North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, May 04, 1864, Image 3
LOCAL AND S ONAL.! for (lie Deicrf-A...-. Kg ku consented to set s our A jont in roeen n _ • t I . • Tcr the North Bronej Dein reeeirtinginbscriptioo* io-i ne ... • .nil l'iiu either 0:1 subscription •crat. At! monies Llul ewll 1 .• ',,t n-i!! Ie du!v a-counted for a.: 1 •r for auvcrti.-uiS •redited the mme as ii I" ( • Canal Opened.*—The water is now let into't' o upper dit'S'on of tho Norfh Branch Canal: and wo begin to hear an occasional mellow toot from the merry boatman's horn. Go (ley'a Lady's Boole.—for M.iyho becnr-- ffivtd by us; it is,as u?, ahead of all period: r.t't of its class ; both iu its lilcrary matter r.nd .fa .1- ion plates nn<l other cmbelishmen's Pri c ?3. a year—Two copies, for w.-Ai.r'.s L A.Hodey, No. 323, Chestnut St Philadelphia. Hon Wmr M Piatt—-has removed from this place to Towanda, Bradford Co. If is office, how •rar will be kept open at this place; his old clier.'s will find us. hen not otherwise engaged at the oi l stand, ready r.rd rilling to oew.nmodße them. 1 stage Upset.'-- I The Had: running between t:ss place and the Pv. R. Depot was upret on M<>r.' v evening by a vicious her. 2 winch 1. > I hemp < ■■■ that day. One pa-'er.gcr only was sii.H.iy injured. Tkii is the first accident of tlu kind that has f.: to oar knowledge, happened 0:1 this line ; though it ha? run daily, fur a number ef years. P. It Bridge liUiT.c4.--The R : I Rad Bridge across the Lmku wnnna River a! . rm'-n wasaccidently burned on Fr- ley Inst Thi; a id at howerer, only delayed the mail ard p-ienger r nth for one trip; as ample arrangements have been made to forward both, by carrying thcui across the stream by oinnil nssos provided by thn company The fridge will be rcbu'lt in a few days Tlie Itell-Rl erers are C oming.—Tho 1>! i dell Brothers—tho Sw: 3 Bell-Ringor— giro one of their novel and Interesting tor. vol cntcitemmei fs at Ur. :_ n Hall, in this pi ae, tn-rr.,rr>w, (Thar; lay) •vening, Price of A-inib i.n 21 cts. 'i bis troupe at its visit to thi-- plane, r-mc two years jince. grve such entire Satisfaeti m, fhnt we r.-w bespeak for them a crowded h use. •' The Blai'dcll Broth rs with their aids s-.Jo Violin#Harpists, be dad singers Ac., fur rid, an entertainment well ,de*-ervitig of tho patronage of all lovers of good mtirie—Q> and hear the in. •♦The Oldest Inhabitant*'—is now about ready to declare tha' h n v r k: v a l.itor, or more [unfavorable Fj -ir.g f-r firming oporatu i s. than the preset.' <t o- Th • winter's m-ors ha 1 ( hardly ceased s' through t..e tiets on tho mountain toj>s, when yts'orday morning v:a a ko and found the tops of th-r'aills in - ghi o; tins ; or* covered—not wiih the verdure i f • tag, r. we 1 Thought we had a right to e:.; .-t 'ut wth ihc snow white mantle <\f wiutor. As we write thi the ( rain pots remorselessly 1 tho heads of ihc pi ' - trians in the streets. IVhen this will eenv.-, nr.; wo shall havo something like spring wcath.r. lie who retorts above c::n ■ nly tell —iAarrie d. IIVERS--CTKPII EN?.—By E N. Ba- nat tiv- I louse of the brides fa.her in Ni -b ison April 2P'h., Mr. Apollos 1. Mror to Miss, CV'uU nne Step hers, both of Nit he ! n. BALDWIN—.PRATT.—AIso, by the sin.o at tie Hotel of S. I>. Bacon. Mtv 2o !•, Mr Jnre i K, Baldwin, of Luxcrae C nnty, to Mrs Anne Pratt Nicholson Wyoming County. Luxerne p ayors plence copy. ROSR — lu Tunkhonnock Born ugh, on Tuesday morning the 3d inst.. Ji:s:ur dnH,:'.t.-r of Iticharl P. art ?Ta.ry K. it a. Age I 7 _ : . 2 months r.nd 22 thiya. '' Eartli is :.l! vanity, False as 'tis Go -ting ; Cricf is in nil its joys. Smiles with tears meting ; Our brighter- hn; s dc.-ar, Ph-s like iu ar.'s -en - o.way ; T. of ilr on en: ■'. to -'nv, Where all :s flcctlr.g. rt FA33RTT—At Wiu-lhaa-. tow b'p, Wyoming ( >. 1 Pa., TTenry W. Fas.-' tt. One f the most !)i r br " 'y rr-ilrr.ts thai it bus fallen t> ear lot t<> r--or ' is that < f the •. • Mr. while attempting to ipaw the v. ii or fr -ta 11 gun which he bad been eleeniog ..-it on 1 wh : lie had just loaded The gun *a disAi rgc 1 au-l t l photo Toad, toge'her with the wiper, driven thr ugh bi body. If? ftjjjyrt I n f-w step*, sxelainiing •♦l am a de.v 1 man," an 1 fell d -wa a corpse. lis Uavci a wife an 1 a number of fin 11 cb.i''ren to mourn his untie- :.y loss, and wit'i whom wo -> : - erely sympathize in their bere ivcniont- J'r. F— set was ono of our very be: t r. . i m.t eo'crpitvi.ig citisens, By his d.-ath sj.ji :!y I;*.. hist in o s !..n A:- and valued member, and I is family u kind and dnlgcnt husband and father. Special Polices. Admi 11 ist r ato r*s X tier. Whereas letters of A<lrmnistrit:,i . '• - teen /tranted to the nndnrsigtted on th- e t-itt S.>i-r0..-n Whiteorab late of Windham T-.wi.ship Be •'■!. Ad persons owing ua; 1 davedont are reipies'e i to mike immediate pigment, and those bav.i.-claims npaiiist jth* same are requester to j-r...vnt th-..a duly aitiien A rated to rrrNRV r.cvi:. Mehoopany Pa, Ala.::.!-': .f .r. l April 27th 1 14 AI) MIX ISTit ATOII.S, \ {)T i("I J. Whereas letters of A '.ministration to the or'ate of .-niuiucl Oakley, ! :to of Nichols -n Town •hip. hare been grante t & tho suhs.-rvl er. All '■ persons indebted to tho; ii i.fcnfute aro repue ted to make immedtote puwi\ at.-1 those having el ims against said estate will oi.ike ku.nvn the same ait'a a*t delay, to X. OAKLEY Aim's Nichoisqn Pa. ) April 1864. j| AUDITORS XUTitli. |r, matter ol ;lic Lstate ot Klisha Harris Ifie of falls'ti.tvnsTilp, ITyomlng V inn ty deceased. The undersigned having been appointed by the Court Of Common Pleas of Wyoming Count -. :.n Auditor to make :s general distribution of the" i i ',l raised by the sale of tin reul eetate of suyl Lli dia Harris deceased, amongst the heirs and :.11 ih.,t arc legally entitled to any jiortion of rai 1 fund will attend to the daties of his s tid appointment 1' his office in the borough of Tnuklmniio-k I'n. on Wod naday /un.e Ist 186-f, at one o'ef> -J; inthe afternoon, at which t'me and place nil jiersons having any •Uiins upon said fund are required to present thtra •r be debxrod from coming l:i upon said fuad. F. C. ROSS Auditer. Tunkhannoek April 23th 1?31, ! T ; A , DInS ' i LADIES 1I \ heited rC:I advertisement in I hi. paper, \ ' IMPORTANT T0 FKMALES. I V i A LA MODE.' TISE I.VTEST CI!!)M X FAV YORK. W 7 RS. A. G. STARK, TAKES PLEA-I*RE IN* iVI :i g -- ii informing her trfeuds, and tr.;- ladies sr n , cr.iily, i it -!.o has received, find is still receiving :i btrgc ; ii i wail selected siss-.irtUiCflt cd SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, C nsislingof H VIS, BOX NETS, RIHBOX'S, L'i.OSSdS, LA i'slin;{S, I,ACES, IIEAD DUMSSL'S, an !, iu shirt .!1 art I s usually found in a AriLLTNETIY STORE. She -Etc'...; n will from nil repiirlag GOODS in her line, before purci ring ■ i.-ewUe.e. Stark j (..ii be fouud at lit ■ houv: lori.i-rly oc upled by Ilun : ry Stark iu the b .MUgh of Tu'.kimunock, ready ar.i willing to so vc ;.!1 who m iv favor tier with a call. M A XTI f A-M A KIN G. We have secure 1 the services of an experienced x;rLßs --3 -1 , an! at all tim--: wid '. c; rr; .1 tu Fit an 1 Make 1 -resscs in the l.itcjt ami most :j j roved manner.— .- (iieitiog jour ealls.b for ■ pur s 'h.- drg elsewhere, we remain Yr'tfs Re twlfn'ir. MRS. AC STARK. Tur." hat reel: 11 27. 1 2 W. MiiRv'AXTII.E APPRAISEMENT. Tho unif 1.-igned,having been appointed .T'-r aa tlie appraiser for the County of Wyoming for the year Io?F hereby ccrtif es tho toilow ing to be a cor r -t list of Retai.ers in t u\bgn Meretiandise, with their Ui.n: s, class :utl rate in the several townships t o wit t St.Ass I 1 Ik Bu. icll ST.Ort 13 Jn-. U. llr-.wn 10,'Jft ' 12 F. M 12,60 | CI.IMIS 14 11. & S C. M.ilbewaon 7.00 1? .fno. Welb A Son 7.00 14 1-1 A S. Frear 710 J 4 tiurdner Ingh > a A Co 7.10 14 Vi". JBr.ggs 7,(J'J T! \T >V. 14 J Y. C.i: r enter, 7,00 * 14 Au.<<f Bcviuer /CO 14 CUaun; cy Sherwood, 7,00 FRKKsToM*. 14 Be'i-r McQueen 7''o 1. Hiram ilin-hi-oek 7.14) 14 <!. il Bur sees 7. ,: 0 t.i Me \. . ll tiiibtit 111 j wit 7,00 ■f t:i:o :-A\ v. J1 W:n, TL BirneS 780 II TI.T ve 7.P0 12 J. 1-ui-ig- & Brother 12,30 .MI'.SHKPI'i 14 I'. iJ.ii.kineon 7.00 i Id C: eririig i Loom is i-J 00 13 S i lV- :.. y 10 00 14 Jacob li .V, w 7.00 - ; • ll ,V. 13 Wi'.i A Bilge ll'OO 13 K. I'. Vt. ..X " 10,01) 14 3 I, 1 .CT.uiy 7 i|J ! t ') 1.. J. .'< • :i 1' 12 30 i-f E-i'-'-ia .I'ti-jhC 7 etfl .MiJIT Ii l;.u \N( :i 14 V.'i i in Vi arc. 7 JO n -i.TIi ibi LAND 14 I' a Le -v 7.00 I 1 J I-iivi:i !& li inters 7• ) i 4 dl- Krr-.b-r 7,D0 . i t. r II C p. Ai -i - 7,10 I ! 'l L 11 -•♦ A C - .0 !•') 12 Aloft A Wright J 2.50 II K. Whevlock 7.00 I 1 J.a-. .Veil 7.l'd id C. M. K-o n 7 - ') II tien. T. *:g"ltO!l* 7,00 v;- :-ji am 11 11. 'S, (1:-v.-s 7,00 AVAMTINCTii V. 14 o. M'. -rft! 11l 7 00 1-1 F. H . /iewr.-rm in 7.P ) '.4 J r .nv. m.-ii 7 iid An appeal wii! be 1. I .hii urt II cise in luo tbirou ,-:i iTunkba- v . n i'.ii the kk'l Jty of J uiy, A . I>. rod. C. L ' AUtrflX. $ Mcriuntile ( Appraiser. Just {itihlished, EStvHii mmm. REV. ALFRED TA \ LOR. With an by Prdmis S. Hart, 1.- 1. J)., <: liiadclp'iia. Th-; chara -fer and un foldings of the Simdtiysch'jl ore fast be-.-i.uiirig on eleri! -it of national hi>; ry. To n hopeful extent, this Christian orginizatiorrmaitl iiu ; the i haracfers of our children and youtii; i.i: i its iiupn si ,us on the tiiinds of thp ui-sccs ::ry ha ily L--- j otenli il a.l ai iding than the U of ttie Pulpi'. This voltnm kbotktinmj inti g It is a c<>ui> l>set RiitroT of rha S vrelay-s .. .dy distio-ing its -oikings, an 1 giving .i graphic insi :!it into th Oil .n- e-i.-ti,-.-- of supc*intejadeijt?,Teaheri%Schplar&j r.nd Sunday--ill nd (dra'nr--. Every chapter of the work is as liOott in ihe U -iiticatiuu of character as the edge of a hcb'teld rii/or. The book mil create a and, if its suggestion* -co iieeded, u rel'orma t --. . 11 iu fittiiig a vompmi l tilt to"flurSi|U ' li.iy-s-.-lm'd, and how tvo Conduct it," by M'atdo Ahl-ot, an 1 both work- are an sit ion to tha nv iigious liter, turo of :I age. V. e give liehuv :* few items of coi.tent.v, thlß better to give the readers of thi.- ...Ivertisen -jtit u tore'.: rte of the goo I things in st'.re for thep : 1 THE rmCETY 2 E p! :RTNTV\I• FXT, 1 rii a lIEA VA a I I* MR I N i J Nj-B A'f i TTißftN.-*R"T:M.NPI.M. fl Pi-RiN'i FNirEN'T. "i iiF.SrC<T! --iFi'f. MlT'Ki! 1N i ENI.'ENT. ; 'I HE SHALLOW .'Ji-.AtHER. j'dll. AIWUMRXTATIVH 1 EA'TIITR. THE INEXPERIENCED FEACIIER. } THE DULL TEACHER, mil i'b-ACABEAHI.i: TJIACIUTR. THE A iff ALTE TL Ab'lfEß. THE i'.Uit LAJ'LV i.A'l 1. TTE\CHLr.. . THE EXCELLENT Tl! U'liEß l HE AIISLHIEYOi.'S SCHOLAR. THE PI;H( ociors sdroLAR. i Till, too-Tho SCHOLAR THE i iiiSX-RATE S 40LAR.* tsL'XDAY-St IIOOL SPJ3LCH-MAKIXG. THE FOMPOt SSPEAKER. THE BONO-WINDED SPEAKER. AT THE CONVENTION. TIIK EMPTY MAN. THE DOLL SPEAKER. Till: xALKINH SUPERINTENDENT. THE STUFFED CHILDREN. THE l'ERf PATEIC BO HE. i FIB ArnT.o-.u-: no "-ru akttr- TIIE INT iAI El.\ 1-. A K EU. THE REDICCLOUS SPEAKER IN THE PCl.Pir. THE TKt LY KbUQL'L'N'T SPEAKER. 1 AND THE tI'EECIi PLEASED THE LORD." I rice ijji aeut, prepaid, on receipt of prieet Thivo eiipies >._-nt to any editor who iuscrts this ad vertisemcnt twice. tvf" A discount of 20 percent wi!! be given to any Sundny-eeh oolordering twelve ot mere copies llEiN'RY 110 YT. SiUiday-School Publisher. NO. 9 . COIINII IL L , BOSTON. For sale by WILLFAM S. &. ALFRED MARTrEN, Ife W6 Chrrtcnf ifrret Philt-lelphia Jl ST E EC£IYED, i ; c .J 1 * r f 4 * sium — ! PHILADELPHIA I •- . . -Ai'D ; ISs ew"2"oarls., ! A FULL A SSO I'. X M EST OF ! I• ■ I © :,r,|fsm f'v © jUvi -V,:p C -?~4grJV # DRESS GOODS, : SHAWLS, OASSSBEBS, Oiotblng-, 1 Shoes, Hats, =! faiun 030gi)5, l -_ •-T) 1 H NOTIONS, ivc* L.r. , adapted to this Season' which will l.e m Li ;.L tho VERY LOW K.ST MA KKT PRICK !bx L'-uL or. Co entry l'roduee, fit the ,Biore of John Weil. : Tn ckhntoe< k Max-h ■' I. I£C4 Treasure; s* t?.ile of Unseated Lilt! !ti YVy outing Cuuuty. ' j "\TOY!"K - hereby given, that under and by lN virtus "t fit Several Acts of me-eml ly of the f'otnmonw ! 'th ' 1' Peuneylvatii i. pa??ed for the •>>{- lection of tn ■ ?on UM?-atel I-nd?, the Treasurerof ' Wiomiwf C aiitv. will, on the second Monthly O 1 wit. I j: i j June \D. 1964, at the Court House, in j the Rorn®h of T. nkh-u no<•!?, expose to Pni-licsale. I the M lowing ifiiMs or J part? of tracts of unseated I.ill I. for the tasc.- tin i co?' •; thetn respectively, t Sale to c v.e at one • 'dock P. M. Eaton. r.'j of KMy <i'o?i<, E iton 81,02. (id Thoinaa- ' 1.70. j lot) "; Wiilimn, " 2,60. I HO, " H'lllOlVell .loh.t, •' 1.23 14' i " Thorn is I ji'i, " 3.64. 210 Leuio Rev id, ' " ('• 21. 32 >J " I'o. ?'! h -ma?, " iLiG. I 439 i; i lire .LioieA " 11.42. ! 4d9 imk VV.lJ.uw, " 11,12. i 4*o I cVii -.S untie], " 11.12. 200 of lis i James, Tails, S.JJ. IVUKSTO V i 400 Bailerta;: Willi am, Furhaton, 13. ?0. •!Uti J.'-mv j.m S.; .uc.o '• 14.01. 4<>o 1' M'i; r Barton '• 13,30. 4m iV ;o:y ii " )4,01. j ; 300 of B v.u.a J.ivci.h " 10.33. 41 0 Jl : : 'ett J. ft, ' 14.01. I 496 BirtorHii . lierj itnia ' 14.01. 266 f Br? e .j he" . 18. •1 :S t' Incl, '• r?.7ti ' ! lit) of e • mrf J tmi'-s, " 34 i. j 4'Mi Cuttnnn 9 tintrei, ' 1401. 4hM (' irntdV N Is " 1401. 306 of en Ln; ' 10,43. 100," <'n?r> *i 1" iri k, " 3.4'. 100 t'Anipoifll .3 . .erf, " 3 4 J. j 406 Lei' ir Pet * " 14.01. , i ami iteino r s>'ie<,n. " 140!. ■> 407 4' 'W.I ,n, " 14.01. 407 lfcli>Ojj Ji hn, •' litil. 3'JO of lie.ii r i< a, (I 10.43, , 2 1 "> " h• ' • '• 7.i1. '.j '• •' j ' il.u; ,s. " 10.43. 440 J a mi' n 4 naas, " 15,13. 408 r>:• Tii 'c:ts. ' II 01. 4 id V'.t\l r E iu'.rrds, " 1N,03 I 417 I'rv Jhhn . •' 1", IJ> i 430 Fish Joseph, 143<5. i 40' itl .re Itntiicl, " M.Ol. 150 of Hr.ii.; Phi!. ' R 10. 439 11 til 'Willi i'm. " 15 13 I 4:9 Hall or Hill S irah, • 15.13. 4"6 KmM \Vi '■ 14,{'1. | i 77 of I\ inj Si'tri'iel, " 2 09, liM) Kcox Ji Int. " 13 £3 400 Knox Sen .d. - " JS.Tu 1-1 • I cut im, " fi.l9 I 423 S :teb"s (1 -yrire. " 14.71. ! "0 of .Mcl. in'.mtin J'i;ti, " l<t 33 2 | )o " M li-iujh'tit Jajtrefi, " ' 6 90. *2iio " >o*l-' U'illi nii,- " 6.90. | 4 9 Mufrv Attios, '■ 15,13. 300 of Ariller M ry, " 10.33. i 400 Okrr John, " 13.50. 410 I'itfon Tsiae, " 1414 i 4;7 lb" ! Ciii li- in, " 15.12. 402 Rti'shaw Ki.-hrrl, " 13,05. ( 200 of Stefihriis Aimi. " 6,i") 439 Sti ; h mi cue .n. " 14 325 of V.'hi c S inn I. " ' 11 17. 304 " White Piot.crt. " 10,50. 4 ") White, " 13.5t) 400 White J a. " IJ.OQ. 420 Vairinjtton John, " 14.45. 1.1 j; s. SO of H in"f Oe.iree, Leiuort, 2 50. j 113 Ramsey }[ Xll 'iTuuibell •• 2,04. 55 " li-uuniv lifiirv, •' 1,14. 106" Hunter i' trick, " 2,74. 63 ■■ Ranter 4 lines, " 1.76. 125 Hauler 1 Si J..cj h, " 3,24. 9J " liuuti. 1' .J- - .Luuei U 2,33 | 51 " Hut ran flenry, " 1,34- i 43 '• Key J I'l, Mcaltepixvo, 1.12. S3 • Try •• 2.40 | Masher,. , j 400 Ail'n Sftmual, .Monroe, 25 60. j 439 Lett n'oii J cob, ' 23.10. 404 llraillev II uinah, " 25.97. 321 of Bail? Daniel, " 20.54. 400 C'iiipboii .1 iiucs " 25,60 100 Cami ;.l .11". ' " 25,60. 359 of Dougherty Richard, " 24,88, j 406 ifO'.i triii? Uuith m, " 25,97 4 6 l>u vi> Jr.DAihiirt jr. " 25.97. 400 IV rnyfl.ire J. lit", " 25,60. 4.05 l>e! 'PJ .Mayrsar j, > 25|1. 376 of ltd any 1' .nny, " 24.07. 1 420 E.-ij <i 03,' c, " 25,60. • 173 of Him 1, '' 11,07. 1 -TOO -Oalnitp Ea i a', '• 2p.(JO. ; 403 (iiidlc.r Danid " 25.10. I i 490 llarmtw v vraMiee," " 25,60. 4aS lirrmine William, 11 29.10. ! 275 of David, " 17,61. ; I'd M.v 1.1, " 25.60. j I 410 K9t Phi' man. " ;27.v>. I 434- yahieer ■* 409 Pierce .J .!m, '• 25.96. •IfiO l'altticr Willing, " 25.60. 423 Retiini rton J tlm, " 27,39. * i 449 HanMinh Ann, " 90.10. j f 43V) : R int-hui .! ho. : 'l i >9,10. j 13-3(3 of Stewart Mary, " 24,82. I 439 .Stcph *ns Siiaon, " 28.10. 413 isuiit .9/ ir, ">. |98,74. It' 6 Tripp Jo' ty •' 25,97, 1 I 4m TwM Jdn, " 25,97. ! 12'j of VVyilis (jioo. jC. John " 6,05. xonniu ranch. >*' J 410 Barlib v Heiftje. Norlh I-traadt, 11.4 q . 130 of lib tie Siimiic!. " 3.64. •100 Covel M it heir, " 11,20. j 362 of Cuvti Oralm, " M), 14. 410 Davis Iluldah, " 11,46- i 1 300 of rid) Jaber, " R,38. I 400 J'i.-b Sareb, " 11,20. | 41U Jla? tn .T-.,:.n, " 1M . , 416 1IU Junes 1 H i '. 410 Johnson Jae Ji *' 11,48. 410 Johnson JMioida, 1' " 11,48. 410 Johnson Christianaa. '• 11,4 d. ! 280 of L-nox W illiam, " 5,60, 3?5 " Ma -m Abraiiatit, •' *""'''9 14. I -110 Metro? RoLa#<T*t " H'-IS. 1 410 " M fV-i'v 9 itiir-u 11.49. 225 of Phii^TlT-OTPTT7 — " 6.28 42; " Eriu Chiljtt-.iier, JLrhulsan, f,!4. L6J." ilartteyO<' : se. aill 4 38. TUN KHAN Nunc 63 u Bttrvey Job, Tnukhsnnne!,, 1,64. 441 " llepler ifei) " tMisinj; u 3.88. j 115 " Thompson B:tmu " 3.76. 90 of lia.i.pton g .oiuel Warhirrg'an, 2.34. 61 " Tlainpton ? {tnuel, " . JJi^. JAMKB L. MrLLrBON, Tressurcr. ' Trea'urers Ofliee, ? 1 Tunk. Msrch 31, 1864 ) Hell's Sbccific Pills—W.rrauted in all Cascs.e can bo relied ''i' Xev'er fail to euro! Do not nauseate! Are speedy In action' No change of di et required ! Jjo not interfere iv'tii 1 usincss 1 ursuiti I Can ba used without dated ion! Upward of 2Ct) cu-e-r this month —soma of la m very severe eases Over one hundred phy icic 11s have u*ed them in their prnctiiC, aa-J all speak well.'if their tl'i ay, nnJ : approve of their composition, which is entirely vege table, and harmless on the system, ilua ir.-ds < f ; eertifu-atcs enn he atmv.n. , Hell's Specific Pills a.-e the original and only genuine Speeiflo Pill. They are adaptel f.r male j niitl female, old or young, and the only reliable reme- I dy for effecting a peruiaceut and speedy euro in all cases of Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, vruh ail its train of evils, furh as Uret'i -rtl >lO 1 Vagin il DiiLharges, (Jleet, the Whites, Nidi;!? r Involnuta ri'v Emission, Incootinuenec, Genial De-Mlity an 1 ' Irritability, Impotence, Weakness or Iksss of l ower, Nervous Debility, Ac, Ac., -all of which arise princi pally from Soxual Excesses or Self Abuse, or s)tne conatiiutionnl Ueru&geuient, :ir! incapacitates the suffbrcr fr-ni fulfilling the duties of married life. In 1 all sexual di-oacs, as (Jor.oi rhea. Gleet, and Mrict -1 uros, and in Diseases of t'-.e Bladder and Kidneys, they act as a charm I Relief is experienced by tak ing a single lax. Sold by nil the princif a! druggists. Price -51 Thoy will he sent by mail sc. :. ' sealed, and ecnfidcntblly, on receipt i f the nion-y. by J BRYAN, M D.. No. 76 Cedar Street l ew York, Consulting Physician for flic treatment of Se ntnal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will eend, free to all, tbo follow ing valuable Work, in sealed envelope: The Fiftieth Tirot sAMi— Du BELL'S TRE\- TISE on Self Abuse, Premature decay. Tmpofence and Loss of Power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weak net.",. oiigbtly Emissions, Genital Dohiiity, Jij., Ac., a. pamphlet of 61 pages, contuiniug important advice • to the afilidod, and which sh'mli be lead i y every sufferer, as the means ot'eurg in the severe t -t'ageg •is plainly set forth. T.vo stamps rcpuired to p>y j jststago. ! Importance to ladies —Dr. Uarvfv'a lbmali: (Pi hnvj never yet failed in rem-n-ing dilii.-.ultios uri.-ing from obstruction, or stoppage of nature, or in | restoring the system to pel fact hcabh when suffering ; rfroui Spinal affections, Prolapsus, T'tc-i, 'im Whites, ior other weakness t-f the Uterine Orgm s The I'illa | are perfectly harmless on the c 'OHitutb-n, and may I be taken by the mosi dobejvte feiaah , wit'.-ut caus ing distress —the same tine they at * 'l.e a chc.r u by lengthening, invigt-ritoing end resti-rmg the svstem to a health?' condition, and by ringing <-n the monthly period vu'h regularity, 110 lnaticr from wh-it canes'theobst:ucii-n iwiy arise. 'J ny shouM however, not he taken duriug the first thrc 'four months, ot pregnancy, t :ough sale at iu:_ ther t me, as mi"carri 'ge would be the esulf, Each box contains f.-0 Pills. Price 61. Dr HARVEY':* riIEATHE on 'liseases of Fe males. Prognartcy, M's-arruiiie, Bcrrenne?.-. Sterili ty, Rcptoduetion, nnd Abuses o f Nature, and einphaticnlly the Ladies l'ri.afe Me Ileal Al a pamphlet <>' 64 pages, rout free to any ! address Six rents re'|uiro 1 •■> lav postage ! The Pills and look will be sent by m.d vrhca do - sired securely seale>i, and prepaid, bv J.BHYIivM. >., t7an>r,ii Agent 76 Cedar *t, Ni w \"rk. rr Sold by all Ihc j i fneipal di'Uggi.-ts. Jan 20, 1-61 v-3 n-23 ly F ROSP ECT 1; a THE PHI mm AGS. 1 K<; 1. THE ONLY DEMORATK! D.MI.Y .IOUU NAL PUDLi.-MLD IN AMERICA. THE UNION, Till: CttXSTITUI ION. AND TIiF ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAM'S. Till: DAILY ACI E which adioeatcs the principles nu l p 'li y el the Democratic party, is issued every n.. rring, (>un davs cxcepteilA and contains the latltt rur.KGi!\r -10 news from all parts el the ivcrl l, with carefully prepared article- on Governuient, Posiiics, Trade. Ftnanoe, etc.. an-1 prompt editorial com meats on the questions and affairs el th - day; M irket Reports, 1 PricesCurreut, Mtuck Quotations, Marine lut-'iii j gen-.e, Hy > rts i f Public (iathcrim s, Foreign and Domectic Carrcspanlcrce, Legil Reports The -trival Criticisms, Reviews of Literature. Art nn i M ,i>-c, Agricultural Matters, and liscussii-ns of wh itcvci sunjact is ot general interest and ini] it:itiee; TUB IVOEKLY AGB is a complete couTpedium of the Xlw.s or tiii: Wi:ek and contains the chief-..lib-rials, tl'.o price; i-uri-n: and market rejrts, stork -juofatious, ione>s-..n lone: and general news matter pu'-li bed in ttie Dailt Auk. It Atsq OBTAINS A tiI'LAT VAf'.IKTV (-F OHl kr matte 11, rpndcitr.g it in nt! n-pe, ; ts 1 * -t-class family journal, particularly adapted > ' • I'oliti ciar, the Merchant, the Earn er, the .>. , .oie, the Livery man, and all classes of readers It in. ,in tact, every chsMc-tarietic of a Ll\ E XEIYBPAPKR fitted for the Counting House, the Workshop, the Farmer's Fireside, and the General P.ia lcr. TERMS. DAILY, WEEKLY. One year, By Mail. $S o*l One year, li?- M iii S2 00 Six Monts 4 t)0 Six mon hs 000 i Three Month? 2 00 Three Mouth.- 60 : For any period ie?.s than Clubs of 10 17 60 three mouths, at the rr terif " 29. 3600 Seventy-five cents per with an extra cpy cr.vt ! month is for gotting up the club, j Pav.MEXT ItEQIIUED ISVAHIA3I.V IN VCE. 1 Spieciiuen copies of llie Daily nul Wct„ y will be j sent gratis to any addresSj ou appli -ation. ( The of T?k A'h: eoid l oasby P'i thair ' columns with the unsought and most liberal -o:u - mendations of the press throughout the country; but i they prefer that it should stand altogether upon j claims to public csnfidence, well known and est.ih i lishcd- They believe it has acquiscii ibis reputa- I tion by tho candor, fearlessness and independence ; with which >t has l-ecn tonde ted. tbrough uuie> of ' extraordinary confusion of ideas on puhii • 'subjects. | and latterly of almost unexampled public trial. It j is now, and will bo, as heretofore, the siipp<ivter of ' truly national principle?. or-[*)se,l alike to raiHcal ; ism and fanaticism in every form, and devoted to | the uiai&ten. Uce of good government, law and ct ■ <kt. - The Publishers of ahe Agk coucciye lUt it H .-.i j renders peeuliar services .and has peculiar claims , u]K>n all men by whom its principles arc valued, and ( who, by the proper means, look to promote an 1 se cure the Constitutional restoraMou ot tho Union. — These can best show their sense of ho untiring ef ; forts of the publishers, in hehals of tni? grrrt ami | unpa nil lei led cause, by earnestly sustaining th'-? i p in all its business relations. Address. GLOSSHKENKR & WELSH, No.' 430 CHESTNUT S.REFT, ' rntLADKLIMff A. WHEELER & WILSON v J HIGHEST PREMiLV. Sewmg-Macbines. The Chottpcsi and Jiest. OVER 150,000 OF THFSE WELL-ESTABLISHED j SEWING-MACHINES HAVE. BEfcN SOLD. 9SfSM.nd *OB, CijSCL :.AT. Licrc.-*' _\lman a- Ac. 4U&N VG, WAITED. Address. WHEELER & WILSON Setrihq- If'i rh itic Co, 704 Chestnut Stre&t, Philadelphia. Fresh' Ground Piaster in Quantities sad atprievv ts suit purrhaMr*. now forsalra V k lNiray s. important™ females ■ Et' 0 <((^ILLSN P RO C L 31 AT I 0 X ! TO nir: L iDius : i Hot It Married and Singlo. THE CLDFST REGULATOR f£R FEtYAIES. DR.CiIKESE MAN'S I'EMALE FILLS Will iui-nediatoly relieve, without pun, all disturb- ' ancc of the pcrio li; "i-.iiargo, whether ari ingli 1,111 1 relax;foil or tupp- s>i'>n. They act likn a charm in removing the p iii' : the.t ae -o.cpnny ei,.*;. . 01 1111- nie ic;eie m- i,-iia;:iG . 1. and the old;, safe end • reliable remedy fur J'iufhcv Sick 11-.-udache, Fain? i in the Loir.?. Back and .-'iles. Palpi.ation <f t'e , Heart, Ncrvu-j? Tremors, If?> ciics. .-'p Broken j SKep. and other unplea? tit an-l uangerou? effoe-hi of an unuat ;ral i-on-li:;<>ti of the sexual nuictb. ?. In • the worst cases of Ulnar .Ujus. or White?, they cf- I feet a speedy cure. DR. rnEF'EMAVS FEM M.Vt V7U.< Have been u-e-1 oYUII A QUARTER UF A CEX- I TURY. iij<-j aro offcrc-i a? th- an!? t ifc means of ' ! renewing interrupted'nen-'ruati-,0, tint 7. .'/•-<■ rut t j bear ir, vnm-l that there is vue. rondi '"n of ft- ' 1 malt sy*it 1:1 in idttch the i'iil* cannot <e in hen ' ■ miihout producing a I'id'l'Ll.ll' it /'. x ' l"h T. I The coivliiiij] r!trrc:i to >' ■ J'R il <IS XC V the result. MlSCAßlllA'>' T > -h istiie irresi-*-t- , ! . iLte tendency of the mctik'tm to re lore .the sexual - fi net ions to ■: formal conditio, tin ■ eren the pr ,- (Tuctire pox rof nature cannot r<- Ist il THLY ' C.TNN'IT I>■> il VIi.VJ iiianv ••th -r w - : • DR. CiiKJ-EMAKS 1 KM ALE FILLS Are the on'y fie Heine thai MAR '.[III) I ND SIX • <JLK T, A 'JI li-• ha-.e relo-'l up--n f r ennv ar- <;r , . can rely upon now. Jill IVAI? 11 OF IVi Tl -- .' rh">e Fills loria th<; Finest Pcpartriion ercm; itl ''■ ward with IMME! >i A'i j ami l'lbi- ' ; srstFN'i -ircESS. DDN'T III: DBCBIY i Bl>. Take lhi? aUvcrtiM 11 cut t-. \ ui Drugii.-t. ! i nn-l tell lutn " '' vou 1 runt die TIFF'? and m ■/ i . ' 727-77 TMll. 77 'A L F M 77 PIC IFF 7A' Til E \ IVOR LIU M.dcu. comprised in i j DR. CHEF-EM AX'S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, and om new re-diving the , iwiuctioii of th° mo-,i imuitnl in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIUECTIONS wi-h each Box the ' price, One Toliar per Jiox, cout iindig from 50 to ] ; 60 Pill?. Fills sent 7,y mail, prompt ?7. by re,ait ting the price to tiie Fiopr.tlors, or any auliwriied Agtnl, i in current fun is. ! SOLD BY ORV€G!STS GENERALLY. Ifl ICIIiNGo A IiiLLYER. oi-iwut I -Cedcir Street, -' r>s i' j " ~U' Sid lin TuiiKaaaiMfck, bv J. V. I.trn n. in I M iatr—-. t.y .Ml • Turrdl, n - r'f u by L .-'.A ' ' E. C. Fuller, ii Factoryvfl!'s by all Drnggi-ts i i ih- greate.' ' tprovem r.t yet "11 the Sewing M •• chine art. A curio-ity wortii set-lag. Fleate -end for circular with sample of sewing, fhere Itnpr-aed Ma -Li:, s aavo oNi;ni vi- i> Pl;k 1 CENT, of thread an 1 silk, and make tho "loCKSTIT- u j alike on bo 1: .-ides, i They require n > instruction to operate perfectly j except •' tho printed directions " No . hango in sewing Jr ;u ono kin I cf goods to another. And no taking apart to clean or oil. Our NEW M xm-pactdrt is now complete with ail its machinery and tool? entirely new, an i i? alrca-lv \ rapidly turning oul Machines which for rv and 1-EIU E> Tl>.\ of FiM? :i arc not surpassed by any mam "uclU'-e in tho vvorl 1. N B —ShouM aur M 1 chine five unsatisfactory, it can be returned ,'! money refunded. Agents want ' in counties not c.inrnssel byoni i own agents. FINK UK & LYON :4. >f. CO. No. 538 LIROAD lUAY, NEW YoIiK A pri! 13 1863, y3-p 35- ; TH SEW YORK WEKKI.Y HEIiAI.I) The Cheapest Paper iu the World, The ex'erisivo and oomprehensiro faeilit e in its posscssiou enables tho PRorfiieToß of the WEEKLY IIEIIALD to guarantee the lati?t and most reliable information poi?ib!v to be obtained not from ail parts of the United States, but freui all jwtts o. the world? Its home correspondents, engaged at heavy cost, j and cnimoete 1 with each new naval an J military ex pedition ol the government, ]>rore that it is dctar- i mined to leave 1.0 sj->t uia; • ere i by it? oj:-ratious ; and no event eon occur that sh.l! n-.t find immedi ate report in its columns It costs'the foprietor over "tie hun Ire 1 thousand dollars per year to luatn tain its corps of corre-ppn k-nce iu the field. | In its cofliietion •(' Foteign nen? tlie KI rald hns 1 for years he! I a high po it ion. an 1 it v, "I oudeavo* f in the future to maintain t e stati I it ha? a?su::ie.l I it,has special corrcspoinlents stadoncd i.i a:l of tbo I n'oll i. It? telegraphic arrangement* ex' to wherever i the electro- aire.- are stretched. When the Atlantic i entile i? laid. vvL.i, L feat will soon be accomplished, j telegram* will be received from Europe .mi ia, j •a? well as from the United State?. Then our rea iors 1 will h ivo the < va ats of the week iii all j.arU "f the civHzed world regularly arid clearly laid before ( them, The proprietorMe vote? a purtiy.n of the paper to; Liter.itb-.'o, Fa,hi -a A<rri mjiurc, the Mui-hftnie Art?. Spirting M liters, 1 X-al end Fina.igial R. put?. ' Cattle M irk !?. Gene, 1 News, nod rei?irt? of all events calculated to form nu excellent metropolitan newtpapcrs -:i week!?' photographic view of the event? of thu Wor! I—and all at a very low price „ The WEEKLY HERALD is issued every Saturday morning, an i furuishel at ihc following rate?; One copy $2 Three copies- • •• 5 Five copies 9 Ten co; ies • 13 Any Luges number, addressed to names of sub vi iocrs. 81 50 t:i h. At) extra c->p?".wii! be sent fo every tlul) of ten. Tweuty e -pies. to unoaddraw, one year, #23, and •; nny larg -r number at same jiri -o. Ar. vxtra copy wffl be ?cnt to tdubs of twenty. 1 Advertisi-m nt? to :i limited ituUibvr til be in >e din tho WEEKLY HERALD. Tho DAILY Her \bto, t h i -en*? per copv. Ten dollars per year for three hundred an I sixty-three . issues. Five dollars for six months. Two d->!iar* | ufillv eent? for three tuonlhs. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Editor and proprietor. Northwest corner ot Fulton and Nassau street?. New city, N. Y. There are n > travelling agent? for tkc HERALD. ABV'N ISTK ATIHtS N UTIUii Whereas Lettcis of A-lmiui.-tration r > the Estate 1 of Wlll, I'uilayd, bite of i'.iljs Tv>vu-h'p, deccafed • have been grante-,1 to thiv suh?erbet. All persons indebted to the sail estate are requested to ui ike immediate payment, and thosohaiingebiimsagainst '• tho estate of said decendent wilt make known the same without delay, to NOT ARUM DRINK A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED V E G ETA BIE E X Til A CT. A I*l iE TI'MC, iii.'.t wn.T, relieve the ait'icteD, aii Not im\kc I>ninkar4*; i DL HBOFUKD'S GERiVI N BITTES, PHID'ARED LV Rli. f M. JAC.SOSr. iA. WILL EFFECT''. LLV AXDMVFT CT.RTAIKiT .111 ALu L'i fza* ARISING I;R>M A DISORDERi:O MVMIt, NTOMACH M k: vs. l">tjai: :< .f um: , ••••■• !>i'f suffering from I)vt pepsin i I.lver Diseases. au<l to whom Ui let lowing - i: ion- a, ;<J_\ j g urnntoa * \ / I nooFLANiCS Gi:iTMAA' BITTERS WILL C< >;l TIIKM HOOPLA MPS CiCRMAN HITTERS will cn:r: nvery ci.ib, of Chronic or N'ervotts Debility, I>l s *ac at j ' Jc Ikitiiiej , and Diseases arls'ag fron a Disordered Siomnrhi i OLSER.YE Tiii; FOLI.OWfXO SI'MPTOAIS ■ u-.tuL'ii •'/ om JDi.'ordtn of V-e 1 iyes'ire Organ*: < ' -;.-t.(: :i ii n. Irr.v. | } iVs, Ful'ttes r I?!cod. 'he liyi.l A iiity t.T 'lt- Nntsea.Hssrt !■ rn. btsga- f' r i'oo-l, Fullness or Weight in lk. " li. Soar E.u tasii 1..-. aiiA:..g <.r Flatten.* *1 Ihei aoi <■ fc 1.. o ia.Jiiinp <.f the He. Hor >lo I Jtyl J '/gi. :,'.t H res thing, Fluttering ofih* Heart I' *'"? orSuir,,cntin* Seus ti * wbtaiaa lyia* | posture, Dimnegi 1 Vi ion, (telsor Webs hef.. r# ' • • • n lie .id, irßcy , . iVr-j i.atton, Y-1 •*• I.v>< 01 the ';-.n au Evb I a:u 111 the Fide, H.i k Ci.. sf, * i, .Sudiat! ■ lie "<" Heat, limning m tit* I'L- 'i. Conetwat I. •- oiug* "• Eril, and great 'A gpitiu. Pa RTICT'LA it NOTICE ! //!',? art m ;ry '/••••••••- Yt-' -ff ■■ i ' h ' ' • 'tar/ cmuMundfd qf '■ ' ' ' " r6 on htm, costive from ! '"'iL' w. g \ut(! IfU A'irt l or i ■iriand r ,ti 5R' ciooo qf /Ji,\ rt hr ? eemutf and tr:!!e<m!invo I /•' <!.'; ■ tte int'y.cun !<ecjJ. ku, IrtHstodU lL&rr nu : •({ .lyUr- iru Iht xyttcm £ '•*' ' tr ' a ff iUM . : </, /•• fo ■ u. ]b or i " w ' : •'* *-r ;>• Srt % '•-■' Vi attlkf hor ror.y::U;u/u,il ; t, <!rui+ur<C i t\ ;tfi. r ' : .o n tire Olid ui'! Itaua Liquor ■ ' P rii!. Get Oii , It.'ttii it,:. 4 ... m a itiU< r and mir i \ r " ' 1 Lr.e (Xfeart* tit' Cioi I or ;> hj K ; tcy, c;r(ti,c im:/ •LV . a p>\ , :r . /Aal irt'X lot fjrtf I rn wo r, m ■! true ,-xrtlltneo antfqf I hi rotrftus ... < Uiitero in liu vsirket, ■ [ A , f } /./re all the otrtuoof ,N D;tiers L, * l o troosi arti'lc ft • • l 1,. . r ■ I f prtoc iAm . tiii>." j>tsp.a- ' if/// cot./ t LiASl} .*> (;LI{>IAX hitters Vt 1 f/L GIVE VOL A GOOD APPDTITE, WIT.L GTVY i t ?" snicxi; HKAi/i i; Y NEBYES 1 I DlUhli A\D I v - Ill'iß l i" EEEUXGS 1 U L I.N YULE Yi'l 'ft,- si.FK'r . ANTI V. 'LL . veUl'iVtiLY VUEVEWT I YELLOW FECI.!;, FEVER, TiJOeJ gujTttii.g A roc. t>: owti dov . Dehcpjt &Jtiq/i(ulinnt, I nbttlever eaufCP. ei'Lsr f.i * 31A LII AND FUVtli:, will rrxi> ix HOOITAXD'ji LEK.'thX HITTERS nrmrsv pu-.i wul rest re ty.tjn to i !,faith. Fneh is-, a taeesasc in th se:-.?, .f Injtan en. sud a l.t r tit.l is bu; <•' |;rt>* o ti.e a?srr- ion. From F't. J Xe-.rtJn llnrcn, V. I).. Editor of & Xiwytlopejia qf Ec --ions Kmwkdfrt. Al'hoUiiV. r.< ? 'ii -f- - i f.tvor or re.v.nttuentl Pat eT.t Mt Moli t-s oi • tu r.t!, ihr..;!ga 'list rust of their ißtjledl-.tlitf and e.L .ts I v"t kr.-'i" of no sufli. isrt r- .st.fis; v. i/ a, t'i t .i mtv ii'.t testify to the benefits be i.i liev Bit i" tiu\o rct'ti\< i I :*.•rj any situriio [ ret' irii'tbrr, Li the I. ; ■ tbut he taa; thus c'onti ibute (•I the bpnefii of "Uteie. 1 do tliG the j. re r® > Ji!y in regard to Hoofland'a Rittew, prepared by Dr. C M Jackson, of t! jv i ity. bee iuse I ivaprtj liccl ,-., m rrt them f. r ntaiiy years. *ier ttf* ••.tyressinn that they wcro ehieflv an at.f'niii • t. I ain indebted to mf friend Ih.hort Sho maker, ior the re moral of thu ; rejudioe bv ,tr TiftfrJ An I f - nnraCtunl to try them, when 'ri ig fim great and b.-ng cen tipue-l de' i'ity. 'l ite u-e ef three bo'Merof theaa Hitter-, at the beginning of the pr snt vear a* toiloe. e i by evident relief, and restoration to a 4o ' ■My an i met U vig. r which I Lad not frit ior S'x months I pfetQ, at: 1 had almost derpairad s t regaining 1 th. i- •fi.rc.iban't Cottanu my trieadfer direeti. j ma *o the ii'e of"t!if ut. I'nu. An a, Ju. v 23. I'gl. J Rrow.*. DISEASES OF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, in Young or Aged, Male or Feme Is, Speedily remove I, an ! the patient restored to health. ' DEL ICA TE Cn IL MIEN, Those su. Taring frem MARASMIiji, uasticg aw iy, nitii scarcely any flesh on tlu-ir tioues, are cured iu a veiy short time: "to icitie iu sueii cases, nlil bare a most surpri.-mg effect: X'-tOLX L2z:rj' r r"*3 Having "Snfferitog ehitfren a- above, and wishing to raise thrtn, wi!! never regret the day they wotumeno- the<! llit ets 111 Eli ABY MEN. STUDENTS, An i tl-o working hard with hur brains, sliouldal iv iys keep a i oiHeof llooflatid's Bitters i, B *r tivcm, as tliey will ,t, I inuih .M'Tiefit flotll its use, to boih usm I ami 'hi ly, i- viguruting ami not deprej^iuf . IT IS NUT A l.iaiOll STIMULANT, AND LEAVES \t.) PRttATRATION. ATrsaTJOft," SOUL2RS ? AND THE FRIENDS OF Snf,DIERS. We call attention of all yavmir rei it ..s or friends in the nrnsy to the fact that " IIGOFLAXI>'S llsr inau Hitlers will . are nine tenths ot'tbe diseases i • iti -oti by ni nrivati-.tis in. ' >rw to camp life. In j übiWv !* dai y bthe net- - ' fijieri, 6n the *rru! Jt the -ick, it w.RW mit Lea tinit a very large pr.o. rt- n are suffering from dt!|- ity. Every enro of that kind tr be rea.iil cured by lliHidaini'j (.eriu a. iji'.tcrs. g Lave tionir* stating tir , if these Hl*ten were freely u?ed am -tig oar soioier-. Latutreis ofiivts might be saved that utiicnviso would l.e {pel. The | ioi retor, arc Jnily fecfi\ ing tlinnVfdl letter! tlotli sub icls n the iliany iXV*I .liospitsfs, who have . tali r>' tore I to Li ir ii 11 it i.y thu use of ..sic Litter 8, scut to tiiesn by their fiien is. HFAVARE OF CC)U NTER FEITS. Sw that fill' sSigimturo (f ';G. ,\f J is on lhe WIIMTKIt rf ekp'i Bottle. Price per Rot Of 7 A rents, or Half Hot., tu; RI,OO, Shonl 1 ybur nearest drugg'Si .: ! haic -'a arnica dj nut be put off by any . !' li.o li.tuxi -.ytieg prri ari tions that may be offered in its (il.ije. hut sen I to hs, and we will forward, securely packed, by einerts Pfhicl'-a! lire a-i-J S*R.i:aetsrx, A&CKSTU££T, JONES & EVENS, (Successors to C. M .TACKSUN A Co ) Proprielom. FOR SALE by Dr n& il- >.* I on It hs