North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, March 23, 1864, Image 2

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    ®|t democrat.
Wednesday, 3far. 23, 18G4.
S. M. Pettenglll A Co.No. 37 PARK ROW
Few YORK, k 6 STATE ST BOSTOX, are our Agents
for tk N. B. Democrat, in those cities, and nre nutbor
iMitoUko Adrertiaementa and jubtcriptiioi
as at our lowest Rates.
MITHRR A CO., No. 335 Broadway N. Y.
are our Authorised Agents to fake Advertisements
or this paper, at out published rates
JD3T Ihe Conscript Bill a- parsed by
Congress, under which we now "live and
move* and have our being," will he found i t
all its naked loveliness on the fir-t page of
to day a paper.
C2T The Sheriff-* sale* and new advertise
ments. hare crowded out sett ml articles
intended for this isue.
JKCA rebel force of 20000 men are said
to be taking postssion uf Ken ucky and
Lieut. Gen. Grant, it is said will take
Command of the operation uf the Army uf the
£sr The appearance >f the spotted fever
in the Kingston Semnaiy has broken up that
Institution for the present.
The State Senate.
Wo devote a laige portion of space this
week, to the address of the Democratic Stare
Senators. It is acinar, full statement of the
principles which guided ihnn through the
long contest ; and fully justifits them in every
step they took. Plainly proving at the same
time thai every position taken by the Aboli
tion members uf the Senate were revolution
ary, and contrary to all precedent.
The Issue
The issue in the coming contest, will be war
and miscegenation, on the one side j>eace
and a white man's government, on the other.
The Abolitionists made this toe ts-iie, and
the administration have end- rst-d it, and nre
now endevortng to force U with the purse
and the sword. The "L ya : Leaguers not
only say ttnen to this, but it has gone forth
openlv and uublushingly to the wot Id, that
the leading " tuothtrs, daughters and sisters
of the Loyal Lesguo of New York" have
" pledged tueir love and h< mu ," to the ne
groea who have gone forth to battle. It is
therefore fair to presume that the matter his
been fairly settled by the grand nation#
council of the oath bound order that to mis
cegtiatc with a nig.-er is to be regarded as
the highest standard of female loyalty, love
and honor.
from the Anny <>f the Potomac *:>* that an
order has been issued, d*r<-cting that AII la
dies within the lines shall leave as early as
practicable, and that no n<>re pas-e* shall he
granted to such visiters.
This order was not given a day to soon, il
the Boston Courier's statement is true.—
That paper says Ktlpatrick's expedition was
known to the "ladies" at a great hall given
in the camp, on the 22 lof February, and in
timatea that the secret was coinmnnicate'd in
this way to the rebels. The camp is said to
be full of women bearing the names of the
officers and members of Congress, who are
furnished with passes from the War Depirt
inent. An officer id the guard said he had
passed over the Alexandria road the day
previous eighty three, all with pa-Res fi<m
tha War Department, and many bearing
names of members of Congress.
The following !s>w in nlauon to rectuit
ing tnen for service in other nates was pass
ed the Legislature and approved the lltli
inst. It comes rather too la'e 10 le cd any
service. To this region it is like ,4 locking
tha stable after the horse i stollen."
To punish the Recruiting of men for the
Volunteer Service of other Stales.
SECTION. Be it enacted by the Senate and
Home of Representative- of the Com icon
■wealth of J ennsylcanta, in General Asserti'
ly nut, That no pvrs.n shall, willnn tins
6tate. recruit, or enli-t, or attempt, or offer,
to recruit, or enlist, any man, or men, to
serve as a volunteer of any other State, or
shall, in any way, procure, or a'tempt to pro
•ure, any man, or men. t leavo this State,
for the purpose of enlisting in the volunteers
of any other State, and any peru offending
in the premises, or any of them, shall be
deomed guilty of a misdemeanor, and , on con
viction thereof, shall be subject to a fine, not
•to cdtng five hundred dollars, and be itn
prisoned, at hard labor, for a term not ex
ccedlng twelve momhc ; and all fmea itnp<>a
ed under ihts act shall be paid to the per-on
who shall have pruccule<l the patty offend
ing to conviction.
r.wiaa him from whom these blessings flow,
Tor • taught* ring white men here- betow (
Psaise him yc kiakey headed host,
Praise old John Brown and all his best:
WIIZN did \Yj shingt-<n sleep five in a bed
P. '.CG he '.t.sfo rcei rri:h hie for 'albert
Jack Downing'# I) caw.
Major ju-k Downing relate* a remarkable
Urcaui he had to the "kernel." It i> a dream
which many of os, who are looking with
straining eye and aching heart a, on the pro
gress of even's have, in our waking h iurs,
and are saddened by the appreheusion that it
'is not ell a dream." The Major says:
That nite I had a wondetful dream. The
n xt morning, when I went in the room
where the kernel was, ses lie, " Major, ton
look uncommon serious this morning; what's
the matter ?'' " Weil" ses I, " I had a won
d.-rful dream lat night that eenatn<>st fright
end me to deth," ;• Wal," ses he," wirnt on
earth Was it t" "Wal, sen 1, "if, I must tell
j'< u it, just as it appeared to we, y>>a tnusu't
get wad " "Oh," si-s the Kernel,"l don,t
Keer nothhi about dreams, for I allers inter
pret them by contraries." "Wal," ses f.
"you kin cyp ier out the tneanin <>f it your
self t<> stiir rourself but I'll tell it o you jest
as it appeared to me, and it sei m d us plain
as if it was broad in\light."
i "Wal "sty> I, t thought I was in a grave
yard, and tin-re wis a gva big grave dug,
large enough to hold h>ur r live coffins, an 1
while 1 Was stawliTi there taonderm what i n
earth the grave was (or, I saw a hg black
hearse C 'tutn and S'antott was dnvm it
That inder startle 1 me; but 1 looked agin
i sr.d I see it was bein tlrawn by them Wur
Dnn ncr.its, D ckinon, Butler, Moajjher,
Cochrane, and the li ar-e itself uiarke 1 "War
When Stanton druv up to the grave ses he,
"My jvekasses had a heavy load, hut they
pu! Ed tt thtough h-iively," for the poor War
I) innncrats hail lieads of men <>n the. bodies
of mules. I wondered what on airth c >uid
be in the hearse, for tt seemed to be heave
loaded. Right behind the hearse wtlkin
along were vou and Sumner, and Greeley
and Chase, and old Grandfather Welles.—
! retty soon you ail went to work takin out
the coffins and git tilt ready to put them in
the grave. The first one tuk out was mark
ed ' habeas corpus." the second one "trial by
jury." then the "Union" and then "The Con
stitution." When thev were all out on tr e
ground some dispute rz as to which should
be buried first, but Greeley cut it short hv
savin, "put the Constitution under and all
else follows."
St Greeley got the ripe under one end <if
the c ffln an 1 Summ r uder the nt her arid be
gun tn let it down, while it was goin down
you looked kinder anxious af Chase and ses
you, 'Chase, think it will stay d .wn?'M\ God,
Kernel, it must miy down, or we will go up.''
Greeley was t'ckled eenantost to death and
Sea he. 'we shall bury it now so that it wil
never be iieerd of again.' 0 d Grandfather
Welles, however, seemed half frightened to
deth, and trembled like a sick dog, and ses
'Oh, that H was all over.'
Sumner was wrath at this, and ses he,'shut
up, y u "Id fool, wan until it is all under.'—
And 'here, too, stood Beecher, with a nigger
baby in his arms, tonkin up to heaven, and
praying a I the while as follows; 'On, L rl
not thy wdl but mine hi* done.' Finally al
the C 'fli is wtre put in the grave aid c>Verd
up. T wondered wheie Seward could be all
this time, and look in up. there he was, Hyin
through the ht with wings, and tads, and
h rns, look in fr the world like an evil spirit,
and sea he, m.' iwere done, when it is d >ne,'
just as if he was afraid that a day af resurrec
tern was comii I tell you, it inide m; feel
aorrowful and sad, when 1 sivv the old Con
stiiutton and il.e Unio 1 p u under the ground,
out of sight, and when I woke up, my eyes
were lull of tears, and I felt in >re like sryi >g
thin I have senee 1 was bom."
NOTE —This grand carnival of these "architects
of ruin," over the grave of the Union and Constitu
tion has been fni hfuliy i lustrated oy "Z-ke " an
arti.-t of rare powers. in a Lithograph engraving of
about IS by 21 Lioh-s The engraving will be lent
pot paid on the receipt of 25 cents or Five copies for
tIOO, it is well worth the money
BROMLEY A Co. Box 4265
N. Y City.
Official Order for .%-iother Draft for 200,
000, Men.
WASHINGTON, M trcn 15 The films nr.;
official Order Iru u the Piesi lent WAR issued
u day.
WASHINGTON. AI I rt-ti 15, 1804. j
GENERAL ORDERS No 100 Ihe f>.Mowing
is;.n >rd r fy the President of the United
WASHINGTON, March 14 1864. $
In order to simply the f tee n quired to b>-
draf't d for the Navy, and to pr- vide an ade
quate reserve forre, for cintiigi-i>cte in ad
dttion to the fi-va hundred th u*aud men call
ed ft February 1-t, 1864, the call IR hetvov
made and a dra't ordered f.r 200 000 men for
tfe military service of the Army, Navv ami
Marine C rp* of tin- Unfed States. The pro
porrionai quotas for the different wards, town®
township®, precincts, elec ion districts and
counties will be made known throng! the
Provost Marshal General's Bureau and ac
count will be taken of £he credits and defici
ts on former qu >'as The 15'h day of April
1864, t designated as the tune up to winch
tfie numbers r< quired in each Ward of city
town. &c , tnav be raised by voluntary -nlist
ment, and drafts will be made in each Ward
of a city, town, <fce., which shall not haw
filled the quota assigned, for the number re
quired to fill said quoras.
The draft will be commenced as s-sin after
the ]st! of April as practicible. The govern
ment bounties as now paid will be c>ntinued
until April 15ih, 1864, at wfiich titue the add
tti'mal b. •unties cease. On and after that
date one hundred dollars bounty only will be
paid, as provided hy the act approvd July
221,1861. Signed ABRAHAM LINCOLN.
Official—E. D. TOWNSEND, A* A. G.
Of all the dust thrown in men's eyes, gold
dust is the mast blinding.
Address oftha Democratic Senators,
To the Democrats of Pennsylvania.
FELLOW CITIZEKS.—At this juncture in
the proceeding* of the Senate of Pennsylvan
ia, the undersigned deem it their right and
duty to address you.
For than two months we have unit
edly and determinedly withstood an efloit
on the part of the Rebublican members of
that body to subvett the organic law, to ig
nore the precedents of seventy years of our
history, and to trample under foot the rights
of their equals and peers. In so doing we
have been actuated by the high resolve, that
by no act of the representatives of the only
law abiding political ui gainzat ion in this
Commonwealth should ihe rights and consti
tutional privilege* of tlie people be subverted
We have rebel with unshaken faith upon
that people for our support and vindication,
and to the end lha ? their Verdict may be
rendered with a lull knowledge of the facts,
we beg le .v? to present a brief history of our
position during the protracted and exciting
contest which ha* ju*t closed.
The member* of the Senate assembled in
the Senate Chambe at Ham-burg, on Tut-s
(fay, January 5h,A. D. ISG4, at 3 I'. M.— |
Ot the twent v-two Senator* holding over, all
were present save Maj r White, who was a
prismei in the ha .d* of the rebel-; of those i
present, twelve were Democrats, and nine
R-publican-. The Senate was called to or
derby ttie 11-m JP. Penney, the Speaker
elected at the close of tfit- session of 18G3.
The S-cretary of the Commonwealth was
then introduced and presented the returns ;
from the dis'rcis which had electad Sena
tor* in October 18G3 The returns were |
o,.eited and rea 1, by which it appeared that j
four Democrats an 1 seven Republicans had
been elected all of whom were present, there-
by causing a tie in (he vote between the two :
great p .laical organizations of the country ;
as represented on 'hat floor.
Upon the reading of ttie certificates of elec !
tion, ii would have been the duty of tfie Sen- j
ator elected Speaker at the close of he ses- i
sum of 18G3. to have vacated the chair, had
he been governed in hi* acTion by the ex I
press terns of the Consulmion, which, by i
section X. Article 1, prescribe* that the Gen !
eral "Assembly shall meet on the 1-t Tuesday I
of January in every year, and by section XI |
of the same article that " each House" (i. e.
when they meet on that day) shall elect its
Speaker and other officers It appears to
the undersigned that the word?, " each
House shall elect its speaker " are sufficiently
certain to determine the question that no one
elected Speaker by the Senate of 18G3 could
exercise the duties of that office over the !
Senate of 18G4—tlie latter bei -g a new and ,
distinct body, made up of other members
who had never participated in an election for
lor Speaker, and a9 by the yx press terms of
the Constitution, "each House shall (when
they meet on the first i uesday in January
in each year) elect its Spea er and other offi
cers" it is manifest and clear that the Sena
t<>r Irom Allegheny had no shadow of right
to eXeiClse the duties of Speaker i.Ver this
new Senate which had never elected him its
Speaker, and we have never recognized him
as such. But admitting, for the sake <f ar
gtuiient, that the word* of the Constitution
ate auibigous and certain, then precedent j
and u-age, if they exist, must determine l
their meaning, and by thi- test ihe umb-r-ign
cd desire that their po-iiion may be tried.
During a period of seventy years. In m 1891
until this dav,'here is but one other instance
- '
where a Speaker elected by a former Senate
attempted to exercise the uu"v* of his office
over a succeeding and new Senate, and that
was during the " B.uX Shot War," when the
late Unarlea B. Penrose, the Speaker holding
: over, entertained two motions relative to c >n
te-ied seais ; bu". when these were deter
mined, even he vaca e i the chair, and did
not dare to re-u i.e >C, until b' the vote of
the new Senate lie was elected Speaker. If
the R- publican ineinbt rs of the Senate of
18G4 can gather Coin tort from this one solita
ry exception in the unbroken fine of prece
dents, they are welcome to it. The bold
iu-8- and magnitude of their act of usurpation
has destroyed U6 Bignticance as a deed of
revolut ion.
The Senator from AHeghenv, not wit li
ng the t xp'rss word" of the Cun&tifuiion,
witli their meaning illustrated by the action
of all loiui- r Speakers, save one, fur a period
of s -venty years, alter tie* reading o! the Cer
tificates ot eection wloci created ttie new
Senate, failed to vaca'e the chair, which he
oceupie.l by court e-y and for the sake ot c<>ii
Veiiieiioc. lie requested the new Senators to
Come for *aidto be sworn This the Reptib
Item Senators did. an 1 al-o the Dene crane
Senators; the latter, "however, under a pro
test, in which, in hrief and emphatic terms,
they denied his right to administer tlie oath
ot ( ffioe to them, they having been elected
members <>f a body of wh'ch be had never
been elected Speak--r. li is here to be ob
served that this course was necessary on
their (art, for the reason that it was the evi
dent intention of the Republicans, should the
Democrats re'ue to take the oath, to leave
their names . ff the roll, whereby our oppo
nents would hive secured a clear inaj wily of
tho-e v >i ing.
Afier this act of usurpation the new Sen
ate, by a unanimous vote, adoj ted a resolu
tion lo proceed to an election for Speaker
If it is not true that the office was vacant,
(as the undersigned contend.) why the ne
Ceßit vto elect a Speaker ? But under this
resolution several ballots were held on that
tit* fir>t day of our meeting, each re-ulting
in a tie between the Republican candidate,
Mr. Penny, and the Democratic candidate,
Mr. O'ymer. The Senate adjourned until
the next day. when, after several in ffectual
billots, the Senator from Berks, Mr. Clvmer,
on behalf of the undersigned, made the fol
lowing proposition of compromise, vii : That
the Republicans should select the Speaker
of the Senate, the Democrats the Clerk, and
ro alternately until all were filled. This ba
sis cf settlement the undersigned considered
to he just. It wai made, not for the purpose
of securing place, or ponticn, but to vindi
cate a principle Tt was precisely the basis
of compromise adopted in 1865, when the
Democrats having an actual majority (al
though not present) were given the Speaker,
the Know Nothings of that day (at present
Republicans) the clerk, and so alternately to
the end of the list. But this propositi< n the
Republican Senators of 18G4 refused to ae*
cept They had entered upon usurpation,
and they determined -o adhere to it with all
its consequences.
During the protracted struggle which fol
1 .wed, this offVr of c in promise was re' cVV^
e • i
from tune to time ; it was always rejected,
and not one pr. p .sitioii tending to a solution
of ilie diHiculi y ever came from the Republi
can side, save the abs <rd suggestion ot tfie
Senator from Erie, Mr. L .wry, that he would
vote tor the Democratic Candida e f.r Speak
er provided either he or some one oj the un
designed would agree never to role on ay
party oi test question. m
It is thus a matter of history that the Re
publican Senators relused a fair and just
Proposition which, ha it been accepted,
Would have organized the Senate on the sec
ond day of its meeting. They attempt to jus
tify U.eT conduct on • grounds. First,
that the Sena r e is t-Ver organized, the Speik
er of a former Senae heuisr the Speaker of
the subsequent one ; and Second that M.J r
Wh'te, if present, would have given them a
We have heretofore exposed the fallacy of j
the first position by reference to the words of
tlie Coastiiu'ion, and to the unbroken prece'
dints c.f seventy years. In addition, we will j
present a test which will so clearly expose;
the unwarrantable and unconstitutional
nature of the claim, that no one, however
prejudiced, tnay mistake, or misunderstand
By the XXIII scctton, Article Ist, of the
Constitution of this State, it is provided that
all bills passed by the Legislature and pre
sented to the Governor f> r his signature,;
within ten days ol the adjournment, shall
become laws without Ins signature , unless
returned (with his objections) ici'hin three
days after the next meeting.
In 1855 the Legislatuje met on the second
day of January. The contest for Speaker
was prolonged until the fifth, when the Hon.
Win. 11. ILester, of Berks county was elect
ed. Upon the sixth, the fourth day after
their meeting, the Governor of the Common
wealth returned, with his otjectiors, several
of the most important bills passed by the
Legislature <>i 1854. II the position of the
Republican Senators >f 1804 is correct, viz:
that the Senate is always orgon zed, and that
the Speaker of the former Senate is the Spca- j
kcr >| the in w St rate, 'hen those bills of
1854, vetoed by Governor Bigler on the !
fourth day of the scsion of 1855, are laws'
notwithstanding his vetoes. That this is not
so. or at least lha't none of the eminent law
yers and who composed that Sen
ate (aim ng win ni were Price, Buckalew,
Hei-ler and Darsu ) so tin tight, is evinced
by t! e fact that they ail voted upon those
vetoes an the Constitution,which
they surely would not have done had they
been of opinion they had peen sent in too
late. The Senators of 1855 did not even
claim to have met until they had elected a
| Sp nker, much less that they vere org mixed
Our view of the question i 1 .r'her strength
ened by the act of 1804, which obviously
1 contewp'ates the el etion of a Speaker of
' each 11 >use at the beginning of each session,
! and requires hi in first to be sworn hef< re he
i can administer the oaths to the newly elect
' ed members. I 1 his been left for the R- pub
j lican Senat'rs of 1864 to i .nore the Coii>ti
| tution, to defy precedent, and to attempt to
destroy the very foundations of law and or
i der.
This disposes of their first ground "f de
fence. Wt will now probe the second reason
asiened for their revolution-try conduct.
Who ts accou itable f>r the absence of Ma"
j>r White, or rather, who is to blame that
his seat was not filled on th.- firt day we
tnei ?"
It is alleged that Mj >r White resigned
Mt scat in this Senate, that res'gnation hav
inr heen receive'! by his fa Tor. Jn l-'e White
about ibe middle of November, 186 d. It is
to be assumed (ilie undersigned reserving
their individual opinions thereon) tlat the
resignation was genuine, since in furtherance
and in support of the usurpation inaugurated
in January, an election was orde-ed thereon
by the Speaker de facto of the Senate, and a
new member elected and sw<>rn. Assuming
it to be genuine, whose fault is it that an
election was not ordered immediately <jn its
reception, which would have given ample
time to have put his successor in his place
on the first Tuesday of January? Surely,
neither th?t of the undesigned, nor of any
Democrat in the State; the blame must rest
where it rightfully belongs, upon the Repub
licans of the Senate and upon their abbettors.
The excuse offered is that the resignation
was not filed, in order that efiw's might be
made (the incentive being the necessity of
Major White's preference to Republicans as
cendoncy in this State) for his exchange.—
Without stopping to inquire whether this
ascendency Is likely to be beneficial to the
people of Pennsylvania, we will merely re
mark that if the late of Major Whtto had
been different or more deplorable than that of
thousand of other brave and gallant men who
are enduring the untold horrors ofcaptivity in
order that the negro may be raised to the
level oj the white man, then indeed, might
some such excuse he tolerated. But Major
While's condition, much as we deph re it, is
uo worse than that of those who are a gar*
nertd harvest of brave men rotting in prison
victims to the malignant heresies of thus who
advocate the social, political, and military
equality of the hlack and white races
That Major White became a prisoner is his
misfortune ; that he is not released is the in
tentional and designed fault of his political
friends In uthcr view, lie and they tie
nl"ne responsible for the 'Mead lock'' caus.-tl
by his absence.
After tlie Republicans had secured a clear
majority, they still persisted in their course
of usurpation. In the earlier days of the
ft sun," by a unanimous vote, and by par
ticipating in twelve ballots, they a United
that it was their *w<>ril duty to proceed to
the cleC'toil <>f a Speaker. When they had
sccuted the power to do so, then, in violation
of the C ntituti<>n, of precedent, of law, and
o! their own admissions, they had for ten day*
persisted in their revolutionary con Inc.—
lint from the 29ih of February, the day when
Dr. St. Clair was sworn as Senator from the
Twenty-first D-unct, until th's 9ih day of
March, the otiderai rued have resisted ai be
lore, by all nutans in their power, every at.
tempt on the part of the Republicans to legis
late. Baffled and defeated, they have on this
da\' yielded the whole question in issue.—
Thus, fellow citizms,have"the Constitution,
precedent and law been sustained, and the
Course of ihe undersigned vindicated.
We have thus narra'ed the facts of this
case, ami have endeavored, and we trust sue
Cessfully, to expose the fallacy of the otens
ible reasons assigned by the R'publicum
Senators in supp rt of their c uiduci' We
say ostensible, for we do not hesitate to de
clare that the entire proceeeiiig i> but a part
and parcel of a programme which proposes to
break down and destroy every barrier stand
ing between them and their lust for power
and place.
In the past, we have presented a deter
mined and unbroken front. We have done
during the trying times of the present, and
sustained by your confidence and support— !
we will continue to do so in the tune to <
We have presented you the record—by it
we are willing to he judged.
Ilarrisburg, March 9, 18G4.
A Page of History.
There is no passage in history which is
tuore deep!} interesting, none on which the
pen of the historian will tlwtll with more el
oquence, than that w itch r. | i es 10 the c >n
dnion of the Uni'etJ S n'es its army and its
caaitol, on tfie last dav of August, 1802
Tile report <>l General McCieliau now tor Hie
first time collects and in ikes clear the vari
ons incidents which are to ti l th.s important
page in our national record. We regret that
the Congressional e iilion, the RebeLioa
Record edition, and other cheap editions ol
the report are uncomplete and inaccurate,
omitting entirely some por'i ns which pre
sent t tie most interesting and i n port ant view
of the relations of General McCieliau to the
Cabinet, the army and the country. The
edition published by She! fa & Company,
tinder General MeClellan's authority is accu
M The secret history of political minoo iv
ring at Washington at lots tuue would, ii
made public, expiain llie wh. It* responsibtlt
iiy hr tl.e disastrrus campaign of Pope.
The blood of our thousands lost on those fa
tal plains of Minisas is chargeable dtre.tly
on the intrigues of Washington politicians of
the radical party, who only desired to re
iw ve McClellan Iroin the public view, be
Cause they (eared that Ihe splendor of his
gemus, the devotion of nis amy, ilie noble
ness of his character, might bring him be
fore the people as a fit man to lead tlie whole
na'ion through war to peace and uni • un
der tlie Oonstituiiro, For this ih"y mtrißii
ed, and for ihis they have wa-ted thousands
on thousands of young lives, poured out on
frut less battle field*. And some of tbis se
cret history may be recovered from a close
examination of the dispatches and orders is
sued at Washington, between the 20th of
August, a d the 21 September, 1862.
" Then McClellan sends a dispatch, which
will he memorable in all tiiture tune :
' " I cannot express to jon the pain and mortißoa
tion I hive experienced to-day in listening to the dis
tmtsounlof the firing of inv mon As Icm hoof
no lurtlier uso hero, I respectfully ask that, if tliero
is a probability of the conflict being renewed to
morrow, I may be pennitt* 1 to go IO thi scon* of
battle with my staff, merely to be with tuy own
men, if nothing more; they will fight none the wurso
for my being with thetn. If it is not deemed best
to iutru t me with the command even of tuy own
army, I snnply ask to be permitted to sh ire their
fato en the fiel •of battle Please reply to this to
night.' "
" Not even the common courtesy of a re
ply was given, till tfe next day came Hal
leek's c hi dispatch :
1 " I cannot answer without seeing the President,
as General Pope te in command by bis orders, of the
department.' "
" A I day disastrous intelligence comes in.
McClellan is ordered to take Command of
the defences of Washington, but his orders
are limited. They do not yet dare to face
the indignation of the radical politicians,
who would have seen Washington destroyed
rather than McClellan restored. But the
tnonvng of the 2d leaves thetn in doubt no
onger. The hope of the nation hangs on
the man they had disgraced and ridiculed on
the 30th. The President and General Hal
leek seek McClellan at his house and t; com
mit everything'' to his hands, directing him
to go out and meet the returning ariny.
" The crossing of the Potomac that day
by McClellan is a scene for long remeni
brance. The shouts that went rolling over
the hills, the exultation of men who had re
garded themselves as doomed, hut who now
welcomed order, wisdom, genius, ' ability
and experience,' all which they had proved
ami known—this has been described and is
recorded. How the general took the abat
er ed army, restored its morale, led it into
Maryland, and in fourteen days won the vie
tones of South Mountain and Antietatn; —
Ilalh'ck complained of his BIOW march to
§onth Mountain, and radicals everywhere
growled sullenly over the salvation of tho
capital by McClellan—this ia alreadv bistc
tp."—Journal of Commerce.
BACON —ln NicboWcm, on Friday, 17th inst. SttL
LA A., daughter Pf*Char! ea U Mi Miry K. Ba
ccn, Aged 7 months and 17 days.
WARREN.—At Neponsmf, Ilia., on Son Icy March
*3tL 1361, MILTO* 11 ARP.I v, nged abo-it 50 jetrs*
The de-eased WAS Register and Recorder OF this
County shortly after its first organisation.
Special Notice*.
Auction!! Auction!!!
L. C CotKLTs. ticn'e t auctioneer an ier the late
law of Congress, offers hi* serriee to all persons bar
ing property to *:•!! by ven luo or Auction.
Tunkhanno.k M *roh 2od 13JI 1.. C COVKLIN.
The Copartnership existing between Dr. John C,
Keeker an I Willie as -ihrage will ceas. and b de
termined on the first lay of April n-xt. A!! persoas
having rtaima sgiinl said firm sre! er by n.^uestad
to present tbrg ime for settlement, and those ino'ebi.
el thereto will pi .as., ca'i r.t the c-uk-e of Dr. J. C
Decker in Tnnkb innock D<)rough and settle the sates
between this date and April Lt 1304, and fi*r th: t
time, the notes and accounts will be left in tke hands
of a M.ijMtntt for Collection
M.irch Ist 1 ~C4.
with Bolt :-n t ail complete, will Is gold vrar CHEAP.
Apply to or addreis
Tunkhannctk, Fa.
Whereas Letters of Administration to t! e Et-t*
of Mowrcy Jr. lute of Mt*hopj>rn T>,wnshto
deceased have been granted to the subscribers. All
person? indehtel to the sai l estate ara requested t
tna-ko immediate payment, ami those having elaims
against the estate uf snid decenJent wilt make knows
the same without delay, to
Meshoppon, Pa. f E J MOWP.EY Ada.'
The undersigned will attend to ail claims en'nssi
ed to biru for obtaining Pensions, linafc pay aci
Bounties to soldiers and their Rere.'entauvee aeern
ng during the [ reseat war.
Tunkhannock ) ~ 0
Jan. 26 1664. \ GeoS.Tvrrew
Whereas letters testamentary 'to the estate of
Judson Auinick, late of E.'iten Township, Wyoming
| County. <i*c ise 1, have iioca granted to the uV
; sciiber, all persons iadehtn :to the taul Estate a.
i requcste Ito :u ike immediate payment*, nut there
| having demands or claims ag Gust the estate of tin
i said dee-dent wiii make krenu the some, du'y
| authenticate without delay to
Mehr.op.tnv Mar h 3th, !?G4. Eiccuter.
Un ler the act of Congress of Julv litis lfii'.?.
soldier in tlse army of the United States, who h*
hern, firu-e the lib of M troh lr'Gt, or who shl! >.-
disabled by wound or disease, contracted in the ser
i vice, is entitle . to a penion of from Eight To thirty
! Dollars per month m.vorlirg to his disability and
| rank.
i And in case of death of any soldier Irora wound r
: Jiscasc contracted ia the - rviot, his wife or p nnu-1
representatives arc entitle 1, Ui i'.m same to wutcit ,)
I would have been entitled if totally disabled*
The undersigned will ntl-ni tj the proeurrwat of
such pensions for those who are entitled tb-uu.
i Tur.khannoek. / T . .. . ... .
Feb 10 lbt>4. > II AS. W. i.irn.*
WALLOW two or three kog-heods of'Purnh''
| * "Tonic Hitters, ' "onrsaparilla.'' "Nervous
| antidotes," Ac., Ac.. Ac., and after you are satisfied
; with the result, then ir> one hoi of OLD DOCTORS
; restored to health .mi rigor in less than thirty
I They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prom't
| and siltimry in their effect* in the !>r>ket down r. t
shattered constiiution. Old iiiaf yonn * can tai s
j thcia with alvan y,';. Imported and jcbi .u me
i T ui. les <--. i *'jf
J S. J.i TLER,
Slfc'iou L. Cihle House,
No York.
General A. vee*.
T S.— Abl o env ndiies* Oi receipt of
price—which i' On: Dili:.'
\ 3-t>3l-Jtis. M AC#.,
ITSE NO other rrniAN's srn-irrc
J PILLS arc too j n'y R'l. il'e fisr all
I Diseases of the fconiinai, 1 riuery ani N* rn.ns .
| terns, fry one i>.n, aid bs 'unl. O.N tv DoLLd '
J A BOX. One lx will a curt or money re
funded. Sent by -.nti' on receipt of price.
Station D Ei'ile Pjuse
N' w York,
General Ager.S *,
. v 3 n3I-3m M. A CJ-
bi chas'h > - G!.ish srrctric nt.t.s cure, in
f less than 30 days, lha w/ ret oases of vhrvot-sukss
linpolency, Pretni'uro Decay. Seminal Weakness,
Insanity, and all Urinary, Serin!, and Nerr'ts
I AfTeidi rn, no matteT from what cause :<ro<lu-e>l
' Price. One Dollar per bo*. Sent, posiptid, by wail
lon receipt i.f an order. Addr- ss,
Co at: -. V, Bibie House
New ltrk.
j v3-n3I-3ni. M. A Co..
Uegftsters Notice.
No tic -is hereby given to all persons interested,
| that the following accounts have been filed in lb*
Registers office at Tunkhannoi-k, and will be preeer
ieti to the Orphans Court of Wyoming County, to be
heM at Tunkhannoek on the I3ih, lay of April next
; for confirmation an-i allowance. Tho final aeof, of
: I". D: Spring Administrator of tho Estate of G D.
Lacy 1 ate of Braintrim Township decoasoi* Filed
Feb ; y 4th, 1364-
The Fiual account of Mcrrit W. Smith Adminis
trator of the Estate of Joel Dibblo late of Windham
I Township, decease', Filed Fcl/y IPth, 1864.
I Final account of ilenry W. F.issct and Eliiabeth
| Whitcouib, Administrators of the Estate of L K.
i Whitcomh. lato of Windham Township, deceased,
! Filed Feb'y,6tb, 1364
Final account of Charles B Reynolds Executor of
the E 'ate of II B. Turner lite of Lemon Township
deceased, Filed Fob'y, 13th, 1864.
Final account of Win M-Kune Administrator of
I ihe Estate of A'nner Jackson late of Falls Township,
, deceased File"! Feb'y, 26th, 1864
Final account of Sarah B Morgan, l.ate Sarah A'
Jenkins, Guardian of Joe Jenkin3 son of David B.
Jenkins late of Tunkhannoek Township, deceased
I Filed March sth, 1864.
Final account of Win. F. Cairl Administrator of
! the Estate of Nathan Parrish. late of Monroe Town
[ ship, deceaaed, Filed March 10th, 1361
1 r ""
l Don't fail to read the advertisement in this paper, \
DK. CHEiCSEMAN, of New York, has devoted
| I the last thirty years of practice to Female eom-
I Y plain's. His Pills act like a charm. They are
\reliable and safe.
Subpoena in Divorce.
ELKMUEL HALLSTE.VP, 5 In tho Court of Common
rs > Pleas of Wyoming
Drut.AH IIALLSTF.AD. ) No. 73, Nov. 7 1963
t.lbel in Divorce from Bond# of Matrimony.
T,. Ahira GAT, High Sheriff, of the said County of
Wyoming, hereby make known unto the above n*ic
ed Delilah Halistcad. that she be and appear at
Court of Common Hens, to bo held at Tunkhannoek
in tho County aforesaid, on Monday the 18th day o.
April, A, D. 1964, thcu and there to answer to the
| said complaint, and show cause if auy she hath way
1 ■ the bouds of Matrimony between herself and the said
i ; Klein uel iiallstoad, her huibaud shall not be uu
i solved.
j Sheriff's Office. Tnnkhan- )
r-v-k, Vrrh 1964 <