North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, September 16, 1863, Image 2
%\t Jpemotral HARVEY SICKLER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK, PA Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1863. 8. M.Pettengill St Co.—No. 37 PARK ROW NEW YORK, A 6 STATE ST. BOSTON, are our Agents for the N- B. Democrat, in those cities, and are author ised to take Advertisements and Subscriptions ns at our lowest Rates. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR, HON. G. W. WOODWARD, OF PHILADELPHIA. FORJUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT WALTER H. LOWRIE, OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. COUNTY TICKET. FOR SHERIFF, AHIRA GAY, OF MESHOPPEN. FOR PROTIIONOTARY, H. L FURGERSON, * OF FALLS. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, LEWIS FARISH, OF MONROE. FOR COMMISSIONER, EDWIN STEPHENS OF NICHOLSON. FOR CORONER, DR. J. C. BECKER, OF TUNKHANNOCK BORO. FOR AUDITORS, HENRY NEWCOMB, ' OF CLINTON, 3 years. E. D. FAS6ETT OF WINDHAM, 1 YEAR. Democratic State Central Committee. The following is the State Central Committee as appointed by Hon. FINDDAY PATTERSON, of Washington county, who, as President of the late Democratic Convention, was authorized by a resolu tion of the body to announce the Committee. It con sists of a Chairman, and Representatives of the sever al Senatorial Districts into which the State is ' divided: > HON CHARLSS F BIDDLE, Chairman. f Theodore Cuyler. *) ' **■ { .. (Isaac Leech, J 2d " John D. Evans, Chester county. 3d " Wm. 11. Witte, Montgomery county. 4th " Wm. T. Rogers, Bucks county. sth " Thos. Heckman. Northampton connty, 6th Hiester Clymer, Berks county 7te " William Randall, Schulykill county. Bth " Asa Packer, Carbon county. 9th " Michael Mylert Sullivan counry. 10th " Stephen S. W inches cr. Luzerne county, llth " Mortimer F. Elliot, Tioga county. 12th '• John H Homes, Lycominfi csunty. i 13th " William Elliot,Norteumberland county. 14th " Samuel Hepburn, Cumberland county. 15th " William M. Brisbin,Lebanon county. \ i—— 17th " John F. Spangler, York county. 18th •' nenry Smith, Fulton county. 19ih " J. Simpson Africa Huntingdon county. 20th " William Bigler, Clearfield county. 21st " Thomas B. Seawright, Fayette county. 23d " W. T. IL Bauley, Green county. 24th " \ j Alleghany county 25th " James Campbell, Butler county. 26th " David S. Morri , Lawernce county, 27th " Thos, W. Grayson, Crawford county, 23th " Kennedy L. Plood, Jefferson county, SUIT DEMOCRATIC Mass—Meeting I! o The Citizens of Wyoming and ad joining Counties, will assemb'e in Mass-Meeting in this place on UTonday, Sept. 21st, 1863. COME ALL whose motto is: " Our Constitution—guard it ever ! Our glorious Union—hold it dear ! Ourstarry Flag—forsako it never ! The prcud CAUCASIAN—onr only peer!" HON HEISTBR CLYMER of Re rift. ■on. Chailes W. Carrigaii, ef Philadelphia, COL. V. E. PIOLETTE, of Bradford, aud other Eminent Speakers will certainly be present and address the Meeting. Let the Democracy be Present in Force ! BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE. \ ; The Draft. . .. p It is DOW authoritatively announced that the con scription for this district will commence to-Jay, j( iVed nesday,) and contiune until completed. The Coun ties will be taken up in the following order—Mon tour, Columbia, Sullivan. Wyoming and Bradford.— Seme time will probably elapse before it will defin itely be known who will be dragged from their home* under this " infamous law." Let no one who is liable, be entirely unprepared for the emergency. The Juggernautal car, with its great iron wheels, moves on, making its deep and ineffacablo furrows in the fair face of our country. Those who possess tke money it exacts in lieu of the person, may for a time appease the monster; those who do not, must "bow to their destiny" and place themselves in its path— marked ss it is, by the bones cf hundreds of thous ands of human victories. Hew many a mother's heart it has wrung with anguish, inexpressible, and left it laoerated and breeding in its coarse 1 How many thousands of helpless, dependent widowed mothers, orphaned children, havte felt or will yet feel the chilling winds of winter, pinching and be numbing their shivering limbs? How many will cry unheeded for bread, and pray to G >d through the long tedious vigils of the night, to save and re store their husbands and fathers? And all because the Idols—the great central Despots who drive the infernal machine, has willed it to be so. Will any candid man affirm that motives of honesty, justice j or mercy has influenced the tyrants who rule but to ruin. We want these men who thirty months ago " let slip the dogs of war" who adopted as their motto " not an inch of compromise, not an inch of slave ter ritory," and who screeched in their fiendish infatua tion, " war to the knife, the knife to the hilt," to stand up before the gaze of the honest men of this connty, to day, and tell us whut has been gained and what has not been lost in this cruel, Iratrlcidal war ; and who are responsible for all the evils and miserv which has followed and will yet follow in its train? "It is said that there will soon bo an example made of a drafted man who did not appear when or dered. He will be shot as a deserter."— Republican of last iceek. If this harsh measure Is deemed Decessary, and is about to be resorted to by the authorities, we would just intimate that one Billy Burgess, late of Colum bia Co., Pa.—Editor of the Wyoming Republican, wts drafted nearly a year ago, was never legally discharged or excused, and has never reported him self for military duty, but is now roaming at large. That be would be an excellent subject for "on ex ample," or for any other scare crow purposes, we have no doubt. Besides it w juld not seem so cruel or unjust to take this "old uffe'tder"—this draft sneak of eleven months standing, as to take some poor Devil who has only had a fortnight's notice.— " Let justice be done though the heavens fall;" or Sweet William be torn away from " the cause of educa.ion, for an " example." The Republican of last week says : " Fifty deserters per day are sent to Harrisburg from various portions of the state. They belong to Copperhead families,*' Of course Billy, all that are returned are copper heads. The niggerheads, have a convenient way of getting excused You know ''the cause of educa- I tion, was about "to suffer" in your case ; so that [ one more pair of handcuffs was reserved for some | copperhead who tried to play the sneak as you did i but was less successful in it. . We cannot understand why so much time and . money-is expended in arreg'ng and re tujning these copperheads whom you represent as disloyal, and so, much in favor of Jeff. Davis. We should , think 'thatone such real Loyal niggerhead sneak like you weuld be worth a score of them. A friend at our elbow suggests that you are doing more, ig your present situation, to aid Jeff-in fcis schemes of disunion, than a Regiment of su%h' white liveied milksops could in his army. Luzerne Democratic Convention .—The De mocracy of Lose roe met in County Convention on Tuesday last, and nominated the following ticket: For Representatives, Jacob Robinson, of Scr.mton, Dr. Harry Hakes, of Hannover, and Peter Walsh, of Blakely. For Register, George E. Kulp. Treas urer. Geo*A. Crockett. Commissioner, Uriah A . GrittmaD, and tor A-alitor, G. C. Mc Wayne. \3T le*rn that the Hon. Hendrick B. Wright, late member of Congress from the Luzerne district, over whose alleged conversion to Black Republican ism Fcfrney'a Press and other Abolition papers, re cently made so much ado, is out strong for Wood ward and Lowrie. We trust that the Abolition pa pers which so warmly eulogized Mr. Wright's loyalty will now abuse him roundly as a " copperhead."— Philadelphia Eve. Journal. at Meshoppen. A meeting of the democrats of Meshoppen,was held in the hall of D. Hankinson, for the diffusion of polit ical knowledge. On moti >n Clark Burr was chosen President and A. Banatyne Sec'y ot said meeting Resolved , That this society shall be styled "The Mesiioppen Society, for the diffusion of political knowledge," aad auxilliary to the Wyoming Society, An election theo being held the following officers were chosen for said society : CLARK BURR. President, D. HANKINSON, Treasurer, G. M. KOON, Secretary COMMITTEE ON FL'BI.ICATTOX. E. Mowry Jr. C M. Pueuman, -Ahira Gay. fOMinTTEE ON FINANCE. A. Banatyne, Wm Blackmar, John Melhuish, Wm- II Cortright, M Co/le. — Representative Democratic Conference. The conferees representing the Representative Dis trict composed of the counties of Columbia, Montour, Sullivan and Wyoming being called to order. There were present from COLUMBIA COUNTY—J. S. Sanders, and Wm. 11. Jacoby. MONTOCH COUNTT —Wm A. Dean, and Hiram An trim. SULLIVAN COUNTY—James Deegan, and Michael Meylert. WVOMIMO COUNTY— Kelson Lee, and B. Mowry Jr. The Meeting was called to order by the appoint ment of E Mowry Jr., as chairman, and Wm. 11. Jaooby and Wm. A. Dean as Secty's. On motion of Jas. Deegan, Geo D. Jackson of Sullivan was nominated for Representative. On motion of lliram Antrim, John C. Ellis of Montonr County was nominated as Representative. On motion the nominations were closed. On moti in of J. S. Sanders Geo. D. Jackson of Sullivan County and John C. Ellis of Montour, were declared the unanimous nominations of this confer ence as representatives. The following resolution was then offered by J. S: Sander?, and unanimously adopted. Resolved. That we present with pride, to the peo ple of this Representative District, our .candidates, Hon Geo. D Jackson, of Sullivan County, and John €. Elba, of Montour County, as gentlemen of integ rity, ability a%d patriotism, and pledge them our hearty and enthusiaetie support. E. MOWRY Jr. President. Wm. 11. JACOBT and t o „ WM. A DEAN, ] Secretaries. n v.". ■ ■" —— President's Proelam Hon. ■ . WasniMToir, September 16. By the President of thf tynftsft States, A PROCLAIIATION • Whereas, tbe Constitution <jf the United States Ties : ordained that " the privilege of the writ'otf J corpus shall not be seepeKed unless when, in eases j of rebellion orlivMiep, (fee JR. fblic Safety may re i quire it;" was existing on : the third day of March, 1863, and whieh rebellion | is still.existing; and whpas, by a statute, which was approved on that it was enactfd Vhy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, that dnrjng the pres ent insurrection, the President of the United KSWtes I * I. whenever, in his judgment the public safety- may re quire, is authorise dto suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus m any case throughout the United States or any part thereof r end'WhV|%s, in | the judgment of the President, the pfcbiie safety ' does require that the privilege cf the said writ shall now be suspended throughout the United States in cases where, by the authority of the President of I the United States, military, naval, and civil officers i of the United States, or any of them, hold persons under their command or in their custody, either as prisoners of war, spies, or aiders or abettors of the enemy, or officers, soldiers, or seamen enrolled, draft ed, or mustered, or enlisted in or belonging to the land or naval forces of the United States, or as de serters therefrom, or otherwise amenable, to military law, or to the rules and articles of ?;ar, or to the rules and regulations prescribed for the military or naval services by the authority of the President ef the Unite! States, or for resisting a an ft, or for any other offense against the military or naval ervice Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do hereby proclaim and make known, te all whom it may concern, that tbe privil ege of the writ of habeas corpus is susj>ended throug-. out the United States in the several cases befere mentioned, and that this suspension wilt continue throughout the duration of the said rebellion, or un til this proclamation shall by a subsequent one, to be issueu by dhe President of the United States, be modified and revoked ; and Ido hereby require all magistrates attorneys, and oiher civil officers within the United States, and all officers ,and others in the military and naval services of the United States, to take distinct notice of this suspension and give it full effect, and all citixens of the United States to conduct and govern themselves accordingly and in conformity with tbe Constitution of the United States and the laws of Congress iu such cases made and provided- In testimony whereof I have herennto set my hand and cause, the seal of the Uaitod States to be affixed, this fifteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty three and ol the independence of the United States of America the ei jhty-eighth. ABRAHAM LIRCOLK, By the President: WM. 11. SEWARD, Secretary of State. General Jim Lane recently made a apoech which, for its atrocity, is unrivaled. Here what he says and remember that he is an abolition Senator : " You have decided that there can bo no safety to Kansas except through the extermination of the rebel citizens in those border counties of Missouri We have had officers at the head of the Department of the Missouri who believed in a war of extermina tion against those bushwhackers. General Curtis was in favor of it. * • • • Not for mere butch ery—not for the gratification o| mere prejudice—but for sdlf-presei vation we believe in p war. of extermi nation. Our opinions and judgments were deliber ately founded Extermination-—I Tepeat here that for self-preservation, there shall be extermination of the first tier of counties in Missouri, and if thaf UOB' t stsure us, then the second and third tier, and tier on tier till we are secure. , • • .* • • • e '■ ** *- 4 • • ft When I was in Missouri thh bther day I took par ticular pains to inquire for the best Umoa -mania the country. I was directed to a man named Hook. I rode to his house and had a conversation with this bean ideal of a Union man. I asked him his polities. lie answered mo very quickly that he was Union—my men close by at tho time.. I aked him what he meant by ' Union.' He said that he was in favor of the Union as it was and the Consti tion as it is. 1 askecf fllta what he meant by that- He said: " I'own aiggers. r ylf we have the Union as it was, and my' niggeii Yftn pflj' I can recover them. If we can't have the Union pdit -was, then I am in favor of the Siuthern confederacy." I then asked him how long sinee ho had seen any bush whackers. He said : " Mr. Woodward was here to day for dinner. I saw your soldiers* told him he hsd better not go near them. I hear rebels at my corn-crib almest every night.. 1 1 neyer interfere with them. Quantrel came here the other morning on his way to Lawrence and ordered breakfast for fifty, and got it." (A voice—" Where is Hook now?") In hell. I left him in the hands of the Executioner. I will tell you what I want to see. I want to see every foot of ground in Jackson,' Cass,' and Bates counties burned over—everything (aid waste Then we shall have no further trouble. The bush whackers then cannot remain in the country, for they will have nobody to feed thein--- nobody to harbor them—nobody to provide Ihem with transportat ion no place to sleep in---aod will have thirty-five miles lurthcr to'walk before. they reach Kansas." The Views of Gen. CMS. The radical press is attempting to .connect the name of the venerable Cass with certain ' Republican movements. He was invited to address an abolition meeting lately held in Indianapolis, When the name and livery of Democracy were sielen lo serve radic alism withal. It may be well to reiterate that Gen. Cass has no part or lot witu the Republicans in any shape or under any name. llis position is fixed in the ranks oi the conservatives. It is thus d< fined by ■himself in a recent letter addressed to thti. Democra cy of the County of Washington, in Pennsylvania:— " I have come to look with almost as jnuch solici tude upon tbe action of the Democratic Party in its primary meetings as lor the result of aui conflict in arms; for tbe reason that it is now clear that the perpetuity of our present lorm of government tests upon the patriotism, intelligence, forbearance, end consistent course of ction by the Democratic party. The Jacobins and radicals who are the leading spir its of the political party in power seem quite as in tent on destroying our civil rights as in whipping the rebels into subjection . It i 9 our duty to insist on tbe preservation intact of the form of government es tablished in 1789 , and that the territorial limits of the nation shall never be diminished. To attain this end, ire must see that the government is not al lowed to fall'to pieces. We must hold the execu tive agents of the gsvernment to their duty, until we can by moans of the ballot-box put in their stead those who will administer the government as it was formed by our ancestors " •It will be hard to make a Republican-of the veter an who uttered these sentiments. ; I3T A Friend of a soldier who is suffering from a wound that may cause him to be a cripple for life, tbe other day said th him: —" Well Tour, do jou feel like going back into the army ahal 1 hare recovered from your wound ?" The soldier thought a moment and then replied.—"No, I believe not; unless I could go as an officer br aigge r COM MU MI CATION ft* Mi EiiflK • ~s* 6 • i It is hooej" t*hat a single tJjropgh your co l&A*,*t<r46hM is made the df ace your* paper, a card and -eaftdfr articles in the Republican, will be aetisfeetbry to paJtHstte mediately concerned end also to the public. The subject referred to, is the "Bible view of slave ry," which yob recently published and the discus sions and criticisms that it has drawn forth. We now have also*a cb'&ll&njfe to discuss this question : *' Is American slaverj consistent with Christianity or with the Bible 1" *3. • To this challenge or invitation the Rev'd Elder says he 'iCtftf expebt a prompt add categorical an swer"—" let'fb'ere be no (lodging." * How naturally this suggests the question : Was not the Elder's ex pectation "like a woman's character, damaged the moment he oommenoed talking about it?" Did he really expect a " categorical ajijsrer ?" No doubt he desired one, bat is be entitled to It T Such es he is thought to merit is given, ieaving to him the free exereise of his own discretion in determining the number and character of his own communications— to dodge and at the same time admonish against it as he may see fit. Does the question propounded by the Elder differ in any way from tbe one disensseu by the Bishop ? Is it not the same stated with less precision! If so, why does he not reply to the Bishop's argutn =nt 1— Those who heard the Elder's sermon, and the read ers of the various newspaper articles will bear wit ness that no single text of Scriptures or argument of any kind whatever has yet been adduced in an swer to tbe Bishop's letter. Truly he has been ac cused of "special pleading," of "misquoting the scriptures" and of being "ignorant," but have we yet one particle of evidence te sustain these charges 1 It will be searched for in vain. The Rev'd Elder says in his " card" in the Republican . that, if his "sermon was what the author of the ar tide repre sents it to have bean, he has shown little courage and less sense to notice it;'' —"that weak and feeble as tbe arguments in the seimon are represented to have been, he has occupied throe columns in the Democrat to demolish what had no existence." Why did Dot the Elder make this statement in hie communication to the Democrat, whose readers, baring read the review of the ee.-tnen were prepared to judge it. It was expressly stated in the review t tat "we should have preferred that this sermon had been left with those who heard it." It was on ly because the Editor of the Republican, who did not hear it, and who did not pretend to give any of the pretended arguments, while ho pronounced it, on hear-say evidence, a clear refutation" of the Bish op's letter, that it was deemed worthy of notice ; and it was hinted very plainly, that perhaps the indorse ment of the Republitan hardly rendered it worthy of attention. If the Elder construes this into a com pliment, he is really thankful for exceedingly small favors. It is not to be won dered at that his vanity sees nothing in the discussion of a Bible question but an opportunity for the exhibition of " polemical skill, legal lore and logical acumen." This confes sion is rather more than was expected from the El der. It was this that was endearored to be pointed out to him in the revi- w of his sermon, —that ho ex hibited himself rather than his subject—or preached himself rather than Christ. Neither were his arguments, demolished. They were simply reproduced, as their absurdity was elearer in the mere statement of them, than it could ke made by qomment. So true is this that on re viewing them in a "Cooler mood, they appear So have so crumbled before the Elder's better judgment as to lead him V> believe that they had be n demo ished . No reply to the Elder was attempted further tkan to compare his sermon wi;h the Bishop's letter. — This he concedes was props', 5* sermons are " pub lic property." What right then had ho to throw out the chi Uenge he did, accompanying it with impu dent restrictions as to (he manner of acceptance or refusal. How magnanimque toa to present a chal lenge—for the discussion of a question,, upon which frotn bis position and attempts at ho ia presumed to be thoroughly versed, to one asking in. formation of him; and so to frama the .issue as to place.the party challenged on the affirmative. Aside from this, how improper. The institution of slavery is older than our government, reno*n'*od by it, an<l still we are called upon to prove that it is /jonsist ent with the Bible. If inconsistent wifti the Bible, thea all the laws appertaining to it woubihave been void, and yet we find no court so deciding ; for in deed we find it recognized in the fundamental law of the land. It is therefore to be regarded as con sistent with the Bible, until proved otherwise. Un der all the circumstances than it wonld have been much more proper and oourteous if the Elder had propose' this question. "Is the institution of Amer ican slavery, inconsistent with the Bible," himself as the challenging party, taking the affirmative of the issue and leading ih the discussion. If the El der sees fit so to modify his propositions, in aooor dance with every rule of propriety, the challenge is accepted, not however on my part for the purpose of displaying " polemical skill, legal lore or logical ac uircn." The glory of this is left to the Elder, as he only appears to bo seriously exercised upon such matters* Iu no other way can the excessive gener osity that prompted the tendering of a subject for discussion, peculiarly within the sphere of his own calling, accompanied with such suggestions, be ac ounted for. The alternative is omitted in the above statement of the question for the reason that if alavory is con sistent with the Bible, it is presumed to follow that it is consistent with Christianity. , Since the Elder has expressed a hope that I may repent, in a tone that precludes all idea of a possi bility of change on his part, while disclaiming abili ty properly to discuss the question, I hold myself open to conviction, . And as I am not conscious of anything in the character of this article, or else where', that would require a protest of my love " for* truth, righteousness or my country," I subscribe, simply, x J. DEWITT. Tu nkhannock, Sept. 12, 1863. The 143 d at Gettysburg. We clip from a late Scranion Republican the fol lowing complimentary notice of the gallant bearing of the 143 d Pa, Vols., in the terrible battle at Get tysburg, written by Col. (now Gen.) Dana of that Reg r t. One company of this Reg't. which aoquitted itself so nobly, being from this county,.and Gen. Da na being so intimately known to many here, anything from his gifted pen, in relation to them, cannot fail to be read with interest HEADQUARTERS 143 d P. V. ) Be<on Station, Va., Sept. 1, 1863. > SIR DEAR SIR : We are lying here, pesteoi at suitable points along tbe Rappahanbeck, waiting- in readiness for whatever may occur. Rumor ie busy with intended movements, and orders have been ia sned to be in readiness to inarch at a moment's no tice. Our destination ef course is unknown to us. Such is usually the case. Wo start off, not knowing, unless some little incident such as establishing afield hospital or extra care in aagara to the Stretotw Corps, gives ground forcobjeeture, whether we s*% merely on a march or going within the next hour in to a battle. Nor is there here a moment of the day or night that we are not liable to attack. Our pick eta can and do converse with * the enemy's. The Rappahannock is a little larger here than the Laek wnn, ind mlthoogh deeper, is tordable at many point* ibtn and b< low u, VTi Ml looking anxiously for reinforcements to re- Jtailr th* terrible slaughter at Gettysburg, ana U i* Itot twobakle tiat W iaiportnat move • ment wilibk tMbttntH theyamMeeived. X wUk I cottld ait /6*n"aod for a kill hour girl you the par-' tionlara of that terrible fight To giro any idea in the compass of a letter i* impossible, and I regret to aee by the papers no accurate account* published that no full, iccahlte idea of it feiists at the Iforth, The First Army Corps, which bore the whole brunt of day and was oonspicuoua in the second, thW ifod fourUi.'gets little uentipn. The Lucerne boyis composing the 143 dP. V., behaved,.as all cen oede, most gallantly. Barly ia the first da/s fight I took oommand of the Brigade, bat throughout the day and the following two days, was with them, and a witness of their brnrery and admirable discipline. The ehangte of front and of position whioh the supe rior numbers of the necessary, on tho first day especially, were executed with the precision of a field drill, and were only equalled by the deadly precision of the volleys they poured into tho ranks of the rebels. I \ou ofScranton and Hyde Park are strongly rep resented in the Regiment, and of course are interest ed in its welfare and honor. Be assured your repre sentatives havo thus far nobly sustained their own and the credit ef the county, and whilst 1 sincerely trust they may not again be called to enoounter an other so fierce and destructive a trial, am well as sured that they would add to the good name they have already acquired. Yon must excuse this eulogy upon the 143 d, but I confess that I feel proud of the boys for their cour age, their patient en iurance of hardships, and prompt obedience and discharge of all their duties in camp. I am, very truly, your friend and servant, EDW'D L. DANA. Brig. Gen. A. N. Meylert. Schenck sgaln Victorious. ARREST or EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS, AND SUP PRESSION or A NEWSPAPER —Between one and two o'clock yesterday, General Schenck, commanding this Department, issued a peremptory order to Colonel Fisb, Provost Marshal, tor the suppression of the Bal timore Republican, a daily evening newspaper, pub lished by Messrs. B. H Richardson it Co.; also for the arrest of the editors snd publishers. It is need less to say that the order Was immediately carried out, and the keys of the offioe are now in possession of the military authorities. Messrs. Stephen J. Joyce and Fraacis A. Richardson, members of the firm, be ing at the publication office, were at once taken into custody, placed under a- close guard, and conducted to the office ef Colonel Fish, where they were eonfiin ed Mr. Beale H. kichardaon,/the senior pa truer, was shortly afterward* arrested at bis residence, and imprisoned with the otbetc. General Schenck also ordered that these three prisoners shonld not be al lowed to communicate with any one for any purpose whatever, and that at half past eight o'clock last nigbt they should be placed upon the train for Har per's Ferry, to be sent across the lines, not to return during the war, under the penalty of being treated as spies They were not allowed to make any arrange ments about business matters or clothing; in fact, the orders were the most peremptory and severe which have yet been issued here in relation to such prisoners. They were escorted to the depot last night by a heavy guard, with a view to prevent any com munication between tbem and their friends All these gentlemen arc married, and Mr. Joyce has quite a large family. It is stated that the cause of the arrest and suppression was the publication on Thursday afternoon of a piece of poetry entitled " The Southern Cross," as well as the publication-of. other articles, upon different occasions, r-gared.d as disloyal in their tendencies. Late last evening, it is learned, General Schenck gave permission to the prisoners to receive a small sum of money und a sup ply of clothing. Shortly befote the truin left the de pot the wives of the prisoners appeared, wi*h written permission from General Scheuek .for a intervew, which was brief and*fleeting in the extreme.' A very large crowil cjleeted'at the depot to see them off."— From the Baltimore Gazette. * r Least by the publication of the song first publish ed by a Southern e liter, on tbeirflag, we may bo thought by some of the Tribune worshippers, to be giving encouragement to their cause ; we publish as an ofise; to it, a " Loyal"( 1) ode to the stars and stripes taken trom that paper. A DISLOYAL SOXG, for the publication of which,'l the Editors and publishers ! of the Baltimore Republi-' can have .been banished by > Gen. Schenck, the hero of < V ienna. t -THE SOUTHERN 1 CROSS." From the Baltimore Re publican• " 0 ! say can you see, thro' the gloom and the storm, More bright for the dark ness that pure constel lation? Like the symbol of love and redemption its form, ' As it points to tbw haven of hope for the nation- How radiant each star, as the beacon afar, Giving promise of peace or assurance in war ! 'Tis the CROSS or THE SOUTH, Which shall ev er remain * , To light us to freedom and glory again ! How peaceful and blest J was America's soil 'Till betrayed by the guile of the Puritan demon, Which lurks under Virtue, and springs from its coil To fasten its fangs in the Ijfe-blood of freemen. Then boldly appeal to each heart that can feel, And crush the foul viper 'neatb Liberty's heel! | And the CROSS OF THE SOUTH shall in triumph remain • To light us to freedom and glory again ! 'Tis the embletn of peace, ' 'tis the day-star of hope, Like the sacred LABASUH that guided the Roman; ' From the shore of the Gulf to the Delaware's slope, 'Tis the trust of the free and the teirorof foemen. Fling its folds to the air,' whke we boldly declare, Tbi rights we demand or , the deeds that we dare ! - While the CROSS or THE SSOTH shall is triumph remain To light us to freedom and glory again. And if peace should be hopeless and justice de nied, And war's bloo ly vulture should flap its black pin ions, Then gladly "TO ARMS," while we hurl, in our pride, Defiance to TYRANTS and death to their minions ! With our front in the field, swearing SEVER TO YIELD, Or return like the Spartan in death on our shield.! And the CROSS or THE SOUTH shall triumph antly wave Ae the flag of the free or the pall of the brave! A "LOYAL" SOHG, for 'the publication of which the editor of the New | York Tribune ha* l>fen enshrined in the hearts of his followers, the sejf styled men i the country. • ODE TO THE AEMRI * CAN FLAG. From the New York Tribune. All hail the flaunting Lie! The stars grow pale and dim, The stripes are bloody scars, A lie the vaunting hymn. It shields a pirate's deck It binds a man in chains, It yokes tne captive's neck, And wipes the bloody stains. Tear down the flaunting lie!— Halt-mast the starry flag! Insult no sunny sky With hate's poluted rag. Destroy it, ye who can ' Deep sink it in the wares! It bears a fellow-msn To groan with felbw slaves. ; Fqrl the boasted lie THI, freedom lives again. To rule ouce more in truth, Among untrammeled , men. Roll np the starry sheen. Conceal its bloody stains; For in its folds are seen The tramp of rustling chains! ► i' Alcz. H. Stephens a Union Mas. The Cineimatti Commercial, a Republican peper, publishes a letter from a well known citiaen ef Geor gia, wWjrteeetiyfieft thftState aad is. new. withe tar lines, la which the writer says: - I eannet leave this s—isstiia without referee## Ib> Alexander H. Stephens. Recently if he had been permitted to go to Washington the world would have , | felt hi* mission. He ia Vice President of the South- I ® r ?. Confederacy, it is true, but to this moment be is a Union man. £ was born and raised within eighteen miles of him, end no man knows hia better than I do j we toiled together for the Union, hat when Toombs and the Cobb* kicked noble Georgia oat of ; the Union, be felt that it was his duty to puar a part. That part will only be known to that God who caus ed the shadow to go upon the dial of Abas. But stiU Stephana is I Union man and a Chistian" \ > true, the Utomiseisntf Vice President Stephens,-whiehtbe oligarchy al Washington refused to considsf, aright have been prodhctiv df itnpertamt recalls, had it been met ia the proper spirit We add this to the thousand evi dences accumulating every day, which prove the ad ministration—President Lincoln's late letter to lit oonirary notwithstanding—to be opposed to a settle ment of our national troubles on ahy fair or jational basis. War, the adjunct of tyranny, and tyr|j>oy tho destruction of the Union, is the only logioof iM policy LOCAL AND PERSONM.. Musi cat,—•The fourth monthly meeting of the " Wyoming County Musical Association" will be held in TunkhanDock Boro., the 26th of Sspt. Do not forget, the last Saturday of this month, Let there be a full attendance, as there is business of importance to be transacted. A, £}. BCCB, See y. Cnrtin says be is troubled with 'inflammatur J rheumatism.' Well, according to republican logic now-a-days if Curtin is eleoted, the Government will have the '* inflammatory rheumatism." We vote against the thing. Wrong Expression.—A cotemporary has an advertisement in bw pa per, headed. "Hooker around and hard times out-flanked !" It would sound more, like tlie troth if it read, " Hard times areund, and Hooker out flanked." Better change it. It's too sarcastic, by int.—Berwick Gazette. Mr Dt< Mott, canvasser for the truly popular work entitled a " History ot the war for the Cniofl —Civil Military and Naval" will we are informed be prepared to deliver tbe first four numbers of the work to those not yet supplied, during the latter part of this week, or first of next. Mr Dfe Mott is also agent for a work en itled, " Portrait Gallery of eminent Ameri cana" The work is filled with full length portraits of of all the distinguished men of the oountry with biographical rnd historical sketches of each* Its literary and artistio merits and excellencise osnaot fail to reocommend it to the public. C3T* A friend and relative in the amy asks us what the people think of the draft, He w!U find an intimation of our feelings and thoughts on the sub ject elsewhere ; and we can assure him that a large majority of the people share in these feelings and opinions. Beauties of (be Conscription [Scene —A Provost Marshal's office—Enter A.] A.—l have a wife, lying at the point pf death- — 1 am poor, and have not a week's provision a-bea cT for her maintainance. Will not tha exempt me ? PKOVOST MARKHAI:—JTO. Fall into the ranks. [Kuter B.J B.—l have five little children, all de pendent on uiy labor, who must suffer in my ab sence. Their mother is in feeble health, andesmnot provide them with the necessaries of life'. Most I go f • P. M —Of course you must. Fall in—fall in. [Enter C] C—My wile is well. I have aban-' dance to leave with my family. I could go to bat tle as well as nut But fib rich enough to buy my self off I'll let poor men—the ragged ftght this war. Here's fi'JGOj and.ndw let me gp,„" P M.—Of oourse, sir, you are at liberty to go Is jt possible that any peer man will vote with a party that.treats bis in this manner? A party that favors the rich add oppresses the poor.— Logan' Gazette. MILLER. -JEN Sept, 14th inst by RT. C. Er LMM, Mr. RawMi HILLS* ITFD M. NAKCT JißKtin, both of Township. RUSSELL—DA VTS—In Meshoppen, sy*/Wtrm Gay Esq., on the 10th inst., Mr. Jesse ?. Rossel of Me shoppen, to Mist Maris A. Deris, of Washington Wyoming Co. Pa. //t WINANS—FISHER—At Mcshoppcn by J O Dans Esq Aug 26th 1863 Mr. Isaac Wins of 'of Me iboppen, to Mist Mary A. Fisher of Philadelphia. V ALLEN—-GAY—-By he same Wn, C Yalien, to Mies Mary J. Gay of Meshoppen. Pied, ARMSTRONG.—In Washington Tp., on the Ist inst.,, son of Darid and Sarah Armstrong, aged 8 years. On the 6ifc Znxi&mm, daughter of the same, aged 19 years. On thp 7th Mm- SfE, dasgbtcr of the name, aged 1 year-and 5 months. Fond pare nts and affectionate sisters be comforted, though your afflictions be great in that three lured ones have, in one short week gone from your embrace to the spirit land. Over the grave of a beloved friend Jesus wept, so may you. But in the gospel is relief for the afflicted heart. The bodies of your loreci ones that have departed, sleep in the grave,bnt their hap py spirits hare joined the glad Angels on Eden's fair plains. Albert was a good boy in life and In death safe. Before she died Ziltiann obtained s| hope, a git rioug hope of immortality and etema) lime, and in the hour of her departure was iafull possession of th grace that saves. Never did we witness a more tri umphant victory in the hour of dieolring nature. I. 0. ggggg ,'l E. As 19, T. ANTHONY,/ Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 504 BROADWAY, N. Y. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalouge now embraces considerably ovr four thousand different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Em inert Americans, etc., via 72 Major Gwnerals, 190 Brig adier Generals, 259 Colonels; 84 Lieut Colonels, 207 other officers, 60 Nary Officers, 525 Statesmen, 127 Divines, 116 Authors, 30 Artists, 112 Stagss, 46 Prominent Women, 147 Prominent ForeignPertraits. 2,500 eopiee of works of art, including rep rodootione of the moat celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Stat utes, Ac. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. An ordor for One Dosen PICTURES fr-ns o'ur catalogue will be filled on receipt of SI.BO. and sent hy mail, fret. . PHOTOGRAPHIC""4LBUM& Of these we manufacture a great variety, ranging in price from 60 cents to 950 each. Our Albums have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. The smaller kinds can he sent safely by mail at a postage of six cents per ox. , , The more expensive can be sent by express. 0 We also keep a large assortment of STHBSUHSt mUKORtHm Our Catalogue of these will be sent to anj address on receipt of Stamp. S. &H-T- ANTHONY Manufacturers of Ph itograpklr Materials 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Fried* or relatives of prominent military men-will onnferaa favor by sendingoa their likenesses to oopy- They wilt be kept carefully and returned uniqjaaed. Plne Albums Made to Otrder forCongrog* tions to preeent to their Pastor, oir for other purpose?, witht Bidable inscriptions, do- b mo i