North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, January 07, 1863, Image 2

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    <f be Democrat.
* *
~.. , ■. .
Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1863.
JIST There have been some severe en- i
gagements in the west, with great loss of life
on both sides. Nothing definite however, is
known as to the result.
The abolitionists who insist thai !
" slavery is the cause of the war," must
now, since it has been abolished by old Abe's
proclamation, admit that there is no causo
for further 6trife. Why don't they send the
army hotne ?
Stamp Duties.
Below will be found an abstrac f of the stamp
duties under the internal revenue law. We
have selected such portions as are likely t' be
of interest to our readers, who by preserving
this list for reference, will save themselves
much trouble. We advise our readers not to
receive or give an}' instrument of writing or
note mentioned therein without first affixing
the stamp.
Each sheet of Paper $ 5
Of indemnity 50
Other Bonds 25
Deed ot Real Estate.
Over SIOO and under SSOO. . 50
" 500 41 1.500 100
44 1.000 44 2 500 200
44 2,500 44 5.000 500
44 5.000 - 4 10.000 10 00
44 10,000 4i 20,000 20 00
Each additional $10,099, or frac
tional part 20 00
Or Agreement for Renting Real Estate.
Under 3 years 50
Over 3 44 1 00
Or Conveyance of any Property. Real or Personal, in
the nature ot a Mortgage.
Over g 100 and under $ 500. . . .S 50
44 500 44 1,000 ... 1 00
44 1,000 44 2 500 200
44 2 500 44 5.000... 500
44 5,000 44 10 000 10 00
44 10.000 44 10.000 15 00
Additional SIO,OOO or fractional
part thereof 10 00
To transfer Stock, &c 25
To receive dividends or interest.. 25
To vote by proxy 10
To receive or collect rent 25
To Sell and convey real estate or
to rent or lease the same or to per
form any and all other acts not here
in specified 1 00
Of Stock 9 25
Of deposits under §IOO 2
Over §IOO 5
All certificates other than those
mentioned above 10
On Letters of Administration.
Under $ 2,500.... 50
Over $ 2,500 44 5.000 1 00
44 5,000 44 20,000 2 00
44 20.000 44 50,000 5 00
44 50,000 44 100,000.... 10 00
"Writs or other Process by which
suit is commenced in law or equity.. 50
BANK CHECK or DRAFT at sight,
or Note payable on demand, exceed
ing §2O 2
Not at sight or on demand.
Over § 20 and under § 100. ... 5
44 100 44 200.... 10
41 200 44 350.... 15
350 44 500 20
44 500 44 750 ... 30
44 750 44 1,000.... 40
44 1.000 44 1.500 60
44 1,500 44 2,500.... 1 00
44 2.500 44 5,000 1 50
Every additional $2,500 or fraction
thereof. 1 00
BROKER'S NOTE or Memorandum of
Sale 10
The Radicals !earn nothing by cx
peitencq —which added to the little they
knew before, is scarcely an apprec'able quan
tity, One would think they ought to have
learned by this time, that calling Dene>craiß
"rebels," and 41 traitors," is an unprofitable
misapplication < f words, hut on the morning
of the late Bridgeport election, the following
brazen placard was extensively posted about
the city :
"FREEMEN AROUSE ! Town Election this
Day ! Monday, December 22d.
"Wh'le 3'our brothers are shedding their
life-blood, to put down rebellion, l4 iet it rot
be said that you suffered 4 its 'northern allies'
to triumph at the Po!h. Be on hand, and
vote the Union Ticket —Vote Earh !"
The freemen d d "rouse"—as requested
and fouled, for the first time in years, by
nearly three hundred majority,the publishers
of that IMIMJ slander.— New Haven Register
Wheteas, On the twcnty„econd day of
September in the ot our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty tvro, a Pr. cla
tnalmn was issued by the President of tire
United States,cottta'ming, among other things
the l<dlowing, to wit;—
" That on the first day of January, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-three, all persons held a6 slaves
within any State or designated pat t of a State,
the people wheieof shall t14.11 be in Rebellion
against the United States, shall be 111 r,
thenceforward and forever free, and the Ex
ecutive Government of the United States, in
eluding the military and naval aulhoiity ihere
of, will recognize and maintain the freedom
of such persons, and will do no act or acts to
repress such persons, or any of them, in any
effort they tuay make for their active free
44 Thai the Executive will, on the first day
of January aforesaid, by proclamation, desig
nate the States and parts of States, if any, in
which the people therein, respectively, shall
then be in Rebellion against the United States
and the fact that any State and the people
thereof iihall, on that day, he in good faith
represented in the Congress of the United
S<aies, by members chosen thereto at elec
tions wherein a majority of the qualified vo
ters ofuch State shall have participated, shall
in t lie ate* nee of strong countervailing testimo
ny, be deemed conclusive evidence that such
Sta'e and the people thereof are not then in
Rebellion apain.-t the United Stales "
Now, therefore, I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Pre*i
dent of the United S'ates by vnue ul the pow"
er in me vested as Commander in chief of the
Army and Navy of the United Sta'es in time
of actual armed rebellion against the authort
ty and Government of the United States, and
as a fit and necessary war tnea s ure for sup
pressing the said rebellion, do, on this the
first day of January, in the yi ai of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three,
and, in accordance with my purpose so to do,
publicly proclaim, for the lull period of one
hundred days from the day first above men
tinned, order and designate as the States and
parts of states wherein the people thereof re
spectively are this day in rebellion against
the United States, the following, to wit ! -
Arkansas, Texa<, Louisiana ('-xcept the
parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jeffer
son, St. James, A>ceiismn, Assumption, Terre
bonne, Lafourehe. St. M irtin and Oi leans, in
eluding the city of New Orlean-), Mississippi,
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina,
North Carolina and Virginia (except theforiy
eight counties designated as West Virginia
and also the counties of Berkley, Accomac,
Northampton, Elizabeth City, Y"ik, Piincess
Ann and Norfolk and Port sin >uih), and which
excepted parts are for the present left prcisely
as if the proclamation were not i>sued.
And by virtue of the power and for the
purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare
that all persons held as slaves within the
said designated States and parts of said
States, are and henceforward shall be free ;
and that the Executive Government f tfie
United States, including the military and
naval authorities thereof, will recegmZe slid
maintain the freedom of said persona.
And I hereby enj< in upon the people so
declared to be free o abstain from all vio
lence, unless in necessary self defence, and 1
recommend to them that in all cases, when
allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable
wages. And I further declare and make
known that such persons, of suitable Condi
tn>n, will be received into the armed service
of the United States, to garrison forts, posi
tions, stations, and other places, and to man
vessels of all sorts in the said service. And
upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act
ofjnstice, warranted by tlie Constitution,
upon military necessity, I involve the consid
erate judgment of mankind ami the gracious
favor of Almighty God.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and cau-ed the seal of trie United
States to be affixed.
[L.S.J Done at the city of "Washington,
this the first day of Jauu ry, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
six'y-three, ami of the independence of ihe
United States of America the eightv-seventh.
By the President.
WM. II SEWARD, S< cretary of State
Shameful Facts.
A private letter from a soldier in Burn
side's anny, to hts mother in this city, writ
ten from Falmouth a day or two previous to
: the disastrous battle of Fredericksburg, states
1 that on the day when the letter was written,
I there were brought into the dead house.
twelve deud bodies ofour soldiers who had
been Jrozen to death while on guard duty !
He sa_\s several of the men were on guard
doty without pantaloons! having had for two
or three weeks only overcoats and drawers !
The inercurv on two nights mink to 13 deg
and 14 deg., and ice six inches thick floated
down the riv'-r. Their shoes were, in many
I instances, wi rthle:-s, being Mas-achusetts
j contract shoes with soles glued on ; and the
j men were moreover, halt starved. The writ
; er had just received soine money from home
1 and he says i.e devoted 25 cents of it to ihe
; purchase of a quart of meal which he stirred
up with water ami b tiled ; ami he adds that
1 it was tiie best dinner he ha 1 had for two or
; three mouths.
There is a errihle responsibility resting on
| tlie heads of guilty contractors, quartermas
ters and shoddy patriots general I), who have
directly done so much to cause these evils.
White white Soldiers are nb.oluti Iv freez
ing to death in Vir mia, our Government is
absolutely having 50,000 suits of cl< thes
■ made in New York for negroes! And many
| thousands of dollars 1 worth of life necessaries
; are sent abroad to help the suffering poor of
Great Britain, while our own ,poor soldiers
' die of nakedness and starvation at home
[ Hartfrrd Times.
" The Proclamation of Freedom."
The character of this document was so j
fully overshadowed m its September precnr
s<>r that public interest center* m>>re oti tiie
fact of its issue than on the nature of its con
tents. What principally strikes public at
tention, is the fact that President LINCOLN
has fully and finally committed himself to
the policy of emancipation. The jiartictiJar
features of the proclamation which seem de
serving of remark are tbe-e : the President
rests the measure on purely militaty grounds
with u distinctness winch did not appear in
the September proclamation ; he avows an
intention to receive the emancipated slaves
into ihe military and naval Service of the
United States; and he recognizes the state
hood and unity of all the designated states,
including Virginia, excepting the forty eight
western Counties in such terms as to imply
that they are still c unties of the ts'aie of
Virginia, despite ihe fact that the day be
fore is-uing t e proc amation he had signed
the oill for the admission of those Counties
into the Union as a new state.
The most imp rtant question that can
arise relative to this proclamation respects
its legal effect. Immediate practicul effect
it has none; the slaves remaining in precise
ly the sinie conditio) as before. They still
live on the plantations ; tenant their accus
tomed hovels ; obey tin? Command of their
master or overseer, eating the food he fur
nishes and doing the work he requires pre
cisely as though Mr. LINCOLN had not de
clared them free. Their freedom, then, it is
clear, is only a dormant freedom ; if free at
all, they ace not actually but on'y legally
free. If the proclamation is of any legal
orce, it is like a deed purporting to convey
the fee am pie of a piece of properly to which
there is an adverse claimant being in actual
I os-ession. The tide of the slave to his free
dom is to be made pood by asserting it in a
court of competent jurisdiction. The naitfe
of the suit is such that the United States
courts have no jurisdiction except by appeal
or on a writ-of erne*. The original remedy
of the slave (if lie has any) is in the local
Courts <>f the state where he lias Lis domtcil.
These courts, we know beforehand will not
entertain his suit. They -Jo not recognize
the validity of the deer, eon which he rests
his claim. So long, therefore, as the present
pol.tical and military status continues, the
freedom declared by this proclamation is a
dormant, not an actual freedom. The legal
maxim will apply to it that de vou apparen
libus el de nan exislenlibus ratio est eadem
—laca> that do not appear are to be classed
with those that do not exist.
The slaves might, to be sure, take the vin
dication of their tights into their own hands,
by rising, en masse, against their masters.
But this they could have done any time with
in the last filtv years with quite as good ad
vantages and as strong a color of right as now.
Mr. LINCOLN'S paper proclamation is of no
more force than ttie impre-er.ptable title to
freedom born with human being who has
couage and vigor of character to assert it.
Tliere has never been a time when the ne
groes had so little to hope Imm mi insurrec
tion as at present. The whole South is in
arms. If the slaves were dtposed to run
aw ay, they are hemmed 1.1 by large armies on
all the s utliein frontiers. Whither could
they flee ? 11, assembling in iarge bodies,
they should offer a show of violence, what
have they, unarmed against the abundance of
improved artillery and fin arms in the liand
ot the superior race. It tney result to the
torch cf the incendiary, how are they and
and their litile ones to subsist ? Whatever
small chance th y have of gaining their free
dom is by a servile instirr ctioo ; but tiiey
have leu chances to rush on to destructi >n to
one of escaping from servitude. It. s obvi
ous, therefore that for the prc+e't the proc
lamation is inoperative an I fe.-10. It may
strengthen the resistance of the rebels, but it
cannot benefit the slaves.
It may be said that the proclamation estab
lishes a legal claim to freedom Which the
slaves may successfully assert afier the milita
rv subjugation of the South, Bui this knocks
ihe bottom out of the proclamation ntd all
its con'ents. The proclamation is issued as
a war measure; as an instrument for the sub
jugation ofill rebels. But t) a> cannot he a
means of military success winch pre
supposes this same military snccti-6 as
the condition of its own existence.
It Confound- all ideas of means and ends to
call emancipation a war measure when eman
cipation is obviously unattainable until aftet
military resistance is put out of the way.—
ff the war should end in the triumph of the
rebellion the proclamation would, of course,
amount to nothing. 11 the rebellion is sub
dued, the proclamation merely gives a color,
able ground for suits for freedom befote the
tribunals of the country. Its wit >le vffiu-icv
must finally depend on whether it is sus
tained by the courts. That the cour's of
the slave states in which the suits must orig
inally he brought will not sustain it admits of
no doubt whatever. That the Supreme
Court of the United States, to winch such
suiis may be carried for final adjudication,
will declare the proclamation void is also
morally certa'n. It is clearly unconstitution
al and wholly void unless sustainable as a
war measure. A war measure it clearly is
not, in .-much as the previ us succe-s of tlac
war is the only thing that can give it validity.
PALL, Minn., Dec 271 L—Thirty-eight con
demned Indians were hung at Mankato, at
10 o'clock A. M., yesterday. The gallows
were so constructed that all the condemned
were in attendance. All passed off quietly.
Hon. Thomas 11. Hicks Appointed U. 8.
Senator from Maryland.
BALTIMORE, Dec. 29.—The Governor of
Maryland to day comtaKsioncd ll>>n. Thomas
If. H'cks as Senator to represent the State
of Maryland in the U. S. Smate until Ihe
next meeting of the Legislature, in place of
Hon. James Pearcc, deceased,
If a soldier ft discharged before he has serv.
Ed two Whole year*, or at the end of the war,
if sooner ended, he forfeits his §IOO bounty.
The back dues for wages, and fifty cents for
every twenty miles traveled from the place of
discharge to the place of enrollment, he is en
titled to on the pay certificates from his near
est paymaster. — If a soldier is killed or dies
of disease, before the end of two years or the
close of the war, he has, under the liberal
construction of the law served to the end of
the war so far as lie is or can be concerned.
Congre s intended, by the provi-ions of the
law, thai no one should have the bounty until
the end ofihe war. The §IOO bounty by fhe
law, will be iuitnediatily paid, so soon as au
Under an order *nd ru'e of the war Depart •
uient, there can be procured for the wives .f
the soldiers imprisoned in the S<>uth, the
monthly pay of the soldiers, to the date of the
allowance, except the last month's wages
which the Government rese ves. If no wife,
the minor children, by their guardian' are en
titled. If tlie soldier is unmarried his wid
owed mother is entitled.
An important decision has been made by
the Secretary of War ami Paymaster Gener.
a', in effect that the soldier is entitled to pay
from the day he enlists, and that he has not
to wait until his company is lull, or (lie for
mat muster of the regiment into the Govern
ment service.
That the pedigree of the I
present party in power may not be forgotten, |
w send for publication a list of the names it j
has borne from the earliest times up to the I
present date—which, up to the year 1840, was
given us by a soldier of the war ol 1812.
Yours, &c.,
\V.m. F. CAIUL,
Monroe, Jan. 2, 18G3.
Take a Squint at Modern Abo'.itionism,
Be it liuvui to all nun that theleaders of
the party low opposed to the Democrat c
party and the Coiisiitution and iu favor of
negro equality.
In 1772, were Tories.
" 1773, Nova Scotia cow-bogs.
" 1787, Conservative Monarchists.
44 1790, Black o"Ckad rs.
" 1808, Anti .Jc-ffers >n impressment men. |
44 1811, Bii tisb Bank men.
" 1812, The Peace Party.
• 4 1813 Blue Lights.
u 1814, Hartford Conventionists.
44 1810, Washington Benevolent society*
men. i
" 1820, N > Party men.
" 1824, Republicans.
44 1820. National Republicans.
" 1828, Anti Masons.
" 1834. Ami Masonic Whigs.
" 1837. Cott-t rvativys,
" 1838. Abofitionists.
44 1839, Independent Loco foco Demo
cratic wings.
41 1840, Log cabin and Ilard cider men.
44 1844, II trry Clay Whigs,
44 1840, The Peace party.
44 1848, Proviso men.
* 4 1850, Anti Compromise men.
44 1854, KV>w Nothings.
4i 185G, Bleeding Kansas Republicans.
44 18G0, John Brown Abolitionists.
Be it known to all men that this is the ring, '
streaked and speckled abolition party, against
wi icb the Democracy have alwa) s contended ;
the fanatical faction that nominated Abe Lin
coin o the Presidency ; ihe party that since
Ins election, lias plundered people, thrown
them in prison, tnobhed their presses, suj -
pressed freedom of speech, suspended the writ
of habeas corpus and trampled under foot
the constitution.
- ■ -
Let us Understand Each Other—Renewed
Threats of Arrest in Xew York.
The Philadelphia Press, to-day, which is
presumed to speak for the Administration,
-ays. in reference to New York, and New
York politicians:
"The course of the Administration in ar
res'ing traitors will he Governed by the eir"
cntnstances that Controlled it in other times.
If the danger should again demand the sum
mary arrest of traitors in New Y. rk , they
will be or rested. n
If ty "traitors," the Press means Demo
crats, or Old Line Whigs, or C mservatives,
in New York, they will nut be thus arrested,
or if arrested, 'hey will be liberated, by t fie
whole posse comitatis of the Democracy of
the States, if necessary, 300,000 men in arms,
and New Jer.-ey to statin by us—with more
than half of Connecticut, now. It is well to
understand each other if these things be de
signed.—N. I*. Express, 24th.
The Abolition Governor of Mass*
cliuseiis promised 44 Father Abraham" fust
summer that if he would issue a proclamation
freeing the slaves that the highways of New
England would swarm with Volunteers en
route to suppress the rebellion.
Will the proclamation was issued, and
sotne three months have expired, and Massa
chusetts has not yet furnished even her quota
of troops ! A draft uas ordered by the Presi
dent ; it was executed iu Pennsylvania and
el.-ew lu re some two months' ago ; but in loyal
Massachusetts —who 44 made the war,'''' as is
tauntingly claimed by one of her 44 noble up
per class" inen—not withstanding Gov. An
drews' promise to the President, it has lieen
postponed fr the fifth time,until the Bth of
January next.
We think it is high time our counfymen
should see the hypocrisy of Abolitionism, as
practiced upon the nation for the last twenty
uvnths,and appreciate it at its true value.
'1 he effort of the Gvernor of massachu-etts
toiseap#the responsibilities of this war of
, Massachusetts own making , is becoming
J more apparent every day.
The Boston Commonwealth is a new week
ly journal, very neatly printed on fine paper,
and edited with that sort of ability which is
peculiar to highly literary and refined fanatic
ism. It is said to be the organ of Char!e„
Sumner, and, judging frotn its tone and tem
per, we believe it is.
In the sixteenth number of the Common
wealth, dated December 20th, 1802. we find
a variety of noticeable articles, among which
is one 1 ended "The President," from which
we cut the following passages:
"Nearly two years have p "ssed over the!
country since the President advanced to the
helm of state. Suppose at this moment he J
shotilt) bo caljt a from the world, what would
be the record on the page of hiet< ry life by
hitn ? History must inexorably assign him
a place in the rear, along with the many
weak and inadequate men of the time.'
This is a melancholy truth, although it
was uttered by an Abolition journal.
The ariicle frotn which we quote, complains
that Mr. Lincoln has not gone far enough nor
fast enough in emancipation, and closes by
exhorting him to go the whole figure imme
"Must the leader of this nation be foiever
outside of the Government ? Be their leader!
Throw away from ynu 'he whole trihe of
se!f--eekers and fools; call to your Cabinets
and to the field those who are the champions
of L'berty ; cast away the Sewards, Blairs,
Smiths, Bateses, Stanleys, and all the wretch
ed Border State clique—heave them like a
nightmare from your breast ! Sound the
bugle ot Universal Freedom—let the wild joy
of America's Year of Jubilee ring through
the startled world, bringing every true heart
and sinew of the world to your side !
"You will have to c< me to it— or some
leader will trample over your dishonored
political grave to come to it ! Why then let
this lacerating, horrible, spiritless, aimless,
needles slaughter go on, until in the phrenzy
ot despair lite nation already tossing you
frotn h"rn to horn, shall take the great stride
whose first effect will be to grind you under
its heel, and leave of you only a name to be
'lighted down with dishonor to the latest
generation V
This means that, if Mr Lincoln shall refuse
to do all tie radicals desire, they will find a
leader (Fremont, for instance.) who will as
sutne control of the Government and •'tram
ple over" Mr. Lincoln's dishonored political
grave" to accomplish their purpose. It was
probably with Something like the spirit
which prompted this that the late Senatorial
causus was moved, when it demanded the
retnova' of Mr. Seward, and it is not to bi
presumed that this spirit is yet '' laid." It
will, doubtless, make further attempts to co
erce Mr. Lincoln to make his Cabinet utterly
But, that the Abolitionists will ever be
ble to execute the threat of deposing Mr
Lincoln, though some more acceptable leader,
we do no' believe. The army does not love
them or their doctrines well enough to aid
them in such an enterprise. Fremont could
not lead our soldiers into such a business
and everybody knows that the Abolitionist*
themselves have not the requisite courage t"
undertake a work involving so much of per
senal hazard.
But, why should the radicals desire to de
pose Mr. Lincoln? He has done almost, it
not quite,all they have asked him to do. lie
has suspended the privilege ot th u rit of ha
beas corpus, and imprisoned those who pro
t s'ed against their doctrines and practices ;
he has signet! their bill abolishing slavery in
the District of Columbia ; their bill spnal
ing the Wilmot Prov'se over all the Territo
ries ; thrir confiscation bill— al! their bills;
he has procl timed universal emancipation ;
be has so managed as to render the recon
struction of the Union, on the basis of our
I "pro-slavery" Constitution, as hopeless as
they could wish ; he has—what has he riot
done, that the\ have desired hitn to do ?
It is certainly, very ungrateful tor the Ab
. olitiotiists to threaten Mr. Lincoln with de
j positien. Should the Conservatives of the
country employ such a threat, he might ex
cuse them, for, them has he offended. Some
,i>fthe Abolition papers are complaining of t e
New York Express lor hinting at the neces
sity for despostng the President. Let them
not over look tie Commonwealth ; nor forgei
that the New \ork limes, more man a year
ago, recommended that some military leader
should stqiersede Mr. Lincoln.
Poor Lincoln ! What a sad thing it was
for hi in, (and for his country ton,) that he
was called away from the Springfield bar
W hat he is to do with the country, or what
the country is to do with him, Heaven only
knows ! We would fain hope that " some
leader" uf the ABOLITIONISTS will not " tram
ple over his dishonored political grave," and
yet, we should hope that he may not be per
muted to trample upon the grave of this
Government—the Constitution and the Un
ion—as be has trampled upon the most sa
cred rights of the people.
THE REASON WHY ?—The Abolitionists are
opposed to using M spades" before a battle
that there may be the more use for them af
terwards—in digging the graves for their
dead victims of their " infernal" policy.
Great Literary and l J ict>riul Year '
The publisher of Godey's Lady's Book, tkankiV \
that public which has enabled him to publish a " q
aziue for the last thirty-three years of a larger '1
lation than any in America, has fciafe an arr
ment wi.h the most popular authoress in this c g
Marion Ilarlund, Au horess of '"Alone," "jj ( ,!
Path," " Moss Sides," " Nemesis, " anl 1
who will furnish a story for every number of th 9 |
dy's Book for 1563. This alone will place th t |
dy'B Book in a litertry point of view far f 2
any other magazine. Marion Harlan! writes f tr I
other publication. Our other favorite ariterj y,
all contiuue to furnish nrticles throughout th e jg
The best Lady's magazine in the Wor'd, anil I;
cheapest—The Literature is of that kind that *
be read aloud in the family circle, and the t | er
in immense numbers are subscribers for the Book
The Music is all original, anl would cost 25|
(the price of the Book) in the music stores
of it is copyrighted, and cannot be obtained e lct „ I
in "Godey." J
Our Steel Engravings. All efforts to rival w |
this have ceased, anil we now stand alone in this -
partment, givingns we do, many more anil infinite;, I
better engravings than are published in any '
Godey's immnese double sheet fashion piatejcot
taining from five to seven full length Colored fy. |
ions on each plate—Other magazines give only t r ®
For ahead of any Fashions in Europe or Amena
—Godey's is the only work in the world that gj, s
these immense plates, and they are su.-h as to ho,
excited the wonder of publishers anl the public Tn -
publication ol these platei cost Slo,' 00 More thai
fashion plates of the old style, anl nothing bat •?
wonderfully large circulation enables us to gj v; :
them, Other magazine cannot afford it.* We ut e
spare money when the public can be benefited.
These fashions may be relied on. Dresses ten
be made after them, and tho wearer will not iubW i
herself te ridicule as would be the ease if she 'j
the large cities dressed after the style f
the i late in some of our so called fashion magziigg j
Onr wood Engravings, of which we give twice r.3
three times as many as any other magazine, are d-ff
ten mistaken for steel. —They are so far superior ip
any others-
Imitation. Beware of thern. Remember pcv
cation and the cheapest. If you take Godey,
w tnt no other magazine.
Everything that is useful or ornamental inah;#,
can be found in Godey.
Drawing lessons. No other magazine gives tig
and we have given enough to fill several large '
Onr receipts are such as can be found nowirr
else. Cooking and all its variety—Confectionary,
the Nursery—the Toliet—the Lrunlry—the Kitdis
Receipts upon all subjects are to be founl in the p.
ges of the Lady's Book. We originally started \uu
department, and hive peculiar facilities for makinttj?
most perfect. Tais department alone is wonh titi
pri e of the Book.
Ladi'-s work table. This department comprisiij
engravings and description of every article thai..
Lidv wears.
M >del Cottages. No other migazine has this
TERMS CASII IS ADAASCE,— One copy one vt
S3. Two copies one year, 85. Three copies ,
year, 86. Four copies one year, and an extra tug)
U> the pirsm s-niing tho club, $lO Eight
one year, an 1 an e*tra copy to the person send:?*
the club, S2O.
And the only magazine that can be introdudnajl
into the above clubs in place of the Lady's Bookrl
Arthur's Home Magazine.
Special Clubbing with other Magazines
—Go leys Lady's Book and Arthur's .iome Magii*L
both one year for 83 50. Godey's Lady's book MM
Harper's Mag izrne both (me year tor 84 50. OvtA
II irper, and Arthur, will all three bo sent one tea
on receipt ot $6 00,
Treasury Notes and Notes of all solvent banki J
ken at par.
Be -archil and pay the postage on your letter
address L. A. GODEY.
323 Chcftnut Street Philadelphia, Pa.
II ARKISBURG, December 11, 1862 (11
the M in.-Sebl Clissieal Seminary, locatMH
Mansfield, in Tioga county by resolution adoptdiil
a meeting of the Board on tho twenty-fourth dsji j
October, ISO 2, on file in this Department, malef,i
mal application to the State Superintendent fori j
privileges ot "An act to provide for the ttsissfl
ofteaehers for the Common Schools of the Stsu i
approved the 24th day of May, IS 7, and the saps* j
ment thereto, approved the 14th day of April, 13fl
WHEREAS, In pursuance of said application, ?
Slate Superintendent of Common Schools, to?ei*4|
with Hon Geo Smith, ot the county of Del awn
Hon. A. 1.. Havs. ol the county of Blair ; and few
C. T B!i., of the county of Bradford," compt!®?!
aul disiutereste I psrsms," appointed byhim, *2;|
the consent of the Goveraor v as Inspect' rs, and C; J
Coburn, Superintendent of Bndford county ; A j
Bullard, Superintendent of Susquehanna enne j
Hugh Castles, Superintendent of Lycoming cous-w
and II.C Johns, Superintendent of Tioga couuty'fl
on Thursday, the eleventh day of December. lLa
personally, and at the same time, visi and inf |
said School, an • alter a th>rough examinationti* t
of, and of its by-laws, rules and regulations, sri a
its general arrangement an 1 facilities for instruct j
by written report on file, in this Department, spit :1
the same, and find that they fully come upte'J
provisions of said act, and its supplement, ana til
certify the same to the Department of Cost 3
Schools with their opinion that said School has a j
complied with the previsions of said act, and i!.'*xa
plement, as far as can be done before going iRt 1 ij
eratioii under thern.
Nor. therefore, in pursuance of the required
of the seventh section of the act aforesaid, I dtlfl
by give public notice, that I have officially x
ed the Mansfield Classical Seminary, as a
mal School, for the fifth Normal School District.'*, |
posed of the counties of Bradford. Susquehanna. ;
oining, Sullivan, Lycoming and Tioga, an 1 tb ! * |
school shall henceforth enjoy all the privileges' i
nnmnities, and be subject to all the liabilih#* j
restrictions contained in said act and supple^ 6s
In testimony whereof, I have bereun'c
hand, {L. S.J and affixed the seal of tho Dcp**'';
of Common Schools, at Harrisburg, this 11th ■
December 1862, TIIOS. 11. BURROWEn
Sup't Common Schw* j
This preparation, made fronrthe best
is rocommcnded by physicians as a superior ML
TIOI.S BEVERAGE for General Debility,
sia, and all billions disorders. Thousands wh"J
been compelled to abandon the use of votfee * J
this without injurious effects. One can cout* 1 "
strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. P ;K< i
The purest and best BAKING POWDER .
for making light, sweet and nutritious bre 4
cakes, l'riee 15 cents
M. 11. KOLI.OCK, Chemist, „ J
Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets, \
And sold by all Druggists anaGrori, l^]