North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, November 11, 1863, Image 2
®{je §emotr;it. HARVEY SICKGER, Editor. TUNKHANNCCK, PA f. . Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1863. S. M.PeltcnsMl & Co.—Xo. 37 I'ATIK ROW NIW YORK, £ 6 STATE ST. BUSTO.V, are our Agents for the X. B. Democrat, in those cities, ana are author ized to tako Advertisements and Subscriptions us at our lowest Rates. ttATIIER & CO., Xo. 333 Broadway X. Y., are our Authorized Agents to take Advertisements for this paper, at out published rates. The absence of the Editor, who has been called to Towanda on business, will we trust, be a sufficient excuse to the readers of the Democrat, for the scarcity of editorial reading matter, and other deficiencies in to day's paper.—[COM. Our readers will bear in mind that our County Court will be in session in this Borough the coming week. Our delin quent subscribers will (hen have an excellent opportunit}' afforded them, to bring or send albng their money and produce. As we have repeatedly stated through our columns, we must have money and you must pay up. MESSTS. I. M. SINGER & Co., of New York, who have been known as enter prising and successful manufacturers of Sew ing Machines, dissolved their Co partnership by mutual consent on the first of August last. The Company which now manufacture the world-renowned Singer Sewing Machines are a joint-stock Company, with increased faecili t;es to conduct a mammoth business, and are > known as THE SINGER MANUFACTUR ING COMPANY. The new Company have the best wishes of the late firm, and the pub lie need not hesitate to bestow on them their confidence, esteem and patronage. The Singer Sewing Machines are fast gain ing a world-wide reputation. INSI.EE A. HOPPER, Esq., is the President j of the new organization. Mr Hopper is j greatly esteemed in commercial circles, and out of them, as a gentleman of ability and re liability, and it is thought that under his able management' trie new Company will have all the success that can be desited. .-V What Would we Do. "We are sometimes asked what would be the positive policy of the democratic party if restored to power." "First, they would restore the supremacy of our violated Constitution and laws, and with this entire and absolute liberty of speech, of the press and of the ballot, and the sacred privilege of the habeas corpus." "They will free the loyal States from* the presence ot military encampments and of all officers and soldier? physically able to take j the field; thus re enforcing our armies at least one-third. "They will abolish the system of arbitrary arrests for opinion's sake; they will abolish provost and the entire system of j military government in the o al States. "They will offer the rebels lair and honor- j able terms of peace, provided they will ground the weapnos of their rebellion and come back to the Union ; offering them the Constitution of the United States on the one hand, and a vigorous proseoution cf the war on the other. • Arc They Goya I ! The Governor having issued his proclama tion, calling'-'on the good and loyal freemen of this Commonwealth tu enlist in the service of the United Sta'es, under tic proclamation of the President, " and the q u<-ta of the State being 38.208, we are anxiously waiting to see the number furnished without the unnec essary delay from the rantcs of the 200,000 " loyal " rebel crushers who cist their votes for Andrew G. Curtin on the 13th of bctober, thereby pledging themselves to su-tam all the war measures of Mr. Lincoln. They are great war men ; do they die or will they go. Artmuß Ward expresses their sentiments, '*■ If WU6S come? to wuss " they " will shed every drop of blood their able bodid relations has got to prosekoot the war." A I>raft for Sixty Thousand. The number of men to be drafted from this Slate, unless her quota shall be filled up by yolunterring by the Ist of January, (the prospect of which docs not seem rcy proruis hag at present,) will be about 00,000 —that is, her q.uota 0fC8.208 volunteers, with the de ficit on the last draft added. — Thefe is many a true heart in the North and South, that yearns for the re establishment of the old government of "Washington and Jet&rson. lint the aboli tionists of the one etctiou and the se cessionists of the other, are continually tell ing them that this they shall not have. . Mew York Elections. Albany, Nov. B— "The'Argus of this morn ing has a telegram from Middletown, Orange Co., staling that Nivcn, (Dem.j, is elected in the ninth Senatorial District over Low, (Rep) by forty-seven majority. This makes the Senate stand eleven Democrats to twenty-one Republicans, VALUATION. —The Revenue Board of Peitn aylvania fixed the value of taxable property in the State at $6%, 800, 000—Pennsylva nia's share of the National debt is sf>fi9,ooo,- 000 ' V '.rrv account ' COMMUNICATIONS. NICHOLSON, NOV. 4, 1833. MR. EDITOR :—I have been vainly locking, during the past week, for the lazv atmos phere, the floating cob web*, and other indi | nations of Indian Summer—have indulged in many vague fancies to account for its non-ap pearance have ever wondered whether "hon j est old Abe" has suspended it, as a military t necessity. Indian Summer, to be sure is of n<> I gr. at duration, and only cntn.-s to us a a seeming regret for the departed glories ot the season of wliich it is, in a small degree an ! epitome. When the woods are glowing with autumnal splendor, and the chirping squirrels are gathering their winter stores of brown nuts—when the crisp leaves and dried branch es crackle under the footsteps, and the hour frost glitters and sparkles rn the morning sunlight, reflecting prismatic hues from every bush and tree as the glittering, and pearly drops cling to the brown and golden-hued leaves, it is glorious to bask in the hazy per n.eating atmosphere of Indian Summer, lor getfu! of present ills, an I living only in the sad, melancholy, yet sweet memories of the past. October has been more than a pleasant month. It has been rich in fruitfulness to tho farmer, and beautiful and health-giving to the invalid idler; but the Indian Summer— the last, lingering footsteps of the rosy month, has strangely failed to maik it with it's pecul iarly grateful presence. October of last year f spent among the paw paw groves, rocky fastness and wildly beautiful scenery of liar pers Ferry—catching fish in the Potomac and searching the romantic shores of the Shenandoah, for wild grapes and other forage, grateful to the usually hungry stomachs of the blue-coat'ed servants of Uncle Sam. I cannot, in conscience say that my piscatory excursions were always so successful as I could have wished, neither did the grapes and other gunie always reach catnp in suffl cicnt quantities to satisfy the appetites o* messmates remaining there, but they were seasons f enjoyment to me, and afforded ma. Ny pleasant incidents to enliven the usual monotony of military life. Dear old, rusy,t tumble down Harpers Ferry ! Strange how I came to love it—even in its filthy ugliness—and the wild mountain scenery by which it is surrounded. Mry land Heights, London nights, Bolivar Heights ! How familiarly their rocky stteps pass before the im-ntal vision now, and and what a world of memories are conjured by the . eminiscence of just a year past. Burn side, Banks and Sumner were there, with the greater portion of the " Grand army of tlie P>t> mac," and " Little Mac' the ideal of that army was there too. All were fresh from the i attle field o! Autietam, and every man a veteran hero, at least m h.s own esti mation. II>w weary of listening to tin; r.p*ated tale, told Hound the camp fire, I sometimes became; and how many times out of very weariness, I have wandered alone in the grand <>! d woods, or climbed the rocky fissures which girded the dashing, noisy Shen andoah. But I hate wandered from my theme, and indulged the inclination to do s<> a! too great length to again resume it. School mat'ers, for this Di-tnet, are, I am informed, settled for the winter. The butH ing formerly known as the N cholom Acade my i? to be, or has been, rented, and a graded school under the supervision of competent teachers, is to be opened' soon. This ts a step in the right direction. The district schools build a suitable hotis* and fbus pr<> vide against future cmting-ncier. The apple trade has been quite busk, during the past few weeks fair, picked fruit bring ing 50 or 02J cts. per bushel, with plenty of eager buyer?. Mr. James Howe, the princi pal buyer started fir Easton tins morning with a hundred barrels of prune fruit. II >qe he may realize a handsome profit on his in vestment. Every other "kind of produce is far from being " a drug in the market," prices ranging about the same a? last week The bridge at Bacon's is not yet completed and travelers must suffer much inconvenience should a rise of water make fording difficult, if nor impossible, as has been the case once already during the past autumn. Scircity of labor is, I believe, the principal reason for the delay in its completion. Messrs. Brisbin and Cook, the President and Superintendent of the Railroad, paid this Depot a short visit yesterday—coming up from S:ranton on an extra. The object of the visit, if it had any other than a general inspection of the road, has not transpired John is known, however, to have more than a passing fancy for horse flesh, where it is properly made up and gives promise of supe rior speed and the other good qualities which make horses valuable, and It is jaist possible that Esquire Tlallstead's blacks may have been the attraction. Our friend Kin? has returned from his vis it to Gotham and the country round about, and resumed his rather onerous duties in the Depot office. He seems not to have lost hts old fondness-fora joke, with aspic •of humor in it, but wears the most abominably h"melv city cut coat, that I hare seen for many a Ion? day Perhaps I may, in time, become accustomed to it. as the ladies did to hoops, and adopt' the style and figure at some future day. Who knows ? The military furor has somewhat abated, in this neighborhood, and the few who were willing and anxious to volunteer are now holding themselves off for substitutes. Some have gone already, others are awaiting a rise in prices. My next I hope to indite you from another locality, less barren in general items of inter est then. Until then, adieu. Truly Tours, CLINT DICTATOR. —The President has caused an order to be read in the Army, threatening the severest punishment for speaking disrespect ful of him. When the g eat Caesar declared himself Dictator in Rome, he did not take such precau.h n is 'his, TOWASDA, PA., Nov. 9, 1863. HARVEY SICKLE H, ESQ , I ED. N. B. DEMOCRAT, $ DEAR SIR : Say to our drafted boys in a public manne to report themselves ac Cording to notice. The Board will give them a lull, fair and candid examination, and make a proper disposition of their cases. Let thein banish all fears that poltical bias will rule agauist theui. Parties havng legal grounds i (or exemption should get competent Counsel ito prepare and put their matters in shape which will enable the Board m< re readily to comprehend the c'aim relied upon, and they 1 will obtain a decision in accordance with the ! merits of the case [.resented. Fairness and justice has so far prevailed in all cases, that ; I most cheerfully bear testimony to the un par'iality and efficiency of the Boird. Capt Manville, the provost marshall enjoys the reputation ol candor and honesty, he aims ito do right. M. C. Grier the Commissioner, Examines a witness in a legal like way, I aiulas his voice rings our you would be re ; minded of Judge Grier of the U. S. Courl } ; whose brother he is. The name of Grier has [ done honor to the bench, has graced the bat, and elevated the cause of religion from the pulpit, A name thus honored, will not be j tarnished by unfair action now. If any error should occur, it will be on the side of mercy. I Dr. Bafcer, the Surgeon, is a gentleman to meet; he is said to be well qualified for the j position assigned him—if any one doubt let I llietn make inquiry of Dr. J. C. Becker of j our Borough, who has been treated with marked consideration by the gentlemen com posing the Board. The action of the Board justifies me in raa ! king this statement. Ido so the more will j ingly for the reason, thai whilst we differ in politics, we do not in what pertains to the duties of their high position, holding as it were, the lives of men in their hands—the happiness, or misery, of wives and children, being at their control. Let no man's name in Wyoming County be I Recorded and underscored Deserter. Infa my must attach to all such cases that time will not efface. So far our sons have re sponded most nobly, let them continue to do so. Yours Truly, VYM. M. PIATT Written For The Democrat Christianity vs. the Negro. Negro equality rules the hour ; threatening clouds hang over us ; the land is draped in mourning ; the judgment* of God are falling heavily upon u, but still the preachers seem intent upon nothing so ranch as to break down the constitution and free the negro. It f fear nl to witness the inroads which this, accursed doctrine is making upon Christianity j There appears to be au active competition between the preachers and the imbecile abo litioti leaders as to which shall furnish for 'his uusanctified purpose, this unholy negro war, the greatest amount of fuel. The con test is still doubtful, in abuse and he* and -landvting of respectable citizens, the pleach er.* meyjustlj claun the veid<c> ; but few il j any f the abolition and secti-tial fader* can j vie scandal with the so called h use of wm- ; ship. In meanness 'he preachers clearly have j the precedence. Brotherly fellowship i* j mea*ured by the amount of negro rqmhii 1 you possess instead oi earliest effort to nft -i j acceptable worship to God. The service-' ar-' J evidently intended to stii up p -lit cd *'nft i and advance the abolition cause. Sermon* ; arc carefully written and studied l-.r tin* purpo-e ; the avowed design lc ng lo keep the te->ph- under the influence of the gospel*. A-o abolition sermon, or a political > one, i preached weekly, and in all the ser men* and prayers for old Aire and the Cabi j net, there is not a breath in the II dy-ghooi I —christian* never mistake such a bteath—all | of this is done to revive the lagging interests, j not of religion, nor for the furtherance of; Ch:i*t's cause, but f-.r the nigger. We object to those expedients tinder trie j pretence of polluting Christ's cause. They | are directly con rary to all the example* ; giv-n u* bv Christ and his Apostles. Never had Christianity such formidable ob stacles to encounter as at the ppc*ent day ; gag and may gag are joined together Slavery did exist when the Saviour was j on earth, and He declares that He k< came not to destroy the law, but to fulfil the law-'' Now he6e so called preachers undertake to quote scripture to justify themselves in this abolition cause. About all they can find i* that we must do by our neighbors as we would they should do by us. So we suppose according to their teachings if you 6teal ne groes vou do God's service. Paul, when the servant was converted un- j derhis preaehing, sent him back to hs master. ! Y"U cannot find in the acts of the apostles or in their epistles any allusion to any practice I that bears the slightest resemblance to the modern c<>n.rivances for the abolition of slaves. What they did- in behalf of their religion was done directly they made sacrifi ces for Christ. Now when the claims of the gospel are generalv admitted, the church can not be sustained without catering to the de praved appetites of miserable, dishonest, abo lition tricksters. It must be. indeed' in a fal- j len condition in communities this doc- i trine is generally believed —the spirit of Christ is utterly wanting. Whatever doc trines it. may hold to in theory it cannot be a christian community ; it lacks the vital ele ment, they practically educate the people to impiety". Pure religion requires no' merely right action* but right feeling; it d<>e* not dis tribute its blessings according to the mere showing of the subscription book—mite of the widows given out of love to G>>d out weighed in the balances of the sanctuare, the golden offering of the ostentatious pharisees who spoke and acted to be seen and beard of men. I is not ivery one that says Lord Lord, but He that does the will of Him who seeth in secret. The motive fixes the character to the action. The doing of pious acta for selfish ends is stoutly repressed by God. " Who is there even among you, that would shin the door for naught, neither do you kindle fire on mine altar for naught I have no pleasure in you smith the Lord of II uta, neither will I accept an offering at your hands." It does seem as if the Devil has so entwined hinielfaround those preach ers that they perform the most solemn acts of 'lie church for selfish ends. The regulari ty of the children in the sabbath school is rewarded by a political harangue, or a negro portrait in their little papers ; the lessons are learned not. that the scholars may be made wise unto salvation, but that they may hate the Sou'h, and thereby receive the praises of the abolition preachers. We believe that re vivals are sometimes sought to abol it ionize the converts. This constant urging of these considerations that terminate in the negro equality, will if heeded, make the pure selfish; their piety will become corrupted in its very foundation. When children are trained up in the sabbath school and brought into the church under the influence of such motives, what can be looked for but that the rising generation should become the devotees of ac cursed amalgamation rather than the spiritual worshipppers of the true God 1 Thus under the outward garb of piety the rankest implici ty is promoted ; they seek to unite the whites with the blacks by preaching that a negro man is as good as a white woman. Thev would join together in loving hartnonv what God has put forever asunder—.they obliterate the distinction between the two races, their avowed object is to keep the people under the influence of Christianity. To accomplish this they will pray lone and loud for this imbe cille administration and denounce every one as copperheads that does not join thetn in their prayers. To attempt to lead men in this way to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Christ, is as wise as would bo the eff.rt to reform a drunkard bv giving him wine. A MEMBER OF THE M. E. CHURCH. Drafted Men. The following lint will show the disposition that has been made of the cases so far heard before the Exemption Board, now in session for fliis County at Towanda. TUNKHANNDCK BOROUGH. Kenan] J. Ross, paid Wm Shragp, Exempt Roht. Stonier, exm't. Earl Sickler, accepted E. S Carpenter, overage J W Harding, dis'y A.O. Baker, accepted John Weil, disability- Jacob Dewitt, to pay Henry Young, father 0 M. Goodwin, dis'y of motherless child C t. Goodale,exm't G. K. Thompson, exin Eiiwin Ross, paid Charles Day, paid Win. Barnes, disability. TUNKHANNOCK TOWNSHIP. John Barry. Geo. Walter, over age N. B. Graham, paid Jacob Shupp. overage J. R. Cullmgw.irth, ex'i Paid Billings, paid Sy Ivesier Rveves, " L*wis Tranger, paid E l ar Smith, exra': Eugens Palmer, ex Cliis'iun Ku.•sinan. deaf on ac't of talen Jac b W|ey, gnh'i m Th •. Kerns, d'sli now month* Ahraiu Co kli... pant A. L Averv, scr iluHi Jan.z W Carey, iu Ptnllip K"oiisuah, aupi's hr.oner* in armv Oscar Caskey, pant J. E. Wagner, only son P r* r Marcy , ev> 'i MONROE Asa ilul-ail, two tiro I, G M :o.>d, act' ers in army M iter Patterson, pd ll.iaiilioo K -cner, exm,t, Myr>n Calkme, James Jones, exm't, over age, Geo W liter, exm't, A D Clark, eXtu't. A.iurcW B lias, exm't Jos E, Miner, eXdi't NORTH.MOREJ.AND, James Shot weH, Cnas. Furgersoti. taken, over age, Elisha Ellsworth, exm't Walter Manning, exm't Then. Shaw, paid, Caleb Shoiwell exm't, John Beamier, acpt'd. Shubell Diirl<.ivl exui'i. EATON, L. is Rnker, exiu'l. J M Rohinsoti. paid, James \\ . Rmker, exin'i Geo. Rogers, paid, John 1). Rogers, exm't, Jahai! Laharre, act'd Chan. R isengraiil, acpt'd, 11 D. Kyte, pt*d v Jesse W S'ep!iens,exm'i, Tun. Vaiitvle, exm't Ed Rosengra nt, exm't, Eleazer Dm a, paidj Win. Auuiick, exui't, Win. Spencer, a child, Elijah Ney, paid, Wdlard Harding, paid, Porter J ayne, paid. MEHOOPAN Y Reuben Yale extn't, D. W. Swettland. paid. OTERFTEL.D. Henry S. Ager, paid* , AN EXTRAORDINARY STORY The Boston Pioneer makes the following extraordinary assertion. Mr- Seward at the time of the recent French invasion of Mexico, delivered to the French Minister, Mercier. from the archieve* of Washington , all the plans and maps from* the campaign of Gen. Scott, in order thereby to facilitate the assassination of the Mexican republic. In a conn'ry like Mexico, *uch plan* and maps have quile a different value from what they possess in wn open, cultivated and topographically known territory. They have the value of a deadly weapon ; but even were 'hey useless, their surrender would be an act of low dishoner, infidelity and infamy, which no Government eonhf c unmit with >ut becoming the object of universal cotnempt. Jcy Col. •nel Stone, the newly elected Governor of [uwa, thus declaims : " : admit that this is an abolition war Ft was not such in the start, hut the aitntn istration has dic vered that it could not sub due the South el6e than by making it an ab olilion war, and thev have done it ; and it will be continued as an abolition war so long as there is one slave at the South to be made free. * * * I won Id rather eat with a nitrger, than with a Democrat.." Henceforth let the abuliti'-nnt open his mouth, if his political opponent claitnthat thf *ar for the Union haa been converted into an abolition crmade. IT A late letter fmin Alexandria, Eg\ pt, represents the present cotton crop of that country as in roen# and of great value. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. | Wanted, on subscription, at thla office, : Wheat, Corn, Rye, O. U, Buckwheat and grain „f nit kinds Also, corn n the ear. h*j, straw good winter apptfes, potatoes, hotter, lard, cheese nud produce of inost all 'kinds. Money never refused. Donation Visit.—The friends of Rev* C R. LANE, will pay hiui a dofitfinfl visit on Thanksgiving Day at his residence in Ttrokbannock Borough, at I three o'clock in the afternoon, and at UNION HALL ; over John WeiTs store, in the evening.' Read The new advertisements in to-days paper. Prof. T J. Cook, cur musical friends will be pleased to learn, is to pe present at the next meeting of the Wyoming Co Musical Convention at Factory villc. See aovertiscuienf The first of the Season.—A slight fall of snow occured at this place on Monday (tight and Tuesday. This is the first of the season, and should admonish those who have not yet finished their Fall work, that winter is coming Those who have corn to husk after this date, will be liable to hare cold fingers. Large Turnips.—Mr. M. Walter, of Mehoopa ny, will please accept our thanks for those large Turnips bo was so kind as to leave at our office They were indeed fine ones. One of them, of the flat species, measured upwards of twenty-eight inches in circumference Supposed Drowning.—Mr. John Bingham, an old resident of this place, and who lives npon the bank of the river, left the town on last Saturday night at about 10 o'clock, since which he has not been seen or heard ot. He is supposed to have fall en into the canal on his way home and drowned, The canal for some distance below, has been dragged and raked, but no trace of tfca body has yet beau found. COMMUNICATED. PULMONARY CONSUMPTION A C'JRABLF DISEASE!! A CARD TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lur.g affection, and that dread dise se, Consumption—is anx-ous to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cuie To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COI.DS, AC. The o.dy object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to bene fit the afflicted, and spread information Which he con ceives to be iuvaluable ; and he hopes every suffer | er will try his remedy, as it will cost tbem nothing and may prove a blessing Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg Kings County, New York. v3nl2-4m. - LIST OF PERSONS DRAWN TO SERVE AS GRAND JURORS FOR NOV. TERM, 1863. EXETER. —Robt. Winters. WASHINGTON. —Daniel Carney, M F Al len MESHOPPEN. —Wm. H. Cortright, Robt. Donlap, John Bunnell 2nd, N. I*. Dunlap N Overfield. NORTHMORBI.AND. —James Besteder, Robt. Caton. WINDHAM. —Royal Garey, Henry W. Fassett. EATON.—WM. Hunter. E Borimvn, 0 W. Benja min. MEHOOPANT.— AIIen Furman, Albin Russell. BKAINTRIM. — Lyman Keeney. Tt.'XKHANNOCK TOWNSHIP —D Z. Michael, Frank lin Decker OvEnriEtn--T. W CLINTON.— W. W Cc.i|>*ntf>r. TUNKHANNOCK M. W. Dewitt. NICHOLSON llinni Kcllv. PETIT JtlttoßS WASHINGTON —Geo Jenkins. CLINTON. —Peter Baker, Win. Belcher. WINDHAM. • Ro-well Garey MESHOPPEX. —0.11 Lootuis, P C Clayton, Wm. Blackmar, Jas. N. Khy, Warren Brewster. BRAINTRIM, —Ezra Keeney, Simoon. B. Keeney. EATON-— Milton Wheeler. Wilmot Cnrpentor. An drew Frutchy, Peter Struh, Dainon Stevens, Geo- Ney, Chauncey Brown. MOKTHMORF.LAND —Geo. Brungcss. Jacob Rhodes, 11. H. Brown Thos Pin ler. FORKSTON. —CaIvin Robinson, John Hitchcock. NORTH BRANCH.-- Henry Champin, Gilbert G. Ad ams. MKHOOPANY —J. L. Hahn, Geo. Barrowcliff, John B. Place, A. K. Fair. TINKHANNOCK TOW NSHIP. —John Corish. LEMON- —John Cyphers. NICHOLSON —HII>way Stephens. MONROE. —David Montanye OVEBFIELD —H. H. Walter. EXETER. —llanford Smith Teacher's Examination. The annual Examination of Teacher's for Wyo ming County, will be held as follows; Meshoppen Township, at Eaceyvitle, November 28th, at 10U A. M.. Forkston and North Branch, at Forkston, November 7th. 10| A M., Northmoreland and Eaton, at Thurston Hollow, No vember 14tb, at 10, A. M. Meboopany Township, at Mehoopany, November 21, 10, A. M. Braintriin Township, at Meshoppen, October 31st lt)J, A. M. Clinton Township, at Factoryville, Nov. 27th, 10, A. ivl Those desirous of Teaching during the ensuing year will please be present promnt'y at the time in dicated. The Directors are earnestly requested to attend, also citizens. W. LA MONTE, Co. Supt. Died. SICKLER—Of Apoplexy, at the State Lunatic Hos pital at Harmourg, on Wednesday the 4th inst., JOHN SICHLER, a resident of Overfield Township, this County, in the 52d year of hi? age. About eighteen months ago, the deceased, prostra ted by disease, which produced a partial paralysis of the organs of speech, the brain being affected by the same cause. Early in July last he was placed in charge of Dr. John Curwen of the State Lunatic Hospital for treatment Under the care of the able physician of that excellent institution, his bodily health was apparently restored, but his mind bad re ceived a tatal blow. He had an apolectic shock on the 3rd inst., which he survived* but a few hoars. Mr Sickler was one of the most thorough and en ergetic business men of his day. Hone .t and up right in all his dealings with his fellow men ; be mer ited and secured their confidence. Among those who knew him, his word was as good as a bond. To the poor h<> was ever hospitable and kind None ever appealed o bis charity in vain—none left his door anhungered. Thoagb not a professed christiao, he encouraged the preaching of the ilospel and the mninUioance of Saobath- Schools, by liberal contri butions to their support Bat now he haa passed from taong ; h has gont to his reward- JJpeclal Notices. Register's Notice. NOTICE is h'reby given to all persons in created ,in the following n com t, v : i: The Final recount of Charlotte Eastwood, and Au tin Eastwood. tdininistrHtriv and Administrator of the Estate of John'wood. deceased. Filed'gkpt 19th l^S. That the above wiC ho presented to the Orphan'* V^' rt ' v y' nun : County, to he held Nevt-mbar 16th IHbj, tor confirmation and allowance. SIKTON WILLIAMS, Rerirtwr, Register a Office, Tunkhannock, ) Oct. 20th-11-163. $ v3-nl l-t4, Subpoena in Divorce. Jacob A. Thomas, 5 va. In the Court of Common Pleat Lrura A. Thomas. ) of Wyoming County, No. 96 August Term, 1862. Libel for divoree from the bonds of matrimony. I Levi H. Stevens, High Sheriff of the said County of Wyoming, hereby make known unto tne above named Laura Thomas, that she he and appear at a Court of Common Pleas, te he held at Tupkhanpoek,/ in the Couhty aforesaid, on Monday the loth day et November, A. D., 1963, then ard there to answer the I said complaint, and show cause if any she hath, why the bond of matrimony, between herself and the said Jacob A Thomas, her husband, shall not be dissolv ed. LEVI II STEVENS, Shejiff. Tunkhannock, Dot. 19, 1963. v3-nll-t4. Executor's Notice# NOTfCE is horeby given that letters of admin istration of the goods, ehattles, Ac., which were of Abraham Trausue, Isle of Nortbniorelaiid. Dec'd, have been granted to tne AH persona in debted to said estate are notified to make payment, and all persons ha/ing demand against the same' are notified to present the same to uie at my boose' in said township, duly authenticated for settlcmer' CHARLES HOCSER, Adai'r. Sept. I, 1863 ToDiafted Men. Wm. M. I iatt will prepare exemption papers for Drafted men and viil attend to their tia : ins before the Board at Troy. Tuiikhannor!:. Oct. 14. 1963. Wanted A Carriage Smith '<• work or light wagg ins, or young man to work under instruction at that busi ness. Hood wages will be givn. J CAMPBELL. Tunkhannock Sept. 26th, 1363. 2-w. NHW ADV p;HTISKMKNTS. The Wyoming County MUSICAL ASSOCIATION.. Will meet in Convention, at FACTOR YV iLLE, on TI'ESDAY. NOV. 17th, 1963, Commencing at 10 o'clock, ot that day, an I duitinuing THREE DAYS, closing with a Concert ox Thursday evening. The CONVENTION will be conducted by PROF. T. ,f. COOK, of NEW YORK author of the Olive Branch," and several other popular musical publications. Gentlemen's Tickets, including Concert, 31.00 Ladies ' •' '' 50 cts.- Concert, 2.1 '• Prof. Cook will use his uc r Book. ' The I niou," which will be furnished free for the u-e of the Con vention RiCBAHn P Ross, Pros. A. F. Bltk, Sec. STICVKXS DAM. Treasurer. Tunkhannock, Xor. 3, 1863. —v3-nl3-t2. JACOB iTi iTKREI /ast)ionaoic i]air tutting, AND SHAMPOOING SALOON. Shop Opposite May-- nartl's Hotel. Ladies' haircut in the must ns.ilanshle f y!e, ei ther at his Saloon, or tluir residence, u desirable. Mr. Berlioghof is recently from New York city, where he was employed in the best establishments and consequently feels warranted in guaranteeing satisfaction to all who may favor him with their ens eal. HAIR AND WHISKERS DYED To any desirable shade, without Injury to it, or dis coloring the skin. THE BE S T HAIR DYE IN USE, For sale, with full and practical directions for applibatiou* E. & H. T. ANTHONY, Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, . SOI BROADWAY, JJ. Y. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalouge now embraces considerably orr four thousand different subjects (to which additions arc continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, etc , viz : —72 Major Generals, 190 Brig adier Generals. 259 Colonels. 84 Lieut. Colonels, 207 other officers, 60 Navy Officers, 525 Statesmen, 127 Divines, 113 Authors, 30 Artists, 112 Stages, 46 Prominent Women. 147 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 2,500 copies of works of art, including reproductions of the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Stat utes, Ac- Catalogues sent on receipt ofstanip. An onlor for One Dozen-PICTURES fr in our catalogue will be tilled on receiptorßl.Bo and sent by mail, free. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALPUMS. Of these we manufacture v great variety, ranging in pric from 50 cents tc Sou each. Our Albums have the reputation of being snperior in beauty and durability to auv others. The smaller kinds can be sent safely by mail at a postage of six cent* per oz. The more expensive can be sent by express. O We also keep a large assortment of STIHEOSCOfBS & STEHEOSCBFIC VIEWS. Our Catalogue of these will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. E. & H. T- ANTHONY Manufacturers of Ph >tngraphic Materials; 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Fneds or relatives of prominent military men wilV conferna favor by sending us their likenessee to copy. They will be kept carefully and returned uuinjured. Flue Albums Made to Order for Congrega tions to present to their Pastor, or for otbei puipoeMj witht suiable inscriptions. Ac 6 mo TERRIBLE I>I sci.os RRES—KCRETS FOR. THE MILLION ! A most valuable and wonderful publication. A wcrt of 4(H) page*, and 30colored DR. 11l N TER'S VABE MECT M, an original and popula. treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiolog*, foot tions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Nev er-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. Th practice of DR HI'NTER has long Keen, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of numer ous persons, he has been induced to extend his Medi cal usefuln 'ss through the medium of his " VADE MECTM " It is a volume that should be in the bunds of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visit-" ed mankind. One o> py, seourely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to any part of the United Si ates lor 50 cents iu P. 0. stamps, or three copieo for SI Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No, 4 Division Street New York.. v3N0,4 ly.