®(je § cmotraf. HARVEY SICKLER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK, PA Wednesday* Feb. 10, 1064. S. M. PettengtJl * Co.—Wo. 37 PABX ROW KJSW YOSK, A 6_PTATI ST BOSTOJT, are our Ajrent* for tha N. B Democrat, in thaw cities, and are author* tst to taka Advertiaemann and Subscriptions * as at our towaat Ratea. MATHER * CO.. Wo. 335 Broadway W. T. are our Authorised Agents to taka Advertiaemeata or this paper, at out published rates car Bdl.v of the Republican, finding himself u caught in the very act," confesses his complicity in the printing of the bogut enrollment lists for N'chnWon; and at teropta tc pdiate his offense by the claim* that they were " printed by au'hority" and to " promote" the draff. The public ard e* pecial'v the people of Nichol*un, design to know by what authority thav were printed and hou> they could n any way promote the draft ? It will not help your case, Billy, to call ua a Rebel or any other hard names. Even your silly lie about our inciting resistance to the condiment wdl not excuse you in com mitting this infamous outrage and wrong You vfiT that we are " opposed to the con sorption," in this you are entirely right, and the principal reas > for our opposition, tests upon the fact, that the law is so administered that all the negro worshipping knaves, sharp er* and snttiks (then we meant you ! ) man age to wriggle out of it; while the honeat masses have to stand by and patiently submit to its crushing and fatal exactions. rar f is a>-st red up n what appear* to be go d authority, tha' the draft will pos ilively take place on the 10 h of March text Eff its a--e In-ing made to avoid it in many places, by appropriations of money by the ! local am bonne*, of bounces to persons will ing to volunteer to fill the quota* of those districts, no movement of this kwf, as we are awaru of, has yet been made in this Coon- I ty. Many of our young men, under the I stimulous of large Bounties, have already j gone to other places and enli>ted. Jus ia not as it should be. Our township and Br ! ough authorities, should devise some means ; to prevent it by aff -rding a* good or better | inducements to those wishing to enlir. to do do so at home; otherwise we shal' find onr aelvea in a pour condition, indeed, to meet the reientlea* demands ; f tbe conscription , about to be forced up n us. rsr the following letter from Dr. Baktr of the Board of Examination handed u* for publication xhibits the quotas of the * T IAL Township* in th county under the 300,000 rail Since the call for 500'000 instead of 300 000, we pri i lie that these figures will bate to be increased proportionately. TROY Pa. Jan 21 1864. MR. WM M. PUTT, DEAR SIR : I send you the quota for Wyoming County thinking perhaps your c- unty may nv.ve soon to rai*e men and obviate the t:ec Ssity of a draft. One of the towns of this County are raising local bounties. We have not yet received an order to proceed with the drft, but will, no doubt unless men are raised Yours Truly. WM. S. BAKER. Quota of Wyoming County, Brain'rim. 7 Clinton 9. Eaton, 11 Ex •'er, 4. Falls, 12. F irkston, 6. L-m •i, 4 Mehoopanv, 13. Mehoppeu, 14. M tie*', 8 Nicholson, 16 Northiuoreland. 10. Nor h Branch, 4. Ovej-field, 4. Tun'k B r'>, 8 T m'k Twp., 12. Washington, 8. Wmu bate, 9. rar TR lioi'SK SI°STAINS THEM. — At a meeting of the Democratic members of the House of Representatives, at Ua r.sburg, held on Wednesday evening lat, the following resolution, fully endorsing the action of the Democratic Senators, on (he question of or ganization of the Senate, was unanimously adopts d* Rtsulred, Tl at the Denvctanc members of the House of Represents ive, representing opwards of 254,000 D. nncists of the State, •i ptwe ~( ihw comae of the D'-mocratic S,n *tors in their vmd c.ition of their conati u tional rights, aggiiigt the usurpations of tl e R fHtblican parties Senators, and that th-y trust they will adhere in their course unit I the Senate is in a constitutional marine.!'and in accordance with the prece dents of the Senate fr seventy years. GENERAL MCCLI.LLAN and the Democrat ic parry say that the olj-cts <,f the war j should be the restoration of 'he qnny of ihe nation, the preservation of ihe consiiiii'ioh •ml the supremacy of the law* of the c um I try. fhe President and 1U satehtes -at it •bould he for destroying the political power I of the H .uth bv the destruction of slavery.- That is now the is*ue fairly be! ire the conn fry, and it is useless to disgu *e it. LIME —The teidcncy f lime i* to PM mot* d*c<,up'<|ijtii >n~jt M nfTer be used n euiccion w.tfc fanwutfof and decmpoa tig Pubatanc**, M htm*!,, the formation eT " lr "* wttttwwa, wtneh takes from V aanurea their w *l TaluaWa j,r,,pertie #.rting tro*g |rttWth m cr>p Randoms from Trinity filei p e. Ji* midnight, and the iheutnatic, crotch ' ety, >ld boll ringer, in at his poet; tlie la*' cadence , and by some rnuvel, managed ' to put himself on the out side of a great quantity of the u spiritual " so much so, thai their howling* have roused the slumbers ol the Police and ** clubs" bid fur to bene, trumps ; I am too fast by half, youngster is higl ly coiniecied, lives on the " avenue," ttie governor is shoddy, largely interested in the vigorous proserinmn' of the war, and an un conditional Union man at leasi,a6 long as there are green hacks HI question. G'sh* what a currency and what a set of rascal* crea'ed it ; Youngster ha* gone <-n turning night i* to (tandem mum, and " clubs," have returned to their slumbers, Glorious republican rul ers ! truly may it he said of you. well done Ac, espt-ci Ily by Shoddy, who through your tteachery, escape the meshes of the law,— Pege. Do I understand you, Mr. Editor, to plead gudty to my q o iinj chtrge? A'l we!' enough, no doubt. hut I would advise modern tion, an ihe resul'a from copious draughts. are sometime*, js-cuhar, and maj be the means of placing one in an embanking position. If you doubt the assertion. • mple, freely, through an extensive wine cellar, go home, at the •' wee etna' h- nr," learn that the ke\ hide has been stolen, get in the house, through the scuttle, nr t e window, h'cti ever i* tnore practicable. E ideavor o rac'< your room noiselessly, 'he first step bre-ik tour neck over a table, chtir, or wha' not. knock the crockery m'o a glorious -mn-h— --don't mean brandv mnh- -how I hafp them —too manv cobweb*—wake the babic*. rntip niadam and eet a —merer ! it make* mv hpad awim to think of the consequence*. T would rather be drafted for a* ! am an exempt, none of the hardship* would fall to tnv lot. J auppoae a great, many .f the young, healthy, and pa riotic men. who heretofore have baked with pity on the pour old bell ringet, now pnvy him, h's position rhoumat ic* and all, and would eladly look from ha cubby hole on t e sleeping •btmherine city, the iars alone his companion*, and strike the hour, wi b the precision that the situation en} ins. But yotme man ynr envv is vain the decree has gone forth, your honest moitel Prpsidpnt, baa nodded, and Five hundred thousand more, must march to the slaughter, ♦o satisfy the cravinga of the blood thirsty, flenda. that have betrayed every confidence entrusted to thpm. Yoti, that have cried War. now hnw the virtus of vnur fanatical, damnable howling*, * o to the fi ht and should von fa'l the old Bell rnger. for one, will pive yn the credit of being hoest in voitr rretpnsinns, which probahlv. is a greater r ward than a hligh ed cmjTrv would feet disposed to give you. Should vnn not feel disposed to risk the perils of fhe battle field. then wbv not serd mcsaapps of neaee to the " wandering trbes " i saving, hfother*. we'eome home to happiness and peace, that near*. that fi'ls ever* ge-er ous. honest soul, and even leave* an impress, on the hear' of the wearied old TRINITY BELL RINGER. Heavy Mounted. An enthusiastic admirer, of Ilenrv WAH Reecher gives the foHowintr description of his j belligerent propertir*: " He is an intellectual rhin* eer-a, whne terrible horn and snout make the common ; cattle stand ap-und—an ironclad Doctor of : Divmiiy, with a ram at both ends and guns j [minting exery way, charged with Greek , firr !" Time Wi-rks wonderful changes A■ ex I change thinks that in the dav of ST Paul— | tor instance, the Christian armor was mtireK o,'fferent from that which, according to tins catalogue, now begirts the R. v Betcher— Paul's spiritual champion armed wi'h "the breastplate ,°f righ'emi-nes*," ''ihe shield f fail-b," "the helV.'iet of sa'vuti in," etc. w-uM cut a. sr figure beside ''an iron clad D et or of Divinity, with a rm at botn ends ano guns pointed evry way c ' ,fc rged with Greek fire." TMC "SOLDIERS- FRIENDS"— A few da\a Sitice, Mi. D<'i>nion, the Dwc'nt ic member of Congress, tr-un the Lnu-mie i>'* trict, in thin State, introduced a bib in n * H ue increasing the private soldiers |** Mil it V I*roclama ion of Amn-sty to My "liiriij; Sisters." The f'dlowoing, fr-tm the Bangor (Muine) Democrat, is a go.xi '-take off" It displays full as much Bound sense, and a great deal more wit, thau Lincoln's Proclamation of "amnesty," and really echoes Lmcolnism in much better manner than Lincoln can do it himself. WgfifAe, A dojen of my wayward „Sie ters M did, on a certain day, elope from me boarding-house, with a W't'liKu scamp named Southern Ct nft-dracy, (so called,) without cause or proeocation, having set np house keeping for themselves in a rickety shanty, cituated south of the old home stead: ana, WHEREAS, This shauty was built on my land, which I inherited from my old Puritan Father; aud, WHEREAS, The aforesaid "Sisters" have become greatly reduced in circu nstrnces insomuch as to be in want of certain necessa. rie>, such as tea, bacon and dimity ; and, WHEREAS, The rebellious spirit of A por lion of these "Sisters" has become subdued— they have repented of ihe r ir.ui.*greMioni and become converted to the true Abiabaiiiic f-rti: ToerefoiK, I, in the sweenes of my tein per,and in the magnanimity of nty gener>us oaiure, do ordtui, promulgate, MM tonh and let H the c udoion. be received again into n.y bo- on Fu>t: Tiiem innaxay femsh", ah v- men tioiivd, .re r. quire •to piek up ih-ir ear ring-, bosom pin-, selt. coin'"*, periume b.t !e,cups and saucers, candle-ui oil Is and at I other -ri.a ments, usually d -notn'iia ed 4, 11 u*e WEEPING " aird deliver the same within thirty da.sat Fortress Moi.roe, in the cire -f Mjor General Butler, who ha- a peculiar koaok 1-r the auf keeping of ..(her people's pro ptrty. Stcninl : Every Sisur owning cer ain chtt tie. csilw I negate*. innlai •(>,*, qsn ir > his or oth* r jrp rty, of a mixed or oo *red iia'iire iir- required '<> pte ovc-r Ihe'r eyes a postal currency, of a di; not less than five reu s, and in such a manner as t<> prevent ih;in from efer tiidimr thei:* way hack and caiie them to b* delivered, without delav at the "E.av cmtioit B Hvati," ko.hi to be erected hi ''Vasti mrton, an ! of w.nch J >* 'he Gr in IY >h >e*. an I Su. , i B sri ttionv. Lucreiu M It and Mrs it >se ih* Ves tal Virgins I* the uiean'iuie. w.nle 'hi* e lifi re is Inting c u.s'ruc el tue su I n *;r. ?- will occupy the in >*e yard foruierlv cdlal Mart lan i, but which ul Uie. by direction ot the President, has be-n linn n-lv converted blto a pasture suit ible I>r '.his pup >e. Third: A* the said af' r fiey r • turn, will have no furtn-r n*. I >r fie h ni-* and l"t where the* have heen living, th *y <*•"• herebv ordered to bn-).; ilu wiGi me n a qu't-claim ileed of the same, winch will be • aken in par In'n'n I'd* n*ir burl ill O'h**r ex.ie is.** dnrio t icir el>pa e. Tieb ve term* ii tvi been <*o uplie I wit i • tie fdl *wiiio ot'h r atfi l- nitioii if nub-ci'ib. d to, will e l the re*torattoii, unless I bapp-*o •ocMO-ge mv mn I. Porinps I mu c>i elude to do it in*oin* other war, ari l hence n-)" Sister" will b j . oblige 1 to ute o u iless she wants to FORM. I, erring 3i*ter, u-> her b. iffi • n and <1 el a re, that I will aupp >rt, for Pr—ode,it of the UfiiLe-1 Rta'es, my tm ,efac'or, Dr F.iu*t. lur ing bin natural life. Tnat I will *tt ( ip ri all in* pr>claiu*tt .n., hotri pi-u, m l pr*j:i ; thoa made last year an.lt hose t< l>e ma le next year T >at t will aupport all hi* utterance*, win tber he utter* theiu or u >t; all In* wink*,h i ik* grimace*, amcdote*, contortiona con t t drum* and toe nuill p -x A rl I i* tr- i r I c are tho. iticm thi t IL) •; > sin I d ••! i the hon >r, of wlucn there is no immediate prospect. I will fr| |on hi* mm (( I? bin 1 '(♦••• ctlle l) witii t ie a'tne lev >ti n a* hi the ca*e of the aire A il 1 turtlier declare that, i i case I ahoull ever tin Jin sell t d übf a* !rw to act in anv premie* whatever f wtt >t • rely up >n ny own co no i't v.;. •> t • w II apoty i n n cdiately to theafor. s r .id A ohon., M•> md Bote, or to tln ir |drit:a! adv.n r. H< tare tireelv to inatruc* mem the wav ot m, doty FAUST PS. 1 deem it j rp-r to -lait that I hme n< t ae-1 V tad u Phi li; a < f t n ti.t tun a'o t tie ret ue have not told him fi* ih* i* ii in of tin* pr •eiamitton the most foolish art of my life " Tin) xcept'on* to the ah ive a mies'v are ih-■ ■ a*cil• w'.. (it ; udawti i• n Si*;- •ra who iI 'e diPv r aat *ed w' ci> I ea'rh ' t■ a* i • iite.no >r arv ay*,''public <>pitti >n HE MPM! enough c impel the A> >1 ifi nin a< Senator If fhi* ta a fact, and it ia *o admitted by Republican au thority, the t thrj Vh'ht'i ti-U, whihilthe power, are • blame for nit g viox iffi :il n 'tice of he fact tn titn to elect a succ** or. The Democratic member* of the Senate have published a tatemoit wherein they show that the c ur*e they are pursuing ia justified by the precedent* of eyenty years; and it would he disgraceful to them if they were to abandon it. Fortunately no public interests are suffering from the present con dition of things and it will be a* well tor the State if no organisation be effected. Wher ever the Republican* have had control of legislation, they haye ahned their power in Jhe moat shameless way; and there i no rea son in doubt that with such a Q .vern .r as Mr. Cttrtm to aid and abet them, those now in Hsrrisburg would behave any more honestly than thair comrades did ta Albany tad Waahiiftoa.-J!r. OP RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURES WYOMING COUNTY: 1833. 1 " ■ , ——-- i x L . - ITXV- COIT.'A RAKES. TOWKSHIPS. pcr'c'rs KXow'nujcoL'scoii., PAID J HOE. NRRL'C'TG.IRXO'STSVCOL CO"R RAT^ ipgO James N. Baker. • Mesbopp n. 268 23 11 I ' ' 115 00; 153 23 [ ! 1..., 1861. Michael Walter*, Mehoopauy. 117 63 1176) 31.50j 74 37. ' I { 1862 Lyman Keeney, Braintrim. 305 79 7 88> 27 27 270.64, ' ' II 50> 8.50! 15' V or " D. Bidlemap, Clinton. 123 82 12 48! 34 49 76.85! '' 19 00) 9oo! t*o7? Rq? J. W Rii.ker, Eaton. 33242 11 92 50.90! 269. 0( • 37 50j Us<> ; jar. 7^ o id 11 adley, • Exeter. 100 84) ! 87 00; 13.84 10 *0 | ' . ncm James Fit- h, Falls. 226.65 85 14! 4031 101 20; • I 260f 1100 1.25 .0 IWAO " John P Burgess, Forkston. 5.00) \ • 500 j! j { 'ft o John Cvphsrs, • Lemon. 230801 201 09 29.71 75f { " """Van • S.Z.Clark Monroe 195 78! 15 33; 14.98 165 47 •• j| 29.51 1350: P0 15 *oi • Ahira Gar, Meshnpprn. 162 28; 14 97; 40.34 106 97> ' ' j 29.C01 10.50,' .92 17-58 ' T. G Walter#, Mehnoponr 194 95' 119 3i 4 162281 ' ' 42 50' 11.50; 155 29 4.V Jo* ph Buigen, Kmlh-Braneh. 58 36; 1 78) 864 47-94: I 8 50? 3 00; .52 4.9 V 11 Sherma Driggi, Nicholson. 535 76; 29.98; 482* 45752 1 61.00; 11-00; 2-35; 44651 " Heury H Brown, Nurtbmorelaroi. 184 05; 13 89) 32 5 137.63, • ' j 14 5C- 6.5U: .40' 7 60) " IS. D Lettier, llrerfield 97 23 4.81J 13 3< 79 06 • 1 23.00 3 50! 97: 19*53- " {Thomas A. Miller, Tunkh.mn ck Borough, 194 76) 15 85! 26 7' 152 12 ' ' i 43 50) \ i 43 50 " Newman Miller. ' ' Township 790 80? { 455 03 335.77 11.50 | ; Men " H W Keeney, Windham. 119 20 13.99; 22.4' 82.81 11 ] ! 28 50) 20 50; .40' 7.60 i " George A k'nson, Washington. 240 40 1 61) 27 6A 211.15; ' ' j| 25 00; 7 50? .87) 16-631 1863 Joseph Fox. Braintrim 552 82 j 216.00 336,82 2l 5i \ ! 20.50 " E. D Gardner, Clinton. 720 86 8,57; 35 61 676.38: ' ' 36 50? ( > '36 50 " Chaunwy Benson. Eaton. 1026 23; j 450.00- 576 23 36 00, I i 36 00 " T. D. iieadley, * Exeter. 185.12 175 00 10.12 7.501 i ! 750 " IVtei Dershiunr,* Falls. 65146 I 647.00 204 46 '5 00: jc'qo " Richard Adams, F'>rkton. 331 83: 9.89; 16 0' 305 85 ' ' ! 25 50; 15.50) .50) 9 50; " llirain Elv, • Lemon. 325.24, 1-50) 16 1 307 56; '' ' 14 50; i 250! 1200 " Truman Maynard, • Mchoopany. 670.62) j 624 00' 46.62 23 00) > ! j 23 00 " Wm 11. C rtright, • Mcsbwppen. 80811! ) 462 25 345 86 23.00, [ ; I 23 00 O. C. Or uit, Monroe 333 93? 240.00 93 93 16.00| j 16 00 " Joseph Burgess, North Branch. 19107! 1.78 9.4 179 83' ' ' 65 50 65 50 " G, B Sprague,* Nicholson 998 27, | 755 00 243-27 11 00; - ) \ |i.nQ " A. L. Carer. N<>rthm<>reland. 656 84' 492.00- 164 84 ij H 00) 1 50, .47 9 03' " Andrew Miller, Overficld 270.24' 5,19! 1..'51 80? ' ' 200 1 50, 02? .48! " L. C. Ccnklin. Tunkhiinnock Borough 563 69' j <37 40 226 29 23 50 23 50 " Wm B Overficld, 1 ' Townsh'p, 848 32 < 63300, 21532 19 50; ' \ \ ! Q -50 " Jhn W CriwfoH, Washington 551 45! 184; 27 4 522 13' ' ' 26 50' \ j 1 26.50 " Edmund Fassett, Wiudhum. 477 38; 34397! 133.41 16.00' j j ' 18 00 TOTAL $ 14648.23; 0271 35 0566.96 10873 20? 83134 72 ). 8823.00 8149 0 0 813.54 8233% Those marked with a Star, ( • ) hare paid up since statement filed. DR, RECAPITULATION, CR, To amount of County Tax outstanding, / By Amount of County Tax, uncollected 3134 72 for 1562 and previous year., ! 4484 75 • • Exoneration, to Collec tors, 271 35 • • Amount of Duplicates for 1863, 10363 48 ' ' Commissions o Collector. 568 9f ... . , -,-• u- , j \ " County Tax collected, 10873 21 1 • Amount of Ml*t' Fines outstand- } irif for the relief of the families > 1 ' Militia Fines uncollected, 426 .Si 1 of Volunteers, for the year 1862 ) 428 50 " Exoneration, on Militia Fines, 149 0* • ' Amount of Militia Fines for 1863 394 50 ! | c A om *" 13 54 " Amount collec'td on " " 233 9' SI 5671.23 515671 2 EXPENDITURES. Auditors. A mourn t,r ugnt up S >450 59 Stedin n Hinting, 900 LII Stephens ."hcriff foi 1962 A 1963, 4766 C John G. Sj.iiulding, 10.UO ZihaLi.it Pintbonutory, 145 00 F. C R-s, Clerk to auditors, 900 IVtit Jurors, 536 46 F C R'tss Autitorapp'd by i Grand Jurors, 31289 Act I. G®ti'lto Audit A<*o't oi > 12,00 Cons'ahlt-g, 124 82 Pro't, Rg. .in I Rci- * c, y S4O-00 Commonwealth Cst, 160 29 I ohm ii-sio.ni hs Bridge Bull line A Repairing. 1502 51 .J iraes W. Garey 80 00 Road Damages, 48 50 Fran.-is Hough, 150.00 Ro id Vsew*, 50 ST" V p n T h ° ' a l2 ' J - 00 ™°'! X Con jit v Printing, William F..lerrv, tie k 30 .00 F. C. R..s, George S. Tutt.m, an 1 Wm. F. ; Harvev Snkler, sll4 60 Terry, .Special Auditors appointed by Court > 16.50 1,1 Burgeca, 90 75 205.35 to retudit Militia Fin.s, > Stationery, Docket., Rights luel 4c , 6G.% Harvey Si. kter Distri.-t Atornev, 115-00 Ilephuuni, Court Crier, 36 47 F C Ross Counsel for Commissioner., 25 00 S. G Harding 'or loan to ) 740 00 A. K. Pe.kham, Trying suit vs, G. Sweatlan<2o-00 f" 1 ? Bounty to Volunteers, > Assessors. 30500 Interest >n Liiiinn, 77.13 E i.t ern Penitentiary, 186*51 Coroner. Ir.quest, 1-50! Penn'State, Lunatic A.ylum, 247 63 Bounty ot Vtolf. S.elp. 25.00 S. H. Sayer ari't brother for ( l;rtn nn M'li-,-al Attcndence in County Prison, 15.00 breaking through Bridge.,! ' Cloths for U-unfy Prisoners, 8.45 County Building., 107.61 Recording lie.survr Bonds, Ac-., 3.0tl Election., 537 34 Postage, 1.62 Amount earned up $ 2450 59 Total 4C938.57 Paid for Bounties, and to Families of Volunteers. Tsaac Pal matter, B-untv, 25 00 Amount brought up 4046.12 Mi.-k Mot, " " 25 00 Amarilla Rough:, Relief, 400 AW. t'otvin, '' 25.00 Hannah Jones, ' ' 400 A. 0 Carpenter, " 25 00 Mrs. L C Miller. ' * 29 00 J C. De Grnw. " 25.00 Catharine Bishop, " 6 00 Betsey Bennett, Relief, 6.00 Mary A Hibbard, " 14 00 Elisabeth Hubbard, " 4162 C. A. Brown, " 2300 D C Barnes, " 14 00 Euphemia Aten, '' 16 00 Sarah Fasset, '' 3-00 Carnetia Waters, ' ' 7.C0 1 Ann Galtspie, '' 39 f0 Am nd Shuner, '' 7.00 0 E Hulbert, " 15 00 Alice Walters, '' 3.00 Caroline Evans, " 24 5.' Mary Bedfuri, " 51.00 Jane A Evans, " 24.00 Dianah Adams, " 200 Mary Durl.ind, " 2100 Eliraoeth Ftsk, " 17.00 Almira Durlatul, " 30.00 Milvira Wiggin., " 13 00 Jane A. Conklin, " 900 Mary A Wat lis, ' ' ~00 Jane Smith, " 3'.00 M..ry Evars, " 2.00 Sarah Arnt. " 14 00 Cynthana E Bennett, " 300 Cclestia Aleiamler, ' 40 00 Rebe.-H M Caiuely, " 800 Carried forrsa-d, $ 446 12 Total paid, $664 12 We clo certify that the above and foregoing is a true ami correct stau-meut ot the expc-ndituies of Wyoming Coun y for the year en ling Jan. 3 1864 i Attkht FRANCIS HOI'GU. ( n ; Wu F.TERRY TIIERGN V \FGHN. < Commu- I I EDWIN STEPHENS f "oner. ■m— DR; TREASURER'S ACCt UNT; CR; To Amr t Duplicates for 1862; ) By Amount of County Tax out-tan ling 3134 72 and previous years, ! 4494 75 > < £xon' allowed Collectors 271.35 A..,cunt of Duplic ate, for 1863 10363 43 ~ Co|n; al|owed Co| eclors 56R % *26 so; I J ury p ee . 16 00 I Exon ' t " Co "" c,or8 0D Militia Fine 149.00 • ' Fine. 10 00 ' " to Collector, uti Militia Fine, 13.54 " Commonwealth's Cost, Received, 12 37 !;; Commission on 11958-46 am'f ) g , fi , _ . ' received by htm at two percent,! " " Att'y Fees " 15 00! „ " Uncurrent Money on hand at > Trea., Comn..ion on 8154.97 > 163 09 last, ttlement. \ 90 00 1 ' ° Ut &t tWO I>er cent '> ' ' T-cx received from Collector., i '' Uncurrent money on h.nd 85.001 alter settlement of Duplicate,, ) 28 71 '* County order, redeemed 8154 87 ' ' Balance on head at lust settlement 769.22 1 ' Balance on hand 3406-34 • 16 612 53 sl6-612-53 We the undersigned An-'itor. of Wyoming County being met at the Commissioners Office in .aid county do certify that upon examination of the accounts of the Treasurer of said county, we do find them to be correct as set forth in the foregoing staeraent, and that the expenditures of said county are j correct as set forth in the foregoing stat meat, and further did audit the account, of the Sheriff, Coroner | nd Prothonoiar y of taid county as required by law Witness our hand, tbii Bth day of Jan. A. D 1864. JOrtN G.SPACLDING. C BDMOND D. FASSETT. J Auditor.. HENRY NEWCOMB ( ————— NOTICE. All persons holding ceaoty order, iisued by the CommiMioner. of Wyoming County on the Treasurer of said County, and endorsed by said T reas. ere hereby notified that if the .am* are nt presented to the Treae within thirty daya trom the date hereof tor payment, all payment of internet on the same will be refused : Bt ordbr o Couhmiomm, , t ommisaioDeis office, _ . Ttm It bannock, Feb. i 1864. j '• T***Y, Hevk. MUSICAL. The Wyotnlu; County Musi * association, -vili iioM its Annual CONVEX POX at Tunkh: b • • k I'u. commencing on Tuea lay February 23 186 4, and continuing three duy*, elueing with a OHAXD CONCERT ON THURSDAY EVEN'NG. The Convention will he conducted hy Prof. T. J. C OOK of Sew York City. Tii-kefs fV.r the Cnurre, 5D rtl Con.-cr Tii kefs. 25 ' Clergymen admitted gratia. A H RUCK Sepv. ) _ STEVEN DANA Trent. ( R ' P ROSS I>r< - 0 YES ! 0 YES ! The ru'iseriher mnounce* to all wh >in it tnay eon ern. 'hit h. has t kc i "ut a liienre us Au-tioneer for Wyoming County and that he is ready to a. rre the pu din i:i that capacity wht nevor called upoa, ether in perron or by letter The law now requires a liceure, ant all who ric late the law must b. prepared to pav the penalty. FRANCIS IIOUGH. Clinton Corners Wy'o Co , I'a., Jan. 19, 1864 FOR SALE A IIORSE POWER, FARM GRIST MUX ui'h Bolt and all om j lete, will l-e sold YKRT CBKAF. Apply to or address J C BECKER. Tunkhunno k. Pa. PENSION, BACK PAY, AND BOUNTY. The undersigned will attend to all claims entrust ed to him for nhtaiuing Pensions, Back pay and B.unties to soldiers and their Reresentatives accru ng during the 'rase d war. Tunkhnnnoek ) _ _ _ Jan 25 lSf.4. ] Geo S T rrrow HARDWARE & IRON! amHuHBMBm * : HUNT BRO'S & BlaIR NOW OFFER FOR SALE [RON, STE L, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE KAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX HOR.-E-SHOES. HAM MERED HOUSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, WilllS' AAIDfAIE. CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NUTS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES j PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. HAIR, > HOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER IEATUEER AND FINDINGS, SCALES. P-r-ofc.n. dtarcb 26, 1863. r!a3J —If LIME FOE FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZER for at VIRWOI gaits ftwft- 9tft M. IMk