North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, December 03, 1862, Image 1

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    (The 3iodh Branch Bemacrat
HARVEY SICKIjER, Proprietor.]
forth sranrj) f nnorrat.
A weekly Democratic
paper, ilevoted to l'ol
tics, News, the Arta *"
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|]ocfs (Corner.
The Diafted Wide-Awake.
I was a glorious Wiie-Awake
All marching in a row ;
Ar.d wore a shiny oil-eloth cape,
About two years ago.
Our torches flared with turpentine,
And filled the streets with smoke ;
And we were sure, wh it'er might come,
Secession was a joke,
O, if I then had onlv dreamed
The things thai now I know,
I ne'er had been a Wile-Awake
About two years ago.
I sni 1 the South woul I never dare
To strike a single blow ;
I thought that they.were cowards then,
About two years ago.
And -o I marched behind a rail,
Armed with a wedge and ntaul;
With honest Abe upon a fl'.g,
A boatman guant and tall.
O, if I then had only dream id
The things which now I know,
I ne'er had been a Wide-Awabe
About two years ago.
My work was good my wages high,
And bread an i coal was low ;
The silver jin; led in my purse
About two yeais ago.
In peace my wife an 1 children dwelt,
.11 ippy the live long day,
An l w tr was but tho te irful curse
Of countries far away.
0. if I then h id only dreamed
The,things which now I know
I ne'er had been a Wide-Awake
About two years ago.
My wife sits pale and weeping now,
My children < rying low ;
I did not think to go to war
About two years ago.
And no one now will earn their food,
Ne one will be their shield ;
Cod help them when I lie iu death
Upon the bloody field!
0. if T then ha I only dreamed
The things which now 1 k: ow,
I ne'er had been a Wile-Awake
About two years ago.
One brother's bones half buried lie
Near the Antiet tin's flow ;
He was a merry, happy lad
About two years ago.
And where the Chichahominy
Moves slowly towards the sea,
4> as left another's wasted corpse—
I ana the last of three.
0, if I then had only dreamed
The things which now I know,
I ne'er h id been a Wide-Awake
About two years a^o.
Just now I saw my torch and cape,
Which en: e made such a show;
They are not now what once they seemed
About two years ago.
I thought I carrie I Freedom's light,
In that smoky flaming brand j
I ve ie itnei I bore destru tb-t Vtorch—
That wedge has split the laad.
0, it I thon had only dreamed
The things which now I know,
I ne r had teen a Wide-Awake
Adout two years agoj
How Ilr, FELT —W e are informed that.the
President takes the result of the New York
dictions quite philosophically, an d will, doubt
g*. profit bv the lesson. When Colonel
forney inquired of hint how he felt about
York, Lincoln replied: "Somewhat
"ke that boy in Kentucky, who stubbed his
joe while running to see his sweetheart. The
"J said he was to big to cry, and far too
°*dly hurt to laugh."
Amelia." said Mr. O. .f>. Collone, to the
I"un(t lady whose smilea he was seeking •
I have long wished for this sweet opportunity",
ht I hardly da-e trust tnv-elf to speak the
d*ep emotions of my palpitating' heart ; hut 1
dec are to you, my Amelia, that I I-ve you
610,4 tenderly your smiles would *hd-I
your amiloa shed— "
Kewer aizd the wood-shed, eo oa' irth
?ecr pretty talk." "• b
"0 Louey, Luey, how could you fall in
love with a Dutchman ?"
L"Uev llill turned her sweet, blushing
face to i er laughing cousin to say earnestly :
lie is a G< rman. M<>llie, and of v.ry good
family, though not noble. Father is vert
willing f<>r toe to marry him. so Ins letter
must have Ik en good."
' Yes ; if ever a father idolized a child.
Uncle \\ ill is ihat father. Well, now, L"ti
"V, lake pity oi: my curiosity, and tell Hie all
about it."
" Ma" I come in ?" said another Voice a
tin* door.
" Yes, come in, and hear Loi ey's confess
ions," said Mr-. Lawton. And allot lit r hull
the sister of the bright, merry Mollie, came
it<l 'he room. Ttie ladies were the only oc
cupants of the house at that hour, if we ix
cept the sarvants, and having congregated,
let me <1 -scritjc them; Mrs. Lawtmi, tin
hostess, was a brunette of the brilliant, wn
ty kind, ami her §vucr, wh > was only a year
or two younger. Miss Mails Hill, wa- like hei
>n face, form, and disposition. Louisa Hili,
liie visitor and coiHiu, was a blonde, tan,
gentle, and petite, who, having jusi pass'-o
her seventeeth bin!.bay, was annnuiictflg
herself as en aged to he married to R.ilp:
G utslein, professor ei language in the II
" What is thereto tell?" aslfPl Lmtse,
with a little c nscious laugh. "We met, \v
l"Ve ! There's the whole stoiy in-toin
words "
" Not a hit of it Answer your elders
Nfi-s Hill, said Mrs Lawton. ''First, win*
is he ?"
'• He is the only son of Rolph Gottslein, of
tN iriemhurg, who was a prof.-ssor of language:
is hi i*, ,mly j„ a different place. lie, my
Kolph, was left iiiorherlesf wl.en he wis on
ly five year- old, and his sister Bert* only
three, and they were educated together by
their father for fourteen years. Then he
died, and having been both liberal ar.d hos
pitable. he left his children without anv
property, but with a most finished and re
markable education. Music, languages, and
-deuces were the atniospiieres or their life;
but they were young, and had lived a life al
most r rinse. Berta was taken into the fatn
tly of her aunt, and Rolph came to Ametica
II- brought good lexers fr.mi his fa her's old
triewls. and soon made a class of scholars in
New York. For .fen years he lived there,
and then came to C , with" the appoint
ment'of profess 'T in the college over which
father presides. He has been with us for a
" And the sister ?"
" Berta rairried, and went to Berlin. For
some years they corresponded, then her hits
band removed to a more remote part of Get
many, and ti.e letters were not so frequent.
At last they ceased, until within a few months,
when Rolph has rec- iv< d a letter, telling him
of Berta's widowhood and intention of com
tng to America with her little girl. Since
then he lias heard nothing. She may f>e
waiting to send him word exactly when to
expect her, or she may have started, and be
on her way."
" What is I er name ?"
" I never hearu him call her anything but
Berta, and I never inquired her husband's
name. There, girl?, ycu have all the story.
Now, it is my turn to question. What in
the world, Mollie, sent you out cf town at
this season ?"
" Oh, we are going to have a Christmas in
the English style. Harry can come down by
the ctrs, you know, every day, so he allowed
me •>> C"tne here last week to get ready. I
have sent out mi invitations for the twenty
fourth, to give every body a day for rest, and
the chests will stay till after New Year,
when we all return to town t'gether. Write
to-day Louoy, and ask Rolph to join us. Ii
is holiday time."
Oh yes, he will be delighted to come
Where is Will, Meta V
h Oh, he comes up and down wlfh Harry,"
said Mrs. Lawton. " You must have a doub
le wedding, girls. When, Louoy ?"
" Next spring. Shall you have a house
full, Mollie r .
" or "the week there will be twenty or
thirty, and o,n Christmas Eve we give a ball.
How it snows! I meant to po to Dat ton tit
day for some trifles that were forgotten in
town. But we must postpone it until to
morrow. The tea-hell, girls, and there is
Harry at the gate."
" And Will," ssid Meta. " You have no
eye for him, Mollie."
" Never mind ; yours see for two."
Christmas was near enough to make any
delay about procuring the " trifles" incon
venient, so the next morping the ladies wrap
ped the nselv. a in hoods and cloaks, and
started fort drive to Dsvton, over the new
ly-fallen suow. The air was keen, but light
heart* and heavy wrappers hade it defiance,
and carriage rang with merry voice# and,
laughter as they drove alowly through the
deep drifta. xhwore nearly a mile from
..." ; t .
the h"tise, in n part of the omutrv but little
built up, when Mcta hei 1 up her hand for si
lence. A low, wail i>ir cry. made fainter by
distance, came on the sudden hush. A cry
of despairing pain that thrilled those warm
young hearts.
" What is it ?"
''Suppose it should be a child lost in the
sn >w !"
''Stop, John!'' cried Mrs. Lawton.—
'• Come, girl*, we will get out and see"
A child lost in the m>w ! Ay ! a little
child, croochinir down near a de-erted house,
tier arms r .tied the neck of a dor, her face
hidden in her poor drps, her wailing crv
growing weaker with each repetition. They
ound her very soon, f->r the dirk stuff dress
was distinct sir she lay on the co'd white
snow bank. L-mey's cloak was off in a mo
ment, and Mrs. Lawton raised the shivering
form from its c 'ld bed. #
"My chill! my p >oC child! how came
you hen-"" .
The little one looked up gratefully at the
kind, tender voice, but only shook her head
" She must he a foreigner, M'dlie," said
Meta. "Try French.'
The question in French was succeeded by
cue in Italian, but only the sad negitive was
answt red.
" My stock of German is verv scanty,"
Louey, '• hut it wilt do no h trtn to try."
One w< rd only fell on the little girl's ear,
and the dark eye kindled, the pale face Audi
ed with keen pleasure. "Yes, yes. lady,"
she said, eagerly, in Genua i. " Marie is
\ How came you here ?"
" Marie walked from New York."
" Walked ! Why, it is ;wen'v miles."
" Yes ; Maria started ye*t rdav."
" Take her to the carriage, Louey, and we
cm talk or! the way home. I must postpone
0 y'ou till afternoon and make this yor
child c mifortaole.. C-une lit tie one."
But Maria clung.t" L misa, not heeding
the request in a strange language.
L ui*a was but little Skilled in German ;
yet, by dint of attention she thnde out the
child's story. Her name was Maria Berk
man, and she had come fr> tn Gernnany in
the summer, with her mother, who died on
the ship before they reached New Y<nk
One of the other emigiants had taken Maria
because she could eiug, and made her go out
a ith a hand organ to sing in the streets.—
The little girl showed the welts on her HOC .
ai l arms where a cruel band had snapped
uer of any deficiency in the supply of pen
nies. and told how she had run away, t"
walk back to Germany ; but the snow-storm
covered the roa 1, an I she was tire 1 an 1 c >1 I
and thought she would sit down in the snow,
and perhaps Gid would take her to heaven,
to her dear, lost mother.
Mollie'o generous heart suggested every
comfort, and L >uey's imperfect German con
veyed B<>tno consolation to tho poor little
wanderer. After a hearty meal, she was put
into'a warm bed, and soon forgot her troub
lea for a time in a sound sleep.
After some deliberatian, the ladies decided
*o keep lier until Rolph came, to see if lie
c mid find some clue to her relatives or friend
atid return her to them. Everything about
the child denoted her claim to a place in a
good ctrde. Her beauty was delicate, hei
hands and feet small and perfect, her accent
pure, and her manners gentle and graceful
No mark of coursettesspr.low breeding show
ed any fitness for the trade she had pur-ued
after arriving in New York, and her qu<e
look at the handsome hutise and furniture,
and ease at the wgtl-spread table proved that
such a home was not entirely new to her.
" Rolph will be here to-morrow, so let her
stay with you, Louey, till he comes."
Louey's heart was alrjady open to the
child who came to Bolph't home, and B he
readily consented to share her room with the
poor little stranger fir the time before Rolph
The next day, howeyer, brought not the
expected guest, but a letter s tying tint he
could not join them until evening. it a
nine o'clock before the train reached Day
ton, and Mra. Law ton drove over to meet
the new comer. Maria was lying in bed try
ing to mind Louisa and go to sleep, when
the carnage drove up and she heard the glad
welcome given to Rolph. The tears coursed
silently down Iter cheeks, till, as the sadness
grew too oppressive, she stole quietly to the
window, and sat pondering over her loneli
ness and troubles. The moon shone dow
through the clear glass, tusking the shadows
datk and the light wierd and ghastly, and
the child brought memory to people the scene
till her poor heaft seemed breaking. Iler
home, her mother, the aea voyage with its
trying incident and desolation, all rose vivid
ly before her, and in std connection came
'he uncertain future. Fortw long hours
she sat mourning, till auddeoly a sound fell
nn her ear that brought the flush to her pale
cheeks, dried her tears, and started, trem
bling, to her feet. With a rapidly beating
heart, she groped for ler clothes, and with
shaking tyairds arranged her drees.
Leaving her, let us look in on the family in
the pa-dor. Rolph, as the greatest stranger,
comet first. He it a handsome man, with
sad, earnest eyes, that light only when they
reet an Louise. Hit fine face speaks of intel
lect and cultivation, and hit manners are
courteous ye quiet. liv a very linle tinft*
tlie whole pu tv were charmed with their
guest, A I restraint was thrown HRide, for
they wen* yet a family party, a the guests
for Christina* did not c me till the next Any'
After some conversation, the gentleman ojhmi
el the piano, and several songs and pieces of
music filled up an li-ur pleasantly.
44 New, Rolph, it is your lurn," said Loui
44 Do you play?" said M-.llte. •
'' Indeed he dots, but I l -ve best to hear
ih tn sing. Sing my favorite, Rolph," said
•' Her favorite," said R>lp,h 44 is a song tnv
lather wrote for my sister and tnvself. He
was passionately fond of music, and no mean
| composer, and when any event atfeciid him
deeply, lie would often give his heart voice in
music. After my mother dud, he went one
| eveiiit g to t lie room where tuy sister and my
self lay sleeping, and there fie sang, as if by
inspiration, this 4 Prayer for the Motherless.'
It was sacred to htm, and h; never gave the
music to any one. We were allowed to sing
u only when alone or with linn, and it never
passed my hps after he died until 1 sang it
fr Louise." -•
The symphony was plaintive ; but when
Rolph let his voice join the music every one
of ifie listeners were spell bound. Not only
the air, bit the deep, rich melody of the fine
voice, and touching expression he gave to
each word made the song a prayer indeed
He. sang one verse, and then the door behind
him opened slowly, and with a husned step,
an eager yet still face, Maria came m. Soft
ly, lu-r eyes fixed on It-dph, she crept to hi*
side, and then suddenly, as if by an iriesis'a
ble impulse, she poured forth a wailing vol
ume of song. Rich, clear, true, yet heri
hicakiug in its emotion, her voice sang, on
In eding that Rolph had ceased, and with
winie lips and quivering frame was watch
ing her. The last note die ! away, and then
with a cry of agony the child full at Rolph's
44 Take me hotne !" Oh, take tne home !"
she sobbed
• 4 Child, child, where did you learn that
soi-g ?" he cried, taking her up in his strong
* 4 I' is mamma's R'mg. All her own
she told me once. Grandpa wrote it when
her mother died. Oh, shall f never see my
mother ! Can I never go hotne !"
All the pent up agony of months was Rhak
ing her frame now, as she lav sobbing in the
aruiß that shook so with agitation they could
scarcely support* ef,en her light figure.
44 Tell me vonr name. Where is your mo
ther?" said Rolph. •
44 Mother died on the ship. My name is
Maria Btikmanu."
44 Berta's child ! My child !"
It was long b fore Maria could realize that
such happiness lay in store for her. * Her un
cle and the sweet lady who had found her in
the snow promising her home, love, and care;
it was too bewildering for belief.
There was a* 4 Merry Christmas" at Mrs.
Lawton's ; hut with some hearts prayers at
once sorrowful and glad, and yet grateful,
went up on.that holiday, for the loved lost
and the lost found.
Reply Frdm Ex-Iresldent Buchanan.
To the Editors of the National Intelligencer.
With a few remarks I shall close the con
troversy with general Scott, into which I
have been most reluctantly forced by his vol
untary and unexpected attack. This has,
nevertheless, afforded me an opportunity of
Correcting many unfounded reports which 1
hp.u long b-une in patience and in silence. In
my answer, I have already furnished clear
and distinct response to all the allegations of
General Sc tt; and in his rej under he has
not called in question any of my statements,
witli a single exception. Which of u* is cor
rect in this particular depends upon the ques
t:on whether his recollection of an event
which occurred more than eighteen months
ago, or the statement of Mr. Holt, reduced to
writing on the very day. Is entitled to the
greater credit.
The General, in the introduction of his re
joinder, assigns as an excuse for the criticism
on my public conduct that this was merely
incidental to his alleged official report to
President Lincoln on the condition of our for
tifications.and was not primarily intended
for myself. From this statement one would
conclude that ho had made Rnfch a report.
But where is this to lie found ? For it refer*
to the Intelligencer of the 2lst October ; but
there I discover nothing but his letter of four
points to Mr. Seward, dated on the 3d March.
1861. advising the incoming Piesident how to
guide his administration in face of the threat
ening dangers to the country. In the single
introductory sentence to this letter he barely
refers to his 44 printed view*," (dated in Oc
tober. 1860). contains nothing like an official
report on the condition of the fortifications.
Whether tha introduction of this letter to
the public, without the consent of President
Linco'ti, by one of the General'* friend*, in a
political sjieech during a highly excited gu
bernatorial canvass, had influenced him to pre
par 3 hia critieiam on my conduct, it ia not foi
I me t<> determine.
At what period did General Sc -tt obtain
the six hundred recruits to which he refer*
in hie rj 'inder ? This was certainly alter
the date of lm " views," on the 30ih of Octo
her, 18G0, because in these he states emphat
ically that the forces then at his command
wete, " in all, five companies only within reach
to garrison or reinlorce the (nine j forts men
Honed in his " views."
Do! he obtain tiie>-e recruits in November?
If so, had he visited Washington or written
and explained to me in what n inner this
military operation could be accomplished hv
the four hundred men in the five c<>mp:inu>
and the six hundred recruits, I should have
given his rep esentations all the consideration
eminently due to his high military reputa
But he informs us he did not arrive in
Washington until the 12th of December. H s
second recommendation to garrison these f> rts
must consequently have been made according
to his own statement, on the 13th, 15tb, 28f•
or*3oth of or on more than one of
these days. At this period the aspect of pub
lie affaiis h-d greatly changed from what ii
was in October. Congress wa now in ses
sion. and our relations with the Seceding Cot
ton States had been placed before them by
the President's message. Proceedings had
been instituted by that body with a view to
a compromise of the dangerous questions be
tween the North and the Southland the
highest hopes and warmest aspir&iions were
then entertained for their success. Under
these ciicunulances it was the Psesidenl's du
ty to take a broad view of the- condition of
the ivhole country, in ail its relations, civil,
industrial and commercial, as well as tnditarv
giving to ea.-h its appropriate influence. It
was only from such a combination that he
coul i frame a policy calculated to preserve
the peace and to consolidate the strength of
the Union. Isolated recommendations pro
ceeding from one department, without weigh
ing well their effect upon the general policy,
ought to be adopted with extreme caution.
But it seems, from the r.joinder, that Sec
re Floyd, at Richmond, had claimed the
honor of defeating General Scon's '• plans and
solicitations respecting the forts,it being
there," says the General,* <: universally ad
mitted that but for that victory over tne there
could have been no Rebellion." Thi6 is", in
plain English, that the Secessionists ofihe
Cotton States, who have since brought into
the field hundreds of thousands of undoubt
edly brave soldiers, wonld have abandoned in
terror their unlawful and rebellious desi'.Mis,
bad General Scott distributed among their
nudUrous forts four hundred and eighty men
in October or one thousand men in Decemlier !
This requires no comment. I have never been
able to obtaia a copy of the speech of Mr.
Floyd, at Richmond, to which I presume
General ScoU refers; but I learned, bot at
the ime and since, from gentlemen of h gh re
spct&bility that in this samo speech he de
nouncbd me most bitterlv for my determina
tion tu stand by and sustain the Union wiib
all the power I possessed und:r the Consti
tution and the iaws.
And here permit tae to remark, thai it is
duo to general Scott, as well as myself to de
ny that there is any portion of my answer
which justifies the allegation that " the ex-
President sneers at my ' weak device' the
words ' weak device' being marked as a quo
totion ) for saving the forts." This mistake
f must attribute to his " accidental visitor."
And in this connection I emphatically de
clare that the General, neither before nor after
the publication of his " views" in the Nation
al Intelligencer , of the 18th of January 1861
without my consent, as-dgn-d any reason
me for making this publication, or even allu
ded to the subject. In this I cannot be inic
taken, from the deep impression which the
occurrence made upon my memory, for the
reasons already mentioned in my answer.
I should have nothing more to add had
General Scott, in his rejoinder, confined him
self to the topics embraced in his original let
ter. He has extended them, and now for the
first time, and tn a sarcastic and no kindly
spirit, refers to the alleged stealing of puidic
arms bj Secretary Floyd, and their transpor
tation to the South in anticipation of the Re
bellion. The mo6t conclusive answer to this
allegation is that, notwithstanding the boast
mg of Mr. Floyd at Richmond, evidently with
the view of conciliating his new allies* cited, hy
the General as his authority, no pyblic trips
were ever stolen. This fact is established by
the report of the Committee on Military Aff
airs of the House jf Representatives now be
fore tue, made by Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, their
Cnairman, on the 18th February, 1851 and to
be found m the second volume of the Reports
Committees of the Efouse for the session of
1860 61. This report and the testimony be
fore the Committee establish :
1. The Southern States received in 1860
less instead of more than the quota of arms
to which they were entitlod by law ; and
that three of them, North Carolina, Missis
•ippi and Kentucky, received no arms what
t TERMS: 01.SO PBH A.M t7M
JTOL.2, NO. 17.
ever, and thi simpH b cau-e 'hey ' i not
.i-k for them. Wi !! max .Mr STAN ON have
-aid in tie II ue ''that *in-r< * -i deal
•( I'tiriiuiv, ami upvcuUi ion, -anil ti>vippivhen
sion as to the true state e f fuct* 'n regard to
this matter."
2 Secretary FLOYD. under suspicious cir
cumstances, on the 27, D. ct n b-r, 1860, and
hoi a few days before he left the Department,
had, without the knowl'dj.e of t t President
"Mend one hundred and thirtc r. (113) col
utubi ids and eleven (11) thirty-two poundetfl
to be iranspured from Pittsburg to Ship Is
land and Galveston, in Mississippi and Texas.
This Let was brought to the knowledge of
the President by a communication from Pitts
burgh; and Secretary HOLT immediately
thereafter countermanded the order j his
predecessor, and t lie cannon were never sent.
The promptitude with which we acted elicited
a note of thanks, dated on the 4th of January,
1861. Rom the Select, and Common Councils
•>t that city "to tli2 President, the Attorny
Geiirr .l, and the acting Secretary of War,"
(Mr. HOJ.T.)
I . After this statement, how shall we accourft
fr tht? explicit declaration .J General SCOTT
that, the "accidentally hearing early in March
that under this posthumous order (that of
Mr. FLOYD, of the 22d of December) the
shipment of these guns had commenced, I
communicated the fact to Secretary HOLT
(acting for Secretary CAMERON)', 'juat'in titan
to defeat the icbbery ?" And this ft the sams
Secretary HOLT who had countermanded
"the posthumous order" in the previous De
cember. And, strange to say, these guns,
hut t<>r the alleged interposiiou or G
S orT. Were about to be sent so lite as Mirci"
irotn the loyal States in'.o those over wnic'x
JEFFERSON DAVIS had then for tome ti •
presided !
Had General SCOTT reflected for a moment
he could not have fallen into this blunder.
It is quite manifest he was "with< ut a prnted
document and my (his) own official papers.' 1
3. The Goverment had on hand in the year
1850 about 500.000 old muskets, which had
been condemned "as unsuitable for public ser
vice, tfnder the act of 3d of March, 1825.
They tfere of such a character, that, although
offered both a public and private sale for
$2 50 each, purchasers could not be obtained
at that rate, except for a comparative small
number. On the 30 of November, 1559, Secre-"
tary FLOYD ordered about one tilth of the
whole irmnber (105,000) to be sent from the
Sprmsifi- hi arm try, where they had accumu
lated, to tive arseoaU, • m proponion to their
respective meatM of proper storage." This
ord< r was cai rie<i into ctfec: hy the Ordnance
Bureau in die u-ual course of aoaiioistratiett
and without reference to the President. It
is hut justice to say thet from the testimony
before the committee there is no reason to
suspect that Secretary FLOYD ; sued this or-'
der troth any sinister tnoi ive. Its date was
moiiths before Mr. LINCOLN' 6 nominatiun for
the Presidency and nearly a year be lore his
election, and whilst the Stcreiary was still
an avowed opponent of secce-sion. Indeed the
testimony of C"ioel CRAIG and Captain
MAYNADIER, of the Ordance, before the Coin
uuttce, is wholly inconsistent with any evil
Insiution on his part.
And yet these "condemnd musket",'' with
a few thousand ancient rifles <f a calibre,then
no longer used, are transformed by Gen.
SCOTT snto "115 000 extra muskets and rifles,
wdh all their implements ammunition
This is the first time I have heard—Certainly
there was nothing of the kind before the com
mittee—that ammunition was sent with these
condemned and inferior arms to their places
of storage—just as though they had been in
tended, not for sale, but for immediate use in
the field, The truth is that it is impossible
to steal arms and transport them from one
•'ei ository to another without the knowledge
and active participation of the officers of the
Ordnance Bureav, both in Washington and
at these depositories. It may be observed
that Colonel CRAIG, the head of the Burets
at this period was as correct an officer, and
loyal and as honest a man as exists in the
country. '
Yours, very respectfully, • •
Wheatland, near Lancaster, Nut. 17 1853
'Even 4* the-sunbeam is composed of mi!-
Hons of minute rays, the home light muar be
constituted of little tendernes kindly looks,
sweet laughter, gentle words loving c un
sels ; it must not like the f.rch hi ate of
natural excitement which is easily quench
ed, but like the serene, chastened light which
burns as safely in the dry east wind as in
tlve stillest atmosphere. Let eac.i liear tho
other's burden the while-—let each Qultivato
the mutual confidence, which is a gift capa- r
hie of increase and improvement—and soon
it will be found that kindliness will spring
up on every side, displacing constitutional
unsiiitability, want of mutual knowledge,
even as we have sweet violets and
promises dispelling the gloom of the gray
aca rocks.