L,SsT of JURORS, graura l'ur January Term, 1801. j GRAND JURORS. RRAi XTRIH *. V.. J- K.ency. CLINTON: John Wilson. I". ATOM: Nels u Rogers. FALLS:—II. W. I inn, Jce.-' Swartheut. FORK^TOX —John W Loft, Calvin Robinson, Ira j Rohinsitn Ml iIoOP.VNV— C-irk H :'.th, George Ilcnmr.g. MrynorTEN —Thomas Hill, Jr. MONROE— JCSCJ 'A Shotwell, It. YV Carpenter, Eb- : tncrer Parrish. NORTH B&AV-CH —Jason E-irge'i Nofi RN IN IT. N. ANT) — ll. O.iHetut ii!. OvKnriEtn — Alfor I Malign. TUNKBANNOCK BOTO' —.Tames Young, Elisha Sharp- I TCWKHAXSOCK Tp.—Perry II Wilsey, Thos. Cra- , **nor, Joseph Shupp. WvnixTON —John Sawyer. KTETER —WM. <1 VY. TRAVERSE JURORS. BRAI.VTRTM Henry Thayer, Jas Schemmerhom. j JI li. Sturdevant, Edward Meritt. EXETER— .Simeon Gay, T. I). lieadley, John W. Roberts. Ate Hour ANY— C. L. Vaughn. j MESIJOPPKV— L. 15. Snith, X. OvrfleU, Albert ; OvcrfielJ. liF.uoN -Oudetm Hcwet, II -tiry Harris. MONROE —Wm. D. Frear, J. W Cirpentor XICUOLSOU — Perry Stark Suua- Sink. 3d. Dint • Stark. Loren U. Stephens. J tub Stephens, Jenine Shil.ley. XoitTTT-HR.VNca—L. D Gr<>. XoRTHMortELANK — C. F Terry, A. L. Carey, Gordon Tike, E V. Pool. Elijrh Reeves. (WERFIELD —Win. lruin, C. C. Myers, Lawrence A per, Samuel Tranger. TI'NKH.VNHOCK TP. —Newman Miller. W.VSITIXUTO* —Frank Runnel, Ceo Place WINDHAM— James G. Fafs-.-tt, Oliver Hasten. Special Notices. TRIAL LIST FOG JASLAUL TCR3I 18G1. Samuel Stark r. PW. RedS! 1 S Iro facias John Jackson " S Win heater li '• Jasper Fillings " TuT>khu:m>x-k Tp Trespass. Walter Whiting " I N L-v-y Sii t'i. I-'. C. Denison "J. L 5 VI ice 'lie t ,T. Blsbery ACo '■ M. Fisk He: It- in. A*a ". liana *' Tun ni < !; liri '-e Co. (' Ann Tnklep.icgh '• Vm. Owen CMS Court Prockonalion. | TTTIIEREAS, the Hon. V.'M, IILWEI.L. Pi.--, j ** l:mt Ja Ige of til? Court nt < 'on:-.: Pie is nr. ' -Couit >t General Quarter S ■■; :h- Pe.u-n. I the President Justi e of tic C -,t :••. • - ai, I r i miner and Gener it Jail ! •. i . • tri-il ■- it-il and othwr offences, for the • enty-i-isth Judiei ! Pistc'mt .if Penti'a. S. lb. -rt- i IN. I!. Wt-ll- 1 Asso.uatc Judge® of iV C..nr of C.'tna < . ■ • • i General tpuirii-r Sessions of th-- !' t - • i A?- flte Justi as ol Oyer ami Tern.if r :l: I5 r.-il I Mirwy wf the Comtr of Wyoming, hav by theii pre-, c} t ♦. me dire -tt .. : • 1 \ GEXPP.AL POT'RTOF )YE.I ANi' fli'tMlNEi. i AM> GENERAL JAli DELIVi.i.Y, "to he 1:, 1-1. 1 Notice is tner -1 re tn-renr f-'.ver, ' . "a C • no . all I Ju-vtii'-o: th" Pit i 'i* i) I i'..u i . le-v.i iiiu titci ly Ot Wyo ling, that th.-v la- and at-- •ar intboii • ■ - I jier persotis at the time m) plaea übovo tnentioned, { with liicir roils, rt-eor i, :■ r ex-.iainaiifai , not otm r n-ti.-en.nr)-:. ••• !•> - ■ things ivhi -ii to liieir of:": x-s in ! ii ... res; t live ly liclong Notice is also given t'n.it :i.< who arc ! nund by rei-ognir itu—s '<< t.-rose -afc. the pris.-i • iit are or shall bo in the Jail of Wyoming Conntv thatth -y L ttieii and thorn to prosecute thi in a- II K* -• .ill 1A A iV, . "'S- riff". Shoriu's Ofgcp, ) Tur.khasinock, I'e.- 23, 13t"4. \ "SHERIFF' SALE. T> Y VI KITE OF A WRIT OF V AAV 7;/770 V | JL> Exponas isoied out ol the Court <>f Ci-iam ti j Pleas of Wyoming County, Mate -d JYin.- v . ,ni.i, j nn-l to jii- dirc-'-'e I, will !•■ to ;m h ■ sale, j at tiie ( lUrt House, m tho'E eo'.igh of I'..aili i.-mo- k | in vi i i Count v ON" SATI itbAY TIIE 15th DAY OF J ANL'AKY i A. r>. 1C34, at 1 o'clo k P. M, All tlv befen ieiit's right tide i !.jtrrrt* in an 1 to the following f ho-e parcel r lot of land Situate Jv - Mir and i.o'ijg in the ilo r ongh of Tnakh i-n k County of Wyoming and S't'e of Peari-yiarii;-., honn ieii art-j dioeiit-e'l ns foilou*: On th" W st be Putnam t.-c t•On t' • - •inh by land of Henrv Staric; Ou thu Eu.-t anj No :.i bs- i land r.f A. B Moff. Gentuining .about one frank < a.i i r.- n. > > r less all IMJ >-• V ;, wiili OIK- large frame I* : Ming >■ E-t --ed for (Jarring* and iiiftck-eiuito N, j, .ni l ••" 1 -to used as a dweliing-hous.:; Ouo Muaii fritue Il.tr.i and aiims fruit trees tberoon- Sized and taken in cxccutinn at tiie suit of John Brisbtn, now assigned to E. M. Turner vs., Thomas Ellis. And will ba sold for Cash onlv. by AlilßA G \Y S'l.-riT. Office, Tunkhannoek Dec. lu, l?bi> REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all pcrsm s interested, j that the final ounis of Elizabeth and 1 Daniel Collins, Administrators of the estate of ■ John Conil of Tunkhunuock, dee'd has bc-t-n filed j in tho Registers Ofhee. Also, a paitial a, c' tpf Jle'sy 11 gturdeva; t Ms en trix of the estate of Elisha Ftu.ilri >ut .tc •,1 of j Braintritn township. This is therefore to give notice to all person' intnr- i ested, that the above accoudts will le }: -s.-uted to i the Orphan's Court to be lipid at Tunkhannoek on ! Monday the loth day January next for confirm .tion i and allowance. Filed Doc. 16, IS6J. 0. L. PARISH Register Registers Ofti -e ? Tunkhannoek, Dec. 11, 1363. $ AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE I'XPERSffJXED having been appointed by the Orphau's Court of •> yenning County, an Au- , ditor to distribute the fund in Court for distribution on the final account of William Money-penny Admin istrator of Mary Moneypenny deceased, rill attend *id distribution on ftiturday the 16th,day of Jan ®ary, A. I) 1864 at 10 o'clock A. M at his office in , -viie liurough of Tunkhannoek ; at which time aDd plast? a,{ persons interested theiein muy appear and be heard i i H ARVEY SICKLE?. Alitor. Notice IS HEREBY given that T have pnr-hased th Ca ' L nil Boat ' Maria, of Mt. Ple .- mt," of Edward Kroker, and have It ft the saint? in u:s ptis.-e'si'tn t, bo u-etl by him during my will an-1 pleasure. All perettns are tharefore forbid to molest or interfere -with the same. H. L FURGERSOX. Fails, Dee. 9th 1563. —v3-nI3. EXECUTORS NOTICE. ATfIIEKEAS, T,otters tecfatoenttiry have been granted to the undersigned Exeeu'or of the late , *tll and (est.nment.of Pbuieas Sherwood late of F-'lls Township, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persms having claims or demands against th > rs'ate I.the said decedent, to present them for settlement j without delay, to the undersigned at Millti wn, in HHid Township, or .at Newton Centre, Luz.. Co. And ahose indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. r r c swrnmi). Fh! • T'- r > h. 'Pgg . i'" ti'il aGV'S lii OiiCC. V. D'i It II .s her by given that Letters of A lmin- L x istrntion on tiio R.-taie ot John hieklc-r, lute of Over lied lowu.-bip. Wyoming County, decased, have : been grunted to the undersigned. .All persons hav ing claims or demon t>- against the estate of said <1- - Stent, are requested to make them know to the un dersigned at Fulls Township, in said County, without lelay ; an i those indebted to tiie estate are request- Hi to make immediate payment ''MARTIN SICKLER. j Dec. 9th. 186,5. —v3-nIS-w6. Adnjinislrator's Uctice. I *]VfOTiC£ is horeby g von, that Letter ■ of A imin i J. A istration has been granted to tiie undersigned I by the Register of Wyoming Cm up< n the Est i'e of , Ahr iin 1' irgersan. into of Northnioreland Tov. . dip, jin said County, deceased. Ai! person having any j i-lanns against said IRtate. will pr< s?nt them du'V | :.tithe:i:ii-.it-.-d, an I all persons iudebte.i to sti.l estate j will tnako p.iyiue.it to ihe Administrator without de i lay. PHI MI AS T FOBGERSON, Adm'r. | Northmotelan i, Doc. 9;h, 1863. —v3-n!7. PA TENT MATCH SAFE FOR VEST POCKET i The most neat, un'quo and ksirai/ie arrangement r goiiHemeu's that has ever been duvise i Coin i bining safer , coinpactnu vs, c,,nvenience and good I taste, and will supply a want ! mg fe!t,esj>e ially by jby the smokep. lb-autifuliy an-i heavily siiwr-phit j ed. I'ri, c 81,00 per dor-n, or 836.00 cr hundred; i retail at 50 ets. each. The most, convenient thing in luiur! c; f/r smokers' use. It is a Magic Ai.-.tch-Rox. and lilts out ii' own mutchr* ready to strike. Sells • r-v re i ii'v Single ones by niail 50 cis. A ! ire s R P. Scott, Spriugvi'.le, Su.q , o. Pa \3-nls-ind 3 ; JACOi SSILIISSSf. S'liiroiiin, ibirccttisg, /.Lu SHAfurCCiNu SALCCfv. SIJO?> (>2 I:(ISITE MAV a ■ a *. naru"s llotcL L i it-s* hair -or 'ii fb tu■> f nshhmeble s'yh-. ci t'.-r at h * - i'- "i. I- In" r- lc: •<•. il , -i --' Mr. | 'in. i j-- • • -ii-1- fr. u New Y. i-av. ivb" ••• In- was • mid i<-i I i:i the a utii Hl in ! censcqueiitiy feeis wuvrantcd in guaranteeint .it-. t>. .1! who may favor h :a v..- i I . ire; - 0111. I2AIR AND WmU!'J:S DYED To any desirable -h i D. with mt in j iry t • it, or ilis colorir g the skm. TI-IT. EES T 12AT - r"E 111 VcZ, R..r sale, with full an-1 t r.r-ticil doc as f Ladies Look Out 11! j I\ill THE • - j. -• .y "TO r-\ 'f .v-'-' 1 O ■ .a. , ? I*. "i r :,m ■•/ Si " t ' Tfl C o. \\ I. "Aili 5" F- I• ? .Icuuijlt ) i i << i- 111 r. 2 11 i i .vJa *vsi*3 V * . -v-• 3 • Willi eieri thing else to lie found in the line "f J MILLINERY Just received from the city, and j ... 1 S. r pr/.f ■ Ii v Opposite the Sh-s . P!' ol and examine be Ire pur.di isiug i whi •hing and rep-,"ring d in in good ordc an i .ii the shortest notice T'inkbnuovk, Nv. 12 IV 1—• In 14-3 m. ISTH W. ! f"t:ir- t • 'he encb sure of the FuWri' er *n Me : \ !. iiy Wromioff Co Pa. or. or ahuu' the 15rh ! Novemben 176.5 a spotted two year old.Heifcu The I • > • vr is H quote I to i o-r-e for* ild. prove j . p'otv. i pay chnrges and take her .way C D A' It'FN Mchoopanv Dee Til l 13.1 > THE LATEST STYLES. •• I —OF— !o Y i r.r\r c c % v c- FT a t >r 1 > 13d.1 fJL 'f \ lT 1■ ' Ir:! < 1 onnet© 9 • ' -A '.-j 8> j r-■ y s "...-.J.-V,'.'-. F ". - : *■ h:.e>' .A'i? and MILLI.NET>Y GOODS, ! have jut been received at the establishment of ICEISA KEPBUP.fi. j on Tioga Street, opposite the Post-office, where will >he found Ladies. Chilr/ n, Mo • and Boy's ] LA !>. 1 HAT-V end CAPS; II HA D-I HESSE?, ItIPRONS, i FLOWERS, and TRIMMiXGS, an 1 Everything in | the line of Millinery, which will be sold at the loirent I Ca'h Prices. j Repairing promptly an l neatlv dono.. Ladies j ; please call and ex amine fir th ms-Ives, j Tunkhannoek,Oct 3, ISC2 —vdnll —lvwil | GREAT EXCITEMENT PEACE J3S= OISHFAOCI t fTeeaus" II C sV D. D. U HiTAkilß have bought LJ the old ARGI'S HOOK Ii I\ I) I')KY : in Townndu Bredfurd C' ~ and ald d thereto a BLAN IN BOOK MANUFACTORY. They are prepared t i do all kinds of Book Rin l- ' ivg on the shortest no'i . and in the best wurktu m like manner. Also Ru'ing to any size or possible pattern. We are also running a wagon through Wyoming count}' every two and a hilt months, and selling! Blank Cooks and Stationery-, and wn would -ay to those who have Magazines, Periodicals or any kind of books to rebind, that we we will take them home, bind and return them free of charge except for Bin I , < n K- E-IT Satisfnction guarantee 1 or the money rfun-led Cooks or Periodicals for binding, with the direc tions for style et may be left at the TGIMOCRAT or REI'DAI.ICAN offici in <■' irgeofth<- editors, who are ayboriaed torec ive tticm, or at E \\ heelock's Store, for the I enefit of those who may not hive a chance to see the Agent li. C. -! rtrr-r- jn-rj-?%mm—r -jramrxr-rrr" -rtrjrr, P-- ?"V"3 '-O Sf--r. s £ CJ? iTdiV-J J" uill wxJ t) Va - * i THE WORLD: An Independent Democratic Daffy, Semi- Weekly ami Weekly New;i>er. 0 CXI ON OF THE WOULD AND AROUS TIIK WORLD, to ivhi h th New Y- vk Weekly Arms !i > I.ceit has to ■! iy five times rhv .g --gregnte cirealttiwtof tni Buiocwiic or conserva tive nepsp wr. It ad-Trc{ ri-torinjr tho Uaion and the iiuthoTitv of the t "oustiiution over a now uistrftvted and divided country, lies in wresting power from tha 1 hands ot those whose fanaticism has helped 'to pro voke, invite and prolong the war ; and that to ac j eoii'.rdish this end, no means is so affective as the : diffusion, through able and cntvrprisiu- nowspaecrs, of spiral piditi ,-tl knowl-' lgo among the working men, 1 the tliinl-i.'o men. an i the voting men ot tin* N • 1 1ii. Enterprise, in tustrv and tnoiicy will he liberally exj-ended to ni 'ke THK WOULD the LEST NEWS PAPER. IN 'M ERICA Its news frooi every part: of lb ■ woriil will I early and authentic W heiever : the telegraph extends, or railroads run, or steamboats : p!v. it will pi.hir the latest intelligence It hisa. , 1 ige staff of accomplished eorrespou lents with all the federal armies, who will teiegrapb mil writ - to > t>- the latest news from the vuru-us seats of war H j hac i orresp>>nileiits and re purlers in every political! I an i commercial centre in Atneriaa and Europe, whose ' letter- and ilisp.it In s v.all leave ii itliii g worthy ol ; n> e unknown to ii- n a lers 1 Tht: MAKKUT Ki Pot'T.s of the Wor.Lt are more i j omplete than those of any other newspaper The ill .i'. is invite ' - t.iparis--n in this rv- act .*ml pint to the t attic M irket the citi nil an t country **i •iu •• M L :s. A.i ii.•• M i.-yji.irket in its c-i'uni-is, a ; !|"i i it\e* :i iiu t'i:- respect. The WoitLtr has j , i'l-ii a ,i.|i ii: dej M'lii- n! dcvote-1 to Ajrricnl' ure. filled with e dtori .1 a r*i 1 s, eoniiuumwtiotw from I•• ,■. -i; fin t- u;i i se,.' ti* i matier, m iking aval- ' u . mid usi ful papcrfor Farmers and Mechanics 'ot til iunt• y. 'liit? win a v. hi Ii :B • nt: n \* cng••! IJM'--' ' armed au 1 rtf tua'e I Rebels, an 1 th • r iu.cal policy J of 'io a dintti -trit nMi li | r it. tine eo ' elt . i tii •- o.e'Ji- run uti • ;>! it (orai aI! - -insert - ' :i:ve, I'u' I (.'• • ' II -• i-loviug men, - t ; iii ever 1 r.i van •• • r v.- ! Mmy of :!iu*e who, j : withio tii • lie its< f the C nstifution, loufbt the hat- I ties nn r j jlhe ; I'fnru i. ap! i : -ft is *•. restart the Un- j maintain the Constitution, and enforce the j : y of con iliation, THE WORLD will I . L ' }|; ~ ~ve j- r rnv t THE I N I* l X. i i jly plantii.g the -e- ds ol lisuubn and eseutial - I i'a : i:h Y nil. _ ........ I I it ill nop s• • vv*>'l on o" THE C N ill'- . 'I it I.N, ui, hisiiicuily Lpe 'n I -• n . < f i'l.t- -11, I . . . i. tr •. v. • ti- ii - f Til i. LA A iu | j iio.ti. •. . - r f'--:i viiifi us itCitaar i . x.a .i ' I ■ j I'u! f ■' 1 -xt- i-e t!t the d.l - gn .id- < I cic'l tmd pcr.-o.ui! 1 liberty it will eoa-it-uit y uphold ihe letter an I the j Spl: it 11' (>e • sill', vmi w ill "l til • .-till ' .le v ot SOU', i . j doctrine, until Aiue i-' n freen < n shaU be roused to j | th# recovery o thci righ s, their liberties th 'tr laws, ! a.i I rh-;; ~it. ia) r- 11-ti, lanced g iveitoi.i u', b j | t.ie ret si lets decision of the ballot. ! I',- foil, ! v imt r.-ss 1 ui-li the de-iri to onft'l ;te ; j all ;ii it it may t" the great work of this gr.wrutioii j • n it! Ely icst- r" -or r. -ional unity, an lto place j | Ir.• • Id,: .■ i -r.it- - •..jam foremost innong the n it. ins ! i - fei:! a- i fir-r i-i Mi" peace, pro pcity nr. I , : har;' aes of its ; -•• •! Ie- -THE WORLD seeks from I ! tl- ..so wiio <•'• -ire MI h tn ng> I heir svmpi.hy ml ' | su porf, i nd. above all, the favor Him who crowns j j every g.i wrk. Terms s DAILY WORLD. , Yearly Sub.-cribcrs by mail S3 00 FEMI-W TLKLY WORLD. .-in "le sui scribe.p- r anum S'> 00 j Two copies t i one n i ire-s 5 0U ! T:" • e ' '* 750 I F-ve " " 12 00 ; IVu '• •' 22 00 WEEKLY WORLD. j S'r gle ut rcrifers. per ri.num 82 00 i Three co| •>< ( tddaeess on etch paper) 5 00 i I ive 11 1 * 4 " 11 ...... gt 10 j Tcr •' " '* " 15 00 ! Twenty copies ( ill to one ad.lre- )• • 25 l 0 | Clubs of twenty oro/er can have address ]iut oneach | paper for an n lditional charge ot ten cents each. I For every club of tweuty an extra copy will be add- i j cd for Ihe getter up of the lub. j For every e!ub < ! fii ! J. t're Scni-Wc klv, and for : ! everv- lub (if one hun-Ire 1, the tilv will -le seat, i fhen rL!i ui's Court of Wyoming County,: There w li l>e cxpostal to public sale, l>y Vt'R-Iu ' and Outcry, at the House i of George W. Sniitli. on Golden Hill, ; in Wiiidhniu ToWnsliiji,in said County. Oil Thursday, Janu ary Ith. 18(54, . 7 the following described piece, parcel or tract of land, late tho estate ofLew • is K. Whiteonib, deceased, situate, lying and being In flic Town-hip of Windham, in said County, Bound : anl described ::s follows, vi? : Coriuneir n at a conn ron tho Western lineot the la d known as part of lot No. 34, -Ice-led by | atent j to Wm. Suii'h. in the y ur Thence : s the coin pass now in licotes. North fr'y-o ; ght d-'groes East ! along lands no-r < wned by Tsl hit 'Oinb, seventy ; tan rods .-oil six-tenths to a cornet; Thenve Sooth, ! ftirfv-twn (tegre- -• East forty r-vls and one tenth tn a j corn"r, on line -it lan is of the heirs ot Klcazer Luke, rjee-nse l; Then- e .South forty-eight degrees and a quarter, along line of .-ail Lakes' larnl, sixty-seven in !s an ! six-tenths to ■> eorn-:r, n-air a sin iII Hi kory Tree; Thence North Oirty-r in • degrees an 1 three quarters, West long a line surveyed iu 1 forty- | one ro s, to r lie pi ce o( beginning. , C- nt iining seventeen acres un !a h If, be the same I mo-e or less. i w Ive acres thereof improved, and five un'nn i proved. TERMS OF SALE.—One third to be i mid down at time of sale, and the balance on confirmation of sale. HEXIIY \V. FASSETT, & ELIZABETH WHITCOMB, . Administrators of the Estate ol Lew is IY. Whitcomb, Deceased. —v3-nlB. T IME FOR FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZER: 1 L formal#at s'rrxOT lir 'lejfTl. Tcp - I'- j mn '..-vcjh J.. eaa 1 (iitjggar IMPORTANT NEWS!! k 4\v- £i rt v s.: is r-T r:' v. .T-Y St, AHRJVAh OF A Tremendous Stock OF ALL KINDS OF JOary Goods, Cloaks, Ehawls, And Fancy Goods, of all descriptions. READY 31A DE CLOTHING Furnishing G-.ods, oassi m e r s, Child arid Mens' Wear Generally. SHOES, AMD GAITERS. HpilF. vEBSC '.ri ER RKG> LEAVE TO IN! ORM L the - i ir. n- i f Wyoming an 1 the sur-.u . Img C'-unii - that h- h s (•♦'reran absence of n irlv tlt •■ w sin I'ni! ulc'pai i nd New York,) jut ro turtii'i with the i-i' st complcre sto k OF A LI. KINDS OF Ladies' &. iciitli mans Wear, ever off, red in this sc. tiot. country. Xo'w thrtaaiin. the .lijit pri eofth- - nw m.iteri : al. he is, oy close buying, prep ire 1 to-df -r j SOME BARG , INS. lIE HAS Ai SO LI?Ol' i!IT A VERY LAR(J.. ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF Elcg aII t Fui- s, i- nhi h h" invites the spe-ial attention of Bu-er T! • ugh a bnig . qu i:nt. nice in th it trade, lie <1 lies ... ..: ii jon, in -ny '.filer in or wutj'-i# of the cities. g\ - > 7 rouh !e i<> Sl' uw o<>u ils. Thankful f--r p-st f.ivus, h' f licit* u ennti .u nc" j jot the ,-air... undel the promise of stri t y huuent lea!- 1 dig, an i pr inp' it'en l.ui -e to bu-iness. . : g'"'* Brick Block next door to Wall'* Hotel. J oil 21 Weil. ! TunkLanno k. ot. 7, lstid i j"a La mode. THIS LAT!YT KRIUI NEW H) R. K • i j j ,\ ' us. A. STARK. TAKES I'i.EAH'RF. IN | i .t i jgi ii i 'or oiiig li -r l-iends. inlthelau'i s gen- I 11 iv. ih ' -de li is rc-eivo I, nils still receiving j : a large sm i we,| . do. te l assortment ot j'FALL AND VYIXTEU GOODS, i . f -n isting of iius. UO\m:TS. RIBBONS, l- LO-SKS, I F: A IIISHS, l, \t •:, II ISA I)- i)l!!i:S, ami, in short all art I s usually j i foun i in u * v r r r Y"V' r , c* 'T'A T> ti D 1 \ i tii. j. [A i. ♦* 11 1 1, ' ' ileal! from all requiring OOUDS in ihr line, before jorchasing l-ewheie. Mrs Stark j chii be Piiind at th-- liuii-e f .rm-'r!y occupied 1-v Hen ry Stark in the borough of Tim khan nock, reudv and : willing to serve all wt>. in pv t'.ivor her with a call, funkhaorock, Oct, Ist, 13SJ. MANTUA-MAKING. We hive .-" "ire I the services of ill experienced 3T ~7TL TG ffY. -IN T -CY . • and Rt ail tlm-s wil' l, r > -pi'e I to litan I .Make j 1-.--S. ii: the I t:—: nd rn -st ppo ied n. nner.— ! v 'iciti: g your caii.- I eforc j ur lia.-u.g elsewhere, we ! J remain Yours, R", ectfullv. MRS A kc Shirts, lhillou's French Yoke Shirts. Under Shirtsaud Drawers, 1 Under Shirts and Drawers, And a Large Stock of QEERAL MERCHANDISE.. I Rich Dress Goods, Clot its aud Cnssimers, Fancy Good si Gloves and Hosiery. REAL ALEXANDRES KID CLOVES. • Boots and Shoes* Hardware and Crockery, S-h* Leather, Oi! and Paints, Harness 11 ard ware. TSt IT Cash paid for Grain '' ! j iiLkb'>nmiek. ' '-i. U'rh I -.•;ra~.ji wii-i-- -t visit*, j 15?1f M 7f( x< r ~) YD- V.i) f) <£& Ikl Lj ]L ; • i . flm rtf Alf^l <|Um it"-, si ' - FOR— -23 ctT-gysvixAJS. WAR OR NO WAR, i ! THE PEOPLE ARE BOUND TO HAVE . EDOD3 CIM?, i '• 0. L. HALLSTSAD AND SGI I have just receive I. and are constant ly leu iving, a large slotk i.i g-i ds, cms sting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ii ardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Ready ivlade i loifntig, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, v Nails, Lime, Flour, Sail, Fish, Pork, Clover and Timothy * Seed, Soap, Candles, Grind Stones! Plow- Castings, Ia id everything usually kept in first ; 1 class stores. I | GREAT BARGAINS | -IX- I 1 />!•// I We are now prepared to exhibit all • the most popular varieties of Fail j and Winter Dress Goods, Ladies . Clothes, shawls. Flannels, Hosiery, 1 Balmoral Skirts, Nubias, lloivls, Sontags, Scarfs, Under Garments, 1 : tire. &*e., all at very low prices. 0. L. HALLSTEAD & SON. ' WANTED. j All kinds of Farmers Produce.— 1 Lumber, if ingles, Wool Socks, Sheep Pelts, Beef Hides, and everything that will sell ; for wliieh the highest. , market price will be paid. NICHOLSON, Ju'y 29.. 18f>3. • 1 17* rch Ground Planter Hi Quantities l' c ! " ■ ;r. ■ v v.-vr f rpal a i Nnv.-#i ,Jn ;NOT ARUMDRINKf A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PURE TONIC, J TIIAT WILL RELIEVE THE AFPICTED, AND Not mate Drunkards. DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTES, PREPARED EY DR. C M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ! WILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOST CERTAINLY CUKE ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED LIVER, STOMACH OR KIDNEYS, i Thousands of our citizens are suffering frtm Dy pi-psla and Liver Diseases, and to whom the fol ; lowing questions apply —we guarantee liOOl LANb'S GERMAN HITTERS WILL CURE THEM. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF ! Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease* of tile Kidneys, and Diseases arising Lroin a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS | Resulting/com Disorders of the Digestive Qrfans: Constipation. Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood ; to the Head, A idiry f the Stomach, Nausea, Heart l.i.rn. Disgust for Food. Fuilnessor Weight in the j Stomach, Si 1 Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at the lit <>f the M..n.a h. Swimming of the Head, Hur rie an I Diflj.-n I Breathing. Fluttering of the Heart, i Choking orSuff iting Sens tions when in a lying J | MUM- Dimn ,-ss of VI ion, Hots or Wet.s before the Sight. Fevrr ami I uil p.iin in the Head, Deficiency iof perspiration. Yellowness of the jjkiu an Eyes. ; 8.:.i in the Side. Back Chest, Linbs, Ac., Sudden ! lushes of 18-it. Burning in the Flesh, Constant Im j finings (■: Evil, till 1 great Depression ot Spirits. i* a IITICVJITAIFxotice 7 ■(' r< art m :ny preparations sold under the name I of , quart Bottles, compounded qf • the cneojits/ whiskey or comn on rum, costing from j J• to i . cents ~r r i'ailun, the taste disguised by Anise | or Coriander Feed J h.s el: of Bitters has caused and will continue . cat;, e. a. i. r at they can be sold, hundreds to die I trie u. atti if e'runkard By Iheir use the system j IS kept continually under th c influence of Alcoholic. | film: oil . if f':c worst kind, the desire for Liquor ; t ■ crticd and kept up, and the result is allthehir : ror • attendant upon a drunkard's and dc ilh. F r and will have a Liquor i lid . ••• publish the following receipt. Get One j Hot t' r Sim Aland'* German Hitters and mix j with Tltfi'r Ctti.'.rtsoi" Good Brandy or M bia i Key. and the result will be a preparation that will tar iv. l i,i medicinal virtues and true excellence o ynj the numerous Liquor Bliters in the market, \ and mil rust much U ss. You will hare all the r : r::as of H'ttd!ami's Hitters in connection with • -<*" t • '-fit of Liquor, at a much less price ih.an : Uic... inferior preparations will rust you. lIOOFL'iXirS GERMAN DI TTEITM WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG MEAL IHY NERVES, WILL GIVE YOU .BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, • ILL ENABLE YOU TO SLEET WELL AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YIiLLOW FEVER. BILIOUS FEVER, i 3 Those suffering I rem I Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, ! Fiota whatever causes, either in MALE AND FEMALE, WILL FIND IN HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A REMEDY | That wi! rest ire thein to their usual hoaitb. Snch ! has been the case in thousands of instances, and a I 'air trial is but required to prove the assertion. From K.r. J. Xcxton Brown, I). D.. Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Al'hough n >t disposed to favor rr recommend Pat ent Medicines in feneral, through distrust of their ingredients ana effects, i y.i know of no sufficient | re .sons why a man may not testify to the benefits hi j i 11■ -v. s h'.uiself to have received frmn any simple I prep iraiion. in the hope that ho may thus contribute • to the benefit of others. 1 Id. this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's i German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C M Jackson, ot I t' ■ city, because I was prejudiced agn nst thetn for I ui.t.iy years, under the impression that they were . chiefly an ai .-ohoiie mixture. lam indebted to my j friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of I this prejudice bv proper tests, and for encouragement . to try thein. when suffering from great and long con- I tinned debility. The use of three bottles of these ! Bitters, ~t the beginning of the pr sent year, was {followed hv evident relief, and restoration to a de i tiff "I >bl vant mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of them. PIIILAII'A. June 23, ISGI J Nxwro* BROW*. DiSEAScS OF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER. In Young or Aged, Male or Female, . Speedily removed, and the patienr restored to health. BE LICATE GUI LB REX, j Those suffering from MARASMUS, wasting awav, . with scarcely any tle.-h on their bones, are cured in w j very short timet one bottle in such eases, will have ' a most surprising effect. PARENTS j Having suffering children as above, and wishing to I raise them, will never regret the day they oouimenc -1 ed with these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, | And those working hard with their brains, should al ways keep ti Lottie of Hoofland's Bitters near , th-iii, as they vt ill find mu< h benefit from its use, to i both mini and body, invigorating and not depressing. IT IS NOT A LIQ.UOK STIMULANT, AND LEAVES NO PROSTRATION. ATTENTION SOLDIERS! i AND !HE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. j We call attention Signature nf 4, C. M. JACKSON" j is pa the WRAPPER of each Bottlo. Frier per Buttle T/J centa, or Halt Doz. for 84,00. Should yat.r nearest druggist not have the crt.ele j do not he put off by any of the intoxicating p report ti r.s thai may ho offered in its place, but send fj u and we will fa ward, securely packed, by expersi. Principal Office and Manufactory, HO. 634 AECH STREET, JONES & EVANS, (Stmccasnrs to C. M JACKSON A Co ) Proprietor*. 4 SAW bv v ; - • 'r; <\> -o, t a v V C;