North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, May 06, 1863, Image 4
farmer's Saluma. PROFITS OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF STOCK. Calves are probably the most unprofitable stock j that farmers keep ; for this reason, they are not particular as to what they biee l from, forgetting : that' like produces l'.ke" Farmers who raise calves wouhl find it to ho a good investment to pay one dollar, or even five do!- | lars for the use of an animal whoso stock, when four years old, with the worth double that of some cheap inferior animal. It will pay to raises good calves; and the way to raise such is to have a good oue to statt with ! foe 1 him regularly, an I not too much at a time, teach bim to eat bran, slops, cabbage leaves. A.•, an 1 keep the feeding up till he goes into winter quarters, which should ue warm, bat not confined, give good bay with a mess of something every day. in J occasion i!:y a handful of oil-cako meal,which will keep the lice from destroying his comfort an I growth tho in nn <P ject is to keep.tbem growing, nnd you will h tve calves that will make cows and oxen that y>u will not be ashamed of. Sheep—who will deny that thev are not profita ble —with this as withal! other kinls of stock, it pays to keep the best, and in the best possible minner .Counting carc and cost, think they are as profita ble stock as a man can keep, if ho bkos it, if not, let them alono and keep something he does like. Swine —Considering the price of mils, the scarcity of lumber and labor, why will some people continue to keep tho land-pike tear-to-pieces, squealing breed, at a cost more than double the thor.-nosed, short legged, quiet disposition pig 1 Think the best war to inako pork is to take such a pig and put him into pen and yard, and feed well ontilbyou kill biin. It may pay some to winter pig 3, but it does not us, had rather make beef and mutton of grain th in pork. Poultry, unlike most animals, the greater the number the smaller the profits accordingly. It pa ys to keep from fifteen to thirty • n every farm if a mm has somewhere besides bis wagon house for them to roost. As to the breed, the laying kind suits Ui the best, which are Creoles and II mi burghs. They are not good to eat, but will lay ifyou feed thein well Think it better to sail tho eggs and buy your chick ens than to raie them ; for the eggs that ire sp tile 1 and the chickens that are caught and die, wou'd when the eggs were good, buy tho chickens you raise, and you are .nus your time und lots of dough For full partic l e's about poultry you will bo obliged to take n trip to Ciinton, Onei la County. OBSERVATION. Near Erewerton, Onon Co., N. Y.' 1563 FACT* FOR VEGETARIANS.— It is in-lec-l a fact wor thy of remark, and one that seems never to have been noticed, that throughout the whole animal creation, In every country and clime of the eirth, the more useful animals that eat vegetable food work. Hie all-powerful, and the patient untiring camel, in the torrid zone ; the horse, the ox, or the donkey, in the temperate; and tho reindeer in the frigid zone, obtain all their muscular power from nature.s aimpl-'st pro" duotions—the vegetable kingdom. But ail the flesh eating animals keep the rest of the animated creation in constant dread ot them. They seldom eat vegeta ble food uutil some other animal has eaten it fir 11, and made it into flesh. Their own flesh is unfit for other animals to eat, having been itself made out o! flesh, and is most foul unl offensive. Great streng h, fleetnesof foot, usefulness, cleanliness, an! docility are then, always cbaraeterestic of vegetable eaters Conpute Weight oi'Cattle by Measure. Ascertain tho g th back of the shoulders, and the length along tho back' frem the square of the buttoch to a point even with the paint of the sh > 1 ler-bla 1•; say the girth is 6 feet 4 inches, and the length 3 feet 3 inches, which multiplied together, givef 31 feet Multiply this by 23, the number of pounds nlloweq to the foot, between 5 and 7 feet girth, and the result Is 713 pounds, for the number of po inds of beef in the &ar quarters. Girth, from 7 to 9 feet allow 31 pounds to tho foot. Cattle must ba fat an 1 square built to hold out weight. Carrots. " * F&rmeas, don't forget your carrot Crop. For field erops,|sow the Long Orange Have you ground in fine tilth. Loamy soil is best. Use no fresh manure. Sow tho seed in Jane, in dribs, thin out to the dis tance of six inches. Keep the weeds down, and the •oil loose by frequent ho eing. CUREFORSCRATCFIES IN HORSES. —Given ines ; twi E a week, composed of bran 1 gab, sulphur 1 tablespoon, ful, saltpetre 1 spooi ful, boiling sassafras to a 1 qt , assafoefetida 1 ox. Ktep the horse from col l wate 1 Cor halt a day afterwards. Don't Feed Timothy lla y to Young Lambs. Please publish this item for the benefit of those 0,- your readers who are keeping sheep, and wh m ike a practice of raising early lambs Timothy hay should be kept away fram young lambs that arc oi l enough to eat hay. Thry prefer the heads of the Timothy to other parte'of it; and therefore pitk out the hen 's which will prove fatal to the lite of the lambi. This is founded upon my oicn experience, sfrength-ner by observation. F. G. Knowles, Canadice, N. Y. 1563 To Cleau a House of Vermin. Burleihg of tire Bo ton Journal, says:—"l tell you ladies, a secret that may bo worth your knowl edge,—a remedy to clear a house of roaches and ver min has been found. So complete is tho remedy t lat men offer to rid premise? of all these pestilent-,il nuisances by contract. Tho article is sol. 1 under the name or French Green, add other high soun ting names, at qnite a high p>ice ; but the article, in plain English, is common green paint, in powder Six ccjits worth usad about any house, " will clear the kitchen, and all its surroundings," - • ■ < - - ■■ HORSHJ. —Avoid spra 3 md hoof di-x-ns s frou: frozen ground, or snow ud mud slush, by prompt and careful shoeing ; p. vent coughs and colds by comfortable blauk r • - while standing in cold wind?, and promote gen, -al health by jut enough of good food, ar.l by comfortable, clean, light ventilating scabies, and frequent cleaning and robbing. - PRESERVING BUTTERMILK. —Tako A vessel that will contaid nearly twice as much as you wish sav ed When milk is plenty, fill it two-thirds full of batbertpilk, and then fill up with water. Drain off the wat%r and refill with fresh once a week, stirring it well each time after filling, and you will have a good article always ready. THE BRST SEASON FOR PAINTING HOUSES Tho, outside of buildings should be pa'nted during au tumn or winter. Hpt weather injure? tho paint hy ! drying in the oil too quickly; then tfcc paint will j easily rub off. But when the paint is laid on dur- j i#g oold weather, it harden?in drying, and is firmly v Goon SQUASHES.— Gre<-n squashes that are turn ing yellow, and striped so .ashes, are more uniform ly sweet and mealy than any kind. pise aitij {fiijerijiisf. A HARD IIIT —The scone of ihe following ineiden ain Western New York, in the town of D —, and lie parties who were the heroes of it are two farmers named Jones and Atwood: Their farms join and as is often the case, a quar trose about a cerUin si le-h 11 line fonee. The quar rel rcsu'teo in a law suit, in which neighbor Jones, paving (as At wood claims) sworn to the most tro men lous lies on trial, gained tha oa-o A short time. ;ftor. notice was given out that there would he pr-n- h tig on a certain evening in the s hool-house O.i the j appointed evening the neighbors assotnnlel Tue preacher, having fiiUiel his discourse — froin the text, 'Whit shall a man giviin exchange for his j soul?,"—invtie 1 any of those present, who wishel to ! make a few remarkson the text Brother Jone a arose and commenced his rem irks by saying; " Whit sit ill am in give for h's soul ? 11 >w inu h i' it worth ! ran any one he re t 11 me how much a soul is worth V' Before ha could proceed further neighbor At wood jumped up. an 1 with finger pointing to brother Jones, sii I, in it shrill, piping voice, which penetrate I every corner of the room: '• I know what one niin,s sou! i 3 worth. It's worth just one rod of side-kill fence !" 11If the A lininistration is the Government why didn't it die with General II irruott or Oeueral Tay lor ? Was the Government cut with a razor the other day when Mr. Seward cut his hand 7 If Lincoln shuutd take the diarrhoea, would tho Government h ve to swallow burnt brandy 7 If Lin ;o!n shoul J get the rheiyn itis.n, vvoul 1 th e Government have to go on crutches ? When Welles gave his fat contract to M irgan, it was a brother in-law of the Government to wh on ho extended favor. There is a rumor that the Gjvorn uent drinks tea out of a ottle. Tha Government once by skillful an I successful strati gv, arrived unexpectedly in Washington, drcsse 1 in a,beautiful Scotch cap ued cape. The Government was once hear I to siy that it hi 1 not stu lie l ihe tariff yet ( but intended to do so, as soou a it ha 1 leisure. The G iveruinent is ah >ut six feet high, has large feet and lank jaws, ail use. to h iul rails wu nit w is young When ILilleek bit Stanton, tho G tvernmcnt got iiit itself What a wonderful Government. F J?* A TOAST —A celebratioo was: "Marriage— ordained for the ha| piness of man ; through whose portal the bachelor will not, can.a t, or Lire not en ter." Which was responded to as follows by a bache lor*:—The ladies—our stars before marriage, our stripes after." i £, S'" AN VANTAGES OF BEING A WOMAN —A woman i says that choose? w-.thout being knoc cc 1 down for it ; She can take a suooze after dinner, while h-.-r hus • band goes to work, ."he can go into the street wiih i out being aske Ito''st tn 1 treat " t eveir saloon i lie can stay at home in time ofwar, an 1 get married j again it her husband is ..illed £h can wear cov j sets il too thick. unl--terh fici.igs if too thin.-- I She can get divorced from her husband whenever i she vec? urn ?he likes better. Snj •in g-t hr lius ' band i:i l.:bt all over until he warns th • public not to | trust he iou his account But all these a I vantage i tire ball a.iced by the groat fact that she cannot sing ! bass go *,-nuking, or climb a tree with any degree o 1 pmpiiety, j" Af w ilays ago I discovere lan old darkey on the coiner of Broa I an l Vina streets, singing " \\ o've no ess days to sing his praise Dan when we first begun " '*;W hose praise do you mean 7" I inquired—'* the Lord's or Mr Lincoln's ?" " We've no loss d ivs to sing M issa Lincoln,? praise Don when we fust—" | But betoro he coul I finish his innlo ly. a partly .). : vourc 1 docaye 1 apple <U-s tnd. il trtoii iho hand of a | uihpi lated pri/ ito s d liar 1 -ttiia lon data ha i da iry above, qua re upm the d I cranium of tht so igs'.er, and iu depirie I disgusted. i, 'T Cl' S3 in the middle of Googr.i j by, stand up wh .is a pyrtmi 1 I A pile ot men in a Cirrus one on top of the other? " Alien.'a I j ,t ? ' '* here iti.i.rtys .vis." "W h -re's V - lis ? " '* All over tuc sail. " 'Veiy well—stay there .ill I show joy a specie" of birch that grows all over the country. " 1 _.** 'AT'S ACC IMM-IDA RI vEN ESSI. V.— A n Irish iiiito oei ig to /Uitojn iijo ay tay in L i.vre.ueburg 1n.1., tonrting to gi sou h ; v.s questions! by one ot (he otli is '• We.l sir, whoa you get into battle, tvill you light or run j" "An' f.itu" replied the Hibernian, with a comical twist ot his countenance, *' i',l be afiher doiu', yer honor, as a muj irity uv ye docs." An old lawyer was giving advice to his son just entering up.n his favorite profession said ; --"My son, if you have ae me where Ino la? is cL arly ou your si le and justice seems to ba against, you, urge upon jury the vast importance ef sustaining tho law If ou the otiier h m-t, you are in doubt ab< ut the law, your client's case is (bun led in j,i?tico insist or) iho itccssity of doing justice though tho Heavens fall." ''But,' asked the son, * how rhall I mauage a case where law and justuo are both dead against ine?" " Tn that case, my son, talk around it." A CLOSI: CONNECTION. — \ Persian mo chant com plaining of some unjust sentence of the lower courts, was told by the ja tge to go to the cadi. " But the cadi is your uncle," urged tho plaintiff. "Then you may go to the gran 1 vizer." " But his secretary is your cousin." " Then you may go t > tho su'ian."—, " But his favorite sultaua is your niece." ''Weil then, go to the devil." "Ah! that is a still closer couiieo'ion." said the merchant, as he left the court in despair. Z'W m!ln - aa <l° anything against his will said a luetnpysician. "Faith," said Pat, "I ba 1 a brother who went to tho State Prison against his will--faith and be did," ujf Spunreon somenimes canes out with'a gxid thing—' Br.thren," SAIJ ho, "if Gad had referaed | the ark to a committee ou .Naval Affairs, it's my j opinion il woul in,t have been built yet 1" £ rj~ A young lady who was urged to study French, ; replied that she thought one tongue was sufficient for I any wuman. £ barber who dressed the Lead of a barrel has been engaged to fix up the lock 3 of a ca ual. ViT True virtue is above all price. False vi. tue i is contoiuptible, and whosoever assumes it, deceive not lor the veil is penetrable. Lawyer's mouths are like turnpike gates— ! never op*o except for pay. j RUNNING STILL! fT'IIE OLD ESTABLISHMENT of the subscriber, X is still in running order, through all the reverses an i panics of former days, since 1333, without being wound up, at which place you can fiud a good assort ment of DYES. DRUG & MEDICINES. as can le found in the county, warranted genuine and pure. Boots-, Shoes, Harness and Leather, us good as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest, and a;ftbe WORK WARRANTED You can get all kinds of Job Priding done to or der. and blanks of every kind constantly on hand which, in style, are not surpassed t>y our largo or county offices. TO THE LADIES . rest from your toil, and buy a JS33"VS7"3:3NrOr The subscriber his also s i •-civic I in obtaining one ' of th Lest, and most reliable S wing M n liiu s, tor the tin m y, now in mar of, viz: Davis's $45 Shuttle, and the tS 50 Franklin Machines, rqnnl in capacity to i Wheeler & WiFun's -87.5, or Grovi r A Baker's 545 • machine, and in iki g the same stitch, which is om j third saving in buying here than at any other agency iu Northern Pennsy Iv.iniu. Every Easiness Man do your own Printing IT WILL PAT'. LO W E' S PA TE N T | PORTABLE PRINTING PRESS. (the cheapest in the United Stales,) ; for safe. Price, from -S5 to 525 fot a | r ss. Office : complete, tnuu SlO to ts73 with type and a'l necessa :rv ma tori; 1 tdl and mc I lie ill, or send for ucircu i of full p-articui irs. i l'artivul r attention is called to SPRING a RHEUMATIC ELIXER, I and very effective Liniment, fir all Rheumatic pains. Headache, Dyptberia, <tc . t >r sale in Melioopany s>v Dr. Becke- Jfc Co. and Henry Love; . n Russell Hill by T. Btempi's; .'t Forkston by Mr. Gurey ; at Mc shoppeu by Henry Star.sluiry. A trial of the medi cine, will in II cases, prove satisfactory. Try it,and I be convinced. HKICK ! 50,000 Brick for sale. Thankful for past favors, the subscriber is determ ined, by strict attention to business, to merit still fur ther patronage. T D. SPRING. Laeeyville, Sept. 21, 1362—v2n7. MEDI LL! 83135E ST.. TtiRKHAHKSSK. ' Ni:x r DOtllt SOI'TZI OF t . M. h()i>*>. IE. I. \i. IH9ABS. PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST. j j i'.-T RECEIVED at tic TanMiannoek Medical •) Hall, ttie largest an l best ii-.-i.viment of Duigi an! Medicines ever to this section of country. These medicines have been selected by the sub scriber himself, with great ' are, and hence l.e can ! recommend ;nd warrant them as being ) urc and un adulterated. His stock comprises in part, the following, to nit : I*. . MEDICINE."?, CHUMfCAT.:?, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS. t'if.S, PERFUMERY, FANCY NO TIONS. FINE WINES AND Lf- QTOlt?, (FOR MEDICINAL I'UR j POS Es ON LY) CO A 1.01 r., 11 "lII'ENT iN E, ALCOHOL, CAMPIIENE, COAL uiL LAMPS, ALSO STATIONERY, WHITING INK, PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS, TOBACCO, *EG A US, PIPES, AND ALL THE PROMT KENT PATENT .MEDICINES OF THE DAY, M.L OF WHICH CAN BE BO'dtllT ON TMC MOST REASON ABLE TERMS, ' FOR C ASH OR COU NT!! V PRODUCE, j PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS a•• urately com i pounded at all hours of the day and night. DIT J. W. RHOADS, PhYsO-ian and Druggist. Tunkhannock, May 11, IEO 2. r.40 1 HARDWARE & IRON! | NOW OFFER FO It SALE IRON, STE< L NATL* AND SPIKES. MINE RAII . RAILROAD SPIKES, AXVTLS. BELLOWS, HORSE-SHOES. anti CCcnlsjlj tjarse Hails, WROUGHT IRON, MUSIS' HARDWARE. CARPENTERS' TOOLS. (ALL WARRANTED. HUTS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPIN OUS, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES. SPRUNG STEEL, BOTTS, NUTS, W 1 - HERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. HAIR, SHOVELS WHITE LEAD, FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., A<\, Ac. ALSO SASII, DOORS AND RUT NILS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT, AND M ANUE \CTUR ED 'lO ORDER LEA THE Ell AND FINDINGS. F4I-K BANK'S SCALES. jpf/uwrch 26. 186 V vlnTl—lv LIMFJFJR B AKAlLiia, Ad A taluuiiia fotffals at * VERVOY 'S. Meshftppea, Sept. 18. ISGI. I DEL. LACK. & WESTERN RAILROAD. C IIANGrE O F | ON and after Monday, November 25th 18C1, Trains will run as follows: EXPRESS PASSENGER TRAINS i Leave Great Rend at * 7:20 A. M. N.-w Milford 7:39 " Montrose 8:00 " llopbottom 8:23 " Nicholson ••••8:40 " Factory vi lie 904 •' . Abington 9:20 " SCR ANTON 10:00 " Moscow 10:41 " Gouldshom 11:07 " Toby h-inna 11:20 " Stroiidsburg 12.32 P. M- Water Gap 12:40 " Columbia 1:00 " l>e I a Wit re 1 ■2a '' Horn- (Philadelphia connection) • • 1:35 " Oxford l: r )3 " Washington 2:10 " Jim tion 2:32 " Arrive at New York 5:30 " Philadelphia 0:50 " MOVING NORTH. Leave New York from foot of Courtlnnd -treef 8:00 A M. Pier No. 2, North River, 7:90 " Philadelphia, from Kensington Depot 7:10 •' Leave Junction 11:15 " Washington 11:33 " Oxford 11:50 " lIo|e (Philadelphia connection)•• 12:14 P. SI. Delaware 12:43 " Columbia 1:00 Water Gap 1:16 " Stroudshurg 1:30 " Tobyhinna •* 2:42 Gouldsbortj 2:55 " Sfoseow 3.17 " SCRAN TON 4: tO " Abington ••4:40 " Factory ville 4:56 " Nicholson 5:16 " llopbottom * s:'iß " Montrose 6:1*0 " New Slilfoßl 6:21 " Arrive at Great. Lend 0:40 " * >g" These Trains connect at Great Lend with the Night Express Trains both East and West on the Nc.v York and Erie, and at Scranton with Tr -ins on Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, for Pittston. I Kingston an 1 Wilkc.-b-rre; au 1 the Train moving South connects at Junction iili Trains for ltethle liein, Maueh Chunk. Reading and Ilarrisburg. Passengers to and from New York change cars a Junction. To and From Philadelphia, via D. D. R R., leave or take curs at Hope. Foi i'iusfori, Kingston and Wilkes I'arre, t iko L. A 15. R K. cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Arehbald and Carbonda.'e, tako Omni bus at Scranton. A CCOMO !) A TIO y TR A IN. MOVING NORTH Leaves Scranton 9:56 " Abmgton 10:35 " Factoryville 11:00 " Nicholson 11:30 " llopl.-ottom 12:05 P. M Montrose 12:45 '* New Milford 1:20 " Arrives at Great Bend 1.45 " MOVING SOUTH Leaves Great Rend 2:io P. M New Milford 2: 55 •' Moiitroscin 3:05 •' lloptxitto 3:43 " N i -liolsnn 4:15 " Factoryville ":I3 " A' ington ."-40 " Arrives at Scranton 6:30 " Thi" Train le tees tnron aft r the nrrGul of tli r"iii from Kingston, an I connects '.t tlreat Lend -.villi t!.c l'ay Evprc.-s Trains both East and West on New Folk an 1 Erie. • JOHN BRISBIX. Sup'*. Superintendent's Offi e, ) Scranton, Nov. 25. 1861 $ MRS. WOOD S STIMILATIis* Vl&IEIT. FOR IVI2ISK.EIIS AND IIAIR. THE STTMI RATING OXGI EXT AND INVIG 3RATOR "ill r<-t'-re iiair o the lot Id heal, gi\. i w life and ic-toro to original color gray h■ ir •au-e rod hair to grow dark. Is warranted to bring >ut a thick set of WHISKERS CR A MUSTACHE! i! from three to six wm-ks. This arti le is the onl: ue of the kind u.-e 1 by the Fiencli, and in L.mdoy m l Paris it is in universal use. It is a beaifii'ti! economical, scathing, ye." stimuln ing comp tin i. i ting as if by magic upon 'he roots losing a bcautiiul growth of luxuriant hair. If up lied to the s -alp it will . me, and cause t. spring i:,> in : !a. •• <>f he bald spot* a fine growth o' .civ iiair A* piic I according to directions, it. wil mu iti:r> or i y'p itir name, an I restore gray Ji ti 0 its original vol r. leaving if .-aft. smooth, and flex ole. The " Oxot int"is an indispensable nrtiel. •i every gentb-m -ids toilet, ar.J after one week's u-a hc v would not for any consideration bo without it. The subs ri c.s tre the only Agents for the aitich :i the United .States, to wuoui till orders must bo ad- Ircsscd. Pii.-e Om: Doi.i. vr a box—for sale by all Druggists ind Dealers---or ' i>"X of the " unguent," warranted 1 have the desire 1 effect, will be sent to any, who pa ■•ire it,ly mail, (direct) eturely packed, on reeeipi .t price and postage, SI.IB. Ap. ly to or address HORACE WOOD South 7th t or Grand, Williamsburth.n iO suit VOL'S SU-FKREKS Or DO I'll S-I.XES.. A REVEREND GENTLEMAN HAYING BEEN resti rod to lie ilth in .1 few days, after undergoing all 1 lie usual routino and irregular expensive modes of treatment without success, eonsi lei sit sacred du ly to communicate to his afflicted fellow creatures the means of cure, lleta-e, on the receipt of an ad dressed envelope, ho will send (fiee) a copy of the pruaerij tion used Direct to Dr John XI. Daovall,. 168 1 idton street, Brooklyn, New York, \2n2-lly Ladies Look FOR Tj r\ iixr j\f iiitno SHAKERS. HATS, P.1330N5, —OF THE— aASSSS 1 SW£&®i! 9 With everything else to be found in the lino of MILLINERY. Just received from the city, and | sold at sin ill profits by MM. BIVNIDWEIIIJ. opposite tlie Post-OlJice. Please call and examine before purchasing else where. f j/' Bleaching nn l repairing done in good ordei and at the shortest notice. Tunkhnnoek, Nov. 12, 1862—v2n11-3tn. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. (!( \F \ BUSHELS OF GOODRICH'S SEEDLINGS vJv/W Comprising the following varieties : Garnet Chill, Out.eo, Contral City, CitUao,' ana Pinkeye Riutrcoat Also 50 bushels of Early Junes. Price $2.50 per bbl., delirercd nt the Pittsfon de pot The barrel to contain as many sorts as you choose, Pack ages of each sort sent by mail postpaid for 25 cts. each t Cash to accompany all orders. Reference given if desired. P. SUTTON. Ransom, Liu. Co., Pa. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE,, N. V. An Institution to QtMilifij Young Mm for Ilosintss. I) W LoWELii. Pnncip tl, Professor of the Science of Account*. Pructicnl Accountant, Author of Lowell's Treatiae upm Book-Keeping, itiagruius illustrat ing the -ame, Ac. j no KASKIN, Commercial Accountant, Professor ol Book -Keeping and Pnurtienl M ithciiiaties. A. J WA UN KIT, Professor of Practical and Uniament al Penmanship, Coututcrcial Lalculntions uud Cor rcspoudenee. J. J. CUKTII., Assistant Teacher in Bookkeeping Depurtuieut. LEPTKBKR-S. Hon. DAXIF.I. S. IMCKINSOV, LL. I Lecturer on Com mercial Law and Political Lionomy. Hon. RANSOM BAI.COM, Lecturer on Contracts, Prom isary Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. ANDREWS, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. Siuiicnts can enter at any time; no vacation Graduates are presented wuh an elegantly engraved Itiploma. Usual time required to complete full com mercial course, from 8 t<> 12 weeks Every student is guaranteed to he eompeteut to take .-barge of the books of any business linn, and qualified to earn a salary from <6OO to 41500 per annum. A-si-rum e rendered to graduates in obtaining shuutioiis. Board #2 00 to $2 50 per week. For particulars send for Circular, enclosing stump. u5-lj. SINGER A- GO'S. mUTMIIYSiiMI BE! With (ill the Recent Inifirovcments, Is the Best and Cheapest and Most Beautiful of ul Sewing Machines. This Macbrm will srv. anything, troin ihe running of a tuck its T; rMan to the mak ing if an overcoat—anything trom Pilot or Boaver (■loth, (i'<wn to the softest tJnuze or Gossamer Tissue, and is eve<* ready to do its work to perfection. Is can fell, hem, bind, g sther. luck, quilt and his ca pacity for a greet variety of orn imentai work, 'lis' is tint the only M o.hine tliat can hem, tell, i in 1, an I so forth, Isut it will do so better than any other Ma chine. 'l'he Letter'"A" Family Seain<r Machine in.iv be had in a great variety of cabinet ■ a-cs '1 he Folditi:' Case, which is now Uecoming s ■ |ij>u!ar. is as its name implies, one that can be foi led into a box or case which, when opened. in iky- a heut.Glul, substantial, an I spn.-ious t-iL!o f>r the .vo:k to rest upon. The crses are of every iuiugin-'le design— plain as the wood grow in its native forest, or a elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch oflier a are well supplied wi'h silk twist, thread, needles,oil, etc., of t!ie\ery best qual ity. Send for a copy of •' Singer ,fc Go's Gazette." I M SI Xt JEH A CO. 458 Urn "I wa v, X. V. Pnir.vnri rttiA OFFtrr. 81U t!. sinnt St Mrs C T. Marsh, am 1. A. Buruwcil, Esq , agents in Tunkhannocrv ES w nmrm AND €3 S3: ±%. I URL ___ Znr f . ' "gfp-j . TZ x c- -z£r**~ r f]f £- * ~ £■' J J s t MANUFACTORY! The stil s. ril er h s j.j.; . eiiel :i net Furniture Cabinet and Chair M innf.n torv in Tunkhannork. ic.xt door to C. M. Tvoonh- gr. >cerv -tore —where arc kept on hind an t m inuf icturc I to order: TABLES of all sizes. pattern.. and s vies. CHAIRS Can ', Flag-bolt-.m, and common. 11l KK.U S of all styles, sizes i.nd miccs. BEDSTEADS, Cottage an I common. CENTRE TABLES. WORK STANDS, ROOK CASES, and in leeil every tl.i g wlii h can he foun ii the larsres' furrii'ure e<r ibli-ients in the country wlii h in: wil' sell at pri . s :i s |„ w n flier '•an fx ■ii lit in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied tli it lie can compete, both in workmanship an t •i.'ices with anv establishment in the country, he so li-. i 8 the public patronage REPAIRING of nil kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike maimer. N. 15.—01 d caue-seat chairs, new-seated end re paired. 1 XPEUTAKIXt* II tviug n Hearse of hi* own. •in i having had much experience, he will attend to this department of the business on short notice, and in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM HAAS. July IG, 1802. —vlndOly Traveling Public! •yO accommodate wiping to go by puUU conveyance from this place to any section, or re turn, the undersigned continues to run a j lOebily X_ii:o.e OF tmM m r n q dsi% Ml a to and from Faetoryvillo Depot, leaving his hotel .it bfel .k, a. in., arriving at Faetoryvillo iu time for lra:as to ©not ptni), Srraiiton, Utrj-lJork, and PHILADELPHIA. Returning, leaves Faetoryvillo on the arrival of the New York, Pbil.delphia and Accommoda tion Tram from Great Lend, arriving iu Tunkhan uock ut 7 o'clock, p. ui. N. L. All Express matter, packages nr.d goo Is will bo conveyed to and from the Depot. at reasonable rates; the proprietor holding himself responsible for the safe delivery of all such entrusted to his care. Towanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock in. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p in Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and Wilkesharre leava on the arrival of the Tow*- •. s ace auu re turning connect with the same. Montrose staore leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. m„ connecting at M 'ntro-e with stages for RinghaiDton, Ac. Returning, connects with stages for Pittston, Towanda, Jfcc. Persons wishing to ho called for at their residences will be accommodated by leaving their names at the hotel of the proprietor. Horses and Carriages in readiness to forward nnss engerf at all times. T ' B WALL Hi ayer-s FOR ALL THE PCRPO3ES OP A FAMILY PHYSIC THP.KK has '.on< exist.l a public demand J cfp.tive purgative pill which could U rcij,! T * sure and perfectly safe in its operation. 'i";' h"eii prepar#! to meet that demand. and an,, 1,1 live trial of its virtues has •(inclusively what Mifi ''-> it acwmpM'.be* the pnrjHisi. It is emv to maVe a ph>intl y„7/ t |,„t nut make the l**Kt of all fit* — one which shi.-ohj i>* none "f tlie i.e.. c!:o:i-, out all the ad>an:.,.Jp** ,s-rv other. '1 Vis his been attempted hep with what suea -s we would reutcrlfuily trie public decision. It has been unfrirti u ,jo £ the patient > :lherto that a.rnost every iiuiiici.. is HMIOH'IOIIS :uid irritating t, thekJ eis. Ti:is is not. Many of them !*• dr., e H) ■r• i * "a'ii ..n>l revulsion in the Mien> than cininterUtlance ir," KIIOU to lie deriwth? Mum. These :'•* proii'ic* no isrt*' i( w mless it :> >e from po v ii>n<d existing ion or del unpen ent i'i Ihe bowel*. Ecji.., „,[* .-iCetai e, no i arm can arise from their iisc inantily; ti l tis I.oil. r that am me. ceil* ,|JS ■e takei; ji.r. ioa--!v. Minute on--th,. s f (lf 'A* :-e in the several II'S-CK to wbicr, t 1 er NR.J? ..iit-rtMe !*♦' ir '!• oti ''<• b*x. 'taints wiii . have been speedily cured i.v then, „ uav ai i nI,M I ( i'Tnptaint, in iU varinm forT .1 au i'i . . li.oi .c si;.>n. f -manor ar.d l.css ~'f „ tite. I tl'ssiuss. i.ijtai ility. Hi ions Hcndl c jT ions IVv.r. hi .i-r .rid A cue. Pain in the'y. md Loins ; f. i . in truih a'i 'hes>e arc nut theouT Jn in the ljver. At r;t thry ; ' a.l p,cnipt end wire relief ig ivciiisi. i 'ios.t olir. I lyseiiterv, 1' .Vr, ml "si HI v . Co'il- w :tti soieness of the t dv. l',r din I 'V C't t r O'.uid, Irregi laritics; ii, *>., 0 v ami iiy i-a-e v. <-.e a purgative is roanni 'lias have produced s. ue s'.niMilarlv , s.fni l ines in ! i i:n. :tt*m, (out. Ih p- v,Grr •'rysij-'ai-.s. ! ■ pitatiut, of the Heart. I'alns in ti| it:, ;. Storr.; i . ami V'le. ihey shno'd lie take.' in the spring of t e vtar, to purify thr bsml ,i ii prcpi'! e "svle!. :< i the of scuroti \TI "I - O I. • SI MU! t t .s the tom*ch •. 'We .!o iiei'io ya t on, au l restores the '![*. .:>■ nr.! \ L. purify the blood, and, Iqr tiit stiruiii.irit a- r-i. .:. M e circulatory svstem,ruto. VH'I- lire slr-iLt:. r" the two v. and restore tb* v.i -r ai <.r or < a.-el *t: r-."es of the whole ornajaas. •-c .n ' "■ tii'-t is ailvi'.iitrißenii^ though ■ derangement exi-tsr but m. ".•e- "• - i ' -Ic 'hi '.ever lie carried ti<. fa, ,s rurvi •r_ c nicii; • redrit cs ihe strcnirth A U O -S. ihe tWatUilid I USE- ij, wjyQ 1 hvsic is requirede imot beMnunmtedhae,)g •••v - • • t 1i ::■ -• Iv "s t>. I'."- of erm •I-..,.. .. ,1 i; s v.. ih i."v t.c.f-i ihis pi'.. :i, s .\*r a ii:<! " i i: at; ;:i:y thing which he i. " t •■en . i to iii.ii ki'.ii. When their ■ .lues ' ue' hi,own, the pui. ic will no longer , w . i\ '■ I'u .oy when in need uJi •alii I ! , l .eii'i ■ 1 • :i c sugtir-ivrappcd, thcym ■.it !o ' ! <•; ii p'-re.v veiictabie, si harm . air arise from their .i-e in any ouantity. Lor ruiriuie il ri'ct oils, si e i cr un the P i i: 1 PA! t t> i f 1)11. JAM IIS A YF.ii, Liprth :il Pixi Yi'jrij { .i< ;tl CS.i ttiisl, I.nWhM MASS Price 2c Cvut-r v fr pr.x. five Icsei forSV A Y Ii ii' S fIKFEPY PYif.TOP AT vil—-s. ■, JL :. vi Y Asiiijj ton' tlie Clip i'l ( Hie of (0! R CTIL. !>S, !.-T IKSK.MLSS. i?! fS -. v ' I-n, I i.wl l\ i> i i-♦ *. -v'--) t L J i lu'\. TH'S reined- i as won 'or itsilf si.-.-h tiit'rirt ft'.m it.- ruses of < ' v. r t> of : aim"! *n - ih-tist that it I# entirely nitntrtiisstj t" rtaom.i IttM donees of iis v.ji' , s in coinnitii-ity wait*£ has beet: • :■■; <d. So wide is the field •" it" ■ * fulness, ai d or K ne eases of ts era lh t . . • o;-t co . - if the country al-tiri in : CI ' lis • • 1 IT- W: . who be. T ics* :ri from alarm;'o -i.-i . vet. desperate illscasis of fit hxngs by its ne. When owe ivied its over every oil ti nied cine of its hind is teetfM tCT" 1 1 to (SCJH 'f' I ' l'\ l\ t:< !1, .< ! .vi TI 1 ('Ti' ? \!f I'C. known, tiit" ii\i i > nr'*r lit'>;t:!t- v) . t I to enxvlov * r tl.o u stp * * r nu<l Hyu tiins *i' #>arr wlitcfe 'W to cor ciii-.v5.U-. cit'} : t*-rtf 1.-.* '* upon trc lungs, but f< r the mi.dir v.Tel <•'.( CULIIS. ("m I,H. LLO.V HSKN i:-s \e.; v... !i :ci::L HKkn it is the p' ai.J safest n" -* —c can be obtained. As it has long be n in constant ne irony'h! tliis section, we net i not uo niove I. -• • * •■■t people its quality is kept up to t'.c ! st ti. t i'.oe ba3* 1 n. and that the genuine article ws • -r it . r. 1,0 k; T I. Spring, Ln.^yvn viarding A Co.. Xi hol.-on : K A J Freer, Factst ville, s .1 t>y dealers in Meuiciiiea everywhere. NEW GROCERY AND— S 3 A*O"A7"XtSiOXI STORE! Tt.c Salwril er his opetiod a Gro -err and htdt i..n st(„, in I'leg-tore Room, formerly oivupieil ft J lies Osterh' ut. in the borough of T unkhaWvA •nd inteu I- to keep .11h in th go >d •l.•^.'rlfllcat • u.-h articles as are usually sold in such an eauV li-!iuK-iit. He inten Is to deal in none nut g. o 1 (?>#• ni ! u. dis|oe of • h ni at just so stii .H advan e up* 'ist tis it is ]N.S-II>!C for any in in to do w:th safety U "himself—being willing to share in these " hard times" the profits with his customers Any onewc ii? to pari I.ue any i f the following articles, will c '' w. II to call on the sir -err cr i ulbre purchasaig e.* where. i Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Svrn?, ; Kerosene, < kindles, Toliaeco, Sriuii, Saleratus, Sal Soda, Ginger, Pepper, Allspice, Cinna. 111 on, Nnt m egs, Cloves, Baisins, oream of • Tartar, ; Pork, While Fish, Mackerel, Trout, Nails, Glass, Wheat Flour, Buck wheat Flour, Corn Meal. But ter, Cheese, Eggs, Apples, Vinegar, Starch, Pen llold or s, Pen cils, Ink, Pa lter, Envel opes, Pocket Books, Money Purses, Spool Thread, Linen Thread, Sewing Silk. Buttons, Thimbles, Pins, Needles, Shawl Pins, Watch G u ar d s, Buck Skin, Cot ton, Silk, and Lisle thread GloveS, Cotton and Woolen Socks and lies®, Suspenders, Spectacles, Tobacco Boxes, Coarse, Fine, Dress and C i rcle C o m b s, li a i r Brushes, Shaving Boxes. Soaps,. &'(*., &c., Also, a general assortment of custom made B™'* and Show? of the verv he-t mi.bitv warranted salt hy the barrel. Wanted in exchange fur P oo '.' and for which the highest market price will b P lll Grain of all kinds, Ruckwheut Flour, Lutrei - , hUff 1 ' Beeswax, Honey, Lard, Tailow, Poultry, Paper Hap l)ri6d Peaches, Leans, Onions, Ac GEO. I.BIHTO> Tutik bannock Dec K),