drau*ni oeid. 'J tse b. ok < i :ire in all its ample folds | contains no tin re inhunTiu or revolting spec tiic-f. 'loose who 1 ve war 'or the mere Sake .f war, when the same objects can be better at'.ii.ietl hy the g-'iitlu and holy influences of p.-see.-a re tcnui.-lci ? of stfeh frightful depravi ry that ihe blackest ei th< > murdering m'n i-:i-, "who in their sightless substance wair on nature's mischief,', appear as angels ii !•-:;! a;id tem vulcrjce iit the comparisuu. for. T >r1!! trot here pnu'p t > dwell in do tu.i on the usages ofcivihs.nl warfare. But, < ha'tctigi* ht-dt ry, that 4i re?.nrend chronicle 4>l the ej-afe, 4l whether in its sacred or pro fctiK i ec nrds, to product.'a p.awilcl to the spwit snd temper with which the part}' now haa conducted the awful struggle in uhkh we are engaged. Loiaaicncc at the j . aily pleasant a- calling for more v.,en, more men. more men for the harvest of d ath, and. like our present Executive, snuf line with jests and ribaldry the warm taint! of blood on every gale. The patriots who ! surrounded chiefs spurned with eager iniiignat.on all pn flhrs of in. dita-'j" lion",* rdl c fforts at compromise, alj talk of tie | gotiation, just as do now the patriots who! are seated on the west side of tins chamber, | and who pay court for con tracts at t lie west i and of the avenue. N-.r did Ilodei Ali, thut , more modern incarnath ti of unconditional! exterminating war. regard with favor the suf gefftions of peace, when pausing for a nio | mcnt like a cloud of wrath on the brow ol i the mountain fie swept down over the plains . < f the Carnatic, and smote them with bla-ts of fire, with indiscriminate woe. .Sir, these . are your examples. These are they who never said conciliate*, but always eai i crush ; who*never said harmonize, but whoaalwa- s said destroy ; woo denounced fraternal aff o j tiun and embraced the doctrine of subjuga : tion ; wlio never sought to restore jumcu-lul , peaceful relations with their neighbors, bu" j | v.ho always sought to ruin thern by o<>iUi-ca i j tion and plunder, whose voice* was forever j i like tfie voice of Molocfi in hell, and the , t voice of those who now rule this natim, f>r ;, war, for mem war. and war alone, as a cure i i hi- every evil, a remedy for every grievance fancied or real. With what loathing and ab i borarce does a Christian world u< w regard j i these destroyers of their kind ! Ail coun tries and every people utter a cry of horror i at the jnention of their names. No pdlar, no j monument, no fountain, no grove perpe.u j ates their place in the respect of a single hu j man being thtj ever lived or d.ed. And yet , who w ill compare the ages iu which thev en i acted their various tragedies to the one in which we live, and cull thern to such an ac count as awaits those who in this period of gospel light have fashioned the adinimstra- j tion of the American Republic on the princi pies and practices of an enlightened barbari- i ans ? IV. I will cease to reason on this point ! by comparison. 1 will grasp the naked ques- j tion which the Supporters of tins Admtnis- j tration have so pei-istently clatucred into I the public ear f r the last three widened' years I- it right in itself to Heat w_ita; those who are in rebellion, with a view to a j restoration of their allegiance, and thus to en : sure the dome-tic tranquility / It we drawl an answer from the conduct < f this Govern iriert in frmcr instances of treasonable res : B tance to law that answer is a! ; in lavor of ne gotiation and compnmise. Washington set the example in the case of Pennsylvania, an 1 j Jackson followed it in the more celebrated ease of South Carolina in 18J... In our wars with forego powers the same course has nut feitnly been pursued. And we ourselves were the objects of similar treatment evrn from the tyrannical ministry of George ill in the days of the involution. Commission er* from the Court of England came to our shores iuoiu than once a tear during that struggle to treat for a return of the rebellious colonies to the union of the British Empire. But 1 shall not content myself with tue en lightened precedents furn'shed by tiie hts tory of our own and other countries. I* ; there do higher stcnda.d of moral rghi t" which to appeal/ Is the voice of Hun who spake as never man spake hushed and stilled bv the lu ar.sc cry of j.a-sidi and rage? Have tl> m* pages ylstch bhize with inspiration and which contain all the ptincipl'-s of national hs Well as individual morality and justice lost 1 their light ai d power in tins unhappy hutd? Can a government long survive or hope to escape retributive pumshtnent which blots ah/ Have Rol.rsj ie l re anil Mara| come frotn their dishonored craves to ; detl.rone God and to give us the hideous un ti'ua uof ti, e Vrer.eh Revolution? Sir. I ask you to go wnl, pj 0 to the unsullied fuun , fain of (ttcmal trut'-: .•. ire i .-*r it thy - minor phatf trc-pio V ami tc-H film |ii- fault bo u'ccit Hie ihi.l h un k Hiallijcar.the, thou i..,i gained thy f "Ihr' iri.o will i ot hear thee, then i ik-* nlth the or ortiro m.-.-.e,.that in the mouih of t-s-o or throe K-rr*sM eyr-y word b estah'UreJ i "And if he h;i!l tieg.ect to have tbi-ia.'ell it unto , h.; ehu.eiy but,if hy, to hear lire church, lyt : liTm he unto thee as un heathen man au-1 pubii e-an." In these brief but comprehensive sentences are em p race I Hie great principles of social harmony, individual charity, and national fraternity. Thev were written by d;vinity to ennvt v a lesson of hum me phi!<>sop!iy into every department of life and to ev rv sue— cet-dnig age. Thev fnrni-b tiie text f-.r every treaty of pir.iewl uh natu ts iverliaiiud to prevent tlie illusion of b!o*>ii. They in eu'eate the duty of not one only, hut re neat ; ed attempts at reconciliation; and those at tempt#. t< o, upon the part of those who have suffered the injury, k'nder th.e malignant auspices, however, of the present hour in ti-.is ! ailheted country, what a contrast is present ed to these sacred passage-! Not only do we : lefu -e to go to our brother who has eoininit ted the trespass, hut we nj.-ct him when he offers to cmte to in. Sir, I take my stand on these immortal maxims and appeal to the native justice <>f the hum m hett- . I appeal to those uisti nc's of charity and benevolence by which it ii al'ied TO the attrr utes of deity. The plain people of America, those who, widi honest hands earn their daily bread, whose wearing apparel is not purple and Hut* linen, flashing with diamonds and p -arls purcfi i.-ed bv -he bloo'l and tears of nnlliu-ns—to them, in their humble home--, rlaikened perhaps by the ; death of the first-born, I make t bis s lemn invocation. Before that pure and nr.selfish 1 tribunal I lodge my cause in behalf of domes tic tranquility, and tender the B'ble as au thority lor the principle? wlt.ch I declare.— By the voice of my own heart, unreduced by gain and unawed by terror, I know wiiat will |be the verdict of an incorruptable and fri-e people. But there ts another class who pre side over the ministrations ,f ibis inspired book, and who mingle with their offering# : to God the poison of political prejudices, be fore whom the cause of humanity, union, and peace need nt be presented. That large portion of tiie clergy of the laud who, claiin j irg to be the chosen agents of the merciful i Redeemer, fill the cup of the sacrament with rancor 3"f the sweet, ' angebe tones wh ch p' ad from every page of his go pels in favor of that >ndiviiiual and na tional chat ity wliicli snfft-refh lung an I ts kind. Tfiey teach theii flubks no 1 ng. r to hunger an 1 thirst after righteousness, but to hunger and thirst f>r the biool of tlicit j enemies. They ascend the saC'Vd de-k Jio tie re to pray that gentle peace like ."he dews j of Heaven miy descend upon our wounded land distracted c "in ry, but to declaim in warlike strains in face <-f tlie Almighty upon the delight winch they feel in the in , diction of human agony. They have fevers- I jed the order of the millenium which the I Christian world has looked f-rwaid to since the days of the prophet?.. The one which they hail in fond anticipation is thatiu which every plough share shali become a sword and every pruning hook a spear; in wh-ch j conscription, slaughter; and taxation shall go hat.il in hand; "w hen the keepers < f the house shall trenib'e. and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease be- | cause thev are few, and those that look em | of the windows be-r and majestic thinker, Buckle, whoin I have already quot ed. in speaking if the conduct of the political clergy in the reign of Junes If says; i "They looked on in >i!arhar >u.ly pmasceuted; that i Baxter .-boit! t fie thrown into prison, and that Howe : should be force I into exile." I pat:-e tint 1 r ni'-ment to point to the hi-tory of pur tan Mas-arhu-ett* as a con firmation of my stafenn-nt on 'tiis. side of the j oc -.an. What oppression ili I a pdi'icil j prii sthi -d fail to anproVe ? W hat crui Iy , d'd they not intigate an I sancrton in tho 1 eat!) days of that fmi a.s colony ? i hey j scourged, seared, cropped, burned, gib- 1 beted the bodies of tiiosi- who wore unable to conform their vivves in ail matters, civil j and religious, to the reigning fanaticisms ; : and then consigned their soul- to the regions of the lost. Carpenter, in his standard hi<- forv f Massachusetts, a work watnily [tar tial t' tha l State, says; 1 "In July, 1655, several Quakers arrived in M issa.- chusetts from Bnrb.idoes, two .( whom were women. Fully a war* of the contemptuous disregard for exist ing or i nances indulge I in by the more zealous of j the set in England, the magistrates in Boston brought the law against heresy to bear upon the intruders and ordered tb am | historian, in (658, banishing the Quakers lr in the United Colo le* of New England, and fnhidding their return under pain of death : I liiis sanguinary and unjustifiable enactment was carried by one vole "nly. Various stuiincb fri.-nds of the (Joverrmient strongly protested against, it not only as cruel, but as liable to invite the per • se, iiiu.u it sought to avoid. The rc-u!t soon proved how wdl grounded was the fear M .rmaduke Ste pheirson, William 110 insun and v 'ary Dyer courted the to which the? ueie expo.-e-l und quietly j awaited the operation of the law. In September. ! 165° thn nr.d Stephenson. lut Mary I>yer was repiiOiiv • up'-n the s-nlf i!d. nr. 1 agiin thrust from the colony, u,"-solute in seeking a martyr's death. <-hc returned 500n..; " r :i4 d pubtieiy erecutcdon Bos-in C-.uinion.'' • "l k -----t 'On! the rari'y of Christion charity." j \Y'dl not some New England clergyman of| | modern orthodoxy-shed at hast one tear, over the scarlet sir.s of his own ancestors who a-sisted in the murder of this poor wo- j man in Huston Common, while he >s weep ing a< if his head was a fountain of waters over the landing of the Dutch ship with slaves at .Jamestown? But again, savs the same friendly historian: " It was at the beginning of this year that many persons, ot piety an i good understandiug were again led to believe in the great prevalence of witchcraft in the province. Prom inent among the most credu lous of these was Cotton M ither. son to the Itever- t end Increase Mather, for some time past the agent ot Massachusetts iu England, and hnnself a clergy- j mm. *. * * The alarm of witchcraft | was ntrain sounded. T! e inin sters fasted and pray- j ed with the distress 1 father. 'The villagers of Sa- j , leui also fasted and prayed ; and the fear ot deraoni- j aeal influen es becoming general, a day of fasting prayer was specially set apart to be kept by the ! who! colony The beiief in witchcraft being thus Solemnly recognized and fostered, it was not loug ( before the delusion spread across the whole breadth to? he province. Tho number of victim? so rapidly i increased that many of the colonists, perfectly panic stricken, lieeaino the ac -users of others, lest they should be brought un ler sus- icion themselves. The execution at.Salem village of Mr. Burr .ugh®, a min ister of blameless life, was a terrible instance of the power which the delusion exorcised over the strong- j est minds in the community. For fifteen months ; this strange belief held possession of the popular faith. During this period ont of twenty eight persons , capitally convicted of witchcraft, nineteen had been hangedanl one pressed to dea th." Sir.let not thee remarks and records of faithful history be construed into an attack upon the ministers of our divine religion.— I have endeavored rather to por'ray the evil results which flow from a desecration of that tigh calling. T> my mind there is no voea ion 01 this side of the mysterious river which divides time from eternity so lofty, no career ofl fe so serenely beautiful and bor dering so closely upon Heaven as the benev olent pursuits of him who tenders the cup of salvation to the lips of a (alien world. A ha lo hovers ar >und hi? head which teJU that he walks in the footsteos of his blessed Master. In the presence of such a man I would stand uncovered and do him revcent homage.— Amf there are many such whose pure and noislesj lives piss almost unheeded by the busy, striving world hut annnd whom the comforting angel 9of the Lord encamp by night and by day. In their keeping are all the future hopes of the church— the chtistian welfare of mankind.— The youth of the 'and should sit at their feet and learn wisdom, and both young and old should rise tip and call them blessed.— JJot in this bright category ot human excel lence—this high g t.'nxv of stars shining with an unearthly splendor—there is no place for such as take charge of churches by order of the War Department. and preach the gospel as commanded by the President of the I ni t.-d States. The vine,a*ds where they labor will never bear the fruits .of peace—never smile with domestic ' ranqui.' ,f .V- Before t lu'TTL I (I'd not TJI P.'L <1 mv einse. Kr"tn their. 1 expect to loar no vmc save the continued and protracted cry of havoc. [COXCLIDKD NEXT WEEK ] - ik i£" THE A BOMTIOXISTS are very fond ' of the soldiers ah >ut election times, but not equally so during the rest of the year. Every effort uu the part of the Democrats, in C n gross Rod out of it, t have the soldiers paid in gold or b s equivalent, is opp tse 1 by the Abolitionists. Another example of their opposition to a uicasuie so manifestly just, was given in the State Senate last Wednesday. Mr. II ipkins. of' Washington coqnty, oflbred a rcsoluticn J instructing the proper (.'ominiitee to bring in a bid instructing our Senators and Repre- | opntatives in Congress "to vote I r a law re- | quiring the payment uld not he less th.n j-125 a month.— Rending Gazcte. .j COLORED SOLDIERS II CM;, — Perhaps the following paragraph, copied from the Her ald's Florida correspondence, may explain why the Abolition papers are so bitter in I lheir denunciaiions of Gen. Seymour. The c irrespondent says : "One "lay las' week a party of four negroes j J belonging to one of toe colored regimenu in I i Florida, committed a rape on a'vhite woman. I free of tliein were taken on Wednesday ami tried by a drumbeat!court martial. They j were convicted, sentenced to be hung, and an i hour afterwards two ,f them were swinging at Camp Fmegan. The other was brought 1 into Jacksonville, where, at (went}' minutes notice, a scaffold was erected, the troops call ed out, the citizens not died, and he shared : the righteous fate of his fellows. Tne body was allowed to rcmiin twon'y four hours be- ; fore being cut down. Gen. Seym >ur ctiarac teri.xtically sent up Hm proceedings of the court for General Gilmore's approval, with an endorsement on the hue. that the sen tence had been carried into effect. j PIUNTJNG OFFICE HLI.ES. —The very latest I. E iter soft !y • 2 Sit down quietly. 3 D n't inquire for the news. 4. Subscribe for the paper and pay in sd v.n ce. o. Head the news for yourself. t> Don't touch tlie poker. 7 K igage in n > c >ntrover-y. 8 Keep six feet from the table. 0. Hands t fl i be type. 10 Don't talk to the compositors. 11. Eyes off the iniunscript and proof sheet 11, a strict observa ice of those rules, you wiP great iy oblige the printer, an l need not fear the ' devil." PERSONS who have the good sense to speak only what they know, have the re potation of knowing mere than they com i wirnicatf. I * '* ®j)c gtmatrai HARVEY SICKEER, Editor. TUNIZHANNOCK, PA Wednesday, Apr. 1 3 1864. MATHER & CO., No. 335 Broadway. N. Y. are our Authorized Agents to take Advertisements or this paper, at out published rates. FOR PRESIDENT, GEO. B. M'CLELLAN ( Subject to the decision of the Democratic Na tional Convention.) Electors, Robert L. Johnson, Richard Vaux. 1, William Louglilin. Jl3, Paul Leidy. 2, Edward R. llelmbold. 11, Robert Swineford. 3, Edw P Dunn. :15, John Ah!. 4, Thos. MeCoHough. n. D. W. Vorhces, the publication of which we commence this week, and which will be concluded in our next, occupies so much of our space that our paper lc%8 its usual variety. Every one who reads this eloquent appeal of that great man will agree with us. however, that our paper lacks none of its value. It should be read of ail, that its great truths should find a lodge ment in every heart. - - - £~pT"* What a precious set of saints near the employ of this administration. John W ' Forney, the President's dog. has, fur tw > or three years, been receiving twelve hundred dollars as messenger of the folding room of the House of Representatives, and it is as scrt'd tLat he never was in the,retm in his iife. He 's also Clerk of the Senate with a fat sahir}', an' bo publicly boasts that he has built him ah .use iu a cost of ten thousand dollar*, established a printing oh ice, bought several fast presses, Sc., and a l ' ' n a Httie mure than two years, for it was nglorious that when the war begin he was not vvoif 1 ' the cloths upon his hack. He is excessively "loyal," and spends a large part of his time crushing the "copperheads." The people pay the taxes. THE LATE MASSACRE OF XEGUO SOLDIERS near A 'icksburg is now said not to have been a ivbel outrage, but quite other wise. Tiie negroes went to a hotel where there were only white women and children with their servants,* committed the grossest possible outrages on the women, and then burnt the Icuse. At Indiana regiment beatd of the alftir and attacked and killed ;he negroes. X > rebels were concerned in tie sh'tcki.-.g affair. Admiral Porter said in a iaie reporif " Tiie neg*o troops near Vicks burg have been commit ting many out:ages." The office or the North'imberland C o.mty j Democrat, Sunbury, was attacked by a bodv of soldiers, oi the morning of the lt'h, who threatened to demolish it. The Cap.**' ll nr 1 rived in time to prevent its destruc ion, ' doubtless saved the lives of some of the sol- • diers Several citizens were in the office to i defend it, and bloody work would have re- ! suited in iheir entering the office. It is said the outrage was instigated by 6ome of the leading citizens of that town . . , i The phrase "down in the month ' is said to have been originated by Jonah about the j time the whale swallowed him. The following, from the Buffalo j Courier, shows how the Olustee disaster is ' regarded by the army in Florida : An officer ' a New York regiment, engag ed in the recent Florida fight, writes as foil" ows to a relative in this city : I have had my foot shot off and may lose part of mv leg all for being a delegate to the fi'-st political convention Abe Lincoln has held in Florida. RUMORED REQUISITIONS ON THE STATE MILITIA. — It is rumored iu military circles at Washington that the entire organized militia of theN rth is to be called into ac tive service for a period of six months, to hold certa in Btrategetical points daring the campaign against Richmond which is about to com mence. ZftST* THE WAT.DRON STORY of the inter view betwen McOlellan and Lee, it is plain, was purposely fabricated by radical pol | itictan=. Waldronnow savs that he was offered money by an agent of the War De partment to make au affidavit, who kept him under the influence of liquor and got him to make the statement. ZFIST TNNOCKNCK.!—A treasure of which a ajo.irgirl knows not the value till after , having lost it. - 2"tC A very exciiing dbeate is going on ! now in Congress on a resolution for the ex pulsion frcm that body tot Mr • Long from Olio, for intim iting in a speech that sooner than annihilate the South ha w°ul 1 racog ' z'z? their icdepcndarc* CAMP NEAR BRANDY STATTON\ ) Match lSbl. y D.' AR Sir. The newspapers 1, ; INFORM ed yu that cur new Coumiai.der-in Chief (Grant) has made his advent nt the H;ad- Quarters of our army. lie cause with no flourish of trumpet.®,— no grand review lias been ordered in his honor, but he lias taken his position, as the plain, unostentatious, practical man that he is universally reputed to he. So far, good. Whether his presence with the army of the Potomac will make victory to perch upon its banners, or whet!) or its former " bad luck" is siiil to follow its footsteps a few short months will determine. He is looked upon with print favor by the army and high hopes of ultimate success, un der his leadership are indulged in. That the6e hopes may ail be realized Ia in quite sure no person more earnestly wishes than do I ; but : s there not a possibility that ti.e lattrals won in the West may pale before the superiur difficulties to be encountered here ? Let us not be too sanguine, though, for once, we believe that we have the right man in the right place. The fate of that " best abused" of all our Generals (McClellar.) may yet be his for who has watched the course of events ar.d does not know that uncle Abra ham will not tolerate a General in command who combines the elements of success with the perfect confidence of the army and the nation. Such an one is a dangerous rival too near the throne—a power behind it which might grow to be greater than the throne it self; and then, in the words of the Tribune, whenever an army becomes more loyal to their leader than il 4 is to the government (i e- Lincoln) it is time that that leader was removed. At least this was the language with which the soldiers just indignation was met upon the removal of McCiellan. Grant, however, may profit by the example and bring matters to a happier issue. The name of McCiellan is yet a power in this army, and his restoration to it would bring forth all the smothered enthusiasm which lies deep down in its heart. Speaking in a general way, soldiers think but little about politics, and probably care less ; but then they have their preferences, as well as the politicians, and are earnest and honest in the support of them. I do not doubt there bring itididMcral instances, and plenty of them, too, in the army, as well as out of it, wherein Old Abe is regarded as the Moses who is to lead us out of tlie wilderness, and the tenets and advisements under which he has acted throughout his Admir.istrati n as best calculated for a final settlement and dis positions of mooted questions ; but the great masses in this army so far as I am enabled to judge, have a decided preference for their old favorate chief, *' Little Mac," and, should he he nominated for the Presidency, no oth er man will have the shadow of a chattro f< r gaining its suffrage. Many of the old soldiers, who have not rc ernV' 4 lt'ii. will be home previous to the elec tion, anu 'he influence they will bring to bear will count largely in the general sum tiling up. It is wisdom' US well as policy tliat their preference be taken into account : and they have surely earned the right to have a voice in the future of the nation-' They will bring with them honest inGi-inction against coppcrheadistn. as they un iersitud it, and all tie other isins which mis tel rii' 1 1 zeal and fanaticism have incorprrated int•> the politics of the country ; and they will alro bring with them an honest porpose to serve their country at the ballot box as t! cy have U[h>n herbal tie fields. Give them , McCleilan for a candidate and they v. ill ask no better pledge tiiat the principles for which they left their homes and their firesides will ho maintained by the party nominating him. The Grh Army corps, of which our battery forms a part, is on the extreme r girt of the army, with its right flank resting upon llizle river, (one of the tributaries of the Rippa hannoek,) and its'loft extending to a spuro' the Blue Bridge, known as the Slaughter Mountains We are encamped upon the plantafbin "f John Minor Butts, less than a mile distant from his residence—one of the few tasteful ai'd elegant dwellings to be met with 111 this part Virginia. The ground; immediately surround '''£ the buildings are in excelent. preservation present a most pleasing contrast to the widtf spread desola tion everywhere pervading less' favored lo calities. We are but a short dist ance from Warrenlon, Culjepp r, White S.'dphe.t Springs and tlio Natural Bridge; but, of course, will have no opportunity of making a visit to either of these celebrities except they should happen in our line of march. Within a week we have bad every variety of weather, from breezy Spring to chilling Winter—Summer skies, rain and nnw, and mud interminable. While dame Nature is playing such pranks, an ailvar.ee of the army is considerably mixed with the impossible.— Another month, though, will probably see it on the move. Who d.cs not hope that it will be onward and to victory ? The marole of the anny has never been better, and with reasonable skill in its handling must do sane excellent service in the coming campaign, if it ts not overmatched at the opening. Pai lof two regiments of heavy artillery, the 14th and Gth N. Yencamped near our corps head quarters yes'crdaj. These men enlisted with the impression that they were to be retained in the forts, for parrison duty and would never see service in the field.— Heavy artillery* has become quite popular, and eight tenths of the men enlisting were for that branch of 1 lie service. I knew that that they would be drilled as infantry and were liable to be called to the front at any lime, because it was not passible that so ma ny men could be needed f>t singular cir cuinstauce, after th- almost two years delay, McClellut's plans were acknowledged as the only fea i i!e o is* A ado, te 1 ? In my humble estimation, the peninsuli route is the only one from wit ch Ktchui ui 1 can be !y attacked, because by any other route the line uld "Little Mac's," plans be adnptejl will it not be a direct ac knowledgement of ltis genius ? and what • commentary it will present upon the acticms of the persons who have striven so haid to bring him into disgrace ! Our camp is s > absolutely barren of inter est ami is so little room for a flight of imagi nation that I find it difficult writing, and so like M CIWIHT, will wait patiently for some thing to turn up. I'ntil then, aditu. Truly Yours, CLINT. LOCAL AMD PERSONAL A scut for the lleraocrat— Ahira Gat, E#q ha' consented to act a oar Agent in receiving sad receip'ing subscriptions f..r the North Bronch Dem ocrat. All monies paid hisn either on subscription or for advertising will be duly accounted for an, ere Sited the same as if pni 1 to us. Wanted, o i subscription, at this office, Win.at, Crr, Ky. Outs. Buckwheat and grain of all kinds. Aid), corn 11 the ear, hay, straw good wiut>r apple. potatoes, bulter, laid, cheese and produce of most all kinds. Money never refu- d. Tit? (ittf en of Klubo , in all account* that we hiive ef her. is rep-re'rijted a - an elegantly nttired laly. Like m>.#t of her sci, .he d-ul>tlcs.< hell that it was both iit pri\i ego and duty, to dress neatly an l appr.ii t !v. We e.t : nowhere learn however, th t -lie. like the bui of tire nineteenth century ha 1 thn opp"rfnnity of selecting from u< h beauty and i r ; ety of i'r. goods n- can now be found at Jon:. Wi i!.'-. -t. 11 bo c: t, 'r. this ]la e. The Wyoinii;g So vo 5.' a ry. --Tho Spring Term . i till' lb,in3shiir; In.- ituti u Is shortly to cotn im la e. T- fever wh : hso en I! n'y appeared, at the. i i ■:at, ha- wo ;tr • iMiti:|. i, entirely disappeared 1": oa ihat locality r. i i abh i'giin prevails. !).!-!• ir: hiog f.< i.r r this Instillitiort should make iuimedi-'t • r; j !i.-..il u , as upwards of Sfty vs -i> rcj-.vte 1 of tin last term, for want of hocouki datb.n- -e? A!• rii ..nnt "f Cjuiiucrtial Cjllege, eis, where. At a met tiny of Stcriingvifte J,i*ire, No. 520, I 0. ofO. ..F at t-tctlirgvilli:. Mirth sth, HG4, upon tho nnnuunocuitiit i t tiic Death of Brother I*. G. E. Mowry. IT., a member vf s.id Lodge, a Commit tee was appoi'ie.l to It ft Resolutions expressive „j* i■ 1... 1g- in reference thereto, jh* CoidUiitlee bull-; rej" rti il the following they v , r „ pled and ordered, to be entered b the in ho me f lid '• r,' ? V.'i' rri' ?♦. i; i- ].>... '0 l : sll vijr I'roi fdon-e t,. iokeawav ft. ttt 0..r ium'wz, Dn-Uier At. rv. ir. Tberftfere That wthic we 1 -• in neck •uotniarioo. to lite In -nit r.. 1 of lli.n wh > doctb ill things well, v et deeply i,: ,; uru the o .-s >t our iirother, lor iu lit in wo fool truiy that a u.ni has fallcu. r.-.0/rf. That we ten kr oui warmest symyat'ij an I i-.-ri lolenec • th* family l live deceased in this their bereavement iu the loss of a faithful and affec tion ;te In!-' .'■••ml an 1 tatber mil CMnpiend tbeui to Hiiu who i.- a father to the f tV.less and the w;d. (.MS (I' d If I Th xt r.s 1 mark if on- respect for t:e luanv virtues of the Decease J. we will attend his funeral as a b-lg\ ther.d y lis liarging our lat sad duty to a Brother, an I wear the usual badge of mourning. lieso're'l. That i copy of 'hese res dutiou* be pre briit" I lui'if family of iiio decease t and iurnuhci the L-apera for Publication. A 0. W A ill! l'N, J T P. BFLLAKD, ,* Committee. > "l- A Vi.- S fMiarried. STARK HEWITT.—Ju Dnuock on the KKbins* by C C. Mills Er C. 8.-wd, in tlie latbr year of his age. • Special Notices. ~rTss NO OTHER !—BFCDAN'S SPECIFIC lj PILLS are tne only Reliable Remedy forall- Disease# of the Seminal, I rinary and Nervous Sys tems. Try one box, and be cured. ONE DOLLAR \ BOX One box w ill perj'ecl a cure, or money re funded Sent by mail on receipt of prfea. JAMES S. BCTLEIt, Station I). Bible Pouse New York, • General Agent v3-n3l-3ifl M. & Co. DO YOU~ WISH TO BE (T RLD ?-n BI CHAS'S KNGI.ISIi BPECIMC PILI.S euro, in less than 30 days, tho worst cases of nkuvousnuss — lui|ioteney, Premature Decay. Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Affcctims.iiomatterfri.nl what cause produced -- Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpiid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Address, JAMK-SS. BI TLFR, StatioirD, Bible House New York. v3-n3l-3tn. M. A Co,. x J IDTE* : T,AI)IF> I ! LADIES tt A Don't tail to read the advertisement fu this paper A headed i IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DK. cm: :.SEM \\\ of New York, has devoted 1 1 the last thirty years of practice to Female com i V plaints. His Pills act like a rharm. They are I \reliabU and urtft. !V