Del., Lack. & West in Railroad. THE PASSESGER TRAIN I EAVES GREAT BEND AT 740 A M.. AU- Ju ter the arrival at 6.30 a.m. .of the I INCINNA TI EXPRESS froui iha West, connecting at SCRANTON. where it arrives at 10.10 a. in. with n train on t'.c LACK A WAX X A and BI.OOMSBCRG RAILROAD, for PIT I >TOX, WYOMING VAL LEY KINGSTON and WILKES BAP.RE and with the DELAWARE and HUDSON RAILROAD for PR OVIDEXCK, OLYPIIANT and CARBONDALE. At HOPE STATION this train eonnei ts by omnibus with th>' BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD for PiIILIPSBCKG, TRENTON and PHILADA. At NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION, where it ar rives at 2.25 p. m , the setae train connects with trains on the CENTRAL RAILROAD <>f New Jer sey, for ELIZABETH, NEWARK, NEW-YORK, EA3TON. BETHLEHEM. ALLKNTOWN, MAUdI CHUNK. READING und HARRISBURG. Passen gers by this train arrive in NEW YORK at 5.50, in PAILADELPHIA at 7.00, and in HARRISBURG at 320 p ra. The trains leaving foot of COURTLAND ST., NEW-YORK, at 8.00 a in., and KENSINGTON DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA, at 7 10 a. m , eonueet wfth the Passenger Train of this road, leaving NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION at 11. 20 n. in. and arriv ing at SCR AN TON at 402 p. m . where it connects with a train on the LACKAWANNA and BLOOM - BrRG RAILROAD, and with the omnibus running to the DELAWARE and HUDSON RAILRO YD. This train arrives at GREAT BEND at 6.10 p. ni., ma king a close connection with the mail train going West on the ERIE RAILWAY. AN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves SCRANTOX af 10.10 a. m., connecting at GREAT BEND with the day Express train West on ths ERIK RAILWA Y, Bv this trai i passet g irs ar rive a ITIIACA, SYRACUSE, BUFFALO, Ac. the sitne day. Returning, this train leaves GREAT BEND t 2.20 p. in, on the arrival of the NEW YORK EXPRESS! going East, and BUFFALO EX PRESS going West, and arrives in SCRATON at 5 30 p. in. JOIIN BRISBIN, Superintendent. R. A. Hesry, General Ticket Agent. Scranton, June 15 ISti'i —AGAINST— FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE 1! ! Taken at this office, on all kinds of Town and Country property, at the most rfasoxabi.e teisms, and for anv time from THREE MONTHS TO FIVE YEAR I—either 1 —either WITH or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOT US Is the company reliable 7 Will it promptly pay its honest losses ? are the important inquiries with ail insurers. We answer: THE LYCOMING CO. INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FORTW ENTY-THREE YEARS.—IT II AS J A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OYER 82 400.00 IT PAYS FROM 460, TO 8125,000 LOSSES ANNUALLY. ALL . j LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID . EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WJTH AN AUTHENTICATED AN XT NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF THE COMPA NY' THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHARTER IS PERPETUAL. References Hon. Win. M. Piatt, Hou. A. K Pickham, Henry Stark and Samuel Stark Esqs. of this County; Sa.yer & Bros of Susquehanna, and George M Hollenback and others of Luzerne Count y, who insure iu and have bvcu paid losses by this, Company. II ARYEY SICKLER, Agt. WHISKERS!! I PELATREAU'S STIMULATING ONGUENT. OR .FRENCH CREAM 11 ! FOR BALD HEADS AND BARE FACES!!! THIS celebrated article i? warranted to bring out a full set of Whi.-hers 011 the Mi,ooteet face, or a tine growth of hair on Bald Real, in less than .-ix weeks, and will in no way stain or in jure the skin The French Cream is manufactured by Dr. M PKL.vritEArs, of Paris, and is the only re liable article ol the kind "USE no other." VAR RANTED IS EVERY CASE OXF, Box WILL DO THE WORK. PIUUK 81.00. imported and ior sale Wholesale and fteatil by THf'S. F. CHAPMAN' Chemist and Druggist 831 Broadway, New Yo k TEE £&TEST SSWS FROM EUROPE Is fullv confirrnatorv of former reports that T!I II DUTCH HAVE POSSESSION OF HOL LAND. It is also authoritatively announced that o. s. 2U&ilXiSi has exclusive posKssUn of the STOVE AND TIM-SHOP —AT— TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in the line of his trade can bo bad at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will 2nd at h'.s Shop, the lat est and tnost improved Patterns of OOOK.IKTG; AND * FARIiQS STOVES, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering is all its branches, attended to o'l short notic* and on REASONABLE TERMS. nEPAiniisr a, PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY PONE. 0.6. MILLS. Tunkhanno k, Nov. 4, 1563. v3-nl3. f I1T S THE SUBSCRIBER HAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several vears, a 11 Sfi 8 £ Y, AT TOWANDAj where ail of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT Or ORNAMENTAL TREES. Can be obtained. * Being conv.need from experience that his Trees and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the Fruit-growers of Wyoming County tb in any grown in other localities, he confidently solicits their patron age. He will make annual visits either in person or by his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and asks only that his specimens may be examinod and his method of dealing be tested Alf orders by letter or otherwise, for Trees, vines o pp nt* will he promptly attended te. wSUIy. D. HAEKISS. TBI SB SKIDS MCBiIIS. Our LETTER A. FAMILY SEWING MACIJINE i-■ fast gaining a world-wide reputation. It is be vond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Family Sewing Machines yet offered to the public.. No flher Family Sewing Machine has so many useful appliances for Hemming. Binding, Fell ing. Tucking. Gathering, Guagiug, Btaiding, Em broidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine ha.s so much capacity for a great variety of work Jt will sew ail kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread. Great and recent i ui provoments mako our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most certain in ac tion at all rates of speed. Tt makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, ev en of the most ordinary capacity, can sec, .at a glance, how tohjse the letter A. Family Sewing Machine. — Our Family Sewing Machines arc finished in chaste and exquisite style The Folding Cttse of the Family Machine is a piece of cunning workmanship of tho most useful kind. It protects the machine when not in use, and when about to be operated may be opened as a spa cious and substantial table to sustain ihc work.— While souie of tho Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the simplest and chastest man ner possible, others are adorned and embelished in the most costly and superb manners. It is absolutely necessary to scV tho Family Ma chine in operation, so as to judge of us great capaci ty and beauty. It is fast bee ming as popular for family sewing as our manufacturing machines are for manufactur ing purposes The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk, twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the very best qual ity. Send for a Pam pklkt. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 453 Broadway, New York. gjjf*Philadelphia Office, rt IO Chestnut St. ST. Snanr or i:yh' hair IIAPK. and restore gray hair ; to its original <••>! >r. leaving it soft, smooth, and flex ible The " Oxct'KXT "ik an indispensable articl. : in every gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use they would net for any consideration be without it. The subscribers are the only Agents lor the article in the L'nited States, to whom all order* must be ad j dressed. i Price OXE DOM.AU a box —for sale by all Druggists an 1 Dealers —or a box of the '• ouguent," warranted to have the desire ! effect, will be sent to any, who pa i sire it,by mail, (dirocf) securely packed, on receipt ! of price and postage, SI.IS. Apply to or address HORACE WOOD South 7th st.. cor. Grand, Williamsburth.n REAL ESTATE FOR— SdA-LE. '■' he subscriber, offers for sale the following prop ! crty, Those wishing to purchase rani estate can do so at a bargain. ONE LOT OF LAND I within ono mile of Nicholson Depot D L A IV R R i of sixty acres, partly improved, with a good house i and barn thereon. Weil watered, and living water running in the house. A GOOD COMFORTABLE HOME ISOLD LOW. \T (ia 500 ACRES OF WILD LAND, JAAJO KJlying from 5:33 " Montrose 6:00 " New Milfond 6:21 " Arrive at Great Benil 6:40 " W These Trains connect at Great Bend with the Night Express Trains both East and West on the New York and Erie, and at Scranton with Trains on Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, for Pitt -ton, Kingston find Wilkesbarre; and tho Train moving South connects at Junction "iith Trains for Bethle hem, Mauch Chunk, Reading and Harrisburg. Passengers to and frotn Sew York change cars a Junction. To and From Philadelphia, via B. D. R. It., leave or take cars at Hope. Foi Pittston, Kingston and Wilkes-Barre, tike L. A B. R R. cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Arehbald and Carbondale, take Omni bus at Seranton. ACCOMODATION TRAIN. MOVING NORTH Leaves Seranton 9:50 " Abington 10:35 " Factory ville 11:00 " Nicholson 11:30 " lloplottoin 12:05 P. M Montrose 1'2:45 '• New Milford 1:30 " Arrives at Great liend ••1.45 " MOVING SOUTH Leaves Great Bend 2:10 P. M New Milford 2:35 '• Montrosem 3:05 •' Ilopbotto 3:45 " Nicholson 4:15 " Factory ville 5:13 " • Abington 5:40 " Arrives at Seranton 6:30 " This Train leaves Seranton aft<>r the arrivabof the T'Mia from Kingston, and connects at Great Bend with the Day Express Trains both East and West on New York and Erie. JOHN BRISBIN, Sup't. Superintendent's Office, > Seranton, Nov. 25. 1861. ) PROSPECTUS OF "Or A (j e," 1 SSTBSI Bfilili! SHSFiPt! TO BE PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY IN THE CITY OF Pill EADKUPHI.t, BY A. -J. GLO. SBItEXNER & Co. A. J. GLoHSBKHN.Nr.It. FKAXCIB J. GRCKI). WILLIAM II WELSh " THE AGE" will advocate the principles and poli cy of the Democratic patty, and will, therefore, nec essarily favor the restoration of the Union as it was and defend the Constitution of the United States,ard that of *tiis Commonwealth. It will freely and fairly discuss all legitimate su ; - jeets of newspaper comment, including of course, and pre-eminently at this time, all questions connected with the existing unhappy condition of our ouutry. It will fearlessly criticise the public actsof public servants, and defend the legai and constitutional rights of individual citizens anu of sovereign states, against assualis from any quarter. It will seek to awaken the minds of tho people to a proper sense of the ; tual condition of the Repub lic —to present to tliem, truthfully, the teanul perils in which wo stand as a nation—to exhibit the magni tude of the task, that is before them, if they would check our downward progress—and to inspire them with patriotic determination to apply THE KEMEDV for our national ills. In brief, it will, in all things, aim to 1 e the faith ful exponent of Democratic principles, and to render itself worthy io be an organ of the Democratic pai ty, under whoso auspices our country prospered so long and so well. The restoration of that party— the party of the CO.NSTITI TIO.V and the UNION— to 1 tower, in the legislative and executive governmen tal branches of the States and of the Union, we be lieve to be neeessaryto avert anarchy, and the utter ruin ot the Republic. To contribute to that restora tion will be our highest aim. The News, Literary, Commercial, and other de partments, will receive due attention, and will be so conducted as to make 'THE AGE" worthy of the support*! the general reader. I gf* The many difficulties now surrounding an en terprise of the magnitude of that in which the under signeu are engaged, require them to appeal to the public for a generous support, and to ask for " THE AGE" a liberal patronage and extended circulation. The present state of the preparatory arrangements warrants the expectation, that the "first number o r the Daily will appear before the close of the coming month, (February, 1863.) The Weekly will be is sued soon thereafter. TERMS. DAILY. Per Annum, §6 00 Bix Months, 3.00 Three Months, 1 50 Copies deliv 'red at the counter, and to Agents and Carriers, 2 cents each. WEEKLY. Per Annum, §2 00 Six Months, 1,00 Three Months, 50 Ten Copies to one address, • 17.50 Twenty " " " 32 00 Thirty, ' " 45 00 63? Payment required invariably in advance. Address, A J. GLOSSBRENNER A CO, I 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia January 26th, 1863 TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES—SECRETS KG. THE MILLION ! A most valuable and wonderful publication. A wci. ol'4oo pages, and 30 colony! engravings. DR. IIUN. TER'S VADE MECL'M, an original and popula. treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiolog., func tions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Nev er-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. Thi practice of DR HUNTER has long been, and still is unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of numer ous persons, he has been induced to extend his Medi - cal usefuln ss through the medium of his " VADE MECUM " It is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the alleviation of one of the most awful ami destructive scourges ever visit ed mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded tree of postage to any part of the United Slates tor 50 cents in P. 0. stamps, or three copies for *1 Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street New York. v3N0,4 lyv. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, IUNGH, MTOX, N. Y. An Institution to Qualify Young Men for Business. D. W. LOWELL, Principal, Professor of the Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant, Author of Lowell's Treatise upon Book-Keeping, Diagrams illustrat ing the same, Ac. JNO RANKIX, Commercial Accountant, Professor of Book-Keeping and Practical Mathematics. A. J WARNER, Professor of Practical and Ornament al Penmanship, Commercial Calculations and Cor respondence. J. J. COKTIL, Assistant Teacher in Bookkeeping Department. LECTURERS. Hon. DANIELS. DICKINSON, LL, D Lecturer on COlU meroial Law and Political Economy. Hon. RANSOM BALCOH, Lecturer on Contracts, Prorn isary Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. ANDREWS, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. Students can enter at any time; no vacation. Graduates are presented with an elegantly engraved Diploma. Usual time required to complete full com mercial course, from Bto 12 weeks. Every student is guarantacd to he eouipeteut to take charge of the books of any business firm, and qualified to earn a salary from S3OO to SISOO per annum. Assistance rendered to graduates in obtaining situations. Board $2 00 to $2 50 per week. For particulars send for Circular, enclosing stamp. na-iy. TRY TIIK NICHOLSON MI.LSI! dSflaiSi tJT Ifi,yitf7T7 c gsuriA r- .a (NEAR BACON'S OLD STAND.) HIS Mill has been lately re-fitted and all the modern improvements added and is now in charge ot MR. BACON, of Xieholson, Wyoming county, one of the best Mil lers in the country. Particular attention paid to Custom \V o fc, which will be done on short notice ALL WORK WARRANTED and if cat satiifac torilv done may be returned at the expense of the subscribers. FLOUR of nil kinds, MEAL ami FEED, constant ly on hand and for sale, at the Lowest Cash prices Cash or Flour paid for grain at the Highest Cash prices. S. D BACON. Proprietor nxr Ei "w f t 94 A 'MI AND CHAIR £ _r T; £■ W £ MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkliacnock. next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store— where are kept on hand and manufactured to order: TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and s'yles. CHAIRS Cnuo-sent, Flag-bottom, and common. BUREAUS ot nil styles, sizes, and prices. BEDSTEADS. Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, ati l indeed every thing which can be found in the largest furniture estiibli-hmeuts intheeouulrv, which he will sell at prices as low a# they can be ! bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country. Le so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. 15.—01 d cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. UNDERTAKING.— Having a Hearse of his own, and having had much experience, he will attend to this department of the busiuess on short notice, and in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM HAAS. July 16, 1R62. —vln49ly | Traveling Publie! TO accommodate person? wishing to go by publie conveyance from this place to any section, or re turn, the undersigned continues to run a Daily Line OF €? 3P M If* W to and from Faetoryvtllc Depot, leaving his hotel at 6 o clock, a. in., arriving at Factoryville in time for Trams to (Drrot Jtnii, fronton, Urm-^orh, and PHILADELPHIA. Returning, leaves Factoryville on the arrival of the New York, Philadelphia and Accommoda- ' tion Train from Great Bend, arriving in Tunkhan- j nock at 7 o'clock, p m. N. B.—AH Express matter, packages nnd goods will ' be conveyed to and from the Depot, at reasonable rates; the proprietor holding himself responsible for the safe delivery of all such entrusted to his care. Townnda stage arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock in. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p m Stages for I'ittston, Wyoming, and Wilkesbnrre, | leave on the arrival of the Towanda stage, and re- I turning connect with the same. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. in., connecting at Montrose with stapes for Bingharaton, Ac. Returning, conn,.:is with stages tor Pittston, Towanda, Ac. Persons wishing to be called for at their residences, will be accommodated by leaving their names at the hotel of the proprietor. Horses and Carriages in readiness to forward pass engerf at all times. T- 9. WALL wjH24-T287. -Ayer'.-s VOV. **.*{* dv SCROFULA AND CCLOrULCUC LI OF AS IX From Emery Ede*. n wrtt-knoen ncrctmnt (action to those who took ' it As last as our people try it, thev agree thera luu j been no medicine like it before in our community.'' I Eruptions, Pimp'.e3, Lslotcbes, Puetulca, Dicers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. I From Err. Eobt. Strallon. Ilrixtol, England. ' 1 only do in v duty to you and the public, when , I add my testimony to thai you publish of the m*. diciual virtues of your SAiuArAUiLLA._ My (laugh ! ter, aged len, had an afflicting humor in her ear*. ! eyes, and hair lor years, which wo were unable to cure until UC tried your UPAPAIIILLA. BUT HS6 been well for some months." From Mrs. Jane E. Eire, a ireil known and much i esteemed lady of Dennisville, < 'ope May Co., XJ. " My daughtei has suliered for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome ! Nothing afforded any reliel until we tried your S> - , SAPARILLA, which soon completely cured br." ' From Charles P. Cage, Esq.. ef the widely-knoimfii of Cage, Murray If o°-, manufacturers of ew I el ted papers in A ashua, A T . //. " I had for severei ye ars a very troublesome kn mor in my face, which grew constantly worm* untH it disfigured toy features and became an intolerable affliction. I tried almost everything a man could of both advice and medicine, Lut without any relief j whatever, until I took your bAKfIAFAiin.LA. It immediately made tny face worse, as you told me it might lor a lime; hut in a few weeks the uei* skin began lo form under tlie blotches, and continued; until my ftice is us smooth as anybody V, and 1 a.' without any symptoms of the disease that 1 know of. 1 enjoy "perfect health, and without a doubt owe it to your'SAKSArAWLLA." Erysipelas General Debility Purify the Diood. From Dr. Eobt. Sawin, Jinuston St., -V. Y. DR. A v LIT : 1 seldom fail tori-more Eruptions and Senfulcus sores by the persevering use of your SARSAPARILLA. and 1 have jurt now cured an at tack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No altera tive we possess equals the 6AKSAVAKILI.A you hare supplied to the profession as well as to the people." Fron.J. E. Johnston, Esq., If 'okeman, Ohio. " For twelve years 1 had tue yellowErjsipelas on mv right arm, during which time 1 tried all tire cel ebrated physicians I could reach, and took hundreds | of dollais'worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that mv arm must be amputated. I began taking your SARSAPAKILLA . Took tw o bottle*, and some of your I'ILLW Together they have cured me J am now as well and sonud as anybody. Beingr in a public place, my case i known to everybody in tins community, anil excites the wonder of all. 1 ' From Hon. Henry Monro, M. P. P..of Newcastle. C. if'., a leading member of the Canadian Parliament. •• 1 have used your SARKAHARILLA in mv family, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial results, and led confidence in commending it to the afflicted-" St. Anthony'B Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From Harvey Sickkr, Esq.. the able editor .. an eminent physician if Lawrence, .'lass., who is a prominent member A M:\\ DRUG STORE opposite the re>i lence ofR 11 l.iitJc Esq, on thu Corner of Tinga and W-irrm A t'ENT MEDICINES. PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, with everything usually found in his line. uccuratel> tilled • tmd all orders Domntly attended to Dr. J. C HECKER A CO. Tunkhannoek Pa. May 6th. 1863 v2uu33l "HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. For the Relief of the Sick \ Distressed, afflicted trith Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Curt of Diseases