SIO,OOO Worth of Goods ARRIVING AT THE New Store! AT MILLTOWN, PA. fTbw is your time to pursliase t. FELL* GOODS, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWAKE, GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES' HATS & CAPS, And a V ariety of other Articles too Numerous to mention, Cheaper Than Ever. C. SHERWOOD, Has received direct from the cities of FHUDBJHiI 8 NEW-YORK. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Assortment of Fall and Winter Goods (Purchased entirely fr Cash") over offered in MILL TOWN, which be is selling at UNCOMMON LOW PRICES! His tStoclc, which he intends to keep always Full, enibraccsc very thing wanted by the People in this Place, and customers can at all times rely on getting the Articles they may want, at Prices. He is not to he undersold by any, and asks the Public to call and examine his GTOCK. He would ask the LADIES to call and Examine his Assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS! AN T> 1" A N* C V A It T I C I. K S , OF WHICH HE HAS Ihe FIRST CHOICE. POSTSCRIPT. His stores at Newton Centre and Milwaukie —making three in all, are also iu full hlast. thereby ena bling him to keep up a complete as sortment in each. C. SHERWOOD. Mrt.LTowN Pa., Nor., 1863. THE LATEST imWS FRO 31 EUROPE I* fully confirmatory of former report? that THM DUTCH 11A A'POSSESSION OF lIOU LAND. tt is also authoritatively announced that O. £3o Mills tag exclusive profession of the STOVE AND TIN-SHOP —AT TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing in the lino of his trade can ho had at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS wiLl find nt his Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOK.I3M&, AND PASEG& STGW3BS, with all the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & (wintering in all its branches, attended to o i short notice and on REASONABLE TERMS. HE PAinira G , PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE. OS MILLS. Tunkhanno>k, Nov. 4, 1863.—v3-n!3. CTES'OT ASSiSgg*giH&iP The unJjrsrgncd has just opened a NEW HAR NESS-,SHOP at the Tannery liuilding, IN MESHOPPEN, Tt here he is prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his l'c, from a Throat-Latch to a full set of Har -S*ERMV noUoe and oa lhe mo,t reasonable Repairing' NEATLY, CHEAPLY, AND EXPEDITIOUSLY DONE. GIVE ME A CALL. JAMES SUAUGIIXESEY. tfeahopprn Cot. 29. 1653,—, Terms reduced to Old Prices! Godey's Lady's Book For 1864, GREAT LITERARY AND PICTORIAL YEAR! The publisher of Godey'a Lady's Book, thankful to that public which has enabled him to publish a magazine for the last thirty-four years of 'a larger circulation than any in America, has made an ar rnngemcnt wi(h the most popular authoress iu this country — MARION IIART,AND. Authoress of " Alone," " Hidden Path," " Moss Side," " Nemesis," and " Miriam " who will furnish stories for the Lady's Book for 1364 This alone will place the Lady's Book in a literary point of view far ahead of any other magazine.— Marion Hurland writes for no other magazine.— Our other favorite writers will all continue to fur nish articles throughout the year. THE 33SST Lady's Magazine in the World, and the Cheapest. THE LITERATE RE is of that kird that can be read aloud in the family circle, and the clergy in immense numbers are sub scribers for the Book. THE MUSIC is all original, and would cost 25 cents (the price of the Book) in the inude stores ; but most of it is copy righted, and cannot he obtained except in " Uodey." OUR STEEL ENGRA VINOS All efforts to rival us in this have ceased, and we now stand alone in this department, giving, as we do, many mors and infinitely better engravings than are published in any other work. • GO PET'S IMMENSE ROUS? EE-SHEET FASH ION PLATES. CO THAWING hromfiee to seven full length Colored Fashions on each plate Other magazines gite only two. FAR AHEAD OF ANY FASHIONS IN EUROPE OU AMERICA. THE PUBLICATION OP THESF- PLATES COST 810,000 MORE, than Fashion-plates of the old style, and nothing but our wonderfully large circulation enables us to give them. Other magazines cannot aff.rd it. Wo nev er spare money when the public can be benefitted i heso fashions inay oe relied ou. Dresses mav be made after them, an] the wearer will not subject herself to ridicule, as would be the case if she visit ed the large cities dressed after the style of the plates given in some of Our So-called fashion maga zines. OUR STEEL ENGRAVINGS, of which we give twice or three times as many-s any other magazine, art- often mistaken for steal! They are so far superior to any others /Ml TA T/ONS. Beware of them. Remember that the Lady's Book is the ortginil publication and the cheapest. Il you take Uodey, you want no other magazine. Everything thiit :s Useful or ornamental in a house can be found ir, Godey PRRWING LESSONS No o lief mag.ixinc? gives them, and we have given enough to fill several large volumes. OUR RECEIPTS \ are such as can be found nowhere else. Cooking in all its variety —Confection try—the Nursery—The Toilet- the Laundry—the Kitchen. Receipts up.,ri i all subjects are to be found in the pages of the Ladv'. j Book. We originally started this department, and have peculiar fa< ilities for making it most perfect.— j This department alone i 3 worth the price of theßook. LADIES' WORK TABLE. This department comprise? engravings and descrip tions of every article that a lady wears. MODEL COTTAGES. No other magazine has this department. TEr, MS, t ASH I \ ADVA N (?13, To AX V POST-OFFICE IX THE UNITED STATES. One copy one year, 83 Two copies or.c year, S". I hrec < ops. ? year, $6, Four copies one year S.. Five copies one year, and ancxtia copy to tho per son sending the club, 810. Eight copies one year, and an extra eopy the per son sending the club, 815, Eleven copies one ysar. and an extra copy to tiie person "-ending the club, *2 I. And the only magazine that can he intro luce] in to the above clubs in place of the Lady's Book, is Ar thurs FIJUJC Mu?*citi#. sr EC IA L UT : Br.ivi VVT-rlf oTrfE* V AGAZIWfi. Go ley's Ladv' Book nod Arthur's Home Maga zine, both one year for 8 >.sd Uodey's Ltld v's Book and Harper's Magazine both one year for 81,50. Uodey. Harper, a> ,1 Arthur will all three be sent one year on receipt of 86.00. Treasury Notes au 1 Notes of all solvent banks tak- s en at par Be careful and pr.y the postage on vour letter. Address I. A. GODEY", 323 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa Em ©M3O3M AT T. L. ROSS & CO., An immense sloek of Clotlxiiig-, FOR MEN AND 3013. Over Coats, Over Coats, Over Coats. Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats. Pants, Vests, Pants, Vests, Pants. Vests. Fancy Wool Shirts, (.-Fancy Wool Shirts. Ballou's French Yoke Shirts, Ballou's French Yoke Shirts. Under Shirts and Drawers, Under Shirts and Drawers, And a Large Stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Rich Dress Goods, Cloths and Cassimers, Fancy Goods, Gloves and Hosiery. REAL. ALEXANDRES KID GLOVES. Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Crockery, Sole Leather, Oil and Paints, Harness' Hardware. Cash paid-for Grain !! ! j,n tikhannock, Oct. 12th 1863. r IME FOR FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZER IJ for sal* at VERNOJT MNbots buving. prepared to offer SOME BARGAINS. IIE HAS Also BROUGHT A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF Elegant Furs, to which he invites the special attention or Buyers Through a long acquaintance in that trade, he defies competition, in any dealer iri or outside of the cities. No Trouble to Shoto Goods. Thankful f.r past favors, h" solicits a continuance ot the same tin let the promise of strict y honest deal ing, uiivi pr ntpf attendance to business. . Brick Block next door to Wall's Hotel. John Weil. Tunkhannoi k, Oct. 7. 1863 A LA MODE. THE I,AT GST FROM NEW YORK. MKS. A. C. ST AH K, TAKES PLEASURE IN again informing her friends, and the la.lies gen erally, that she has received, nod is still receiving a large an i selected assortment ol FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting.of II \TS. BONNETS, RIBBONS, GLOSSES. EGA 1 HERS, EAi.ES. HGAD -1)1< ESSES, and, iu short all art 1 s usually found in a A r ; i ir x-r jiTi vc 1 rrt AT r A i t it* i jt_ j\ Jo 11 j. i * f 1 p 11L. She solicits acn'l f*)tn all requiting GOODS in her line, be! (e f-or, husim- < !-e ho.e. Mrs can i>e found ntthe. h ust; f. rtucrlv occupied by Hen r.y >tarU in the b>r j -R ol I'unkhaunock, ready and willing to serve all wlm umy fttvor Uor with a call. Tunkbanr.ock Ocr, Est. 1563. MA N TUA-M A KING. M e have secured the services of an experienced T7>T~2 Tngs-ivr A TCTCyy , and at all times will he prepare 1 to Fit and Make Dr'-sscs in the latest and roost approved manner.— Soliciting your calls Lofore purchasing elsewhere, we remain TourS, Rcs| eetful'v. MRS. A G STARK. The Undersigned, having moved to Wilftcfibarre, would respeetlullv ark Iter friends end old cu-tomers to trive Mrs A G. STAWC, a call before purchasing elsewhere MRS. C. T. MARSH Tunkhannnek, April 13, 1663. Ladies Look FOR THE SHAKERS, HATS, RIBBONS. r-f'F THE ' &AS&Stf S With everything else to he found in the line of MILLINERY Just leccived from the city, and .•old at small profits by IVEXLS. I3Anr>W33ljlj. Opposite the Post-Office. F!e:ue cull atr i examine before purchasing dse where. I Bleaching anJ repairing done in good orde and at the ghortei-t notice. Tunkbttnock, Nov. 12, 1362—vin14-3m. The Latest Styles. —OF— SPIUNbi & SUMMER Bonnets, and MILLINERY GOODS, have just been received at the establishment of LOUISA HEPBURN. on Tioga Street, npjiositc the Post-office, where will be found Ladies. C'hilren, Misses, and Boy's FLATS, HATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, und everything in the line of Millinery, which will be gold at "the loicctl Cash Priees. Repairing promptly nnd neatly done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhannock,Oct 3," 1862.—v2n1l lywil F — resh Ground Plaster in Quantities and at prices to suit purchasers, now for sale a esboppen oy U. Mownr JB J~ V. SMITH, AL. D., PHYSICIAN A SFRGEON, • Office on Bridge Street, next door to the Demo crat Office, Tonkhanneck, Pa, lOOD ; VOLUIfTIIRS IAITEI. I ! i VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR IJf. 1 V/VvJ mediate service to enforce the Draft to on BEEMEK'3 Stock of New Goods. No resistance, however, need be feared; but think [t best to have the volunteers. Thirteen dollars a month guaranteed to every one who will enlist in this cause iu the way of buying Goods CHEAPER THAN E USE WHERE. BEEMER bas just returned from New York with large Stock of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, 25 PER CENT LOWER, 25 PER. CENT LOWER, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, NOW IS THE TI.MF. TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT. A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, TO PLEASE EVERY ONE, 'lO PLEASE EVERY ONE, YANKEE NOTIONS, YANKEE NOTIONS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, & WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE. CROCKERY. & WOODEN WARE. * SUMMER HATS SHAKERS, &c. SUMMER HATS, SHAKERS, &c. KEROSINE OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS & DRUGS k EROS IN E OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS & DRUGS. FrSll, PORK AND SALT. * FISH, PORK AND SALT " NO NEED OF MENTIONING MORE NO NEED Of MENTIONING MORE , THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR CASH, THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR CASH AND TO RESOLD FOB CASH OR PRODUCE AND TO RESOLD FOR CASH OK PRODUCE ' SO BRING ALONG YOUR CASH, BI TTER. EGGS, AND GRAIN, j SO BR TNG ALONG YOUR CASH, BUTTER, EGGS AND GRAIN GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGOS. GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS WE WANT NOTHING BUT GOOD BUTTER i WE WANT NOTHING BUT GOOD BUTTER. AND FRESH EGGS. AND IBESH EGGS. The Highest Prices will be paid for Cash, Grain, j Butter and Eggs, at Bectner's Store, at Falls in ex ! change for Goods AMOS BEEMER, Falls, Pa., April 27th, 19G3. THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR STOVES !! i r-" 1 IS AT THE STOVE, TIX, COPI'ER AND SIIEET-IROX H'AKE MA NffJFA C.TO BY. WHERE MAY BE FOUND a largo and well go looted assortment of the most approved patterns, consisting of COOKING. PARLOR and HEATING STOVES, for wood or coal, and wi 1 be sold at low prices. | We tto'uld call the attention of the pttblio, and t formers iu particular, to key, and the result will be a preparation that will tar excel in medicinal virtuss and true excellence I any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost much less. You will hdht all the cirtues of Honfland's Bitters in conneclibn with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. ! HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE YOU BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS. WILL ENABLE YOU TO SLEET WELL. AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, Ac. Those suffering from • Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, From whatever causes, either in MALE AND FEMALE, WILL FIND IN HOOFLAN D'S GERMAN BITTERS, A. REMEDY That will rest ire thorn to their usual health. Such has been the case in thousands of instances, and a fair trial is but required to prove the assertion. From Rev. J Neuton Broicn, D. D., Editor of tho Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pat ent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I jet kuow of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he ma/ thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C M Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced aga nst them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an uicobolic mixture. lam indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long con tinued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of tho pr sent year, #tts followed by evident relief, and restoration to a de gree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regainiug. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of them. . I'UILAD'A, June 23, 1861. J. NEWTOX BROW*. DISEASES OF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, In Young or Aged, Male or Female, Speedily removed, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CHILDREN, j Those suffering from MARASMUS#, wasting away, j with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cured in* ( very short time: one bottle in such cases, will havo a most surprising effect. IPARENTS Having suffering children as above, and wishing to raise theni. will never regret the day they eommenc ed with these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, - And those working hard with their brains, should air ways keep a bottle of Hoofland's Bitters near - them, as they will find rnuth benefit from its use, to both mind and body, invigorating and not depressing. IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, AND LEAVES NO PROSTRATION. ATTENTION, SOLDIERSI I AND TIIE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call attention of all having relations or friends in the army to the fact that " IIOOFLAND'S Ger man Bitters" will cure nine tenths of tho diseases in duced by exposures and privations incident to camp | life. Tn the lists, published almost daily in the news papers, on the arrival of tho sick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from debil ity. -Every ease of that kind can bo readily cured by Hoofland's German Bitters. We have no hesita tion in stating that, if these Bitters wore freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that od\ornisc would l o lost. The* nroprietors aro' dally receiving thankful letters from sufferers in tho army and hospitals, who have been restored to health by the use of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends ItEWAR OF COUNT ERF ITS. See that the. S-g'natore of "0. M. JACKSON' 1 is on the WRAPPER of each Bottle. Price per Bottle TJ cents, or Halt Doz. for 84,00. Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating prepara tions that may be offered in its place, but send to as, and we will forward, securely packed, by experts. Principal Office and Manufactory, NO. 631 ARCH STREET, JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. JACKSON A Co ) - Proprietors. I3T" FOR SALE by Druggists and Dealers in sW erv town in the United Slates.