'• • •• U Del*, Lack. ii. \A c THE t'h i\ \ I EAVES GREAT BEND AT -7AO \ : M.„ ■ 'J'- JLi tor the arrival at 6.30 a.if..,of Ihe 1 TI EXPRESS fom tho \Y'e,-t, toe a' SCRANTON. where it arrive* ui 10. IU a. n.'with a train on the LACKAW ANNA.fd ltd RAILROAD, for PITT6TOK. VYuiil-NC VAL LEY, KINGSTON attil WILKES LAKRE .nt-I with the DELAWARE an.l II (ID. OX RA Li.R< 'AD f-r I'll OYIPENCE, OIA'l'H \NT*niM*BOX DALE.i At HOPE STATION this tnia connects hv omnibus with the BELVIDERE DELAWARE I; \ILRO\D for I'IIILIPSBVRG, THEN TO* on i PiftCADA. — At NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION, where it ar rives at 2.25 p. m , tha some traiu connects with traius on the CENTRAL RAILROAD of New Jer sey, for ELIZABETH, NEWARK. XKW-YuKK. EASTON, BETIIHUIE-M, ALT EXTOAVN, 31 M I H CHUNK, READING or ! H AHRISRI RG. gerabv this train nrrive in *XKW YORK M-TD.'l' '> . PA I L ADELPII IA . t T.CO, :... 1 .1:; I at 8.20 p. ta. The trains 'onving I jt of CO! R1 LAND NEW-YORK, at B.UU a m., an.l KENSINGTON DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA, at 7 10 a. hi . cdrtlecr i with the Passenger Train of this road. leiivlfn* NEW HAMPTON JTNf'TfON at 11 :0 a.m. anil arriv ing at SCRAN TON at 402 p. m . where it connects with a train on tiio LACKAM ANNA and lILOOMS BURG RAILROAD, arid With tie omnibus running to the DELAWARE aci ill IkaON RA ILIiOA D. This train arrives at GREAT FUND at G.lO p. m , making a t-losc connection with the mail train going West on the ERIE RAILWAY. A> ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves SCRANTON af 10.10 a.m., eon nee (jug ft GREAT BEND with tho d..y Express train West on the ERIE RAILWA Y, Bv this trai i pnsei stirs ar rive at ITHACA, SYRACUSE, RUT FA 1.0, Ac. the j nine day. Returning, this train leaves ORE VI BEND at 2.20 p. m., on the arrival of the NEW YORK EXPRESS going East, and BUFFALO EX-! PRESS going West, and arrives in SCR.VTON at 5.30 p. nr. JOHN BRISBIN, Superintendent. R. A. HKNKV, General Ticket Agent. Scranton, June 15. ISO 3 ZSFgVSX&eXf —AGAINST— FIRE! EIRE!! FIRE 1!i Taken r.t this office, cn all kinds of Town on ! Country property, at the MOST nu.iso.vAKr.i. Ttnws, and for any tiure. from THREE 310NTIIS TO FIVE YEARS—either WITH or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOTES Is tho company reliable ? Will it promptly pay its honest losses? are the important inquiries with ull insurers. AVe answer : THE LYCOMING CO. INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FOR TAYEN T Y-TIIR EE YEARS.—IT HAS | A AVELL SECURED C API AIT, OF OVER 12.400,00 IT PAYS FRO.AI SGO. TO 8125,f-00 LOSSES ANNUALLY. ALL LOSSES AF.E riioiIPTI.Y ADJUSTED AND PAID. EACH IX.SLT.EK IS ITRXL-HIED WJTH AN AU TITEXTfCATE D AXXt*. , NL'AL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS CD TDK £DMPA- I NY TIIECOMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON I JUST AND EQT IT AE L E PRIXCIPI.ES. ! TIIE CHARTER IS rERPETUAL. References lie. Wr.i. M. Piatt, Hon. A. K Peckham, Henry Stark and S.wnucb Sr.irk IN.j-. of j this County ; S.iyer A Bros, of Susquehanna, ; n George SI. Hollenhnck an 1 others of Luzerne Coim: \. | who insure in and have been paid l -sses by this. Company. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. WHJSKEBSITI PKIjATUBAIFS STIMULATING ONGUENT. I F RENT II CP. i: AMI!! FOR BAED HEADS AND BARE FACES!!! TIIIS celebrated r.rti 'e is wnrrpr'ed to bring' oat u full set of Whiskers n or by his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co . and ask? only that his specimens nary be examine 1 and bis method of dealing bo tested. Al! orders by letter or otherwise, far Trec3 a i:.c s or pi: nts will be promptly attended to. v2n3l-ly. I>. H ARK INS. THE EATEST 38PJ8WS FROM EUROPE Tg fully conSrmatnrr of former reports that Ttilu DUTCH IIA VI-1 POSSESSION OF HOL LAND* It is also authoritatively announced that o. sS. ILfEilXss has exclusive possession of iho STOVE AND TIN-SHOP —AT— TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in tha lino of his Irade can bo had at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will f.t.d nf Lis Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of CO OK.IKT O-s, AND SARLQH SS?a¥ES, wHballthe FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attende 1 to o 1 short notice agi on REASON Allbp T |-: p jj s . H. 33 PAiniU C:r , PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE. „ .. O S. MILLS. Tookhannoik, Nov 4, 1963.—v3-nl3. 1 Our A".'FAMILY GRAVING MACHINE i- fast g •i'.ing\ Wftrtd-rri-te wfnK* Hon. .It '-b --vsnd doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of .ill Fitnil; Sewing Machines yet off.-red to the po'dic No other I'unity Sewing M '.chine has so many useful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell- i Nirii'. Tucking. Gathering Gouging, Bttiiding, Km.- : ur 'v . ,J Mil eh in- h W much < fr n#r it y o: rot - I will sev. stu ' ids of ell % :\U'\ kfii GiStif ii)) 3 ~r ■-incni- milka .our i-V . v ivi .g Mini lit • n %-t .;.77l iii! np™r;", Jmm ' lion at all laics of speed It makes the stitch, which is the best stitili known. Any i tie. ev en of the most ordinary eaparity, can -wc. Nt a glance, how to use the letter A" Pvmry "Sewing Machine - . Our Family -o wing Machines -re finished in chaste and exquisite style The Folding i aje of the Family Machine is a , piece (if cuffOlf? ax ricw>fbip ni tho iiwrt-" nseoP ' kinl. in ttfce, 4i ' | when about to It operated may ' • opened as a ,-pi ' ( ious ar. I substantial table lo sustain the work. AVhile some ot the Cases, made out of the choice-' woods, are finished in th simplest and chastest man- , tier possible, otliers are adorned and cmbelisiied in I the uiost costly auu supeb manners. ri i? o- ' F-iPiU} Ma *w art 4 ju l-r# Oi' U ty and beauty. . ' I ; It is fist bee inimr as popular for family rowing as gur iiuinuf.r tui ing in icbinc.- are for uianuta. Tur ing perpnsv* lhe Branch Offices are well supplied wi'h silk twist, thread, needles, oil, Ac., of the verv best qual- fir a Pampbw.Tv.- THE SIXGER .MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 453 ip-nrdwav. New Yitrk. ' F?~Phl!adc!phLt <>F!I O, 8 ! O Chestnut F. D "A. \ ***■'* i 0 TU ° k " , " n '"' k ' —AND— iS3a.oj>. cya ff F sutis ri' or has ju-t rweeivrd fit h ? s aliop. ovn 1 il.uikiij-1 n's ta-rc. iu MESHOP E 4 PA., and ttili eoiist.in'lv Uiepoi hint ail die latest MPOVED Ei(M| Among win li ar the CALORIC," Mi MLR cn i "UN H'N'' patterns, vvjn, PAiUk'dii Ai an i Heaters ot every des iv4ii,n, p, SMCET-SROH, j. AND- Cnppvr Ware. !1 ki'Vts oa h 111 mlini! ■to o • Icr Als-t I'lI'LK U AGON lit)N2>, AM)BLEIGH> FO;{ S T I,IK Th ; fmj'iil.ir Coolt|n ; S: ive, F o rest i\ tie r 11, (Elevated now for the first, on . < for rf inch, ts2s tor I) : nch, SEP Am HI 4MI 0 -5 0 Is 31W8 neatlv aud plump'iv done. - liHMIV STAN-i.URY Meshoppen. Dec ITili. 1 5: ?2 —v'fntf'v. MRS. WOOD'S < !■•*! iVif s\'Ul ,1 j STIMEUTIM ■ IfSIilT FOR WIIZSH3RS SI IIA 111. THE BTTMULATINO ONVt ENT AND INVIG 3RATGR will r&fo/tTli ur o tne tn! i h • I. gi . lew lite and la origii d color •. ay i: i " •ati-e red4iiiir to gfoW inn- 1- wtivi •I to < in. iiit a thick set of. WIiISKET.S CR A MUSTACHE ! in froui Lb fee 'a "ix weeks. This ::i.-to is iho oti'i' ■ ■no of the kiAFii-. ■! b.v the Ftench, ml in Lnndoy and Palis it is in universal use. It is.a beautiful •• iniomi nl, - rrrhing, yc: stsmul i frng cwrrfpoun 1. n< tir;g a® if bv in tgi * uisin the roots, causing a btMuriiltl growtli et luxuriant hair It r.p plied to the srnlp >' will cure B.xt •>*" ">••• cause t upTn ]T;in direetious, it v.i! 1 t-.iiu Iti I'>W ; Hgij i. !• \es. -v. > r-s* v i.v fin to its original e.dor, 1- iving if reft. smooth, an i flex n,le The ' ONSirsT".!' " i.. :i-i..n 4 1 1 !f ..rtt. !. in every '*er, ;in J ; ! cr < i" <"••*!% - tie I hey woul 1 not ir finv cti n.- i ivri'i'n 'c wiihtMit it. The snhp. ri urn .re Airents for tii*- :irti t< in tin Unite 1 States? Ail o. !.rs must be nd dressed. Price Oxb Hollar a b>.g— far* de by nil Druggists and Dealers —or a boxofthe •* unguent, warranted to have the detire It iIV.-t, will b? ..eat.t® any. who p > sire it,by mail, ( lireet) sei-uueiy imelrcd,- on recei|t of tiriee and postage, SI.IS. Api lv to ..• ad lrs HORACE WOOD "South 7th St 'or druid, Willt Miisburth.n ft FOAL RKT.4 T & '-W-rc .r --.A.XTjiTIS. he subscibrr. o&r v i r srU the f,....nir,.r prop er!?. Those wi-hibgatd p nri n ire r'• '• estate can do so at n bargain* , ONE LOT OF LAND ijtlrin -iT'O tflile of \i h<>U-' >!) Depo f I' L A R R of sixtv ji'ii?, pnrtlt i •yt'ovmi. with ' go-el Louae end burn theieoti. Well watered, .'.til living water rum i'.jgintUe h wise A GOO!) COMl'OliTMil.li lIOM 1 . S< >l.! > • A >W. i 500 A CUE- OF WfLD LANf>* xl Ij. /jjing tr-jn • no t.. two m'.lee t: o-.: 'he station., in 1 fslo mit i'pyers \ t f \ OTHER REAL ESTATE at a low ' J V_) figure. For terms, call on P. v 55EAFLE Ag't. N: 'holsjo Station. 1> L. i~ W U. R. July 23 18u3 '■rF 3 - The upil ireigne 1 has just opened a NEW HAR NESS-SHOP at Ibe T. i.'ic.-y Building; IN MESiIOPPEN. Where !.e is prepared'fb rdrtitsb all kinds of work in hij line, from ihnsat-E iieh o a full set of Har r. 'ss, rt fciiuU uoUee.au I 911 ihe most REASONABLE TERM 9' •VJMUI At ./i f / Blepairingr NEATLY, CHEAPLY, AND EXPEDITIOUSLY DONE. GIVE IIE A CALL. JAMES SHAUOiiNRSEY. Meshoppen, Oct 23 1353.—v3-:il3-tf. JV. SMITH. M. D, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, * Office on Bridge Street, next door to the Demo crat Office, Tankhanuock, Pa, N & V GRG'C I;KV —AXE— * - - Provision STORE! t •... The Suhseriher has ofcne l a Umecry np • •/"" • itu Ito of Ih-m •!• itttf fit n It **• * "I""' , (i .I -if I. jio-.- il'ft I Hl r "• HI ' I* •" ' ~rinjf wiliinj;. itt aii.i.t. i Of times'' (tic fir.itiis with Ijie ivMrioiuir*A A )' o. ' iftX t< |>'irhiM !'.v of I lie inilowintf nil •<• ul t[i> well to cill on 'U.e aito>rii i | Vt T.i • •• whero Tea, C-iff•.• I Thread, Line*. Thread. Hewing ilk. Butt> 'tis, Thnuhlos, Pins Needles. Shawl Pins. Watch (I it a r. Pi-ini. Orion*. JO'. lilip li:icutox Tunkfrttiriork L'co. 10. lSfii. HARDWARE k ID0\! HJTTSoO'S & BLAfi] \OW OVPRR FOR S \ I.I: IROX. PTR I. NAILS ANT) SI'IKRS. MINE llAl!,, It A TLRr. n SPIKES, ANVILS, LELLOWS, UoR-E-Si; ;js. e Ttrrrin?a onD (CmiUsl) gurse Hails, WROUGHT IRON. IIHIIir lOBIA I Iff v ljrn r - I CARPEXTKHS' Tf, M'TS. vvA -n; BS t: FT.TtNMI, P.VOIU'NN; GR ND S ; ONES; I ' 1 PLASTER PARIS. I Ml! XT, !!\TP. *nv.lM- I w iirn: i.i-AD, i v, im>OP.-*SAND PUM3-t > j lf\M> r N \ v 1 PMFSf* AND MAM I \> 'TI . - ED 10 OI'.DKR LEATHER It AND FIXDIXdS. : FAMiBA.iKS.SCALt^. 1 c "" . i. .'inrrti 2(5. IRti'd vln.)!l- I* ! I*. A 11. T. A NTHON V, j. Mai ufuellireis f I?' I'lnjMi''' ir 'lulu Mils, 1 ' m Broadway; ?>,7, , , .JJ A 1! 1) I' II OT I) (i ll A I' M 6 ** Oar (Vt-t '• nga ' n omV (I c • -4 f ih iu I litlVruis tu j- ,i ( • i.i.-ii :i • : rot, are rtiiitmu Ti>' b ; ixg .0 oh) of 1' . j; j. ~, , ! i American-, <-tc, vi/:~72 M ij >r . rain, 191 r.rij ' aiiier iJanei i'\ 250 ri.♦*?! i 2.300 c pics of v.'oiks o! ait, in In ling repro In rii .ns "filic luwst'c khrnted EugYnvings/ Pain'ifq-', S: j I lit< *. fte Catalogue* on iceelpt'oMawp. An j 1 or lor Cor One !V.?i n PT'TT'IIE'- l'r in ' w ratal >gue j will be fi!!--l en receipt ol S 1 .HO an-1 sent bv la til I lice. PHOTO GRA~H IH7~A L B U US. orili.se we inannfatture a .'rent variety, running | ( in price from 50 rent* t. S"0 each. Oar A] ; .u>.is h jve he rc pa tali-m of heirs; superior | in bfiiuly aii l-.lui .Ijililv to any otiici-. The sinallei ; , kinds, an be Sent safely by inuil at a railage of six i ecnis jer oz I The iimro expensive en he sent by e.\t>re.-s. 0 , We ali keep a larc assortment of is& , £ ; Our CJta!.a;vie of thiise will !• sent to any j uu fr 'F ..a receipt ol vvamp. & H. T- ANTHONY Mancfarturerfi of I'll tograpliir Mntcrinl ; 501 BROADWAY, JiEW YORK. Fried? or relative? of p.omincnt miliUry men wili eonferna favor hy sending us their likenesses to copv. i They will he kept cnrcfutlv and returned uninjured. fine Albums Made to Order for Congreen | tious to pieent to their Pastor, or Iji tduev pui j.oses, witiit sunihlo insebfrtiotis. A'e 6mo i ! r IMF FOR FARMERS. AS A FERTILIZER I W forsaleat VWIXOY Mesh.p|*n Sepl.lß IS6I resli G'onnd Plaster in Q,uaniifies and at prices to euit purchasers, now for sale a ' ehopp*n nj K Mowjiy Tr DDL. LACK. & WKSTEPvN RAILROAD. OSTIM3 A_ en ' ON an l-nftor Mono'.t 2oth 1861, Trains will mil as follows : EXI'RESS I'ASSENOERTRA 1 N> |L„V, n,0:, lviri t 7:20 A M Hop! rftuifc 8:2.5 •' , • • 8:40 " villi •••9 04 ;.A rr'a-.p ■•■;••■■ • •: ■ . .v.ft : iW '• ' .•rr.TN'ON H M- . I 10:41 •• • J.-n'-NUor 1 ! ;07 • : 'b--. •••il-- J <9 : \j v : ••: • ! J:ie C iitmjii i • •• • A ••... Oeliwiro- | U'j: iJ'hil' Iflj ill i olil'O t ion) .. | • G flciir i 1. v : .. 1,-,:;. .. W-ishiiir'iTi ... r-TfT .1 en tin '••'2:;2 Arrive at New Voi'ls oilO . ... . VOV.M; nil. il- Leave New York fiwtt fw t- f CuiKtlun,} ISer V.. i. N.I 'll ill r, . 7 ; ',-fj . 1 I'hiknieljilti •• Ifoiii Ken- l)e|Kit 7:10 Lrave Jitnetion- 11:1") ' Wi rh ii|r i t 1 i.•;.., • Oxfor.i U:"0 •' Ik.]*'(l'ininte||.!)i,. ionsiertion)•• 12:1-1 R. M. Ol i 're 12:4 i '• i ('oi it in I-i i 1:00 ' I Water •• • • • j.jg i. •. h-kftf* —• .••• Lm Tol 'lv alt i••• t.' 2:42 t" ' (loiiMskrin 2:55 •• J Wow 3.17 " SOKAXTON 4: tO " \ 'inwfnti 4:40 *• l'i ' r.vvaie 4:3(1 " Ni. 5.4(1 " llopl.e 5:58 " | •Vim' 0:00 New .Milfoc I■ • 6:21 " I Arr ve at (ire.it l|en,| fi:4o " if" fluff Trains eniiafi I #t Ureat Ren I with the : v i-r'it P\i Av-- 'lrftins li'fli Klrf ifTTI Wr.-r ?on the ! New Yolk tinl Ki ie, ;tn l at Ser niton with Train* on j I. I. '.mr.i *ti I !(' otrishliri' R iilneol. for Pirtsron. ' ICnu-'' n ni WtlkesH rre; an-i th" Tr in m iviiie Smith '-nniiif-ts :-r Jttretton ith Trains tor liethie !e n. Mait.-h ( liujik, ami Harrishuv I'ii-v neer- to an i rroni New Vorfr ehenr ears a j Jiioetif :i. 'fo iintl I'riHtt Rhil:nlel['hi i, via 15. ]). R I R leave'or r. ke ears tit Hope. ! l*o. f'iet!on, ami t .ke 1.. : \ 15. 15 R ears at JScnnton. ! a Jessup, Archli 1 i ami Carbon-la!e, lake Oruni ) kits nt 8 iiititAn ;• ACC< > MOD A NPY TN.UX. MAYING NORTH i Leaves Svnnti>n 9:5t) '• AJj'fVi'vr- Y •' .!• H!'V- •• • >0 '• Nicholson " | II ij.v iUt.ui 1221.3 IV M • ■'*>* * New .Milf-r.l l:' 20 " rives at Great l;.-nd- 143 " MoYiXG SOt'Tll I l.e.ivv- Great iVnd- •• • 11> IV M New Mii f ..r.|,.v' 2:43 ' Mont to.■■cm 3:b3 1 II ' N'• :•• = !*-. 1 4:13 ' 1 .1% lory \ ille- • ;1 4 •' A'fcfrt'.a •' ' r -4r Arrive- at SV r Tit.iri. (s:3ft " 'lhi- frill! li'vi 1 - -r n'Hti eftrthe arrival of tlx , Ihiin ! .;•! M t ml ontv at (Ire-it I'end | M'th the ti ii Fx pre-- 'I i tin- t.;>h E .st ntl West < n I >: -v v n ~n uW | . J"UN i'ill>AiN. Suji't i >u; avriiH-ic!-i. <::i-o J j S r niton.. Nov. 23. ISof.) POSP ICTUS | 'of ( * OJI ft : €-|c 3L gc, i 8 MTIIIII liiiffl! (iliflPll TO EE FUBUShtD DILY AND WEEKLY IN Till; tin >iV *. iiY \ I. liU^siiKEXXKliA'c... iA J. rtns.BRt:SMKR FIIA.VM* J flltfKn. WILLIAM II WT.LsII i!i ".IS; ' • i. .v ■ • ' I |.J j. !• : ■ I jmli i i )' if, if .1 •. , u-.r | ■ - ih : •.r f'ie restoration f tlx Union as i w* 1 •n 1 -tefl'ii tlx* t'mii- mi' ■>n • f ex; iiiite.l - t it* ~.; i ! if,i i.i t'i . (Viiwnnnn >HI i. ft f-*,.i r .n j t It ■: i. i-ei iin it •ru I I : ' ' i ilivl.t. "il ..at ...Uim-, •i I j i■ t, '••. \ - .• •null no coin too lit oni o>i i i 1 wilt i.viniw.l nit it. ■ j. . : So , . ,||. I ! *i tiLr 4 Aj.l ,3i.:t. lit- I:i nt., , . u,. .... j a /,■<•..! iriiiivi in-1 • rittit jU i Tr-i • proper *<•<• o|lhe -i .'H I! oodxi a i tic Re ti | iU-—n. pre-o-n to fiie.R, tin ii.nl: , i ic .. en!- J | !!t!li II \"1 Jt ir>ii 1 II.; lU < ~ilt I.• ■i: 1 I I till- fisk tit I I :■<•! .I- I.i •:.■ !. ■. V I k Miir 1 >• itwrtc •• t . wt'tii.!! jrioliv, ear .i , .v: :i C:.M. .i 4 fill m.I ti Itiitll: ) iil.-t In it will, iii i'i fiti'itrs. i•. i. , it;,- : t'ifl •'Tf"ii'< v nt of ffiitfcr. i ••!.. "t 1 i ion r f it-*;i'.-*v.rtlv ••• ••>!/•>■ Las lAeiwiM-rotie (in- | :v. titoler - wln.-e iti 'j.'cf! iII riiunti v |inp.-rv I - • I 'air in 'I so will i Til resti mat ion r, y~l lie- I 1 I lux ill. liic L.M \ l.r ' |4iWi-r. .1.. iV 1 i on i'Sc oi vf ami n-neit '.ii ' n PS . ! i:<- - rs ni l ... if ritloti, \v '■- I 1 I'evr 101. i c, ct oii rto avi i f nnar. tiy, m 1 the mi. r I mB ttio lie |. ii i . lie. 'l'd coairiliitie to thai teto.:i 1 . i.-it 'II i oar i'ioji, . m, • we- Naiv*. Uivi C 'utvu-i I ml, .nil i- li'-r If- ! j i f:ii'"V)T Vrir.v I'.-', ft?"" :rt"|,ri. tT , 4 will in- I on itifoal us in tiiik- ' i IH. Aur." m.rtiiv ot iiie ] ti, |. -i. of • hi- o.'nor ■ i iv let. • ' The insi.y •! fti.iiliiif tiifti aiirr. Un in> an en- i t-i jir.si-o< tin-nt imniiti ie ot';h .i in win | t ih an Iffr ipiea are ens ijie.J, r. fjaii-.- tbeni to x|• j >o.ll to t lie I'lioli for a generous nf.j*>rt, iin I to nsk for "'I uk Act." a li .eral ji ttron ig't in I exten le-l eire'ulatiitn. 1 ln present m .to .t" t it • preparatory arriinguineius. u ?.• at'l-i Ui e <;■ ■•. t ... 4j, Ui t. tile kr-t nuDit- -r'of . tfr- |i illv T ill ~|4)i>'.r before tiie i !o o . f the coining i iimntf:. (February, l£tsv) The Weekly will he ne j suet soon therentter." RUT US. I;A!LY Ft-r Annani. _SG 00 i ?i* M' aths, 3 00 Ttiree .M"t,'l'.4,' ' '' ' "" ISO ! Copies 1 • 1* v -red t tiie count or, an i te A,i iits aad Carriers, cents each. V X WEEKLY v • Per Annum, $2 00 Six Months, 1 ou Three Hwtlis, .30 ! Ten Capias to one address, 17.30 Twi nty " " " 32 00 4 Thirty, • ' 45 00 I X Payment require! invariably in advance. Address, A .1 GLOSSDHENNEKJk CO ; 43') Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ' Jiinnary Enth. l?i|j • Fpifpnnfj.i; r iA JCFOHI^ dcREf TTC. ( 1 THE MILLION ! A most vntnnhle and wonderful ptitiiieation. A wo, I of 400 pag. s, rtu.l 30 > oloreil engra.ings 1)15, 111 V j l EE'S YAI>E ME( 1 M, an original and popuh treatise oil .Man and Woman, their Physiolog , funt ' tews, and Stexu:*l disorders of every kin.L with Nev ; er-Falling Heniedi.a for their speedy fine. Tlx i practice of PH 111 NTEK has long tx>en, and .-til) is. I ' unbounded, but at the earnest solicit.lion ot num. R ons person-, he hasheen in luced trt extend his Medi cal uscfuln ss through the tueiiiura f his "VADE j 'MECUM" It is a volume that should be in the ' hands of every family in the land, As u preventive of | secret vices, or as a gui lo for the alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visit- I od mankind. Onee py, securely enveloped, wilibe 1 fnrwarde I tree of postage to any part of the I'uited ' S'ntestorSO tents in P. 0 stamps, or three copies for $1 A I dress, pst paid, DR IIUNTER, No. 3 j i Division Street New Yom, t3N'C,4 ly j-tHiCi dn[Dßi| *i yh(i lf*i W^JmrXTTki ' COLLEGE, lUXttll MT()\. X Y. In Involution to Qitrt!if>j Young M*n f r UiighwVv 1) W LO.WKLL. I'nucip ;i, Professor of LHE ? -?en •<• *.T Accounts. Practical Accountant, AuthorofLowell's Tie at if" upon Honk-Keeping. Ida grain* ifluyfrat in the nine, Sir 'vi !' ISKIN. < - oiu met—it! V- ountsrit l'rrfcwir •> • : o*sod Vf'.wjH- d-itftJjxjmn A J £ut .1' i'l at •.! n l AJ. li:i !I1 ••:;t - ! P La:.-Mi . Pmiiiueiviil Luf--u!''ttnn .• if Cor i •' r. -->r )• ilia A '"emit., A-no-iint Tea- lim in Bookkeeping Ik j I.K'*TCH :<*>. 'i I viv • v: • Lf.. It In •'urori n Cniii i. . • • ■ ■ ! -IV.it •** K ...J. i, :.ci •>; . is. Paum p.,'.: L . > is i• riff . . ) Wi . • .j ■ . n, . . 1•if>!• >' lr ' (?u i ' is. vI ■ Jilli 111- I. ,J. :t fu uliT 1 i I tOUIHt , fi 12 IV-ek,- Li.-iA f'' r-11 1 1. i- fi, spiii I!o i MiiifH-u-oi u'„e Large -.i tln - iHink" an\ ••usini.-MS lira -,. iii>l qual'di it to cam a j s:iJay an jSeOO to SISOO JMT aoiiuiu. Assi-tnn c i ft n f'-ri-i! t.. tfr >i|ii:ii-s in obtaining si uations I lorn . I S'i fO to aO |,T week. For | 9iti. ul.irs serf 1 lor Circular, enclosing afmi;]!. ua-1v | TKV 'I II K NICHOLSON ?4! LS! ! fifsZ !*■* v>- u §l, 111 {XEAR BACON'S OLD STAND.) I r p J ITS Mil! hi e hcn lately re-fitted n r;?l nil th i modern improvements added and is now in I'lmrtre r>t c' N : "hiltcai. Wyoming county, one of the best M>l ! lets in :lie country. I'urliculnr attention paid fo Custom Work, : which will he done on short notice ] AT I. WORK WARRANTER, anl if nd p-,ti-A,r : torijy- tii.nc* Ui tjr i.e returned ut the expense of 1!i j subscribers : ' ri.OT Rof all kinds, MEM. an! FEHR .-or." mt- Iv on han 1 and for sole, nt the Low est t'j-t pri m ? fish ~r Flour paid for grain at the I!i*he*t Cash prices. S 1) 13AC0N. Proprietor IT/KT jIES \7%/ Vf l*% •■'Vjk t * C'\/\ '".J V.yJ % v r'.-, * jj -J V J sJSiP ■*£ 1* J J ' -ANI) I O 23 J?k. J=2. -*-W v~ . p* s *■- v r • T^-V-■ -" m en x.-^sy c fZ t iV E^y c -V 1 MANUFACTORY! ) Ti.o sul.S'Ti 1 or h - j .-t oj enel i u-'\v Furniture ' Cabinet ..n> Ciirr .M i.tuf tet.ey in Tunkhaimoel:. i nrjt if.Hir to '. M. Koio'f grneetv sf re—where art > k-pt on hint :tn i in nr. if mi <■ I t.. order r T A I< I, f- > of nil pirep. p:> i re. 11-. mi i s' vies i • f t' 'T: -;• i'l.r- ottom, nn i common. | IC li i! -11 "Sot II - • vl-P'/rs anliii ■( j !t! * I ■-* Ih \ OS. t'ott ' i tumor. ) CENTRE l Aiil I.S, WKJVM jjTAXIA?.. DOOK- I t'ASKs; nib fto ii ev ry 1 ' i wfcit-h can be found j i:t • I'ii ;t ".I'. ■ ■ •-.♦ .a; Hi ' .nt< in •!.. cou: mv. j W.ileh he w! seT! Nt prices ns low ft* Iney * erfii be I L-ficd fh •li - i: •• >-, both in aorliiiiiuwiiip Xul p.'i • i 'tii i<< i ia'.' -h |>t in the •.out.'ry he so li i sthjpuytt p'lrou-jfe' i R1 *AJ oIN < 5 of |t K-iiii- lone in a neat, substtm- I! it I vl WvrkniiiuiiJte X. P. —I i.e-p. ns h ?r* now -fir r-wl- ..ti.i -r. ' " . • A. 1 1 Mtj-.fi'l Ar -N;! five •* A. of lii< own, !i i !i ; \it i>r i, , i. ~j|' .0f,.,, I ... tfci'f bt! vt. • it f ,f• ,i stt .i- 'Oil ">. rnt 'fee. if) fT"'" rin'frr -'tn " - • \!:I: \(I \i>.\ A- J1 v Id, !PG2. 11.-J9l Traveling Public! CD i *. t \ r 1 5 1 „. i f I TO accomniod ite p< r-o;< wishing to £r > If public I tmifovc r>c fm*n 11;s j cto any section, *r re tarn,'tlie undci .gne.li to run * !o£a,ilT7 ULaixi© ; t .,0 . ° F I fa m m mfa aSv 4) v*\ f ? 'Jji , ,jS\ ! iSf & •&& *l]s JM j 1 to :>n 1 from.Euetcryrtllo Depot, fearing ids Jiolel ;.t , f ( -I (k, a. in , arriving Tit Factoryvi!!e in time for 'J'nt.ni to rrnt Jftnfc, Iktu-ljarh, j ami PHIL.-1 DELPHI A Returning, teivos Fa forvville on the arri.all of tlie New York, Philadelphia ami Accominodu- ! tii-n Train from Greet Ben I, arriving in Tunkhan nock at 7 o'clock, p in. N. 15 AM Express package® and goods will . 1.0 eonveye I to and frottr the TVpot-. at reasonable I rates; the proprietor h titling himself reap .lisiolc for j the safe 'delivery of all su-h entrusted to hi.- care. 'iVwnndu stage arrives nt this hotel nt 12 o'clock, i tn. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p m Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and WHkesbarre, ; leave .n the arrival of the Tofcanla e age, and ro ; turtiing connect with thesaoie. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 ..'clock. n. m„ connecting at M'mtroo- '■ with stumer (or liiugimmton, Ac. Returning. conn t ..ie ' with stages lor Pittswn. TDwnnja, Ac Persons wishing to lie called for nt their residence:, will he aeeoinmodated hy leaving their names at the Lotol of the proprietor. Ilorses and Carriages in readiness toforward paw cngcrf at all times. T B WALL j-ptTt - r?n? , } >} . * X J" K I>caliar taint or vJk AA > n fection which we call BCROPCI'A InHcr in bVfL the f'onfititutions of " c=r - vSV \ ,nu ' t " ni ' M f men. It fY/(TSTM either prodnees or ia P—NC ~of the blood, wherein V f. u;?#fiitid tie* ones m- Vffi i ~ii^vt?si f ' om P c,ent to sustain f '£p the vital forces in their P action, and • leaves the system to fn 11 into di-order and decay. The scrofulous i- i'i::: inn >' i* vtrio!tsl\ can-etl by mercurial •! - "*'■ !• v hciitir. di-or.imd digestion from 1 e : ; ?':iv looil, i iijiure air,- filth ntnl filthv li r t . u.uiou ; " indeed, it seems to be the to 1 .>f 1!' it wild -ays, " I will visit the iniqui ,i"! ~r i ■fibers nj>o! tlieir children." The ii;-' -i-s i.l.'ieii it oriu'iiiaU s take various names, a -ujolnatr tile it attacks. the !•• ■■'. s-rotiiia p'odu'-is rrf'ietcles.wvtnd finally ♦ i'o ■' toa ;in the glands, swellings whiofe* - and U'ctmie uUertms sores; in the , ! mvels. derangement!, which pro , ..;uf.. v 'i" i, dy-t'cpsia, mid liver com * i <: ii. skin, irnfi ivd and i utdtaeour I .e-e at havnig the satne origin. ' • .;. !((• remedy, viz. pttrifii ntion and i d! : ''f tl0 ilisoi tiers it entails, 'i hat it is far sujierior to anv o* ' remedy vet devised, is known by all ! w.n i.. given it a trial, "'iiat it does oom iii.:. v i s truly extraordinary in their effect a i.; .is class of complaints, is indisputably i iivi 't tfie groat lnuhitude of publicly k . ■ ! lemarkable cures it lias made of the 1.1 lowing diseases ; King's Evil or '! • l%r Swelling 3, Tumors, Erup i J. iraplei, E ;otehs and Sores, Ery ■ 13' .• J.ve o: St. Anthony s Fire. Salt t:--: i, Head, Coughs from tu bc-iT depa.ii;; ia the lungs, White Svaei'v' j ebiiitv, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Pvsp?p .ia c: Syphilis aad • i.iiibtniecUon . Diseases, y ... -. ".Tcihu?" v 37, nd, indeed, the whole e. - o! comjilainis titar arise from impurity •1 . • blood. Minute lejioit- of inoividual ... .. - : -I v LIE FNIFAL in AVER'S AVKKICAJ* AiitAN ic, which i- lurt ishcd to the druggists • .r. uhons d:s;~fbt:tion. wherein may l i 1 iini'l Mi* tliit'i tiotis for its UK, and some pf rkalri wbi Ii it has n:ade when ' :-!! ii'mwl 1 1: <1 failed to ado I'd relief. , i i-c ia-.es arc- jmrpose'v tt-.ken from all scc ( f the i-on itry. in o-fcr that eveiy n-nder I ra.jv ! r. c a -cess to some ore who cnti 1° , i cure. This -.-. ■ •; v otbet to t..c public under the name of Av; it's f vit-vi vht i.i.a, although it is com ' f ingt Ileus, some of which exceed the . -t 1 o-t.'i t a.-uia ttt alterative power. Ily vn;t tr ty p. or' t yourself fr.uii tftesttfter a• i. t'dauger of t..e- - ilisordefti. Purge out • in . conn; ;io;t- that rot and Aster in the 1 . purge out the causes of dis?nse, and Ivi ore-us health will follow. Bv iu pccalisr i - thi- rt-mc-'.y stimulates tfte vital fttne ' . and thus estvls the distemreis which | luth v. l ain ti.o system or burst out on any panoftt. i We know the publi.- have been deceived h •nasty compounds of Si -a/ a • '-i. that promts tifu. h and di 1 norhing; hut they will neither { tl- -reived ror di-aj; i-red in this. It- vim, ; have 'teen proven by a' tind.mt trial, and there t remains no qu :.-tion of ir> t- passing excellei.oe ; tor ihe cue of the afiUcting diseases it Ls in tt.ii/li-.l to reach. Although nnder the name natsf, it is a very diflferent lnedi- ine from tms ! icVr'whicl: has bcitn before the people, and is r'n rntare ciiortr.a! than any oiiur which luut cvet boeu a-aihible to theii CHEItRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Groat Remedy for Cdughs, Colds, Incipient Gon a.iniptcou, and for tiievrelief of Consumptive p-.tients in advanced stages hi of the disease. TAi*' ha* been so Iftng used and so nnirer /*Hy known, that wc need do no more than assure the public tiiat its quality is kepi up to the - uti er bus .been, and tbat it nuy lc rc K ; on to do all it his ever done, Prepared by Dn .1 P. Avi it A Co., f'rm ' al utui Annli/t>ral f hmiistf. Lowell, Mass. P old bv ell drrtg-rlsis every where. iv. Tui.kliiini:■> -k ; T Ik -pring, Lac-ytli e l. u' iiiig A Co., Jii bc'-eii; li A J Kreur, FaeN'i * a- -i t.v iji-irbws in .M-.-'ii iin-s everywhere. a i. f. Hi at tit® HAVE JCBT OPEXIU A SV.W DRUG STORE oppo.itc the residence ..fR. R. Little Kti, on tha C"!*ncr of Tioga ami Warren Streets, in Tnnkhan ut'ck Lorn ugh, where e.tn ho had all kinds o DREGS A N !> MEDICI NEB, DREGS AND MEDICINES DREGS AND MEDICINES, J'UUGS ADD MEDICINES, DREGS AND MEDICINES, DREGS AND MEDICINES, DREGS AM) MEDICINES, DREGS AND MEDICINES, DREGS AND M DICLNBS, DREGS AND MEDICINES, DREGS A Ni> ME DDI A ITS, Din uS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS,"* CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS EYE ST EPFS, DYESTTI PS. DYE STU KFS, DYE STEFFS, DYE STEFFS, DYE STTLFS, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICIFES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT .MEDICINES, PA CENT .MEDICINES, PATENT M at ICINKS, PATENT MKDICINER PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, wiiti everything usually folnd In his line. * Presvrij tioiis accurately filled ; and all orders promptly attended to Dr. J C BECKER * CO. Tunkhannoek Pa. May 6th 1563 v3n3ol_ 110 \V ARO A SSOCI ATI Cm, HIIILADELPHTA. -or the Relief of the Sick A Distressed, afflicted icith Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure qf Diseases fthc Serital Organs Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea or Semina# Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Dr& u anion the New Remediesetnployed in tie Diepee->e ry, sent to the nfflieted in sealed letter enveloi> <*is of charge. Two or three stamps for |st **•* acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOI G TON, Ahting Surgeru. Ilitvard AaaociMion, V *? Vintb Vtresi PhiUDlpfcis Tw, InWT