North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, January 21, 1863, Image 1

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    j I SlC^lT Proprietor.)
gorfij sranrli fentoirah
weekly Democratic
psper, devoted to Pol- - * -SgSfef 1L
ties, News, the Arte J| }'&? ■
and Sciences Ac. Pub- - jjffigj-'
g*v, at Tunkhannoek, Wjfp p
tfvoniing County.Pa. ~-/ jj||jw H—J
Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) $1.50. If
not pain within six months, 5'2.00 will be charged.
!0 lints or . J < •; i
less, make three four tu-a .three six one
rne square tcetks'ireeksmu th mo th mo th year
fsauare~ To<>~L2s 2.25 : 2,87; 3.00, 5,00
T I 200 2.50 3,25 35n -1.50. 0.00
3 fo. sffi 3.75: 4,75; 5,50? 7,00) 9,00
I Column 4,00* 4,50; 0.5& i 8,00 10,00 15 00
do 6 00* 700 10, CO 12.00 17.00 25 00
I do. 8,00: 9.50 11,00; 13,00.25,00 .>.->.OO
I 1 do. 10,00112,00 i 17,00> 22,00] 28,WP 40,00
Business Cards of one square, with paper, So.
of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to .skit
the times.
ftaiitfss JtLifircs.
BACDN *TA\ !>.—Nicholson, Pa. C. L
JACKSOS, Proprietor. fvln49tf]
• Newton Centre, Lucerne County l\i.
VJT Tunkhannoek, i'a. OBice m Stark's Biiek
flock, Tioga street.
VV See in Stark's Brick Block, Tioga St., Tunk
hannoek, Pa.
Ij LAW, Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannoek,
J • Office on Bridge Street, next door to the Demo
crat Office, Tunkhannoek, l'a.
£ca. Bridge street, opposite Wall's Hotel, Tunkkan
no-k Pa.
J. W. niIOABS, M. D ,
Graduate of the University of Penn'a.)
Respectfully offers hi- profes-ional service- to the j
/Ititens of Tunkhannoek and vicinity, lie can be i
f 'und, when riot profi-ssionally engaged, cither at his
Drug State, nr at his resideuce on PUT tin Street.
ED AT THE FALLS. WILL promptly attend
.all calls in the line of hi? pr. fession—may be found
ct Dcemer's Hotel, when ::ut pr-fcssionally absent,
halls, Oct. 10, 1361.
DK. J. C If EC K I If V <'(|
Would respectfully arm to the i-itiz -lis o f Wr- |
oming that they have located at AJri opa> y. where
lacy will promptly attend to all <-ail- i.; the line of
their profession. May l.e fund at his Drug Storo
when not professionally absent.
JM. CAREY, >l. D.— (Graduate of the q
. M. I nstitute, Cincinnati) would respectfully '
Maounce fo the citizens of Wyoming an I Luzerne
Counties, that he c-ntinue.s hi? regular practice in the
minus departments of his profession. May ne found
t his office or residence, when not professionally ab-
Particular attention given to the treatment
Chronic Diseas.
cntremoreland, Wyoming Co. Pa.—v2n2
'THIS establishment has recently been refitted and
J- furnished in the latest style Every attention
will be given to the comfort and convenience of those
who patronize the Ilou-e.
T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor.
Tunkhannoek, September 11, 1361.'
LTAY ING resumed the proprietorship of the above
AT Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to
fwder the house an agreeable place ot sojourn for
S! ' who may favor it with their custom.
II. 1561.
OII N MAYNA RI) , Proprietor.
J-| taken the Hotel, in the Borongh of
■r bunkbaDiKiek. recently occupied by Riley
arner, the proprietor respectfully solicits a share ot
patronage. Jbe House has been thoroughly
'i, 1 omforts and accomodations of a
rn class Hotel, will be found by ail who may favor
w "n their custom. toptemUe- | ] tfifii
i\T OILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk-
T hannoek Borough, and respectfully tenders his
j -a cssional services to the citizens of this place and
mrrounding country.
Pcf p " 0mc ° oTer Tutton 8 Law Office, near th Pos
Persons indebted to the subscriber, either on Note
fr Book account are notified that said notes and ac
wunts have be-rn left with inv Vaitier p c .
■to*- ss is i'.?::
hah " ie
The burioera of BOOT and SHOE making will be !
pntinued by the subscriber, at the old stand, where
ervthing pertaining to the busine s, will >e done I
ir," ?U r ntl , R ' workmanlike manner, aad at low
inM ; S rea( ty P a y- 41c solicits a continuance of the
>uijiic patronage.
ToaUiMDock. Sept. 3. A ' P -
poet's Corner.
I on -e was in a Meeting House,
\\ Saints and Sinners tneet;
And I, as silent as a it'ouse,
Sat on a backward seat.
A dutchinan. (for whose honesty
I not a word can say,)
Stepping from the shouting throng,
Said, '• come iiiit me and bruy."
Thus Qreoly keeps his party right,
When he wouid have the sway,
His country friends he does ibvito
To join with him and bray.
If any leave the beaten track,
Or from his precepts stray,
Me'hitiks I see them hasten back,
When little Tribunes bray.
If any General from our ranks,
Makes bold rebellion tremble—
(Not John Fremont nor General Backs,
Nor men that do resemble);
The party who have long withstood,
All right Administration,
Strain every nerve to kill his good
Aud honest reputation
Then Greeley's friends look unto him,
Who never fails to say :
"My faithful friends, now is your time
To join with uie and bray."
That party's press throughout the land,
Is subject to his sway,
Their duty they well understand,
And join with him and bray. V,
ALBANY, January Tilt, — Governor Sey
mour sent in his message to the Legislature
to-day. On the sulject of National, affairs he
says :
" Not only is the national life at stake, but
every person, every (amity, every sacred in
terest inv dved. The truths of our financial
and military -ituation must n< t be kept back
I hole mij-t he no attempt to put down the
free expression of public opinion. Affrighted
at the niin they have wrought, the authors •
our calamities at the North and South insist
that tins war lias heen caused hy the unavoida
ble contest about slaverv. This has heen the
subject auu not the cause of the controversy
We are to look for the eau-es of the war m
the pervading disregard of the obligations o'
t ie laws and constitutions, disre-pect f>r the
constituted authorities, and, a bote all, in the
local prejudices which have grown up in two
parlies of the Atlantic States—the two cx
tremes of our country. There is no honest
statement of our difficulties, which does not
leach that our people must reform ves
as well as the conduct of the Government and
the policy of our rulers. It is not too late to
save our country, if we will enter upon the
sacred duty in the right way. Where it is
the right of our Government to decide upon
measures and policy, it is our duty to obey
and give a ready support to their decisions.
This is the vital maxim of liberty. This war
should have Been averted before its floodgate*
were opened. The Adinini>tration could not
gra-p Ms dimensions nor control its sweep.
The Government was borne along with the
current and strolled as best it could with the
resistless tide. Few seemed able to compre
hend its military or financial problems. Hence
we are not to sit in harsh judgment upon er
rors in conduct or policy. But while w- con
cede all these excuses f*r mistakes, we are not
to adopt errors nor sanction violations of prin
ciple. The same causes which extenuate their
faults in judg .ent must make us more vigi
lant to guard against their influences."
The Governor urges that economy and in.
tegrity in the administration of affairs are vi
tal in periods of war. He says meddling and
intrigues have thwarted and paraUzed the
valor of our soldiers and skill of our
within the influence of the capital, while our
armies have gained victories in fields remote
Not only must the constitution be held in
violate, but the rights of States must be re
spected as not less sacred. There are differ,
ences of opinion as to the dividing line be
tween the State and National jurisdiction, but
there can be none as to the existence of such
separate jurisdiction, each covering subjects o'
legislation and jurisprudence essential to the
public security and welfare. A consolidated
Government in this vast country tfould de
stroy the essential home righ's and liberties
of the people. The sovereignties of the States
except as they are limited by the Constitution!
can never be given up. Without them our
Government cannot stand. It was made and
it can be changed by State agency. That
shown by the following provision of the in
striyment itself:
" The ratification of the conventions of nine
Sta'es shall he sufficient to the establishment
of this Constitution- between the States 60
ratifying the same."
Again, three fourths of the States can add
to, or take away from the powers of the Gen"
cral Government, by demanding a Convention
in which amendments can bo proposed, which
if ratified by three-fourths of the States, be.
Come parts of the Constitution.
While they cad thus take away or add to
the power, the General Government can in
no one right of the States or invade
their jurisdiction.
The obligations which rest upon the Sta es
to respect the Constitution, laws and authori
ties of the General Government, also demand
that the Oenetal Government shall show
equal respect for the rights and constituted
author tties of States
To State legislation and authorities we look
tor the good order of Society, the security oi
life and property, the protection of our home*
and all that is nearest and dearest t" us in the
relations, duties and actions ol life. It is dan
geri.ijs and demoralizing to chow contempt
for State authorities and laws. Ii undermines
alike the foundations of Siate and National
Government, by breaking up the social sys
tem. If home laws are not respected, tlu
ll) -re general authorities Will not be regarded.
Our people have therefore viewed with
alar n practices an 1 pretensions on the part ot
officials, which violate every principle of good
order, of civil liberty and of constitutional
law. It is claimed that in time of war the
President has powers, as Coimnai'der-iu Chiel
<>f our armies, which author z ? hnn to d-jclare
martial law, not only within the sphere of hos
tile movement-, where other law cannot he
enforced, but also over our whole land. Thai
at his pleasure he can disregard not only the
statutes of Congress, but the decisions of the
National Judiciar}. That in loyal States the
least intelligent Cld*3 of officials m?y be cloth
ed wi'h power to act not only matt as spies
and informers, but also, without due process
of law, to se'ze and imprison our cit izt-ns, and
carry them beyond the limits of tha State, to
hold them in prison without a hearing or a
Knowledge of the offences with which they
were charged. Not only the ptssions and
prejudices of these inferior agents lead them
to acts of tvrravv, but their interests are ad
vanced ami their positions secured by promo
ting discontent and discord. Even to ask the
aid of counsel has been held to be an offence
It has been well said that " to be arrested (or
one knows not what ; to he confined no one
entitled to ask where ; to be tried, no one can
say when, by law nowhere know nor estab
lished ; or to linger out hie in a cell without
trial presents a body of tyrrany which cannot
be enlarged."
Th suppression of journal- and the itnpris
• •ntm-nl of persons have been g aiii:glv parti
-an, allowing to sotne the utmost lici-ntinns
ne-s of criticism, and punishing others fur the
fair exercise of the right of discussion. Con
scious of these gross abuses, an attempt has
Ittn nu de t<> shield the violaters of law and
stippiess ii quiry into their motives and con
duct. This attempt mill fail. Unconstitutional
eta cannot be shielded by unconstitutional
laws. Such attempts wII not save the guilty
while they will bring a ju-t condemnation up
on those who try to pervert the powers ot
legislation to the purpose of oppression. To
justify such action by the precedents drawn
from the practice of governments where there
is no restraint upon legislative power, will be
of no avail under our system, which restrains
he Government and protects the citizen by
written constitutions.
I shall not inquire what fights States in re
hellion halve forfeited, but I deny thai this re
hellion can suspend a single right of the citi
Zens of loyal States. 1 denounce the doctrine
ti at civil war in the South takes away from
t ie loyal North the benefits of one principlt
o civil liberty.
Ii is a crime to abduct a citizen of this
Slate. It is made my duty by the Constitu
tion to see that '.he laws are enforced. I shall
investigate every alleged violation of our stat
utes, and see that ortenders are broueht to
justice. Sherdfs and District Attorney's arc
admonished that it is their duty to take care
tiiat no person within their respective Coun
ties are imprisoned or carried by force beyond
• heir limits, Without due process of legal au
chority. The removal to England of persons
charged with olfetice, away from their friend*
their witnesses and means of defence, was
one of the ac sof tyranny for which we as
*erted our independence. The abduction of
cilizens from this State for offences charged
to have been done liefe, and carrying them
many huudreds of miles to distant prisons in
other States or Territories, i* an outrage ol
the same character upon every principle of
right and justice.
The General Government has ample pow
ers to establish courts, to appoint officers to
arrest, and commissioners to hear complaints,
and to imprison upon reasonable grounds of
suspicion. It has a judicial system in full and
undisturbed operation. Its own courts, held
at convenient point* in this and other loyal
States are open for the hearing of all com
plaints. If its laws are not ample for the
punishment of offences, it is due to the neg
lect of those in power.
Government is not strengthened by the ex
ercise of doubtful powers, but by a wise and
energetic exertion of those which are incun
testible. The former course never fails to
produce discord, suspicion and disirust, While
the latter inspires respect and confidence.
This loyal State, whose Jaws, whose courts
aud whose officers have thus been treated
with marked and public contempt, and whose
social order ami sacred rights have been vio
lated, was at that very time sending forth
great armies to protect the National Capitol,
and to save the National officials from flight
or capture. It was while the arms of New
York thus sheltered them against rebellion,
that, without consultation with i's chief mag
istrate, a subordinate department at Wash
ington insulted our people and invaded our
rights. Against the.-e wrongs and outrage?*
the people of the Stale ol New York, at its
late election, so.'emnly protested.
Ihe submission of our people to these ab
ues, for a time only, was taken at home and
abroad for an indifference to tl eir liberties.
But it was < uly a spirit of respect for our in
stitutions that they waited until they could
express their will in the manner pointed out
by otir laws. At the late e'ecttou they vin
dicated at once the regard f r law and their
love o| liberty. Amidst ull the Confusion el
civil war, they calmly sat in judgement upon
the administration, vo'ing against its candi
dates. Nor was this the only stfiki.ig pr-un
of respect for the Constitution. The minori
ty, of nearly equal numbers, yielded to this
decision without resistance, although the can
vass was animated by strung partisan excite
ments. This calm assertion of rights, and
this honorable suhmi*i >n to the verdict of
the ballot-box, vindicated at once the charac
ier of our people ami the stability ,f our in
-millions. Had the secessionist* of the
South thus yielded to cn-iiiuli<>nal decisi >ns
they Would have saved theut-elve* and our
country from the horrors of this war, an 1
ihey would have found the same remedy for
every wrong and danger.
The claim of power under martial law is
not only destructive of the rights of Stated
hut it overthrows the legislative and judicial
departments of the General Government It
assert* for the President more power as the
head of the army, than as the representative
ru'er of the people. This claim has brought
discredit upon us in the eyes of the world.
It has strengthened the hopes of rebellion.
Tr has weakened the cotifi i -nee of loyal states
It tends to ''estrov the value of our Govern
ment in the minds of our people. It lead? to
discoid and disco tent at the North, while it
has united and invigorated the South.
If there is any necessity which justifies
that policy, let us openly and honestly sav
there i a necessity which justifies a revolu
tion. But this pretension is not put forth
as a necessity which overleaps for a time all
restraints, ami which is justified by a gross
exigency ; it i- a theory winch exalts the mi
litary power of the I're-ident above bis civil
ami unconstitutional righ's. It asserts that
he may in his discretion declare war, and
then extinguish the State and National Con"
stitutiuns by drawing the pall of martial law
over our vast country.
* * * There is little to fear in periods
of peace and prosperity. If wc are not prtt
tocttd when there are popular excitements
and convulsions, our Government is a failure.
11 Presidential proclamations are above the
decisions of the courts and the restraints of
the Constitution, then that Constitution is a
mockery. If ii has n>t the authority to keep
the Executive within its restraints, then it
cannot retain Slates within the Union. Those
who hold that there t* no sanctity in the
Constitution, must iqually hold that there is
no guilt in ttie rebellion.
We cannot be silent and allow these prac
tices to become precedents. They are not as
much m violation of our Constitution as the
ti hellioii itself, and more dangerous t > our
liberties. They holdout to the executive
every temptation of ambition to make and
piiJoiig war. They offer despotic power as a
price tor preventing peace. They are induce
ments to each administration to produce dis
cord and incite armed resistance to law, by
declaring that the condition of war icuioves
all constitutional restraints. They call about
the National Capitol hordes of uuprmcipltd
men, whu find in the reck ol their country
Hie opportunity lo gratify avarice or ambi
tion of an Administration antagonistic to the
interest and happiness of the People. Il
makes the restoration of peace the abdication
of more than regal authority in the hands of
those to whom is confided the government of
our country.
He declares that the President's Emanci
pation Proclamation is IMPOLITIC,UNJUST AND
UNCONSTITUTIONAL, Ciicnlated to eft-ate many
barriers to the restoration of the Union, and
to be misconstrued by the world as an aban
donment of the hope of restoring it—a result
to which New York is unalterably opposed
and which will be effectively resisted. The
Union, he says, will be restored by the Cen
tral and Western States, both free and slave,
who are exempt from the violeut passions
which control at the extremes.
Those of the Central Slaves States, which
rejected the ordinance of secession, which
sueght to remain in the Union, and which
were driven off by a contemptuous, uncom
promising policy, must be brought back.
The restoration of the whole Union will be
only the wortc of time, with such an exertion
of power as can be put forth without needless
sacrificing the life and treasure of the North
in a bloody and calamitious contest. We
must not wear out the lives of our soldiers'
nor exhaust *he earnings of labor by war,
for oncer tain ends or to carry oat
theories of extermination—means not only
destructive of lives and property in
the South, but also a waste of the blood and
treasure of the N .rth. The exertion of the
armed power must be accompanied by a firm
and Conciliatory policy, to restore the tJnion
with the least possble injury to both sections.
The Governor concludes:—"At this mo
ment the fortune of our country are influenced
by the results of battles. Our army :n the
field must be supported. All constitutional
demands of our General Government must be
promptly responed to. Under nociicumstan
res can a division of the Union be conceded.
We will put forth evrey exertion of power.
VVe will u-e every policy of conciliation.
M e will bold out every inducement to the
people of the South to return to their allegi
ance, consistant with h nor. VYe will guar
antee them every rtght, every consid
eration demanded by the Constitution and by
that fra ernal regard which must prevail in a
common country. But we can volun
tarily conseut to the breaking up of the Un
ion of the-e States for the destruction of the
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 18C2.
SCRS: —WaI, I'm glad to say that Con
gns- has g>*t together, and the Me*sige has
been red and dige-ied. The Kernel worked
hard enuf on it, 1 tell you. He wouldn't le'
Seward or Chase have enything to do with it.
but he jvst mauled it all out himself. The
next day arter the Messige was sent in, Sum
nure ctjin in an sed the Messige warn't exact
ly grainatikal in all its parts. I telled him
thp.t I guessed ef h- had to work around
short Corners as the Kernel did, without get
ting tripped up, he Would find it uiity hard
work to get ererytliin jest accordin to gram
mar, I tellfcd hun ''grammar warn't ofenv
ackount wile the rebelljun lasted—that, like
the Coustiiushin, the grammar was suspend
ed, or locked up where habits korpu- couldn't
get at it. In fact, ' ?es I '• Mr. Sumnure. I
think etiy tnan who talks about its hem nec
essary tooh.-arve the laws of grammar, o
eny other law*, w* n the nasliui is in a deih
struggle with traiturs, is a disloyal person, an
orter to he sent to Fort La Fieit."
Wen I sed this, Summtre turned all sorts
of colors, an *es he, "Wal, Miyer, perhaps
you're rite about grammar; but I think jou
ort* r spell the President's name rite in your
letters. It'* a disrespect to tie Chetd Ma -
e-trate n >t to do it."
'• N al,' ses I, " Mr. Sumnure, I've got my
own idi-es on spellin. Spellin is a good deel
like spark in the gals— it's gest as a feller
takes a nosliin. My idee is, of I spell a word
so as to git its sound, I'm rite, an I don't
keer wat you say, it,s the only ru'e of spellin
that holds go*id in the fong furi. Now," sen
f. "ef Link-in—don't spell Linkin, wal
on arth does it spell ?"
That seemed to stump him.
" But." ses he. " Mejer, there's 6ome gin
eral rTileS that orter be observed—rules that
the schools all use."
" Wal," ses I, " I don't know much about
schools, an I guess the Kernel don't neither
1 went to school six weeks, an the Kernel
ses he went six months. School lam nis
mity poor truck to put into a feller's hed, un
less he's got a good deal of brains there.—
There's more edicated fools now in the world
than there are tools of any other kind, an
there's a great menny of 'em, Lord knows.—
An," ses I, " its those edicated fools that
make all the trubbil."
" Wal, Majer, ses he, "you ain't an enemy
to edication, I hope."
" Wal, no, Mr. Senator, I ain't no eneni}-
to edication ; I only hate edicated fools."
44 Wall," ses I, 14 wen I was a boy, an wcni
to school the six weeks I speak of, there was
a boy in tny class who could beat tne spell in
an readin, an in eenanioat everyihin, but 1
could lick him jest as easy as I eould whistle,
lie hadn't eny more spunk, or pluck, or cour
age than a sick chicken, an tuity little genu
wine common sense. llis father, huwev. r,
sent hitn to college, an the fust thing I hecred
of him, the papers were callin him a lamed
man, an he aint done eny thin ever sence but
to blab at Abolishin meetins an make Abo
lishin speeches. Now," ses I, "that's wat I
call an edicatetf fool. Jest like the larned
pig, lie kin do wat he larns to do or sees
done ; but as for real comm. n sense to tell
wether a thing is rite or wrong, he aint worth
eny more for it than a bull dog is to ketch
Sutnnure looked kinder streaked wen I
sed this, bat didn't say a word, an jest here
the Kernel, who had been down stairs to get
his bootjack, cum in. Ses he, " Good tnor
nin, Mr. Sutnnure. I'll bet you one of Chase's
greenbacks," ses he, " that you can't tell
why this boot jack is like an office-seeker."
Suinnure sed he couldn't. 44 Wal," ses the
Kernel, b< cau>e it 6ticks close to the heels
of the President.
1 tefled the Kernel how that Sutnnure Ked
that the Messige warn't grammatikal. 44 Wal,
ses he, 11 1 beleeve everything goes rung sence
I became President. The country is upside
down; the niggers are more trubbil than
ever before ; the white men are cuttin one
another's throat, an it aeetns as it Beleui was
let loose; au now the grammar has been
violated. tbe7 ay. Wal. I wonder wat on
I TEBMB : per Amnrft
arrh lam fit for. I never succeeded well in
flat bolein ; I allers bad poor cropa wen I
tried to be a farmer; I was too tall to split
rails handy ; an, as a lawyer, I warn't en/.
thing more than from poor to middlin.' If
I can't be President, I don't see what oh
arth I was made for."
" Wal," ses I, " Kernel, perhaps yoo art
like the old Quaker's dog." Sea be, " ho#
was that, Majer ?" ' Wal," ses I, Til tali
y<u the story. tJp in Maine, not far front
Downmgyille, there used to live an old Qua
ker named HeZekixh Peabody. He bad a
yaller dog that was alius loungin around the
house. One day Sol Hopkins, a rough o|d
feller, cum along, an ses he, 1 Mr. Peabody,
I want a dog to hunt foxes. Do you think
your dog is good for foxes V * Now,' tea
the Quaker, 4 nebor Solomen, I never tried
the dog on foxes, for the huntlu of any aai
mala is not my business ; but if thee wishes
a dog for loxes, accordio to the Scriptures,
this dog must be a good dog for foxes.'—
' Wal. will you warrant him a good dog" for
fores V • I cannot do that, uebor Solomen,
for I never tried him on foxes ; but accord
in to the Scriptures, thee can be lure thd
dog is good for foxes.' So old Sol, thinkin
'hat Scriptur proof must be good, give the
Quaker five dollars for his dog. He took
him hum, an the next day he saw a fox run* across one of his lots. So he called tht
•log an showed him the fox, but he wouldn't
-tir an inch after Lira. This made old Sol
terrible uiad, an the next day be took the
•log back to the Quaker, an ses he, in hie*
r. ugh way Mr. Peabody, this dog ein't
worth a datnb !' 4 Tut, tut, nebor Solomen,
ihte shouldn't speak profanely with thy lip.
J hat may be,' ses old Sol, ' but didn't yett
tell me that this dog was good for foxes?'—
4 No, neber Solomen, I said accordin to the
.Scriptures he MCST be good for foxes.' 'Wal,'
ses old Sol.' ' how do you make that out? 1
W al, neber the Script -rs say 4< there is noth
ing made in vain," art as I tried that dog on
everything else except hunting, 1 tuought that
that must be what he was made /or."—
" Now, ses 1 44 Kernel, I hope it wont turfc
ut thai you are like the old Quaker's dog,
'made in vain,' or, as old Sol Hopkins express
ed it, 4 not worth a d—!' but ses I, "ef yon
don't restore the Union before your ffcrm ex
pire, the people will think that ycftweren
good deal Worse than the Quaker's dog, for
if he warn't good/or anything, he didn't de
eny particular harm."
The Kernel didn't seefn to like this Sto
ry much, for ses he, " Majer, I think you
are kinder personnel." Sen I,No, Kernel,
I don't mean to be, but you know stories
will fit closer than you think for when you
begin to tell 'em."
Just here Seward cumin, and with his
church yard smile, ses he, " Good morning, *
Mr. President, I've got good news from log
land. There won't be any intervenshun, an
ihe rebellyun will all bo over in 60 days.—
My friend Weed thinks so too." —^
" What's up, Boss?" ses Link* That'*
the name he c\ils Seward by. " Oh," ses he,
rnhbin his hands, " don't you see by the pa
pers what a large amount of money the mer
chants in York are subscribin for the poor
patient, starvin English workmen. God blee
'em. Here Seward drew a deep sigh, an
'hen ses he, '"lt will produce such a great
effect in England !" Intervenshun is dead.
The rebellyun 13 crushed, aud all by this
grand and noble idea of mine to feed the
tarvin poor. What philanthropy Will do,
when it is done right!" And here Seward
commenced rubbin his hands and walkin
about the rcoin, an actin like a gal that is
jest g >iu to get married. I didn't say any
thing, an the Kernel didn't say enything ei
ther, an it warn't a mint afore Sewa"d dodg
ed out of the door as quick as he cum in.—•
Alter he hed gone, ses L •' Kernel, how meny
times has Seward lied the rebellyun suppress
ed ?" " Oh," ses he, '• he goes to sleep eve
ry night with Hl3 Ba:tis belief that the
ion will be restored by day-light; that Jeff.
Davis will be hanging on a sour apple tree
by noon, and that he will be elected next
President bj' sun down."
'' Wal, 51 ses I, " Kernel, I think you're get
a queer cabbynet,"
" Yes," se6 he, " that I hare. Seward
thinks that his ritin letters to Europe is go*
in to overthrow the rebellyun. Chase think*
it can't be done, except by his greenback?
an freein the niggers. Old grandfather Well**
is sure that there is nothin will raster* the
Union except his gunboats, while filaif flsls
sure that he kin do it by stoppin Birateifcerat
ic papers!"
Ses I, " Why don't you Chang*
u Wal," ses he," what's the use of swap*
pin jackets 7 There ain't nothin to be made
by it. No, I won't change my cabby not on
less I'm druv to it. It's bad entif now, but
Lord knows what it might beef f ondertakn
to change it."
I was in hopes I could induce Linkin to
put in some new men and get out Chaee,
Sew ar 1, St ant in and Blair. BUt it's no us*.
S<> we shall jog along after the old fashion.—
Where we shall be in the spring no one kid
tell. Congrisg has gone to work in arneat to
tix up the finances, an to take keer that the*
Diuimecrats don't sue Linkin for suspendin
hnbus korpus. The ttlanthrophists are alao
bizzy, and they are goin to give all the nig
gers here a Christmas dinner, which, I sup
pose, is expected to last 'em the year round.
Ea'in like a Turk one day an starvin 364, in
accordin to my idees, a poor way of livin.—
Yours, till deth, MA. re* JACK POWYIK*.
VOL. 2, N0.24.