INLAND PERSONAL ■ A ..We learn that tbc rosileno uUl in i: iton was destroyed by fire, nno We believe there was no iuMimni-c lucL~ ' wnul I cn " ntten- M e'tfi'V meeting of the Wyoming B !f,he |'.iatinii l'e hell at Factory-villa, B{ I'j AU Interested in teas tea 1 mat* ' no'uistvJ to -ttteuJ. ■ A. K. DI CK, Sec'y. I . )U . r ,—The late winn weather brought ; H 1 ■ ' j u f,„ni the deep wK) la in sa !i qtiait- I H U " ,vi„ the river to a point wn?i dora' ly r ifling f rt s'act. Quite a 1 irge iiniount I,.tuned for several days at this ■ 8 _ ;k ., a nt. • It is now, however, on tts , . (the Cai:al.--Wc learn that the ea- ' lu.i front the Horse race ihtm to rit:- f the coining week. Til > I le rains h iv H vv |,i c h was to hive been mule nt # . nC nectuent of tlio week. I . „o, gupp'y °f n " w n I elegant Fennels, [| us all Millinery goods t now br ing re- ; I| v liardwell at llic old stan Io) jNisiti I •,5 e M'" !■ 1:1 iln experienced Milliner and [, f;i t" please ilioso who may favor her with Haitian I.a lies.—Miss Louisa llephun who ■ . r ;r„( l fiom tlm ii.y with nil the latest w.velt cs in the way of Millinery. .Set I ,i-rti.-o lent lll to " '-'A s P 'tper. ■ (i ~ il Sterling. foitn illy private in C| t. I , t ,. lt: |,anv. and sin e Sergcan -M j r, lfa> | I t„ Adjutant of his Regiment, v. it; favors liic I rave " FAS II SC. I i •I n■? w rli t!i • P.- • 'lllll ition of the Presi ■ t| | C i | States, we give notice that out ■. s <•( basin 'ss will he vlos'lon Thu'd iv .apr. 'Mi lt .. r iion i- cxpei te 1 Imm the Lev. C. R. I. me a P. AI. same dav. Nidi n Wells, A. W. W. t. alf, Sterling A. Loouiis, Jarre I l.i.iic. Bi - i a'c.!.——Down y Chase. n wc-P-to-do farm ■ ininir in A lingto i 'township Luzerne County I. kilb i aii tu light o'.lo. k one CM uitig I ist week I in a -as- li ul o stole tip to wilhlll :> few feet ■ fill I:w .a 1 11is bilge lat liiin, through it, agu i o I ,1. Til.' ball p'.sS tig t'.l ougll his Ilea I produce . liitiiVitit No el lie to the J < rfetiator of I: .- ■e,h is yet bet n dis mere I. M iliy nt uv re il - ill r eolieo Mr. Cil i>e. as 111 • man who w i ~gc I a tew month* s n-*: Willi li iving kille I i M I. a hear luigh'w* •! bis, v.lio was (bund lyil, i ■ gii.i.ii I. li ill ring to a sin ill Ili li, npoti • no W'.IS MI seuuenttv tiij I an I a o'iilied, ZOiocL ■ vl'.i H T* iSfihlgfl 11 toWllsllip, >1) Cull')' B ■ :! I I ill, .1 UX C U.\\ V. 11 ..1r ■ I ■ r.-, J moll :s . II I 1 i lav* ■ i ion iii North unpton unty lieeenibc j ■ IM -lUiut ti years old In?, with !ii< p rent ■ !Hli sc i!i I m iiio Sii-.|in li urn iii low 1 I ■ li MI (lie 11 toe while In* ltcw his last brvi.t .1 ,i-: iil l, ili s e.i'iutry iv i< iilm >st aw I.e nesS j ! til t lie Julian's |nt >i. Ki'iuo. ills f, oiii in.- ■ to iii.itlii-r li nl to le | ciibnncd by wl. a ws I ~-Mj is prep ire Ito curry four in nnm' cr ■ ilior, two (n.ns iiinl one daughter Ihc puck I is | laced oil the In use, two li l skolS, oin I run each si le, in which was |l ic*.il John an 1 In ■ i },nitliisr, to bil ineo c: li oilier. 1 lie in t'ic 111 Ut-een I lie hiskets carricil t lie babe in hi- I IT, lin this jHtsii inii they ha I loir ml through ■ i il iving rm he I Sullivan's roil, oi.i i y, thi v followed that to their new home B .1 >ir sjieat liia youthful <1 tys in n-is;ing hi B el iring lan Inu I ntirn ling to o'h r Julie- B hi Ito perform, whi h the |n -cut gen ra B ■ hut little of os cpt by Inir.-ay. B I all their business IMUII hmno was d is they ha it • t.iso a B : lj ,i|y ecori i- H •' i iimustry left a home f.r each of his ehil In n B.: lire Ito a goo lul I agv II jh id n > wish oi Bre to live any longer lie thought all his work B h to - and was re a ly to go. B Ciirtion, whiih terrain, ted in death, was drj B : HI wl.i.-li he sulTcfe I forahout six months I'.ut B -re it wiih resign lion, wailing with B ' e mril his change eiime. lie died withou* a e e He :■ |j' :iiml ns one goiiigtoslei |>, so pis - I •o:i Situ lay, April 11 h, about eleven i I fo.eno HI. Alth •tig.l he has left us HI I ■ to li s long home, we never m >re shall hear bis I•• in giving us advice or iusiru ■ i->n. Yet we in iy ' an I profit by looking at linn in the va ious du- ( ta 1 1 us on I Ire was fai.h'ully a'tielcl to the I to; his choice, mark of his strong ifi ■ - I '> "etc at no time more manifeste I than in his |f..i tii p, and to witness the ie< i| mentions n( it l ive 1 con-o ♦, pro luce I feelings of the most i g kai I, f. r tli< y wt-ic loth feeble an I the aiilienth j MISS lose'l of _n ing the lea t |iiin to 11 r , and the anxiety they inanifestcd to help ' i. needed to he witnessed, in orjerto form any "' • haw ami ibly the-iigniiy of the Cu.isti.n t'T, was ma lifested in this liol v relation. I •' • aherhis ex uup!e is h ghly worthy of in it •- ( A.ta.u h lie imssi's-e I s rong n itu. al aflfe lions I 1 '"it mHer t!i •iito -n ere nil; his jn Ig.n -n", hut M' li-lv soti.iious lorilie welf ire of his cbil- I "I tn le i core. Ito tiain iheni up in the path ■ "lustre an | virtue. ■ ' 1 l i tiil he wiias flan ns i monument, tot .il v ■'"in Itj it versitiiity so eoimiionly seen in the 1 He was aui n t s,e, " iU ' : at 'l be pr iicl th It " Ill's highly f I von re I County might not I I,e a. 1 ; he wi,b.i r r „. c 1 .ji. le ' " r his most urJont desires ircie . ) Thol ° tolin ' ry "I'uht tee un 1 Iccoma mtoJ fb;:o ever in times past." ? r, v.. HOLDS.— In Win. Ilia in, on September I 7th, 1G62, ot Hiptheii a, Ma 111 i, daughter of Daniel W. and Mary L. Luhbs, ugod 12 years 2 u.ouths and 1 day. What s iletnn snunil assails the car ; What mournful tidings do we hear; And wiiV ihose p line I nil I weeping moulder With its 1.f.-le-S 11 iy, Dot heavens dc ree we aektionledge just, Aui she mtist mil gle with 'he dust. There rot an I r.'.ou! I in the grivc, '1 ill llic last truiii|iei's ren ling souu I, Sh ill hid the sle-t-pin g ilnst us*, To meet her pareii s in the skies. * * ♦ * D ither-*, Sis: -rs cease your weep : n ', iSae is s lie .:ti I in li ■ I's eaie ; Vi-uc own si.ills are in His keeping, 0 for heaven to pre pa i- Ccase fin I paren's. thv sighs, Angels call /.I li -r to the s t.-s, link! hcreoril antlntus sw .-.1, All is ve.l. all is cl . M. \. <■ VTI.IN. April 1 ':li, '32. lE* olit-iosLlL „ A writer to the L'o-ti n L'ou: /.: on is it. lit. a 0.1 li ig A'miition paper in Mi-si.h iselts, ihn- f, cc . .y -tate I his views ia rcg ir Ito t!i • w its i-.ur - in I iu puVjKiscs : " Tiicce i rio lint I'l it 111 • .v. rn lent ih-v 10-iili ■; ling win ii 1 1 every ig ■ !i is I : i.i-h ■ I .111 1 11 -j i.i>- • I di'votc Ilelbis ni 1 111 411 I.' 1 s.i. iiii e. \\ m lie contriry, Ii n ing lie n eugiget ia a wi. !.>r . leiv II Ili i II .I g ivc: nli 'iit, 1 ler. iani il I'.i.m, a imnii lar .' M • All ijs p'ir 1< •* t, i iv • I • i ll -1 a.. iei p elior I, rouse I loiatea energy ia t'.m Iranian 1 ml * "il.l I inspiration can wi l get f.oui l a's war ? 1 or one, Soldi,llly prolcst ika! 1 l.i |• llail ll.e N'l'h .1.1 he beaten ig i >:it .1 i .lis 'y-. as I iicy il ive hec.i, so illg is 1.1 ' •op is by bio 1 is.'l •1 to cll rv Dii. -' staiiiey s r(evi'us.>ii's 11 ilhvk's, an 1 the liken! iii n uto the South'! Ol ty in the saere l 1 ame of li .en;. •111 til" s.tiding bam blest human lieiny ejn-'d'.-l For any II ig— >r g-ogr apln-.d ilea •t is in tr ler Tan w.l being tl is far tor sal j 1 ;ition, his not t> 1 die i the 10.e of li. iii/. r 10:1, 110 I its p • 0:1 tlia oihr !i, 0 I it hi toinheu i'ic core ot tin itiis.ll ntiiliie atiinii! pis-iou |bi i ,erty , rti'd evoke J its t rr.ble ferocity uu I force.' An Outrage t:pa:i I/bi-rty. II en >ti jc it 10 other liy th it L'e it. I*. Ig?rl v , < I he New 11 .inpshirc \ olunters, ti 1 ! ocen d'sau-sc 1 in lie l'.v3 tent tr-> II -crvi-e, lor voting the I'emo, all i ket at 111 • late New II imp-hire election, Do.-- •on st itc I 111 it it w.s i.npissihlj (tin l .-u b a .hct tojl I ie trj j, wurcupi.i Li 'a: H. ns die I.t as |G;| ,W S. All just men w ill say toil the ntliee d I'.e 11 cat ■ I' the Lhiilei St ilesii .Ji-li iii>,-c.| In -nil 11:1 act oi usurp it io.i, while it is an insult to .-very sol tier in liu in my ; ii h'jrj fj i'i. b'li 'on I'u J : MiM HLsruii N n., Mir li C 3 ICC3. I saw in your i.-su : 1 f to- lay: the or ler dismissing I.tent. A J. K Igerly, of the L-otiriliNc A H 111 J s.iiie > 0 i.ile .rs, fr,.,i t.u sc vi-j o. tic t I ."bates, foi " thr uniting (.'"ppcra. id 11 bets," together with you eo.unieuls til TCOII, 111 wa ch y>a siv you cannot oc liovc it true 111 at le Frost lent of thj Unite 1 Stales ■vaul i stoop so low as to an otlieer for voting "•JO DORNO ;rat:o liekut, or evcu ciivulating tickets; when it is a not irious fact tliit the A lmiii.str.itiou nil tiieir o.a -era aul men br.ui ;'it from all pirtsm the couatty, 11 >t only to vote 'or the 11 -p 1 die 111 p ir tv, but u-e all their ntlueine to have • I hers do the, an I fir i.u sin : pir.y. \V iy I '.vrt.o lii s is to MI >w to you iii 1! I lie order is genuine, alti.nugli 1 Ii ive uot hceii o;';i i illy 110.1H •I• >£ it, hut Ii ive seen the origin d copy in the .State It p irt ueiit at Concur I, ail i si iii probably get a copy .vac 1 ta • prui e I u.m is is s rt I. I do not w ni ler th it yon nt\j lotli to believe it true i'f in my of th i Id 1 tut; ll'pa ill* lus li'i'j, tn use who believe tile disoiiss il 11.cute I if die charge is true, do not b liino they w 1 il I stoop to lie lo.v pi.'ty si ng sat the War Dcpirtiiunt in their "Gi lers; 1 nut su-h are the wo ls us.? lin the order, word for war I, as pailishel in tim Ecmocrut at Con cor l I sou I y.jj a copy oi a ecriiiieito, given 111 c by tns .M i ler 1 tor of the ward in waieh £ vote I, (.vir l six )an I Ire i< 01 sof the in 1? 1.11 le idal uie.i of Iha II -publican puty, .111 I one of the e litcos of the Anttri cu.i, 1:1 I.lis ci;y, wji h go-> t 1 .-li > v the pail of •ue ch.t ge is l*.il?c ; ..n I as far the other, i am at a loss to k. 11.v w'nt is ni-mi by 'die rebel en use in his.St itc." unless it ts die Ab i i i >.i UIJC. a0 I every ai .• wh > ever .sue.v m •. or ever lie ir I me e.vpr -ss my pdi.i il op.m.iiis, kito vs I II v.-r di I un tiling to help 111 it but li ive vote Ith : Ileal 1 i t e ti. ket sill c I ! 0 will the ex eptioi of list .M treh, W.i n I was in Flor>d 1 with my tegi in at. Tile ficts are th se ; I si nplv went to the Pol's an I lep I my billor, as I eeosi Ure 1 1 hi I a pel feet right to I > not thiuki.ig c.'i if W.I.M 1 took a ro.oniis si,n in the In le I-St lies Aiuty I for.oilu I the de ir es' rig 1: of an Aa•• i • 111 f.-.- 1 -ta - righi to exer . ise ilia electi 1 inn hire ;n-eo. 1 ng to the dii I ites of Ins own ju Igment 111 I coos 1 • 1.; • —an 1 f do not rcgn the net. ami .-km,ld do MI ; gain ti -11 0111 wrl m.h! the opjsn 1 unity oei ur Vou will prii.'on me for .'lie froc dm.. I Ii Ivc taken io writing tli s to you not fur public di 111, only to shew tint live ■' or ler " is not " bogus Yours most truly. A J CnrJEttLV, Late Li, ut . Toll th N. 11. Vols. T'lo witty n t-1 Ijtrg'fly ( > |i ;,, r ~f |t, c J io „. isvilV Democrat says; "Ti.e r!> Ih mil the Di'iiincr.its C' pjK'i'lier.ds !< c ittse tlicy hnve the only sotitvJ cejtts loft in the count ry. f j i rflflu l^filisnitfnfs. SEED POTATOES FOll SALE. fOn n . rs:,K !' s OF GOODRICH'?SEEDLINGS ] A.WV7 Comprising the following variens: (J irnet Ciiiii. Cuzco, Central City, Cnllao, .in 1 I'iukeye Rust vcb it Also 5(11 iislicls of E.i 11 v Junes. Price S'J 5J |n-r hhl., deli rered at the Pittston de | pit '(lie biuret to contain as many sens as you • choose, I'ai k igeg of ea li sort sent bv mail tost raid for '.Sets .-.ill [ g?"l'i>h to nceouipany a!l orders. Reference given if desired. P. SUTTON, J Ilirsim Luz. Co, Pa. | TI ism dihectphs OF \Y d o.YIINCI COUNTY. (li vn.niitv.-In 1 10-sunnce of the 411 section of j Act ofßl h fd.y, 1854, y,o are hereby 1 officii to meet in (otiveiiti 11 at the Court House in Tiiok!i-iiinoi-k Durmigh, i.n the fo.-t Mon • iav in M iv, A 1). 136J being the 4 Hi ilmj o' the 111 unfit at 1 o'lik in the ntierrooii, an i se eel i rira voce by a 111 j uiiy of the whole number of lt- J e.tors present, one | S„II CF literary aul scientific j aei|uiiemeiits, and of skill an I ex|M*rieiiee in the art of ten bin •, as County Suyei inten lent for the three su • ee ling ye ns; determine the amount of rom|icn -ad ui for the same' ai it certify the result to the Mate Siipcrintcii lent at II in is u-g. as required by the 3Ti!i and IJih sections of s.ii 1 so t J. W DvAVITT, County Sup-'rntcn 1 rtt of Wyoming Co . Tu.ikhannock, April t, 136 J. XOTlt'Utu TEACHERS anl OIBCCTPRS An ex imin ition of teachers will lie hel lat the ( S. liool lloosi: in S.eili.igvilb- on Sat or lav the 2ud lofM iv next, iiiniiii'eii-iog at 9 lo k A .M. Teachers must eorne prepared with writ ng uiatc ! lids J. DiAVITT, CO. Supt. of I \U. Co. I'll. Tunk'nnna k, April 19.h. 13JJ. 2w COTP eItI!E AL) S ATT K S TlO N ! "p:iE fOPPERHE\D. OR RADGE OF I.ID iR. atv ntw ft; oly ' Oopptrlm 11!" i< it .' I. -t ev ery Unite .Mm accept "die iusu't," ant weir •to ri-ml ol I em'd'in of Liberty--the Copperhci I! \l i!o I u >st pd I, on receipt of 15 cents, or SIO pet hiiiidi) dby express. All orders must be ad tressed : it once to (lie luanufaeturent, RROMI.EY A CO,. Rox 4265 New York Citv. D A CO , are allowed lo rcfi I to the editors of the j N Y Can.-assi in Re ware of imp stms, who copy j our n.lve:tisciiient an 1 imitate our signature. II Era ST E u-s NOTICE.. "FTOTfCE TSHEPLRf GIVEN TO ALL PER i 1 s .11 ia or--le I tii it die fallowing Accounts hive ! -em 111.-1 in th - !'.•:• isroi's O.fice, ; flic AenniitofT I) Spring and C I Laeey, At ; MI 11 i*lrn '.,/>• ot tbe Estate of George (J. L o-ev, late |■' lirauii.i,n tiwa-hip, t/tc-'ii, filed January Ist, 1 be p't-'i 1 isi-orni ot Ezra Thoinpsan an I Win. II ; i .i-; i' . -t ! "'iU"lralurs 1 t die Es ate of Thouias .*■ l'ii-ji il, 1 .!• •,j M .11 rue township, tie 'tl. tiled Jaitu 11 v 1 vdi, I '6 i i lie I in ■ I account of Dmiel Vins 'oy, Dxceutor of I '1 • l-.-t lie id Job 1 Yoti g, |ue of Lit on town.-lno. ; dec'(l, tile tUeau u v 14tlt, 136.! 1 I'.ic ace ni it of R-uj iiiin M II dl. Guardian ol t ■p.-r-oii MI I estate of M s-s T. It-Witt, fie a a nor ao| .L.hii C. D-W,it, de-:'d. tile JAI 7.h | ' I I a I' in 11 a.voiint of Miles Ergleston, Adminis- Irulttr- ot the estate ot Am is Erg'es 00, I iteol N irrti- I iiorel 11 I township, dee'd. tile i Al ir Ii 9th, IS6i. 1 llu' fi at a.-aiuni of I'lmiiia.i it iitgli, AJ uinie'ra , fur if the est itc of >i Ivestor G:e-'-irv, liii" of Ovcr ' i-1 Ito vu-hip dec d, lit At irch 1 Dli, I 3G! Tb- Fin d aeioiirttoi G cirri- W F isset. Adminis i /ru'or of ih-'est e-onfi s will be preseiited o 1 I le O ph in'-Court, to be In-I lat Tutikh icnot k, 10 AI on 1 iy tb • 20dt ii >y at April next lor eolitirimi!ln. ! 1111 allowance. SINTOX AVILLTAM-, I?>*is(er. l'esrister's tfifi #, / Timkhannaek, March 2.!, 136J 4w Application for License. \JOTiCK H II ERE It Y GIVEN THAT Till! IN t ill iwiug 11 line I persons have pled their p-.-ti li lis in the Court of Q 1 liter Sessions of Wyoming Ciiuutv. an I w II in ike application at the next term ot sai I Court, for T.-.vern License. (Jeo ge Perigo, Nicholson. J. D ii AI. Very, " C J ickson, " J .e l Li lie, Mjshoppcn, AV. II Courtrigat, " J. II R ibinsou, Draintriai. Rcr.j Zigler, ,l J'.M. Ccaii", M r ashington. Solomon Rig'ce, Noilh Rr'nch. J 1 nil Alivn-irl, Ttfiik. Ro'fO. 'I lion as D vi all, " 0 Cirsilim, F dls. P let- I'en >r. Mohoopany. S. C. Maithc vson, Clinton ZICA Lorr, Clerk. Mireh 31. 1 -63 3w. Special Notice. On and nficr JULY Ist, 1363, the privilege nfle sixpeurc is better .ban a slow slii ling " o L lIALLSI EAD A SON Nicholson, April 3, 1363 Dlunkin!! lllanks !!! liL.W K DEEDS SUMMONSES SUBfCEN'AES EXECUTIONS CONST A DEE'S SALES JustleeV, Constable's, and legal Blanks of ail kin K Nea/ly and Currccthj [winto lon good Pti/ier, I and f-ir silo at the Oiiivo of the "North Branch j '" TO THE LADIES. 1& SKEW MILLINERY —AND— SUM? ®©©®S ESTABLISHMENT:' i YT JH HAVE TIIE PLEASUREOF INFORM [NO I V > MIU that we lire now prep ired to iffjr you, ut j the house formerly occupied by Henry Stark io the j Borough of Tunkhatinovk, a NEW a;d carefully sel -1 cried stock of iffisiHsraai i tie I STRAW GOODS. in every variety, fiuJ of the latest styles anJ iinpor t it KIIIS. OUR STRAUS DEPARTMENT. Will f-on.ii.Jt ol every variety of BONNETS, HATS and TRIMMINGS to li found in that line, and of the latest an I most apprive I Sli ipes an t Stylos. MANTUA-MAKING. dV e have secure I the services of an experienced DIIISSS-MAKEIII, >nl at all times will be prepite! to Fit and Make Dresses in the latest an I most approved manner.— Soliciting your calls before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Yours, Uesj cctfullv. MRS. A G STARK. The Undersigned, having moved to Wilkesh.irre, woul I res|cttully ask tier friends an t old customers to give Mrs. A G. STAIIK, a eall before | urchusing elsewhefe MRS. C. T. MARSII. Tunkhnnnock, April 13, 1663. The Latest Styles. —OF— SFTtTNTCr & SUMMER 33 onnets, and MILLINERY GOODS, have just been received at the es'ah i-hment of LOUISA HEPBURN. on Tioga Street, opposite the Post-office, where will >e found Louies. Chilton. Misses, an I lluy's FLA TS. NATS, an I CAPS; HE\D-I>RE\\ ER-s, an I TRIMMINGS, ant everything in •he line of Millinery, which will be s .11 ct the lotcetl Cadi Prices. Itcpiiring promptly and neotl* done. Ladies please eall an 1 examine for themselves. Tuv.khannoik.Oct. 3, ISo2—v2till lywil M&WM ffASiffiP mm —AND— THE subseri'ier has ju-d received at his shop, over HankitiM n's Stoic, in MESHOP?EN PA., ti I will constat) ly kiepon h in I till the latest iMPAOVED COOKING STOVES Among whi h :■ r- tin "CALORIC," MINER ant 'UN lUN" patterns, with PAKL'tR STVESan. Heaters ot every description, whi* ti lie tffcrs for l^a,y it prices that will defy eotiij t titiori His st ees ire Ist i; it directlv ot t!io M inof i -tu r •rs at ALBANY, Wi LK i SIiARRE. PROVIDENCE •mi SCBANTtIN. lie is therefore enabled to sell them at a small adynn-e on the original cost TIN, SHEET-IRON, -AND- Copper Ware. ill kin Is on li nlanl ut 11 atoor I jr. A's I'IPU, It AGON IJOXISB, AM) 3LCIGII -BIHIES FOKSALE. The popular Cook in ; Stove, Forest Q, tie c 11, (Eleva'od oven) is now for 'ha first, offered at 820 for 8 inch, $23 for 9 : ucb, REPAIRING AND JOBfIJNS Qe.itly ant promptly done. IIENRY STANSBURY. Meshoppcn, Dec. 17th, ISC2—v2nl9ly. THE PATENT PARABOLA £3*®: SPEh'TACLES Constructed in accordance with the philosophy of nature, in the peculiar form of a CONC A VO-COX VEX ELIFSI?" A lniiriblv a lajfted to the organs of sight, and per iectly natural to the eye. TUB REST IIELP TO TIIE HUMAN VISION. EVER INVENTED. The advantages in the uc oi these Spectacles are, that they can be use I for the greatest length ot lime, either by day or night, with perfect ease to the eye never causing giddiness ot bead, or that unpleasant sensation ex|icrieno d in :ho use of the common kind, but tend to strengthen and Improve the sight The manufacturer has received testiuio, inls of their superiority from the most euiiucut men of all classes, an.on f whom arC lion J..S'ph 11 Chandler, Philadelphia. 1 • P Blair, P. M. G , Weshtnglolf. T S. Ar hur. F-q, Philalslphii Dr, George M t_ icllan, • I'e uhrant Peale, Artist, •' TI ■•'otirate I sp<*. |ai les are pur Timed hy the Sulfciiber irectlv from the Minufs,iu:vr, Inventor | tin t in Phil.i I dph i, an 1 are th first genu in - P imtioln Gl asses >v r offered to ifie people of this j County— all othcis are interior imitations. For sale by P C BURNS, Tunkhannock, Pa., Jan. 7, "(jj. Jewellers JACOB BEHLIIRIOF. /asl)ianauif Sluing, flair falling, AND SHAMPOOING SALGCN. Shop Oj?posite 31 ay nard's Hotel. Ladies' haircut in the most 'nshianuhle style, ei ther at his Saloon, or their resi lence, if desirable. Mr. Berlinghof is recently from New Y'ork city, where he was employed i:i the best establishments, • mil consequently feds warranted in guaranteeing; sntislaction to all who uiay favor him with their eus otu. I r 1MB" FOR FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZE ■IJ for sale at VERNOY | Mcsboppen, Sept. 18, 1861; RUNNING STILL! npilE OLD ESTABLISHMENT of the subscriber, I X is still in running order, through all the reverses ant panics of former days, since 1633, without being wound up, at which place you can find a good assort ment of DYES. DRUG i MEDICINES. ns can be found iu the county, ttairxnted genuine and pure. Boots, Shoes, Harness anil Leather, as go,id as the, and as cheap as the cheapest, and all the WORK WARRANTED Y'ou can get all kinds of Job Pri ting done to or der, and blanks of every kind constantly *,n hand, wl.ich, in style, are not surpassed by our large or county offices. TO THE LADIES. rest from your toil, and buy a SEWIDJG MAOZIUNTE3 The sunscriber h is also su -ree led in obtaining one of the best, and most reliable Sewing M o-bin s, lor the money, now in mar ef, vis: Davis's $45 Shuttle, and the S3O Franklin Machines, equal iu capacity to Wheeler A Wilson's $75, or Grov r A Baiter's 815 machine, and inakh g the same stitch, tthich is one third saving in buying here than at any other agency iu Northern Pennsylvania. Ecery Business Man ilo your own Printing ! IT WILL PAY! LOWE'S PATENT PORTABLE PRINTING PRESS. (the cheapest in the United States ) (or sale. Price, from 85 to $23 fm a | f ss. Office complete, from $lO to $75 with type and a'l necessa ry material Call and See them, or send for a circu lar of full particulars. Particul r attention is called to SPRING a RHEUMATIC ELIXER, and very effective Liniment, for nil Rhefftnattc pains. Headache, Dvptberia, A.-, f>r sale in M hoopany by Dr. Berke* A Co. an 1 Ilenry Love; on Russell lliil by T. Stempl s; at Fork-ton by Mr. Garey ; at Me shop|>en by Henry Stansbury. A trial of the medi cine, will in II cases, prove satislactory. Try it, and be convinced. IIRICK ! >5 0.000 Brick for sale. Thanktul for past favors ih° subscriber is determ i.ied, by strict attention to business, to merit still fur ther patronage. T D. SPUING. Laceyville, 6ept. 24,1362 —v2n7. TRY Til K NICHOLSON MILLS!! (NEAR BACONS OLD STAND.) 11 HIS Mill has bcn lately re-fitted an 1 all the modern improveitffent3 added and is now in charge ot Mn. rsAcoN, of Nicholson. Wyoming county, one of the best Mil- ' lets in :be country. Particular attention paid to Custom Work, which will be done on short notice ALL WORK WARRANTED, and if n-vt satisfac 'orily done may be returned at the expense of the subscribers. FLOUR of all kinds, MEAL an I FEED constant !y on hand and tor sale, at the Lowest Cash prices iw Cash or Flour paid foi grain at the Highest Cash prices. D C. BACON. Proprietor PICTURE UALTTRY AMERCTYFES, PhOTlLHnrnb, ntBU iN RRINTJ, &C. ANEW PICTI RE GALLERY In- 'u-" teen cesv. cd in Tutikhaiuio k, which is su I vi.h en tire new material for the taking of P* *•• in the Photographic Art. The un lersigne I b.i-- ve-fitted mt furnisheJ the Sky-Light G-llerv in Samuel Stark's Brick Block, afi l Is now prepared t< t ike Pictures iu the latest and most improved style of Hie Art a mm i; ue He has purchased a srilendid essortment of Cases, among whi h are tli Union, Band Clasp, Octagon Oval Gilt Frarrtes, Gilt Trays , *J-c., —very neat utid Jrgirable patterns—besides a variety of plain and fancy Cases, of every sue and description. The foregoing, he thinks, arc inlucements sufficient for every one to come to the Picture Gallery and secure one of those " faithful shadous"— " Which light anl art, with magic spell, By working together, can catch so well 1" If not, there are other considerations. llow impor tant that you secure a faithful likeness of your frien is and relatives ere it is too late. You have all experi enced something of the satisfaction afforded in gazing on the Picture of an absent friend ; and some of you hi ve known tho sad pleasure derived from possessing the likeness of some loved one who has been laid be no.ith the church yard mound, and felt that •' No price could take from you A memento so cherished ; For, how sacred the shadow. Since thj substance has peris' ed.' But you perchance have friends st II with you whose pictures you have not yet secured. If so make it the business of to-lay, to morrow may be too late Then come to the Picture Gallery in Samuel Stank's Brick Block —third Story—a few doors cast of Wall's llotel and secure one ot those •' faithful shadoics " ALYIN DAY. TunkhannockDec. 10, I§62.—v 2ulß THE MAGIC TJfi OBSERVER. The Perfection of Media:. ism. BEIXG A HUXTIXG ast) OPEN FACE, on LADV'S OR GENTLEMAN'S WATCH COMBINED. One of the prettiest, most oavenient, and decided ly the best an I eheajicst timepiece for general and rclitble use, ever offered. It his within it and cfrft nivled wnh its machinery, its own win ting attach ment, rendering ak 'f entirely unnecr-sary. The cages of this Wateh are • ompo£e,l of tyq metals, the outer one being fine 15 curat gol I jf has the im proved ruby a.-fiiui lever tAoVeinent, an i is Warrartt -1 el an Accurate tint-piece, Pri e, .-tferblv engrave', per i-Asc of a half dozen 52C4,(0. '.aicple Watches, j i.i rn-af morocco IHIXCS, f tum well known prominent p rsons which I will send to any on o free by map. J. R. STAFFOKD, Cbeiaist, fudHr- 442 Broadway, New York Revenue Stamps, FOR SALE BY T. A. MILLER, at the Post'OfficCj Tuakhanaock. Ta | v2t03% i THE SUBSCRIBER IIAS HAD IN SUCCESSFUL operation, for several years. a H : £f £g £ £ "f, AT TOWATffDA, where all of the most approi'cd and r.ire kin l.i of FRUIT 6r ORNAMENTA L TREES, VINES AND FLOWEUS I Can be obtained. j Being tunr ce I from expetienee thai his 'Pre-s i an 1 PI mts. will giie fir bett - 8 iti-facti-ui to tlie Fruit-growers of Wyoming Couuty ih HI any giuuu in other locali ies, he tunfi lenily soli itsthcir patron age. lie will make annual visits eithernn person or by his agents to must of the townships of Wyoming Co , an I asks only th it his s|ie imens may be examined an t bfs n.el ho lof dealing le teste 1 Al! oriors by 1 tier oro.herwi.-e, for Trees, vires or pi tits will be promptly attended to, v2ti3l-ly. D lIARK INS. ,CS'B RELIABLE News Arrive! of a SEW if-O® -OF-- Fall &Wiliter THE subscr her heps leave to inform his numerous fiends and customers, that l.'e has fast n turned from i'hiladelphia and New l'ork. with the fargrst anil prst Sricclcii Stork nf Fancy Gomls Shawls, Cloaks, Sitssintrrfs, gatintb MEN'S WEAR IN GENERAL, YANKEE NOTIONS, 3HB Ever brought to this County. He has alto bought-' Fine Stock of ILadies' &hes ; —AND— GAITERS, HATS, an I a Full Lin? of YMC7 b.;ugbt at ASTONISH IN 3 LOW PRICES. As regards the Quality an I Si vies of (ioo< K be de fies iiiiupetition. A- regards Price.-., lie only assures (lis friends, th il long e\|ierien.-e in tin; ie enables niin to buy, tin I tberefoptj sell eheapor ill in any one else outside the city. A l.iir trial is all i e esls. Ao 'trouble fo Show Goods. Thankful f>r the very iiirl patron ge heretofore bestowed >ti hiiu, he will, bv strictly hottest dealing, ind he cutter a close U'teii ion to business, try to merit a continuance ot the suuc, John Well. Tunkhannock, Oct 15, 1562. JBeemea s9 s STOKEI at Falts. A LARGE, NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK ol Seasonable Goods, of all kind* it nowpeipg received at BEEMERS CASH STOHE! AT !?AI!L3. , Having been purchased at PRICES far 3ELOW lift MMKET RATES! dnd selling exclcsircly for 3FLe>£tciy- Pay he is enabled !o undersell any Store in this part, of the country. In the line of Domestic Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, —and— G-rooeries, HE DEFIES COMPETITION. His stock ol Cloths, Vassimeres, is complete. Also, HATS AKN CAPS. In fact he has (Oofrijiljnig to Snjijiti) ttjc lUaotsoftljf PEOPLE . The JIIGHESTCASH PRICES will be paid fo HITTER, EGGS, and GRAIN of all kinds, in c* I change for Goods. lie returns his thanks to the people of his neigh hoih'xid fir their liberal patronage ; anl l;y fair a id honest dealing, ho|cs to continuance of the same C'anal Boat for Sale.' A e.ana| l out, the Union Clipper. Jla-vintr nur.-he bis?.- VgaiyUV. 1 attrlingvillo, April I ISC3-