North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, December 10, 1862, Image 3
LOCAL AND PERSONAL, Local Items.--Persons residing in the different Townships of our county, would conter a groat favor on us, and add much to the interest of the Democrat by sending us items of general interest For this col unn. Those not accustomed to writing for the press, lesd not be backward, on that account. Give us the facts. We'll be step Father, at least, to all bad Spelling and grammar. It won't hurt us we're used Lit, Wanted—At this office on subscription— -Forty bushels of ears of corn, forty bushels of Buckwheat, Forty bushels of Oata l forty bushels of Wheat, Forty bushels of Rye, torty bushels of good, unbruiscd winter apples. Forty bushels of good potatoes, Forty pounds of honey, Jerry gallons of sweet cider, Forty pounds of pork, Forty pounds of beef, Forty cwt of Hay, Forty bundles of good cornstalks. "Forty pounds of dried appilcs, Donation at Rev, Win Frear's residence, in Ea \oh, Dee 11th 1362. A general invitation is given. 1 r Dlptheria'.'-We hear of this terribly fatal mal ady, in various families in the surrounding neighbor hoods. But few cases have occurred in our borough, owing, probably to tl e that by hroinpt medical kid, the disease is "nipped Vn the bud." The slight ed syinptons, bring into use all sorts of remedies. Dawn Again.—The Philadelphia Ledgers ays: Petroleum oil, wwhich rose so rapidly from twenty ftvo cents a gallon to a dollar and ten cents, Ims ta ken the back train again, and is down, as reported, to sixty cents. The rise was merely speculative, and somebody will make or lose fortune* by the sudden fluctuations. Returned. —Mr. Geo. Leighton whose removal to Providence, we noticed a few weeks since, has (very inuch to the gratification of all who wish cheap gro ceries,) returned after a short sojourn among the Ra xorrillians. Mr. L. does sell ckeao, for tho times; as will be demonstrated by Dial. Seo his Aivertisc hient in to-day's paper. —— Pictures.— Of all kinds in the higheststyle of the art, can now be obtained at the galle'y of Mr. A. Day at Stark's Brick Block, a few doors below Wall's Ho tel. As Mr. Day intends to make his gallery a per manent institution ; the pepole can rely upon his work as of a substantial and satisfactory character. See bis advertisement in another column. Cold Snap>.--During the past w<.ok, we have bad what pieopdc call, as they hover around the fire, " a cold snap." \t c are free to expires* our d'slike of these "sn.ijis and think, from our limitea espe. rience in them, we would much rather have a "schic daui" or '• Giu Schnapp." Who would'uf, siuce the late scarcity of turpentine, has put that out of the 'question, and the "schnapps" too 1 The News.- -Evi rybody asks ' what's the news." The way to answer this question is; First, subscribe tor the North Branch Democrat ;(Dont forget to pay for it) that will give you all the local news ot r.iiy importance, with souni Democratic* doctrines. .Secondly'fe *6 Dr. Rhoda-s Drug store and buy a Daily New Yuri-- e-r Philadelphia papier of Walton, gci eral news Dealer and book agent lor this region. Look out for his Advertisement next week. Arrived.—The season for dispoiiirjj cf Ducks Chickens. Turkeys and poultry of all kinds has arriv <d. Ibe best pilacc that we have heard of lot* doing 80, is at BE KM tin's, CASH STCRB in Falls, W'lere gaod* at the lowest cash pries will be exchanged for themi l the highest market rates.Don't let the gobblers gob ble down any more corn after they ar? tat; but kill tDeui and start for Bceiiter's. -1 „. Local Brevities. I.iv*i.v.—Boys on ice, with 'skate?!. QUIET. —Everything ou the Kappiahatmock. FKOZKX UP—The canal and river, at TH's pldco. DISOOXSOLATI:.—War widows and orphans. Box EST. —The man who takes the Democrat and pv for it. Fr.tTtox.VßV.—Some of the drafted men, in these fetrtj. • TRAVELlNG.—Conscripts from Harrisbiyg. HlGH. —Drj'-goods in a windy day. SCARCE. —Money such as we used to have. , ARI NDANT. -Shin-plasters, postago stamps and taxes: C.od"y's Lady's Hook.--For January has been '•reived ' j y us * I'> s a splendid number coh'aining ortr one hundred pages. The title page, has ajjlbng ••her emblematical devices, a fine likeness of V eh iegton, from Stuart's picture. The other engravings *nd wood cuts numbering about eighty, will be found interesting to the Ladies. Wc eould hardly keep house without " (today," and judging from the f re fund opportunities our "better half (into whose hands that business is confided) has to lend it; we II think our neigh bors much in the same situation. To "N borrowers and others desiring the best mngazinc Printed, we would hint that the terms are Cish in <We. One copy one year, *3. Two copies one f l wr. I'I; Three copies one year,B6. l our Copies one h'r.andan cstra copy to the person sending the F"h, 4iii. Eight copies one year, and an estrrt copy. P lbs {tewoh sen ling the club, 120, Address It. A Pfcjr. 323 Chestnut st. Pfcifa. MRS. WOOD'S~ CKLKHHATKD TIMIIATIB QMGUEBT rOK WHISKERS AND HAIR. K! l iol I im ri '" l: ) , ' i . O!i<; \ EXT AND WVIO pS:r ,M ' *'•*&& X | WHISKERS OR A MUSfACHE ! fehekiVr Si 7r k t' , This articlc " 'he onlo Cil'ari it d - ' y th , c Frcn h, and in Lwndc* E ans it is in universal uso. I 1 is a beautiful economical, soothing yet stimula KKtiiKf* ** ? * **+ ■e lt i KMU V • 1 Krow 'h of lu *uriant hair. If n'p f r*op in place of the bald spots a fine growth of ■ tan !I . cconl ' n g t directions it will jii N, hair DARK , and restore gray hair I ■ngmal color, leaving it soft, smooth, and Oex- Jverv H*™?* . Isan ,n( J'*pcnsable articl. ■v tSJSw T t n -5 tollet ' a,,(i aflfer one week's use ■heSCS " ily tonß,( 'eration be without it. |h **** fcr 'he article ■" ; n,teJ to whom all orders must bo ad rhiS*** X,y aII the dt-ire 1 etr "f li' ." nucn '." warranted Kt>bT m-.ii pi r,. . W * Bt to i,n 3'. who pa **l postage, ,i ) .iT Ure / PMk * d ' on rccei l' t W' HORACE woo DL - h bt.,<or Grand,AVillinuisljurlM GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1863. Great LiterdYy and Pictorial Year ! The publisher of Godey's Lady's Book, thankful to that public which hits enabled him to publish a mag azine for the last thirty-three years of a larger circu lation than any in America, has made an arrange ment with the most popular anthoress in this country Marion Hurlund, Au.horess of "Alone," "Hidden Path," " Moss Sides," " Kernels," and Mirsam, who will furnish a story for every number of tho La dy's Book for 1863. This alone will place the La dy's Book in a litertry point of view far ahead of any other magazine. Marion ilarland writes for no other publication. Oiif ottor favorite writers will ill continue to furnish articles throughout the year. The best Lady's magazine in the World, and the cheapest —The Literaturo is of that kind that can be read aloud In the family circle, and the clergy in immense numbers are subscribers for the Book. The Music w aM original, and woul'd cost 25 cents V tho price of the Bookl in the music stores ;but most of if. is eopj-righted, and cannot be dbtaihed except in " Gbdey." - . Our Steel Engravings. All efforts to rival us in this have ceased, and we now stand alone in this de partment, giving as we do, many, more ai*d infinitely better engravings than are published in any other work. Godey's immncse ddub'e sljcet fashion piates con taining from five'to seven full length Colored Fash ions on each plate—Other magazines give only two. Far ahead of any F'ashlons in Europe or America —Godey's is the Only work in the world that gives these immense plates, and they arc such as to have excited the wonder of publishers and the public. The publication of these plates cost 310,100 More than fashion platos of the old style, and nothing but our wonderfully large circulation enables us to give them, Other magazine cannot afford it. We never spare money when the public can be benefited. These fashions may be relied on. Dresses may be made after them, and tho wearer will not subject herself te ridicule as would be the case if she visited the large cities dressed after the stylo of the jdates in some of ounso called fashion magazines. Onr wood Engravings, of which wo give twice or three times as many as any other magazine are of ten mistaken for steel.—They are so far superior to any others* Imitation. Beware of them. Remember publi cation and the c-lieapesi. If you take Godcy, you want no other ipagazine. Everything that is useful or ornamental in a house can bo found in Godey. Drawing lessons. No other.magazine gives them and we have given cmiugh to fill Several large Vol umes. Onr receipts are such as can be found nowhere else. Cooking and all its variety—Confectionary— the Nursery—the Toliet—the Laundry—the Kitchen Receipts upon all subjects are to be found in tho pa ges of the Lady's Book. We originally started this department, and have peculiar facilities for making it most perfect. Thic department alone is worth the price of the Book. „. , Ladies work tahle. This department composing, engravings and description of every article that a lady wears. Model Cottages. No other magazine has this de parrrnetit, TERMS CASH TX ADAAXCE, —One copy one year, 33. Two copiies one year, 35. Three copies one year, s>. Four copies one year, and an extra copy to the p>ersnn sending the club, 310 Eight cop>ie3 one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the el üb, 320. And the only magazine that can be introdudueed into the above clubs in place of the Lady's Book is Arthur's Home Magazine. Special Cle.btiir.g with other ArhfAi!:tries —fiodcys Lady's Book, and Arthur'? Home Magazine, both one year for 33 50. Godey's Lady's Book and Harper's Magazrne both one year tor 84 50. Godev Harper, and Arthur, will all three be sent one year on receipt of 36 00, Treasury Notes and Notes of all solvent banks ta ken at puK . Bo careful and pay the postage on your letter, address L. A. GODfeY. 323 Cheftnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. THB MAGAZISEFOR TIE TIMES I PETERSON'S MAGAZINE The Best and In tlie World for Ladies 1 This popular monthly Mngaz'ne will be greatly im p cored for 1863. It will contain ONE THOUSAND PAGES OF READING! FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES! TWELVE COLORED FASHION PLATES! TWELVE COLORED BERLIN WORK PATTETNS NINE HUNDRED WOOD CUTS ! TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OF MUSIC ! All this will be givon for only TWO DOLLARS a year, or a dollar less than Magazine of the class of " Peteis.m." lis ©jtiUifljf €ole anfr iHoorirttrs nro the best published anywhere. All the most pop ular writers arc employed to write originally for " Peterson." I 1863, in additi.-n to its usual quan tity of shorter starves, FOUR ORIGINAL COPY RIGHT NOYELETTS will be given, by ArnS. Step hens. L. C. Moulton, Frank Lee Bern diet, and the, Author of " The Murder in the Glen Ross." It also, pu' lishes - MIS JIM IF (II MIS. Each number, in addition to the colored plate gives Bonnets, CTpaks und Dresses, engraved on wood Also, a pattern, from wjiich a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's dress can be cut out, without the aid of a mantua-maker. Also, several pages of Household nnd other Receipts. IT IS THE BEST LADY'S MAGAZINE IN THE WCRLD TIIY IT FOR ONE YEAR. TERMS—ALWAYS IN ADVANCE One Copy, One Year 8 2 00 Three Copies. for One Year ' 5 00 Five Copies, for One Year 7 50 Eight Copies, for One Year 10 00 Sixteen Copies, for One Year 20 00 PREMIUMS FORGETTING fJPC^PBS Three, Five, Eight or more copies make a clup. To every aerson getting up a club of Three, Five, Eight or Twelve copies, an extra copy of the Magazine for 1863 will be given, or our mezzotint for framing, Buriyari Parting from his Blind Child In Prison' To every perso-i getting up a club of Sixteen, two jf either of the premiums will be sent. Address, post-paid, . CHARLES J. PETERSEN, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. I3TS pcciraens sent gratis, when written for. ZNTOTIOBr Persons indebted to the subscriber, either on Note or Book account, are notified that said notes and ac counts havebe-n left with my Father A. F. Eastman, who is fully authorized t receipt aria scttlj the same 5 gz* If not settled soon, they tvill be left in the hands of an officer for suit and collection". G. 11. tjtST&AX. The business of ROOT and SHOE inakihg will be continued by the subscriber, at the old stand, where everything pertaining to the btlrinc sT, will in done in a substartT*!i! nr-ft wo-'krianlike manner, and at low prices for ready pay. He solicits a continuance of the public patronage. ... ~ , _ , A. F. EASTMAN, lunkhannuck, Sept. 3, 1662. MEDICAL HALL! BRIDGE ST., TUNKKANNOCK, NEXT DOUR SOUTH OF C. M. KOON'S. DR. 1. I RIO OS, PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST. JUST RECEIVED at the Tunkhannock Medical llall, the largest and best assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever brought to this section of country. These medicines have been selected by the sub scriber himself, with great care, and hence ho can recommend and warrant them as being pure attd un adulterated. His stock comprises in part, the following, to wit : DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS,M'AINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, FANCY NO TIONS, FINE WINES AND LI QUORS, (FOR MEDICINAL PUR POSES ONLY) COAL OIL, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, CAMPHENE, COAL OIL LAMPS, ALSO STATIONERY, WRITING INK, PHOTO GRAPH IC ALP. U MS, TOR ACCO, SEG A IIS, PIPES, AND ALL THE PROMI NENT PATENT MEDICINES OF THE DAY, ALL OF W 111 CII CAN BE BOUGHT ON THE tyOST REASON ABLE TERjhS, FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS accurately com pounded at all hours of the day and night. DR. J. W. RIIOADS, Physician and Druggist. Tunkhannock, May 14, 1562. n4O ly RUNNING STILLi THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT of the subscriber, is still in running order, through all the reverses an I panics of former day?" since 1833, without being wound up, tic which place you can find a good assort ment of DYES, DRUGS X MEDICINES, as can he found in the county, warranted genuine and pure. Boots, Slices, Harness and Leather, as good as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest, and all the WORK WARRANTED. You can get alt kinds of Job Printing done to or der, and blanks of every kind constantly on hand, which, in slvlc, ure not surpassed by our largo or county offices. TO THE LADIES. rest fVmn your toil, and buy a SEWING IVIAIICIdVE The subscriber h is also succeeded in obtaining one of the best, and most reliable Sewing Machines, for the inonev, now in market, vizi Davis's SMS Shuttle and the 330 franklin Machines, equal in oapacitv to Wheeler A Wilson's ¥75, or Grover A Baker's *345 machine, and making the same stitch, which is one third saving jo buying here than at any other agency iu Northern Pennsylvania. Every Business Man do your o h fn frintinS ! IT WILL PAY! L 0 WE'S PATENT PORTABLE PRINTING PRESS. (the cheapest in the United States,) for sale. Price, from 35 to 325 for a press. Office complete, from 310 to 375, with type and all necessa ry material Call and see them, or send for a circu lar of full particulars. Particular attention is called to SPRING'S RHEUMATIC ELIXER, and very effective Liniment, for all Rheumatic pains, Headache, Dyptheria, Ac , for sale in Mehoopany by Dr. Becker A Co. and Henry Love ; on Russell Hill by T. Stemphs ; at Forkston by Mr. Garey ; at Me shoppen by Henry Stansbury. A trial of the medi cine, will in 1 11 cases, prove satisfactory. Try it, and be convinced. BRIcK I .10,000 Brick for sale. Thanktul for past favor?, tile stlbfcriber is determ ined, by strict altntioii to business, to merit still fur ther patronage. T D. SPRING. Laccyville, Sept. 24,1862 —v2n7. HXT E -W tABINEr AND - chair MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture, Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock, next door to C. M. Ivoon's grocery store — where are kept on hand and manufactured to order : TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, and common. BUREAUS of all styles, sizes, and prices. BEDSTEAD?. Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can bo Tbund in the largest furniture establishments in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be bought in any town outsido of the cities, lifting sat isfied that he enn compete, both in Workmanship and prices with apv establishment in thft codntry, he so licits the ptfbnc patronage. REPAYING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, ffew-scated nnd re paired. UNDERTAKING. —Ifavkig a Hearse of his own, and having had much experience, he will attend to this department of the business on short notice, and in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM IIAAS. July lfi, 1862. —vlttdOly LlJufe AND BRICK, CHEAPER THAN AT where else in the coumy, for sale at' FARM FOR SALE, The Subscriber offers for sale his farm situate in OVERFiEhjj WYOMING CO. PA: t'ONTAINING 108 ACM 15 M THEREOF IMPROVED, ftell watered, with a good Two story Frame Dweling House 18 by 34 feet with kitchen 16 by 24 feet —a good Fiauie Barn, Frame Shod, and Cider Press, with a MMBHFBIIT TREES. A FINE NATIVE GROVE, USED FOR CAMP MEETINGS, beautifully situated jpn aujck of land nearly surrounded by the pure water of % beautiful lake, adds much to the value .and beauty of the prop erty, It is situated but eight .mtfes from .Tunkhan nock. the County Seat: fivemiies from the railroad, and about fifteen miles from Scranton and Pittetou where, the highest prices for produce of ail kinds can always bo obtained- Persons wUh.l& tobuycan call and exam ine for themselves or iiddress , ( SAMUEL TRAUGER, Nov. 26, 1862. Ciinum Corners, Wyoming Co. Pa. BRIDGE J3UILDING. Noitce is hereby given, that the Commissioners of Wyoming County, will lej to the lowest responsible bidder on Saturday the 18th day of Dceomber 1862. the finding of the material and the Execution of a new bridge on or near the rite of the pld one, at or hear Eli N, feu con's in the Township ofNicholson in said County LcttiDg will be at Two o'clock of said daj at or near the site of said bridge. Plans and specifications may be seen at the com" missoners office One wetfk beiore the letting : Nov 26 1862 J. W. GAREY, j F. IIOUGII, > Commissioners T.VAUGHN. > Attest WMILIAM F. TERRY, clerk. Commissioners office, Tunkhannock Wyoming Co. Executor's Notice. Whereas, letters, testementary to the estate of Peggy Flannery, late of North Branch Township, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to the said estate aro requested to make immediate payment', and those haHng claims or demands against said estate t*ilj make the same known to the subscribers without delay duly authen ticated. , J.OSEPII EI'B,OESS, ) lIRXRY CHAMPIN. ] North Branch, Nov. 17, 1862. T& THE Xl-ADIES NEW fALUtf^WINTER MIILIIERY MS! .AT VI lis. RAUI)VVPiT>IYS, Opposite the Post-Oflice. "VI7" HERE may be found a general essort- VV uient of Ribbons, Bonnet Materiiil, F1 iwers, Ruches, Stiaw ami Faney Bonnets, Misses' and Chil dren's Hats and Shakers, and all other articles in the millinery line, which will be offered at the Ijwcst market prices. Please call and oxamine before purchasing else where. U Bleaching and repairing done in good order and at the shortest notice. Tunkhannock, Nov. 12, 1862 —v2nl4-3m. STOVE & TIN-WARE MANUFACTORY, ftjNKHANfcbcfc, P, ROSS, BRO'S. MANUFACTURE AND DEAL IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF TIN, SHEET-IRON, AXI) Cojjptr llliirt, COOKING, PARLOR, AND BOX STOVES STO VE PIPE & FUBNITUPE, Heaters and Registers, PUMPS, ZINC, LEAD PIPE, JAPANNED AND BRITANIA WARE, And, indeed, everything pertaining to their business, which they offer at PANIC PRICES. ROOFING, GUTTERS and CONDUCTORS, put up, at short notice. JOBBING and REPAIRING ©fall kinds, prompt ly end neatly done. Give them a call: Tunkhannjek, Sopt. 11, l'Psf." ly. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, lIHILADELFIIIA. . . For the Relief of the Sick i$- Distressed, afflicted icith Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases if the Se£tfal Organs Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea or Seminas Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs and on the New Remediesemployed in the Dispensa ry, sent to the afflicted in scaled letter envelope fr-ic of charge. Two or three stampa for postage will be acpeptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH TON, Ahting Surgeon, Howard Association, Nso!y Ninth Street, Philadelphia Fa, !n2oly. WANTED -A RESPECTABLE PERSON OF EITHER SEX in every neighborhood to sell J. R. STAFFORD'S OI.IVE TAU, and also J. R. STAFFORD'S IROX AKDSI i.i'iU'n PowiSfiits. Olive tar is a thin, transparent fluid ; it is the best, remedy known fot diseases of the Throat, Lungs, or Catarrh. Also for Diptheria, Croup, Whooping Cough, Ac. My Iron and Sulphur Powders strengthen the system, aid the digestion, and purify the blool I Lave al6 p:vgo ptnupljlet o©**Hiiiing full explanations, and over 100 testimonials from well known prominent persons which I will send to any one free by mat'. Latest AND Reliable News Arrival of a mm ws —OF Fall & Winter tHE subscriber begs leave to uiforffi F ; is numerous friends and customers, that he has just returned from Philadelphia and New York, with the farjMt l Pest Srlttltb Stork if Faney Goail* Shawls, Cloaks, Sassintms, gatatfa MEN'S WEAR IN GENERAL, YANKEE NOTIONS, &£. Ever brought to this County. He has also bought a Fine Stock of Ladies' Shoes GAITERS, HATS, and a Full Line of SAB 61 If bought at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. As regards the Quality and Styles of Goods, he de fies competition. As regards Prices, he only assures his friends, that kmg experience in the trade enables him to buy, and therefore, sell cheaper than any one else outside the city. A fair trial is all he asks. No Trouble to Show Goods. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him, he will, by. strictly honest dealing, and hereafter, a close attention to business, try to merit a continuance ol the same, John Weil. Tunkhannock, Oct 15, 1862. Beemer's Cash. at Falls. A LARGE, NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK of i • • Seasonable Goods-, of all kinds, it now being received at BEEMER'S CASH STORE ! ' Lf PALLS', / Having been purchased at •. PRICES ft BELOW ll,c MARKET &ATES! and selling exclusively for Ready Pay be is cnablod lo undersell any Store in this part of the country. In the line of Domestic Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, —and— Grroceries, HE DEFIES COMPETITION. His stock of Cloths, Cassimeres; is Complete. Also, HATS *** GAPS, In fact he has ©Pfri)tl)i'ng lo £nppli) tlje tUtfots of tlje PEOPLE. The HIGHEST CASH PRICES will, be paid for BUTTJIK, KGUri, and GRAIN of all kinds, in ex change for Goodj. - He returns his thanks to people of his peigh- , borhood for .their liberal patronage ; and by fair aad honest dealing, hopes to merit ft continuance of the satnO , "THE LATEST STYLES OF • Fa! I aud Winter -'BONNETS,- and MILLINERY GOODS, bare just been received at the establishment of MISS LOUISA HEPBURN, on Tioga Street, opposite the Post-offlce, where will bo found Ladies. Chilren, Misses, and Boy's FLATS, HATS, and CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, *IBBONS, FLOWERS;, and TRIMMINGS, und. everything i/ the line of Millinery, which will bo sold at the loues Cash Prices. > I ?®9J Atli'B M& PitiSf FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC I Thkhp. luis long existed a public demand for * effective purgative pill which could be relied on an sufc and. perfectly safe hi it* operation. Thie ban . Seen prepared to meet that demand, and an extra trial.of its virtues has conclusively shown with what W ccq*> it accomplishes the purpose designed. It .< er<y to make a physical pill, but not easy to make the best of all pi/It one which should hare r oiie of (he objections, hut all the advantages, of every other, This has hern attempted here, and with what micros* we wonld respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative lucdicii. -vis facrimonmus and' irritating to the bow els. This is not. Many of xham produce so muah griping pain ana revulsion in the system as to mora than counterbalance the good tt> he derived from them. These,pi[i* pfeduce no. trritMioa or Pi, unless it anso from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the boweto;' Benig purely vegetable, no harm can arise from tlsetipse in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously,. Minute directions for. their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are ffvrn on the box. Among the com plajit.s..uiti h have bean speedily cured by them, wo mr'y mention Liver Complaint,.in its various forma of Jatindicte, Indigestion, languor ana Less of Ap- Derive,,Listlessness, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Ftver, Fever and Ague t ,Paia in the Side atid liOins ; fof, in trfith, all thfcz? are but the con sequence of diseased -aorion-id the liver. As ma aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Coe tiveness. Piles, Colie, : Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula and Scurvy, Colds pith soreness of the body, Ulcera and impurity'of the blood, Irregularities; in short, any and entry case where a purgative is required. . I hea have also produced some singularly suc cessful cures'in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, GraveL Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in tho Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely, taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasohj* An occasional dose stimulates the stomach aria bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and v igor. They purify the b'ood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organisms Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of ®vera body; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which ha* hitherto been available to mankind. When thai* virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of * cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped, they an pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in sny quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the PREPARED BY DR. JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 85 Cents per Box. Five Boxes for H A YER'S CHERfcY PECTORAL, For (lie rapid Cure of COKiHS. COLDS, HOARSENESS; BRONCHITIS, \\ !100PI\G-(oliiU, CROUP, ASTII.IIA, AND CONSUMPTION. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of ev cry variety of pulmonary disease, t*at it is entirely unhecessary to recount the evi dences ot its virtues in any community where it has been qmpioycu. So wide is the field oiits use fulness. and so a* —'.TV* the cases of iits..£Uje*, that almost eves-- vtXvi of- the eoutttrj abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of ita kind ia too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues an known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distresr'ng and dangerous aflec. tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. Not only in formidable attacks upon the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Golim, Cough*. Hoarsxxiss, Ac.; and for Chit- Brum it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that cah'be bbtained. ~ As ip has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the its quality Is kept up to the best that it ever has b*fn. ana that the gfemtiho article is sold by II Stark, 'funkbannock ;. T D. Spring, Laceyviile viarding A Co., Nicholson; E AJ. Fyear, ville, nnd by dealers in Medicines everywhere HARDWARETIkoN! /a E ' HUNT BRO'S & BLAIR —OFFER TOR SALE IRON, STE L NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD. ■ SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS; fIORSE-SIfOES, Jlthcrifon anb (Eugiisst) gorsc iails, WROUGHT NAII.S, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, 4 CARPENTERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) IIUR3, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SL'TN DLKS, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS, NL'TS, WASHERS, BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES : PLASTER FTICRIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD, FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, AC , Ac., Ac- ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT, AND MANFFACTOR ED 10 ORDER. / .<i. LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Falrbank'a Scales. Scranton, March 26, 1862. vfn33—ly,' Blanks)} Btailfcsfrf? BLANK strjnroNsis . ; SU6p<BNA,ES., . EXECUTIONS . ... .. , , CONSTABLE'S SALES. Constable's, and legal Hlai.iks of alj kinds, Nculty and Coir telly priqtod oy ,Kyyd and for sale-at the Office of the "North Branch Democrat."