North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, March 11, 1863, Image 1
m ifldb Irancb Democrat SICKLEH, Proprietor.! NEW SERIES, prlli fOTffr Bcmorrat. A weekly Democratic ... 3Y HARVEY SICKLE!}. Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) 51.50. If not pain within six months, 52.00 will be charged. /yptr "ERTISING. 10 lines or ( \ \ I . j less, make chree .four , tiro three six one one square wetke. weeks mo th year Fw'rT Toof U25:~2A5 2,57! 3.00 ; 5.00 H , ofltf 2.50 3.25 3.50 4,50' 0.00 I do 300 3,75 4.75} 5,50, 7,00. 9,00 ftfelumn 4 00l USO 6.50 6,0f 10,00.15,00 i do 6GO 7,00 10,00 12.00 17,00 25,00 * do' 800 0,50 14,00 18,00' 25,00. 35,00 I do! 10,00:12,00 17,00 22,00/28,00 s 40,00 Business Cards of one square, with paper, 85. JOB WORK of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit the times. Business Botirrs. BACON STAND.—Nicholson, Pa. C. L JACKSON, Proprietor. [vln49rf] H" S. COOPER, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON . Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa. f(EO. S. TUTTOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Vl' Tunkhannock, Pa. Office in Stark's Brick Block. Tioga street. , nrjl. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of- XX in Stark's Brick Bloek, Tioga St., Tunk hanns'-k. Pa. T ITTLE HEWITT, ATTORNEY'S AT Li LAW, Office on Tioga sfcrest, Tunkhannock, Pa. r.. n. LITTLE. j M<HI. T V. SMiTiU M. D . PHYSICIAN A SUBGBON, .1 • t'.'.icc i! Bridge Street, next door to the Demo vat O'.k.-v. Tunkhannock, Pa. fl ARYBY tttCKLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW J'l and GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT-Of ve. Bridge street, opposite Wall's Hotel, Tunkhan u. xf-. 3V=\ Graduate o lite University of Pciin'a ) Respectfully offers his professional sc.rices to the eitizens of Tunkhannock and vicin'. ,y. lie can he found, when not pioltssionally ergag<(, either at ois Drug Store, or at his resideuee on Futna.u Street. DR. J. C. CORBELIUS, HAVING LOCAT ED AT THE FALLS, WfLL tromptiy intend all calls in the line of iii.s profess "in—way he fouri 1 et Becmcr's Hotel, when nut professionally absent. Falls, Oct. 10, ISSI. DR. J. C BECKER & Co., I'IiYSK I.fNS ds SUPGROrS, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Wy oming that they have located at Mehoopauy, where they will promptly attend to all calls in the line <>f their profession. May be found at Li.-: faro when not professionally absent. T M. CAREY, HI. i>.— (tire luate of the q •) • hi. Institute, Cincinnati) would respectfully announce to ibe citizens of Wyoming end l.uzornc Counties, that he e mtinucs his icgutnr practice in the various departments of his profession. May i.e tour d •t his office or residence, when not professionally ab sent I Particular attention g'.ven to tho treatment. Chronic Diseas. entremnreland. Wyoming Co. Fa.—\2n2 WALL'S HOTEL" Z.ATZJ AMEiiICAW 2ZCZ7SE/ TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING Cb„ P i. piIIS establishment has recently been refitted and i furnished in the latest style Ever, attention will he given to the coictort and convenience of those wzo patronize the IJon*e. T. B WALL, Owner and Proprietor. Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861. WORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA RILEY WARNED, Prcp'r. HAVING resumed the proprietorship of She above Hotel, the undersigned will st <re no effort to reader the house an agreeable place ol sojourn for *ll who may favor it with their custom. RILEY WARNER. September 11,1861. IYIAYHARB'3 H 3TSL, TINKHAWOO'K, WYOMING COUNTY. PENNA. JOHN MAYXABW, VTonrletor, HAVING taken the Hotel, in the Borough of Tunkhannock, recently occupied by Riley harper, the proprietor respc-tfully solicits a share of public patronage. The House has been thoroughly repaired, and the comforts and accomodations of a class Hotel, will be found bv all who uiav favor t with their custom. Seplemhc 11. 1861 M. GIL.MA.N, " MGILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk • hannoek Borough, and respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of this place and surrounding country. ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIS FACTION. Office over Tutton's Law Office, near tho Pos Office. Rec. 11, 1861. HOWARD ASSOCTATIONT~ IV T, , HHILADELPMA. yr. Rdufqflhe Sick If Distressed, afflicted with virulent ond Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases ,fifu Sexual Organs V 1U? lviCC f?lvca z nti9 > by the Acting Snrgeon Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea or Seminas Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Or„* i 3 and on the New Remediesemployed in the Dispem,u >*y, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelope f -te of charge. Two or three stamps for postage will be adaptable. Address, Dr. J SKILLIN HOUGH £4N, Ahting Surgeou, Howard Association, Nsoly Street, Philadelphia Pa, ln2oly. resh Ground Platter Ip Quantities „ >Dd &t Pceß to suit pureiutoers, now for sale & t* Mowgy J Hoet's Corner. [Written for the DEMOCRAT.J &ETJEJR VIEVE. BY STELLA, OF LACKAWANA. I gaze from my lowly cottage— My cottage upon the lea, On a proud and stately mansion, Whose splendor is not for me : And I sigh in the misty gloaming, As, out through the leafy oars, I watch, from toy curtainless casement, A turret beneath the stars ; That shimmers now in the moonlight— The moonlight, white and cold, While the shadows gather deeper Over the glistening wold. Oh, many a misty twilight, And many a moonlight eve, I watch for tho softened footsteps Of the maiden Genervieve; And her proud and stately lover, That met her a year ago : Ah me ! to be born a peasant, Is never a joy to know! She is happy, Oh, so happy, To-night beneath the stars, For I heard tne words she tnurmurod, Out through uiy leafy bars: But she thinks not of the maiden, Born on the thriftless lea ; I never had a lover- Would she but pity me ! *#-< + * I am watching, watching, watching ! What can the matter be ! The lever*—l have not seen them Whispering on the lea : For many a misty twilight, And many a moonlit eve: What hath the kuight befallen, Or tho laaidnu Gecervieve '? Dark ai-e the mansion windows, And the hall lights flicker dim ; From tho door of her stately chamber, She will no more to him : In her young and radiant beauty, bhe softly fell asleep:— Oh. I never had a lover, But I know her owu will weep: And he 11 walk in the misty twilight. And sigh in the moonlit eve, For the fair and winsome maiden— The geniie Gr.t fcfa.viKt k. Select Jlbri). <-o sixty AM) siXTfcia::. General 8. Aubyn was standing befoje his mirror husilv engaged in the adjustment of his nepk-dotli. " Don found th!a neckerchief!" he exclaim ed, giving it pull this way and u twitch that. " Jim, what' the reason my neck-rigging won't set as trimly as t ours ? You young chaps have a'knack that I somehow can't get the hang of, about the dress." "I iiiii sine i can't account for it, uncle," laughed a handsome young man about twen one. " Perhaps it's something incident to youth, hke scarlet fever, or falling in love !" "That'sjust it, Jim. The fact is—now* let me catch ycu laughing if you dare, you young rogue—l'm going to be married." " Going to be married, uncle !" exclaimed James Ashley, in open-eyed astonishment " 1 never dreamed of it!" " How should you, when you only arrived yesterday from a year's absence in Europe ? I'm going to call on her this morning, Jim— come with iuo, and be (introduced to the sweMcst sixteen alive?" " Only sixteen, do you say, Uncle ?" "Don't look so horrified, Jim ; of n >urse I don't expect her to be desperate!/ ;n iove with an old codger like me—ihur would be unreasonable. But she'll m.kt me a sweet dutiful little wife, and I, there's no us in talking—l can only say one tiling; the Lord deal with me us I shall deal with the child." The old man lilted his hands reverently towards heaven as he spoke. Josephene Clare was sitting among her flowers in sunshine, blonde and golden-hair ed, with blue oyes, and little moulli, tinted with the softest crimson. One tiny d.mple cleft her round chin, and the peachy bloom upon her cheeks was such as comes only to sixteen. No wonder General St. Aubyn lost his heart to the wonderously beautiful child—it must have been an iron sort of a machine if he hadn't. She rose with varying color to meet her fine old lover as he entered. " Josie," he said cheerily , after the first words of salutation had been exchanged, " I am not alone to day ; let mo introduce my nephew* James Ashley." Josehpene lifted her blue eyes to the stranger's face for the first time with a wild, terrified gaze—the peach blossom faded from her cheek, and the General St. Aubyn know she fainted in his arms. "What's the matter?" stammered the veteran in breathless terror, "Is she dead ? is she dying? For heaven's sake get some cold water. Open the windows somebody— bring burnt feathers !" "Do lay the poor child dowD. General." "TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RlGHT."—Thomas Jefferson, TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH ,11 1863. exclaimed Miss Betsy Care, Josepliene's aunt, who rushed in at thisjuncture. " Don't hold her so tight. There now, she's comin' round all right, don't you see ?" The General looked on admiringly—all his military tactics seemed as nothing to the deftness with which Miss Betsy managed matters. " What could have made you faint, my love ?" he asked, when she was smiling again. " I don't know," she murmured ; " it was the -heat, I suppose ?" " And where's Jim ?" asked the perplex ed warrior. "If you mean that tall young shaver," struck in Miss Betsy, " he's gone home like % fellow of sense, seeing he couldn't be of no use here." " General St. Aubyn," said Josephine, in a very low voice, " 1 know you will think me a silly little goose, but please don't bring that young .nan here again." " Josephine, my love, why not?" " Because—because—" faltered the girl, playing with his watch chain, and hiding her flushed face against his breast, " its a whim of mine*" " Well, just as you say Josie,'' said the old General, " but I must remark, it's per fectly unaccountable." " Women are unaccountable creatures," said Joeephene, trying to laugh. " And now tell me about our now pictures." But long after the General had gone, the child bride lay on the sofa, shutting out heaven's light from her eye with closely Hasjied hands and breathing out the wild, wa< ling moans that can come only from a broken he*Vt. Poor, sacrificing Josephine Clare. When Gen. St. Aubyn returned to his room at his 'votel, he found James Ashley pacing the floor with hutried steps. " Unole." he said, looking up r.s the Gen era! entered, " 1 have changed fly tuind about the far-away official post in India. Will you obtain the appointment for me ?" " Certainly ; but, names you would be obliged to sad immediately." " The sooner the better, sir. Every hour that 1 rcmaiu in this country secirs an age to me." " James." said Gen. St. Aubyn, regarding his nephew with a keen piercing ir.ize, " what d?s this iuean? And why does Josephine i Ijoci to reeing you again—There is some mystery here." * ; i would to heaven T had died eto I had gone there to-day,'" gasped Ashley. "Ask me no further, Uncle, it is best for the happiness of all to bury the past in eternal oblivion." Gen. Sc. Aubyn stood a moment in deep thought &s James hastily quitted the room. Suddenly a new light seemed to break upon him—lie grew deadly pale and clenched his hands firmly. " l have it he muttered betwoen his teeth " th'B is the girl to whom James was engaged before he went to Europe and that mercenary scoundrel Clare would have broken both their hearts and put me in a false position to secure his own ends— Two long hours"Gen. St. Aubyn paced his room—the mental conflict was sharp and fierce, but the noble heart triumphed. The next day he sought Josephine's presence, af ter a long interview with her father. 1; Josephine," he said would you object to celebrating the wedding next week instead of next month ?" She looked up in surprise. " A bridegroom is privileged to be impa tient," he said lightly. "It shall be as you desire," 6hc replied passively. Pale and lovely as her own pearls, Jose phine Clare stood at the ilireshold of the church, waiting for the bridegroom's cor lege. At letigih u came, and Gen. St. Au byn stepped forward. " Josephine,"' he whispered "my gener ous noble girl, I foared the bridegroom of six ty would be ill-suited to your fresh bloom, and so I have substituted one of one-and twenty. Jim, come forward you scamp ! And lam goin to be on hand to give away the bride." Josephine thought she was in a blissful dream ; but no—it was true—and almost ere she could realize the now state of things, she was tightly married to James the first and only love, and the General folding her in his arms, whispered : " Your father and I have arranged matters all right, dearest. Don't thank me, for al though I have lost a wife, I have gained the sweetest of little nieces. I'ua quite satisfied, Josie." And so were Mr. and Mrs, James Ashley. — UNION LEAGUES. —We observe that the Abolition papers are busily engaged in efforts to get up what they call Uniou Leagues. This is a piece of gross decepiion. There is no Unionism in the Abolition party. The Uniou Leauge is an organization to prevent a restoration of the Union. Phillips has truly declared that the Abolitionists " hoped for and planned disunion," and Thad. Stevens has declared in Congress that " with his con sent, the Union shall never be restored Those therefore, who join these Leauges, do it to destroy the Union- THE LAST DAYS OF PAULINE, Thus far, vice and excees had been the must conspicuous feature of Pauline's conduct she now showed Iv rself capable of heroism, sacrifice, and devotion—qualities which the world has a right to expect of those who, though not born, are at least bred upon the steps of the throne. She 6pent the winter of 1813—14 at Nyes and Ayres, in the South of France. On the 20ih of April, Napoleon left Fontainbleau for Elba, after what has been stigmatized as '* a scene of desertion never equalled in an)' age of the world—ter giversations too hideous to -be creditable, if not recorded by eye-witnesses." Pauline quitted Ayres in order to meet him near Frejus. While waiting, she witnessed many of the fearful tumults which were excited by the passage of the '' Corsican tyrant." She saw his statues overturned aud his life men aced. The brother and sister met at Lue, at two o'clock in the afternoon of the 26th of April. Napoleon entered the chamber of the Princess; she extended her arms, but burst into teats on seeing that he wore an Austrian uniform as a disguise. " Why this uniform ?" she asked. " Vi by, Pauline," returned Napoleon, re proachfully, " wonld you have me dead ?" Pauline looked at liim steadily and 6aid, " I cannot embrace )*ou in that dress. Oh Napoleon, what have you done ?" Napoleon withdrew and changed his cos tume. He returned in the costume of the Old Guard. Pauline pressed him to her heart again and again, astonishing those who best knew her by this unexpected burst of feeling. But Pauline could act as well as weep.— She with Madame Mere, followed Napoleon to Elba in October the same year. She aban doned the frivolities and gaities to which, for years, stie had been accustomed, and devoted herself with untiring energy io farthering tho pians formed for his escape. She placed ail her jewels at his disposal. Napoleon nev er used them. They were in his carriage at Waterloo, ..liich wa* taken by the Allies, and exhibited for money at London. The dia- rnouds had disppeared ; it was never known into whose hands they had fallen. On the 26th of February, 18 : f>, she *ta?e a ball *o HI the principal pers*images at Zlbn, a: s d that veay night I'cpuleon stepped on board the Wig I'incons'.aut, aud weighed author for Fr;. :e<.. Pauline and Napoleon never met agu.ii. She returJc i to Home and he to Pa i s, lroui whence by to Waterloo, he passed on to Lit. Helen.-.. Don Cantille was now compelled by the re ctoraiion of Piedmont to the Austrian rule, to resume his allegiance as a Roman subject- He refused to see or receive his wife; but the.Pope took the matter into his own hands and appointed a committee or Cardinals to decide upon a method of reconciliation. The prince was ordered to share his palace with the princess, and to place one hundred and fifty thousand francs a year at her disposal. Ue obeyed, but ungraciously, and finally re tired to Florence, where he built a palace for his own private use, leaving to her the inni vidual control ol his superb establishment at Rome. Pauline was still marvelously beautiful, though her health was delicate aud her con stitution impaired. She was surrouuded with admirers, the most ardent of whom was Lord Brougham. He was admitted to the mysteries of her toilet, and she allowed him to sit on the floor before her and hold her feet in his hands. He was also permitted, as a great favor, to baud pins to her dressing maids when they needed them in the arrange ment of her person. " How can you take pleasure," some one asked her, " in the society of men who have imprUod your brother at St. Helena !" " Can you understand," she replied vehe mently, " that I enjoy the sight of these men so arrogant, now humbling themselves to the dust of my sandals ? Can you not see that the CV.tnplaints of that British peer are sweet music to my soul ? He stands for hours to give pins to my waiting-maid, be cause they are to touch my person. lie has thocour e-3 to confront the caprices of a wo man, but he does not, dare not speak before Ins Parliament in behalf of that woman's brother, that he be more kindly treated in his accursed dungeon at St. Helena ? And this man hopes that I may love him! And the others hope that I may love them ! If 1 had neither heart nor soul, perhaps I might! Let ihera love on and sutler the penalty." Paulino became convinced, in 1821, that Napoleon was dying at St. Helena. She wrote a letter to Lord Liverpool, then Prime Minister of England, in which she earnestly begged, in the name of all the members of the family, that her brother might be moved to a less dangerous climate. "If 60 reasonable a request be refused," she said, "it will be pronouncing bis sentence of death—ir. which case I beg permission to depart for St. Hele na, to join my brother and receive his last sigh. I feel that the moments of his life are numbered, and 1 shall reproach myself if I do not use all the means in my power to allevi ate his sufferings and testify my devotion." The Earl of Liverpool granted the latter portion of her request; but too late. Napo leon was already dead at the date of Pau line's appeal Sne now 6ank into a rapid decline, though she continued to live tn a constant whirl of gaiety. Foreigners visiting Rome, formed her principal society ; they found her recep tions and entertainments hospitable, refined, sumptuous. Early in 1825, she went to Pisa for a change of air. It was evident to her self as well as to her friends, that she could not long survive. She now performed the last eccentricity of an eccentric life. Though possessed of no fortune whatever, and living upon the forced bounty of her husband, she composed and executed an imposing instrument, which she called her will- In this she made large and numerous legacies, forming in the aggregate a sum of princely magnificence. Don Camilla now recalled her to Florence, where a recon ciliation was effected aud mutual forgiveness extended. The Princess Borghose expired in the arms of the Prince on the Bth of June, 1825. With a generosity of which he hardly seemed capable, and which she had certainly done nothing to deserve, he recognized and paid the bequests that she made wihtout con sulting or considering the state of his fortune. Napolean often mentioned Pauline at St. Helena. He considered her the handsomest woman of her tilne, and said that artists were accustomed to speak of her as the modern Venus de Medici. When at Nice, she es tablished, he said, a daily line of baggage wagon to and from Paris, to bring her sup plies of the new fashions. " Had I known it, ' he added, " She would have been sound ly scolded. After all, she was the kindest creature in the world." Gems of thought. ihe friendship of some people is like our shadow keeping close while we are walking in the sunshine, and leaving us the moment we enter the shade. Lharacter is like money ; when you have a great deal, you may risk some ; for ifyoa loose it. folks will still believe you have plenty to spare. It you wish to dispense with butter, take a sweet plump datnsed to wife and you can relish your crust and coffee at breakfast without any but her. Keep your body ,-ound ; as wine savors of the it is kept in. the soul receives a tinc ture fro i tie frame through which it works. In oar adversity it is night with us ami in tee night many beasts of prey range abroad that keep their dens through the day. Morose, solemn, and inflexible men enjoy in general a grcator share of dignity than of happiness. Benevolence is a beautiful plant in the gar den of the soul. Good deeds are its blossoms. Hope and fear are the springs of all our actions. Skillful mariners get their art in tempestous storms; any novice can sail on a smooth sea. Slanderers are like flies that hunt and fas ten upon sores. He who serves only himself is the slaves of a fool. Old age is a relentless tyrant. THE DIFIERENCE.— Mr. Lincoln's Abolition postmaster at Wheeling is the editor of a paper there which delibralely and nndisguise dly called for some Cnariolte Corday to step forth and assassinate Mr. Valiandighatn ! This proposition was copied with appropal into the Celevland Leader newspaper, edited by another of Mr. lincoln 4 s postmaster. —When Kees, of the Circleville Watchman, expressed suprised that the men of new Orleans did not shoot Butler lor having brutally insulted their wives and daughters ; he was sent to Fort Warren. Has any one ever heared of the postmster at Wheeling or Clevlatid being reproved for calling for the assassination of Vallandigham, whose crime consisted in having dared to fearlessly represent the sen timent of his constituents ?— Newark (O.) Advocate WHISKEY ADN NEWSPAPERS A glass oi whiskey is manufacturd from a dozen grains of corn, the value which is too small to be es timated. A pint of this mixture sells for one shilling, and if a good brand, is considered well worth the money. It is drank in a min ute or two—it fires the brain, sharpens the appetite, deranges and weakens the p.iysical system. On the same sidboard on which this delicious beverage is served, lies a news paper. It is covered with half a million of type—it brings intelligence from the quarters of the globe. The newspaper costs less than the'glass of grog—the juicee of a few grains of corn ; but it is no less strange than true that there is a portion of the community who think corn juice cheap and the newspaper dear. JKTThe Abolitionis felt certain that Cam eron could buy a Democrat to vote for him, and thus secure his election to ibe U. S. Sen ate. Ilis failure sorely vexss them. They howl "mob violence" in one and stul tify themselves, in the next, by attributing the result to a want of fraternity among their own members. What they wanted most was a few votes, and that will be the cryiug want of tho abolition party for many years to iconic- ( TERMS s SLOO FEB. AJCNTJM PoliticaL THE CONSCRIPTION The Conscription bill, which passed the Senate some days*since, was passed by the House on Wednesday, with a few amend ments, one of which confines the term of ser- ; vice oi the conscripts to the continuance of the war, not however, to exceed three years,'" (in the Senate bdl five years:) another re lates to spies found lurking about fortifica tions and camps, providing for their trial by general court martial, on military commis sion, and making their punishment death on conviction ; a third strikes oat of the section relating to prodost marshals, that part mak ing it their duty to inquire into and report to the Provost Marshals General all treasonable practices. On the final passage of the bill in the House the yeas were IJS, nays 49, as follows: YEAS — Messrs Aldrich, Arnold, Alley, Ashley, Babbitt, Baily, Baker, Bearcan, Bing ham, Blair of irginia. Blair of Pennsylvania, Blake, Brown of Virginia, Buffinton, Calvert, Campbell, Casey, Chamberlain, Clark, Colfax Fredrick A. Conkling, Roscoe Conkling, Co vode. Crisfield, Cutler, Davis, Daws, Delano,' Diven, Dunn, Edgerton, Eliot, Ely, Edwards, Fenton, Samuel C. Fessenden, Thomas A. D. Fessenden, Flanders, Fisher, Franchot, Frank Gooch, Goodwin, Granger, GurJey, Hahn, Ilaight, 1..a1e, Harrison, Hickman, Hooper, llorton, Ilutchins, Julian, Kelley, Francis W- Kellogg, William Kellogg, Killinger, Lansing, Lehman, Leary, Loomis. Loveloy, Lor, M!Jc doe, M'Kean, M'Knight, M'Pherson, Mar ston, Maj'nard, Mitchell, Moorhead, Mqrrill of Maine, Morrill of Vermont, Nixon, Giin, I atton, Phelps of California, Pike, Pouifjroy Pcrter, Rice of Massachusetts, Rice of Maine. Riddle, Rollins, of X. 11., Sargeaat, Sedgwick Segar, Shanks, Sheffield, Shellabarger,' Sher man, S.'oan, Spaulding, Stevens, Stratton, Shomas of Mass., Thomas of Traiu, I rimble, Trowbridge, Vandever, Van Horn, Yerre. Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walton. Wash burne, Webster, Wheeler, White of Indians, i'son, Yr indom and Worcester. ;:AVS.— Me isrs. Allen of Ohio, Allen of Illinois, A neons, Diddle, Clements, Couway, Corning, Cox. Cravens, Crittendon, Delap la'.ne, Dunlap, English. Fouke, Grider, Hali Harding, Holman, Johnson, Knapp, Kerrigan, Law, Lazer, Mallory, May, Menzies, Moris, Noble , Norton, Nugent, Pandleton, Par by, Price, Robinson, Rollins of Missouri, 'tShie!, Steele of N. Y., Steele of N. J., Stiles, Val landigham, Yoorhers, Wudsworth, Ward, Whalev, White of Ohio, Wickliffe, Wood Woodruff, and Yeaman. The bill divides the militia into two clasc=>, All persons subject to military duty between the ages of twenty and thirty five years, and all unmarried persons subject to military du ty above the age of thirty-live and under forty-five, constitutes the fir6t class, and will be first 6alled into service The second class comprises all other persons subject th military duty; that is all all married men between thirty-five and forty five years of age. This class will not be called into service until the first class is exhausted. The conscription in cludes Congressmen, Assemblymen, Alder men, Quakers, Shakers, Menonists, Dunkards. Clergymen, Indians and Negroes, and if suc cessful to the extent contemplated wilhde prive almost every family in the loyal States of one or more of its members As we under stand it, one of the amendments of the bill 'urns over to the civil authorities all persons arrested by provost marshals for treasonable practices. The New York Herald , in a vein rather sportive for the occasion, remarks: •' The able bodied Quakers, like the resit of their fellow-citizens between twenty and for ty-five years of age, if called upon, must pock et their conscienscious scruples and go forth , to fight, or fork out three hundred dollars each for a substitute. It is nonsense to talk of resistance. The laws must be obeyed. The Quakers and Shakers, we know, wiH not resist; the Indians are alwas ready for war purposes, and the niggers like white men, have no choice. Attention, C'aucassians and Africans, Indians Shakers and Quakers T To the right about, face ! Shoulder arms !" ANOTHER ARREST. Last week, Alexander Harris, Esq., of Lan caster, was arrested at York on a charge of uttering treasonable language. He was^ bru't before judge Fisher, on a habeas corpus, who delivered the following opinion, discharging the prisoner. His accussers of course claim ed that the habeas corpus was suspended : " The Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Pennsylvania provide that ' the privilege of the writ of habeas cor pus shall be suspended, only in case of re vel lion or invasion, the public safety may ic quire it.' Even admitting the power <JI the President to suspend the writ of habem cor pus, which he did not do, no rebellipn or in basion exists HERE. The Courts are all open and laws in force. There is a tefil remedy for every infraction of law, -and therefore wo are under civil and not military authority, with all the rights of citizens under the Con stitution and laws of the United States and this Commonwealth. The Constitution of the United States declares that, no pers' - n ' shall be deprived of life, liberty or prfir ' without due process of law' and the ''(j™.?;* tution of Pennsylvania declare, that bo citi zen 'can bo deprived of his life, liberty or pro perty unless by the judgement of hie nee ran the law of the land.' At there w*s £ w ,r rant, and the proqessoflaw rdqaiLJ'hv !u~ Constitution of tho United States £ } it f YOL.2, N0.31.