North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, December 23, 1863, Image 1

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    H-A-rLVZSTir SICIIIiEIIj Proprietor.]
Hortli Brand) Bnnorrah
I *l w O w
4 weekly Democratic ,
ft per, devoted to Pol -5_
•ICS, News, the Acts Jj|,- l%r
•.fid Sciences Ac. Pub
•.shed every Wdnes- VA
•ay, at Tuakbannock, i Iri 'i
Wyoming County, Pa. /A', N jfeftijf i l '
*Ter to 1 *— 1 eopv Ivo ir, fin adv nv-cl SI. 'O. ff
not pain within six months, 82.00 will be charged
"TO lines or 1 /
less, make three four' tiro three] six > one
one square icccks icccks moUh ino'lh mo'tL year
1 Square 1,0", ',25 2.25 2,-7 S.Oiq 5.00
2 do. 2,00; 2.50' 3.2 V 350 4,5b 6,00
3 do. 3.00 3,75 4.75 5,50 7,00 9,00
i Column. 4,00 4,50 6.5!' ' 10,00 15,00
do. 6,005 7,00 10 00 12.010117,00 25.00
do. 8,00 9,50 1 1 0"118,00 25,0il 35,00
1 do. 10,00'12,00 17,00 22,00,23,00 40,00
llusiness Cards of one square, with paper, S3.
of all kinds ueutly executed, and at prices to suit
the times.
susin?.ss fotlffs.
BACON STANlK—Nicholson. Pa C L
Jackson, Proprietor. fvlt.lOtl ]
I 1 ■ Newton Centre, Lur.crnc ('nitiify I'a.
v.T Tunkhannoek, Pa. Oliice 111 Stark's Brick
Block, Tioga street.
VV fice in Stark's Brick Block, Tioga St.. Tunk
hanneck, Pa.
n"lt..iiS, W, lAi iI.E AT'fil'.Y'S AT.
JLL LAW, Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannoek
fice, Bridge street, opposite Wall's llutc!, Tunkhan
noek. Pa.
ED AT THE FALLS, WILL promptly attend
all calls in the line of his profession—ma vbe found
at licciuer's Hotel, when not professionally ab.-eu!.
Falls, Oct. 10, 1361.
12X1. .T. C TTECKFJI A* (Ok,
Would reypoetfully announce to the citizens o! TTy
• ruing that tiicy have locale 1 at Tunkh • !.::• k v.lier
hey will promptly attend to a': calls in tho line of
heir profession. May be found at his Drug Sturo
when not professionally absent.
T M. ( Alt 1.4 , 35. I). (Graduate <-f the q
•J • M. Institute, Cfftcinnati) would respectfully
announce to the citizens of Wyoming an 1 Lir/crne
Counties. that he • ntinucs Ids regular pr.ictii-o in the
various departments of his pvofo.-i. n. Mlv 1 e found
• t his office or residence, when not profe.--i.>uu!!y ab
"ff Particular attention given to the treatment
Chronic Discus.
enfremorclaud, Wv.iinir.g Co Pa.—v2o2
rllT? Citabli.-hinent has re xnttv ban refitted and
furnished in the hi rest style Kc< ry a'tonfion
Will be given to the comfort an 1 ennven nce o t!o..p
rbo patronize the lloti-e.
T. 15. WALL. Owner nn 1 Proprietor.
Tunkhannoek, September 11, 18451.
MaVhaßß'S hotel,
JOHN MA YN A III), Proprietor.
HAVING taken the Hotel, in the Borough of
Tunkhannt <•!;. recently oecunii ! t>y Riley
Warner, the proprietor respe •ifu'lv soli.i'- .1 sh-ne of
public patrunnge. Tlie House ii-is b"-n tliorousriilv
repaired, an 1 the comfort* an 1 aecoiro-hitions of a
first class Hotel, will be found by all we. may favor
t with their custom. ?ejteHit>e.' 11, l?tll
AVni. 11. C.'ORT RIGHT, Prep'r
HAYING resumed the proprietorship of the above
Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to
fender the house an ugreen 1 le place ot sojourn for
all who may favor it with their custom.
June, 3rd. 1P63
&ENTI3T. \ 7
IVT GILMAN, has permanontly located in Tunk
'4-1 ■ hanncck Borough, and respectfully tenders his
professional services to the citizens of this place and
Urrourriiiins country.
[ ff Office over Tutton's Law Office, near ta e Pes
Dec. It, IPGI.
festered to health in a few days, after undergoing all
the usual routine and irregular exjiensive modes of
treatment without success, enu.ri lets it his sacred du
ty to communicate to his afflicted iellow creatures
•he means of cure. Hence, 011 the receipt of an ail
dreesed envelope, ho will send (free) a copy of the
prescription used. Direct to Dr John* M. Da on all,
153 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, New York. v'2n'24ly
the confessions and experience
Published for the benefit and as a caution to young
Then.|nnd suffer lrom Nervous Debility,
Early Decay, and thetr kindred ailments—supplying
the means of self-eure.. By ono who has cured him
self after being a victim of misplaced confidence in
medical humbug and quackery. By enclosing a post
raid directed envelope, single copies may he had of 1
the author Nathan Ikl Mavkau,, Esq., Bedford, !
Kings County, New lork —Vo-nlo-Iy.
[For the Democrat.|
VI hat wearying tasks a e ours to boar I
Nor friend, nor neighbor, rot can say,
•'My life glides bright and glad away,
Without a sorrow, or a care."
No doom for living human heart,,
But loveless toil, and ceaseless j>ain,
And hopes iliat lived to die again,
And lives that only meet to part.
No rest to-day ; to-morrow none ;
M hat hath a soul to do with rest,
With frailties to itself compressed ?
Hut one unceasing round goes on.
W hat low thoughts vex us every hour,
And wrest from us our angel wings,
And bind our feet to sordid tilings !
Is there no way to flee their power 7
Nor yet, 'mong all this lovely scope
Of teeming earth, and gleaming sky
No single gift to satisfy
Hie soul that starves on earthly hope 7
No lack of nature's kindly smiles,
Of silent dew, and dropping rain ;
And corn, and wine; and golded grain
Heaped high, in most luxuriant piles.
Nor death of beauty for each sense,
And over all. a spirit-lire
Steals tortli. from some impassioned lyre,
Till life scorns all uiagnifficcnee :
And yet some lack, the spirit cries,
And turns, dissatisfied, from all.
That must with sordid chains enthrall,
And for a nobler birthright sighs.
Hr ken the golden chord,
Severed the silken tie ;
" Never again will toe old Jays come,
Darling, to you and I.
Dead the beautiful Past!
Scattered nround its bier
Pale thoughts lie thick, and memories
01" days that were so dear.
Memories ? Fold theiu up—
Lay t' em sacred bv.
What avails it to dream of the Past !
That future ! For You and I.
Broken the silken chord,
Severed the golden chain,
Linking us with the beautiful uays
That never can couu again!
MEBfa rJHßkii a4Wr.'mJWgU!^VJLUi!i'lMag^P3^^PaKJq
Select Stonj.
" I declare, I have half a mind to put this
bed-quilt into 'he wash to-day. It does not
really need to go, either; but I think I will
I send it down "
" Why will you put it in, Mary, if it does
not need to go ?" asked her good old aunt, in
her quiet and expressive way.
" Why you see, aunt, we have but a small
wish, to-day ; so stnail that Swsan wi 11 get
through by 0113 o'clock, at least, and I shall
have to pay her the same as though she
worked till night; so—"
" Stop a moment, dear," said the old lady
gently ; " stop a moment, and think. Sup
pose you were in the situation poor Susan is,
obliged, you tell me, to toil over the wash-tub
six da 3's out of the seven, fur the bare neces
saries of life ; would you not be glad once in
a while, to get through before night, to have
a few hours of daylight to labor for yourself
and family, or, better still, a few hours to
rest ? Mar\', dear, it is a hard way for a wo
man to earn a living ; begrudge not the poor
creature an easy day. This is the fourth day
in succession she has risen by candle light,
and plodded through the cold here and there
to her customer's houses, and toiled away ex
istence. Let her go at noon, if she gets
through ; who knows but that she may have
come from the sick bed of some loved one,
and counts the hours, yes, tho minutes till
she can return, fearing that she may be one
too late 7 Put it back on the bed, and sit
down here while I tell you what one poor
washerwoman endured because hei ateploycr
did as you would to make out the wash ?"
And the o'.d woman took off her glasses
and wiped away the tears that from some
cause had gathered in her aged eyes, and
then, with a tremulous voice, related the
promised story.
" There never was a more blithesome bri
dal than that of Ida 11. None ever had high
er hopes ; more blissful anticipations. She
married the inan of her choice ; one of wlioin
any woman might be proud. Few, indeed,
had a sunnier life in prospect than she had.
•' And for ten ysary there fell no shadow
on her path. Iler home was one of beauty
and real comfort; her husband the same, kind)
gentle loving man, as in the days of court
ship ; winning laurels every year in his pro
fession ; adding new comforts to his home,
and new joys to his fireside. And, besides
these blessings, God had given another; a
little crib stood by the bedside, its tenant a
golden haired baby boy, the image of its no
b/e father, and dearer than aught eles the
world could offer.
i( Rut I must not dwell on those happy
littijsj my stofy lias to do with other days*
Ic was with them as it has often been with
others ; just when the cup was sweetest it
was dashed away. A series of misfortunes
and reverses occurred with startling rapidity,
and swept away from lliem everything but
love and their babe. Spared to each other
and to that, they bore a brave heart, and in a
distant city began a new fortune. Well and
strongly did they struggle, and at length be
gan once more to see the sunlight of prusperi
ty shine np n their home. But a lit tie while
it stayed, and then the shadows,fell. The
husband sickened and, lay for many months
upon a weary couch, languishing not only
with mental and bodily pain but often times
for food and medicine. Ail that she could
do, the wife performed with a faithful hand.
She went from one thing to another, till, at
length, she who had worn a satin gaiinent
upon her bridrl day, toiled at the wash-tub
for the scantiest living. In a dreary winter,
long before light, she would rise morning, af
ter morning, and labor for the dear oues of
her lowly home. Often she had to set off
through tlre cold, deep snow, and grope her
way to the kitchens which were sometimes
smoky and gloomy, an l toil there at rubbing,
rinsing, and starching, not unfrequently wad
ing kine deep in the drifts to hang out
the clothes that froze, even ere she had fast
ened them to the line. And, when night
came, with her scanty earnings she would
again grope through the cold and snow to her
oft times bghtless and fiteless houie; for her
hu-band was too-sick to tend even the fire, or
to strike a light. And oh, with what shiver
ing heart she would draw near, fearing ever
she would be too late. It is a fact, that for
six weeks, at one time she never saw the face
of her husban i or her child, save by lamp
light, except 011 1110 Sabbath—flow glad
she would have been to have had once in a
while, a small washing gathered for her.
" One dark winter morning, as she was
preparing the frugal breakfast, and getting ev
erything ready before she left, her husband
called her to the bedside.
" Ada," said, he in almost a whisper, " 1
want you to try and come home early to
night; be home before the light goes; do,
,' I'll try," answered she, with choking
"Do try, Ada. I have a strong desire to
see your face by daylight. To-day is Friday;
I have not seen it since Sunday. I must
look upon it once again."
"Do you feel worse ?" asked she, anxious
ly feeling his pulse as she spoke.
"No, No, I think not. but I do want to see
your face once more by sunlight: I cannot
wait till Sunday."
"(iladly would she have tarried by his
bedside till the sunlight had stolen throngh
: he little window, hut it might not be, mon
ey was wanted, and s he must go forth to la
bor. She left her husband. She reached
tlie kitchen of her employer, and, with a
troubled face, waited f-r the basket to be
brotig ht. A smile played upon her wan face
as she assorted its contents. She could get
trhrough easily by 2 o'clock; yes and, if
she hurried, pernaps by one. Love and
anxiety lent new strength to her weary arms
and five minutes after the clock struck,
she was just about etntying the tubs, when
the mistress came in with a couple bed-quilts
"As you have a small wash, Ada, I think
you may do these yet."
"After the mistress had turned her back a
cry of agony, wrung from the deepest foun
tain of the washerwotnans heart, gushed to
h< r bps. Smothering as best she could, she
set to work and rubbed and rinsed and hung
out. It was half past three when she start
for home, an hour to late!" and the aged
narrator sobbed aloud.
" An hour too late !" continued she, after
a long pause. "Her husband was almost
gone ! lie had strength given him to whis
per a few words to his half frantic wife, to
tell her how he longed to look upon her face;
that he could not see her then, he lay in
the shadow of death. One hour she pillowed
his head upon her suffering, heart and then
he was at rest!."
"Mary, Mary, dear," and there was a soul
touching emphasis in the aged woman's
words, "be kind to your washerwoman.—
Instead of striving to make her day's work
as long as may be, shorten it, lighten it.—
Few women will go out to washing daily,
unless their needs are pressing. No woman
on her bridal day expects to labor in that
way ; and be sure Mary, when she is con
strained to do so, it is her last resort.—
That poor woman, laboring now as hard for
yon, has not always been a washerwoman.—
She has passed through terrible trials, too.—
I can read her story in Tier pale, sad face
Be kind to her ; pay her what she asks and
let her go home as early as 6he can."
***** # *
"You have finished In good time to-day,
Susan,,' said Mary, as the washerwoman,
with her old cloak and hood on, entered the
pleasant room for the money she had earn
"Yes, ma'am, I have : and my heart is re
lieved of a heavy load. I was afraid I should
be kept till night, and lam needed so at
' £ ls there sickness there ? " said tho aunt
Tears gushed to the woman's eyes as she
"Ah, ma'am ! 1 left my baby almost dead
this morning ; he will be quite so to morrow.
I know it. 1 have seen it to many times,
and'none but a child of nine years to attend
him. Oh, I must go, and quickly !"
And grasping the money she had toiled
for while her babe was dying, she hurried
toiler dreary home. Shortly after they
followed her. the young wife who had never
known sorrow, and the aged matron whos
hair was white with trouble, followed her to
her home—the houie of the drunkard's
wife; the drunkard, s babes.
She was not to late. The little dying
knew his mother. But at midnight he
died, and then kind hands toik from tho
mother the breathless form, closed those
bright eyes, straightened the tiny limbs, and
bathed the cold clay, folding about it the
pure, white shroud; yes, and more they
gave what the poor so seldom have, time to
"Oh, aunt," faid Mary, with tears in her
eyes, "if my heart blesses you, how much
must poor susan's? had it not been for you,
she would have been to late, lthasb.en a
sad, yet holy lesson. I shall now always be
kind to the poor washerwomen. But, aunt,
was the story you told uie a true one—all
true, I mean?"
"The reality of that story whitened this
head, when it had seen but thirty summers ,
and the memory of it has been one of my
keenest sorrows. It is not strange, there
fore, that I should pity the poor washer
Playing Into Each Others' Hands.
Not a year ago, Tiiurlow Weed, the Re
publican leader, uttered in the Albany Jour
nal', these startling and true words :
" The chief architects of the rebellion, lie
lore it broke out, were aided iu their infernal
designs by the Abolition.sis of the North
This was too true, for without such aid the
South could never have been United against
the Union. But for the incendiary recom
mendations which rendered the otherwise
useful Helper Book a fire brand, North Caro
lina could not have been forced out of the
Union. And even now the ultra abolition
press and speech makers arc aggravating the
horors they helped to create.£2*f*thus play
in into the hands of the leaders of the rebell
ion and keeping down the Union men of the
South, and rendering re union dilflcult if not
If this was true in 1802, how doubly so is
it now ! The two extremes of agitators and
factionists are playing into each other's
The Richmond Enquirer and New York
Tribune, agreeing in common hatred of the
Democracy, play into each other's hands now
as before the rebellion. The Enquirer pub
lishes insulting articles to inflame and unite
the North, and the Tribune utters doctrines
which consolidate the South.
Those two organs started years ago upon
this dishonest work. Each inflamed to the
utmost the fanaticism of its followers Each
taught them to hate the opposite section.
While the Southern States were hesitating on
the brink of secession Greeley came out and
proclaimed to them that they had the same
right as the Colonies had in the revolution.
lie assured them they might securely try
the experiment. Thus urged on, they took
the fatal plunge.
Now the question before the country is,
whether the slaveholding States will he al
lowed to return. Neve r , cry the radidals
except upon the basis of emancipation
toe simulation or :\-A ro rights. All State
constinutions must bo abolished, as already
the Federal Constitution lias been broken
down by the violence of fanatics.
Such men are indeed " the architects of
ruin.' But are we contentedly to 6it by and
contemplate their work ? Are the great ma
jority of the people—the masses who loved
the old Union, the conservatives who dread
revolution, to set supinely by and see this
monstrous work of desolation go on ? No,
Let the people rise and confront these fanat
ics, who have no strength but imposture, and
no courage but the insolence of ephemeral
power— Albany Argus.
The Hartford Courant says of the
firemen in that city ; " The men were dressed
in their new uniform, consisting of a shirt,
hat-front and belt, and looked admirably."
Comfortable, that I Any lady spectators ?
THE UNlON. —There is but one Union
There never has been but one Union the
Union under the Constitution. lie who
akss violent measures against that is a trai
A Dancing Master was taken up in
New York Intely, for robbing a fellow-board
er. He said he commenced by cheating a
printer, and after that, everything rascally
came easy to him.
RATHER CLOSE. —The Tribune, figures the
House of Representatives : Democrats and
Border State members. 90 ; Aboliti n. 92.
We have always thought Adam, in his
courtship, a sensible man. lie fell asleep r.
bachelor, and awoke and found himself a
married man. Tie apreared to have popped
tho question almost immediately after meet
ing Md'slie Eve, and she, without any ILrta- !
tion or shyness, gave him a kiss and herself.
Of this first event in this world wo have, j
however, onr thought®, and sometimes in a
poetical mood we wish we were the man that
did it. But the deed is done. The chance
was Adam's, and he improved it. Wc like
the notion of getting married in a garden. It
is good taste. We like a private wedding.—
Adam's was private. No envious beaux
were there ; no croaking old maids ; no chat
tering aunts or grumbling grandmothers.—
The birds 01 heaven were the mmstrels, ane
the glad sky Hung its light upon the scene.—
One thing about the wedding brings queer
thoughts to us, spite of scriptured truth.—
Adam and his wife were very young to be
married—some two or three days old, occord
ing to the sagest speculations of theologians
—mere babies—larger, hut no older, without
a horse, without a pot or kettle—nothing but
love and Eden. Speaking of love and lovers,
here is an instance of street simplicity :
A good looking, honest faced country
girl came to town with her "beau" one
day to do a Utile shopping. The magnitude
of the shop, the piles 011 piles of goods, the
dazzling array of articles, the rows of shop
men, quite overpowered our good friend who
scarcely knew what to do. Her "beau" ob
stinately refused to go in, but loitered about
the door. The shopmen being all busy at
the time, the young woman was obliged to
remain standing a few moments. At length
a dapper fellow with a gold chain and llour
ishing whiskers, came bowing and smilng up
to the blushing customer with—
"Anybody waiting on you, madam !',
The color deepened on her cheeks as she
; hesitated and" drew a long breath, till finaly,
with a nod of her head towards the door.she
faltered ent.
"Yes, sir : he is." '
i A Chinese boy who was learning English
came across the passage in bis Testament,
. " We have piped unto you. and ye have not
danced," rendered it thus : "We have toot
toot to you, what's the matter you no
! jujnp."
A runaway thief having applied to a black*
smith for work, the latter showed him hand
cuffs. and desired to know if he made such
kind of work. "Why, yes, sir," answered
the fellow, scratching his head, ''guess I've
had a hand In 'em,"
CI'KRAX said of the liberty of the press :
That great sentinel of the State, that grand
detector of public imposture; guard it be
cause when it sinks there sinks with it, in
one conmon grave, the liperty of the sub
ject and the security of the crown."
Among the novelties of the ago is a
seedless apple. A tree lias been found in
Duchess county, New York, bearing this
fruit. There a r e no blossoms; the bud firms
and without any show of petals, the fruit
sets and grows entirely destitute of seeds.
Tn outward appearance the apples resemble
Rhode Island Greenings.
rather superstitious proclivities, remarked
the other day that she " had a resentment
that she should eventually die in a trance,
adding that the resentment troubled her a
good deal, but that she expected to finally
get immured to it!"
FAlTH. —Recently a backslider from tcm
pocßnce, who wan in a condition somewhat
mellow, found himself at a gathering of so
ber people, at Benny's and attemped to ad
dress them.— "Brethren," said ho, " 1 been
thinking of that passage which says , ' if you
only have faith like a mountain you can tip
over a grain of mustard seed—hie—most
any time!"
When Cromwell first coined his mo
ney, an old cavalier, looking upon one of the
new pieces, read this inscription on one side:
"God be with us on the other, "The Com
monwealth of En'gland." "I see," said he.
" God and the Commonwealth are on diff
erent sides.'
Mrs. Fitzdragon had been waiting
to visit Ilighgate Cemetery, and the other
day sho u'aid to her husband," You have nev
er taken me to the cemetery."
" No, dear" said he, " that is a pleasure I
have yet in anticipation."
SPST M"e appreciate fine writing when it
is properly applied, so we appreciate the fol
lowing burst of eloquence in one of our ex
changes :
" As the ostrich uses both legs and wings
when the Arabian courser bounds in her rear,
as the winged lightning leaps from the hcav
ens when the thunderbolts are loosed, so does
a littlo nigger run when a big dorg is after
TJ-f" Revenge is a punctual payraas
'fi than gratitude.
Oejteral Meade wrote to a friend
in New Jersey immediately previous to his
late movement across the Itapidan, in which
occurs the following paragraph:
'• I am filly aware of the great-anxiety
in the public mind that something should be
done. I am iu receipt of many letters, soma
from persons in high positions' telling me I
had better have my army destroyed,and the
country filled up with the (lead bodies of the
soldiers,than remain inactive. Whilst Ido
not suffer myself to be influenced bjr such
communications, I am and have been most
anxious to eflect somthing, but am determ
ined,at every hazard, not to attempt anything
unless my judgment indicates a probability of
accomplishing some object commensurate wit
the dest ruction of life necessarily Involved.—
I wonld a thousand times rather be
charged with tardiness or incompetency, than
have my concience burdened with a won ton
slaughter, uselessly, of brave men, or of hav
ing jeopardized the great cause by doing what
I thought wrong."
These are the words of a true soldier and'
a wise and prudent leader. Whatever the
fiight-at-any cost people may 9ay, we believe
that the country at largo will warmly indorse
the course of General MEADE. He is at least
a safe general—j-ust the sort of one we Watrt 1
in front of Washington.
Deacon M. was an honest old codger", n
kind neighbor, and a good christian, believing
in the Presbyterian creed to the fullest ex
tent ; but lack aday ! the deacon would oc
casionally get exceedingly "mellow," and
mostevery Sundav at dinner.he would indulge
his favorite cider brandy to such an
that it was with difficulty that he reached
his pew in the broad aisle near the pulpit,
and between the minister and the villiagti'
squire's. One Sunday morning the parson
told his flock that he should preach a ser
mon touching many glaring sins so conspic
uous among them ; and he hoped they would'
listen attentively and not flinch if he hap
i ppned to be severe, The afternoon came and
the house was full; everybody turned out to
hear their neighbors "dressed down" by thV
minister, who. after well opening his sermon,
commenced npon the transgressors with' ft
loud voice, with the question "where is thb
drunkard ? ' A solemn pause succeeded. .the
tnqni rv. when up rose Deacon M., his face
red from frequent draughts of his favorite'
drink, and steadying himself as well as f he
could by the pew rail, looked up to the par
son and replied in a trembling and piping
voice. "Here T am.'' Of course a consterna
tion in the congregation was the resuit of the
honest Deacon's response ; however the par
son wont on with his remarks as he "had
written them, commenting severly upon the
drunkard, and closed b v warning hfm to for
sake at once such evil habits if he WOu'd
seek salvation and flee from the coming.syrath
The deacon then made a bow and seatcibum
'•Anil nnw. sul tlio preacher in his . loud
-091 tones."where is the hypocrite?" A
pause, but no one responded. Eyes were'
turned upon this and that man, but the most
dances seemed directed towards the squire's
pew, and ended the parson seemed to squint
hard in that direction. The deacon saw
where the shaft was aimed, or where it should
he aimed, and rising once more, leaned
his pew to the squire whom he tapped on the
shoulder, and thus addressed : 'Come, squire
Why don't you get up ? I did when he call
ed on me."
NOT A Frrriov—Newspaper subscriptions
are in fa liable tests of men's honesty. If a
man is dishonest he will cheat the printer in
some way-say that he has haid when he
has not—or sent money and was lost by
mail or will take the paper and will not
pay for it on the plea that he did not sub
scribe for it, or move off, leaving it come
to the office he loft, Thousands of professed
( ori>.tians are dishonest, and the printer's
hook will tell fearfully on the final settle
ment of the judgment day. llow many who
read this paragraph will be guiltless of the
— ■■ , i
ITS" Bust of A. Lincoln and Dan Rice
Rice were placed together at the great fair In
C hicago, and labeled, "the two American hu
morists." It is said Dan intends to bring a
suit for libel.
— *** 9
JC3£"Poor Rrown, who is married, says
the only peace he ever has is a piece of his
wifes mind.
■ - - • *
Sit" Punch says women first resorted to
tight lacing to prove to men how well they
could bear squeezing.
&"2T" The pleasure of doing good is the art
of being contented with what we have.
S2ST Poverty is a bully if you are afraid
of it ; but it is a good natured euough if roit
meet it like a man.
A modern tourist calk the Niagara
Rlyer "the pride of rivers." That pride cer
tainly has a tremendous fall.
£3T The payment of the troop, called
out to suppress tlie New York riots will cost
that city £227.fc15,G 4 ; extf-ii; ve'rf the hoifcl
VOL. 3, NO. 19. i