES FOB SALE. i j The popular Cooking Stove, Forest Queen, i (Elevated oven) is now for the first, offered at 8-0 for 8 inch. 825 for 9 uieh, REPAIRING AND BOBBINS neatly ana promptly Jono. HENRY STANSBURY. Mcshoppen, Dee. 17th, 1862—v'2nl9Iy. : pwdits THE SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several years, a : E'Q '& &'£'& ¥, TOWANDA, where all of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT 6r ORNAMENTAL TREES, Can be obtained. Being conv.nced from experience that his Trees and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, he confidently solicits their patron age. He will make annual visits either in person or by i his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co", ! and asks only that his specimens may oe examined j an l his method of dealing be tested. Al! orders by litter or otherwise, for Trees, vines or pp nts will be promptly attended to. noiU-Iy. D IIARKINS. HARDWARE & IRON HUMT SBO'S&EUGB NOW OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STBKL, NAILS AND SPIKES, MINE KAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS. BELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE-SIIOES, HAM MERED IIORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, lIILDERF IAIIWABI, CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HOBS, SPOKES. FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, l'll'E BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS,NI TS, WASH- EliS BELTING, PACKING, GRIMD STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR. SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASn, POORS AND BLINDS OX HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHEER AND FINDINGS, FAIRBANK S SCALES. Scrr-aicn. March 26, 1063. rln33—lj resh Ciround Plaster In (tuanllties and at prices to suit purchaser*, now for salt a oy oy ii. Moiny JR. ' THE PLACE TO BUY STOV ES !! | i IS AT TIIE Bimmm STOVE, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY. WHERE MAY BE FOUND a large and well se lected assortment of the most approved patterns, consisting of COOKING, PARLOR and lIEATJNG STOVES, for wood or coal, anil will bo sold at low | prices. We would call the attention of the public, anil j farmers in parti;ular, to our NEW 1 LEVATED OVEN COOKING STOVE, for wood or coal, THE DACOTAII!! which for economy, durability and neatness of design cannot be surpassed. It is made with extra HEAVY TOPS, COVERS and VENTILLATED.CENTHKS, i and with front doors to slide. The oven and flues are unusally large, making it ~ i SUPERIOR TO ANY STOVE OF THE KIND ! ever brought into this market. It cannot fail to j give good satisfaction. Those in want of a Good Stove hould call and examine it before purchasing else where. TiH, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE of all kin's. ZINC. STOVE PIPE, IRAN WARE, ! Ac., aiways on hand. Merchants supplied with goods on reasonable j terms. Roofing, guttering and all kinds of jobbing will be promptly attended to. OLD BRASS, COPPER, PEWTER, RAGS and ; IRON, WOoD and LUMBER, SHINGLES, and : most kinds of produce taken in exchange lor goods : and wares. Thankful for past patronage, we respectfully invite > all in want of anything in our line to give us a call, j "Live and lot live." Quick sales and small profits is our motto. E. F. SNOW A CO I Nicholson Sept.- 863. | SIO,OOO Worth of Goods ARRIVING AT THE AJcw Store 2 AT MILL TO Il'.Y, I'A. I Now is your time to purshase SII.K GOODS, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CIUEENSWARE, GLASSIY ARE, HOOTS & SHOES' HATS & CAPS, And a Variety of other Articles too Numerous to mention, Cheaper Than Ever C. SHERWOOD, Has received direct from the cities of PHILADELPHIA & IW-IORK, The Largest, Cheapest and Best Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods (Purchased entirely for Cash) ever offered in MILL TOWN, vrbich he is selling at UNCOMMON LOW PRICES! His /Stock, wliich. lie intends to keep always Full, cmbracese very tbing wanted by the People in this Place, and customers can at all times rely on getting the Articles they may want, at /Satisfactory Prices. He is not to be undersold by any, and asks the Public to call and examine his STOCK. He would ask the LADIES ot call and Examine his Assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS! A X D F A X C Y A 11 T ICLES, OF WHICH lIC HAS the FIRST CHOICE. POSTSCRIPT. His stores at NEWTON CENTRE and ILWAUKIE —making three in all, are also in full blast, thereby ena bling him to keep up a complete is ortment in each. C. SIIERWC OB __ _ NOT. PA. IMS THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE OF A NERVOUS INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men.[and others, who suffer lrom Nervous Debility Early Decay, nnd their kindred ailmonts— supplying the means of self-cure. By ono who has cured •elf after being a victim of misplaced medical humbug and quackery. By enelo-" in PMd directed envelop;, sing]* opiee * '°' n £pou, the author, NATHANIEL MAVFA „ B® had of Khkfi tentj, New Terk B®*fei* DEL.LAOK. & WESTERN RAILROAD. CHANGE OF TIIVfE ON and after Monday, November 25th ISCI, Trains will run as follows : EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS Leave Great Bend at 7:20 A.M. New Milford 7:39 " Montrose 8:00 " llopbottom 8:23 " Nicholson 8:40 " Factoryville 904 •' Abington •• -9:20 " SCRANTON Ib.CO " Moscow 10:41 " Gouldsboro 11:07 " Toby hail na 11:20 * " Ptroudsburg 12.32 P. M< Water Gap 12:46 •' Columbia 1:00 " Delaware 1:25 " Hope (Philadelphia connection) • -1:35 " Oxford 1:53 " Washington 2:10 " Junction 2:32 " Arrive at New York 5:30 " Philadelphia- 6:50 " MOVING NORTH. Leave New York from foot cf Courtland Street 8:00 A M. I'ier No. 2, North River, 7:00 " Philadelphia, from Kensington Depot 7:10 •' Leave Junction -11:15 " Washington 11:33 " Oxford - • 11:50 ' Hope (Philadelphia connection)•• 12:14 P. M. Delaware 12:43 " Columbia 1 ; 00 " Water Gap h]6 " Stmudsburg 1:30 " Tobyhanna .2:42 " Gouldsboro 2:55 " Moscow 317 a SCRANTON- 4:10 " Abington 4:40 " Factoryville 4:56 < Nicholson 5:16 " llopbottom .5:38 " Montrose 6:00 " New Milford •••6:21 " Arrive at Great Bend 6:40 " e'fT These Trains connect at Great Bend with the Night Express Trains both East anil West on the New York and Erie, and at Seranton with Trains on Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, for Pittston, Kingston and Wilkesbarre; and the Train moving South connects at Junction with Trains for Bethle" hem, Mauch Chunk, Reading and llurrisburg. Passengers to and from New York change ears a Junction. To and From Philadelphia, via. B. D. R. R., leave or take cars at Hope. Foi I'ittston, Kingston and Wilkes-Earre, take L. A B. R. It. cars at Seranton. For Jessup, Archbald and Carbondale, take Omni bus at Seranton. ACCOMODA TION TRAIN. MOVING NORTH Leave? Seranton 9:50 " Abington 10:35 " F actoryville 11:00 " Iloplwttcia 12:05 P. M Montrose 12:15 '• New Milford 1:20 " Arrives at Great Rend 1.45 MOVING SOUTH Leaves Great Bend 2:10 P. M New Milford 2:35 " Montroscm 3:05 •' ll*>pbotto 3:45 " Nicholson 4:15 " Faetoryville 5:13 " Abington 5:40 " Arrives at Seranton 6:30 " This Train leaves Seranton alter the arrival of the Train from Kingston, ami o ueets at Great Bend with the Day Express Trains both East and West on New York anl Erie. JOHN BIIISBIN, Sup't. Superintendent's Office, ? Seranton, Nov. 25. 1861. J Del., I.ark. S; 4Vost.rn Railroad. THR TRAIN f EAVES GREAT BEND AT 740 A M., AF terthe arrival at 6.30 a.m.,of the CINCINNA TI EXPRESS from the .West, connecting at SCRANTON, where it arrives at 10.10 a. ni.with a train on the LACKAWANNA and BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD, for PIT'ISTON, WYOMING VAL LEY. KINGSTON and WILKES BAR RE and with the DELAWARE and HUDSON RAILROAD for PR OVI DUNCE. OLYPHANT and CARCoN DALE. At HOPE STATION this train connects by omnibus with the BEI.VIDEKE DELAWARE RAILROAD for PIIII.IPSBI RG, TRENTON and PIIILADA. At NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION, where it ar rives at 2.25 p m , the some train connects with trains on the CENTRAL RAILROAD of New Jer sey, for ELIZABETH, NEWARK, NEW-YORK, EASTON, BETHLEHEM, ALLENToWN, MACCH CHUNK, READING and HAUEISISI'RG. Passen gers bv this train arrive in NEW YORK at 5.50, in PAILADELPHIA at 7.00, and in HARRIS BURG at 8 20 p. m. The trains leaving foot of COURTLAXD ST., NEW-YORK, at 8.00 a m., and KENSINGTON DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA, at 710 a. in, connect wfth the Passenger Train of this road, leaiiti" NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION at 11. 20 a. in. turf arriv ing at SCRANTON at 402 p. ni . where it connects with a train on the LACKAWANNA and BLOOMS BURG RAIL I! OA 0, and with the omnibus running to the DELAWAREand HUDSON RAILROAD. This train arrives at GREAT REND at 6.10 p. ui , making a close connection with the mail train going West on the ERIE KAILWAV. AX ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves SCRANTON at 10.10 a. m., connecting at GREAT BEND with tho day Express train West on the ERIE RAILWA Y. Bv this trai l passengers ar rive at ITHACA, SYRACUSE, BUFFALO, Ac. the s une day. Returning, this train loaves GREAT BEND at 2.20 p. ni., on the arrival ot the NEW YORK EXPRESS going East, and BUFFALO EX PRESS going West, and arrives in SCRATON at 5 30 p. in. JOHX BRISBIN, Superintendent. 11. A. HENRY, General Ticket Agent. Seranton, June 15. 1863. THE LATEST ~JTiSWS E ( }EUR OP E Ts Lilly confirmatory of former reports that THE DUTCH HAVE POSSESSION OF lIOD- L.AND. > It is also authoritatively announced that o. sl Mills lias exelusive possession of tho STOVE AND TIN-SHOP AT— TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in tho lino of his can ij 0 had at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOK.IKT&, AND E&ELQH STG¥ES, with all the FURXITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to on short notice and on REA S O ABL. E TERMS. PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE. O. & MILLS The Latest Styles —OF— SPRING &SUMMER ami MILLINERY GOODS, have just been received at the establishment of LOU 1 SAHEPSURH. on Tioga Street, opjosite the Pest-office, where will be found Ladies. Chilren, Misses, and Boy's FI.ATS HATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, and everything in the line of Millinery, which will be sold at the loir tit Cash. Prices. Repairing promptly and neatly done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhannock.Ocl 3 1362—v2n1l lywil KTjsTot-" O XX A. I PI u^§p!p I MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock. next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store —where are kept on hand atld manufactured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-scat, I-'l.-ig-bottom, and common. BUREAUS of all style.-, sizes, and prices. BEDSTEADS. Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can be found in the largest furniture establishments in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, he so licits the pubiic patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. lE—Old eane-seat chairs, ucw-seated and re paired. UNDERTAKING. —Having a lie arse of his own, and having had much experience, he will attend to this department of the business on short notice, and in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM HAAS. July 16, I R 62.—vlnlOly CPiOCKEiIY!!! A Large Stock just Opened AT T. L. ROSS & GO'S., WALL PAPEIt. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHADES. OF ALL STYLES. CLOTII SIT \DES WITH BORDERS. CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS. ! FI.VH RES AND ROLLERS, COMPLETE FIXTURES AND ROLLERS COMPLETE. EM BROI iERE!) MUSUI XCI R !'AIXS . EMBIIoiDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. ALSO A Large Stock ot' White Goods; SWISS MULS DOTTED SWISS MUSLIN. • BRILLIANTS, JAOONRTS, LACES, BALMORAL SKIRTS, SPRING SKIRTS, GLOVES. REAL ALEXANDRE'S KID. And a Large Stock of YANKEE KOTIOffS. Iron, Nails, White-Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door-Locks, and a general assortment of BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Fish, of all kinds. CastL Paid for ail kinds of Grain. Tunkhannock, 9th 1864. Fon RATS, MICE, ROACHES. Asts r Fn i, r „ MOTHS ,N FLRS WOO,.ENS, AC INSKCT 4 VAN'S FOWLS, ANIMALS, AC. I Put spin 25°. 50c. aud s IOO Boxes. Bottles, and Flasks. ?3andsaß,' ießfwr Uotelß and Tub ic in stttutions, ac. 1 infallible remedies known." F'eo from Prisons." "£ ot d-ng . rou to the Human Family." Rats cor J0 ou r 0 f their hides to die." Whole sale in ail large cities. E f y r JI Druggists a Retailers everywhere | T3&"' • ■ t' EWAII* ! J ! of all worthless imitation E--V^ c a that "COSTAR'S naiue is on each BO*, Bottl ; aiß t t befare you luy. U. / Address HL.NRY R. COSTAK Principal Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y. J LiTfinld by J. LymAn, A C<>., wholesale Retail I Agent, TurkUaunock, Pa. W* % -• roa ,r SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS 1)1 SB ASM. From £mt ry Fries, ati t dstowxn, merchant OjJ'nrd, Maine. 44 I have sold large quantities of your SARSAPAB* • ILI A, but never to* one Imttle which failed of the desired effect ami* full sat is (taction to those who took it As fast as our people try it. they agree there ha* been no meuicinc like it before in our community. 1 * Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Per. liobt. St rat ton, Bristol, England. " I only do my duty to you and the public, when' I add my testimony to that you publish of the m®> dicinal virtues of your NA RRA t* AKI LLA. My daugh ter, aged ten, had an afliicting humor in her ears, eves, and hair for years, which we were unable to cure until wc tried your SA RS ATARI LLA. Jjhe has been well for some months." From Mrs. Jane E. Ilire, a veil known and I*l*4. esteemed lady qf Dtnnisrilie, t 'ape N. J. 44 My daughter has suffered for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing a (forded any relief until we tried your SAW BATAHH.LA, which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Cage, Esq.,of the widely-known Jh m of Gage, Murray If Co., manufacturers of enam elled pipers in A<rs hua, A*. //. 41 1 had for several years a very troublesome hu mor in Hiy lace, which grew constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became an intolerable affliction. 1 tiled almost everything a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your KAKSATARILLA. K immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might lor a time; but in a lew weeks* the new skin began to form under the blotches, and continued until my face is as smooth as anybody's, and I am without any symptoms of the disease" that I know of. 1 enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe it to your SAKSA PA KILL A." Erysipelas General Debility Purify the Blood. From r>r. Ilohf. Sawin. Houston St., X. Y. , DR. AYER: 1 seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your SAKSATARILLA, and 1 have just now cured an at tack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No altera tive we possess tqualstlie SAKSAPARILLA you hav® supplied to the profession us well as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Esq., Wakeman, Ohio. 44 For twelve years 1 had tlie yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which time I tried all the cel ebrated physicians I could reach, and took hundreds of dollais' worth of medicines The ulcers were o bad that the cords became visible, and the doctora decided that my arm must be amputated. I began, taking your SAKSA PA HI LLA Took two bottles, and some of your TILI.S. Together they have cured me. ] am now as well and sound as anybody. Being in a pubiic place, my case is known to everybody in thin community, anil excites the wonder ot all." From I En. Henry Monro, M. P. P. of Xewcastle, C. IF., a leading member qf the Canadian Parliament. 44 1 have used your SAKSAPARILLA in my lamily, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial results, and leel confidence in commending it to the afflicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Bheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From TTarrcy Sickler, Esq., the able editor of tha TuncUinnnock Democrat, Fennsylrania. 44 Our only child, about three rears oi age, waa at tacked by pimples on his forehead They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent core, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes lor some days. A sk.-hul physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any ap parent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lest with them lie should tear open the festering and corrupt wound which covered Lis whole face. May ing tried every thing else we had any hope from, w® began giving your SARSATARILLA", and applying the iodide ot potash lotion, as you direct. Ihe soro begun to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we tiad finished the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and lie is now as healthy and fair as any other. Tha whole neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. Hiram Stoat, of St. Louis. Missouri. 44 1 find your SARSAPARILLA a more effectual remedy tor the secondary symptoms of Syphilis? and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The profession are indebted to you for some of tha best medicines we have." From .4. J. French, M. D , an eminent physician of Lawrence. Mass.. who is a prominent member qf the Legislature of Massachusetts. '•DR. AYER —My dear &ir: I have found your FAKSAPAKILLA an'excellent remedy for Syphtlis* both of the primary and secondary type, ana effect ual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can em ploy with more certainty of success, where a power ful alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Can Lie to, of Hew Brunswck, X. J., had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abus® of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew mora and more* aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of AYKB'B SAUSAPARILLA relieved him. Few- cases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bot tles to cure hi in. Leucorrhcea, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced by interna! Scrofulous Clcer at ion, and are very ofte'u cured by the alterative effect of this SAUSAPARILLA. Some cases require, however, iu aid of the SARSATAKILLA, the skiiftu application of local remedies. From the well-known and widely-celebrated Br Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. "1 hare found your SARSAPAKILLA an excellent alterative in diseases of females Many cases of ir regularity, Leucorrhoea, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when'its effect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwilling to allow the publication of her name, writes: " Mv daughter and myself have been cured of® very debilitating Leucorrhoea id" long standing, by two bottles of \ cur JSARSAPARILLA." Rheumatism, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dy spepsia. Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused bv Scrofula in the system, arc rapidly cured by this EXT. JSAKSA PARI LLA. AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other pur gatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maistained equal to the best it ever has beea, and that they may be depended 011 to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AY'ER, M- D., & Co., Lowell, Mass.", and sold by S. Stark, Tunkhannork ; T I>. Spring, Laceyvihe Harding it Co., Nicholson; E AJ. Froar, Factoiy ville, and by dealers in Medicines overywherc. Traveling Public! TO accommodate persons wishing to go by public conveyance from this place to any section, or re turn, the undersigned continues to run a 33.EVi.Iy HjilTi© OF tWA P r # © illi % m §> $ 0 and from Faetorvr i( i o leaving his hotel at 6 o'clock, a. in., ar A i v j ug 'Faetoryville in timo for Trains to (£rcat gcraitton, to-Tjorhi and PHILADELPHIA. Returning, leaves Faetoryville on the nrriva | of the New York, Philadelphia and Accomtnoda ! tion Train from Great Bend, arriving in Tunkhan j nock at 7 o'clock, p tu. N. B.—All Express matter, packages and goods will j be conveyed to and from the Depot, at reasonable 1 nttes; the proprietor holding himself responsible tor : the delivery of all such entrusted to his care. j Towanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock, ih. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p in Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and Wilkesbarre, leave on the arrival of the Towanda s'age, and re turning conuect with the same, Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursday 3 Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. m.. connecting at Montrors with stages for Binghauiton, Ac. Returning, conOvo -1 with stages for Pittston, Towanda, Ac. j Persons wishing to be called for at their residccl* ' will be acco .annslaied by leaving their name- a hotel of *,'ne proprietor- Horae* and Carriages ia readier* taforwtfd F lsJ> cngeif at *ll times. TB. WA