■jfISND PERSONAL.] I "Z J. C. Decker fc Co's New D.ug ,f the officious can lit ales for ■i. ■tii : n< T oper.-.ftons, sin 'C the ■ j 3 j v *s Hook.—lor May hai Leon ro " " " v ;.usi,iins its refutation as the B J '. : l je kiml m-w published. .<'iial. "The c.in il at this place i 01 i **' ■ ,„.ib„a-8 heginn-ng to pass np. though *,, er iuee some delay on account of the BTohe *'' er t(J fiil lhc '" Wl ' r luvt ' ls H of the ol let in't I'.iit.i ti of , ... residence in tins R. a id miety. "■ .i ja another column. This Society i- Jn ..ii ■ j. .ratio .?, connect'...' iih the Santa - •.'. ..ion Contributions tiieref.-re, need i: -t "T et misappropriation Hi tie a an. It is proper toiul 1 that liisemmi - "ii nap; the only reliable ch.iuoi tniuugii v.; . ,i •i r.s in :ii 1 cf the si -k or. 1 woun 1•1s -i 1 , urcd i" the sufferers for whom. the;. ;.io ,|. It aims rot tuluini.-ii luxuries lor the t.i -crs, hut to provide for the necessities -viUriaj . sick aui woin: !■ i < ; our arm:- : •Jr. its call should be heeded. I'H <>— t---•>-"-r ~*r" • nk t B/£arrie d . IT N LAP—In J u-I!: |j:.nn ■!; M y ti J, l.v lie Rev . P. R. Lane. Mi. ID \ ,vin M' cf I alls, to Mis- hARAH ]>l XLAI-. •pre Wj'' V~r VP?— Tn this pi,io9 /jail, 20.! i I'ji. .1 • v I ..: .u IIAVXHS, aged 24 yea . j in-... ~... . i ■.a-, TLRIIOt'T —At his resilience, in LaGrange. < n t 3U ult. Mr Ori am OCsti rik iT, in the 41 t of lis rpe. iTrti libfcrrfisnnnite. I J. l int jfi Slit ~ r \ \ \v Dn 3 Jr* r> r— nuu o I UIIL |"c the rt—i.len ■> of R R I "itlp F•■ n tv> I" f 'J mga . u l Wnrreo i>. • -1. in I rough, ivhra enbe h d.ai! k : .- . "G> AVTi MFnrcrvr-:, • . AN i) M Ft- • N:> ■IS AN P MED rr.N •*- MS AI I- Air ' ' :•- i G< AX I/ M; ii fCiXM,' CGS AXj) MKi rcr N I i AN!' MR. !<':>• . tiS ANN A.?:' •:/;s AND a; i CFM-S' r.l GS A#! DME Die I.N L s -. C!' TVT\ J.= ciir?.[r<• \ ; < IlliMU" M < II M ff'AL*. fill M r' j j. CULM CALS, YF. STI FFS, i'YE STTFFS, Di'F STI'I FS, YK STI'FFS, [)YE STFFI S, i'VE STTFFS, T' \TEN'T M FTUriNTS, P'TIiVTMIin '! i > PAT! NT I'A i RNT MLIUrtNEs] PAT FN' I MKD'riNFS PAT FN 7 ML!) [GINKS, PATENT MEDICINES, PATENT M HrriN FS PATENT M FIUTF \ Fit | PATENT MFDHMNi;-, PATENT MEDICINES, ' a everything usually found in his Fnu. IWPrcst-ri- rions accurately filled ; and all orders 'aptly attended to I)r. J r PECKER A GO. iankhannock Pa. May 6th ISG3 vSnlkde. aIAHDIAX'S SALS: OF lical Estate, •' By virute of an Order of th O p'rin's Court o* I'otniDg County there w ill he ex:•<•.- Ito pol lie ! '■cat the dwell! house of Juhu Wi-e, in the "nship f Fails in sai l Countv, on Tuesday the -lay ol June A. I) 1F63, at 2 P. M. ot ?:ii.i dav, j'j'cl. Ming described I'.e.d Estate. FIRST, •an eijii .I undivided tri-e twelfth part of n!! that • r 'ain piece or parcel of land, situate in the town fpof halls, Wyoming County Pa. it being p-irtuf a ngcr tract surveyed in the warrantee ri iine of Fii |t' fpark, and Lounih-d an I dcsi-ribtd as follows: egiDuing at the South lvistermost# corner of .•.ud 1 tract and m ining tbence along its F< uthern , r ''eei degrees, West 97 ant five t. nth perch.-, to p' i conveyed by Jc.siah J.arkins to Horace W. Finn " along said land North, If degrees, East 20 "V to a corner. Thence alon/ same laud North ki ree *' I )€r heato a corner. Thence , ••us. iegves, Wc-t 34 peo-hee to a coir.er • >• i! oig the same, North 1 f degrees, East 3R ■ t'-nrfi perches to a corner. Then-e al >ug H; " ■ North ®?J degrees, West 36 pen hc ,, ye i to Patrick Thence alio g s -i 1 * '•'l mI, Norte If degrees, East 23 perches to •'" ."' r Thence along tan, 1 sold to Noah Patrick, -l"' degrees, East 67 perches to a corner.— 1 r "" -"'Orth 27 degrees, West 23 j erchi— to a cr --' ,( - ,ri( ' e along same land North. 53$ 1. gr.-es. We.-? : vT;* r ' lies to a corner. Thence along th sue <: lin I , degrees, East 122$ perches to the En-tern iV S ' 1 *' ''■ r e ( - 'ract Thence along said line South ■* J -gi"es, IV'cst 1(6 jerches to the place of begin '• 'S. a.ntaining 83 acres and 166 perches of land, or less. LOT NO. 2. ALSO - A •"t equal undivided free t velfth part, of a certain O unirn P rov ed land lying in ihe Township of *">, Gouuty and State aforesaid. Founded us fid- 1 ■ j y- Begttinuing at tha North Wc-t C rn r of a ' j" of ,an,i surveyed in the Warr ntec truce of • J fhenee South 88$ degrees East 116 v/.V. V' 1 a F o>t and stones Toeii. t 81$ degrees v 4.i and y ; en tenth's per. hes to a corner. • ',. n 0 ' tlegtaes, Wt-.-t 116 |>ercliP-to a Ti '" r 10 L ist pup t ,( Fltsh.i Spark s tract of tarn!. . "A"' e - '""tb 14 degrees, East 45 an 1 nine tenth's Mh i '.7 (o ,ile L lilL '° of beginning. Contains 33 a.-res s 1 j torches of l.inil more or less lcrrus r.f sale—One fourth of purchase money to tl c ' l ' ie h al irce with inter< :tto he I '• mono year and to ho secured bv bond and Mortgage. fT f f Court, LAUFA fToxr ZIBA LOTT, Guardian of the tninor children of Jeremiah j St//re Deeegw! 1 d i .no. Ayer's i on *"* n S3tSj)V 453 SC2O7OLOBS BJSEJJBL from, l-Kri >j If ■, rt vtlt-hixiwH merchant of „ . , Oxford, Mninr. i;■"e "oil ,u!; i_uh. -tinesoi \ onr Saisbapae i: \ i i < n-r ct oi" 1 ottio w I >ch Im.cu oi the .i oi•-:* >ii.d iujl salts htc'ioii 10 those who look it A# fo.-t a* our poop t- tr. i', the., agici there has Ltfit i o im'i.icii.e ..i.e ;1 Le .ire in our community." rruptions, limp'e3, LlotaLc3, Pustules, L.-c-i-o, ~3i c 3 and all Diseases of the tikia. from (/, Eayl.tad. " i only oo in\ t.uly lo you mI the pi hie. w lien J ami ray testimony to hut you pub.ish •!' the me dicinal virtues of \ our Sai.saiAUII.I.A 11 yo a ligh ter, aged ten, hail an uUnciing humor in her ears, eye.-, ai.d hair lor tears, v inch ve were unable to cute until u-e tried your hAr.SArAUihhA. e>i.e l.j.a Lecti well lor sonic uio; the." From Mrs. .far F. Pre. a w,-'l Lnram unit much esteemed m, , if Oeanisci.U, tijit May i .. .V. J. " .>1; i-.atiguici bus si.;n-ieii lot a year | ast with a •erotuloM .1 einion. \ hicU was very troublesome. Retiring: Corded any reiiet until we ti ied vour Sau- SAi'Atui.LA, which rooit couip.etily cureil her." Lrom r/,i, .1 - (:. rum"faclurtrs of inam cl/tti /I'tj •-.. ,ii Aashua. A'. 11. '• 1 ban . . several years u \ery troublesome hu mor iu my taee. v ine!i giew constantly worse uutil it disiigu.ii: inv tcuiu.i -and Li caiue ait intolerable rniietiori. 1 trie" i utmost every thing a man could of Loiit advice ai d medicine. but without any relief whatever, until 1 took your Sarbafaeilu. It immediately made ray luce worse, us you told me it might tor a lime; hut in a few weeks the new skin be:::, n to iniiD under the botches, and continued until • • taeei s smooth an; todyMiri iam v -th a' '• tni :.,n, of the r;irerne that 1 know 'i. in;-, i e:i,i t lici ih, and witliontttiioubtowe it 111 M ;;r iSAIISAI'AKIhUA." Dr.vxips.a:, Uener.-ii Debility Purify tlie Hiocd. From Dr. Tinh*. Fair;a. Houston St., A". Y. Bit Avi i. I• >. i oiii tan io ri uiov e Eruptions and > c v;/ i ■ .5../ v • b the pei.-evering u.-e ot your ban* ipAEtti A. ;;i ii 1 i me just now cured an at tack oi ild Erysipelas v.itli it. ho alteia ti.<- t•' |io--i - -1. ,uulh iiie >a usAPARiLLA you have BU| jiiivd io lite luoicviion as weil ua to the people." /'rnai ./. /;. Jahtnton, Enq . if nf.eTnan. Ohio. '• I • r twelve ye; > 1 had tr.e yellow KrysipelaJ on my i lit :n m. eui lug which tnhe 1 tried'all the cel c'.v; • n p!i'.-:cia; 1 con :1 reach.and took hundreds ot in HI- wort Ii of medicines the luccr* were to b; e that the cold- bi'canie '.irible, at.d the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. 1 began ty our > a nSAPAKILLA look two bottles, and some of your l ills Together they hove cured me. I am row as well and rout <1 as anybody, being in a pul lie p ace, my c: :■ i> know n to every body in this community, and excites the wonder ot till." J .a Una. tin r;t Monro. M. P. I', if A'eimaslte, C. If*.. " leitrtii'f/ iiitM'r rof the ( anuiii'in I'arliamvnt. '•1 have it.-nl yoin A its A t'Alll i.:.A in uiv lamily, f>r nriJ '■/, and lor purfyiiii ■/ lie blooil, with vei\ bi; eiiciai tesu'ts. at d Icli cuntideuce in comnieni'ing it to the uUheud " £t. Anth"ny's Fira, Dcto, Salt Ehcum, Scald Head, Sere Fyes. F/'r.i Tfiri Si' r, Err; , lie al'r i di'nr of the V " ' • f c'. />• iiocTcit. f tttiulii. k Mr"r ti i\ 11. *i b<;nj ;. eaihot was fit- Ire! c.l by ii'■;r- on Ins lorehead lliey rti) ;d)y Fjuend ui.iit t..i '. io.tried a loutlisome and viiulent i :•. v. icli t-jvei 1 Lis Ijci, at.d actually I tinted hi-eyes I . . tc.e cays. A skilltil physician applied i . rate ol er and other temedies. without any op pun lit < li'-rt. i or liftcen day swe guarded his hand*, !• st with t! am he . ou.il tear open (lie festering and • it t\v mil oh covered liis w! "le face. Ilav i rtu nt . ■ thing <• .sc we hail any hope trorn, we began givii s your Sabbapaulu, anil rjplying the iodide ot ; lash otion, as vouditecf. I lie *ore began to Ileal whi'tt we had given the first bottle, ait 1 was well when we!:;.d liiii-hed the second. 'I lie child": eve ;.-lies, winch had ci rue out. grew again, and he I- no;', as healthy and fiur as any other. The wh. 'e uetghL.jiliood pitikctcd that the chi-d must (Ili'i ' Fyphilis ar.d Mercurial Disease. From llr. Hiram Sioa , .'f St. Louis, Missouri. '•1 dud your .> A its A i*A id li. A a mote ellectual remedy lor it..* sec.unary sy iiiptoms of syphilis, end t r svphi itic u.sease than any other we puesew. The p'oiessioii are indebted to Jou lor tome ot the ber! iUvoieit.es we have " From t. t. Ei ■ rh. M. /> .on rminrnt physician rf J.,: . M- -ho is a proaiintiil nwmltr 'f tio j I oi '■!' ".rr i t Jiass't' h'iaeUs. !>ft Avi. —.tl> dear ?*ii-. I have fout d vour Baebapamlu mi excellent teieedy for tfvphitis, 1 i. ". Lite primary and ecmdarg type, at.o efeet* i; i 11. p. > 'nat wvro tmi i bstim-te to y ie:d to other reiuedji 1 do '.ot kuov. what we can era ploy with us rt certainty oi success, wheic a power* lul alterative is ie^uiied." Mr I'! i■ S J "I Ir Trf Xfir PrvnsTrrk. .V. ,/., 1 dti ... 1u i " mi !.i it gs. caused by the abuse Oi met en i' , or •;• re-trial I'lseilsr. which grew moid t ■ u ■■ • iv..'i .1 f.i yens, in spite of every remed t ■r I. gtni nt that coW tie applied, uvtil the j ■. u us" • AY: ::"S Sausavai.u.i Aii ieved inn T FOR SALE. {'( V \ 15L-.SIIEI.S OF GOODHICH'S SEEDLINGS Comprising the following varieties: Garnet Chili. Cuzeo, Central City, Callao, and Finkeye Rustyeoat Also 50 bushels of Early Junes Price Si 50 |.c-r bbl., delivered at the Pittston <1 o -1 .t The barrel to contain as raauy sorts as you choose, F ikages of ea h Sort sent by mail post paid for *vs cts i nch •- 0 -h to accompany £.ll orders. Reference f \ i. desired. P. SUTTON, Ransom Lur,. Co , Pa. NORTH BRANCH HOTEL, M KSII OP PEN, WYU.MING COUNTY, PA RILEY WARN Ell, Prop'r. HAYING resumed the proprietorship of the abovo Hotel, th.- Un lersigr.e'l will spare no effort to :en ier the imusc m ..grec.cde place ot iOjourn for Ail who tuay favor it with their custom. • RILEY WARNER. pAentber 11, 136! mii Miii iiiTii.' I 000 v °' r d WANTED FOR IM vv/v,; mediate sen ice to cufo te the Draft ia TP .71 X 5 Q "Y ! mF H . *'Y , F"U . vAtv vAI.. AL, At jer. a g_ jl 1 on LEEMEUV-; Stock of New Cuoods* No resistance, however, need be feared; but think it best to hive the volunteers. Thirteen dollars a month guaranteed to every one who will enlist iu this cause in the way of buviu" Goods jo I I'IIEAPER THAN EI.SEVVHEIIE. j EEE.MEK has just returned from New York with large fc.ock of DRY fiOODS, DUY GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, 2"> PER. CENT LOWER, 25 PER. CENT LOWER, NOW is THE TIME TO key YOUR DRY GOODS. NOW IS THE TIME TO IIUY YOUR DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT, | A VERY GENERAL ASSOIUMENT, BOOTS AND SHOES ROOTS AND SHOES', TO PLEASE EVERY ONE, TO PLEASE EVERY ONE, YANKEE NOTIONS, YANKEE NOTIONS, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, IN ENDLESS VARIETY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, A WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. & WOODEN WARE. SUMMER HATS SHAKERS, Ac. SUMMER HATS, SHAKER:*. Ac. keki'sim: eiL, LAMP CHIMNEYS a DRUGS. KEiIOSINE Gil., LAMP CHIMNEYS A DKUUS. FrSH, l'OKlv AND SALT. J i3li, POilk A.N D S.iLT. NO Nl.i.D i F -MENTIONING .MODE. NO NEED Oi MENTIONING MOltE. THl>'i: GOODS WERE IIOFGHT FOR CASTT\ '1 lIL -E GOODS WERE DOUGH I' FOR CASH AND TO RESOLD FOB CAE 11 OR PRODUCE AND To HE SUED 1 OK CAHU OR I'iiODl ( E SO BRING ALONG YOURt ASH, BUTTER. EGGS AND GRAIN. SO BRING ALONG Vol A CASH BUTTER, EGGS, AN D GRAIN. GOOD BUTTER AND FRESH EGGS. GOOD BETTER AND FRESH EGG WE WAN 1 NOTHING BUT GOOD BUTTER W E U AN 1' NOTHI A G BUT GOOD EL i i ER. AND FKESII EGGS. AN D 1 RESII EGGS. The Highest Prices will be paid for Cash, Griin. Butter at. I J.ggs, hi Deeiuerid Store, at Fulls iu ex t•.l is AMOS BEEMER, I a'.!- Pa., April 27th, 1563. PROSPECTUS OF " T* UA A " iL 0 I LA ii I, u s— s *"♦ ' pr:pM! ii i'i.i i tiiJ j u., a ji.ii xi J !J -i .if LJ. 11l a3ILwL! wC 10 Li:L Yr.l,ji, L3KI / 1% THE CITY OF BY A ■>. GL ultios now surroun ling an en -1 t rpi .se of the magnitude of ;h it in which the under j signed are engaged, r.-quire them to appeal to the j pu die for a generous support, un.] to ask for "Tlie Act." a lioeral patronage and extended circulation. The present state of the preparatory arrangements warrants the expectation, that the first number of the Daily v.ill appe ir before the clo-e < f the coining j month, (February, ISGJ.) The Weekly will bo is j sued soou thereafter. TERMS. DAILY. j Per Annttm, §6 00 j Sis .Months. 3.00 Three M m Its, 1 50 Copies d liv red at the counter, and to A„i-nts and Carriers, 2 cents each. MEEKLY. Per Annum, $2 00 Six Months, POO Three Months, 50 Ten Copies to ono address, 17.5U Twenty " " " 32 00 : Thirty, " ' " 45 (jij j [ If" Payment required invariably in advance. Address, A J. GLOSSBRENNEH A CO. 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. January 26:h, ISGJ Blanks!: Blanks !!! BLANK DEEDS SUMMONSES SUBPCENAES EXECUTIONS CONSTABLE'S SALES Justice's, Con*ahle's, and legal Blanks of all kinds. jV cathj and Correclhj printed on good Paper, ! and for sale ut the Office of the "North Branch i Democrat." Canal Boat for Sale. A cnn-H ho,it. the Union Clipper. Having purchase ed another I will now sell tbo above bout rr asona bio. * 8. VERNGY. , Sterlingvillo, April 1. 16G3. T? resU Ground Plaster in (Quantities JL and at jirices to suit purchasers, now for sale a ' Mashoppcn by K. Mownr Tr | (F'&OTifS J&_P3S*E7E&B I SUBSCRIBER IIAS lIAD IXSUCCESSFUL I X operation, fr several years a •H¥Rg#E¥, J&.T TCEXKRAXUZZDAI., where all of the most approved and nre kin U of FRUIT ORNAMENT A*. TREES, VIXMS AND FLOWERS i Cm be obtained. I Being eonv need from experience that his , and l'bints will give f-r better s itisfaeti'.n to the j r ruit-growers of Wyoming County tb.iti any grown in other looulities, he confidently solicit* ilitir patron age j lie will make annual visits cither in person or by j his agents to most of the townships of Wyoming Co , and as as only that fiis specimens in iy lie examined j an.l liis method of dealing be tested | A!! orders by I iter oro'herwi-e, for Trees, vires or ; pi nts will bo promptly attended to. v2031-iy. I) HARK INS. HsZX'tGfS.t, AND Rcli ab! e News Arrival of a j MVI SUSHI j Fa'l Winter i i % r 1 1 " E s'tbs r' cr begs leave to inform his numerous i I J. ti ieuds and customers, that he has just r> turned i from Philadelphia and Mew York with (he 'airgrst otij Best Jutthi) Stork nf ? X~C *.'s' W i r i. • ,• -4 ... v • ; m ' G* : J<*mze-y Q&ods] Shawls, Cloafts, tiissimrrfs, Jjatinfts | MEJT'3 WEAH IN GENEtIAL, YANKEE NOTIONS, £o,' I.ver brought to this County He lias also bought l ine Mock of tIT 6> (F\ * Q1 9 L -f* ' w XL;* if , iesitrvs ! ' hint to tot', rial tbrrefin . -<• l is r t a. mi .• else outside the city A f.ur trial is ail be a>as. No 'lrouble to Show Goods. Thankful f>.r the verv liberd pitnm.ge heretofore ; bestow l on hiin, he will, by strictly hone-t dealing : and lie 1 cutter it close attention to business, try to j merit a continuance ot the smno, John Weil. Tunkhannock, Oct 15, 1862. |T© THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF \V ) OMING COiIN'TY. I (IKNTt.t Ml.v. — In pursuance of the 411 section of I Actofghii .May, 1854, yon are hereby rut lie ! jto meet in convent i n at the Court Hons - : !in Tunlilmnnoik Loioutrh, en the first Man- ' | liny in .May, A [>. 1363 beinq the 4th day 1 :of the month , at 1 oMu kin the atterromi, and see. t j j rim ruic by a tic j ii*y of the whole number of lb- : eetors present, one pe snnof literary and aeientifie j aiquircmetits, and of skill an i t:S|X'rienee in the art of te ndiin r, as County Superintendent for the three succeeding years; determine the amount of compen sation for the same; andcertitv t-ho result to the State .Superiulen lent at Hands urg. as r-ajuired bv the b'Jlh ami 4lhh sections of .-it act J. W DeWITT, County Superinten.l nt oi Wyoming Co ! Tu.ikhannock-, Ajiril G, ISGJ. NOTICEIt> HCACUERS and DIRECTORS An examination of teachers will !>e hel 1 at the t j School House in Sterlingviile on S ialnr lay the 'Jud 1 ! of May next, commencing at 9 o'clock A. Al. | Teachers must come prepared with writing mate- J ! rials. J. DEWITT CO Sop'., jf Wyo. Co. i'a i i Tunkhannoek, April 19th. 1863. 2w. i I | Special Notice. On and after JULY Is', 1863, the privilege ofc n ! veriitig the present i sue of LLMJAL TKNI)KU NOTLS INTO THE NATIONAL SIX I'KK CENT. LOAN (aormuo dy called "live ldvcntics") will i L ' e:,slved by HI ii in a I (Tiiiset t. L Harding is authorized to settle all debts and de- | manils due by or to the Into firm. All persons having unsettled accounts with the firm are reouestcd to call an d settle without delay. L. IIAHDIXO, 0. L. lIALLSTEAD Nicholson Pa., April 3d, 1863. The business will be continued by O. I, ITAI.i.ST!X!> & Sox, nho will be ha] py to ie,oinntoihlfe (Ustoiuers a' all times, who may find it convenient to tail and price goods. Customers will find a I GO3D STOSK OF GOODS | AND — LOW PR ICES. 1 The highest market pri e will bo paid for all kinds of produce in ex ha nee for goods. Money will not ,be refused. Our motto is : " SKAIL PROFITS AND QUICK REIURNS-" "A Nimble six[)cneo is better .ban a slow shl'ling." O L. UALLSTEAD i SON. NioholaoD, April 3, 1363. TO THE LADIES: 3L NEW MILLIBFE2S wmmmmm ESTABLISHMENT; U7E HAVE THE PLEASURE OF INFORMING I ' oil that we nre now prepared to ilTer you, at the hon ' ' farojeri.y •> "iipied by Henry Stark to ttie 1 | Lorough o; Tunkh nnock, a NEW and carefully scl- i Ctei! stoi k of I hi i m i illlcl STRAW GOODS. | in every variety, and of the latest styles and irupor ! talions. OUR STRAIV DEPARTMENT. Will cor.-ist of every variety of RON NETS, HATS ! and TRIMMINGS to b ■ foun 1 in that line, and of i i the lat 'st and most approve i Shapes and Stales. i | MANTUA-MAKING. Wc hive see are I the services of an experienced j ! an lat all tinms will be prepare 1 to Fit and Make \ Dresses in the latest arid most approved manner.— ; Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we ! remain Yours, Itesj eotfuUv. MRS. A.O STARK. j T'oe Undersigncl, having moved to VYilkeshsrre, I ! woul i respectfully her friends and old customers j to give Mrs. A G. STAKE, U call before j urchasiug j i elsewhere MRS C. T. MARSII. Tunkhannntk, April 13, ICG3. The Latest Styles. —OF— O OT>T XT f* 0.. C'. TTA R \ t i ' O iN X II I. IV LI LV N L AAA JL Jr< XI U;.,' ' . ' t j ; : --cy '.' A i Vfwftdtv.. %'c^evr <- ■ / • ,?TY. A A' nr.d I MILLINERY GOODS, | have ju-f been received at the es'ai.limeitt of LOT OA nEPEUJML j -n Tiogi Str.a "■ ;i..=de the Po.stHiJF.ee, where will i bo r .III! Li .... Chilian Mbses, and RovV FLATS, lIATS, nl CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS, ! j i LGU'i'l ni Ti'.iM.MiNGS, and everything in f!l ! Mi :iuery, which will be sol iat the lowest Ca -h Prices. ivepiir.ng promptly and neatly done. Ladies please call au 1 exanunc for themselves. Tur.khar.no k.Oct. 3, ISG2.—v2ull lywil (2) r i'S?"X tsw —AND— Slaop. T II E subscriber has jn.t received at his shop, oyer ' 1. II inktUM n's S'ore. in IYI£SHOP?EN PA., n:w;i•• >• - n!• t-T nr hm ! all the latest J I" T-" rr • y f n rmn otittuio' tdITHU %IdJ lU.AifH c I'JvAo '> •-'hi h• r ■ hi " CAI.ORTe," M: \EKnnl' : : \ ion" pt •ii,-. 'rtt pAdL-t i >; VES and { viiyiic- rj.ti.,,., whin he offers lor • ' . , .J,/ mUu* tk SU :at p.i lb ' • .1 iy . oiiij i t lion < ili • •> ii oil >r iin M inuf.t"tur- ! ! -LP 'NY, V • LK • StiAP.EK. PROVIDENCE • • 'ii t M.'ii.'i\'i!iX He H iiiercforo en vbled to sell i li.eni at a -m iJI a Ivan o on the original cost Tin, SHEET-ison, : -AND- Copper I all kinds on h.nlanlini la to or ler Also I* IP id, IV A?OX KOXI-dS, AM) SI.LdIGII SLLOIDS I'O'D S \IAD 1 i The popular Cook in • Stove, F 6 rest u ecu, • (Elevated oven) is now forth • first, offered at i 820 for 8 iuelii, 2"t for 9 : nc!t. RETT,; Hm3 AW D OBSIN 3 ! neatly and promptly done. HENRY STAN'SCURY 1 Meslioppen, Dee. 17th. 18G2—\2nl9ly. THE PATENT mmi cm SPECTACLES Constructed in accordance with the philosophy of , , nature, in the p vuliur form of a | CONCAVO-CONVEX ELIPSIS,! Adiair ibly a iaptci to the organs ot sight, and p.er- j fectly natural to the eye. THE BEST IIELP TO THE HUMAN VISION. EVER INVENTED. The advantages n the ud o. these Spectacles are, • | that they can be use i for the greatest length of time, I ! either by day or ni Hit, with perfect ease to the eve raver causing gib Itm ss ot head, or that unpleasant sci, ..iti,ni . \per:ciK- lin the u*e of the common kind, I but tend to strong hen an i Improve the sight j File m nuii'ii hirer has receive! testimonials of their ; I rupe, i- iity from the most e'luincrit men of ail classes, j among whom are i lion Joseph K Chandler, • Philadelphia. ! F. I* I.iair, P. M. G , Washington. | T. S. Ar hur. Esq., Philadelphia | I)r, George M Ldellan, " Romhrant Poalc, Artist, " 1 Ti esc ( .rated spectacles are purchased by the ' Sulsctiber tire tlv f in the Mtnuf.tcturer, Inventor :anit' .i .1 ■ n Pb'lad 11] ha, and are th first genu- | in par a."i a Glasgs ev r offered to the people of this County —all others arc inferior imitations. For sale by P C. BURNS, Tunkhannock, Pa., Jan. ?, 'G3. Jeweller. ; Jill! 111111(1117: /flsljianoiiu S'ljatJinfl, gair rutting, 1 AND SHAMPOOING SALOON. ,Shop Opposite May-: uard's Hotel. I i i ——- . i t Ladies' haircut in the most fashionable style, ei- > 1 ther nt his Bnloon, or tlietr residence, if desirablo. ; Mr. Berlinghof is recently Iroin New York city, ' where he wis employed in the best establishments, ' and r onM'quently feels warranted in guaranteeing ; satisfaction to all who may favor hi a with their eus i otn. I IMB FOR FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZE ( j for sale at VERIsOY 'S. : Wrt>biT>i'n. * q ,c CI. TRYTHE NICHOLSON MILLS 11 m (NEAR BACON'S OLD STAND.) r p HIS Mill ha? been lately re-fitted and all the 1 modern improve mcnts added and ill MW hi charge of MZI. Tt A COX, of Nicholson, Wyoming county, one of the Mart IOb lersin ;he country.. Particular attention paid to Custom Work, which will be done on short notice ALL WORK WARRANTED, and if net satisfer torily done may be returned at the expense of the' subscribers FLOT'R of all kinds, MEAL and FEED, constant ly on ban 1 and for sale, at the Lowest Cash prieee. f 'g'* Cash or Flour paid for grain at the Qifhe# Cash prices. D. C. BACON. Proprietor PICTURE GALLERY AMEROTYFES, PhCTOLRAPhS, ALBb 'tN RRINTS, AC. A NEW PICTURE GALLERY hae iuw been CMV. A c 1 in Tunkhaiino' k, which is sur>-l:cl with en tire uriv n.aicri.'l for the taking of PiHttree in the Phntognphi • Art. The un-'.ersigned has re-fitted at;! iumisbed the Sky-Light Gallery in Samuel St.wk's Brick Block, and is now prepared to take Pictures in tie latest and most improved style of the 'BIS ASSfIBTMEIT B? CASES. lie has purchased a splendid assortment of Cases,- ' -vbi h arc the Union, Band Clasp, Octagon. (I' II f every size and description. l'h • loregotng, be thinks, are inducements sufficient for every'one to cotne to the Picture Gallery and secure one of those " faithful shadows " Which lijrht and art, with magic spell, By wording together, can catch so well!" If not. there are other considerations. How impor ter- tint you secure a faithful likenessof your friends an.l t itives crc ii is too late. You have all experi ein e i tnething of the satisfaction afforded in gaming on the Picture o; an absent friend; and some of you : .v.- known the si i pleasure derived from possessing th-- lihcius- of some loved one who has been laid be-- ucath the church yard mound, and felt that " No price could take from you A memento so cherished p For. how sacred the shadow. Since thj substance has perished.' But you perchance have friends still with yob win so 1 i -tares you have not yet secured. If so make it t iie business of to-day, to-morrow may be too late. riic-n ' ome to the Picture Gallery in Samuel Stark's* Bt-i tBI k—third story—a few doors east of Wall'# Hotel itud secure one of those "faithful shadow*" ALVIN BAY. TunkhannockDec. 10, lSh'2. —v 2nlß theT'agic time observer. i lie Perl' ctiou nf Mechanism* [A F-IO A'l \TIVO AXI> OPES Facb, OB LAPT'S J i ntJi ntis man's Watch Combined. • f the j-- *ic-st. most. onvenient, and decided ' ' 1 cht-.-pc-t timepiece for general and ' m i-vcr offcre l. it has witbm it and con tii- t ! at:!: it- :u i ■hinc-ry. its own winding attach* in -ut. rcn li.-iim' i lev tntirelv unnecessary. The C -E> tb ; - W.iMj are 'omposed of two metals, the • •liter oi;tf tujiug tine Itj carat gold. It has the im proved rv y action lever movement, and is warrast el an -u-'te tim-piece, Price, superbly engraved, per case ola half dozen. 4204,00. * ample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, for th rse proposing to buy wln lesalcj $25, sent bv express, w.tb bill payable oat delivery. Soldiers must remit payment in adv~o as we cannot collect from those in the Army. Ad* dress UI'BBARD BROS A C).. SOLE Importsrs CUB N annau A JONS Sts , Nsw-YoBK. NEW GROCERY —AND— Provision. STORE! The So' briber has opened a Grocery and ProvU ion Store in the Store Room, formerly occupied by 'i'hos. Ostcrbcut. in the borough of Tankbannock, and intend.- to keep on hand a good assortment of su It articles as are usually sold in such an estab lishment. lie intends to deal iu nbne but good goods, an t to dispose <>f them at just so small advance upon cost as it is |/sstble for any man to do with safety to himself —being willing to share in these "hard times" the profits with his customers. Any one wish tug to purchase any of the following articles, will do well to call on the subscriber before purchasing else where. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup Kerosene, Candles, Tobacco, Snuflj 9 Saleratus, Sal Soda, Ginger, Pepper, Allspice, Cinna m on, Nut m egs, Cloves, Raisins, Cream of Tartar, Pork, While Fisli, Mackerel, Trout,- Kails, G lass, Wheat Flour, Buck wheat Flour, Corn Meal. But ter, Cheese, Eggs, Appleg, Vinegar, Starch, Pen- Holders, Pen tils, Ink, Pa per, Envel opes, Pocket Books, Money Purses, Spool Thread, Linen Thread, Sewing Silk. Bui tons, Thimbles, Pins, Needles, Shawl Pins, Watch Guards, Buck Skin, Cot ton, Silk, and Lisle thread Gloves, Cotton and Woolen Socks and HOM, Suspenders, Spectacles, Tobacco Boxes, Coarse, Fine, Dress and C i rcle C o 111 b s, fi. a i r Brushes, Shaving Boxes, Soaps, &e.,