North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, April 29, 1863, Image 2
• * ®|e democrat. HARVEY BICKLER, Editor. TUN KHAN NOCK j PA. Wednesday, April 29,1863. S. M. Pettengill A Co.—No. 37 PARE ROW NEW YORK, 6 6 STATE ST. BOSTON, are our Agents for the N. B. Democrat, in those cities, and are author ised to take Advertisements and Subscriptions for as at oar lowest Rates. We publish to-day a letter from the State Supt. of Com. schools upon the question of residence as affecting eligibility to the office of County Supt. The question has attracted a good deal of attention, and we very cheerfully give the decision to the public. It is raised in the ease of Prof. LaMonte, and has been very zealously urged against his election by certain gentlemen who we learn are canvassing the county. They would not like to see the cause of Education, that lies so near their 'heart' and causes them so many nights of sleepless anxi ety, to suffer by any indiscretion on the part of directors in electing an improper person to the office of Co. Supt., so long as it could be prevented by the interposition of a legal bar, and particularly so long as there are others i* better qualified for the office." Since the legal bar does not step in to guard the cause in this behalf, it is to be hoped that these itiner ant gentlemen will redouble their efforts in canvassing the county and electioneering the directors. To the directors we would say come out to convention and upon mutual consulta tion select for the office of Supt. THE BEST MAN FOR THE POSITION, regardless of pledg et that may have been extorted by swarms of incompetent bores whose very zeal in patting themselves forward for this office ia the beet evidence of their incompetency. Professor La Monte's eminent and ac knowledged fitness for this office has called the public attention to him in this connec tion. It u to be hoped that political man agement will not result in fastening upon the county a Superintendent whose qualifi cations, or rather, whose absence of quali fications would but disgrace, at once, the county, the syetem and the office. JS3C" We have unwittingly been the cause of stirring up a " tempest in a tea-pot,, or Pitcher, though we took all possible precau tion against any such contingency. Some two weeks sinoe we published a brief notice from the Washington Star relating to the Rev Mr. Pitcher who it was 6aid preached the gos pel. In order to avoid misconstruction by our readers,we expressly 6tated that it had no reference to any man who pretended to do ■o, in these parts. Witt all our caution against this dreaded contingency we find that A. H. Schoonmaker applies this article to himself (we can think of no other to which the gentleman can refer)and comes out in the last Republican with a very stale anecdote told in a very buDgling manner the nub o l which is that two Irishmen while on a hunt encountered a skunk, and got skunked. Schooney compares himself to the two Irish men and us to the skunk. We have been called by all sorts of hard names before this o that we begin to think there is nothing In a name after all. We confess we are not tender on this point not so with Schooncy. The mere mention; of the word pitcher, guarded by a full expla nation against misconstruction, throws his Reverence iato a rage—Why this sensitive ness 1 Why such dodging, when no blow waa struck? We have not charged him with stealing a pitcher; nor do we propose to do eo. If the sight of the word pitcher, throws him into such spasms—we can imag ine that actual contact with a real pitcher it self—a silver one for instance—must have a vaiy taking effect on him. In view of these fscta we would advise our friends, in Mont rose, IT they would "escape the wrath to come," to refrain entirely from the use of the word pitcher , in his presence ; and if they would avoid the penalties of a late Act of Congress, deuy themselves the use of the ar ticle itself—when he's around. ROBBERV or TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN NOTES. —lnformation WAS rceived in the city of Philadelphia, on Thursday last of the rob bery of ten thousa nd dollars, the property of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroa Comp any. The money was stolen on the nght of Monday, 13th inst from a fire proof safe, in e frieigh t office, on the li ne of the road above the city of Reading. The freight agent, Mr- PotU had draw the money from the banki and intended to remit it to Philadelphia by the morningtrain. At nigh the were placed in the money drawer of the safe. A watch man was employed, but was temporarily ab sent from the building at night, attending to other duties. Tho thief entered the prem ises either during bis absence' or stole the money m consequence of the sate having been left open in mistake. But two keys were known to in existence, and both were in pos session of Mr. Potts, The lock was iv>t bro ken, and in the morning the safe was found to be locked, but the package ws missing. Two suspicious persons weie observed loung ing about the depot on Monday evening, and the police are On the alert for them. They are said to have beeu Phil delphia or New Tork thieves. COURT PROCEEDINGS. Iu the Quarter Sessions. An indictment was found by the Grand Jury against Henry Myrtall. Charge—Per jury—Wm. White, Prosecutor. The defendant in this case being under bail for his appearance to answer, immediate ly after hearing of the finding, took " leg bail" and left his resident bail in the limbo. An indictment was found against John Rought charged with assaulting and stabbing Patrick Mahoney—John Mahoney, Prosecu tor ; also, an indictment against John Rought, Jacob Rought ana Becker Rosecrans.— Charge—Riot and Stabbing. These cases were adjourned. There beiDg no further business, the Grand Jury were discharged on Tuesday afternoon. After examining the Public buildings they reported the jail as unhealthy, inconvenient and unfit for the detention of prisoners, and recommended the erection of a new and more convenient and commodious one. Also that proper seats be provided for the Grand Jury room. Quite a large number of petitions for the appointment of Supervisors were presented and passed upon. Licenses granted, fec, IN COMMON PLEAS. Wm. H. Pratt vs. Jos. Stephens, admin. of Wm. P. Stephens, dee'd. Action—Debt. Case tried and verdict for pltff. for §306 66. Cornth. Penna. to the use of Wyoming Co. rs. Gordon Sweatland. Action—Debt. Ver dict for Piff. for §lB2 66. Ocena Capweil vs. John S. <fc A. M. Cap well. Action—Ejectment. Verdict for Plff. George Atkinson vs. Wilber Russell. Ac tion—Trespass. Verdict for piff. for 66, The usual amount of business on the list for argument was disposed of and the Court adjourned on Thursday, P. M. Signs of the Times. In the three New England States, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut, the abolitionists lose about 18,000 votes and the democrats gain about that number. New Jersey re-affirms her devotion to democratic principles. Elizabeth city has elected the entire democratic ticket—a thing unheard of before for years. Trenton is democratic by an average majority of 400. Albany, N. Y., goes democratic by two thousand six hundred, and elects nine out of ten aldermen. Eimira, N. Y., has elected charter officers, every one of whom, except a Street Commis sioner, is a democrat. Greene county elects thirteen democratic Supervisors to one republican. Last year the board stood 10 democrats to 4 republi cans. Tompkins county, N. Y., gains one thous and democratic votes since last falls election. In Schenectady the democrats have achiev ed a decided victory. Livingston and Orleans made nice demo cratic gains. The Mansfield (Ohio) Shield and Baner brings out its rooster to crow over the dem ocratic victory in that city. The Pontiac (Michigan) Jacksonian re cords a complete democratic triumph iu that city and Oakland county. Ann Arbor, Michigan, according to the Argus , has elected a democratic Mayor for the first time in five years. The city of Detroit gives the Democratic State ticket about 700 majority. Altogether the election news from the West is cheering. From Milwaukie we learn that the Democrats have carried Wi consiri by an estimated majority of 10,000. Dayton and Columbus, Ohio, elect the dem ocratic ticket, the former for the first time time by 150 majority. The returns in ludi ana show large democratic gains—the tele graphic reports to the contrary notwith standing. Springfield, 111,, the home of Mr. Lincoln, rolls up a democratic majority of 134. St. Paul. Miou.. elects a democratic Mayor. In Marion county, Indiana, the freedom of elections had been interfered with in an infa mous manner, by armed soldiery, who drove democrats from tne polls by violence. Toledo, Ohio, reported republican by tel egraph, went democratic by 200. It was re publican last fall. The democrats elected their Mayor in Hartford, Conn , by 450 majority. Tho democratic ticket for municipal offi cers, in Milwaukie, has 3249 majority, The county gives about 5000. The returns from Ohio in the country dis tricts generally show large democratic gains on last fall's vote. Tiffin has gone democrat ic by 220 majority, and Seneca county by 1200, Circleville, Portsmouth, Chillicothe and Lancaster, have also been carried by the Democrats. In Indiana, Marion, Hancock, Madison, Lawrence, Rush and Bartholomew counties exhibit large democratic gains. These are the signs of the times. Let the leaguers league. Why Seek a New Name I The Abolition part y are moatearnestly en gaged in seeking a new name. They claimed, when Mr. Lincoln was elected, to be real Re publicans with definite and fixed principals, which were to endure forever, and produce the most wonderful and happy results. They have been in power only two years, and are not satisfied with the result of their own acts and are now earnestly engaged in selectiug a new name, wh'ch shall ignore their past faith and practice, aud indicate that they have changed from what they formerly were proud of. They new assume to be union men—and so are all northern men—and the exclusive friends of the Union, while they are urging numerous measures which are calculated to perpetuate the rebellious power m the 6outh, and prevent a restoration of the Union, for all time to come. Why this change ? There is but one answer 1 which is, that their former name haa become so odious among the people, that they seek a new one to improve their prospect of future success. General Burnslde and Order Mo* 8. The report of the Committee on the Con duct of the War we published in full some weeks ago. The testimony which accompan ies that portion of it relating to General Mc- Clellan is incomplete and inaccurate, The testimony relating to Genera! Burnside ap*. pears to be printed in tail, but whether U i complete and ungarbled or riot, the teatimoriy of Generals Burndside, Newton, arid Coch rane at least helps to explain some hitherto mysterious circumstances attending tbe re moral of General Burnside from the com mand of the Army of the Potomac and its transfer to General Booker. All their testimony concurs in showing that the only movement of the Army of the Potomac, while under General Burnside's command, which had any chance of success, was intercepted and prevented by the Presi dent's direct order. General Cochrane and General Newton, whea that movement had been begun, came up to Washington to see Senator ilson and Representative Odell, to whom they proposed to confide their poor opinion ol General Burnsioe. Those persons being absent from the city, they concluded to go to the President and pour their complaints in his ear. Mr. Lincoln listened to them, and on the unsupported and worthless evidence of two incompetent and dis affected subordi nates of the general in command of the Poto mac, sent a message to that general which compelled him to halt jbe cavalry expedition which was already inaugurating tho move ment, and stop the preparations for following it up with the main attack> General Burn side came to Washington ; the President then for the urst time informed his advisers, Sec retary Stautou and General Halleck, of tbe mission and statements of Cochrane and Newton, and they debated the question of a continuous movement. General Haileck ex pressed tbe opinion, which does him credit, that officers guilty of insubordination like that of Cochrane and Newton should bo ar rested or dismissed from tbe service at once. General Burnside went back tbe army and issued a general order, which is alleged to bo as follows : General Orders No. 8- HEADQDARTERS ARMT or POTOMAC, > January 23, 1663. ) * • •* First. General Joseph E. Hooker, major-general of volunteere and brigader-general of the United States army, having been guilty of unjust and un nessary critisms of the actions of his superior general tone of his conversation, endeavored to create distrust in the minds of officers who have associated with him and having, by omissions and otherwise, made re ports and statments which were calculated to create incorrect impressions, and for habitually speaking in disparaging terms of other officers, is hereby dismissed the service of the United States, as a man unfit to hold an important commission during crisis like the present, when so much patience, charity, confidence, consideration, and patriotism aro|due from every soldier in the field- The order is Issued sub ject to the approval of the Presidedt of the United States. Second. Brigadier-General W. T.H.Brooke com manding First Division, Sixth Army Corps for com planing of the government and for using language tending to demoralize his command, is subject to tbe approval of the President of the United States, dis missed from the military service of the United States, Third. Brigadier-General John Newton, command ing Third Division, Sixth Army Corps, and Brigadier. General John Corcrone, commanding First Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Army Corps, for going to the President of the United States with criticisms upon the plans of his commanding officer, are, subject to the approval of tbe President, dismissed from the military service of the United States. Fourth. It being evident that the following nam ed officers oan be of no further service to this army, they are hereby relieved from duty, and will report in person without delay to the Adjutant-General of the United States Army: Major General W. B. Franklin, commanding Left Grand Division. Major-General W. F. Smith, commanding Sixth Ar my Corps. Brigadler-Ge-ier&l Edward Ferrero, commanding Second Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps. Brigader-General John Corcrane, commanding Firit Brigade, Third Division, Sixth Army Corps. Lieutenant-Colonel J. H Taylor, Acting Adjutant General, Right Graad Division. By command of Maj -Gen. A E. BDRSSIDE. Lewis Richmond, Assistant Adjutant-General. General BURNSIDE did not publish this or der, but. accompanying it with bis own res ignation of his commission as major-general) sent a staff officer with both to the President. Tbe deceit which the President and the Sec retary of War attempted to praotice upon tbe country in regard to the resignation it is not necessary now to show forth again. The material facts in the matter of the transfer on the command are recited by General BURNSIDE as follows: I went to my adjutant-general's office and issued an order, which I termed General Order No. 8. That order dismissed some officers from service, subject to the approval of the President, and relieved others from duty with the Army of the Potomac. I also had three sentences of death upon privates for desertion, which I had reviewed end approved, subject, of course, to the approval of the President, as I bad no right to do any of these things without that approval. I had sent my own body-guard over into Maryland, and had succeeded in capturing a large number Of deserters. I had organised a court-martial, tho ore which Is now in secession down there trying some two hundred and fifty deserters. I told my adjutant-general to issue that orde r (No. 8) at once. One of my advisers—only two per sons knew of this—one of them, who is a very cool, sensible man. and a firm friend, told me that, in his opinion, the order was a just one, and ought to le is sued ; but he eaid he kuew my views with reference to endeavoring to make myself useful to the govern ment of the United States, instead of placing myself in opposition to it; that all of these things had to be approved by the President of the United States, at any rate, before they could be put in force; that he did not think I intended to place the President in a position where he either had to assume the re sponsibility of becoming my enemy before tbe pub lie, at any rate, thereby enabling a certain portion of my friends to make a martyr of me to some extent or he had to take the responsib lity of carrying out the order, whioh would be against the views of a ' great many of the most influential men of tbe coun try, particularly that portion of the order in refer ence to the officers X proposed to have dismissed tha service. I told this staff officer that X hod no desire to plaes myself in apposition to the President ct the United States in any way; that I thought his (ujy staff officer's) vise of ths matter wis the eorrcet eos; bat that I had indicated in that order the only way in whioh I coald command the Army of the Poto mac. I accordingly took this order, already signed and issued in due form, with the exception of being made public, to the President of tne United States, and handed him the order, together with my resigna .tion of my commission, as a major-general. I told him that he knew my views upon that subject; that ihad-paver sought any command, more particularly that of.-the Army of the Potomac; that my wish was to go into civil life, after it was determined that I could no longer be of use in the army ; th it I desir ed no publio position of any kind whatever. At the same time I said that I desi.rd not to place myself in opposition to him in any Way, nor to do anything to weaken the government. I said he conll now say to me; " You may take the responsibility of issuing this order, and I will approve it;" ana I would take that responsibility if he would say that it would be sustained after it was issuea, because ho would have to approve it, for I had no right to dis miss a man or condemn a man to death without his approval. In case that or Jer (No. 8) could not be approved by him, there was my resignation, which be could accept, and that would end the matter for ever, so far as I was concerned ; that nothing more would be said in reference to it. I tola him that he could be sure that my wish was to have that done which was best for the public service, and that was the only way in which I could command the Army of the Potomac. Tho Presideut replied to me. " I think you are right. * * * [The suppression here, in the body of General Burnside's report, of the Pres ident's answer are the committee's, not ours.] But I must consult with some of my advisers about this." I said to him, '• If you consult with anybody you Will not do it in my opinion." He said, " I cannot help that, I must consult with them " I replied that he was the judge, and I would not questio a his right to do what he pleased, Tue President asked me to remain all thitday. I replied that I could not remain away troin my com mand ; that ho knew my views and I was fixed and determined in them. He then asked me to come up that night again. I returned to my command and came up again that night, and got here at six o'clock in the morning. I went to the President's, but did not see him. I went again after breakfast, and the president told me thut he hadooncludod to relieve me from the command of the Army of the Potomac and place General Hooker in command. I told him that I was willing to accept that as the best solution of the problem, and that neither he nor General Hooker would be a happier man than I would be if Genera Hooker could gain a victory there. The Presiden also said that ho intended to relieve General Samner and General Franklin. I said that I thought it would be wise to do so if he made the change he pro posed to make. General Sumner was a much older officer than General Hooker, and ought not to be asked to serve under him. We do not propose to discuss the wisdom of order No. 8, nor to show how far tue pub lication of these shameful facts by tho War Committee agrees with their own doctrine of the duty of giving " an unquestioning sup port to the administration iu all its measures and all its selections of agents to carry on the war." The committee is too low for pub lic contempt, and General Burnside has own acts and words acquired his just place in the opinion of sensible men. Nor do we propose to discuss the conduct of General Hooker The revelations of the committee are not full or trustworthy enough to form the basis of an intelligent judgment as to his past coDduet while tho success of his future enterprises will determine the wisdom of assigning him to his present command. But we print these documents to show the people of this country how the Commander in-chief of the Army and Navy of the United States performs the duties assigned to him ; with what wisdom he selects his principal generals ; what degree of support to generals learned in the art of war he, an unlearned civilian, gives ; how far he relies upon the opinions of the military advisers whom he has called about hiui for the purpose of hav ing skiled advice; with what care he culti vates subordination in his subordinates and encourages them in military offeuses against their superiors, to whom he has assigned the highest trusts. Generals McClellan and Burnside have some other experience on this point which would be valuable in the formation of such a judgment. It will be made public one day or another. We venture to predict that Gene ral Hooker, if he has not already had, will within tbe next week or month have, a fur ther experience which may teach the country similar lessons. General McClellan wai or dered to move in places and at times where to bis responsible and skilled Judgment move ment seemed unwise. At other times and places he and General Burnside were order ed not to -move where to their responsible and practiced judgment movement seemed wise. If General Hooker la now getting si milar messages and experiencing similar in terferences from Mr. Lincoln, he will proba bly soon learn what the testimony* before the War Committee might earlier have taught b'-m— that there is now left for him the choice between a strict adherauce to bis own judgment and a consequent deprivation of command and of opportunity for public ser vice like that which General McClellan now undergoes and suffers in noble and subordi nate Bilenoe, or a compliance with the blun dering and vacillating decisions and dodges of an inferior superior and a consequent trans fer to some other command, like that which General Burnside enjoys. In the latter case we look to see General Fremont placed in command of the Army of the Potomac and General Lee in possession of our capitol.— World. ■ C3T The counting of soiled postage stamps, which were a few months since de posited at the New York post office for re demption, has been completed, and nearly nine-tenths of the whole number have been so redeemed. Notice has been issued to the owners of the remaining one tenth to come up and receive current funds for their depos its. The amount of claims of deposits are $260,000, one fifth of the whole number hav- j ing been thrown out on account of being marked stamps. The counting of the stamps would have occupied one man for the space of two years and a half. DECLINED.-— Governor Gurtin has announ ced to his friends that he will not be a can didate for ne-nomination. It ia understood that be ia to be appointed Minister to Bpain at the expiration of bis present term ot of fice. Soldiers to be Discharged when tbeir Terms Expire. April 20 The following orders were pub lished to-day : [ GENERAL ORDERS NO. 43.J Heqdauartcra Army of the Potomac, > April 20. $ In order that no misunderstanding may ex ist as to the course to be pursued with regard to regiments whose term of acrrce are about expiring, the following rules will govern the action of corps commanders and others, in the matter. Ist. When companies and regiments re enlist after the expiration of their present term of service, in accordance with the pro visions of General Order No. 85, of April 2, 18C3, from the War Department, the regi mental and company officers will be retained ; the regiment will have a furlough for the time specified in the orders, aud will be allowed to proceed, at the public expense, with their arms and equipments, to the place of their enrollment two years or nine months (as the case may be) from the date of their original muster into the service of the United States 2nd. When the regiments in a body decline to re-enlist, the officers and men will be mustered out at the expiration of two years (or nine months) from the date of their actual muster into the service of ihe United States. Their arms and equipments will be turned over to the ordnance officer of the division to which the troops belong, and transportation and subsistence Department. 3d. In cases where less than one-half of the men re-enlst, the proportion of officers to be retained, and the selection of those to be re tained in service, will be determined by the corps commanders in accordance with the provision of paragraph 3, of General Order No. 86, of April 2d, 1863, from the War Depart ment. The rank, proportion and number of : oflcers to be retained, with the regiments where the re-enlistments are partial, is left to the discretion of the corps commanders. 4th. The portion of the bounty provided in General Order, No. 85, April 2d, 18G3, from the War Department, for reeniislment, will be entered upon the muster-rolls to be paid at the first payment after the return of the men from their furlough. sth. In regiments where two years' men and men enlisted for three years or for the war are associated together, special recom mendations may be made to the headquarters for furloughs to the latter, when the number of two years' men re-enlisting may, in the opinion of tbe corps commanders, justify the indulgence. 6th. When the two years' regiment does not re-enlist, as above provided for, the corps commanders will direct the transfer of men enlisted for three years or the war in such regiments to three years regiments from the same State ; or if their numbers are sufficient, these men may, at the discretion of the corps commander, be formed into battalions. 7th. This order, as well as the following order from the War Department, will be read at the head of each compauy of the two years' and nine months' regiments serving in this army. By command of Major General Hooker. (Signed,) S. WILLIAMS, A. A. G. PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT ) or COMMON SCHOOLS. £ HARRISSCRG, April, 23, '63. DEAR SIR : Yours of the 20th inst., ha% just been received. I have never regarded the action of the triennial convention of Di rectors as the final election of one person to act as County Superintendent, but as there lection of several persons from whom, in the order tft forth in the law on the subject, a person is to be appointed aud commissioned to act during the three years from and after the first Monday in June next after the first Monday in May when the selection is made ; the prescribed thirty days for the filing of objections preventing the actual appointment and commissioning till the first Monday in June, at the soonest, see Nos. 6, 41, 471, 474, 484, of the Digest. If it be thus an "appointment," as 1 am clearly of opinion it is, and if the commission which is the only legal evidence of that ap poinlment cannot legally issue till the first Monday in June, then the words of the 7th section of the 6tb article of the State Convention settles the day from which the necessary years' residence in the County is to be calculated. It says it is to be "one year next before his appointment. I am, therefore, of the opinion that any person, otherwise qualified, who shall have been " a citizen and inhabitant" of the Coun ty of Wyoming one year next before the first Monday iu June 18G3, may be legally com missioned to the office of County Superinten dent on that day, even though he might not have completed hia full year of citiaenship and residence on the first Monday of the next preceding May. I have received a letter from Wm. Burgess Esq. on the same point, to whom I will thank you to make known this reply, Yours truly, THO. H. BURROWS, Supt. Common Schools. JACOB DEWITT, CO. Supt., Wyo. Co., Pa, SCENE IN THE WAR OFFICE The war De partment was made dramatic on Monday by an Irish woman, of araszonian size, and heart as loyal as brave, who came unde the auspices of Gen. Schenck,ifrjM'ciont to Secretary Stan ton the America flag pulled down by Miles at Harper's Ferry wbfco that post was surren dered to the rebels. How did you secuie this my excellent woman?" Sure sir, I just lifted my clothes, aud wrapped it around here, just as they flocked intq the parade."— The Secretary after thanking her as devotion deserved ordered SSO to be paid to thp brxve woman. THE 129TH.-r-THE time of the 129 th Regt. P. V. ia about to expire and they may be ex pected back in the course of a few woeks. They have discharged their duty as food sob diers and should, on their return to their j homss, be hoaorably creditably received A Richmond Paper en the Connecticut sTae* tioe. • a ,| The Richmond tfispalch of the 11th. i Q it says that the Democratic hopes of an early peace are dissipated by Lincoln's success iu fhe Connecticut election, and thinks th the war will be conlinuW rintil " the Yan kees run tbe full lengthy of their Had the peace led by Seymour and Vallandigßaro, prevailed, many fearfnl wan would hare been' averted and tbe hand of .the avenger of blood would have been stayed. As it is, the dispatch predicts that the time mast inevitably come when the "pa,, pie of the North, remembering the fresdon so lately lost, will risk in their anight, un . armed and untquipped, yet burning with vengeful fury, to contend against the armed, organized, perfectly drilled, and skilfutly offi cered legions of the oppressor. Then will 5 come back the poisoned chalice which scornful and vain-glorious North commended to the lips of the Soutlf. Then a tevoliui ## fiercer than that which desolated France will begin, to end no man knows when or how_ Then the blood of their slaughtered South ern brethren, which has been so long crying from the ground for vengeance, will be ap. peased by the sights and sounds of terror, the confiagations, massacres, riots, battlei, great and small, which will sweep the North from one end to the other. Then the Aboli tionists, so eager to provoke war, so slow to engage in it, will know what war is. Hith erto it has been a pretty passtime to them. They have reaped riches, honoas, office from it. Then will it be what they hare made it to us of the South ; nay, worse, far worse. And when that frightful time as come it surely will, the innocent and the guilty must 6utfer alike." " Ant! a rat!! Dead for a ducat." —(Shakspeare.j The dis-Union League-ers met with "a ray over tbe knuckles" which they well de served, but little expected, in the following letter. How treason and treachery to the Union " crop out," to be sure ! Here is evi dence enough to prove just the class of men who, falling in every other plan to deceirt the unwary, have appealed to the sentiment t hey know full well is uppermost in the mind and heart of every Democrat, and, iu vaunted professions of devotion to the Union, seek to ensnare honest men from the path of duty and of principle. We again warn faith ful Democrats not to be caught. The Leagues are Abolition societies of the Garrisonian type, led on by suca disunionist as Beecher, Wendell Phillips, et id omne genua, aud are deceptive and ingenious devices of the bitter enemies of the L'nion—the men who a little while ago declared the Constitution of the United States to be " a leaguo with death and a covenant with hell." Such men are not fit aesoctates for Democrats, and they ought not to be found in such company : A SHARP RESPONSE TO AN INVITATION. 309 BROADWAY, ) New York, April 20th, 1853. $ Robert II McCurdy, Esq., Chairtnau Ex. Com.: Dear Sir—l am in receipt of your cordial invitation to be "present and participate" in the proceedings of the Mass Meeting at Madison Square this day at four o'clock P. M. Nearing that the real objects of the meet ing were foreshadowed in the following ex tra cts from the Helper Book , of which you were one of the endorsers and agents, I re spectfully decline the honor of being present and participating: " Thus, terror engenderers of the South, have we full)' and frankly defined our por tion ; we have no modifications to propose, no compromise to offer, nothing to retract Frowns, sirs, fret, foain, prepare your weap ons. threat, strike, shoot, stab, bring on civil war, dissolve the Union, nay annihilate the solar system if you will—do what you will, sirs, you can neither foil nor intimidate us; our purpose is as firmly fixed as the eternal pillars of Heaven ; we have determined t ABOLISH SLAVERY, AND SO JIELP CS GoD, AIOL* ISH IT WE WlLL." —Page 187. 2. " We cannot be TOO HASTY in carrying out our designs."—Page 33. Very respectfully yours, JOHN C. VAN LOON. Shocking Affair In New Berlin, Union O Some four or five months ago a certain James Hummel, of Snyder Co., deserted from the army. Several days ago, a certain Seargeant Gebhart, formerly from Centre county, a member of the U. S. Provoat Guard came to the neighborhood, to arrest deer ters and send them to oamp. It seems that he knew that Ilummcl would attend the fa* neral of his 6ister at New Berlin und there to arrest him. JJo followed 'h® cession to the burying place, and from there to the church. While iq the church, just be fore the sermon eommenced, he walked up to Ilummel, now sitting quietly in his pew the mourners, to do the last pious honors a dead sister and presented a Colt's pe7olre* to his breast, mumbling something supposed to have been. "You are my prisoner." HUB*- mel drew a Sharpc'u four shooter from bis pocket. Mean time Gebh art snapped hiscca t which burst to no effect. Hunim®! shot Gebhart in the breast. After that, each discharged his remaining halls ; in the church also a Mr, Smith, assistant to Gebhart, dis j charged one ball. At this juncture thee*' ! citement had become intense, and the shrieks and cries of unprotected females and childr® 0 were almost heartrending. Both llumß®' | and Gebhart now left the church. Ilum®*' I went to his Jjome, wbßhpr two physici*®* soon followpd him, aip} found hia havinf two woqnda—qno through the lungs, upP®** ed to be mart*), *t)d arm. Qebbsrt fled through gby wards the mountain, and was discover*®, a while after, two miles from town. showed three bullet holes m his overe*j which, on account of being thickly so broke the effectiveness from Hunnaelv ■ I ferior weapon as to do him little or 1 ry— Cor. P. f Union.