PR OSPECTUS. OP THE PHILADELPHIA AGE. 1H64. THF ONLY DEMORATIC DAILY JOU'R NAL PUBLISHED IN AMERICA. toe UNION, TIIE CONSTITUTION, AND THE ENFORCRMENT OF THE LAWS. THE DAILY ALE. which aJvocates the principles anil policy ot the Democratic party, is issued every morning, (Sun days excepted,) and contains the LATETT TELEGKAP 1C KXWH from all parts of the world, with carefully prepared articles ou Government, Positics, Trade, Finaitee, etc.. and prompt editorial comments on the questions and affairs of the day; Market Reports, Prices Current, Stock Quotation*, Marine Intelli gence, Reports of Public Gatherings, Foreign a-id Domectic Corresponds ce, Legal Reports Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Literaturo, Art and Music, Agricultural Matters, and discussions of whatevei subject is ot general iutercst and importance; THE WEEKLY AGE f* a complete compediutnpf the NEWS or THE WEEK and contains the chief editorials, the prices current and market rejierts, stock quotations, correspondence and general news matter published in the DAILY AGE. IT AI.SO CONTAINS A GREAT VARIETY OF OR;;. x> MATTER, rendering it in nil respects a first-class family journal, particularly adapted to the Politi cian, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Livery man, and all classes of readers. It has, in lact, every characteristic of a LIVE NEWSPAPER fitted for the Counting House, the Workshop, the Fanner's Fireside, and the General Reader. TERMS. DAILY. WEEKLY. One year, By Mail. $9 00 One year, By Mail #2 00 Si* Monts 4 00 Six menths I 000 Three Months 2 00 Three Months 60 Por any period less than Clubs of 10 17 60 three months, at the rate of " 20 30 00 Seventy-five cents per with an extra copy GRAT mohth is for getting up the club. PAYMENT REQUIRED INVARIABLE IN ADVANCE. Specimen copies of the Daily and Weekly will be •eat gratis to any address, on application. The Publishers of THE AGE could easily fill their eolumns with the unsought and most liberal com mendations of the press throughout the country ; but they prefer that it should stand altogether upon claims to public confidence, well known and estab lished. They believe it has acquired this reputa tion by the candor, feurlcssness and independence with which it has lieen conducted, through times of extraordinary confusion of ideas on public subjects, and latterly of almost unexampled public trial. It is now, and will be, as heretofore, the supporter of truly national principles, opposed alike to radical ism and fanaticism in every form, and devoted to the maintcn .lice of good government, law and or der. The Publishers of THE AGE conceive that it thus renders peculiar sorviecs and has peculiar claims upon all men by whom its principles are valued, and who, by theprrqier means, look to promote and se cure the Constitutional restoration of the Union.— These can best show their sense of the untiring ef forts of the publishers, in behals of this . grert and UMparallolled cause, bv earmstly sustaining this paper in all its business relations Address. GLOSSBRENER & WELSH, No. 430 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TH NEW YOUR WEEKLY HERALD The Cheapest Paper lu the World. The ex eusive and Comprehensive facilities in its possession enables the I-KOPHIETOR of the WEEKLY HERALD to guarantee the latest and most reliable information possibly to be obtained not only from !I parts of the United States, but from all parts o! the warbl- Its home correspondents, engaged at heavy cost, and connecte 1 with each new naval and military ex pedition of the government, prove that it is deter mined to leave no Bpot uncovered by its operations and no event can occnrthat shall not find immedi ate report in its columns It costs the proprietor ever one huudred thousand dollars per year to main tain its corps of correspondence in the field. In its collection cf Foreign nev,. the HERALD has for years held a high po-ition, and it will endeavor in the future to maintain ti.e slaud it has assumed ft has special correspondents stationed sa all of the world. Its telegraphic arrar.gemen's extend to wherever the electric wtres arc wretched. When the Atlantic cable it laid, which feat will ,s oo n be accomplished, telegrams will bo received from Europe and Asia as well as from tho Unite i States. Then our readerJ wilt hare the events of the week in all parts of the o:*Hesd world regularly aud clearlv laid before them, - Th propricter devotes a portion of the paper to l.iteratunv Fashion Agriculture, the Mechanic Arts. f£?ii ' n f< 'tters theatrical end Financial Reports, Cattle Markets, General News, aid reports of all events calculated to form an excellent metropolitan MWtpapors -a weekly photographic view of the "s?*- "! U,e world-ami all at a very low price lhe hbkklt llkrai.l) is issue ! every .Saturday morning, aud luraished at the following rates: One copy -.52 Three copies i- Five copies g •fen cot ies *jc Any arges number, addressed to names of sub ten bers. 81 50 each An extra copy will he sent to every club of ten. Twenty copies, to one -uldress, one year, 825, and any larger number at sain- price. An \xtra copy will be sent to clubs of twenty. Advertisements to a limited number will t,e in ♦erted in the Weeki.t Herald. The Dailv Herald, three eents per copy. Ten Dollars per year for three hundred and sixty-three I # r. lvc do,lars f °r six months „ Two dollars unity cents fur three months. JAMES (JOKDON BENNETT, Editor and proprietor. Northwest corner of Fulton and Nassau streets. ... New York city, N. Y. ■there are no travelling agents for the Herald. Please send for circular with sample of sewing These Improved Maehin s save one ulnuded ran cxsT-of thread and silk, an 1 ir-iLn . 1 0,111 muae the lockstitch aldto on both sidea. They require no instruction to operate perfectly •ieept " the printed directions-" No change in sewing from one kind of goods to Another. And no taking apart to clean or oil. * EW 'W'actorv is now complete with all vapidl, 1 1060 an ~' 300 of M'.-Laugolio J. he,- " 10 33 200 " M. Laugh'in James, " 6 90. 2tlo " Morse William, '• 6.90. 439 Muzzy Amos, '• 15 16. 300 of Miller Miry, " 10,33. 400 Oker John, " 13,80. 410 Patton Isaac, " 437 Reed Coi lison, " 15.12. 402 lien.-haw Ri.-hird, •' 13.85! 200 of Stephens Anna, " 690 439 Stephens Simon, " 15'19. 325 of White S-imuvl, " 11.17. 304 " White Robert. " 10,50. 400 White Jatues, " 13 SO -400 White Jobo, " 13.'80. 420 Yarriugton John, " 14,45. LEMON. 96 of llarvey George, Lemoi, 150. 113'- Ramsey II Ail Trumbell '• 2,94. 55 " Ramsey Henry, " F44 106 " Hunter Patrick, '• 2 74. 62 •* Hunter James, ' 1*76! ■-j '• Hunter P A Joseph, " 3 24. 95 " Hunter P. \ Samuel " 2^59 51 " Hirtsnan Hctry, " 134 43 41 Fry Joseph, Meshoppen, 1 ,'l2. 92 44 Fry James, 44 2,40. monkce. 400 Allen Samuel, Monroe, 25.60. Betferdon Jacob, 4 28,10. 406 Bradley Hannah, " 25.'97. 321 of Baily Daniel, 44 20,54. 400 Campbell James " 25,60 400 Campbell Margaret " 25.60. 389 of Doughart.. Richard, 44 24,83. 406 Downing Reuben, " 25,97 4(6 Davis Jonathan jr. " 25,97. 400 Derbyshire John, " 25^60. 405 Delany Maynard, " 25,91. 376 of Delany Fanny, 41 24,07. 400 Espy Georgo," 44 25,60. 173 of Good Thomas, 4 " 11,07. 400 Galllup Eunice, 41 25.60. 408 Gridley Daniel 44 26,10. 400 Hartnison Wallace, 44 25,60. 439 Hermans William, 44 29.10. 275 of McKnight David, 44 17,61. 400 McCoy Ephriam, 44 25,60. 410 Nash Phineas. 44 27,22. 431 Palmer Asher, 44 27*53. 409 Pierce John, 4i 2n|96. 400 Palmer Willie- 44 423 Renimgton J ma, 44 27,38. 439 Rensliaw Annf 44 28,10. 419 Kenshaw John, 44 28,10. 3SB of Stewart Mary, 44 439 Stephens Simon, 44 28,10. 418 Smith Peter 44 26,74. 406 Tripp John, - 4 25,97 406 Todd John, 44 25,97! 126 of Wyllia Geo. £. John 44 8,05! NORTHS RANCH. nn r r '*. T * ,e 7 ()eor S! North Branch, 11,48. 100 of Biille Samuel, 11 364 400 Covel Mat hew •' 11 20 362 of Corel Oralia, it 1014 410 Davis Huldah, •> ll'lß -300 of Fish Jabes, < it on 400 Fish Sareh, i 1120 410 Hagirman John. •• n act 410 Hall James, u li'm' 410 Johoson Jacob, •• n'49' 410 Johnson Johoida, P 4 410 Johnson Christ iauna, 44 1 l'aq wor I 0 ,„ Willi.™. ' ■■ 'is; 72 -Mason Abraham, 4 q is 410 M-Cray Robert, 4 < 11' in 41 0 44 McCray Samuel, < 4 11 43 225 of Phipps Thomas, 44 6*28 icq 11 F/ ;lZ c ' h " Bt "P h r, Nicholson, i!li! Iteß Harvey George, Jgg tunxhannock. ' 63 44 Harvey Job, Tunkhaunoek, 164. 441 14 Hepler George " 11 IC 150 14 Thompso 1 William, >• 388 145 44 Thompson Samuel, 44 3jg' 90 of Hampton Samuel Waahingtou, 2 34! 61 44 Hampton Samuel, 44 I2d' JAMES L. MELLISON, Trtuuuw. Treaeurers Office, ) - Twk. March 81, IW4 5 Registers Notice. Notice i hereby given to all persons interested,' that the fu!!iwing accounts hare been filed in the ! Registers office at Tunkhannock, and will be presen- j ted to the Orphans Court of Wyoming County, to be j held at Tunkhannock on tho 18th, day of April next ' for confirmation and alowancc. The partial ace", of ■ T. D. Spring Administrator of the Estate of G. 1). ' Lacy late of Braintritu Township deceased- Filed j Feb'y 4tb, 1564- The Final account of Merrit W. Smith Adminis- ' trrrtor o( the Estate of Joel Dibble late of Windham Township, deceased, Filed Feb'y 19th, 1864. Final account of Henry W. Fasset and Elirabcth Whitconib, Administrators of the Estate of L. K. Whitcomb, late of Windham Township, deceased, I Filed Feb'y, 6th 1864 Final ac--ount of Charles B. Reynolds Executor of the E cate of 11 B. Turner 1 ite of Lemon Township | deceased, Filed Feb'y, 19th, 1864. Final account of Win MeKune Administrator of | ihe Estate of Abncr Jackson late of Falls Township, deceased Filed Feb'y, 26tb, 1864. Final account of Sarah B Morgan, late Sarah A- , Jenkins, Guardian of Joe Jenkins ton of David B. ! Jenkins late of Tunkhannock Township, deceased l Filed March sth, 1564. I Final account of Win, F. Cairl Administrator 0 f the Estate of Nathan Parrisb, late of Mbaroe Town ship, decoased, Filed March I'JVn lgt34 Registers Office, Tubman 4 , , nock March 14th, 1864 \°' L ' Parrisu 1 •g*sr. jiciriiiuinivr /asfjionaule Sfjaoing, gair ratting, AND SHAMPOOING SALOON. Shop Opposite May riard's Hotel. Ladies' hair cut in the most fashionable style, ei ther at his Saloon, or their residence, if desirable. Mr. Berlinghof is recently from New York city, where he was employed in the best establishments and consequently feels warranted in guaranteeini satisfaction to all who may favor him with their eus oin. HAIR AND WHISKERS DYED To any desirable shade, without Injury to it, or dis coloring tho skin. THE BEST HAIR BYE IN USE, For sale, with full and practical directions for applibatiou- Bell'i Sbecltic Pills— Warranted in all Cases, . can be relied on! Never fail to cure ! Do not ; nauseate! Are speedy in action! No change of ui- j et required ! Do not interfere w ; th business pursuits ! I Can be used without detection! Upward of '2OO , cure- this month—some of them very severe cases. Over one hundred physicians have used them in their practice, and all speak well of their efficacy, and . 'approve of their composition, which is entirely vege- j table, and harmless on the system. Hundreds cf j certificates can be shown BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are the original and only genuine Specific Pill. They ire adapted for male and female, old or young, and the only reliable reme dy for effecting a permanent and sjieedy cure in all cases of B|>ennatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, with all its train of evils, such as Uretheral and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, the Whites, N'ighlly or Involunta rily Emission, Incontinuenoe, Genital Debility and Irritability. Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power, Nervous Debility, Ac , kc., all of which arise princi pally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, or s> me constitutional derangement, an] incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life Tn all sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea. Gleet, so l Strict ures, and in Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, they act as a charm ! Relief is experienced by tak ing a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Price A1 They will be sent by mail securely sealed, and confides'ially, on receipt of the money, by J BRYAN, M D , No. 76 Cedar Street Few York. Consulting Physician for the treatment of Senmal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseases, who will send, free to all, the following valuable work, in sealed envelope: . TUB Fi'Tirm THOUSAND—DR BELL'S TREA TISE on Selt Abuse, Premature decay, Impotence and Loss of Power, Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weak ness, Nightly Emissions. Geni'"' A,. t a pamphlet of 61 pages, containing important advice to the afflicted, and which should be read by every sufferer, as the means of cure in the severe t stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage ILFFORTARCE TO LADIES—DR. LL-ARTER'A FEMALE PILLS have never yet failed in removing difficulties arising from obstruction, or stoppage of nature, or in , restoring the system to perfect healih when suffering rfrom Spinal affections, Prolapsus, Uteri, the Whites, or other weakness of the Uterine Organs The Pills are perfectly harmless on the constitution, and may bo taken by the mos' delicate female [ without caus ing distress —the same time they aet like a charm by srengthening. invigorateing and restoring the 1 system to a healthy condition, and by bringing on ! the monthly period with regularity, no matter from ' what cauesjthe obstruction may arise. To y should however, ROT be taken during the first three or four tt /Dths, of pregnancy, t rough safe at any other t me, as miscarriage would be tbeiesult, box contains 60 Pills. Price 81. DR. HARVEY'S TREATISE on diseases of Fe males, Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, Sterili- j ty, Reproduction, nnd Abuses o r Nature, and j emphatically the Ladies Pri.ate Medical Ad- j I viscr, a pamphlet of 64 pages, sent free to ar.y address Six cents required to pay postage. The Pills and book will be sent by mail when de sired securely sealed, and prepaid, bv J.BRYAN, M. D., (rcnorai Agent No 76 Cedar at, New York. ; Sold by all the principal druggists. Jan 20, 1864 v-3-n-23-ly PENSIONS: Under the act of Congress of Jutv 14th 1862, any soldier in the army of the United States, who h HS been, since the 4th of March 1661, or who shall be ; disabled by wound or disease, contracted in the ser- j vice, is entitle i to a pension of from Eight to thirty { Dollars per month, according to his disability and ■ rank. And in case of death of any soldier from wound er ! disease contracted in the service, his wife or personal representatives are entitled, to the same to which he ; would have been entitled if totally disabled- The undersigned will attend to the procurment of such pensions for those who are entitled theuts. afSTSM ■ ' M-OTTUA M&KIN& MRS. D. C. BA.RIVE9. late of the city of PHILADELPHIA, would re-! speotfnlly inform the public that aae baa located on Warren Street, in the Borough of TUNKHANNOCK, where she hopes by ber attention, promphje*- and skill in B BBSS HA2I9HS fiBAXIIKO. j ALSO MEN'S PANTfc VESTS, AO., j to merit and secure a share of patmusge. D. C. BARNES. ' Tunkbannock Apr. 13, 1864. DR.J. 6. BECK Kit - aiing that they have located at Tunkhannock wher bey will promptly attend to all calls in the liQp of aeir profession. May be found | his Drug Staro \ vbaa ant prefmianaUy absent 1 IMPORTANTtoFEMALES ;f|gf ,( (JILLS) V PROCL JI A R i o N i TO THE LADIES I Both Married aud Single. THE OLDEST REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. PR. CHEESE MAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturb ance of the periodic discharge, whether arising from relaxtlon or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompany difficult o. im moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes £ick Headache, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Treinora, Hysterics, Spaauw, Broken Sleep and other uupleasi nt and uangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albus. or Whites, they #f. feet a speedy cure. DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALK PTLLS Have been used OVER A QUARTER OF A CEN TURY. They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, but fyidies must bear in mind, that there is one condition of the fe male system, in which the Pills cannot be taker, miihout producing a PECULIAR RESULT.— The condition referred to is PREGNANCY — the result, MISCARRIAGE, Such is the irresist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal condition, that even the pro ductive power of nature cannot resist it TiIKY CANNOT DO HARM in any other way. DK.CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Are the only Medicine that MARRIED AND SIN OLE LADIES have relied u|K>n f.r many years, or can rely upon now. BEWARE OF IMITA TIONS'. These Pills (ortn the Finest Preparaiion ever put forward with IMMEDIATD and PEK- S[STENT SUCCESS. DON'T BE DECEIV ED. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell hira that you want the BEST and most RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD, which is comprised in DR. CUEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !!! They have received, sad are now receiving the sanction of the most emxriSnt Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS wi'h each Box -the price, One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to CO Pills. Tills gent by mail, promptyl, by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorised Ag- nt, in current funds. SCLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. IIUTCHINGS A HILLYER, PnoriueTOß'e, 81 Cedar Street, - ei i Yorkt. Sold in Tunahannock, by J. W. Lyman, in Montroae, by Able Turrell, in S-renlon by L S. A E C Fuller, in Factory ville by all Druggists A LA MODE. THE LATEST FROM NEW YORK. MRS. A. G. STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN again informing her friends, and the ladies gen erally, that be has received, and is still receiving a large and we.l selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting of HATS. BONNETS. RIBBONS, FLOSSES, FEA I'HERS, LACES. HEAD DRESSES, and, in short all art 1 ■ usually found in a aOLLINERY STORE. [ | She solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in ; her line, before poreh.asing elsewhere. Mrs Stark j can be found at the house formerly occupied by Hen | rv Stark in the borough of Tunkhannock, ready and I willing to serve all who may favor her with a call. Tunkhannock. Oct, Ist, 1363. ! MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced DRESS-MAKEH, and at all times will be prepared to Fit and Make | Dresses in the latest aud umst approved manner.— i Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we I remain Yours, Resj ectfully. MRS A G STARK. The Undersigned, having moved to Wilkesbarre, would respectfully ask her friends and oIJ customers to give Mrs. A. G. STARK, a call before purchasing ' elsewhere MRS C. T. MARSH Tunkhannock, April 13, 1663. FIIESII GROUND UN BURNT CAYUGA Plaster, FOR SALE, AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, BY E MOW KEY, Jr, Meshopjien, Pa. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Whereas Letters of Administration to the Estate of Win, Durland, lute of Falls Township, deceased ; have been granted to the subscribe!. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having e:ai as against the estate of said dceendent will make known the same without delay, to Tunkhannock, Pa. nri ... ..... March 23, 18G4 £ D. DDo <> itt Administrator NOTICE. Whereas letters testamentary to the estate of Judaon Auuiick, late of Eaten Township, Wyoming County, descased, h-tve Oeen granted to the sub scriber, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate payments, and those having demands or claims against the estate of the said dec-dent will make known the same, duly authenticate without delay to PETER ATMCCK Mehoopany March sth, 1864. Executor. ADNIKtSTRATOKS, NOTICE. Whereas Letters of Administration to the Est-te of Etekial Mowrey Jr late of Meshof pen Township deceased, hare been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebtod to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the estate ul said decendent will make known the same without delay, to Meshoppen, Pa. > E. J MOW RET Adm' LIME FOR I ARMERaTir'XFERfTnz! for aale at , VORNOY If IMI. Quarters -FOR— Bargains. WAP OR NO WAR, THE PEOPLE ARE BOUND TO HAVE ®©©Bl CESAJ. O H AILETEAD AND SON have just received, and are constant ly receiving, a large stock of goi.ds, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Ready- Made Clothing, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Drugs, Paints, Oils, I*l ass, Sash, Nails, Lime, Flour, Salt, Fish, Pork, Clover and Timothy Seed, Soap, Candles, Grind Stones Plow- Castings, | a id everything usually kept in first class stores. GREAT BARGAINS ; Dry Goods, Wc are now prepared to exhibit aH | the most popular varieties of Fall a nd Winter Dress Goods, Ladies lothes, thawls, Flanne's, Hosier,-, Baltuor 1 Skirts, Nubias, H-.ods, Sontags, Scarfs, Under Garments, &e. &c., all at very low prices. . L. HALLSTEAD & SON. WANTED. 11 kinds of Fanners Produce.— L timber, h ingh*s, Wool Socks, Sheep Pelts, Beet Hides, aud everything that will sell ; for which the highest market price will be paid. NICHOLSON. Ju!v 29. 1862 Anctlon{f Auction!:: L. C Cowkuw, licensed auctioneer under the Ist* aw of Congress, offers bis serrice to all persons hav ing property to sail by vendue or Auction. Yb ahhmwt March Hi ?M4 I 0 tXSXttJTF NOT A RUM DRINK HIGHLY CONCENTRATE! VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A FlinE TONIC, THAT WILL RELIEVE THE AFFICTED, ANN Not make Drunkards. DR. HOOTIAKB'S GERMANBITTES, PREPARED BY DR. C- M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY ANDMOST CSITAIILT URE ALL DISE BES ARI?iWO FROJTA DISORDERED LIVER, STOHaOU R KIDNEYS, ; Thousands of oar citizens are suffering from Dya pep* I a .in a Lher DU< aeee, and to whom the jWI lowing (jueauona apply—we guarantee IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN EIITKRS WILL CURB THEM HOOFLAN D'B GERMAN BITTERS WILL CCHE EVERY CASE OF* Chronic or Nervous Debility, Ulaaaaaa at the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SIMPTOMI Rtteulling from Disorders of tha Dig set it* Orgo***: Constipation, inward Piles, Fulinea or Blood to he Head, Acidity of the Stotua > PPETITE,- WILL GIVE YOC STRONG HEALTHV NERVES uccf WILL GIVE rot ' BRISK AND KNERGEIIO FEIIIYCH WILL ENABLE YOU "TO BLEBT WELL, AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIUCjJ TRY®*, At Those suffering from Broken down and Delicate Ctrutihetim^ From whatever cause*, ei'her la MALE AND FEHALB, WILL FIND IN HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS A REMEDY * . will reat ire them to their usual health Jul ha* oeen the ease in thousands of initaa. ee aad a fair trial u but required to prove the assertion From £. J -Vir ton D. DEditor of &o Snrjcioptu*/ Kcligiom Knovitdfo. Al hough not disposed to favor or recommend Pa ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their 'inrredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficieat reasons vrhv a man inav not te*tify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation. in the hope that he may thus cootiibtte to the benofit of others I do this the more readily in regard te Hooflaad'a German Bitters, nrepared by Dr. C M Jackeon, ef tits city, because I was prejudiced aga ast them for uinny years, under the impression that they were chiefly an aieoh.dic mixture. lam indebted te v friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal ef this prejudice by proper tests, and for eacoaragemeal to try them, when saffering from great and long ra tinned debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the pr seat year, ess follovred by evident relief, and restoration te a de gree of an t mental rigor which I bad not f}| for si* months before, onJ had almot despaired of regaining I therefore God and my for directing me ♦ tho use of them PHILAU'A, June 23. 1561 J NAWTOJ Baow*. DISEASES O.F KIDNEYS AND BLIDDEI, lu Young or Aged, Wale or Frualt, Speedily removed, and 'be patient rest.rad to fcaaltk! DELICATE CHILDREN; Those sufferingfrom wi.tinglwar with scarcely uny flesh on their bone*, are cured in.a very short time: one bottle in su<-b cases, will V. T . a most surprising effect. FAnuiVTS Hiving suffering children as above, anj wishing ta raiae thetn. will never regret the day they acmaaae. ettl. Price per Buttle T rrnta, or Hall Dog. for 84,00. Should your nearest druggist not hare the artieie . no ' h P ut "ft bj *ny of tb intoxicating preuara ti . that may be offered *n it. place, hat erd to a. and wa will forward, .ecuruly pa.ked. hy eiperaa ' Principal Ottice attd Manufactory, 1*0.631 ARCHSTREET, JONES & EVENS. (SutcuMor. to C M JACKSON A Ce ) Proprietors. L& FOR SALE hy Praisr*'* sW sw - •- t