North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, January 20, 1864, Image 1
HARVEY SIdSI3L.a3H., l, oi)rletor.| NEW SERIES, Dtortjj fltaiti! fhnwcrah A weekly Democratic paper, devoted to Pol tics, News, the Arts j and Sciences Ac. Pub- f ■dfeJffiE j 1 lished every Wednes- S -s A BSImL r day, at Tunkhannock, | Wyoming County, Pa. 'V \f \ mxR |J i"- BY HARVEY SICKLER. L Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) 51.50. If not pain within six months, 82.00 will be charged ADVERITISLNTG. 10 lines ori j ! 5 I 1 less, mailt three \four j two .three six \ one one square weeks ' week* mo't/t 'mo th ; ;m)' th yea r 1 Square 1,00 1,25 < 2,25 i 2,87( 3,00 S 5.00 2 do. 2,00 2.50 3,25) 3.505 4,50t 6.00 3 do. 3,00; 3,75 4,75, 5.50: 7,00 9,00 | Column. 4,00! 4,50 6,50 8,00 10,00! 15,00 do. 6,00! 7,00110,00> 12.00| 17.00} 25,00 do. B,ooi 9,50? 14,00' 18.00; 25,00; 35,00 1 do. 10,00:12,00117,00! 22,00,28,00-40,00 Business Cards of one square, with paper, $5. JOB W ORIK of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit the times. fhtsiitfs.s soliffi BACON STAND.—Nicholson, Pa. C. L J ACKSO.V, Proprietor. [vln49tf] GEO. S. TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tunkhannock, Pa. Office in Shark's Biick Block, Tioga street. XWTM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of- VV fice in Stark's Brick Block, Tioga St., Tunk hannock, Pa. TTH. & * W, LITTLE ATTORNEY'S AT, JIC LAW Offic® 011 Doga street, Tunkhannock Pa. JV. SMITH, M. D., PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, • Office oa Bridge Street, next door to the Demo crat Office, Tunkhannock, Pa. HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON • Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa. D*TJ. C- BECKER & Co., PHYSICIANS Si SURGEONS, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Wy (ning that they have located at Tunkhannock wher hey will promptly attend to all calls in the line of ; v profession. May be found at his Drug Staro nt ">t professionally absent, when IK . "Y, M, I).— (Graduate of the 3 J!H. CARL '''Bcinnati) would respectfully ■ M. Institute, o. *>f Wyoming and Luzerne wunonnce to the citizens <>. regular practice in the Counties, that he continues his °"n. May no found various departments of his profeseu *seionally ab t his office or residence, wheu not pre • ent Mr Particular attention given to the tre*. 1 - t Chronic Diseas. entremoreland, Wyoming Co. Fa.—v2n2 WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE, TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA TIIIS establishment has recently been refitted and furnished in the latest style. Every attention will be given to the comfort and convenience 0.~ those who patronize the House. T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor. Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861. MAYIYABD'S HOTEL, TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING COUNTY, PENNA. JOHN MAYN AR D , Proprietor. HAVING taken the Hotel, in the Borough of Tunkhuuncck, recently occupied by Riley Warner, the proprietor respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. The House has been thoroughly repaired, and the comforts and accomodations of a j first class Hotel, will be found by all who may favor t with their custom. September 11, 1861. I NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Wm. H. UORTRIGHT, Prop'r HAVING resumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to render the house an agreeable place ot sojourn for ail who may favor it with their custom. WM. 11. CCKTRIHHT. June, 3rd, 1663 ofaitjs TOWANDA, PA. D- B. BARTLET, [Late ot the BBRAINARD HOUSE, ELMIRA, N. Y.J PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, Lone of the LARGEST and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country —lt is fitted up in the most modern and improved style, and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and agreeable stopping-place for all, r 3, n2l, ly. M. OILMAN, DENTIST. MGTLMAN, has permanently located in Tunk • hanneck Borough, and respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of this place aud urrounding country. ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO Gl\ E SATIS FACTION. tw Office over Tutton'a Law Office, near the Pos Office. Dec. 11, 1861. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF BOTH SEXES. A REVEREND GENTLEMAN IIAVING BEEN . restored to health in a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment without success, considers it his sacred du ty to communicate to his afflicted fellow creatures the means of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an ad dressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr JOHN M. DAGNALL, -63 F.riUjn Street, Brooklyn. New York. v2n24ly poet's (form. THE K (TRIAL. BY n. H. BItOWX. The measured time Of the Abby chime, Fell softly on my ear, A mourning train Moved o'er the plain, Proceeded by a bier. A siileneo fell O'er rock and dell, As that sad train moved on, In garb of woe, With footsteps slow, And faces pale and wan. Until at last The porch they past, A tripple arch of stone, Onward stealing, Organ pealing, With low and solemn tone. The tomb is deep Where he must sleep, Bereath the fettered dome, That chilly grave, Withiu the nave, Embosomed in the stone. The tears that fell To the organs swell, Sweet incense burning there, Funeral lights Flash on the sight. And upward goes a prayer. T hey.laid him down In the evening brown, In dim aisle te sleep, Where the moon-beams bright, Through 'he lonely night, Their silent vig.'* keep. They turn about And winding out, Adown the aisle so dim, Returning night. Hides from the sight The tomb they reared for him- Thus sleep the great In chiily state Cemented down with stone, I'd rather lie 'Neath the veiled sky Beside some brook alone. Let the zephyrs sigh As they ewifth fiy Above my silent tomb, A grassy mnund Where all around The flowers of summer bloom. Where the evening star That beams afar, From out nights spangled dome, May shed in light "n meek, so bright, tuy long, long home. Down <> n Skktt 1o THE FAT GIRL'S JU3II\ OR, HOW TO DO LTJ SOMNANBULISM. I was just twelve years of agep and the most tr equalled rogue for mischief that "old Kentucky".could produce. It was at this time that I was sent to a country boarding school, some thirty miles from my birth-place Louisville— and an agreeable'school it was, for it had only two departments, and they simply consisted of male and female. Our tutor and tutoress were the Kfndest souls in Christendom, and never indicated a heavier punishment than that of sending the guilty one to Wed supperless, or depriving him or her of the privelege of the recess. Then there could be no wonder in our imposing upon such good nature—but for • my adven ture : There was only a door (that, of course, locked) that seperates the dormitory of the boys and girls; but the kind builder had not omitted to place a ventilator over the door, and, as luck would have it, the good mistress had covered it with a email green baize cur tin upon our side. After enjoying a fine dance upon the green, and that, too, under the prettiest moonlight that ever shone, we were avsembltd in the chapel to prayer, and then sent to our seperate dormitories—the girls, some fifteen iu number, taking one flight of stairs, while we eighteen <>r twenty oi the greatest scamps alive, took the oppo site flight—our master aud mistress return ing to their own room. A few moments found all in bed, and strange to say, perfectly quiet. We had lam so but a short time, when we heard a sudden creak, like a bed stead put inviolent agitaticn, and this was followed by a suppressed and general titter. "By golly' boys, there's fun among the gals," I exclaimed, " and here's what's going to have a peep at em." In a moment every bed showed a sitting figure. I bounded out, and running softly to the key-hole—but the fallen angels had stuff ed it with a rag, and that was no go. "Never mind boys ; easy now, and I'll give you all a sight." I softly drew a table and placed it against the door, and with the greatest difficulty 6tood a chair upon it—for the table being small, the cbair made almost too great a stride for it. However, I mounted, and raising the corner of th 6 curtm, the whole scene was visible to roe. The girls had placed two beds seme six or "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. "—Thomas Jeflersou. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 1864. eight feet apart, and layed a featherbed on the floor between them, and they were then exercising themselves by jumping from one bed to the other. There was one fat girl, about as broad as she was long, and no way calculated for physical exertions: but 6he got upon the bed and stood swinging her arms to and fro, making every indication for a desperate jump. By this time I was out on the floor, and my place at the curtain supplied by another spig of mischief. He leaned down aud whispered—the fat girl was going to jump. J "Oh, golly !,' said he, "if Fan only falls wont she roll over nice?" I was determined to see this; and Jclimb ing up again, we both occupied the tottering pile. With one hand over our mouths, and pinching our noses, to prevent a burst of laughter, we stood breathless ; awaiting the awful calamity. "There she goes, by jingo!" I exclaimed. She didn't though— for her feet just resiing on the round of the bed, she balanced but for a moment, and fell backwards, head down and feet in the air, rolling and putiing in the air like a porpoise, but displaying no mean agility for so embarrassing a situation. We could hold in no longer, but shook with laughter. The chair tilted, and down all came together, with a crash like a young peal of thunder. "To bed—To-btd, boys," says I, " and leave the rest to me. In an instant all was quiet , everybody was in bed and sound asleep, with the excep tion of myself. O ! such attempts to snore as might have been heard—but we were all used to playing the possum, aud I now con cluded to give the approaching tutor aud wife a sample of somnambulism. " Now dont laugh for thu world, boys, and see me do the thing." I raised ilie table on its legs, and getting on it, was concluding my speech that I had j written and committed to memory, f-r the j day—and here the trainers of young ideas f petered, !-ut still I continued— i "Friends an( l k'-hiw students: Overwhelm ed as I am. with g,",WtU'le for jour kind at tention, I cannot refra. n rOHI expressing thanks, yes, warm and hen thanks ; aud to you, dear sir, (this of com ,e meant the tutor, and at the point is my vacant stu r " ingeyes were upon him,) will my heart ever } irn. I look upon this moment of my life with a pride that swells my young posom almost to bursting; and when manhood shall close my youthful career, and my coun try shall call me to her halis of legislation there will I exercise ever}* truth and virtue instilled into my heart by your kind and fa therly tutoring. These boyish years ofjov will 3 T et swell to a gushing stream of ainbi tious glory—and then will I look back to these days, and with you uppermost in uiy thoughts, exclaim. " tvras you, yes, you, sir —that made ine what I am ! " '• Bravo ! Bravo ! toy boy," they both ex claimed. j off the table now, seeing I had (he game in own hancl s, and walking slowly up to the" WK^ W ' g* TO myself up to deep sobbings, and appeared much affected- The tutor approached me and called me softly by name, but I answ' ereC | not turning slowly from him I walk eL * l ' ie er side of the room, avoiding the i' a y* die lamp which the mistress was directing u pon me. . 4 j " He is asleep, my dear," exclaimed the tu tor, " and it must have been the dragging of the table over the floor that made such a rum bling noise. Give me the lamp, and go bring me a basin of water— I will effect a lasting cure upon our somnambulist." I heard many suppressed titters, and could see sundry corners of sheets going into sun dry mouths. This nearly destroyed my equi librium ; though I mastered myself, and again went to the window,though the mention of the basin of water caused a momentajy shud der to shoot through ray whole frame. The good dame returned with what I mag nified into an uncommonly large vessel of wa ter ; but it was no delusion— for in her haste she brought the " filterer," and I knew cer. tainly it was a cold ducking I was to have. Could I escape it ? I would try-. I walked first to one bed, then to tutor following with the filterer, his wife playing " torch-bearer," while the heavy breathing of 'po6suming sleepers added to the solemnity Of the scene. I still walked on, turning away every time he proposed to douse me. They had completely cut off the retreat to my own bed, and I saw at once I should have to take it. I walked boldly out and placing myself before him, he upset the contents of the jug upon me. I gasped caught my breath, tottered, and played the frightened boy so well, the decep. tion was complete. I heard a merry laugh in the next room—my'schoolmates 011 their beds rubbed their eyes and enquiring the matter. " Where am I?" I asked; " what awful thing has happened ? Did I come near drowning?" Then looking up, my eyes encountered those of the mistress. I hung down my head) crouched my little form together, for I was minus my musn't-mention-'ems. She sympa thised with me, and left me in the care of the tut >r, who afforded me every facility for dry ing my drenched skin and changing my robe de nuit. I betook me once again to sleep. We were alone again • but never did I pass •uch a merry night—and not till long after the old upright clock had told the miuuight hour did we close our eyes. Upon awakening next morning, I thought for the first time of the laugh I heard in the girl's rooiA ; and on going to the door through curiosity, 1 Jonnd the rag uas gone from the key hole ! iffettllaneras. THE DREAM OK THE QUAKERESS. — There is a beautiful story of a pious old Quaker lady who was addicted to the use of tobacco. She indulged in this habit until t increased so much upon her that she not only smoked a large portion of t'ae day; but frequently sat up in bed for this purpose in the night. After one of these nocturnal en tertainments she fell asleep, and dreamed that she died and approached heaven.— Meeting an angel, she asked him if her name was wnttea in the Book of Life. He dissap peared, but replied, upon returning, that he could not find it. "Oh," she said, "do look again; it must be there," He examined again, but returned with a sorrowful face. "It is not there." "Oh," she said, in agony, "'it must be there. I have the assurance that it is there! Do look again." The angel was moved to tears by her en treaties, and again left her to renew his search. After a long absence he cauie back, with his lace radiant with joy and exclaim ed— '•Wo have found it, but it was so clouded with tobacco smoke that we could hardly see it." The woman, upon waking, immediately threw her pipe away, and never indulged in smoking again. A WIFE IS TROUBLE. —The following is taken from the Sandy Hill Herald ; " Tray tell me, my dear, what is the cause of those tears." " Oh, such a disgrace ! " "What—what is it, my dear? Do not keep me Hi suspense." " Why. I opened one of your letters supposiug it addressed to myself. Certainly it-looked more like Mrs. thau Mr. 1 "Is that all ? What harm' can there be in a wife's opening her husbands lexers ? ' " Nu harm in the thing itself; but the con tents ! Such a disgrace ! " " What! has any one dared to write mo a letter unfit to be read by my wile!" {< Oh. no. It is couched in the most chaste and gentlemanly language. But the con tents! the contents!" Here the wile buried her face in her hand kerchief and commenced sobbing a-loud, while the husband eagerly canght up the let ter and commenced reading the epistle that had been the means of nearly breaking his wife's heart. It was a bill from Ike printer for three years subscription ! To the N. 11. Democjut! i "STAND IN AMONGST THE PIN."-A good sto ry is tolJ °f a Yankee who went for the first time to a bo^ ,in 6 alley and kept firing away at the pius to t- he 'miuent peril of the boy, whoso far frotiA having anything to do in "setting up" the pifls, was actively at work in an endeavor to avoid the halls of the play er, which rattled on all sides of the pins, without touching them. At length the fel low seing the predicament the boy was iri, yelled out, as he let drive another, "stand in among the pins boy, if you dont want to get hurt." THE COAI. TRADE. —The Philadelphia Led• ger says Every thing connected with the coal trade prospers wouderfully. With the increased price of coal,and iis greatly increas ed production, this could scarcely he other wise. The total net profits of the Reading Railroad for teD months, to the enormous ag gregate of $2,351,173. and for the year will probably reach three millions of dollars ! The coal crop of the State this year we have heard valued at fifty millions of dollars. GOOD REPLY A country girl once riding past a turnpike gate, without paying the usu al fee, the tollman hailed her and demanded it; she asked by what authority he demanded toll of her ; he answered that the sign would convince her that the law required sixpence for man and horse "Well," replied the girl, "this is a woman and mare, therefore you have nothing to expect?" and'she rode off, leaving him the laughing stock of the by stander. The grave buries every error— covers every detect—extinguishes every re sen tmont. From its peaceful bosom spiings none but fond regrets and tender recollec tions. Who can look down upon the grave of an enemy, and not feel compunctious throb that he shoulJ have warred with the poor hardful of earth that lies mouldering before him. THE TEMPERATURE OF ROOMS. The following sensible remarks upon the proper temperature of rooms, we cut from the Gardiner (Me) Home Journal. We would particularly call the attention of our lady readers to what the writer says of the in sufficiency of female apparel in winter-time. That ladies should absolutely wear thianer clothing from head to foot in winter than men wear in summer, is certainly an irration al practice, an anomaly that requires correc tion. With a suitable quantity of warm ■clothing there is no donbt that the tempera ture of rooms could be rednced without in convenience, and health, instead of suffering as it now does from vitiated air and sudden changes, be vastly benefited. The economi cal aspect of the question is also worthy of consideration at this time. As it takes a double expenditure of fuel to raise the speed of a steamer from twelve to fourteen miles an hour, so it takes double also to raise the temperature of a room, in cold weather, from 05 degrees 75. THE PROPER TEMPERATURE OF ROOMS. —We think, as a general thing, in winter, nearly every one keeps his room too warm. The other evening we were in a neighbor's house, and the good woman was sitting close by the stove, which we thought uu comfortably warm. A thermometer was hanging in the coldest part of the room, and we had the curiosity to look at it, and found it standing at 86. Nor was this an extreme case, for we have seen it in the same house at 97. and notwithstanding all we can say about it we find it just about as bad at home. Now, why is it that people want, their rooms in winter—when wood is §7 per cord—so much warmer than they can bear in summer when the sun warms them for nothing.— The hottest day we had last summer the thermometer was down to 84 in our office, and we could hardly stand the heat. We think the trouble is that we—ladies especiafly—do not wear clothes enough, and so, as 60on we step into the cold we get unduly chilled, aud then when we get where the fire is, we have to have more than is healthy to warm us up again. We advise all to wear more clothes and keep less fire Don't allow your rooms to go above 70, and if you can bear them down to 62, so much the better. We keep our office down to that ; temperature, and work in our shirt sleeves.— A man, however, in his shirt sleeves, has more clothes on than women usually wear. If the weaker (but tougher so far as standing exposure is concerned sex would wear more good warm clothing and shoes, and have their clothing more equally diffused over their whole system, we should have a far Healthier race of women, (and man, too, for the sins of the mother are visited on the offspring.) than we now do. Is not this question, ladies, one worth thinking" of, and will It-not be better, and cheaper too. to burn less wood, and take the money thus saved and lay it put in wool? Will you pardon us. if we advise to take more out-door exercise—no matter if it is cold weather; wear more flannel and keep less fire. £3T Gen. Me Clellan was removed, it was alleged as the he did not ad vance rapidly Richmond- Three Generals have subsequently tried dur log more than a year which has since pass ed, who d'd advance rapidly towards the re cusant city; but who came back as fastas they went. Whose plan, we ask, was the best? Was it that of the prudent general who, by every step taken, meant to make all sure? or that of ths headlong officers who risked all on a hazard rashly taken, and lost it?— Boston Courier. PAlN.— Pain is life's sentinel. It gives warning of danger. It is nature's monitor. It sayi, take care—you have violated the laws of health—you have wounded yourself —desist or you die." But when the wound is mortal beyond hope, the sentinel gives no challengo. Pain is of no use then- The vic tim must die, and usually he suffer* little. Pain therefore, if it be a penalty is also a mercy. This is destined only to tall us of danger and to make us avoid it. FEMALE MODESTY. —Modesty in a young temale is the flower of a tender shrub, which is the promise of excellent fruit. To destroy it is to destroy the gem of a thousand virtues, to destroy the hope of society, to commit an outrage against nature. The air of the world is a burning breath that every day blasts this precious flower. srA violent Republican in Hartford met a coal-dealer on the street, and asked the price, ' 1 suppose your coal is loyal?"que ried the radical. " Well, it is black enough —if that's what you mean," rejoined the other. How TO GET RID or TOUR CORNS. —Rub them over with toasted chee6e, and let youj feet hang out of bed for a night or two, that the mice may nibble them. If the mice do their duty the remedy will be sufficient. C3T The difference between perseverance and obstinacy : the first a strong in//, the last a strong icon'? |TERMB: Sl-OO PER. ANZfIUM The Man or Integrity. We love to gaze upon some beautiful plan et in the heavens, and watch its course every night as in magesty it travels on among the stars. We are filled with admira tion; and like ourselves thousands are gazing on the 6ame planet, filled with inexpressible emotions. Like a planet in a dark sky is a map of unbending integrity. We look upon him with the same feeling of love and admiration, as we watch his daily course among his fel low men. In troubeld times his light goes not out, though it may burn feebly. He still exerts the same gloripus influence, and hundreds gaze upon him with delight. No seats of honor dazzle him, no wealth seduce* him. He pushes straight onward in the path of duty. The fear of God is continually before him, and he feels the importance of every moment's work to lead mankind to the fountain of truth and purity. Behold the man thus fired with true love to God and his fellow creatures! Every act tells nobly for the cause justice and humanity. Every deed is a living epistle to the truth. Would you share in his glory? Labor in the same'field. Would you lessen the toils of humanity, and assist immortal beings to reach the 6kias? Imitate his example, and walk in the same virtuous paths. TUB BLOOM OF AGE* A good woman never grows old. Years may pass over her head, but if virtue and benevolence dwell in her heart, she is as cheerful as when tha spring of life first opened to her view. When we look upon a good woman, we never think of her age. She looks as charm ing as when the rose of youth first bloomed übon her cheek. That rose has not faded yet; it will never fade. In her neighborhood she is the friend and benefactor. Who does not love the woman who has passed her days in acts of kiudness and mercy?—We repeat, such a woman cannot grow old. She will al ways be fresh end buoyant in spirit, and active in humble deeds of mercy aud benevo lence. If the young lady desires to retain the bloom and beauty of youth, let her Dot yield to the sway of fashion and folly; let her lovo truth and virtue, and to the close of life she will retain those feelings which now make life a garden of sweets—ever fresh and ever new. ADMIRABLE EXAMPLE. Geo. "Washing ton, when young, was about to go to sea as a midshipman; everything was arranged, the vessel lay opposite his father's house, and ' the little boat had come on shore to take him cfl, and his whole heart was bent on going. After his trunk had been carried down to the boat, he went to bid his moth er farewell, and saw the tears bursting from her eyes. However, he said nothing to her, but he BAW that his mother would be dis tressed if he went, and perhaps never he hap py again. lie just tarned to the servant and said' "Go and tell them to fetch my trunk back. I will not go away to break my mother's heart." His mother was struck with his decision, and she said to him," George God has promised to bless the chil dren that honor their parentß, and I believe he will bless you. There are many men whose names wilt never go down to history, who think very lightly of a mother,s feelings or opinions. SAVE THIS PLANK —The Chicago platform having served its purpose to foist abolitionism into power, is now abandoned as a useless fab ric ; but to illnstrate the honeßty and con sistency of the party which adopted it, one plank from the ruins is worthy of preserva tion. It declared ; "That the people justly viewed with alarm the reckless extravagrance which prevades every department of the Federal government, that a return to rigid economy and accounta bly is indispensible to arrest the systematic plunder of treasury by favored partisans; while the recent startling developments of frauds and corruptions at the federal metro polis shows that an entire change of adminis tration is imperatively demanded." 'WHISKEY AND SUNDAY— One Saturday af ternoon, a poor, besotted specimen of human ity applied to the proprietor of a country gro cery for a quart of whiskey. ' I can,t let you have but a pint, Jerry said the grocer. 'Oh, nonsense,'answered Jerry. 'Give me a quart, I want it to keep 6unday with.' 'I reckon you can keep it on a pint,' said the grocer. 'Well,' said Jerry,' I suppose I could do it but how in the devil weuld it be kept? JC2STA Northfield (Conn) man carried a fat hog to a butcher in Westboro' to eell. The butcher said the hog was such a fine one that be would make the owner a present of the head, which he did, weighing the hog minus the head, and making the payment accordingly. It was several days before the Northfield man saw the point; then he thought the butcher a little sharp. No nation or people have ever de generated ao rapidly from a Democracy to an aristocracy, as have the American# within the past three years. Tht poor are growing poor er, and the rich are rolling in a supcrabudauce of wealth. VOL. 3, NO. £3.