North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, July 22, 1863, Image 2

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    C|e fjeinatrat.
kfetVEY BICKLER* F.illlor.
Wednesday, July 22, 1863.
S. JM. Pettengiil & Co.—No. 37 F*sx Row |
Nrw YORK, A 6 STATE ST BOSION, are our Agents
for the N. B. Democrat, in those cities, and are author
ize i to take Advertisements and Subscriptions
us at oar lowest Rates.
Democratic Meeting at Nicholson.
A large, respectable and enthusiastic
meeting of Democratic Ladies and Gentle
men assembled in the grove near the old
Bacon stand in N;ch< ison, on Saturday, July
18th 18C3. The meeting was called to order
by P. B- Baldwin E q , who nominated Eli
N. Bacon E-q. as President, who was unani
mously elected. The following named per
sons were then chosen as Vice Presidents.—
A. Gordineer and E. Ball, Nicholon, D
Bidlenian, Clinton, Z. Biilnigs, Monroe, F.
V. Siekler, Falls, Theron Finn, Benton, S.
Carpenter, Lenox, J. S. Scott, Lathrop, \\ in.
F. Terry, Tunkhannock, E. S. Finn, Green
field, A. U. Grit man, Scott.
Edwin Stephens, N. P. Wilcox, Ilnllowny
Stephen', and Dr. H. N.Kelly, were chosen
Jacob DeWitt was then introduced, who
briefly and ably discussed the issues now
befoie the people. He was followed by Dr.
S. M. Wheeler, Silkmnn and Judge Me ri
f.eld of Luz. Co., and 11. 11. Little and Vv'ni.
M. Piatt of Wyoming, whose remarks were
listened to with the greatest attention, and
elicited frequent ronnas m nppime-v.
Signed by the Officers.
A Word to our Subscribers.
With one or two numbers more we shall
enter upon the 3rd volume and year of the
Democrat. A la'-ge number of our subscri
bers have taken our paper from the begin
ning, without paving for it. A still larger
number have failed to pay us for the present
year. Perliap3 every delinquent deems him
self the only <>ne <>n our hst ; and I.ioks his
single 51.50 or §3.00 can nuke no very
great difference in our business. If it were
true that we ha 1 but one delinquent sub
scriber, even at cv ry post office in the couu
ty, it might nt s. rion-ly interefere with our
bus'ne-s; but w n they exist in scores at
si g ? e offic iin the rggregate by hun
dreds it be unes to us, a matter of very
greit, ir *• • ncj that each mm pay in his
•übscr :> i.
Unpleasant as it may and would be to us,
we sh&il be obliged to ptrt cvarany with
our delinquents of long standing, after due
notice— by striking their names from our
books, as dead heals. T.'iis notice cannot
long be witheld. " Self preservation," and
no want of kind feelings or generosity, forces
us to thus plainly address our subscribers.
Besides we have grown into tho habit of
plain speaking—a habit in wtiich we are en
couraged b}' our subscribers.
Our paper, ink, and tab .r have to be paid
for in advance, or when dine. T iera Uno
intelligent reader, man, woman or child, in
tbis county that can not take our paper and
pay for it. No one who is in fav ;r of truih,
justice liberty and democracy—the conserva
tor of these—sliou! 1 hesitate to encourage
and sustain the 1 cal press. To thar, all
look in times of trouble. It is the last senti
nel on th watch tower of liberty—the last
bulwark between the people and their des
potic rulers. t\ hen that is broken d >wii, or
sinks through neglect, there is nothing be
tween them and tyranny in its tn ist hideous
and exacting forms with it, constitutional
liberty survives or die 3. Let every man
then, who loves his country ; who loves lib
erty, such as has been given to us by the
lathers i f the revolution, and has been pre
served by their posterity until the present ;
put his shoulder to the wheel and labor for
the inculcation of the principles of Democra
cy. This is most effectually done through
the local county presses. These reach the
hearts and hearthstones of their thousands
cf readers on the hillsides and in the vallevs.
In co: elusion let us say that every reader .
of the Democrat should con*ti>ute and ap
point himself a c< niai'ltee of one, to procure j
and send us any number of responsible prompt '
paying subscribers. Not neglecting them- '
selves, to set the example.
Speech of Hon. L. XV Vorhccg.
The speech of II<n. D. W. Vorhees of
Indiana a part of which will he found oh our '
first page will be concluded in our next.—
iu; ien th necessarily excludes many articles
that nrght fe of interest to our readers ; but
we feel satisfied that every careful reader of
it, will agree with us, that it is not too long. I
Kvery man, woman and child in tho land
should read it.
The Draft Riots in N. Y. city and other
places have subside d We hear of slight out
breaks in LaucasU r and other places where
the draft is going on ; but the local authori-}
te.s promptly restore <juiet.
V *
Mmutwcaammmmammmmwmaßmamameatmm 11 111 in —Mjj
The Draft is the must exciting anrl !
all absorbing topic of, conversation through
out the c uintry. We have had various ru
mors in relation to it, so far as this district
is concerned. Some say that it has already
taken place. This is not probably true ; but
fioin present indications it is now certain
that it will be made, by the officers having
the matter in charge, in their own time,
place and ipanner, and without any pains, on
their part, to assure the people that it i#
done fairly and impartially. A'l those lia
ble to the llrst call should prepare for the
event, a l -, in all probability, but few of that J
class will < scape. The law is relentles 7 , and
those who execute it are eq Lilly *, at least
so far as p diticaljopp merits are c mcerm-d.
yy* The news by the last night's mail
represents Gen. Meade's entire army across
the Potomac, —and the retreat of Gen. Lee
through Thont" n's and Chester's gaps.—
The fall of C larlestm is cm ft 'ently pre liet
ed. Our forces have possession of Morris
Island and are entrenching themselves and
preparing to attack the other defenses ot the
cit v.
The capture of Port Hudson with 7000
prisoners is fully confirms I. Margin's rait
in Indiana is likely to prove very disastrous
to him; an attempt mile by him to recross
the river, resulted in the loss of 1031 men.
Jt ffurson Davis has ordered a draft <fall
! able bodied men between the age, of 18 and
45 years,
Vhen the abolitionists fir,t began their
work in the city of New-Y->rk the instincts
J of the community wirnel it of the presence
of the serpent in E lon, taught it that the
worst enemy >f the black race and the drad
liest foe of tho white race was in vote-inous
life and actlm. A c-r line yit theoi
out, as a decent man would drive our of his
! house a fellow who preic ie I "'free love" to
his chddivo, with kicks ai 1 cu- se<. Ai ah
aliti'inist in England or in a slave state is a
J man to be resjs e'ed and admired, because
i slavery is bis business, ami the burden <J iis
| extinc ion falls on hun alike with other mem
! hers of the c>n a i i>ty. L 5 i- an abolitionist
iin a Tree state not simply pr- pose to take
; property, but to abuse while he takes it.—
| CASSIS M. CLAY dearved and received re
spect till he made a mountebank of hime; Ifin
: company with TRAIN, and a fool of himself by
! injudicious and sdly uttcreuces in Europe and
•New-York. lie urged Kentucky to abolish
i slavery. Kentucky was his state ;he shared
its ftune, good or bll. II J wis io su'X• ror
bcneiii by tKw p II i sev > I ins c > i Vic -
j tiona wi'h toil and pnrso and person. 110
j was a man. But that spawn of puritanism
| which lectured at. twenty five cents a head to
. strong-minded woman and weak inn led men.
; which set sensation preaclu rs to defraud the
j theater of its blood and tinsel ; which deso -
; crated I lie pulpit by preaching, not Christ
cruflifijl, put Peter lopping an ear, tnerelv
, cried ' havoc, and let loose the dogs of war, 5 '
i carefully gtahbining at con'r c's and piling
; up wealth, every dollar wet with the blood of
iof a fellow-citiz n. And men talK ofthegal
j lows for the hardworking laborer in
i cited to passion by ilie idea that he is u.
j bleed to day, and beneath but dens of
taxation all his life, for a cause which he
j detests ; and see, with applause, men, s tine of
• whom have been pinticilly preaching evil
I war for twenty years in the highest places of
I trust such power, and one who avowed designs
; of disunion for twenty years, publicly honor
jcd by an American senate. Fermenting in
| the minds of the people oi this countrv is •_' e
i notion that this administration has not waged
; this war for the Union, but for the abolition
I of slavery und the equality of the the negro
. with the white. The full conviction of that
idea has not yet come to them, but the proofs
i are accumulatirg, ar.d Ivf re six months the
! will bo made. \\ e have done our duly
| In the way of warning against this madness ;
! wehave protested agii.ast tiie uuc nisti NUIOURI
j acts of the exi-cu : ive and Congress ; we have
: striven with our weak strength to prevent
; the United Stales from rushing d urn that
steep at the bottom of whien lies civil war.
if we saw a man in a menagerie teasing a ti
-1 i
| ger we should warn bun of his imprudence ;
| but what sense or logic would there bo in Ins
turning round savagely, saving, "You want
me bitten, do you ; you encourage the tiger."
Yet such ; s just the sense and just the logic
of our Republican con temp TB; i.i in answer to
our premonitions.— Wot Ul
sir In Pro-idem Lincoln's letter to the
i A'baiiy democratic u.i "ng, concerning the
Vallandigham arn-st, he said :
'"ln Tne latter rase, direst are made not
so much for what has be n<l ne, as f-r w.iat
' probably Would be done. Toe latter is more
i f' r the pivvt'inive and less fr the vuidic ive
: than the former."
Lincoln reminds us, says the Cincinnati In
qui/er, of linns, who had been thr.ihuig his
urchin son for swearing at his mother, thud
the philosophic parent, ' Vat's dat you're
i thinktn's > vich d about in de corner dcru ? '
; "I ain't think note'n." <l Y< u lie, you vag
bon you—you tinks cot tain, and now I v:ps
jmu for dat."
1 11 a delivered to his c<>n*iitu
enta, last September, lion. Thad. Sieveii*, of
Pennn., said :
Abolit om! >e ;abolishece~ythiug on the face
of the earth but tine Union ; tree every slave
'•lay every traitor—burn ecert/ rebel man
sicn. if these tilings l e necessary to preserve
this temple of freedom to the world and to
our piorperi ty. L nle-s ire do this ire Cut
not conquer them.
The telegraph now reports th'.t Mr. S?ev
ns'"chickens are c icing hone turmn
lls iron mills at Gettysburg have been burn- j
t>d to the ground, Mr. S. loosing at least
SIIO,OOO, nearly all his fortune. This is
the first and only account of the destruc
tion of private pr operty yet made by the
Southern army. "Woo unto them thatdes
poileth for they shall dc despoiia d."
I At a meeting of the Democrats of Wyo
ming County, hehl at Union Hal' in lnnk- P
bannock I) >rough, July 17 ISG3 for t lse pur- '■
pose of forming an organizition for the <if- j
fusion of political knowledge, the folio.ving ,
constitution was unanimously adopted. j
Coustltutlou. (
j Art. Ist. This organization shall he styled 1
the Wyoming County Branch of the New <
York Society for the diffusion of polittca :
Art. The object of this society shall be to
disseminate a knowledge of the principles of
! American constitutional liberty ; to incul
cate correct views of the constitution of the
United States, of the powers and rights of
! the Federal Government and of the powers
ami rights reserved to the States and to the
peop'e ; and generally to promote a sound
political education of the public mind; to
the end that usurpations may be prevented,
that arbitrary and unconstitutional measures
may he checked, that the constitution may
be preserved' that the union may be restored
and that the bLs*ings of free institution* and
public order may be kept by ourselves, and
be transmitted to our prosperity.
Art 3. The officers of this society 6*.a1l
c >nsit of a President, a Treasurer, a record
ing secretary, a corresponding secretary, and
three standing committees who shall be chos
en annually. The Standing Committees shall
be a Commit'eo on | übbcatinn* to consist of
tlnve members, a committee of Finance to
Consist, of three member*; and these two
coin nittecs shall constitute the executive
committee of the society of which the Pres
ident. the Treasurer, and the Secretaries
shall hi- e.V OJJi:crs members. And each of
snd Commit ecs may fill vacancies in its
own body.
Art 4. The executive committee shall
have the general directions of the operations
an! measures of the s nfety in the promotion
Ot lS ( tj. pt.
Art. 5 The Committee on finance shall
collect fund for the u*e of the society and
pay tlmm over to the Treasurer, whose duty
it shall be to pay fromt hem under the di
la c i-'ti of the executive committee, a! i ex
pontes, that may be incurred by the si ci
etv in the prosecution of its object.
Art. 0. Regular Meetings of the society
v I,aII lie held on the Fourth Saturday in
Ju y, October. January, an i April, in each
year, and special meetings may b* 10-l lat
any time undr the direction of the Presi
dent .
Art 7. The recording Se rotary shall re-
C'-rd all the j r weeding* of the society; he
shall a'so act as secretary <>f the st-vera
committees and shall g'Vo notion of all meet
ings of the s >• v*, or its committees.
Art. 8 Tiie corresponding Secretary shall
attend to the correspon lence o' the Society,
atid generally perform the duties appertain
'r.g to that i (lice.
Art. 9. Any citizen of good moral charac
ter may be aim tted as a member of this
society, on payment of fifty- cents., and sub
scribing to the constitution.
Art. 10. No amende eit of this constitu
ttiti >n shall be made without the vote of
three fourths of the members present at a
regular meeting, ami notice thereof shill be
giv ti at the jreceeding regular m eting.
Art 11. The several Committees shall
report their doings at each regular meeting
an<l the Secretary shall record the same in
tlie rcC'-rds of the society.
Art. 12. A tax or assessment may be made
upon the members of the society at any
meeting upon a vote of two thirds of the
members present.
Quite a large number of persons then catne
forward, subscribed the constitution, and
paid the regular he.
Tiie following officers wore then unani
mously elected, to wtl :
Dr. J. V SMITH Pres't.
GEO. s. run on, r. s <\*.
Ildi. R. R. LITTLE, C Sec'y.
II m. W M PIATT, ;
JOHN DAY. Hiul ( Com. on Pub.
JACO 11 DEW ITT E*q. )
D I). D WITT b
L C. LON'IvLIN. and > Com. on Finance
The following Resolution was tlien offered
and adop'ed.
resolved, TI at it lie recommended to all
••it'Zens in tbe several Town-hips and Vil
lages in Wyoming Count v, who approve of
the object in this constitution that
they organize auxiliary societies, and open
comnmti'c itum w i: li the Wyoming County
Socetv Tunk'ia'in ck.
Hon. U R Liilie was then njllol upon,
ami a'lilrci • 1 the 8 u-ici v in ■• mi b it
pointed and leilin* renin';*, after which the
; nice) ing adj >urm d.
Geo S. TUTTON, R. S.
! July 17, ISG3.
Grcley and Hub spierc.
ti* tho int.- >t lin:ii initanns in bathe in blood
Robe-pii re, hke Gielev. was opposed to hang
i ing n murth nr, and lie did what Greeley
wanted to do, butcher by the thousand*
R"be<|.iire was a Very neat man ; he scorned
I the uIL elation of looking like a -care crow on
a tramp--Greeley does n it. Roth he and
Greeley, hud a Fuppretue unconsciousness
<fit et nsistei ry. 'J lu re was mure bile about
Robe>jurre, more of the vegetable mirruv
ah nit G.'eoly. Tiiey vvmid resemble each
cither in one particular : both would sacrifice
the human race in a social experiment
Gieeley aifete 1 the black principally. It ibes.
pit ire the bl ic'c incidedtally. Robespierre
was noted for improj rieties if vi npi tation-
R -bespirro was very ambitious under the
ma.-k of patriotism, Greeeley under the
whine of philanthropy. Robespierre was
a Coward, Greeley was really brave. R dies
pierre was draged to death by the people he j
bad made orphans, Greele has escaped that
fate. Robespierre, after breaking hisjiw
with a pistol shot, rem line 1 silent for hours ;
Greeley, under the samj circumstances, would
write an article "'just once." After Robes- *
pierre's death, people wondt red that they
had been afraid of such a being. After Gree
ley's demise, people will wonder they had
been decier i d dy such a humbug.
The following resolutions were passed at a ■
great Democratic meeting, hell at Benton,
July 4th, 18G3.
\] liereas, It hath pleased God to permit
us to meet once more under th • fol !a of our ;
national flag—that flag rendered sacred to j
pvry American heart by the gloriou sachieve- .
inents of our patri tic fathers, whoso hallow
ed dust is now sleeping in honored graves,
and whose memories every true American
and patriot must ever revere ; we, the citi
zens of the counties of Luzerne, Snsqne'-an- ,
na and Wyoming, now assembled (and for
the last time it may he) to celebrate the An- ;
niver.-ary of American Independence, in this
Union of ?t ites unbroken, many of which are
now being desecrated by an unholy war,
and drenched in fraternal blood, ami Where
a,- We still love onr country and Union and
the C institution framed by our father-, do
now, in the name of reason, humani'y and
the obligations we owe to c>viltZktio 1, t • our
common country, and to our G >■!, u Ist sol
emnly protest again*. the furilier pfosecu
tion of this war against S -uthern States, or
any state, for the emancipation of negr > ela
-1 very, for the subjugation of States, or for
any other purpose than the settletnen of an
honorable peace between the North and
South ; and to this end we hold that the
bloody experience of the last two and a half
years fully dem >n*trate the imperious neces
sity 1 f calling ior a cessation of hostilities,
and an armistice between the belligerent par
ties at the-earliest posstbl t moment, as tlie
onls practicable means of restoring peace and
tranquility to 011 now distracted country,
and saving a further ( ITu-ion of bl >•>,] an )
useless waste of treasure; as war and blood
shed can never afuct a reunion with tin
S 11 h, as our ex enence. and the futile ex
I eruuents of the Lincoln Administration, fo!
ly demonstrate. The n c mds of Lincoln ng
, cresstons and the reverses of his armies 11
ready show a state an I condition in otirna
ti mal affdrs of tho mo t frightful anil appill
ing character, with not one redeeming fea
ture to test a single impw of success upon,
win ewe cling to this dissolving Union of
States, and to the glorious com*teiiatton of
stars and stripes with a pertinacious hold,
praying to " Iliut who doeth till things we'l"
tor the salvation of t>ur country ami nation.
We will unite imr suppbcat'ons with every
patriot in the land, for a speedy deltverenee
from Abraham Lincoln's bloody Abolition
rule, and the further desolation of our once
prosp- puis count rv.
Avd Whereas, This once strong and bap
pv people is now bowed down in the dust,
mourning in the agony and tears of dissohi
tion. Reason, justice, constitution and lan
no longer are regit* led by tne pavers that
he; negro fanaticism, c irrupti n. attd wick
edness are i.ovv ,1 nst p .tent in the c nmsels
of the nation at Washington. Upon every
breeze is borne tie fca 1 lamentations end
groans of national sorrow and Esecnt ivo in
farny. In the hut and hamlet whet e the
poor mm d veils, and in the mansion where
the more wealthy have their homes—in the
strce's. in our chnrohe*, in the pr.vafo social
circles of I:i "e—everywhere we turn our eves,
we liehol I sorr wing faces, and the dark an i
gloomy babdiinents of mourning. And with
all these are mingled the widow s wes and
orphan's tears. All these sad signs of uni
v t rsal human suffering we behold in portions
of nnr c njntry reinotu ft* on the battle field,
or places where toe contending armies have
gone. W hat the horrible scents of blood
and slaughter are on the p'ains of carnage
and death, only who have witnessed
them can describe. We a-k ourselves n >w,
as heretofore, tor what end is all this sactt
(ice of hutnau lift and national treasure ?
An 1 then, casting our eyes over the bio >dy
bis oty of ihts war, we fin 1 tbe only truth
ful answer that can !o made is. that Aura
| liaiii Line In, like ' Cae-ar might be great,"
; and that the " nigtrer iiuzhl be free." Li
j v eiv ol* this sad picture of our national af
; fa rs wsenne n n here to day to lej nee as in
lit gone lime we tvete wont to do oil eacii
j returning Fun t!t of July, wiien peace and
. prosperity were smiling upon our land and
Country. lu day we must bow our faces
down low in the dus*, and uiourn (>r nnr
bleedi ig country, now being .-mitten with a
j despot's hand, and mingle our tears with a
s .moving people, imploring God in ILs mer
cy to save this Union from e'er.ial dissolution
and the further curse ol tins desolating war,
8" unwisely provoked, and so wretchedly
conducted by t;us corrupt A Imiiiistraiioii.
; \\ <• see in (lie President and his Cabinet an
unhallowed ambition and wicked design t
destroy our Union and Constitutional g.v
• rnmeiit no ler the pretense of restoring i lie
; Union. Avuin and futile attempt t<> con
quer and su-j igao* some of the Spates, whose
armies thus tar prove to be in re than equal
to our own. Northern States invaded, Wash
liig'on a bc-e.ged city, the cit zens C institu
tional right- igu red,and anarchy an) con
fusion all over the North. Why, then,
should we c miri'mie in re human victim,
to gratify the wicked ambition of Abraham
Lincoln and his iiifuuous Cabinet in the vain
at temp to'subjugate the South ? In Wash
ington, to day, sits the President, in the
chair ot State, once occupied by the " Father
of h*s country," with Ins infamous retinue
of advise!s around liitn—all seeing in sin
and wickedness, and all unmoved by the
g'as !y scones ol death and horror almost
c instantly brought to their knowledge. The
President with his huge feet upon the Con
htitulion, the II ig of this once pnu 1 nation.
now dishonored, and dripping with human
gore, while he, Abraham Lincoln, " a man
without a tear" cries, "more men-more
war—more money— and more sacrifice of
fraternal blood." Add to ail these, the !o
pions of contractors, army sneaks und rnyri*
dons, who throng about the While House,
bowing and " bending the pliant hinges of
their knees that thrift may follow fawning j"
g 'bbing up the nation's wealth a-jackals aod
* ullures gobble up the life-blood of our peo"
pie on toe battle field when the din and
smoke of deadly conflict subsides— and we
have b'lt the ftint on'.him or the President (
his C ibinet, an 1 their cn luet ottho cruel,
unholy war inaugurated by the Lute >!n A!- ;
ministration. The N-rth cannot conquer ;
1 he South and hold them in subjugaton with
i less than a standing army of 800 00) men, if
at all. Do the people of the North desire
1 Fuch additional burden* of tax fin added to
what Liner ln's Abolition war ha* already
brought upon the country, and all for the
sake of negro emancipation? We Ry n<>.
we protest against the further prosecution of
this unconstitutional assumption ol I.xecu
I tive power, by the Pjewdeiit, and for tm* fui
■ tlier and lolloping reasons:—Abraham Lin
coln is a Secessionist of the rankest dye, and
advocated the tight of revolution in Con
gress in 1848, and practices to-day more
wicked treason to the Constitution than Jeff.
D .vis ever did in his life. (See Appendix to
Congressional Globe, page 9-1 J 3th Congress )
If MCt'S-ion is treason in Jed. Davis, the r<c
i ords show ttiat President Lincoln preached
in CoU'.'tvss, in 1848, what J< If- Davis is
. practicing in 1803. Jeff D ivis ami the Smith
i tied.ire that they aie lighting for thrir Inde
. pendence. Abraham Lincoln says, 41 Let the
, ! Constitution slide,'' cries Union and negro,
I and goes in for a monarchy, to be established
when his term of otli:e terminates, ami t
f this and ign res the Constitution and the
law „{ she land, under the plea ol '• military
! necessity." infatn-'US doctrine of all ty
i rants, who ever cursed the world before him*
• , 1
„ 1 There is a poir.t beyond which human endnr
] \ aitce cannot be l< rci d, or induced to go by
tluea-', terror or sopliistrv*. Abraham L ncoln
) has marly brought th.e li'ec citizens of die
- | N wth to a line < f univer-al resistance to his
mandates, which the signs all ovr the North
plainly indicate. M iliiphecl wi oigi, ' u !T r
; tog-, and insult i lur !it-r attempted hy th *
: president, may tiring forth their hitter irn
i before the 4 h day of March, ISGS ; and we
1 -av to the Pi evident and his Cibiuet,be
! ware of the Ides "f X >veinber, n remember
j the hist- ry "f oilier usurpers an 1 tyraii'.s who
■ l.ave gone tiefre you—>r you may have u-e
I t>r itits artnv of tile Potomac besides thai du
Ity they are now engaged in, in order to se
! cure you a safe conduct tr on the White
House toSptingfi. il, Illinois. Self preserve
lii n is na'uie's lirst law. Imbecility and rot
trtincss ate but poor safe guards for ai.v ty
rant and usurper when the peop'e become
arnised. Yon have been " sowing the wind"
: the ominous clouds are galiiei ing in the North
: East and West ; portending a coming H'.ir.o,
j Abraham L'nc<!n, are you prepired t r ll>.e
whirlwind of public In ligut.on. a few tu "e
i outrages on p.ivatn right and the C m-titu
lion of the cnin'ry miv jtrolnce. C >unt ail
| *ite Cos', before you posh the free people
, the Norih t"i x remit ies ; f-r d pen! upon if,
| they will st'-ugglie long and suffer much be
j fore they will surrender their personal l.ber
; ties
Resolved. That if secession is rea'o" now,
under.tiie Constitution and laws ..f j5 if L'ni
: ted States, it wis treason m 1818; an i that
| hy th.* rub* of intei pre a'ion esiaOl *,>.! by
Abraham Lincoln's executive government he
;is guiltv of feason, ami fr lus numerous
j wanton v.ohiioii ~f the C nstitu'iou of tlie
Co", d Si-i'es he ought t > b* impeae' e !.
Resolved That the election of Abraham
! !n as President; ot the Unite 1 States
, was a burlesque upon our G .v.*ruuient, and a
i gross fraud upon tlie Amerietn people, il *
| adm nisi ra iou is a f nil i!ot upon our na' ion.
jan I a s'igma upon civihzition, worthy only
!of 'he Cruaders of the b rbaruus ages, he
| having lie'rayed the p,. p!,. ami wicke liv vi >-
[ lated the C osi iiiitto,, in nu uerous instance*,
, which his o{Ji ;iai on'h solemnly hotiu 1 him
! before high heaven to "preserve, protect and
i defend
! Resolved, That, we indorse the doctrines
cotitame 1 hi the tn G .v.Seymours' letters
!to the N-w York Peace Convention.
Reso'red, Tha' w* will, an Ido nov. pledge
i " our lives and sacred honor" to maintain
j free speech an 1 a Iree press, to debmd and
I preserve all our person:,l constitu'ional rights
| ami n man !nH invade them anv longer
| wiili impun ty, w nh.nil authori' vof law and
j legal process ; and then, "a lit.le chdl cm
j lead us," Wr will support the Cons?i'nii>n
: and ftithfully observe t! liiw>; p-o'cc' the
;CH Z-n in i hi* enjoyment ..I all hi - lawful
I rights from military aggressions. no lor all
Circumstances, at all times; and to t'tis eml
jwe will trusl in God and keep our powder
j drv.
Resolved, That these resolutions aid pro
| cecftmgs he published in tin* "New York Dti
jly News." ihe '"Caucasian," ami the Detn -
| eranc newpa'H*rs of Luzerne, Susquehim a
I and Wyoming counties.
I A. Van fleet, i „
i Uriah A. G.rfman, \ cre,aiios - .
Even Ills Enemy's Speak will of him.
j The Philadelphia Inquirer, one of ;he paid
j organ* <T the Adiiiin'straiion says " Judge
i li'nodir.ird is a citizen of unimpeachable
character , an able jurist an l. a p itrhtic
ge 1 Union Si fi- the Co v ntinn m mifesl -
j ed the old time sag icity of the party."
| Ihe E istoii La-pi ess nnotlierj urnal that
j is warm in the support of Presi lent L ncln's
| war p..|icv, remarks when speaking of the
, rece pt of the news in that quarter :
The nomination of Judge lloocitoril
! appears to give general sati faction here
i He hare heard the nomination spoken very
highly of by several Republicans
; We have yet In find one journal, save For
npy s Press, that calls in question his nbili
ties, no matter what complexion Ihev .are
politically. Nothing can he said n_ T nint his
character as a citizen or reputation as a
jnd t e.
Mr. VAI.J.ANDIGHAM, thrdc potism
of mill/ irv usurpation, who was illegally sent
an exile to Ihe South, has escaped from
I Reheld 'tn , and is now at the Cl'ton House,
, on the Canadaside of Ningra Falls.
Grant was yesterday commissioned a Major
General, an d General Meade a Brigadier
j General in ihe regular arm v.
£i£r* In the game of life men frequently
play the kaave, and women tbc deuce.
Important Order in RelaMon to th e f> n
Puovosr MAKSHU. GENERAL'S Orrrcr (
Circular X.. 47.-1. Drafted i,, en
soldiers in * lie service of the Uni'ed St a i cs
the fact of tbctr n.un-.s having Wen dnw„
the draft. The notification served ii'smth
by the Prov >st Miisi.til is merely an
nntincement of toe fact, an! an t>r ,j cr
them to report fir duty at a designated ;
sad j;!-oe.
2 The following opinion of th •II , n . \y
iam Whiting, Sol citor of the War Di-pn
inent, is pnb'.U! Ed for the iiforuiati OJI „j
concerned :
'• When a prrvn has been drafted in
| of the K troiltneni Act of March
18G3, notice, to tie saved on him
or by a copy at hisp'.p,. ~f r ,.,
requiring hi.n to aptunfat a designated J
dtzvoin to report fn ibi'y. Aiy p,rs m \
i ing to rep >r. fob duty after 11 it ;tttf left at |
last p ace of residence, or a. rved <)n |,, m
j sotml'y, without fn itching a fetsb-tim,
payn g s'soo, is pt'oiiotip.c-d by law t„ |,
desert r. lie arrs'el and hel-.i
.trial by tfo-.tri a. 11 seuieijc-.-j
.. 1 |fst"in ... o .Jang di t.tcl a ili) f
receiving, deserts, he niav u. |
served by leaving it at his last place >fr<
dtnee, at: 1 if he d-n s n< t appear sr. ace,,-;,
with the notice, or furm.-h a stihMinr
pay tin S3OO, he will he in ! ivr a ( l eH . r i
i aii'l mii't bo trea'ud acc .rding'y. 'fo-n
no way or manner in which a person „
j nr div 1 ca s cca;s: hs public duiho, ;
I the:: att.'l WtT, tv< nc •or abs?*-ii<
1 i iK* f" jl i> I . I * 1.l 'I ; b 11 *• :vz li:i*( ;;
! art ?• i, mi: :s i ! \ I>> C< jHrfirm*
iof ii;s ] 11! y l-i the C nr. il'j' '!t -s' Ik: u] 1 ,.(>
: lia". lons t he treated a- a r;ij s , in!,
( > ) '■ '*'■ M V.',
•' 5 !k tr of the War I) p 4 ,t u.m
D Fhv. Proyot Marshal Guar j
a AT. I.tta: ; f \
PuoVosr Ma.i-m.iL Gvxt uai.'s Orrirt: (
V. a.- :i i ,\c ro\, J til-, Is, l!s r )J. \
Ci teniae X ... 4'J - 1 II r fr r n rrw]
f $lO will he ;m i l .f the ap]irvfaQ<i' J
j diiivi-ry o! •, 10-mr, at: 1 pat agi tph 21. p
j 0. of (kjjt h'iiitw f>r the G vert, mem <f <
liun a i of ihe I'r iVo-.i .Nl.r-iiul Gear,
to.' tl' S. ,t< -i, a- *,vi i! a<
Circular X > 21, tr in tit* Pi*..v>t Mm
Gem r.i h ..fli .v, s:n ■ amend J ucvo- >' n v.
2 Psragtaph 2;5, 7, v. me i;,,
mil-, n it* i iMi I ' read :,s to •• |
; members -f '.-j ,r ! t:i iv in a'dove i f„ r
i ,
J Utile e ... 1 la Cv i ,'\ tl . '
j { l'l tr ;• :i ! !' 'i t til f i'. * 111 :\ iL. $!
i ln >i ii i :h.*ir ae :ai .v'ml
!accomplish t:.y a.-sjrnid the
Pi' v o ,\i ~ ; G,. lu i t l .
V-'ah i>. • .r. r. j
Pl' t M .*.! i.!. t.::r.\ Of n<
i Wa•;i;:;r. io\. I). C., Juiy 16, 18G3. )
Circular X >. 51.—Toe four:;, para.r ;
the JI, ! fr-un t <■ ,■'
i- he, 13 h ivhy -ii >•! :j i. uf i,.
i .tr:; the w.'h tGo fdi uvrng .
of II - W. :.ii W illi;,- S'liClt r
I 'A -i Departm which w.M !r*n..if! r.
ei n ::i di cise.s n which a U anphc.ab
"Op.itinn, — Api ioa •]f t .J ii,to m r
tary rvie.; ot : " L.rt 1 St rt-s. <i i '.-r
j r Mtoiis of t AtofMuc iol, 1 ). t
ti-r ,5. 4 or i' ii' ihoo a.,.J oil! ne nt ih
: 11 > i. f- :0' -. .r, 1 !< i ot *, r fnirj-uMM. .
i'ljl i Jk- nit i i: lr to, she ti.if .hi rci*-
any di'ihii ty, i- provalc i in the sa ; \
' iia> i!.e ric'.t to haw the ] i <f• ■
I liabtity < ■.'> n to- ! as ! |r>.e- I n,i ■ i
ii en i o i. iV'i! lieiit. lit e>i '; !
U final.
4I <• i r> 'itt . ,
11 • iv ii • i*' . v:].i f.'iYe tiCC'-.t"! t ••••
; claimant M;sb i -ci v.-, he Iris the t
j after Mich decision Li in ,tn pay
C miiii!ii' r t.,:, sn-oi: \", or t < hues'; .. s i >
; tnti wi, ,i i -i;,i i csf i i.- i lou-s as int.
1 fixe 1 lv the t r ler .f t >o iJ.u i of Z
incut ! -r h s appca.-aisC'* f.r u'mv.
( t; rfnt ) s. \v*,| ~, ,j Wurx.N.
S"!".'it >r of i lie \V tr U ,u till* •'
j J I;. 1 *.: y. !'•■ v ist Maisbal G ,
; Mr. \V].;|i,,g, Sohciu r of t!te V if
I pnt'iineni, says tlie draft in New
|is delayed only while the tn -h is '
Q'lt-lled. and tint tiie K if ill neat A " *
; enforced without fear or favor in ever;. •
Christianity vs. Abolitionism.
Christ. lll.ssed is the , eacetniker
Aholiii .nisi s.—Cursed is the pea veto
C.—Blessed are the merciful, f> ,r
s! all oht ain mercy. i
Ah.—Cursed are they that f aik 5
j '• rev.
C —L"ve ihy neiyhhor as thyself.
Ah—Love not thy ucighbir ualefs :e
1 an Abo|*tionisf.
; C'. Except you forgive your em tn;'.
; ther will your Ileaveniy Father forg't'tt 1
your tiespass.
i Ah.— Forgive not your enemy, b'i 1
. his life. !
C.—Tl.ou shalt not kill.
Ah Thou shall kill all Drinucrat?, -
; perhends, ic.
C — Peter, put up tfiy sword again-
Ah. — Put not up thy sword, but k 1
' slay. ;
C. — Dearly beloved, avenge not y" ,: ''
for it is written, saitli the Lord, <bat '
goance is mine and I will repay them*
Ah. — Dearly beloTed avenge a ll '
ymtrselv, st > take Vengeance on P
Copperheads, Ac , fir this is a C ' r,st ,
tv ; so sayeth tlic.M. E C"nfeicnco > - N
, Y'-rk.
C— If it be possible, as much its 1
you, live peaceable with all men.
Ah. —L ve not peaceable with Pcin
fir God's sake. ,•
C Ther. lore if thy enemy hunger,
, him ;if he thirst, give him ink ' ' ! '
doing thou shalt heap c.als of fi' e
head. .
Ab —lf thy enemy hunger, let him t*
if he thirst, let him suffer.