North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, July 15, 1863, Image 4

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    s<h urn's €sl u ran.
We spent much of our youth on a farm
that anually or fi :e?d fr in fifty ? ; o-.e hund
red bushels of cloversKed, and hav since bad
const !e:ab!e expsrietcd in the curim: of cl
ver cut at all stages of its growth. The dus
tiness complained of accrues from putting
clover hav into a stack or mow before the
large green stem- are sufficiently dried ; and
the difficulty in drying 'then arises maintr
from the ! ■s < f toe valuable leaves of clover,
if it be exposed to the sun long enough to
cure its !-.'ge stems. To obviate the incou
venieucics named, we cut clover for bay pret
ty earl)' (when the earliest heads begin to
turn, and go out of I' -sum.) wilt the leaves
and small stems, and finish the curing pr>c
ess in small cocks, by turning them with a
fork, in this way raking whether performed
by hand or horse power, docs not shatter and
waste the leaves and heads of clover (loth of
which break off easily when dry,) while the
thick juicy sums of the plant are readily
cured by turning and opening small slacks.
If from any cause we cannot haul in hay as
soon as it is ready, we put three or four
small stacks into one, and take pains to put
them up so as to sh 1 tain. CluVer, howcv
er, is peculiarly bad f r stacking, for water
runs through it very easily unless protected
by a covering i I hue hay or straw, or what
ts better, a pTulcd el tl: ; like cotton sheet
The science of curing any plants for hay is
precisely like that of curing medicinal herbs
—the less sini to 1 the more sha ie the bet
ter, tut both it ed to be well cured
About three parts in four of clover when cut
at the right time I.r hay, are water, fuur
fiiths of which ought to be expelled by dry
ing. II is a coinm-n mistake in farmers :o
put hay into laiv.3 and stacks for h inter u-e
with two much moisture in plants. This
moisture induces i. mien tat i ti, heating, mcw
burning, ami involves a eerious loss of'i.utri
ive matter. We knew scores of otherwise
excellent husbandmen, and hire- stock grow
ers at id dairy tnen, who follow a lad tradi
tion incuring, and filling to cure, t.he r annua
Crops of Corn-fodder and grass cut for hay.
The delect gives them mouldy corn-stalks,
dusty hay, and horses subject to the heave
and sore eyes. A wise farmer will be care—
ul not to leave too uiueii of natural jmces of
forage plants, undried in liter stem- heads
or foliage. Toung corn plants, when from
twenty to thirty inch s in height, contain
ninety per. cent of their weight of pure
water ; and up to tho tune of ripening
their seeds, ihe amount >. f water is net be
low seventy five per cent. II ice, in gr (wr
ing corn • l" soiling c iw, we always evap
orate a | air of tl water even August and
Sepfcinb' r, before feeding it t-> t< ck.
CatJe il<e fw •; p'-mis >1 .Ikm Is pat],-
cureu better than when quite green or quite
dry; but such plants beat and s< ur, ami
sonic times rot, if put up too green, or to wet
Wo have often tie i ft that wheie ial> r is
not very exiK-r-iv •, r. will tay not < [ ,
cure hay and o. a ■ -.'l - • ell, ami cut th.-rn
before feeding, but t- n :: tk u -M ■
again, to faciliate the extra tion of nntrive
elements in such food, as it passes •' roueh
the digestive and a'imcfary organs of domes
tic animals. Very dry f r * does not vi-I!
up to the bl<" i at' nutri ive properties ;
much is found in th dimg. Some have seen
whole corn, oafs, a: 1 other feed*, that have
voided by bowel- ; and e' -mist can detect
starch and pro:, n elements in the frc-ii
b -
Il.iy-ruaking a d l.av-ft- *d:ng, and we will
■ I 1 the economic i production of hav present
many p >iuts of d. •> interest to the thought--
l<il farmer. \> o have had fir more '.fficultv
in making g> .d crobs of clover grow than
in earing them so as to prevent the annoy—
unce of duity in v. On * nl- of medium quai
''7j i-.ii 'y i t". 1- to bung forward a
yield of clover; but it sometimes fails.—
Ashes a :;d manure never fail so far as our ob
serrations have exti nd 1. Lime sometim.vs
work wonders en rd( W3 and j •'
that too disappoints one occasionally—
M arping and irr gition wi'h muddy water
fertilize grass ! . .s about as cheaply a
any way known to t! e writer.
A c i rrc-:r r. ; i.vj Gerniantwn 7 eie
jrapfi says : a lately tried an> w re
ccipe for making soap, new to us at h ast—
and as we had such good success [ thought it
would be wci, to t i l you the modus oper
audi for the hou .'keeper's deoarinrmnt of
yonr paper. Pour four gallons of boiling wa
ter over six ; in is uf w.ish.i g s >da and
three p. ■;,: !> of in lacked litv.e, stir the uuxt
urn well, i t it • I; ■ until it is perfectly clear,
it is better to 1t it set. all night, as't takes
.-?mc time f the - ' mei.t to settle When
clear drain t!;e Vut r tif put six j rids of
fat with an . boil f r two hours, si,, ing it
most of the time. If it does not in thin
enough, put another bucket of water en the
grounds, stir and drain iff. and add is is
wanted to the L. iilug mixture. fi s thickness
can be fried by putting a little on a plate to
cool occa-ion ally. Stir in a handful of salt
just he! r taking it tff tho fire. Ifave a fob
ready soaki !, to prove: t the scan from stick
ing; pour in and let it set till solid when you
will have from the above quantity of ingredi
ents about fnij }y-.nds cj uliitesoap, at
<i cc L 'l) c- • per : "und'. House
keepers try it.
Cons ovsii:.; j.—One pint of grated green
covn, two e a. a wheat floor as will,
make it abhor* to • it her. the egg.-,
mix them with tl, • gfat< 1 c rn. and add
wfocgh fioqr t>' rm t!. • wh io intot [at.
fry them rf a light h-rown in hot lard.
To Haisk The Cut shed I'ir.i of VEi.ver.
■ K>U the wrong hide t. l ie velvet over a ves
sel of boiling vv at.r, and the pile will begrai
gaily rai-.ed.
Wist anij {iihtriiiisf.
ausTPiTfoa A LAWYEB.
One ofotir smart 11 stou Lawyers was sur
{ : i.-cd tie oiher day, by an old La ly enter
r.g his ollicc a vicious-looking youth.
She said ;
'' Squire, 1 called to see if you would like
to take this boy, and make a lawyer out of
'• The boy appears rather young, madam,"
replied the lawyer. " liew old i hi ?"
'• Seven years sir."
',IIe is too young, decidedly too young.—
Have you no oMer bovs ?"
"Oh yes. sir, 1 have several ; but we have
concluded to make farmers of the others.
I told my old man I ill ought ihis little feller
Would make a first rate laivyer, and so 1
culled to see if you would take him.
"Madam ; fie is too young yd, to com
menee the study of th ■ prof, a a >n. llut why
do \on tiiiuk this any beiler ca'ciliated If a
awver than your other son- ? '
"Why, you, see, lie IS just seven years old
to day ; when he was only iiv**, he'd tie like
all nam r'; when he got to i>e six, he was
S'(s;i/ sn \ iuip i'l eut as any critter conl Ibe
and .i iiv he'll steal everything lie can lay liis
hands en !"
Two tears AGO (v c tes a c .rrespon lent)
at the Spring tern "f the C >n rt at
Topi i, lu is f, J i Ig; it ish El u ire presi
ding, a wit less wa- cdlcl tp >u tile s ail I.
A'ter being swoin the conne! f>r the defence
.-aid to tlie witne-s—a tall, greeu specimen,
and somewhat tmbai ras-e !
"Now, -ir stand up and tell your stor : 5
like a pr richer."
"No sir /" i ared the Judge, none of that
want you t . tell the truth /"
Just imgine the sheet ;t, -lenfias and hai
-I.Us trying to keep."order" and "silence."
S.r Win. Jirown, a p nnpoii', sort of a
man,being at a panisii meeting, ma le Mime
proposals ivhicii were objected t> by a fir
mer. Highly enraged be said to the farmer.
"Mr, do you know that 1 have bicn in
i wo universities V
■•Well," bald the farmer, "what of that ?
h i 1 a Ciif that sucked f.vo c iws, and the
"li.-m rvatwm 1 made wa-, the in. re he sucked
greater calf he gri \v."
Qr::-rioNS and Answers—What city is
pr. i! hi.ceil wicked by every bdy ? Cmcinat
ti (-in sm naughty.)
Waich of the I ithered lifts the heavy
-t weigh' } f'u ■ Crane.
A I rt that is to much at. riii< d now-a
day s. The piano-for'e.
Wanted, for Microscepic putposes the
sting "I retnor-e.
Fa'd i < ii-h —": v •!/ w* >r n i F .ial to iu i i
still v onus.
" V>* >ji. >.'J ■ i ,* t > 11 c •. i • liii V
a - k.. d i'' i<rif ?-< i r vi i ill - i >i • { h -
_' t-sMi tho street onrr, of -i En rr! for,
" f i slie! vi 1 . • , vv > i! I I if i •• ,sv. i g
y-. a dim \ti I > at tn>n i> i with ore e. e.
win Ik n sc.; it w.a my two an'' not c.stui"
uie a sint ?"
AM J a lit. R C"MPASsio\.— re II k
oe'ttg mli! of the ninrr ;.ge of a political < p
p.-t nt, ex Turn a:1 am v. ry gl i 1 |. deed
to hear it." Then sullenly aided, with a
feeling of compassionate forgiveness ; "Jut
vet I dent -.-a why I -hmild, poor leilo v, he
never del in • tn ich harm.
Mi*s Fuxr— LI WHO is that gen'l ■a an
Waik'iig w.'ii M -s I'bnt ?" -a <1 a Wag. t i hi.-
con p in'm, u.i they walked along Prince
rftu ;t.
" Oh"'replied tl.e other''• that is a spark
she lias struck.''
Yi'ts':.. ?a\v' iMt's wanted to kiss his pretty
0 NSIII u!' 1' r 'la' mi-' ! Ihi' ; hut she ssiaich
t;l lie!" he 1 a vay, saying—
- Manners, sir ; Joii'i thrust your ductor'.-
bill i.i uiy face."
'• William ' s i 1 a teacher to one of his pu
pils, " can you tell uio why tie sun rises in
the east."
• I) i.'t know, sir," said Wii i .ni, "'rept it
ha th it the east ui ikes everything rise."
There is a fetidly in in Vermont so lazy
'hat it takes two of then to eh p off a stick
of wood. Siah ch- p- while Jim grunts 'and ;
'hen for a change, Ji.n grunts and Siah I
' r am Ibilaarn." said a dand\-, on meet- j
mg a pretty girl in a narrow passage, " .stop- j
t" Iby an angle." -'A id lam hk" 'he an - !
ghy said she , "st ped by an ass."
"Bill, you young scamp, hal your:
duo, you'd get a whipping."
I know it. daddy, but bilis are not always
paid when due."
V hat is difference heiwen a mischiev
-1 loufc and a beautiful young lady?
One harms tie cheese, and the other charms j
the he's.
T!io pi-c',ctf fthivernment is about to estab
lish ' Ladies" carriages on all the lines of
railway throughout France.
Prerst : , o declares that to have two babies
at a time is an indiscreti in, to hivg three is j
a misdemeanor. I
When is a ship like a fraudulent wine ,
iperchant ? When she makes port with lug- :
Foolsard obstinate people make lawyers
Jjich ; the wise keep out of the law l abyrinth, j
A man who marries the lady he adores is
'• joined to his i ol,"'
♦ '
fy HE OLD ESTABLISHMENT of the subscriber,
jl is still in running order, through all the reverses
hn I panics ol former days, since 1933, without being
wound up, at which place you can had a good assort
ment of
ns c:ui be touud in tive county, vv a:runted genuine and
Boots, Shoes, Harness and Leather,
as zoo l as the last, and as cheap as the cheapest, and
Yon can get all kinds of Job Pri ting done to or
der, and blanks of every kind constantly on ha ad,
which, in style, are not surpassed by our large or
county offices.
rest from your toil, and buy a
.LJWirtJGr IYX J\. O TEX X3ST 23
The subs -riber hts also su-cceded in obtaining one
if the best, and most rcluldo Sewing Mo-tiin s, tot*
the money, now in mor et, viz: Davis's $45 Shuttle,
aim th" 8.10 Franklin Mat liincs, equal in capacity to
Wheeler A Wil-ou's $75, or Grov. r A Baker's 815
machine, and m iki g the same stifen, which is one
third saving iu buying here than at any other agency
iu Northern Petmsj Ivania.
Leery Business Nun do your own Printing !
(the cheapest in the Lotted States.)
for sale. Price, from >'s to 8:5 Cot a | r ss. Office
complete, from $lO to $75 wtrh t.v pe and a l necessa
ry material Gall and see thorn, or scu." fur a circu
lar of fid! particulars.
Put tii ul r attention is called to
and very effective Liniment, for all Rheumatic pains.
Headache, Dvptheria, Ac , for sale in M hoopatiy lv
Dr. Be ke*- A Co. and Henry Love; on Russell Hill
In T. .Steuipl s; <>t Fnrk>t<>u by Mr. (Jarey ; at Mv
shoppen by Ilcnrv Staosl.nry. A trial of the medi
cine, will in 11 cases, prove satisfactory. Try it, and
be convinced.
I'.KICv! 50.000 Brick for sale.
Thankful for past favors fh : subscriber is determ
ined, ! y stii -t atteution tu business, to merit still fur
ther patronage.
I. tceyville, 24, 1552—v2n7.
JPiroTT ision
The Subscriber has ofH-tt" I a Grocery an! Pro vis
ion Store in the Store Ko.uu, formerly occupic i hv
Tlios Ostcidn ut, in the bo;oiigh of Tunkh.tniio.d-',
and intends to keep on baud a go ••! as? .rtincnt ol
sn It articles as are ttsndlv sell ut such an est ib
lisinm n'. lie int'-n |s to le din tiona t.iit goo I g.Kids.
and to It.-po-c of them at just so sm II ti'tvun e upoi
cost u> it is posstbi-* for any m in to do with s.ifelv to
hinscif- —tie it g willing to share in these 44 hard
times" the pndits v.iili li s , u-Miners Any one wish
ing to purvtiase any of fh" tallowing art:. I- s. will d
well to call on the subscriber before purchasing else
Tea, Gstffee, Bii;jar, Molasses, Synijt.
Kerosene, < 'timlloa, Tcbaeeft, Snuff
>aleratu-s, S;il Smla, Ginger,
Pej-jier, Allspice, Cinna
ln un, Nnt in egs,
Ll'ives, ilaisuis,
Greani <;f
Poik, Wlii<o Fish, Mickerol, Trent.
! Nails, Glass, Wheal Flour, Buck
wheat Flour, Con. Meal. Riit
tcr. ('acosc, Fays, Apj les,
\ St;iri-li, I*oll
- 1' cid -
oils, ink, Pa
per, Envel
! Pocket Books, Mono}' Purses, Spool
Threat!, Linen Thread, Sewing
Silk. Buttons, Thimbles. Pins,
A I*' 1 1 ic'S, I'lMSj
Watch Go aril s,
Buck Skin, Cot
ton, Silk, and
Li.-do thread
G loves,
Cotton find Woolen Socks and flose,
Susja-nderx, Spectacles, Tobacco
Boxes, Coarse, Fine, Dress and
C i rule (tombs, 11 air
Brushes, Shaving
Boxes, Soaps,
&c., &c.,
Also, a general n -->mtmcnf of cr.s'nm made Boot.
' llnd Siloes of the Vet V best (iMalitv IV ri' lte 1 ills
. '.y th" barrel \V iiifc tinex h ngi> for goo I
j and fir which h" high -! ,a tiket pri -e will be fai I
(I- >in of a!' kin-Is, Dm "beat U u'', l.u 'er, E:g .
: Beeswax. 11 nev. Lard; T ib w. Poultry, Pajier lLigs
Dried Peaches, Beau*, Or ion?, Ac
Tunkhannock Dec. 10, 1532.
Jl;rrriron enh Ciiijiisl) fjarst Hails,
iiihibs' until.
GLASS, Ac., A.-., OM.
HAND IN assortment]
vSraokn riurch 26, 1863. vln33—ly
rr*r*.; etiE'ZZj
-r* ,:--4. w ;> w r 1
ON nvl after Monoay. V- ember 2j !i 1861, Trains
will ruri us follow*;
Leave Great Bend at *-7:29 A M
New Milforl *•••7:69 "
Montroue * 9:00 "
• •'• 8:2.1 11
Nieholeon 8:40 "
Facto ryville 0 0-1 •'
Abington *••>••9:20 "
SCR AN TON 10;0tt '
MoSvOW 10:41 44
OouMsboro 11:07 "
Tobyhunna 11:20 "
vfater Gap 12:46 •'
Columbia i:00 "
Delaware * 1:25 44
Il"pe (Philadelphia connection) • *1:13 '•
Oxford •• •• 1:53 "
Washington 2:10 "
Junt it 2:32 "
Arrive at New York 5:30 14
Puitadelphia 0:50 44
T,nve New York from foot of Courtlanrl
Street 9:00 A M.
Pier No. 2. North River, 7:00 44
Philadelphia, from Kcusiugfon Depot 7:IX) * 4
Leave Junction 11:15 "
Washington 11:33 44
Oxford 11:50 44
IIoik; (Philadelphia connection)•• 12:14 P. M.
Delaware 12:43 44
Columbia 1:00 4
Water Gtp 1:16 41
Stroudehurg 1:30 44
Tub vha una 2:42 44
Gouldsboro 2:55 44
Moscow 3.17 44
SCU ANTON 4;to 44
Abington 4:40 44
Faetoryville 4:56 44
Nicholson 5:16 44
llojihottom S:IS 44
Montrose. 0:00 44
New Milt-'Bl 621 44
Arrive at Great Ren 1 6:40 44
■ e7" These Trains connect at Great it -n I with the
Night Express Trains both Fast an I \Ve>t mi the
New York an 1 Eric, and at Scrantou with Trains on
Lackawanna and i'dooutshurg Railroad, for PiOstori.
Kingston an i W iilcsh'rrr j aud the Train in
South .oonect* at Junction ith Trains lor Bethle
hem, Ma itch Chunk. Re .oiiug and 11-irrie''iirg.
Passengers to and tnnn New York change ears <
Junvtiou. To and From Philadelphia, via R. D. R
R.. leave or take ears at Hope.
Foi Pittstoi, King-ami an I Wilke- rarre, t, ke L.
A 1!. II R. cars at s. -ranton. ■
For Jes up, Archibald and Carhondale, take Omni
bus at Scran ton
Leave? Serinton 9:59 44
AI trgi'i It ;3.> 4 '
Factory ville 11:00 '
Ni-liolson 11 : :;0 44
liopbotMin 12:15 P A1
Montrose 12:45 4 *
New Mili'ord 1:20 44
Arrives at Great Len 1 1.15 41
Leave? Great Rfo l 2:10 P. M
New Milforl 2:3? 4 '
Moi.t rose in 3:f'.5 * 4
Hopisitto 3-45 44
Nicholson 4:15 44
Faetoryville ; ],3
Abington ?-40 44
Arrives r.t Seranton 6:30 44
This Train leaves Scran'on aft -r tlie arrival of tln
"tVa:li from Kingston, and I lit—-Is lit Great f!v:nd
with the Div Fvp.ess Trains both East aud 'Vest on
New York and Lrie.
S'u; ei inteiident's Olli -e )
8 ranton. Nov. 25. 1661 )
♦ 4 /. L .
l)I (\ C,
Tl LE r otLiErifcJ Dr.liY kLJ WEiKIY
IV THIS CilY (>!•' I'illS,\l)i,U£llV,
A J. 0i.0.->ui:i..\M;it. Mi AN - i is j
VMI.I.IAM 11. Wil.stl
"TTIK ARK" will advocate the principles ami poli
•v of Ihe Deinocr itic pacty, ant wilt, therefor*, nee
e*.*arilv t ivnr the restoration of the i ui an a.- it wa*
m l defen t the Constitution of the United St u-s, ird
tint t this Cotiiinonwealih.
[ will freely mil fairly l : seus< all legitimate su -
iet ts of uuwsp a per inmincht. in ludii.g of couise, ami
pie-cmuie i lly i t ibis line, !■>>. i|im.-tioiic couneete .
with 111- ex.sMujj unhapny condition of our oui try.
It will fearlessly rriii i>e the public ucle' if puoli
s rv.uits, mi l ilelt nj the leg.* IUI I eoiisuti.iiaii .1
rights .if in iiviiual titizet'3 an i of sovereign states,
.igitn-t issualts from any ijuirter
I' •• II seek to awaken tne iiiin Is of the people in
proper sense of the a tuil condition of the Rcpun
<ic—to present to tliem, tru litully, the teni.u! perils
in whi ii we st. HI I .is .1 nation—to exhibit the in .-ni
tude of the task th .t is them, if they u.iul i
ehe k our ilnwiiwari progress—an I to inspire tiicui
with patriotic leterniiiiatiou to ajiply TIIK U1.U1.1.Y
lor our n itional ills.
In brief, it will, in all thins*, aim to I e the faith
ful-exponent of Democratic prim iples, ami to render
itself worthy to ho :m organ of the Democratic pnr
'v. under whose auspices our country prospered so
long ami so well. Tim restoration of (hat party —
the |nr'\ of the CuxsTlTl'llOX and the l .NloN- to
powt r. in the legislative and executive govern men*
lal brandies of the .Mutes and ofthel'uioii, wo be
lieve to he nc. ess.ijyto avert anarchy, ami llie utter
ruin ii; the Republic. To > to that restora
tion will be our highest aim.
'1 he News. Literary. Commercial, and o'her de
partments. will receive dim attention and will bo so
conducted as to m ike 'TIIK AGK" worthy of the
support of the general reader.
„ "" The many d llkulties now surroun in" an en
terprise of tin- magnitude of ,'h it in wui h ilm under
ignea are engage I, require thetn in appeal to the
punlie for a generous support, an I to ask lor " I nr:
ARK" ali .on! pa':mi .ge ;in I extended . i-euhitioii
Ihe present >• it,- ni'rh • preparutnry arrangements
warr ants tlm expect i ion, tint the'first uuuibei of
the Daily v. ill p c r before flic elo e■ f tile dulling
o*iuth, (February, 13Gb) The Weekly will bo isT
sued soou therein u-r
Per Annum, $6 00
Six Mouths, 3 oo
1 hive M >n hs, I-y
Copies deliv red at, t'a rnunter, and to
Agents and Carrie,., 2 ceuls each.
Per Annum, eo r.n
Six Mouths, , or,
Three Months, gy
Ten Copies to one address, J y jy
li. , ' . 45 00
L * .ijinent required inviirinldy ici 'i.?v;irict
Address, A .| GLOSSBIENN MR jfc CO
r o/- , J 3 ' Street, Philadelphia.
January 2Gth, 18bd
Special Notice.
On and after JULY Ist, 1563, the privilege „f c . n
veriiiig the present i-sue „f LEGAL TEN DKR
LOAN (couiino ily called "Jrive lwentiea") 'wid
ceise. 7
All who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty Lo-m '
must, therefore, apply before the lt ot i ELY next '
SiTascHiniox ARKST,
No. 114 o iiJIilDSt Philadelphia* j
Canal Roal for Sale.
A ennal boat, th Union Clipper. Haying pu , c l l!t •
ed another I will now sell the uloveiea- lout i
suitable. g> yERNOY.
Stcrlngvillo. April 1. ISC3.
An Institution to Qualify 1 ouny Men for
D. W. LOWKXI. Principal, Professor of the Science ot
Accounts. Practical Accountant, Author of Lowell's
Treatise upon Look-Keeping, Diagrams illustrat
ing the aiiic, Le.
JNO LANKIN, Commercial Accountant, Professor ol
Hook-Keeping and Practical M itheinatu s.
A J WAUM.R, Professor of Praeticiil and Ornament
al Penmanship, Coniinercial Calculations and Cor
J. J CURTIL, Assistant Teacher in Bookkeeping
Hon. PaniixS. DICKINSON, I.L, D Lecturer on Cotn
tuercial Law and Political E< onoiny.
lion. RANSOM UALCOM, Lecturer on Contracts, Prom
isary Notes and Dills of Jvxiiiange.
Rev. Dr. E. ANDREWS, Lecturer on Commercial
Siiolints can enter ot any time; no vacation
(Iroductes are presented wilh an elegantly engraved
Diploma. I'sua I time required to complete full com
mercial eoutse, from Bto 1- weeks. Every student
is guarantaed to he competent to t ike charge of tin
hooks of any business firm, and qualified to earn
salary from SSOU to SISOO per annum. A.-si-tmu e
rendered to or-dilates in obtaining situations Board
1)0 to 62 50 per week.
For particulars scud for Circular, enclosing stamp.
If il/t all the Improvements,
Is the Pvit and Cheivpesf and M -st Re utifnl of • !
Sevving M el. n Tills M . -h ne will sew anytliing
Iroin the running ot a tu<k iii 'JLrlcn.n to the in ik
ing if an overcoat —anything -rom Pilot or Leave
rih'tb, d-.w-n to the s-dt- st tj,.uzr? or Tissue,
and is ere ready to do its work to pci fee'ioii. D
can fell, hem, bind, giflier, tack, quilt and has ea
jcoity for a great variety of ornament a 1 work. Tti i •
is not the only M tchine that ran h- in. fell, 1-iod. HI
so torth. hut it will do so la tter tliao anv otnev M•-
• liioo. r i he Letter "A" Family Sewing M - hin
inn he ha lin i great variitv <-t e. binet . a.-i-s '1 ir
• oldin Case, vi hi: hi< now becoiun gs - | opul u. i
as it* naiuc itu; lies, m e toat c..u he p.] ..t i
bo* or ease i)i h, wh- n opct- I. m lie- a ! < ut
sut-st. t.ti-1, an tsp ici -j i ion tor ri •• w . k to i,
ujmi .. The < s eof ev.-y i- . n :.• sign
pi rill as the w-mmJ grew ii, i' i. live f. t, n
elai.orafely ti: sin | J irt . n to- i--
The I ■—n '• 'ifli .s -re weil -n i with -ill
twist, thread, eee-ii'--. o-l. etc., •• im-veiy bi st qu
-Setnl for a copy of u Sin.-er t f'o's (10/et - *'
I .vi .-' N•-' 1. : A Co.
158 iof dw.iv, N. V.
I'tiit.Ahet.pnia Otrtc t. 81 <h- -timt St
Mr.- (', T M ir.-b, and L>. A bar :.viil, Esq , agent,
in Tuiskhannocii
*y\ i.'A* v'.fb
U _ "ri' VA : ' A
J J £
O. IS jBl. X IFL
"5? T--""''''v*>'
Cj -..x.'" s TZ
vy -, ■ „ \ 7
v. v/; —•
It ~i . ..
* •••-. , :-.-t v>•
<m ■ . d ;r
The sut s -ri I er his just ojier.e 1 a new Furniture
Cabinet ant Chirr M inu factory iu Tunkhaunoi-k.
next <loor to C. M. Koon's grocery store—where art
kept on hand an ! in inuftctiire t to orW:
T.\! : l.E> of all puMetiis. a 1 s -,lps
(i' A 'i v ( .I|i-:-S-hI, I lag-tntti in, an-l iviiim.on.
B! KE \FS ot all styles, sizes, and miccs.
11ED8 I'EAitS. Cottage an t common.
CASES, and indeed every thii g whi -h can be f<-ii:,d
in tie Inrges: furniture establi.-iitneiits in the countrv
whi.-h lie wi! sell at prices as low a* thev can to
• M-ugh: in any town outride of the cities. IVingsai
isfio 1 th it he can oiliii cto, both in workt*ia|ishii an
prices with any e.-taidishaient iu the country, lie so
li: i s the public patronage.
REPAIRING of all kinds lone in a neat, substan
tia! and ivusktriaulike moimcr.
N. 1J. — Old eane-Si-at ihairs, new-seated and re
I > Dlvl'TATv : Nti —li n ing a Hearse of his owr
an I hav ing had mu-h experien e, lie will aiten l t:
j this tleii rtnu-nt of the business on short notice, an.
i ia satisfactory manner.
July 16, 1862. —vlr:49ly
I Traveling Public!
"T 0 I ite porso ij* to tT' by |>Mb!i
c'tt\ty ;jf*c from tlr.s pl.ue to .iIV ectiou, ur re
turn, tlie uuit'ri o ue<l c>u. iuups t i niii a
€? ©M m m
&> i a % li a..
to and from Fa torvetlle Depot, le ,ving I is hotel
6 i 1 ik, a. in . arriving at Factory vilte in time f„
1 t*ii t u
(I3rfat pcitit, llfiu-L) j: h,
anil FIiIHAI) hJ LP 111 A
Returning, love* I" i. torw ill,, on the arrival
of die New York, Philadelphia and A com-noX,.
tl-n Tnin f.oiu Great Rend, arriving in Tuukhan
no* k ut 7 < rbvk, [> in.
N. Ii All Express matter, packages and goo Is wilt
he eouvoye 1 to and Imm the Depot, at rcu-.mbh
rate* | i he proprietor li-.i ling him.-elf responsiMe foi
the sefe delivery of ail such entrusted to his care.
i'owanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock
in. Returning, leaves ..t 3 o'clock, p in
(stages lor Piltsfon, Wyoming, nn-t IYi!keh-irre
leave .-n the arrival „f the Towanda s age, and re
turning connect with thesaiije.
Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thurla v * pn d
I nturdays, at i o clock, a. in., connecting .ri Montro.-e
with stages lor Lu.ghiimton, Ac. Detuning, connect*
with stages for P.ttsion, Tow nida, £c
P-rsons wishing to ),• e.d'ed for at their re*i lenee .
s'.sr 8 '" in r "" ii, " ! " s "' ro ™">' p
•ev.ioa ,0..-r WALL
roa r^VE DT
From Emery ft*?*, a w<U.i.n,,u:n merchant,t
Orford, Maine. '
•' I have sotd largi-eua- titles of vour SAP.SAP.
ILI-A, hut l i ver jet oi.e lottle wll.clt < t
desired effect and fall satislaction to those whi <• ?
it As fast as our people try it, the;, agree then, i
been no medicine like it before in our cotnmunltv"
Eruptions, Dimples, Blotches, Pustule*
Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Stm
From P. v. EM. Stratton, llristol, Ennland
"1 only do toy duty to you ui.d the public
I add my testimony to that you publish „ t t * f " n
dicinal virtues of > our .8 AURA PA ltiu. A 3J\ <jan h
ter, aged ten, hud an ufllicting humor in ui'J 1 ,
eye?, and hair lor years, which we were ui sbL t
cure umil we tried your AusA I" A AMI. A. SHE I
been well lor some months." " M
From. Mrs. Jane E. Hire, a tectl Inwvwn and m ,..i
! esteemtil lathy of Dennisvitle, < ap<• May i,, \',
"My daughter has suffered for a \eai ; CT"U t
scrofulous eruption, vUeh was very tiuu *
NothinguUbidcd any relief until we tried '.eurs*
SAPAKU.LA, which soon completely cured IHV-I
From ('harks P. Gay, Esq.,qf thewiilc'>)-l ncin)
i of Gay, Murray $ Co., manufacturers ■ f
! elleil papers in A ashua, A'. H.
" I hud lor several years a very troublesome h i
mor in my tace, which grew constantly n (,;-<. m
it ilistiguicri my leatuies and became c'n!er<-i v
affliction. I tried almost manciiu ii of
! both advice end medicine, but without am, relief
whatever, until I took your SARBAiJii;iu.A n
immediately made my face worse, as v ou i- u „ ~ .
might lor a time; but in a few weeks'the new'sin,
i began to form under the b.otches, and continued
until my lace is as smootii as anybody'-, 4 >,,[ i s;n
without any symptoms of the di'-ease"U.KT l ki, ow
j of. i enjoy "perti ct health, and without a doubt owe
it to your SAUSAPAUIIXA."
Erysipelas— General Debility Purify the
From Dr. Pott. Eatrin, J/oust op fit.. ,y F
DN. AVER: I seldom fail to remove Eruption* tri
Scrofulous Sorts by the pctveveriug u-e ol lour
EARS* PARII.LA. ai d J hate just row cured snip
tack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. 2\'o ultera
i five we posse?* equals the SARSAPAIIII.LA \OU have
supplied to the profession as well as lo the jteop.e."'
From J. E. Johnston, Esq , Waterman, (ti:,-.
'• for twelve years 1 bad tJieyei'ow Erysipelasoa
my right aim, during which tiiite I tind'ad the cel.
ebratvd physicians I could reach, ai d took km.died*
of dollats'worth of medicines The ricers werem
bad that the coids became visible, and ttie doctors
decideil that my arm must be aioj utated. 1 U-esm
taking jourtrAKSAPAKiLLA 'look twoliM;.-.. u
some of j our 1 ILLS Together they have cured n;r.
lam now as well and sound as any | , H jy l j I!( , s '
public place, uiv case is know u to c.. n boos m ibis
! community, and excites the wonder oi'uil.''
' From lion. Henry Monro, M. P. P ,'f SeircnstG. r
\ J>\. a lead in y member oj the Canadian C ir(iam-:.t.
'•I have u-ed your &ARSAPARM.LA in mv tamilv
' for general debility, and lor purifying r' - b
with very ber.clicia: IC-nit*. at D LECL Cviihdcacc IU
commending it to the clihcUu."
Et. Anthony's Fire, Ecso, Ea'.t Ilheum,
OCA CL, Sere Eyes.
From JTarrrtf, Esq., the able editor qf the
Tunr.-'.nannock Democrat, i itn.-ylcinun.'
'•Our only chi'd, about three \ eats IT age, waat
tacked by on Ins louhei.d 'I bey RIPM v
spread nntii they limited a loathsome AI.N vi ~I bt
j sore, which covered Ins luce, and actuailj blinded
bis eyes tor some da\s. A ,-khtul physician | J.IK-D
nitrate ol silver and other without at . ap
parent effect. For tifteen days we his hat
lest WITH them lie should tesropen th< T. teriug :.LJ
corri't w'ound which coveted his whole lace. liav.
ing tried every thing eise we bad any hope from. W
j began giving'vour SAUSAPARILI.A', aid AN I;
the iodide ot potash lotion, us vouoiiect. 1..' .-ct?
began to heal vihen we had given the liist Ll.'t.E,
A'D was we I wlien we HUD tinished the MIOI.ii. INO
chiiiFs eye.asliis, W BICLI bad CI-me out. grei
and he is now as liiv ami i. Nat any oti.l . j;.
who e neighhuiho ID picuicted thai
j die."
Pypb".li3 and Uerrurial Disease.
; From l)r. lirmm S.'oat. if "•(. Louis, Mi. .- ■ ri
"1 tind voiir A its APA RILI.A a moie eili. ttsl
remedy lor the secondary symptoms of . v . rut,
and for syphilitic disease ti.nn any • tlier vv J . ~->-sa.
The profes.-iou are ii.dib.cdto jou lor cuuic of tka
best medicines we have "
• From A. J. French, M. em in: •' physician qf
Lawrence. Mass.. who is a prominent niei tr ■ '
tin Legislature of Massachusetts.
*• DR. AVER— My <lear MIR; I have found SOUR
i SARSAPAWI LA an* excellent leniedy ■< r X
both of the primary and X conitnry tV J . at D ETVI-ST-
I UAL in atak eaaea TI>UT were too cbsfii ate t. ■•
other remedies, ido not L.I.NW - Lat WE can ENI
! ploy with more certainty ol bucccss, wniic a power
ful alteiative i- lequited."
j Mr Chas. S. I'dn Liew cf rv : < -ck, X J'.
bad dieudful aleers m his legs, caused by the abuse
ol mercury, or mcrcnttU titseast, which grew more
and more aggravated f y is. in .- • ■ < cry
i remedy or treatment tin t .i. 1. :;; ut.fn rim
persevering use of A VL:. SS.. 1..~A j*.\itii.t..v IV.icved
f:im Few ease* can 1 • found mots inveterate at i
I distiessiug ttinn tiii*-, unu it took tcveim dozen Lot
i to cu..- him.
Leayorrhcea, Whiles, Female Weakness,
areeener: 11. PIRDUCI dby interna! scrif .it, l ■ •
mttom, sad are very oitea cored bj llie alterat
effect of thi< SSRSAPA RILLA. Some cases reiiitirt,
however, in aid of the SAHSAPAKILLA, thi ski.:-
appneatiou of local remedies,
i From the irctt-Pnoicn unit wiilety-ce/ebratt dlf
Jiicob Morrill, of Cincinnati.
] "I have lotird your SAUSAPA UN.I A an exci 'TT
| alterative in diseases ol II inaas Mai > ernes <
regularity. Leucorrlcca, Internal L'-C'eratioii. I
local debility, arising from the scrolulous ■ .
I bave yielded toil, ami tlieie ate lew that • • '.
| when its effect is propei ly aided bv locL treatua M.'
A lady, unwilling to allow the puLl.c.ilio/i <y r
name, writes:
■ "My daughter and mi self have keen cured DA
j very debilitating I.ewcori leva of LONG TTUNU-OG. t;
two bottit-s ol your &ARSAFAKH.LA."
\ RiieuTtiatism. Gout Liver Ccmolain*, Dys
pepsia Heart Disease, IJeu.A G:a.
j when caused bv Scrofula in the svstcm. alerapiiH':'
cured by this LAT. SAHSAPARILLA.
POSSESS so many ADVANTAGES over the ETVOI par
gatives in the market, and their superior v.R ::I -
are so universally known, that we need r
more tlnm to assure the public their oualityu
maintained equal to the host it ever I > '" L '
and that they may he depended T A W DO .. 1
that thev have ever done.
Prepared HV J. C. AYEB, M. 1)-, I CO,
Lowell, Mass., uud sold by
I It C ..A IN 1.. . X ; T T>. >I :G, I'' V
• i ir.ling JB C<., NI ; K .v •' i H ' • '
•ilk, ai d by dealers in Medicines etc Y where.
MDQ \a/nrn'c
i i S-z > V w W
< A : ;:I >
1H T *,l TT Th T"T " T T "T1 V 7
111 LI TILL ill (fill I. LI: t.I 1,
'II.AToIv will REST<IRE h. ir ji the i. it • ■ -
I'-W lite and restore t" iwiginal ELU .>
•u-O rd huir TO GM'IV D.IRII. i> war;.':. 1 . '
•II frinu three to s>\ vvin-ks. Tliis urvi. I• is ih"
ME of the kin t USE IBY I!I•• I'letiih, A.: lin J -.'
HI 1 1' iiis it I . T.I uiiiver, 1 us ■.
ling crnnp MI I. ... lir.G us it bv - 11
•nusing U HI-. uti UL vviii !'LIIVL! i ' '
'IIIUL to IH S • >L;I it w ill 'ni E E VI.I X, ,S I
SLUING U,I in pit Cof !. ■ ILDSP - I I;.
OCW H-iir AI piie t .• O? I'ng to din 1 ,,: ■
• urn ITI nor i G'LT LI •ir INN;, ml !••'>'■ - '
o ITS original • • ••*, !;• it soft. *
die. The '' Ovwri Xr" is .in in i-JN -
.1 every geutl.'Ul O's toilet, and IT ■ > ■ I'• 1 "
'hei would IA: hrnti; , ousi iei riion ' E W L ••
TH-SUR.S ii .US IN: TOE OUT V Agent* t I '
IN the I'T.itud Suites, to WHOM all o I- T
.tre*>E 1
L'IDIE Ovr; fhiLl.At: a. H -f..r <ih '
•in I DE.dirs —or ll.x of ■••ON .
to HAVE DE ! sre, C ie I. v .1 I. •
SIRE it I*y I. AIL, ( lire I) - • is. < 11 | ii. .I.i rt .
ol prion and JUS AGE, a>!.l^.
APT LY T. ..I DJI, .> NON.\' ::
SOU H 7th 'RI, or llr.n l, \'v . O -
Shop Opp.oisifo .RII'-Y*
narti's Ilofo".
Ladies' haircut in the nn-L ASH MD
ther at hi? Saloon, or their s '-U •. D V
Mr. licrlinghof i* re E .j ' • ' ; C ' V . -
where he was e.UULO ED I . L - '
and consequently feels wutranted -j 1 ;
satisfaction to all wh<J may FOUR HIM TT'IU '