Slu • *5 lIIAIRVfeY PUK4,fcß,'rf-No. ST PAntic tow tbniy A*6 STont P* Bo****, 'rt:i pURCOJIGR,^BSMAS P , n , . i •iv.W# JV)Gce that s- mo-of ♦* Skmptfftfo px changes in this District are ajtrcttlaHrg . upon ptobable course; of th Hon,. ll*rv W. Tracy in the present Congress, ft is p>>- I>V that Democrats who supported and voted fur ! hitn, may expect tonyc (t';tP bun than iipder all circumstances they sluml-l For our own l part, we do not export Mr Trnrv to take against, the A bnini trafi-rt party i n .rdts general course of po'icv. While it wouM'j afford us the utmost gratification to Me his : votes on-all quetions in Uig cast pn fi\\& side those of our Jbsf ' 1 p .Senate j v wo do not-expert, and probably' have no right to-expert it. It is true that j Jhoae Wrto TtoHdrlur Mr- Tracy, ontsde of 1 ii?J?rdford County., were.almost exylnaively J ->i}kn*wr*ts.i True it. is. wdhutif that y*ie ! he would not l#te stnjd a ehad"W of a pliant J for an election, In short lte,yp>'TPi '^9. ;|mt -that be ' has always been a Republican j that he dominated bv those who, on to Uiat.time, bad j always been Rebnblicans ; that he was net ' er regularly nominated in any Rrmoeratie' Convention. Ift one or Two of Mie H coun*igs j C pdr'i of Democrat's, because he was deimed| the least ofjectionable man in flie fit-11 and ! of whom there was any.hopes of an election.— lie was supported too because he had ! proved himself faithful and h rest, in ore j thing at least, to the interests of the people. ' posed mid exposed the iniquities, trie c iriup tion and bribery of the "tonnage tax swin die." lie had shown, partisan as wo was. j that party uejj sfrong&a lliey are. were not 1 strong enopgh to diaw'liini into the com ' mission of an acknowledged, positive, patent! wrong and outrage upon the rights o! ti>e peo * 'pie. On the issues now before the country, 't'Mr. Trdcy is doubtfess. a fatty matured, "fin charged and unchangable Ri?p6Ll , Caft i , w but from the experience of the p-ast, howevef Wttifeh we may diff -r with lnin, we innst ac cord fd ldtr. itiTWciert-c'dusne.sp.honesty 'f pur and uftaproacbahfe integrity. ATldle, s We id twfore; 'ite do not expecr'aiid dare nbt hope' for truch fr >tn him,'we do ex pect that the corrupt km'ivcs, tbeives and' plunderers which Vic w.ll find hanging thle perln-a of the c*| itfT like Ttrrpyres, will find that fit'l intf'jrity has not departed, nor hi* courage forsaken him. AiWWm'tnay andmf yonffif'-ntly hop,-' tfiat hi* love of CoimirV, hist hone't desire lo save it from utter, fimdl i- -. lut'i' r> ami ru'".<. trill hitn to < 'pposy the e'xt?e&e, rml "leaf revolutionary an-1 rplnofis scheme* of the Abolition fanatics of the present Congress. PAiTi the BTo*t'r sjcaks of Luke as tie j "delored physician," an 1 few endear thein-; tefttea ho us more tlinn those "miu- j T- istcrirfg angels," bring us the healing balm ; V in sickness. So it is with tnedftmea that; •""i cure; though we never see the maker ,yet we i get a feeling of regard kvr him-through rtci. llntr tiiMiv have reason to bless Pr. Xyer f r his invaluable remedies, so cheapartd vVt Mr effectual; What* publ c benefactors better; t thwerve es'eem thm tbo#e who rescue the! body from disease and pr.-mature decay 7 j ""Portsmouth (N. If.) Gazette. ni is— ' - *•*•*- —— j is uo clgcs y| thy ommunity more auhject to disease of tlic digestive organs than those whose business compels them to be.contiuuaiy within doors, oirtier M ated a* • W,£c>k r standing btmuU a couatw* . lund'h German Bitter# will p-ove a true I* pleasing tu tliesy Pcrspps. aiyl enable them io fulfil the duties of then statjop vvitii n spirit and alactricity unkpown to Ihetn before,— Tbea® hitters cau be lyrd of jajiy druggist or .deslyr in inedtyjnes at 75 cents per. pottle, TUeTJ'ar.. TJbe riewo from the w*r by the late ma;i* makes it certain Urat-tlia siege of Km xville diti baa been raised. Longstrvet is *a:d to be closely pressed bj- our Tories. ... L The 6iege of Charleston is still in progress. ** 'OhtnTs victon* at Ghatanodgg was nv*-t cotn tfj pletc. Bragg has b en rn north ern Georgia b}* the Reb Gan. Ilardge- The statement,thai Gen. John C. RrecMeti 1 *Tidge had died s ; said to be unirue. The*ar my yf the l'utouruc w in *lutu quo and uft likely to reuiain 50 during the winter. rr The illness of one of our compositors, an-J a rush of new Advcrtisciaeute, has delayed lis for a few hour* in getting out our paper this week. We shall try and catch up by our next issue A CoKraoKHATt autgeon who was beastly * drunk when our forces captured Littje Rock, - e Arkansas, found tiiuiaeif atuoug ine Yankees when he got sober, aud remarked that it beat Rip Van. Winkle that a man couldn't go to sleep in the Confederate States without wakiuf up in the United Ststea. (Mnm | The first ses-ion of the Thirty-B : ghth Con fcst. f • . .'Vj 1 x*t..b a diec.tfsi -P ha 1 x* to ' the right of the .Went V'r-iiiia Sena'or* to to seats,"' 11. by those oppcwo, itrjr their adm that tlJfr Wis nonsuch! I State as West Virginia under the (Vswuitti ■ j tion and laws. The_Senators were admitted | 1 ry- a vote of thirty-six to five. Mj\ Bucks | h*\r and otheis voting against their admission, i Senator Lane gave notice'of abll to repeal | t!>e S3OO commutation inrthe c cri;i i>n Act ; and f>r thd Tin crease of pay if" fwy |ift' eewi. 4 Ix Tift? ttftetl and i • ycpatyiling jygyurrcd in relation ti the adm'S-t isjoo tf rfho from Maryland, Virginia, j Missouri, fLoisa* and T.m- ! muiea on oleeuri.y. Scuyltr Colfax, of In- 1 diana pnmsli Slaveholders thromth- ■ out the Uni'ed States an-1 Territories. The President has tj >t vet sent in bis uiessagß '■' A fVsfOtlgm Urged. The NT'W Yrh Tmes tgfdyfTv publishes a Te*'er cdritairig th< following treasonable phot, to destroy the liberties of 'he people. To put d' wn tra'itiVs'who' cnin'foet vilbiin ouv sch tw> fs the olij- et of the '• trf'h fjur r'rtm recognition,and constant i flf>rts ypeti or s'-otv*. to aid tb'e South the <1 vernment at Washington wPI need a-'I 'fie i fTlcicney mnteninla*ed in rrcent rrrtehma | '"iens. 1 ft* Will ?crjHirA of and i nrii'h'T<'oral eifhtilles. Wntfaf law over the. 5 enftre Vorfh i a noeesd'v". fP'he ' Government of fl e K'>rVrn' Staff* mairifes* ! n r pn [* of the war. they will cWe ttnder tiie action of martial law, and if the action of wnv ■ ro'lfical party shall ft red'en chance or paral - 'he movements oT the Government. i? W''l 'doubtless be competent for th< provost mar shal in any P'a'e to suspend political meet ings, and "postpone elections. Tf'tTie Consti ' fution of the United States is to lie construed according to the necessities of a civil war el vast brophr'lons, the Constitution of indi I vidua! St.a'es cannot ho allowed to stand in ' the way of >ts vigorous "prsecn'fnn. " En at ishrnen are 1 'in*groa't trouble n\ tfie il lega'ifv and unconstiUitb na'Uv of President Lincoln." {; They show a great lendefneoss f.-r the Constitution an 1 the laws, and feel very badly tliat the Northern people, while conquering tf>p Roulfi. shnii! 1 fonSo their uTvri; ' hherties.' TboV fell us that th" Peesn'Tent j cannot do this-and that thn' Ids pmc'arna* ti >n>.are io.'v waste mper T •••• appear to have verv li'tfe i"tnoTiti tn| ] the people tief• •(•(• 'he el-'-'i-vi. that if • her'W 1 ti'-l !'eW Wo..,Karl. It wonfl ho. TV r i&§ jf ! Pennsylvania epi*-iklng in nCh rt< i/nd-M" tone" ! the r IV. . tht' tie VYT r;'ii*v!t'n in f- ! | v r of a return to th" nrfr*trii pur* osc* f>red fTnion 1 would crown the hopes 'of ev< rr Tint the p *<- pie refused to elee* WVnrtwsrd. the nv>s rr v rO'ed in favor n r M')RR WAR. Tim Deroo : era's v ted fn* Peace—or at Vast for ft policv I'that pare pood h >pe* of leadintr to peace*— ! Tlie'fmrpttrrs of tlwi mina'crs nt Washing* ' ton i n* lunger to restore th Union, hut to ' Mot VitiT States, ex'errftinate shtverv, anl turn Inoe some four or five millions of baTf i Civil r."d '• American citizens of African * Tate dar, when the Abolition snn' is at its 1 nesriTran. Tf-nee vnhmteerirg will he left I to he entirely "ii*n*i>'lijj.d hv our AVditiop j cousins. This is donhtless what tiier imeg i TTie : "bTowin rhot. ClenrfMd Republican Tt \* ** 1 tbi* when G n. Jeff. ' of the Confederate army, n<>.v n i risoner of war in Alton, 111./t rivofl at Pilot.Knob. after i hjs capture, he expressed tiimelf," : wW J< IT, "they were o phn*ky n> need j tik On fnv vrny-rtp tfri* time, I whispered to , them wherever f got a chance, and I old thejn j to keep up Rood courage. [ thought ihev | would bC all rirrht, bnf d —o therrt tlioy loftl to take out their note-books t<' roe *hich oath of alegianco fh'ey took last." , , j g*s*"Tbe sudden rhnngeof the weather ffcr tho ( past few days, has so affected the roller with which we ink our type, that the work on our paper Las been bad. We have remedied the difficulty by making a new one. better adapted to the season, and hope here after to uiuke our sheet more readable. Printers will fully appreciate our situation and accept our apology M satisfactory. ? PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS. The Philadelphia North American gives , s ")<' exee'ljiet ad via* (.i.thgflfe yffk *l% i'.iv- st money. lUs u fll for ad*'in limds t" lie&i the Counsel :— u r3*#k>- t cv lias 1> ah temporarily scarce,; cat ttarl con tinuos abnnoant ; and the recent turlible in the stodc market has bought capitalists to a realizing sense of the unreliable character of many of thg, securities dealt in. [t is /'.£l.F;; V t the credit of tin* Government that Hs loans, of all the securities daily dealt ,in on the market, ii.tve in wntaipqd .ibyir. yrtfpr"^ ' prtieHioner tH:trf Qtyl imij efaA *F's ! i ■H-resh-on which w,proutply paid .t gfAd-, lias I bisn subscribed to, ad through * 1> pressure ; in the iimncy market, at an afefaoc of mure ! than two nuthons per day, And tfhat ia j tad the least gratifying fact in.tb&|Coinu.cJ ion | is the daily large wibscript hum to ibis popular i It an, scarcely any of it is returned M> market I fof.iuV. It is taken lor investment, a if} is Held with unfalternvjf oanti lence in, ita.jxltu b+btv. A*>d why should it lot be I It seen tiiat the Government mnv, after t*vo year-oof t!*s luojd.gigaiiiie-wa,r that.the world lias ever known, experiences V in ( f o\rriiaUurf the necessary means to prose etite it, or in paying regularly the- ijupre*t in ogoldastt fall due. 1/ Ihj* can be done j-whyle (tie wr i* beui# wcyjyd,.who.can on/ci | pate any Jilli julty i n,,rcj*4|ly ape "Upli>hiuz [ it'to hen the war Ue.entlel ? What better iovesUiu'i't thi 'i,fur capital, t!a;i the live Twenty " G ivernin. Nt loan? But ifi MfV doiibt, ly! him refer to lh..statistics luvr.ish ed by tfie censu- tabjos ,yf the. variun* na tiomspftho world Tim facts which; they present will prove the uioft satisfactory iqo-lp of dispelling the t;timbwtle>!i gloouiv apprchytthyjey which are being c-'ii' iuualy cm j used up by tlmno who arc disposed to e.v*.£ iei'iete Ihf fS.eut- of the calauy/y .ucca silMieyldyV our ft#>>g|liouA reference to the' s'll' l! of lllt'st ul* P* loiM of the old world clearly disproves such a pospi, ,n, \md sji uvs that the U-igb'-st. coniiitionsjpf na tional .v' vanceuiyrnt,!.arc not ,Weq affected by the ejpuudcyl wnr.s in which those nations have byen iwinn suorndly nngaped, ami thai' i heavy national indebtedness • iwt proved an numitigstc] evil, . " For instance, Gicat Britain. .France aod the Nellieplstidt) will undoubtedly he cmice del to„renrtcnt the prosperity that has heoP attained hv anv of the European nations. Ami vr' no nat ions h< ve been called upon to endure fierecr *r unite prolonged wars, do inestic and foreign, than llwy. Jhe r fleet' ha'bet n, nt-qnrsii. n l dv, fo an enor rrons ratjttt wl Indebtedness } Lut_ ncjjbor tfreir wars mr thmr indeb e iilJm vy hail th" effect to destroy their eLsticity, J l *' l " 1° cluck the progress of t'ocir gerttruj prosper ifv. The remit would have been d flVivnt' pfohahlv, if these nations had heen fal ins in to (h-evv. instead of heinjr as they rndly were, in a *'ttfo of (Tevid pement : ami in tlits in c p<"Ct their ret• mhle >nr own. with on nrun ii c ndvantapes in our farnr. These m fh n=. wfiife under? •£ the trials >f "var,_ were oppressed by tVvf thrir pnpnl 'fiotr, the imposd/lt\' la rr fufe oerunatioti far thetn. the tow prma of la b -r, and tl i- pearcit vidti rt itnrr. C mnared with our "wrf enftntry. thev posesed sli-jht rootrt for fu'nre devel<>pement f thav were nei tied in rverv part, andmo ter-itorv lay in rvHtvdy aoeti tv. er>rwura?e ertrprig,e or rfetile-, menf. Their great problem ha* ever been what to do with their surplus pointl-ilmn which, in its turn, hat nought TUPW fields fm adventurism 1 self-sunpirt in cun'ries like pnf ciwr. where nrr iHitnitfdh.terrtorv W tits ye be'devd ipcil, tiwti wher> in(!ifrulU>i rr */,urfpa inv-te .itn'ustrv and ene?v. The en eours -rnenf. th se deprived from tltese- faets •in 1 c enmns t< of ciron trst vuee , 'wts terv great, and n> the tnind of anv" d'spissia life *r?aTmrr tliafttre OHHW'Iff IhG ereat country i nmvnrd and and that ill f fed it will' dive unj'ilpaJred to the ,ivV n~ ■ U. O iu IMOW THE BLESSED ONES —Blessed ARE thev that are hi Hid : 'fir 'hev sh;ifl see ii'i^ghnsts v jle--rd a r thev nre .leaf ;f ir thav lio've'r. lend money' nor to tedi.Ws sto • 'it. '.,11 . '•-■ .7 1 rtp. . BYssr d ere tl cy 'I at r.r- affard ..f tl aider; for they si all hes'afe ah nit getting married, and keep away from political meetings. Blessed are they that are lean; for tficre is a chance 'o gr.>w fat. Blessed are they that are ignorant ; f w they are happy in thinking that itiey Wfipw ijrrn'tntttr. • " he that is ugly in f-rrri atid fea tures; f,.r the ga's shaft qiolest nim. Blessed is she that would bet married hut can't for the consolation of the gospel are t•. ' i > her s. Bit sscd are the orphan children ; for thej HAVE no mother to SJMIIV then). Blessed are they that e*p ct nothing ; for thev shall trot Le disappointed Blfsst.d or.-'iluv 11 at do r.f t advertise; for they shall rarely bo tr-iuVcq with cus tomers. ! ' ' I to; New York Charter Election. I The election f<>r Mayor of New York City, I took place on Tuesday last. A larger vote was polled than in the recent election f..r State officers The result vf:i as Inflow ! C. Godfrey (muter, Detn. 28 9f>2 F. J. A. B iik', • 22 355 1 Oris, n Blunt, Rep. and Abo. 19.442 i■ ■ ' i ; Guhther over B"ole, G,5£7. 'ff •' ■ ' m . .. ■ -J. .■ i ■ •>* Bcowisfi -the Abolitionists told the people that if they would avoid an >ther draft, thev should elect Curtin—The people t.Mik them at their word 1 and did elect Cur tin. Immediately a call for more men came, from tlveir masters at Washington, and now their only possible escape from dralt is for ! thein to volunteer themselves. This is a very J r< cold ~ blvW. jjgj * ,lcachl " s *vA in Bud& is be must have rend iiig work, written forth? times, , the K*w Testament, and found out, somch-ov, "world s.nd preach tin* Gospel (not and to every creature." He dcs rves im mortattjhne fo ibis, prcpept (d'tdie I7;Vine VeathvTftudn" lite which , *friTyf'iwnr- , -wrrpvte wbosHihttv tt W' to> s'Xpautifi tft Scriptures had comple'ly lost' .sight -bH*r*iua tiara read thete.also nf a Wry re j pt dtahffc.'borty of.ulcn, who.ljyi d jt Utile pver I eighti'dmhuhdreal years ago win "went about j doiff? who liever btitHeteb .thhaasuiyes ' ahmt pohticl*-un civil ioallliui>iuu4 ; u"IO.#IBV ler ifiriitted thnto Hie ihasiel? win give up bis • KhWcsfw W d;itune(4;at4rj)illyd why-t/istv*e iient tc ytujr tna(tters ,, j and win devoted 11kenisdres, whfh sitfitrlcncss of lrf*:lW, to •the great work their Master Ud*l trt**gwed I hem- Surely the ancient 1 -sion preacher must be thinking Md these pcple, wuA tliotr.uld . h ggy/ ttieas, •jhldd frving-tiscpinfiaOß them. 'IS it- he houid be caivfid not to carry tfie iuiitfttion too far. t Wfc' lire not wry ot-i mm that a body ol 1 meii, h* hewing atsl aotHig hs this hondraAle ami ib'spise( scut did, would fare much bet ter in this glorroos -wrtteletnitb oontury of oiiVs.'thah their ton rntim rs did in their day : II fie bves too cbisely in iici.>rdiuee wall the Mnotfels Ifley gave Us, ilrabitfis too strwil) by ihe'preempts laid down, ho tn iy ex pect'to hear ''critcMy liimj'k raised by the scnfies and jihaftst**, w.m ''devour widows' i fiftlfsiVaftd form pferWine uike long pray j ' i rs.' 1 Should he hve |mre and hi iineleM, according to the sacred •doctrines of Chll+ ' ti;ihoy-,'a"s be Mmd'erß'add'S" ff.f-tn, Ins Idp ; I would he a standing h prbftch' 'ti* i< tba' inon- j 't rh articfe' tlis'jiense I' r i trfaiiv sancmai n- ; ! and tl'.-ii- deiMti'fs woidlj be rfffftdy tetiipU d ! to f, fh w' the exMnliU' iff Wicltd' old -J. rilVai ' ict i, the profile f ami MopjA d j • -I i i in. 7 llo# strkv%e!y'fn confer*! ' wirh the'con 'duct (if Old TSosfbrt premier is tie of tho-e rVfJ^iVi : t>--dlt*<*' bril'eh lihtii* resolved tlicmstfVcl? li to bra<■'?!i'fx'RVieaf C"tit'u ttons, and asMdikd TO MI in jod'jthi-nt uj>ti tin: ('mil'leal o'pfKh ns of (rbif C llo'w uit'il. if t , . •. , firsu-jid of "ti milting I aees'ar tin things ti at are Caesar's and unto (Tod the tiling* that are o'-lIV C'af-.'ir seems to inn iiojm Ize all ifieir time and labor*. We do not, ft nii-iiib. r to that Peter arid Paul and and John ever engaged in tite Vfry reputable .bu-inc*i? of slandering tinyr uipgbLur*—rr c-A,i r them "cppir- IMad*," r 41 tpputi.;* if-,'' or /' r< Lets " iV,ni u in tiittr.v/i '-WH', di-iy pn aeljcd of vuuiiug'i'teriyt v, i.*|d left 'hg trilling vanities >1 time u v tbv hands <1 the politicians— 'fin m.- ladtligal dec, Ural O'os oj cletical !>■ lie >| the jr. Mitt dav are ivtti at the best in compatible with the cause they represent : riml worn eemii.!g.>si ,p> jiivfane thy '.lgh calling 'l t' e church \Y,!U'9 i the ehiiich yi: (lv>eendi to soil In r g.u uituit* in the, d-ri and pith of the political a'lia, j>ic weakyjis hey udlpphce and power. A'" ve all.sho'dvl flic ib*o..rd bnti ri e>* ninl levding, paisii n an't hii'rod. Sin* should e ex regitfipb, i the [tij t'M-h • of Sunt' Paul : T'lpnyfli I sijeak with the totiunes of iijen and of an: its, and nol ( hat Hy I-am he complies sounding bras* or a tinkling cymbal/' Vulley Spi/ , ■ . • . : S** r i * . & s. ; ; Mil. JACK. DOWNJM;, U'ho is a man it considerable sagacity and strong com tin ft *enr>e, say* he told old Line .1 i and hi* cabi net, that R'j pear s lie .conhl see how the land lay, they were all trying to catch the [ South Grst, and then what to do with her | afterwards i* another question. Jack says j the South seem* to be a good deal like old j Sam Odutn. an in inaine, when he thought the Devil was afur hijp. Qm night he got ;to dreaming, jumped out of bed in hitr shirt , and ran hkp.all,. poscssi d down the j strrej. Abotj.t half Ud 'Z •/, neighh r* chased | him tint I he ran up a tree, out of which they c >"i In't gel him anyhow. jII • kept scream* i Itig " the di vils are after me, " and w..uld j tight Lke a tiger 'f s snv one tried to get at I him. Finally ull Dencm* Prahody cum along, and se*, l Satn thinks that Von f- Ih*r*are the , devil that. rre.£"U to ruin him : you jist go | away ami let him abme, and Si n will go i hum and in be*' afore morning." '1 hey tuk , his advice, and sure null so it was. Jack , says tt is ritx down sofein opinion that ef ! these ere Ab >lishoo Csbvtiut. were to stop trving to catch the South, s vcnultl be ■ hum on in the union fail ufmre morn fa. |. ;.,i ' l F ecajenJßcad. I The hiHwuig certilinate from a highlj' re i.spactafJe citizen <>t Maryland ahows how the . des|>cnLk party in ipofror managecl matters iin Maryland p e . t •1 I twneby certify that I offered U vote : the J)vnH>criic ticket afc.the polls u> the city of ftvtielio >u WiUt * Ittjf the -t ii day of -j Novctirber, 18113, and that at, .Idler objected to my Voting ; lhar tuy ticket was taken ' (rout my UauJ at ihy s wac (uue by a soldier, whose tissue is Mnrcelus■ Siit|iier, cuum tip j to me and fmnl, *i Ik-rt* you are eutitled to a vote'at the same time putting an abolition ticket in my hand and seizing ine by one ol j my arms, and an i tlwr soitlivr by the other ' I was foroed back again to tbe pjls through fear of |>eri*oniU violence, and compelled to TOte>agiii6t my scntiißeuts." 4*> , A tarmer who has twr of his sons diMltod, may have to mortgage hu whole farm to- raise 4>GOO tp save them from death. And if it is any comfort to him, h< may rtfleet that his SOOO is used to buy | two or jrcci of a Maryland master. AVI lit the Dntrtifall wf Abolltlnn!km~ wl!T" come the Pawulh* ef% (Slighter Pay lor Aoi rlca. -jx w * healthy , tj)*o- in the iiupA| art M* f; mi, that oh-cure the is. ue, which they ! endeavor to accomplish through a-ura ble calumny. 'H. poct isy,' say* K -c'iefon j Caiild, ' is a *ort ri horn age that vAfe pa)s to viitue.' We may fitly adapt this sa\ing to j the subject lit hand. Ciluriirty is a orl of. homage that radical hi tp pay s. to consetva- i ti*tn. i; "It is indetMl- hard to. conceive Imw any I rational and patriotic man can give his voice j and fo swell the deadly power of! radicalism. Can any such irari doubt that ! . the only salvation of our country,ts by Hie | union of the American jieopie aroiuid the ! conseivative standard ? It- is univer-allv ! conceded, as a iffontetiiphr iry says, that union ; at the North is lieces-arv to success. Whal i - is success ? We answer : Peace and the re- j stored power of the Coiisinuti -ii ami the Uu ion . That is complete SUOO-BS. Why is j division at tne Nnh ? Because the : Radical party boldly proclaim their inieutioh f* to oppose the restoration of under ibb f old l T mon, or anv union wi'fi slav holding Sta'es. They assert" there can he no peace with slavery, On the .other u?nd, l' e OoiiservuttSif. biilieve that px simple, steadfast adherence to the (Jomiiiiutioii will k give us pence, and what we waul, the Union <>i• winch pla'foim is it easier to uui'e ? (>t winch is success more likely to be achieved " The Radical plaifoiut r quir--S us t<. abaruh n the Consti uiioiv atmnd t struc'pre which was ever erected fry human bands. Tile ofiier platform, file c-ui s -i vative i lea, proposes to sue the old struct ure in all it gl wy, marred s.-qiewhat bv thi nwiible experietic tlirougu which r will have prPi,' bnt substantially tfe same Uuio.i <| which W.-whirrgfoH ac.d ft?s C'rtfn i nions tvpr<- the fotindcs. On tliis plaiforin every pain otic Ainer can cm stand, ought to stand,- j must.stand,' if we would win that succt ss lor which we si rive. > •'The wild folly wh.ich for more tfia i a year pfluihtt'il to cry ' treason. Bemnn,' at every voice raised f r the (X tistiMi ion. hi lieen hushed. The accu-a'ton 'f il sloyalrv hurled at tluv iireo who sp>>,f firm f r the ol 1 t Union r< coiled on those who were assi.tiioii-lv | plotting to estrov it. Tie Wi" of the whole ■ conniry are now ffx.-d or. the c i:si-rvat ; ve ! men for help, advice, puLla l ce. AM c.u fi deuce in t'ad cal m< n arrd radical fneaming .( J one mind. What an iu'ense relief would the t j whole country feel to dav if ii were known that seme ristv oarisprv itiv,. was to h • j President .if the ITnitcd States lyr'Const iMi ttrinaf sn cfw ! Acting nn U r the nilvige of Mich men. the people'''will pre 1 serve ffie present Admit ist rat inn in power, natiym'ly bearing witli i's It fiymities_^prtct ; inp firmly against its errors, rnd in the right tune restore the C.Aiskitnf iojh to cbjks#tva- ; I |ye jpPo'eetiotl, Then will American greatness." i - - ~ , ~~ —TT~ r j* Pnistokt. E vTiMrYi 'Ms.—Th.'Provt-it A^ir'l. _ has | uhTishvd an atnende.l schedule, \ redtioing the nu'uber of di-eases and infirmi- { I ties which will disqualifv drafted men for : military service fro in fifty to fortv-oiie spec iffcationa. The efF c' of this order will com- i pell many men m future draf s to perlor o ' military duty who have herctof -re lieen ex empted for trifhng physical disabilities. I The New York E.rpiess reports that ex tensive frauds, amounting to near $lll.OOO hive been committed bv a htgh ufll6oil in ihe i New York Cusiitn ll'use, by means of a | false entry and other cheats. _ ■: , { "THE OoustiHition and the Union ! f place "them together If they stand, they must "stand together : if they fall, tliev must fall " together-"—DAXIEL WB*TSA. '■ J' COMMtVICATBD. FULWCfJAfvY CCNSUWPtIGN A CURABIf DISEASE !! A CARD TO CONSUMPTIVES. The ÜBders|fned having Ken rei.fcored to health a a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having \ several years with a Revere lung aQVtion, . and that dread dise se, Consumption—is anx'ous tA make known to his fellow-sufferers the mean's of a CUie ■ t" i To all who desire it, be will (end at copy ef the prescription used (free of charge,) with the diiec tionsfor pre pa ring -and using thu same, which tlicy will fiud a svre cure for pQMSUMPTro.v, ASTHMA BRONCHITIS, COUGHS COLIIS, Ac. The ouy object of ! the advertiser m sending the Preecriptiou is to bene | fit the afflicted, an I spread infonaation which Ive cr>tu ;b. tho 3rd fl'#.. bjr Rv C. It 141 ue, Mr Oris Wairru ? *nfi EHILV; Auufcsfa .SHIFKKU bo.h of Tank " liPW^lflP—ln F.ilie, Wyoming C'-un ty, I'-i, on Sunday tho 29 th, ult , bv H. L Furger son, C I|, MR OAKLET B. WILLIAMS of .Sussex Co. Now J.RIWY. v, MM EMILV HUNTS* of FaiU. CMCMCOAftD-fKLKY —fa Erie* Js-iUe,\Sifiq., Co P„ on tho 2.i I hut. by K JV. J .fa,, Mouigben, Mr PETER MCOFE of M-hoopany, to Mi?a MIKV AS* ( QI;IGLET ofJlF*(%}ffcß. iT'l f Ofc : ilaa / / v't fx. We acknowledge the receipt of a niece of hi^M* ■■r—-Si-rafc*.v j- .I**7 -*.>. -V-m . .' ' * •' l 7 onrtTnented nn I rich cake from the fair bride in this 4*e.j Ihomosi. evi-lerUe to , Ba, that dm L-v.-oiur as (kill id i-oolc-ry it c tncerned lully pr< pare ito enter into her new tn*t - rimoniai relation. Peter should, and dorffarlrre liil' see to it; that, that doleful nownl that twwnot tr*u .temping the bottom of the flouV barrel, shell neve* fall upon her ear*. : . ——————■■— i, - •-*-- -f ' ' S*'lTfl—fh this Borough, on .*sl t unlay Dec. sib, 13C;J IIAITIE LITTLE. Htlant .laughter of Dr. J. V. and Eva smith* Aged i year 2 months aid 19 days. ' 1 This lovely Bui so young and fair, Ciilffc ! heitpdlry e-riy doortb ' "" Just came to show how sweet a fjnwer In Paradise may bloom ; -*' Special Noticds. A Select Sehofil, WILL ecunnieive at St FT ALL, in dTEKLINUVI LE, WyouiiC . l'o., on Monilay, December Tib,* 1863, and continue fourteen we-1^ The bran-hes taught will embrace the higkett grp-tool /tcmieiuii: Kmdics •) . : Jf Expenses—pa\ able iu advance. " "oruiiMjß English"- - - -- : - $4 00 ILgtivr—Ti.i-toii.-. AA •, - - $4.50 Academic.— Natural Science's, Lan guages, A.-., - - 85.00 "• *- EL.MDKE li \-B-u 17-t 3-*. J 5 he' t< (Using i.irti i • i.i;nh-Jait An j ulp cau.iu some time since, but was inadvertantly ouiit- A Card. My friend? In M l.edp.tny ifcocji iny thai ks for their generosity HI ai lug' me to uleetHhe •> MAUUS OI ILW avait, A>UCA -FA NIL> ML JMU'BII aivng-tLc i-alhway of a Ibiig atij happt life,' ' -> ) I). W Mchoopany, Oct 21, IS63—v 3 ■. t7. '■ / - r -—-—T-T'' .~ ? *^- ' T ~f • - Ktrays if t;> the enclosure of the subscriber on or la>ut ) ti c 20i ii of O. i c .-i i -r * R( The owttcr is rcqtii -ted to come forward, |uo petty, pay charges an i take her a.Tuy Monroe. Xo 27, ISS3 - v3-p I?-t3- Lost ... >t ' I") Y the subscriber on M-ndayof Court week, A J larga [ aiso. white, irtag.-ti Oikteus, a red staesh around tho vr/ists, fvdd mt.lens were losttttweeu Tanthamro- k Village and Win. Shaw's. Any iiffor luaiiau c.uoeiumg the >aaue will oe thaukfuiiy re ceived . i E X BACON. Aoiice 13 HEREBY triv.-w thst I hive purchase! the C nil Boat ' Al irii.of alt. Heasuit," of E-iwai to ute.t hv him 'iunug my w,U .ui pleasu.-e.. All persm s lor id to molest or inretiere with the same 11. L. FCRfIERSON. Falls. Dae. MB 1%:!. vtf.i 1.5f. i •.' : r { liSTRAY. / aonie tn tue ertcfaisurc ad" tiM.--£uh'rii>wrBer About [ i ling s>'cor. The owuer is retpies'eil to couie lor ward I prove property, p*y c.harg-s a..l lake it on away. J, G. A R. T>. F.tNSKrT Win lhr.tu, Dee. 7th. 1563.—v01.-3-no.'-18-t3. 3 v ir a FXRettiiMti no iicv.. / IT til E'l Vt - t'-•"u;-'v *-t; r'TiJre jran \ !;r 'Hei to llte un ierSTgiif' t'Vlx the late will apt restajue.nt of rtllil'e is cheraroo.l late of Fa 11 a 'l'oui;-hip. 'u.eeesis • I X'-.ti eii hereby- given"ffi all po:s ins h ivhig claims or demnn Is agi'tnst tlie *4* ate Ol tfi'A-.ii'l ■K-cf-dcnt, to prc-ent 'li-iu for sctilctltent with ut <1 .-I iv, t.i the uniletsfa.ocd ft in sII l 'fown-'LITP, rr at Newcon Cen re, Luz., Co. An I timet in teidrii los iftl estate are fequcstedW■ make itnmeUhile payuicDt : - ' rU^IMiiUAOOD, Kails, DecV mike them know to lhe;un tlersirntd if falls Township, in sail County, without ik-liv ; utrt thn-e 'rtdkbted to the estntb tiro request ed to ui.fkt! iimucdhito payment . . I aiAUTIM tsICILUkK. Iter. 9iU. 1" '3 5. vli-nl.-'-wti. Administrator's Notice. ]\TCfTICP. rs licrebr g Yen, rlorf l.rtfers of A lmin xS istrution has been .granted to the undersigned Ity the Register of Wyoming Co. upon the Est:Mo of Abrtuu Forgois m. late of Aurikmure'aaiA: in a tid Oouuty",'le.'onsed- All person- hufing any claims against said Kstate, viill present tb|iu duly aUlhvntie.tcil, and nil person* in lebte'd lo ami csiato will make to the Administrator without de lay. PiIINEAST rOTWERSOX, AJHi'r. Nnrthiuerclan 1, Dec. lieb, lAu.J.—\3-nl7. Orphan's Com t Sale. BY Virtue of an order Or phan's Court of Wyoming County, There will be exposed to public sale, by Vendue and Outcry, at the House of George W. Smith, on Golden Hill, , in VViudimm Towmhj the lo.lowing described pieee, jpfcrecl 1 or tract of land, late the estate orffcw is K. VV bitcomb, deceased, situate, 1} iug.aud being /• 1 % In the To *n hip f Wirvlh im, in n tid County, Bound and described as f-Hows, vix : • at it corner on the Western line of the ' tK'o'd Vriuwn'f.s paft Wf'hwNl. 34. i ntent to Win. Smith, iu the y tr la 4 ; Thence s the com pa- now in lieu ten. North forty-eight degrees East along iau la now i tvnc I hy T. M W hit ouil>, gcreuty to ro-is and six-tenths to a co.rupi; Thehcu Jvuith. forty-two ritjcri'i'S E ist forty rods an 1 one tenth to a • corner, on line of Uu Is of the heirs of Eleaxfr fake, dec< usoa; Alienee South forty-eight degrees and a qui iter, along ''no !>f rail Lakes' land, sixty-seven lors and six-tupfUwta a corner, near a small link >iy Tree ; Tbeiieo NerUi forty-i ino degteesanl three quarters, West along a line surveyed in 1830, forty one re s, jrt> th pi oo of beginning. o(Hit.iiiiug seveu'.ueu acres unl ah ilf,he the sains niore or less. . .. . Tkmß of Sale.—One. third to he paid down at time of sale, and the balance on confirmation of sale. HEN BY W.FABSETT, & ! ELIZABETH WHITCIHIB, Administrators of the Estate ot Lew- I is K. Whitcomb, Deceased. —v3-nIS.