Special Notices. Notice. Is hereby given that ciy wife Melend.i has left my home without just cause. All pcrsuis an- therefore forbidden t > trust her on my account. JOHN D. Sahcohey. Monroe, Aug. 13, 1563. A GENILEMA N, cuieJ of Nervous Ilebiliiy, In competency, Prom aturo Decay and Youthful Error actuated by a des ire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (frco of charge) the re cipe and dire ctions for making fiie simple Remedy used in his case . Those wishing to profit by his ex perience —and possess a Valuable Remedy—will rc •oeive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,). I>y addressing JOHN B. OGDON, No CO Nassau Street, New York. v2—nl- 3m Executor's Notice. Whereas, Letters testamentary on the estate of Klihu Fassett, late of Forkston Township, Wyoming 'County, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. Notice i hereby given that all per sona indebted to said estnto are requested to make immediate payment, and thogo having claims against ahe same will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber at his residence in Fvrkston Wyoming County, Pa. JOHN . SPAULDING, Kxecuter of last will nhd Testament of Elihu Fassett Deo'd. 6,w Pel., Lack. Si Western Railroad. TH F. PASSEN GER TR AS V LEAVES GREAT REND AT 7-JO A M„ AF ter the arrival at fi.iltj a.m..of the CINCIXNA TI EXPRESS from the Wept, connection- at SCRANTON, where it arrives at 10.10 a. m w °itb - t rain on the LACKAWANNA and BLOOMS pi IN;. RAILROAD, for PITTSTON, WYOMING VAI- \ EY KINGSTON and WILKES BAR RE and with the DELAWARE and HUDSON RAILROAD for PR OVIDHNCE, OL\ PHANT and CAKBONDALE -At HOPE STATION this train commits t. v omnibus wrath the BELVIDKRE DEB AWARE rVipoag "for PHILIPS BURG, TRENTON and PHIL AD V - At NEW HAMPTON JUNCTION, whero it ar rives at i.io p. DI , tho some train connects with I trains on the CENTRAL KAII.RO VD of N.-w Ter- i aey, for ELIZABETH, NEWARK. NEW-YORK I EASTON, BETHLEHEM, ALLE.VfOWN MAUC'H ' CHUNK, READING and IIA RRISBURG.' l'.sse"- I gersby this train arrive in NEW YORK at 5 "(I in : PAILADELI'HIA at 7.00, an! iu HA RRISBURG i at 8 20 p. in. The trains leaving f.>ot of COUIITL AND JCEW-YORK, at B.Gil am. ul KEN'SIN'OfON DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA'. „t 710 ~ JJ, wfth the Passenger Traiu of this road leaiine \ l \V HAMPTON JUNCTION at M. CO 1, arriv- W at SCR AN TON at J 02 r . ~ . 'R RAU o rr,' m. rJ„g rs ar rive at ITHACA, SiRACISE, BY I i ALO, A*. S. T> l pvrf a {*o v* tf um,ll K> this train lesves' <}RK FT Vnur ' he ~rr,vi,i ~} th • NKW ippaa • £' S °" wg ' lii'ffA id) EX e .in • crt, and arrives in tCKATON at D.JO p. m. i> * feRISRIX, .'nprtiintendcut. It. A HENRV, General Ticket Ar;i t. fccronton, June 15. ISfjJ Emton -;r DEHocnA"". I)i an Siu .• W r ith four pcrmi-iior. i wish to aay t, the rend ers of your paper that 1 wiii ,-n.l by return to Hi to till who wish it. free) aft . i r -. with f „j, , iire >r making and u-i:ig a simulo Vegeinide Ikalm hat wili effectually remov ~ . daw I*ii-i.l-- 3lotehes. Tan, Freckles, and all impurftV-i u f" • .kin, leaving the same eolt. tloar, smuthani oeautiful. I will also mail free t'i !?,.<<> hnvir i- ][ ool i. U ?I ®l^ o directii,t.,nn Hi I; nat will eoabie them t< start a full •■. ,=■ j x uient Hair, Whiskers, or a MoesUclie, tn"l * than . All applications answered hv !<.? u uiail wits'dut enargp. Respectfully yours, TilOS. F. CHAPMAN ChooiisI', 1 ', i2ni>4 ! —3m CHEAPEST BMK H OUSEII THE WORLD TO SUTLERS; PEDLERS i MEWS AGENTS ; BCGKbELL ER3 ; &C. Publish the most Saleable Cooks in the W .rid, mi supply all Books at \o.-y lyiv rates. ijOOKS FOR TilT; ARMY ! AND ALL NEW BOOKS! MILITARY NOVELS. The cheapest place in the world to .buy c r send for a stork of all kinds of Looks, snitahlo* f..r Sol- j clicrs and for t'l9 Arm,7 :.n I fur all other rotttiing, is j kt the Bookselling and Publishing ilou.-c of j T. 11. PETERSOSi fy BROTHERS, 300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. ! Any person wonting any books at all, many qtmn iity, from a single b>"k, to a doztn, a hundred, thousand, or a larger quantity el books, had better bend on their order kt once to the "CHEAP BOOK SELLING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE" OF T. 13. PETERSON world. We haye just issued a new and complete j catalogue, which we seed ptatuitously to all on send ing for one. Enclose one, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty or a huu dred dollars, or more, to us in a letter, and write what kind of books yott wish, and they wtllbe pack- [ cd and Best to you at once, per first exprcssr mail, ] or any way you may direct, just as well assorted add the same as if you were on the spot, with circu lars, show bills, Ac , gratis. All wo ask is to give us a trial. Addres? all orders for any books you may want at all, no matter by whom published, or how small or how large your order may he, to the Cheap Publish ing and Bookselling House of T. B. PETERSON* & BROTHERS, 300 Chestnut St., Philadelphia And they will receive immediate attention, nni fce sent to yott within an dlr ■aftor receipt of the order MAYNARD'S HOTEL, m TUN KUAN NO C* K, wy °minq COUNTY, penxa. JOHN MAYNARD, Proprietor. H A^ IN , G l tok tho Hotel, in the Borough of Tunkhaimcck, r cen tly ocenpied bv Riloy warjner, the proprietor reg{ cUul i y elicit* as h ire of pnbho patronage. Ihe llouso has boentborougl.lv repaired, aPd .the comforts a„l accomodations of a first class Hotel, wul be found by all who may favor t with their custom. September 11 13tjl. WORTH BRANCH HOTEL. MESHOPPBN, WYOMING COUNTY, l>\ ' Win. H GORTRIGHT, Prop'r LIAVING resumed the proprietorship of the above . Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to >n Ju house an ogreen bio place ol sojourn for 0 ""J favor it with their custom. Win. II CCRTRIHIIT. June. 3rd, 1863 gACON STAND—Nichoisoii, Pa. - C. L • A..K3ON, Proprietor. [vlolOtf ] ffofactiiifmrah Quarters -FOR— Bargains. WAR OR NO WAR, THE PEOPLE ARE BOUND TO HAVE mmm simp, 0. L. HALLSTEAD AND SON have just received, anil are constant ly receiving, a large stock of gocds, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hosiery, Ready- Made Clothing, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Kails, Lime, Flour, Salt* Fish, Fork, Clover and Timothy Seed, Soap, Candles, Grind Stones Plow- Castings, aud everything usually kept in first class stores. GREAT BARGAINS —IN— Dry Goods. Goods reduced, in consequence of the sudden tall in gold. The bal ance ot our Spring and Summer stock reduced 25 per cent. Now is the time to buy. We know such puffs are often put in the papers ; hut if you doubt what we advertise, call and see for yourselves. WANTED. All kinds of Farmers Produce. — Lumber, Shingles, Wool Socks, Sheep Pelts, Beef Hides, and everything I that will sell ; for which the highest market price will be paid. 1 Mr HOT SON, Jsy 29., 1*63. INSURANCES -AGAINST FIKE! FIRE!! FIRE 1! ! Taken at, this office, on all kinds of Town and ! Country property, at the MOST KFASOKABLK TKRMS, and for any time from THREE MONTHS TO FIVE YEAR 1 — either | WITH or WITHOUT PREMIUM NOTES ! Ia the company reliable I Will it promptly pay | its honest losses ? are the important inquiries with I all insurers. W answer : | THE LYCOMING CO INSURANCE COMPANY HAS BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION FORTWENTY-TUREE YEARS.—IT HAS A WELL SECURED CAPIATL OF OVER *2,400,00 IT PAYS FROM *6O, TO 8125,000 LOSSE3 ANNUALLY. ALL LOSSES ARE PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. EACH INSURER IS FURNISHED WITH AN AUTHENTICATED ANNU NUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND OPERATIONS OF THE COMPA NY THE COMPANY IS CONDUCTED ON JUST AND EQUITABLE PRINCIPLES. THE CHARTER IS PERPETUAL. References non. Win. M. Piatt, Hon. A. K Peckham, Henry Stark and Samuel Stark Esqs. of this County ; Sayer & Bros, of Susquehanna, and George M. Holleubuck and others of Luzerne County, who insure in and have been paid losses by this, Company. HARVEY SICKLER, Agt. REAL ESTATE —FOR— SA-XJE. The subscriber, offers for sale the following prop erty, Those wishing to purchase raal estate can do so at a bargain. ONE EOT OF LAND within one mile of Nicholson Depot. D. L A W R R of sixty acres, partly improved, with a good house and barn tbercon. Well watered, and living water running in the house. A GOOD COMFORTABLE HOME SOLD LOW. \ T cn 500 acres oF WILD XiAJkOv_/cying from one to two miles from the j station., in lots to suit bpyers A t .. A OTHER REAL ESTATE at a low J\ \J V_/ figure. For terms, call ou R 3. SEARLE Ag't. Nicholson Station. D. L. A W R. R. | July 29 1863. List of Jurors Drawn to Serve at the August Term 186.1. GRAND JURORS. WlNDHAM.— Augnster Barber Johu Allen. CLINTON. —Tho's Chamberlin. NICHOLSON. —Edwin Stephens, E. .T. Spalding, I.oren Stephens, P. P. Spalding. FORKSTON. —Hiram Hitchcock, John Lott, Myron Farr. TUSK BORO. —lvlward Buck, Benj. Newman, Ad orn Ace. BKMXTRIM. — Bcnj. Wakeman, J. S. Lam. TUNC. T, P.—Newman Miller. EATON.— John W. Miller, Anderson Dana, Elipha let Fuller. FALLS —J O. Dowd, John Ager. NORTH BRANCH. —Wellington , Hixie A. 0. Lutes MONROE —M. W. NewLcrry. PETIT JURORS. WINDHAM. —Jas. G Fassctt, Peter F Hope,. LP.MON. — Hiram Ely. NICHOLSON.— P. B Baldwin, Geo. Steph ns, Ma son Parker, Eli N. Bacon, Lewis Thomas. NORTH BRANCH.— Levi Kelly FALLS —Win. Overton, John Irwin, IV. 11. Walter Autos Beemer. "'ASHIXGTOJT. —John Carney, Cha's Place, James J Bunnell. TCNK BORO —E. L.Campbell, RE. linker, Ja's j Young. CLlNTON —Bartholcmew Capwell, Joseph Broad bent, Lewis Armstrong, T. W Braton. NORTHMORKLAXD—A. W. Jaquos. BRAINTUIM.— WM Ney. EATON.— S D Bacon, \V. B Moneypenny. VIEUOOPANV. —John C. Herman, TUNK T. P.— Dan'l Newman, W. B. Hirding, Theadore A Jackson. FORKSTOS— Benj. Fare, James Fisk. MONROE,—H. W. Carpenter. EXETER. —llalsey Kyte. OVERFIELD. —Lewis Ager. WHISKERS!!! I'ELATREAU'S STIMULATING ONGUENT. OR FRENCH GREAMtI! FOR BALD HEADS AND BARE FACES!!! CFIIIS celebrated article is warranted to bring 1 out a full set of Whiskers on the smootees* face, or a fine growth of bair on u Bald head, in less than six weeks, and will in no way stain or in jure the skin The French Cream is manufactured by Dr. M. PELATRKALS, of Paris, and is the only re liable article of the kind 'Tso no other." WAR RANTED IN EVERY CASE. ONE BoX WILL DO THE WURK. PRICE SI.OO. imported and forsalo Wholesale and ReatiJ by THOS. F. CHAPMAN' Chemist and Druggist S3l Broadway, New Y'o k Court Proclamation. TX7HEREAS, the Hon. WM ELWELL. Presi dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas ano Court ot General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and the President Justice of the Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of cap ital and other offences, for the twenty-sixth Judicial District of Pcnn'a. S. Roberts, nndN. H. Wells, Esqs. Associate Judge* of the Court of Common Pleas and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Associ ate Justices of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivory of the County of Wyoming, have by their precept to me directed, ordered A GENERAL COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER AND GENERAL JAIL DELIVERY, to bo bold at Tunkhannock on Monday the 17th day of August A. D., 1363. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Corooor, all Justices of the Peace and Constables within the Coun ty of Wyoming, that they be and appear in their pro per persons at the time and place above mentioned, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, recognizances and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices in that behalf respective ly belong. Notice is also given that those who are bound by recorniaances to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall bo in the Jail of Wyoming County, that they be then and there to prosocute them a? shall be just. L.H STEPHENS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Tunkhannock, Aug. 17, 1863. $ | to NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF BOTH SEXES. A REVEREND GENTLEMAN HAVING BEEN restored to health in a few days, after nndergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of troatment withou.% success, considers it his sacred du ty to communicate to hi 3 afflicted fellow creatures j tho moans of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an ad ; dressed envelope, be will send (free) a copy of the I prescription used. Direct to Dr JOHN M. DAGNALL, • 163 Fultou Stree*. Brooklyn, New York v?n?4Jy mums nun W UA/Y VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR IM- X vUv/ mediate service to enforce the Draft in on BEEMER'S Stock of New Goods* No resistance, however, need be feared; but think \t best to have the volunteers. Thirteen dollars a month guaranteed to every one who will enlist in this cause in the way of buyiDg Goods CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. BEEMER has just returned from New York with largo Stock of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, 25 PER. CENT LOWER, 25 PER. CENT LOWER, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, TO PLEASE EVERY ONE, TO PLEASE EVERY ONE, YANKEE NOTIONS, YANKEE NOTIONS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, & WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. & WOODEN WARE. SUMMER HATS. SHAKERS, Ac. SUMMER IIATS. SHAKERS, &o. KEROSINK OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS k DRUGS. KEROSINE OIL, LAMP CHIMNEYS A DRUGS. FISH, PORK AND SALT. FISH, PORK AND SALT * NO NEED OF MENTIONING MORE. NO NEED OF MENTIONING MORE. THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR CASH; THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOR CASH AND TO RESOLD FOR CASH OR PRODUCE AND TO BE SOLD FOR CASH OK PRODUCE SO BRING ALONG YOUR CASH, BITTER. EGOS. _ AND GRAIN. BRING ALONG YOUR CASH, BUTTER, EGGS AND GRAIN. GOOD BUTTER AN u FRESH EGGS. GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS WE WANT NOTHING BUT GuOD BUTTER. WE WANT NOTHING BUT GOOD BUTTER. AND FRESII EGGS. AND FRESH EGGS. The Highest Prices will be paid for Cash, Grain, Butter and Eggs, at Beemer'.* Store, at Falls in ex change for Goous. AMOS BEEMER, Fails, l'a., April 27th, 1563. JACOB imiifiir /astjbnauie Siloing, flair cutting, AND SHAMPOOING SALOON. Shop Opposite Nlay nanl's Hotel. Ladies' haircut in the most fashionable style, ei ther at his Saloon, or their residence, if desirable. Mr. Bcrßngkof is recently trum New York city, where he was employed i:i the best establishments and consequently fee is warranted in guarantee-it", satisfaction to all who may favor him With their eus om. XLaa/tos't AND Reliable News Arrival o? a SW M —or— Fall & Winter j r PIIE subscriber begs leave to inform bis numerous JL friends and customers, that ho has just returned from Philadelphia and New York, with the gfcfffft anb Bcst S'turh nf j S x Fancy Goods Shawls, Cloaks, Grimms, gatiutbi MEN'S WEAR IN GENERA* YANK££ NOTIONS, &C. j Ever brought to this County. Ho has also bought- Fine block of Ladies' Shoes —AND— GAITERS, HATS, and a Full Line of IABGT fill, bought at ASTONISHING LOUT P&tCES. As regards the Quality and Styles of Goods, he de fies competition. As regards Prices, he only assures his friends, that long experience in the fbnle enables him to buy, and therefore, sell cheaner than any cue else outside the city. A fair trial is all he asks. No Trouble to Shew Goods. Thankful for the verv liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him, he will, by strictly honest dealing, and hereafter, a close atteution to business, try to merit a continuance ot the same, John Weil. I mkhac-nvk, 0-* 15. 1367 I TO TIIE LADIES. : £ jbb' w MtmmEim —AND— ESTABLISHMENT: WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF INFORMING tou that we are now prepare') to offer you, at J the house formerly occupied by ilenry Stark in the Borough of Tcnkhannock, a NEW aad carefully rei • ected stock of : im wsm l —and— STRAW GOODS. j in every variety, and of the latest styles and impor tations. OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT. Will consist of every variety of BONNETS, nATS and TRIMMINGS to b-found in that line, and of the latest s.::d most approve i Shapes and Styles. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced DRUSS-MAKER, and at all times will be prepared to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest and most approved manner.— Soliciting your calis before purchasing elsewhere, vre remain Yours, Re?| ectfullv. MRS. A G STARK. The Undersigned, having moved to Wiikesbnrre, would respectfully ask her friends and old customers to give Mrs. A. G. STARK, a call before purchasing elsewhere MRS. C. T. MARSH Tunkhannock, April 13, 1663. The Latest Styles. —OF— SPRING & SUMMER Bonnets, and MILLINERY GOODS, have just been received at the es'ab ishment of j LOUISA HEPBURN, i <.n Tioga Street, opjx,site the Post-office, where wi! j be found Ladies. Chilren. Misse-, an I Boy's FLATS HATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBON'S FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, and everything ii the line of Millinery, which will be sol i at the lowest Cash Prices. Repairing promptly nr.'! ne.iti v done. Ladies please call and examine for themselves. Tunkhannock,Oct. 3, 1562 v2n!l lywil —AND— fHb±ilTl ®ixojp. THE subscriber has ju*t received at his shop, ovei j H.mkius' n's Store, in MESHOPPEN PA., n 1 will constantly kiep or. hand all the latest MP OVED COOKKG ST VEP Among which are the " CALORIC," MINER and | •' UNION" patterns, with PARLOR ST'jYES an i j (leiiters of every description, which he offers for R.©ady at prices that will defy competition His stoves arc houg.it direeiiv f -t the M .nuf.i. fur- | crs at \LI!.tNY, WILKI SBARRE. PFOYIDENCt. inu SC'RANTON. He ia ihcrefoic enabled to sell I them at a small advance on the original coat TiM, SHEET-IRON, —AND- Copper Ware. :II kinds on h-rn iunimi le to order Also PIPE, WAGON BOXES, AND SLEIGH- ; SHOES FOR SALE. Tbo popular Co'kin ; Stove, Forest Q, uee n, (Elevated oven) is now for tHe first, offered at S2O for 8 inch, 825 for 9 "rich, REPAIRiNffAND JOBBJNS i neatly and promptly done. HENRY STANSBURY. I Meshoppen, Dec. 17th, IS62—v2nl9lv. * j Ladies Look Out! !! SOfi'SSTg, SHAKERS. HATS. RIBB NS, —OF THE With everything else to be found in the line of MILLINERY. Just roceived from the city, am sold at siu-iil profits by MRS. EARDWEIJIJ. Opposite the Posi-Olfice. Please call and examine before purchasing rise wbere. Bleaching and repairing dune in good orde and at tho shortest notice. Tunkbunock, Nov. 12, IS62—v2cll-3m. F&SilFa JkJ^SJWEIBS *y lIE SUBSCRIBER IIAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL X operation, for several years, a Mipii, TOWANDA, where all of the most approved and rare kinds of FRUIT 6r ORNAMENTAL TREES, VINE AXDS FLOWERS j Can be obtained. j Being eonv.need from experience that hi* Trc s and Plants will give far better satisfaction to the 1 Fruit-growers of Wyoming County than any grown in other localities, he confidently solkitstbcir patron age. He will make annual visits either in person or bv his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co", and asks only that his specimens may be examinod and his method of dealing be tested Al! orders by 1 iter nro has been laid be neath the church yard moun I, and telt tfeit "No prico could take from jou A memento so cherished ; For, how sacre-l the shadow. Since th ; sufotanct has ;cs ' AiVIN DAY. TunkhsinnoekDce. 19, 1962.—vgnld WOOL CARDING * All R.igh.t —AT- - fiMS CAIDH6 MAMS. ( The undersigned thankful f..r past favors, infer* he public that they still continue tho businere ;f Carding AT THE OLu SiAN3 if! f.iCHCLSON mile below the Depot The following are < ur terms tor the ensuing season Wnen go..d grevse accompanies the wool, in tho t ropoitir r. of or:c !K. to cn of wool —Five ernta per ents tier Ih , rush, on delivery of tolls. If there m no nrrang-im nt as to pay. every i tb lb will bo 'aken iVbeu we furnish greise, one and it hr.'f •cats per lb will be th tgc in all mso . POSITIVELY NO CREDIT. Wo again iec of tho I adie., not their laud J by greasing their wool at home; hut seed us clean wool and good grease, and tva will warrant them good work. E L BACON• L .BACON. May 15ib 1563 1. nwm All! C9MPASY HAVE JEST OPEXED A NEW DRUG STORE opposite the re-idenoe of R R. 1 MIO Esq.. on tia Corner of Ting > nn' Warren Sfn-ets, in Xuakhan uuck Borough, v.hore ean be bad all kinds o DRCOS Av'J J1 EDICINES, DREGS AND MEDICINES, DKI'GS AND MEDICINES, DRUGS ADD MEDD INKS, DREGS AND MEDICINES, DRLGS AM) MEDICINES, DRUGS AM) MEDICI N E5 DKI'GS AND MEDICINES. DREGS AND M DICINES, DKI'GS AND MEDICINES, DrtUGS AND SI EDICINES, DREGS AND MEDICINES, CffFMrr AtS CHEMTCALS! CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS, CHEMICALS; EYE STUFFS, DYE STTFFS, DYE STLMFS, DYGSTEFFS. DYE STEFFS, DYE STIFFS, LATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEPICIFK3, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINES, PA IE NT MEDICINES, PATENT M .DICINES, PATENT MEDICINER, PATENT MEDICINES, PA I CNT MEDICINES, with everything usually found in his Lne. ri| 'ions accurately filled ; and Vrf • promptly attended *o ~~ w Dr. J C BECKER A Tuukl an-oek P' M v 6th 1863 *2u3Bt : *_v HOVVA Rk) ASSOC I ATI (m, liIi'LADEI PHTA. | -or 'he Relief of the Sick iV Distressed, afflicted with I v irulent and Chron'c Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases f the Sexual Organ* Medi-a] adviee given gratis, hy the Acting Su geca | Valuable Reports n Sperm-tftrrhoca or Semmar i Wti.XntM, ap I taker Diseases of the Sexual Org* \t I an 1 on the New ncmedieseuiploye I m t' e Diapn.. ! ry, tout to the affiv'ed in scaled letter envelope ' e |of charge. 'iwn t three stamps for postage will be [ <•, AS A FERTTLIZE - IJ for s tie at VSRyoy\J Meshop-en. S?rd IB I3SI.