North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, May 06, 1863, Image 2

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    -Ot _ ; . ' • ; J '_ _ > "ryT—-
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(Tiie Democrat.
V - /
_ I
Wediiead&y,MAY 6, 1863.
S. 81. PettengUl & C0..X0. 37 PAKK ROW
NKW YORK. A 6 STATE ST. BOSTON, are our Asents
for toe N. B. Democrat in those cities, anil are author
ise! to take Advertisements and Subscript", n? for
us at our iowc-t Rates.
The news received frotn the arm y
ot the Potomac , which, is now across the
Rapaharm. ck and supposed to be fighiing, is
very unsatisfactory. The !ar-t nights pap r-q
however report prugcs by Gen. Hooker. No
telegraphic news of his movements are allow
ed to pass the wires. The late European
r.ews lores ad ow a difficulty bet wen the U. S
and France ,growing out oi 3d nais er A> a nv
intefereuce in -Mexican and French affair.-. ,
Beet-nosed Billy, of the Republican,
shows some signs of returning sanity, by
Copy ing from oar paper. lie would show
more honesty by copying cur articles entire,
than he does by taking garbled extracts from
them. The scare he received at the Diafi
"last fall, cnTireiy bereft him of reason, but the
means used to evade it, left him a little 1 >w
cnnc'r wk r eh he • seems to ba using on uii
possible occasions.
Vv'e picked up, in the Couit House,
the following pledge which the " Leaguer*"
in this place during court week, so industri
ously circulated, for the puporse of getting
thereto, the signatures of any Brady's and
Yan-burens, who the}' might find silly enough
to s : gn it. The leagues throughout the
county have doubtless been furnished, with
this precious pledge. It reads as fallows :
Any person may become a member of this League
by signiDg the following
tfe, the undersigned, pledge ourselves to an un
f.orditioual loyalty to the Government of the United
b'tates, to an unwavering support of its efforts to.
suppress the rebellion, and to spare no endeavor
to maintain, unimpaired, the Nation ;I Unity b :'j
in principle and territorial boundary. 'I l.a Pri
mary object of this League is and shall!"?, to bind,
together all loyal men, of aii trades an 1 pr>-! ns.
And all parties, in a common uni n to maintain the
power, integrity and glory of "he Nation
On the same page and below this i: Pledge'' '
instead cf the napes of sun Iry L>e;:i ctats. as I
tlfe leaguers .had. ai.rit v. a found the!
following, in pencil, written, d cbtless, Lv :
Homo incorrigible C< } p-. rh." .
"The undersigned, never r.av ng sp .ken dis
paragingly of the aforesaid government, or
dene any such act tivitir.i'kt impugn their
devotion thereto—n*. v.r laving exjres-prl
a contingent attachment thr-.-M, or a desire
that the said government might c. use. n ib ,-s
slavery be aboliscd—never having altered or
applauded the sentiment that said government
,4 has been grinding the very souls out of
men" new r having derided the Constitution, j
that 16 tho very body and soul of said gov
ernment i. a " league with death and a cov
enant wi hell—never having declared
that it w& a government that i.ever should
have been formed and that i.i all good con
science ought to cease— ever having likened |
it to he use divided aga'..-t itself, and invoked
the authority of Divine will, to prove that it
must fail—never having declared, that in ccr- i
tain contingencies they were in favor of' let
ting it elide." But having, long ud on the
strong nu at of true loyalty, <lo no n>w fed
inclined to partake of such milk as the
above,fit o. 1 •• for tales and st ckli:u-."
* !
_ -
Election ol to. Sulci inten dent.
The Convention of School Directors
met at this place, on Monday 1 est, for the | i:r
poso of electing a County Superintendent for
the next ensuing term of three years. There',
was a very full attendance considering the
lime and circumstance#, Ninety Eight of the
one hundred and eight, being present. The
Convention organized by the election of Win.
M. Piatt as i iesident and Newman and
F. D Ingham as Secretaries. After organiza
tion , tiie following named gentlemen were
put in nomination for the office-
Wellington La. fonte of Tunkhannock Bor
ough—Win. Belcher, Clinton.—A. F. Ely
Tunkhannock Borough.—Henry W. Smith
Windham. Underwood, Northumberland.
S. S. Butts of Mehoopanywas named but
being present declined the nomination. iqx.n
which his name was withdrawn from the list
of candidates. The convention then proceed
ed to a vote with the following result.
Wellington LaMontc received 54 votes,
II W. Smith " 21 "
Win. Belcher " 4 "
A. F. E'y * 4 "
R, E. Underwood " 2 u
TV. LaMonte having received a maj oily -of
all the votes cast was declared uuly elected.
The question of compensation was then la
ken up, and after some discussion, it was
fixed at $ 500. per annum.
JCST'fhe society known as Loyal League
has been fully exposed in Ohio. The Con-
Biiution of the. State organization has been
secured and published in Med; "s Crist.
Every member if tie organization in made
a secret spy to wa'.ch democrats and report
their conduct to the head f 'he State organi
zation. The pretended open imetngs are a
mere sham to delude pcpl*. The association
really is a secret o"o.
Interesting Letter from the Army.
April 28. 18G3. S
J YFNEKABKE CHOMP. SC. T have betbomrbt
myself goodness knows how often of fulfilling
my promise to V"it : but conveniences for
writing are so odd and out-nf the-way, that
, I have postponed and put off the duty from
one lime until another, up to the present
moment. Time nev>r hung so heavy upon
niv hands as it has for the pnt week, and as
we approach the termination of our time of
j enlistment, each succeeding dnv seems drawn
j to thrice >ts natural length, nnon the same
prlnc r>le, I presnmc, that a watched pot nev
: er boils.
i VYe have heen umDr " marching orders."
with five days rations in knapsacks ahd
three davs in read'mes.. to he put in haver
sacks, for now r,early two weeks, expecting
that every day would he our la e t one in
camp. Our rxra baggage, such as blank*/!*,
an'l surplus cloining that could not. well he
carried on a march hut which was vorv con
venient to have about enmp. was 1 ng since
turned over to the tender care of the Q-nr
inaster.—in obedience to orders f-oni '• head
quarters,"—without any very flattering hope
of over putting eves upon it ram ; hut for
seme inexp'icahle reason we are yet in "ur
old catnpin** ground, and T really begin to
ll.'ink that we will rv>t nwe until we wove
for A ana Landing, ami thence to Washington
and home. H may he that the continued
hot weather, and the miserable plight in
which the roads are here has something to
d > with our inactivity : hut 1 have much n-a
--i '
eon to think that tins eau-e has really had
hut little to do with it ; 1 eeaue it is evident
♦hat every man has intended t• he lis own
purveyor nod c >rnmisarv f>r 8 'lavs at least,
and thus the win'her. < r the condition of 'he
roads, could have hut Utile influence. The
cur ont rumor now is, and every circumstance
| seems to verify if, that Hooker had nil his
: plans cemplet ted and was ready to m"V.
when the present head rfi>ur ' : cal>rion kind
try," Mr. '• Lino!urn." and his ' right Lewi r.
II dleck. pounced up n '• ancient combat ire
General lee " and knocked all his plans into
a cocked hal. bv putting ii[> the plea of pru
dence, and the danger to which Washington
would be exporcd. in its proton! defenseless
>tate, sh uld the R-hs. by any unfnrseen cir
cumstance. get the better of hira, and repeat
the dose "f 13th December, when our br. li
on, bleeding antl shattered columns, were
glad to recro's the ck, under
cover of t he ri-jht. broken in spirit, an 1 wish
their confidence in their leader entirely and
forever destroyed. '"Old J c." showed his
plans—explained them at length, an 1 insi>t
; ed upon the privilegj of attempting to carry
them out. but '• uncle Alia! art"' was inex
; orable, and Hooker it is said, requested to
he relieved of his c: mmriTid which request,
of c< was net com pi > d with. It is said
(hat 1 ucle, oi i itlier iit her Abraham, enn
i eluded tf eta move was not desirable until
• the 9 tiiM ihs at d 2 years men were out of
the army, and it was the roughly ivr rganiz
ed. In this ? <> experience gained at the first
battle "f* 4 "ill Bun *' wi ■ n the mt tt ti jr w.-
; mnde t< fig! >an itupnrtat th uh- wi !i nun
j "jrho were sick of set vice, and jrbuse tune
\v:>i about to exrvre. Whatever may have
' ei t'.e can-e. it is 'bat active op
erai'ons are. for tie time L-ti g sureended :
ami ,i- the hv > Nt '.v Yori, Regiments in our
Brigade (Tie 4:h and iO'hj go our of service
in i f May. and we the ll'h, it is
hardly |l'."bable that we \*ul see any
fighting, and I cannot ?av that I am sorrv
1 though 1 would have liked to have seen
i Hooker's original movement per>evi red in,
! because I think that a vigorous flunk move
i r
■ merit, well -upported would !i iv • re-u lied in
j the capture of the fortified heights which
surround and protect the UcM position at
i Fredericksburg* and i. would lmve been a
glorious thing f r our Regiiiumt could it have
' taken part, m the ergagenient. w iucli, sooner
l or later, must be fought HUT.;. .J ist now
; though, the bot s ail ii .ve their e-ves turned
anxiously homeward, and would willingly
av -id all chine. - wi.icii will, in tiie si ghu-st,
interfere with their de-He to reach the haven
, of al! tl.eir ] resent hopes.
It has rained almost constantly, during
'.lie pas! 48 hours, and. judging from pr*s-nt
; ''id c;tioii9, flu re is a fine prospect of an in
tiefi ile Continuance of the favor. The neigh
j boring rTeams are viry much swolled in con
i sequence, and cio-sing at (he ford is out of
; the question—Pontt onie.g is almost equally
impracticable, and ihus | do not Weil .-ee Inov
tin* rn>\ can make an advance umbra wet k
or ten da; s, if 11 v.'as even rfeirb!c thai u
should do mi. '*o d 3bnkey, v (is the boys
have Cnri-teiied Gen. Fiviujli . u acc Mint • f
ain rvous twitciinig about the eye.) says
| '.bat there is no use <1 try ing to do anything
until the 9 month- ami two tears men are
j mustered out of the service, because they
are continua.iy praying for rain, and as ike
prayejs of the righteous only avail, notwub
i standing that " He sen Utli his lain alike up
| on tiie just and tiie unjust," their prayers
! have not been witnout avail, but have been
abundantly answered. Tin.-, has become a
' standing yoke in our Regiment, and tins
morning the "officer of the da;" came to
| < ur tent and told us to detail a man in each
tent to pray for rain so that "old Blinkoy,"
might have no ea*i-.e to complain of neglect
of duty. in tlrs particular. I am not pre
pared to say that tie order was obeyed, but
, it has rained without cessation ever since.
\V hen lbe weather is fine we have " high
| old times," picketing on the Rappahannock.
Our lines are directly in front of Fredericks
j burg, and as the liver is riot much wider than
Tunkliannock creek, at the aqueduct, conver
sation is not at all difficult. The Rebs. nuke
little boats, with sails and steering aparatus,
and when tlie*w:;<l is favorable send them
| over to beys, ireighed with tobrcco, and
■ a C"py sotwe one of the Richmond papers,
iln return our iellowa sen] them coffee and
i N\w York papers. Of cturFp tins is all con
trary to order, as one of our standing orders
|is to have m> communication with them
whatever- This order, however, does not
prevent the practice, and dozens of these lit- |
tie boats pass and repass every day when the
officers backs are turned. A few days since
one of the Ktbs stole a boat and deserted to
our side. The next morning they called over
to us and wanted us to send back tSie boat,
as they had another d <1 ra.-cal over there
that warned-to come over. Sure enough,
thai night another Reb. swam the river.—
During the following day I happened to be
ion |Hst, in front, and perceiving an evident
disposition on the pirt of the ilebs. to open
conversation, concluded that I would for the
i once indulge them and my own guard with a
lifle 4 4 CO- fab" — so, instructing them to
keep a sha* - p hok■nt f r the 44 officer of ttie
day," I got down out of right behind a little
bank, and pitn-nify awaited developemsius.
Some time elapsed however, before inv cu
iio.-ity was gratified. Present!. I heard the
Ret), call, 4- 1 siv 4.h X Y." " Nit by a long
shot," came from one sile. 44 Well, what,
then? 1-t DL 'aware ?" 44 X"; 132 id Petin
s*. Ivan a." 4 " <J3 ! all right. Was you on
when that Rob. swain the river last u:g!>t ?"
'"No; I was on t lie reserve heard the hiibub
though." '* W U what you gwoine to ilo
with him ? 44 ot. foe Ihiaup o i p irk an i
heus, and see if we can't in ike bun look
s (tnetliing like a man. Wouldn't you like a
cot;i.-e( the >a me treat men' ?" l "'t si) as
I would. Mot any coffee?" 44 YYs jots of it?''
44 Swap for tobacco ?" 44 Y.-v" 4> G t. a
Tribune?" <4 N".'' 44 lb raid ?" 44 Ye.-."—
4 - Swap ft - an I' -quint' and Whig ?" 4 ' Y< -."
44 Where's d 1 offi -erg mo ?" 4 ' ot,
he's all rigut—never inind—end a I one your
boa'," and in due time t ehi tie boat cuius
toned the M.-rrimac ciino <>v r fre .rli ei
wuti a couple oi pounds of tobacco and two
Kiehnioii I paper-. It was q nekly and qui
etly taken p"sess on of by our boys, inn! re
loaded with all the coffee they hud in their
havt-r.-aeks. As they were about to start it
buck tin Ilebs. hailed again: 4 " I sav, Yhn-k.,
,* ' t
Cool iii't ton send us a lit tie to jay for that
Reb. y u got ! i.-t night ? he wasn't g->o 1 for
much, 1 know. bu I reckon he's worth a
mess or two < t coffee." 4- All we have is on
the boat." " Wal let her slide—be kcerftd,
now." 4 * There site goes— all right," and
the sails having been prop-rly trimmed the
little rebel travels in nearly a direct line
across the stream. It vas cunning to see
! the antics vrhich our non-'ub li'S cut over the
' coffee when it came Safely to ti.eir hards. ;
Lhey iatiOed an 1 threw up their liats an 1 j
' seemed extravagantly gratified. The II raid i
I noticed was eagerly seized, and the reader
was si on the centre of an attentive group of
listener*. S-ntslar seer, sto t. is transpire!
; every day. Ever)' feeling of enmity seems'
buried between the bedigi rents, and but:
for the restraining influence of • dicers
thpy won!] soon fraternize ru 1 become the
best. ~f frien*..
Two wetks from next Monday we expect
to have the field, we will ji ibably reach
J home some time the week. VVit'u •
! kind nnnr Is to ail inquiring ft sviris. I ' v.:
; ti. , ; r.dy } ur fs tend
A I'rayt r
yfpjm htlfl to Le in d I <foi>' cill lise 3 vgi 1I
ij the Hln k ant/ la>t. l>rri"r Soco tit : < t
tho United Stairs, by order of the Oil >i'o
man at lUas/nngton.
Father of all the nigger*, we bow before
! Tbee tins d iv, vvnh f.i!-e bear s an ! brazen
faces, and nmiMi a-k I'l't-e to be'p ti-, r () do
'tli it Wo I 'I We nave t ll'e I to '!■• ■ ur- l\r- ;
If lj> is<h f, id. io t ike Yicksburg jsinUe
• 4• ffiii'itii' at Fort llu l-oi, make them re
treat from Frederick-burg, and fienl t"eu
sUeda Mliiig Iron .Mufivesb >r.i' ;
O L 'l'd, destroy R ■•liui >n I villi an eirth
qm k*. p air out t'evids of Thy wrath on
CiiH'ieston, and shower down lire and b.iut
; stone s|| Jeii J) vs ;
0 I.ot d. make bun read F irney's Press,
Greeie\'s Tribune and the Lceninj bulletin.
And if it be Thy blessed wid, in-pi re (Tun.
Wilkes to ticn tie Alabama, ai.d (Nipt.
Eriekson tobntht impivgrab'p Monitors;
0 Lot 1, destroy all the old pennies, so
that the vile t'opji-tdteads cinttot have them
to make badges of ;
the M -ngrels of TJlnck ard Tan
Terror .Societies, D Poppies, and a'l ;
, make them increase like the national debt,
t tid lie as v i'tj ib e as the* gr *• n backs ; irul
tiplv tbein, O Ford. I'ke Abe multiple- Bri;:-
adu r Grin ta's; ami don't forct • to eml
tin* itch !itn ng the Knights of the G 'Men
Cb'ch*, for they are our enetni.s,
0 Lord, instill it into the heart of every
slave to cut his master's throat, violate his
w.fe, and murder his children, fr s'av-'i )! 1
ers are nil bad men, (George Washington
0 L' rd, destroy the rebels, runt and branch
tn-ike their home a howling wilderness, ami
their lands desolate. In fact, 0 Lord, give
ns all we ask, and we will worship Thee in
stead of the Almighty for one lav onlv, and
that shall be the 30th of April, 18G3. Amen
Done at the city of Washinton, this Ist of
Apiil, 1803, hy order of the President.
Abolition meeting in Concert Hall.Philadel
phia, on Thursday evening last week a 'Tlev.'
Albert X. Gilbert made a speech in which
he raid:— 4 'This is a war for. the AbolitTm
of slavery. Why should we longer attemp
to hoodwink one another? Why shonl 1 wo
deny what we know is a fact ? Erom the first
day r f January, 18G3, every true and loyal
American is an Abolitionist, every American
army is an Abolition arm)', and whenever it '
, advance-, it carries in on a hand the sword or
I the gun ; in the other, freedem to the negro.' '
The Fatal Blunder of tho Lincoln Adminis
We wore among those who believed, with
the late Senator Douglas, that 44 WAR WAS
DISUNION," and made u*e of every means wit h
in our reach to tnipre-s this conviction upon
the minds of th" s t who were presumed to be
in communication with the men wuo, in the
spring of 1801, as-tuned the reins of govern
nient. M s! men then agreed that a resort
to the* sword; would be the death knell to
the Union. Y'et a few Wele found, w.n,
through their ignorance of the American
character, afTec ed to beltve tliat there was
no fight in the Smith and li at ttieir conquest
I)V the North would iiardly be a ' 4 respecta
ble breakfast job." Among these were the
radical Ah- l.tionists, who fancied they could
thus i-ee ttie way c'cai to 4 - unpar iil free
doin" for the negro; and iiurt unf Tumately
for our c mutry, tiiey, just, at tins j-.rt cular
time, obiame I com >li :e o uiir 1 i'<l in '-icry
of the ad in i n is' rat nm.
The te-ul: was, the war (xdiCV fi 1 p'-
C'f. Tin- was a had e !, ou _!i oli i ii-r, < U i
W'T-e one was to follow.
When war \v >s ton- resolved >n, the only
possible iiope of siici.'e-s was in ereatme d.-
visiiin in (tie Sotb—dividing ilie war eienient
there—bv fit lengthening tiie hauls of the
Union men in the reb I suites. A relertmce
to the Vote at tlie last Prest election
will -iiow tin* opportunity that was 11 red :
A "Cording to the abolitionists, lire, kmridge
was the di-uot n eai.di ia e. For the .-ake
of the arguuieni let n- ura:i< thai such was
toe case, n • matter how fal-e it in iv lotvi*
l>e. nin fact. It In; was i l ie hsu i> .n, or ->■-
c-.-si m can b ia'e, it must fn* grau'e I that
>i ! l t,e others we e L'ni u candi fa e-. L<"
ns t i n tir • 'ore v.-if :
Lin. ntii li i J --" Os North 1 S>2 130 j ..jg
" oiiia "ia.l'O)
D,ugi ;s h.oi v ites N"i'd, 1 I'd > , ■q- CJJ.J
' ttl'Uill 1 . > 1 i • )
Bel! b• 1 votes .N"il!i 74.tJ7 > -gj .- j
'• >• nt is 31.), i
B."vo!iin;ii!gr lad vctes North-- '273.8!3 ) p,,, ,
" ' .-juuih--- 7)71,1J3) '
T. vota 1,66J,170
f'f tlii; \ it) .Mi", biu -ola receive I 1-37.f>10
A!i oi'.ierj '2 804,36 )
We thus fin I Mr. Line >ln to be a minority
President by a vote of 910,050 —or nearly
ui e million
liut t. return to fiur piiri'Oie. The, above
figures show tint' but 571.135 votes were
polled f'T lireckinridgv in tho Southern
and fr til! otht rs, 705,908 tlnrs ;
For bin .>!u 26,430
! Per Douglas 161523
For Bell 313 953
For Biv.kinriclge - e. I 1 .3
■ Agon-: Bi kiari Igo 124,773
Mb thus fi ; 1 That, granting that ad win>
voted f r BicrUmridge wire di-ui,io:n-t>
t here was an t ity "i 12 4 713 "f t!-e.South
ern peoj.'e in t.vor of t'jt ' nion —or oj.jos
<.'l to sccesM. n.
The 36 . M; '- wh"> vo' 1 for i> 11 ar 1 Ever.
(tt vver** ce .ii:11 y I niou men, fir tiie.r plit
f rtn W"i- tl.e '■ Union, tho ('• n-t Mi
'! M.l.i who v-'ted for Dough ami
.(.•'.in- 'i ii. not ! • e'.\inn* I :e --c >--• u
i-ts, f r they wet • i .-J CN.UI U; <q J. d jn
II >e : iiri ' ••• i'i I*: ami it is !.•••• P -s .
say lhat the 26,000 allitio.lists scittfiit"!
llir >n :'toi|i tlieS-ulli vV o > vol. d for L't'c Ii
a "I Hamlin, w:ll m>t In; charged wi it that
kind of sece-sien sm for which tho 8 mui
was to 1..- | iini-b( d.
I ll\ inakiiig war, iberef re, upon the S <uth
us states, f r the crimes of liu ir ii.d.viduai
c" z -ns, and not upon those individual < (fen
ders, those men of the -ootb who si ] nj> m
i'!i ret: >r<l a- our Ir en 1-. w-re at once 'IMIIS
formed into ror w r.-t enemies. IT .1 wis
doin guMc 1 Ihe c n >cd- at Wi-lnogt m. that
iit'ij riiy of U 'ion men to the > u he. i l
level) im lar.oU ineit'i-ed. aod -(>.• - o
s'lppre-sel toe in- ru . • a
lie- S I'll he I'll - ' 1 "S I :eOI .1 I V •
Hilt l.i- tad of iit i-, I lie '• n d !• 11 e 5 "
I'obcy was ad 'pted. Aw ir. fir>t >■! c<■ tc
tlu-n of stibj ig-i'ioo, and i .-.v o 1 <• >nq o -i and
ex'ennitii lion, wis ad'pted — with whit fi
ia! ic.-ult future It'sj rr tnu-*. record E.v
\ o I*< spottae Vet.
It was 11 rough the II n Fernando Wood
of New Yoik, that the aim l uuccinciit wa
lirst made to tie public, tint let ins <d -et
-lii inei i were made t * the Jaeobio.- at Wash
ing I•n in I>M i int.i I IJISI . and l.\ iln m i ;
ecu d whileli, bad Kie. I'een ai Ci pie I, would
have been >4 s;i' >lact• ry to t!u- jcqde both
North and. Sooth " X > res,, > ,se, ,r . , (t |
a I.M m de', an I w itudt was .t ,
in i'i I) met l>y Mr. \\ nod, wa- mi-'e
Since tbee, Mr Ya'lat-diglititn t: a-ie tli. to!
I" n ing deela iat ion :
"(Jo fie I'd !i .j last Decemb r, w hen fimn
the c iv of If ehie. nd infortnation Citne to
the city "f New York Mint there was a disji .si
tion to compromise and return delegates to
the national Congtessaud be obedient, to the
Constitution and Laws, and thus restore the,
Union as u was, the President, on that day,
i.jected the proposition, and the damning cv
idence of rejection exist in New York over
his own autograph-but there is an obligation
of secresy at present, and the latter has not
, yet been given to the puhlick."
We have heard the story of a Quaker
who, upon being reproved by a Republican to
join the Loyal League, responded . Friend
thee changest thy name too often ; I have
known thee as a Whig, as a Free Soiier, as a
Niit-Ve American as a Know Nothing as a
Republican a a sneerer at the Union, as a
fr.end of the Union, an a Loyal Leaguer, and
thou recollec est lmw many more tith-s. ami i
cannot trust thee. When brother 0 bed fid I
from grace and became a rogue, he changed
his name, and I have found that whenever
men design making then living hy dishonest
means, they nr<* always likely to do the
.sarin*. If ever thee adopts one name and set
of principle*, and bangs on to them, for fifty
: years, as the Democrats have done, I may
begin to truit thee.
*• The oil Curse of A merlca."
President-waking again in Order—Mr. Lin
coln Showing ins Iland—L itiniat e Effect
of Introducing Politic- into the Army,
| etc. etc. "
[Froia the London Times J
The .)d Curse of America is once more up
on Iter; the evil spirit ha* returned, with
seven oiler pi ri's, to Ins old haunt. Mr.
Lincoln has held the Pies dency of the Uni
ted S'a'is fur tw" miserable and ili*a*tf.UH
years is it nrces ary to dilate upon tl>e re- j
Milts of tis Admims'ration. 1' has d-stroi ed
a vast ina o| prosperity and happiness, and j
scattered to the winds the bent hopes of tr.e
American piople. Oi In w n any States may
it bo said with truth that Mr. Luc In has
found them a gaideti, and left tin tn i deser* ;
of how ma"V Uoiinstio g institutions, that he '
f nnd 11" tn ara! ty ami ha- tna !e them but !
,! r.-iii i ; • ' !.• v. in..i-\ hiiioiie.- that fie found
i•t in unite i ami j r ei uii, wl lie they are
now d eim.i ed i.y War and divided by fae
li ! Tue eXO 110 let of A llelic.! WHS lull,
•tnd ;.s tin pi v ; io-i c edit was high and t- al
iiin-i xinet ;an I li.e evi oi t. -day is rigr.r.i
"l ii. itn -e who can (oi see at id c > leu late i 1 e
111 lire ft • ah cetiier Itghl and Codurdde com
pared with the dLa-'i-rs that are looked for
from to morrow. In little than eigh
teen mouths from this tune the pe< p'e • f ihe
North, or of whatever p< rtnui of ihe United
Slams may MI!! f>e under the Federal gov.
ernment, will lie called upon to elect another
Presi lent. It. is a long while to I *ok forward
to, espi cia'ly in the present .-ime o| ihiitg-,
bio the stake to he i lu\td t r i- va-i and >
ti > means i I seem ng mu-l be neglect rd. '
Ihe lie '111'!. call m; j I t \ 111 Cotlgl'SS have
hci re s. * j-I*.* eg d< ne i Vei'\ i litng 111 their I
p 'in iI • ef ,i<- t>. (In ir m-.vii par' iiiother I
<J l.olli III! :1( 1 I dli< !' . '1 i,. -I* leekh S.
lo II oi si ive a to •e among in. -e
ri pi e.-eiit i. iv<— of ifie j. jd<* who from linn
to i i.e hate made tin niselvt s notorious m
tne hist, ty of the wm Id bv surrendering the
liberties of their cnitutry into tie. hand- of a
dictator or a tyrant. There is -inlfy a right
secured by tie Coiistiiuion to States or i ■
I individuals whicli ihe late Congress of ihe
United Stales has not invaded, a principle of
; free iota which *ii y have nt overthrown, a |
' :'.ine;us.. which they have not trampled u.i- '
d rf>■ t. The office <>t Pre si lent, plain and
Ilepublic-tn as it came fioin the liands of tf.e
i founder >f the Federuti m, i- hardly reci gtn
zable beneath the tna-s of p .wers with wfiich
it is overlaid. The first citizen <. f t.he Uepub
-1 he, the st-rv ,t i ! the pe ple, the head of an ,
executive .vTcn-iiig Certain few ami clear
ly defined j> overs- has Income. be trie trea
son of a Legi-li'ure exercising functions
which law had limi e- L ! •• ith iquil care to
: that wit |, \\ j.-: |, H i 'titki d bis mvu, 11 e inosi
ah• lute auto.'rat ou ear li.
Yet it i- ie .frd that all this power and nil
tie- may tie uhitile to p rue u i.e it
m if. a i 1 time ha- bin i found In the midst of
aen I war. to get up an org mi/. i r ion evi
dent b e*i ii' •uf r eh i;ti -tirering pur,tosi >.—
I e w ii '-as t■ i-i pi - sod to s..v iuleif ait
I e ii >: ."o i.' ii. . I i i : 1' es de: !
tot ti> i a cint < i ! fo tegtois, and ge.
Nt ii ■s ; s da: r- In ft vr of loi •!:.
. • . I'M I : - IV . : U o( I in- f i I n. I .is
Ui-'V ■; IM lit ;-I ■ 1 appear to i .-.Vi- hot 11
er-tw in d wth -ini p .Mscut ii i;. l> i -if. •ue
e ailn • v i i-> i; • I t •>* • uMire >•
'i s <-i i e all to dai'. re-its *hat we, who
! s iM-ii r i Sip e>e ! in .c ifr oMr Lmcob
\\ e I'oi.L s* I}, ,I .v. t.i:id ic'i is' ;• !,.< reek
' 1 --in--- an | )i i diti i 5h ■ ia-' it .s uri e 1
i t .Mr. Line dii lias lie<-ii to nun the u e.s- !
j ro-ill of every ri-gioi rt i;.:- a debating so
ciet v, and us s-I l;er nu m i iMiie <• .lis no
: Tin- jane: - r A-'.irc c. inll i
a l ie-si- ii. iiM •• b;. n.. • i y-j res ove.
b\ :ie.i t'o e ! ai i Cj. t M-: j.rd Ch i hiin
for r. i i- • ■ i;n ;■ so m iVnn
s v \i ii-r i , mo iiieut. have
■ - 'C I ui.l de-la
; - e , \ -li-i tci U- like
• - o'i • I 'i> . :.• all ititiiiifi - a
• \ '* * i II >'">• •' i I op ' '!, TheV ;
•l —i I ' Views IIV - lah e |o the <; ; J ■ 11 •. I e d
ihe war. and d once, i.- at a- mis akin
friend*, tu as enema - i. Ite'i i on
ih ui the v?'u11 ini ls tl i m-<di s.tliKsc among
I their it-Low cituena who have j resumed i<
* iiuk or nils ol otiace. f ie*o uiilii.-iry Igi
icims will tolerate no d fie ranee of opinion
lie that i- lot with 11 em is agai: st them
|an 1 lie that is againsr ij.e.n is. to use thei r
1 w i I i -guage liellisli dnilioh eat, .- ud woi thi
of d-i h. Siicli l iuguiee de-1 i\is atteiiti'ti
vvdt'ti it is htd I hi* m• i wi > mil" at ant
in en tit t'oU''!i' . v • u > of their
'"W -e d nee iI revf >nh 'ii-'ie is to lie
but >i • mil i A i r •i. ( i | i ) 1 .t; i
tioi i- to be oh < rved l-et v r?• m il'wli
cel.l-els pfii'e i >1 ll' s'lo O'tivelv
c i im* os II ti 1 v ■*. i' ..I * i•) a o the
St.a'e an I the s i'i)i' I of I'll ar.uv ireeqully
ready f.r ..11. Thus fir all tin* ddT-ren
diferent re dments agree, hut there is vn •
thing peculiar in the lanpnigo of the sol
diets from New Jersey and Con ecticut.
It may be rcineinbered that the New Je
sey L -gisiai ute has recently taken the lead
, in tile endeavor to put an end to the war bv
| passing res dutions advocating the meeting
of a congress calle 1 for the purpose of making
peace. i lie neiv Jersey regiment, took into
| its consideration the conduct of its Legisla
ture. The soldiers are much displeased with
the represent!taves, and express their as
tonishment that'hose representatives should
iiave presumed to utter opinions so comrary
to their own. hi tho ci-o C mnecticut
there is a little The Connecticut
regiments in the Anuy of the Potomac ad
dress them themselves to the people ol Cmi
necticifct. litey point *dly express their,
displeasure at the conduct id their fefl nv,
cinzcus on. recent i-ccisions, and intimate
that their sense of duty place them in the
most dicidul opposition to it Worst of all
j uiese preludes to a reign of civil violenc
and iniliairy tyranny are applauded by a
: Pervifo press, and circulated all over
' Atnwici to btirrydr* cfitiraas ia
| States whose portion of the army haa no
as yet epoken. Who does not see that
: trese tlii gs are an ifiort ot the President t<y
employ the army, as he has employed tho
; Congress, for the purpose of opinion ; and that
he and those in authority nndt? hiin are
ahsuing the influence which they naturally
possess over the t flicets in order to inake
them the means of intimidating their own
c< ntuuciits ; Thus far have two years of
civil war brought the American Union on tho
rmidto festructi'in. Who could have tho
tliat just two years this very day from the
bombardment of For Sumpter, we should
; have had to chronicle acts so fatal to tho
I very fotindaiivß of liberty and self govern
ment ? H-'-toi) is not. apparently, a favorite
study with Mr. Lmctdn or his collagues.—.
Ihi! VI-II they can hardly fail to know that
the m un til an army constitutes itself into a
dehbeiat ivi b uly, the liberaties of the coui>
try which it assumes to represent are virtual*
ly at an end. The svrord is triumphant
ov r tiie g-live, and men of peace have ordy
t i listen in ireiueh'US submission to the im".
pi riou* onli rs nf men of war. The over
l; r.iw of the judici d power, the violation by
ihe F.-d. ial E x.ojiive and Legislature of
evei v arncle of the Constitution, are ail slight
and remedial.le evi!- compared with the reck
less audacity w huh coi verts an army into a
Parliament, and permits men with arms in
hen hand.- to discuss and condemn in th
most vuuient and acrimonions manner th
conduct '.>f their unarmed fellow-citizen v.
Nobody inu-t ihuik—or, at any rate, doing
so he inUst be careful not to give expression
itotiie thought—that the war has been ill—
cariied on ; that ihe South has been generally
vict-rious; ihat tf.e troops, which evince so
-ti'ong a di—ire to talk, have little correspond
log relish to fight; and that, while politics
~?: i - every where.rampant, the campaign
. v ry where languishes. The army orders the
nat.oj to iiiink the contrary,and if the natinu
iviil nut think tlie contrary, the army or at
least a port on of it, is quite ready to practise
ihe must suuirnirv and expeditious methods
ot <• ■.v .r-i HI. Those meetings are meant to
c tfure e a continuance of the wan, but, if the
country has the slightest instinct of svlf-pre
s. rva'ioii lemaining., they are much more
! {. drive it into the conclusion ofa
t r.c p'..te peace
itru the " Wyomiug Socle ty. 4 '
\Y- to our sisters throughout Wyo
ming Cuunu to write with us again, as they
have -a nobly dme in the past, in the pivpa
laiioii ola itx< f c< tnforts fur our Soldiers
:i'iV in the field, liable at any moment to
iii el them. We occasionally hear the remark
that our lab. i l- useless : that ihe articles we
, inn iiiiil. ibe pi or medy sufferers,
i i ,e oi the g<\i n.tiietit lluspHals
1 may bt ma-, but ii: the ilisttibu-ivn of aril"
< k .- I.y the Sanituiy (1< tnmission it cunnol be
;rue. i hose who are i.. this organization ar e
ui.l; : ii• a.' who, fri tn uv tives i f beiit-volen' tf
: i . ja' r i.t'in, vi luiilai dv lii vole their tiuiei
mi i-.i:,-, a: d siieiiiith to a wink which canriu
ve ti.e in ii ty s.j.j.i. val of aiyr except
.1 a-aie e . 'Kg to lau<-t J<>r Icct- 1" r< tn
i i-uti.i ei id iiit-c es ;ui i >l i#l v e select the
L v, h ti, we ii jr. and believe, will
i.e -i .-i.t t ■ it.cite ia to put forth all our
, . - i/i u cc in ihi* inly r.otde cause
O.i file nl> wi d j- case b ing us from the
i unity w a mi' IM\ can contribute as stun
i- -.ib!e so i;t . or lingers can be etr,-
j'i *ed \\ituoiii 10.-s uf tune.
A t'l.le* such as have been contributed
en aie lou csluil for in addition b*
tne fiat iippti.ifed to the art tela copied. All
i C'-n'ribuiioi.s can lie hit at the stores of T. 1..
it.'s* and Co. a.'d Wright and Mutt as these
are mar ti.e r.c tu iu wnich the meetings ar
• iiel'l.
1 I v lull, w ii.e, hi in the t en of one who h
jc-t c im up li'oin 'lie front, in refrence to
i; e i.• ■ a otg in Ziiion of the U. S. Sanitary
, C •fniir.ssion lb I ,-t Agency f-r the aiiuy of
. . p.i', •• . 1 be read wsth interest:
t. stead oi in-.vti gas bif. ro in a distinct
ii.ii.i. uiiii iheAruiy, but nut of it, the stores
- d
; f C i .i ni—i .1 are h,- leafier o be carrier
11> A übu auee*. didaiied It'"iii eiicti Divisioa
: l t ti.e purpose. Wnl each Army Corps will
go one "oi s, ectoi', ?s and one or more ca ijn
-1 toi s. and wagons—one wagon for each
jI) vision. Kton Corps will be independent
oi Ihe i'e-i (i e in-e a ! under one chief.J'"*
as in Lie army ii-itf.)iiid each wagon will
keep close v to its Divsion, So that as soona
ni engigemi'iit i.- begun, the wagon will be
upon the gr -und, and the Agent will have hi!
St. ok ol stores lo diairibute. By detailit'S
ci ri tin moi thus to ceratin p tsts, they til
'a* able more surely to make themselves
acquainted with the w ants of those to who®
thev arc )is S iiigid, and also to become person
, a. \ known.
Wliai ate the stores to be taken in the wa
gon ? Those childly which are not furnished
at all b\ GoVenmient—delicacies f>r ll.e!
and wounded, and extra clothing, quilts an '
blankets. Oi the fir-t are—stimulants.bran
dv. whiskey and wipe, chocolate, tea, con'k' 11 '
.-ed milk, beef e**ence, corn starch and fruits- |
tin basins and cups, sponges, towels,"'"
linen {illow cases, shirts, drawers and st"ck*
uig*. Each class of articles will have a pl ace
in the wagon, so as most readily tu £ oi
The Me Heal Department—of the Army I' ls
very kindly given every possible ae> ista '
and it is lio|ed that ample supplies m*y al ' er
tli'6 be bad wherever wanted.
The need of stores is very great—the sU U
ply been sufficiently abundant, and the c"®'
ing campiigu will make immense deiu* l,d '
Let every one make haste to do all that it
possible to replenish the si ore house o' l '
Commission as fa>t as tf.ey are emptied- *
I w lite this the march is begun ;no ti' ne l!
lo bo lost, Let ns work while it is called lo '
i day- Cr. 0. "
The "Women's Pennsylvania Branch *'
pay tiie height on all boxes sent to ihei
lbe suplios most needed at preset l '
sending lo a distant point are:—
i Corn Starch,
Wines —imported.
W ine—home,-made ,
We have a nqueoi fioui Surgeon
1 j tliat all oid muslin and linen slia l b< f
j without tearing mto baudagos or f crJ P *
! into hot. *