pise aitlt pjjertoise. Speakitur f on® say 44 '.be latest Mylt." < tile ?', car If woman do the gres'i t* <.vi. ■ i il. talking, they alao do the bcifer (art >| i. car Man leads woman to the i :t ; that act his leadership and ends. car the yifcld of Wi eat i I ova 9 esMnn ted at 22 000' 000 bushels this benn-, 1. 750, 000 bushea more than the crop < Now, my child, I hope you will be good so that I shall not have to whip you again." 44 If you must whip any one, you'd better whip ono of your size." An advertising chandler at Liverpo.il mod estly says, that ' 4 without intending eliv dis paragement to the sun, he may confidently assert tnat his octagonal spermaceti are the best lights ever invented." f Laat winter, it ts said, a cow flo*u-d down fh Mississippi on a piece of ice. and l>. came so cold that she has milked nothing hut ice creams ever since. —; —l— things get to the worst they gen erally take a turn lor the better " This pr t etb applies more particularly to a hd.x's ok dress—when she cannot get am w • r fry Th%tlUO that W" 16 • ■? ' r tli"'- r-monv," straightened up afterwards. Hi v '■ ■ £lj( .Democrat. lIAHVFY SKIKLER, Fdtior. TU NK.HANNOCK, PA. Wednesday, Dec 3. 1862 Ha t"Sheet, and Why. VTe tins week, present cuir readers with but a half sheet. About the time tlia' we sb til I have received our paper in response to an order, on our paper makers, we receiv ed the following letter tr m them: Ithica Nov 24th 1862 Mr Harvey Sickler, Dexlt Sir:—We are in receipt of yours ordering Tinea Bun It s of Printing Paper 24 by 64 The price has gone up so largely that we dare not fill your order without first writing you. We are now selling at 18 cts (eighteen cents) per pcund, vask Jel'vere ' :•* our Depot, an I are declining all new customers If you want at the price stated, please write and we will send at once Yours Truly, AndrCs McChaix, i Co To have sent another order, would have delated this issue of our pa er, lor want of time. We, therelore, on Friday last took the car* for Binghamton to get a supply for this issue, at any price. On inquiry at the two paper nulls, at that place we found not a sheet ol the size Used by us, nor would th y agree to ntan.ilacture any, having as they said, orders lor larger sizes fr >m New York city, beyond the capacity of their mills, at prices equal to those named in the letter above. VVe were obliged to purchase of a size larger than used by us. at the price imi ca'ed, and cut down to our size by hand.— The surplus in size, being lost to us. Out readers will see that we have taken some pains to give them even a half sleet this week. They will also bear in mind ihat th" paper of tins half sheet c st us a little more than a whole sheet at former prices. The tai:d-rd price for our paper having been up to a late date 9 cts. |>er pound. In view of this unprecedented rise in price, we have not yet determined on what course to adopt, to avoid a positive loss of several dollars each week, winch would be lite re sult, if we printed a paper of the u-.ua! size at our pteseiit lutes VYe shall be governed iu the matter by our own judgment, upon consiMalion with our friend* and -üb-enbers One ilung i> certain , our paper will be print ed in so me shape, and sent regularly to our as long as they continue to pat rouize us and pay their subscriptions. The situvtton in winch we are place < with regard to our bank paper will be better ap predated by our readers where they reflect that the raw material out of which it ts inaile is cotton—cotton rags and the waste from c t mills. Ail of thein have learned that cotton cloth has advanced in price at least 100 prct. We ca assure thein that paper has been at beted by the -ame causes and had an equal in crease in price, with a piospect ola still lur t her advance. Wo find that meet i! nut :•"s b"tii an advance MI price and a reduction in size has been icsoried to. As betore -aid we liavn not vet determined what c<>ur*e t> adopt to mtet and pass through thin news paper crisis. Prompt payment by our sub • scrtbers wdl enable us to do this more easily. If any of tliein far they will loose their money by paying in advance ;they can pay as we go along, quarterly. We are cow able to repay every advance subscription we have received at any time we fail to furnish t he paper and expect to be able to do so at any and all times hereafter Our subscribers will run no risk by pa> inr in advance. Those who have not yet paid us for the past year, will take the hint from wi.at has already been said, and will doubtless act upon it. Noth ing further, therefore need be said to them* Noth'ng of importance has taken place in the arm}*, since the rem< val of McClellan, except a change of base of operations. Burn 6ide is yet on the north side of the R ppa bannock, opposite Ftedrtcssburg. Generals Lee and Jackson are massing their forces on the south side, and fortifying the city ; de termined to resist the " on to Richmond" progress of his army at every step. The Abolition " rump" of a Congress met on Monday last. The President's proclama tion was promptly sent in. Lookout for the niger, in all Ins loveliness, for the next three months. More Money Wanted to Buy Negroes# The Was lington correspondent of the Boston Her ald states that the Commissioners under the act of emancipating the slaves in the District of Columbia, havo completed their labors Over three thousand slaves have been freed by them, and while the price paid for each is on an average only about one-half or two thirds Of their estimated value, the appropriation of one mllion dollars has fallen far short of the amount required, an l nearly half a million more will have to be appropriated for that objec .—And the rump Congress that as enables nest month will have no hes'tation in votingthat sum to give these helpless, hapless wretches their mockery of freedom, WMI tho brave men who have gone out fiom our firesides to peril their lives for their ill-fited country, are continually wiiling home that they havo received no pay for months, and anzioutdy inquire how their families are to get through the winter, the Ab ditinn Administration can buy niggers by the wholesale. Their motto probably is—"Not one cent for tho sold iers, milieus tor contrabands." NOKWAU. C*n.. N >v. 24.—Tne Charter v el. u * -ii.fi u t-u ten in ti v choice of the entire Democratic ticket by a large inajoaity. i The lull living graphic Kc-pori, of a Teach ers Institute, or Dull, sent U" by Essex seeUW to have been wrUti-n, to bring nmre protni- ' nently before the public the doings of the two principal characters mentioned therein. We know nothing of the parties or ol the proceed tigs, except as contained in this re- ! p rt, not havini. read the (bruit- r report albi ded to. We fear the writer will incur the imputation of being personal, wloch we would advi-e him to avoid, hereafter, by all means. Ed. ' MR EDITOR :—I ha.L thought, I would not write an/uingiimt the Toa her's Association, held at Piu bervitle, but as such an unreliable report of it. • appeared in th.- Wyomng Republican of Oct. 29ih I now propose giving you a correct aceouut of the ! proceedings thereof, for your benefit, as well as the benefit ot others, who may chance to rend your pa ! per. It appears at n Teachers Association, hold Rt ' North tnoreland last spring, a committee of tree, ; was appointed, together with Mr M iroy, Supr, of Luzerue County, to in ike preparations for a Union Association, of the teachers and friends of E lucation, of Wyoming an l Luzerne Counties On the 6th of - Sept., tho committee all met, with the exceptionof ; E. L Underwood, son of—we really do not know whoi for we never heard that any one would own him.— The reason of Underwood's absence, is simply this— he was pr- sento 1 with a son, a few days before the ' committee met. wnich, (although it was not the first,) had a powerful effect upon bitu, for almost immedi ately he was taken with '• seecssi n" fits. Notwith standing nil this, the committee fixed upon the 9th 10'h and 1 I'h of Oct for sal i association ; and think- | i ing as a matter ot course, that I n lei wood would cer- tainly be present, if uis health wuu.it permit, doubt would have done, had they known, how mu-h suffering it would have saved him. On the morning >f Oct, 9th, a goodly number came together, and we were antici pating a good time, but alas' how often arc wo doomed to see the morning sun overcast with clouds which his beams are unable to penetrate. Mr. Mar-' cy proceeded to tho business of choosing officers, and being eonne tea to said I n ierwoo I, by marriage, (I suppose she fact has i een si source of deep grief to Mr. M.,) delicacy forbade his nominating him for presi lent, which Mr U. (mu looking ui>oti it in the right light,) considered a slight, to his superior qual ifications, and when chosen for B'crctary, he v ry rudely decline I that office, showing fcv bis in on-r, that he consi lered himself an ngrieved person, suvl a;soon a* he could conveniently, set himself about getting up u secession association, but as th it pirtv was not very numerous, he wus oY.ig.' 1 to give it up. Fin illy we prevailo i upon him to meet with us, agiin in the afternoon, when every thing pas.-eJ off very pleasantly, but in the evening we were disippointed at not lebolding the .-ight o! his ia- >• i benign counte nance, and, on inquiry, learne I thct he had been seized with another •'secession'* fit. aoorap nie ! by the gripes, whi hso completely overcame htm that he was unible to again furor us with his prcsr-n-e ; but we were somewhat beguiled of our grief when the choir sang so patriotically: •' McClellan's our leader, he's gcllint and strong. Let us gird on the armor sir i i.c' marc,lin along After which interesiin g essays wise read, cspe. I illy one by Miss P A Culver, in whi. h, she buried all Secession School Teachers, t id fum she I their - -hoi ars with stars an I stripe; we sincerely wish that Underwood had been piescnt for then his recession principles woul I ha.c been nipped in the bud The second day it was somewhat rainy, but the teachers with one exception were at their posts In good sea s-n. fhis exception was ni less a persona*". than Mr William Hetfiel-l, (son of Divi IT. Hetfie! 1 I>q. and brother of Thco lore, who is at present engaged in returni g run-a-way sol iiers to tlioir posts, when they are not cunning enough to get away from him ; an 1 also brother of Gordon, who in the time of en rollment, wis suffering seriously from a breaking out on his brenst, whenever begot warm, and on that ccount claimed a certificate of exemption) who was appointed to teach Algehia, but when the time arrived he was among ths miesing. You may judge how disappoint" dwe were, when we t< II you, that we were expei ting something very r the occasion,) were called upon for some sL.ging.— The first two pieces passed off very well, but when called upon for th> third, there arose a dilemma, for it see ins they had intended to sing only four tunes— that is two tor each evening, but thinking perhaps they might be call d upon for >n ,-xtra, they ha 1 prepared a fifth. They sang three the first evening and in order to make the 3rd for this evening, thev were oblige J to repeat ''marchiti 1 along," which was done with great brilliancy by calling in ti-o aid 0 f those whom thev u id oiv rejected ; after which, the meeting adjourned Saturday morn ng met pursu ant to adjournment, had a short exercise in phonetics, also one in parsing—a few re olutions were passe I (for a true copy of which I refer you to tho Wyomins Republican of Oct 22nd,) after which the meeting adjourned sine die. Thus passed tho meeting which we should ICOK back upon with great pleasure were it not for the remembrance of our pain at beholding the writhing and contortions of I'nderwood which were truly awful, an I also at seeing the bodv of a dearly loved triond, with a face as white as marble as he was taken from tho water, which caaio near proving the cause of his death. ESSEX. The Now York Times or Thursday contains the following on tho subject of tho increase in the price of nowspiper?, which is now exciting attention. The subject is also un ler consideration by tho Pbil a elp'nia Publishers : •' NEWSPAPERS.—The Bost >n newspapers have " advanced their price from two to three cents a copy. " Toe Now York newspipors will do the same thing ' just as soon as they can make up their minis that " the world is large enough for all of them. l T p to "the present time, each seams go fearful of losing its " own position that (hey all pri fcr giving for tico •' cents what costs them four or fivo, to running the " risk of making any change. " Every article th it enters into the composition of " a newspaper costs inueh more than it has ever oono " before White piper, which is th most ex ensivo <>f these articles, now sells tor n an 1 twenty " cents a pound, while fen has bithertno been the '• outside price. Are >m. consisting of four hun Ired "^ n,i - j? tvshee,t ' w 'ighs fifry |„unds, and ' 89 to SlO, in I brings back, at the who! sile price of ' a cent and a half per sheet, after it has been tirint "ed pre isely 87,20. On tho cost oi while |,i |ie[ " a ono, ihercfor ■, there is a clear loss of over 84 <. n "every thou*md printed, which, together with the " cost of ty e setting, correspondence, reporting, ed "itihg, telegrams, 4c , Ac., is to bo met by advertis 't*.rs ' ,^' 10 r'| cities '• of the North un Is of honey, Forty a ions of sweet cider, Forty i-ou ds of pork, Forty pounds of beef, Forty ewt of Hay, Forty bundles of goo 1 rornst.ilks. Forty pounds of dried apples, Funeral Sermon.— The Funeral Sermon of William H, Mcßridr, son of Sarah B. M Bride, of this llorou h, who wis killed at the batt e before Mancss is Sept 30th 1562, will be preached in the M. Li. Church in tiiis Iloiougb, on Sunday the 7th day of Dee. fmt ft 10 o'clock A. M., by Rev. J Kennedy. r Donation at Rev. Will Frear's residence, in Ea ton, Dee 11th 1862. A general invitation i- given SrarCL' '.his Weel .—Local items and print ng piper. A Discharge from all tlie Foil". A week or so ago the authoritcs at Washington issue 1 a tin st gratifying order, liberating the pri-i it ers hel 1 for [".-lineal re in the harbors noth of Washington. In pursutn eof that orier we have to-day the plcu urc ol announcing tire relensi of nil the persons heretofore hchl in custo !y at Fort U arrtn It ir scarcely de ding in mctaj.hor to say that no dis charge from the forts in question h's ever beeu nine gladly receive 1 bv both those within and those with out Died. COL KM AN—Cie l, N .veinUr '27 It 1502, ROB: RT NORMAN, Son of IF tj tuin F and Columbia Cc-ic luun ag Woillhs ii days. So young so lovely, Bat so early leal. gffitiisrinrnte. GODEY'S lADVS ROOK FOR 1863. Great Literary and l J ict-trial Year ! The publi.-ber of Galley's La ly s Cook, thankful to that t udi • whii It lias enabled hi in to publish a mi g aline for the last thirty-three years of a 1 trger ctr-u -ation t*ian anv in A iion a, has male an arrange ment wi h the most populai authoress in this i aintry j --Marion Ilarl.ind An horess of "Alone," 'lli-Men | Path,"' " Mass Sides," " Nemesis," anil Miis.un,' who will furnish a story for every number of the La- I dv'a Dook for 3SG3. This alone will place the La dy's Rook in a litertry pemt of view hr ahead at any other magazine. Marion Uarl.tnd writes for no other pubicntion Our other favorite writers will all continue to furnish articles throughout the ye ir. The best Lady's magazine in the \V rd, an l the cheapest —The 1 iterature is of that kind that can be read aloud in the family circle, and the i.irgy in immense n.m ers.ire subscriber< for lite Look. The Music is all original, an I woul'ieis 2~-> cenU (the price of the Look) in the music stores ; but most of it is copyrighted, and cannot be obtained except in "Godey." Uur Steel Engravings. All efforts to rival us in this have ce tscil, and we now stand alon in this de partment, giving as wo do, many more and luSoitely better engravings than are published in any other Worn. GoJey's iui.utiCie dot. >2e sheet ; l-hion ppifcs i on to inipg from live to seven luil length Colored i'a.-b -ious on oaeh [date —Other tuagaiines give oulv two. F.r ahead of any Fashions in Europe or America —Godey's is the only work in tha world that gives these immense plates, and they are su -h as to have excited the wonder ol' publishers anl the public. The publication of these plate-• cost OIUjICJ More than fashion plains of the old style, and nothing but our wonderfully largo circulation enables u to give them, Other magtzine cannot afford it. W.o never spare money when the public can be benefited. These fashions may be relied on Dresses mas he made after them, and tho woarer will not subject 1 herself to ridicule as would be the cae if sho visited tho large cities dressad after tho style of i the plates in some of our so called fashion magazines. Onr wood Engravings, of which we give twice or three times as many as any other magazine, arc of ten mistaken for steel.—They are so far superior to any others* Imitation. Beware of them. Remember publi- I cation and the cheapest. If you take Godey, you wuit. no other magazine. Everything th it is useful or ornamental in a house can be found in Godey. Drawing lessons. No other magazine gives them and wo have given enough to fill several large vol umes. Oar receipts are su -h as can be found nowhere else. Cooking and ail its variety —Confectionary— he Nursery—the Toliet—the Laundry—the Kitchen Receipts upon all su-jcots are to be found in the pa ges of the Lady's Book We originally started this department, and have peculiar facilities fur making i most perfect. This department alone is worth tliei pri- e of the Book Ladies work table. This department comprising, engravings and description of every article that a lady wears. Mo lei Cottages. No other magazine his this de partment, Tntirs CASH IN AUAANCE, —One copy ono year, S3. Two copies one year, $5. Three copies ono year, SG. Four copies one year, and an extra copy to tho person sending tho club, Sit) Eight copies one year, an i an extra copy to the person sending tho club, 620 And tho only magazine that can fee introduJuccd into the above < labs in place of tho Lady's Book is Arthur's Home Mag iziuo. Special Clubbing ■aith other Magazines —Qodeys Lady's Book aud Arthur's .iotiio Magazine, both one yo.tr for S3 50. Godoy's Lady's B Commissioners T VAUGHN \ Attest Wlll LI A.M F TERRY, clerk. Commissioners office, Tuukli innock Wyoming Co. Executors Notice. Whereas, it 'era, icsteuietitary to tie estate of Peg y F1 onery. late of North Eran.h Township, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers. Ai pers..n indebted to ih said est ite are r. quested to i make imoiv'iutc payment, an 1 tin-' having ehtiir.a ; or deman la ag linat. sii I estate will inak - the - ;ici: known to the subsaiiuers without delay duly au ben tieited. JO3-PII nUP. :E9.=. ) HENRY CIIAMPIN. )' Nerib Erin h, Nov 17, 1552. 70 THE EES - NEW'FALL AV vVifTfEft . MLiiiY H3IS! • .AT M lIS. RARDWKI I/S. tJeposi c the I'ost-Ofßcc. \%J HERE t-av be f.m.- I -1 central ; V 1 meet 3 b..n, Bonn t M it.-rial, II vc Ruchesy-Straw ul Fancy Dionct!, Miss rsm 1 'hi - : lrcti's Hal', an I Shakers an I a ! other articles 111;. j tui'iliiiery line, which will be otlcrcJ at the 1 cc- I market pric s. Please cad and examine before pur h sing I where. ■jr.** B!e ichlng ind repairing den •in g>>J or r and at the shortest notice Tuokliai.iio It, N iv. 12, 1. 52—v2u14-3tu STOVE & TiX-WARE f~§P . BS -i.fi - - MANUFACTORY, T U X lv 11 A X X OIL, I* a. ROSS, BIIO'S. MAXI'F ACTUK K \\l> DEAL IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF TIM, SHEET-IRON, AXD Copper ©Lit, COOKING, PARLOR, AND RON STOVES STO VE PIPE & FURNITURE, He ate r s ami Register s. PUMPS, 2INC, LEAD PIPE, JAPANNED AND BRITANIA WARE, And, indeed, everything pertaining to their business which they offer at i'ANIP PRICES. ROOFING, GUTTERS and CONDUCTORS rut up, n t short notice. ' JOBBING ami REPAIRING of nil kinds, prompt ly and neatly done. (Jive tlieuu a call. Tunkhaunick, Sep. 11,1861. I HOWARD ASSOCIATION niPL.ADEi.pnrA. For the Relief of the Sick A Pis'res-sed. cflic.'ed irtlh i> ulenf and c /ironic Diseases. ami especially fort, l it Cure of Pisca its flfie Sexual Org u ;,s Mult-ala I viae given gratis, I vihe Acting Surgeon Vdu iblo (.e|n>rt-on Sperm dot rhoc.-i >r Sruiins Weakness, m I other Diseases of the Sexual Oti- is anion the New Roine liesemidoyc I in t e Dispe_,- r .V, sent to the affii te lin se iled'h lter envelope t °f ehtlrge. 'J wo or three Rianips for postoge wilt bo i trieepr ible. A 1 Iress, Or J SKILLTnTiOUGil i TON, Ahting Surgeon. Howard Asicilion, NoOlv Nttdh s reel, 1 hd olelphi i Pa. In'2fllv \V V RK!?pe ctTT ! J^ : l^on'Ol * hi 111 r.t, SEX in every neighborhood to -ell .1 R. STAFFOItI.s OtIVK TAK, and also J R. STA~i"iB„'s ißOtr AMtSiTi.pnrn Powortis. Olive tar i . i thin transparent fluid ; U is the best r-me lv kn..w„ for iMseascs ot the Throat, Lungs, or Catarib. Also for | i'lpthena. Croup, Whooping Cough, Ac. My In n fw ! Sit phur Powders strong'hen the system iid the j dtgo tion, snd purify the Ll.kul I h ivo a'l6 i parn; hlef containing full expl muttons, and over 100 tesn.nonmN fm,n well known prominent t> Mens 1 whieh I will send to any on cfrtt by mai l . J R. STAFFORD, Chcuiat, FlncA.Tv. 4i2 Bioudway, Now York 1