LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Local Items.--Persons resi ling in the different Townships of our county, would confer a great favor on us, and add much to the interest of the Democrat by sending us items of general interest for this col umn. Those not accustomed to writing for the prers, need not be backward, on that account. (i i ,-<> us the facts. We'll be step Father, at least, to all bad spelling and grammar. It won't hurt us we're used to it, Wanted—At this office on subscription Forty bushels of ears of corn, . Forty bushels of Buckwheat, forty bushels of Oats, Forty bushels of Wheat, Forty bushels of Rye, Forty bushels of good, unbruised winter apples. Forty bushels of good potatoes, Forty pounds of honey, Forty gollons of sweet cider, Forty pounds of pork, Forty prunds of beef, Forty cwt of Ilay, Forty bundles of good cornstalks. Forty pounds of dried apples, Coal.—Notwithstanding the increase ! price of this article, the trade in it for the past fortnight, at this place, has been very brisk. •> Mending tiieir Ways.—Our Borough fathers are building a plank walk from near the residence of Sam'l Stark, to counect with the walk in front of Wall's Hotel. Thi; is an improvement which has long been needed. High Water.—The late rains L r.-e raised th ■ river to quite a rafting freshcL Lumbermen are availing tliemsevles of the opportunity thus fai.o li ed to get their lumber to market. The 1 13rd Ilegt. I*a. Vols, lately removed from Camp Luzerne is now stationed at Arlington Heights near Washington. This is the ll*gt. to which Mie last Co raised in this county under Capt .1 S. Little belongs. B. F. Harding. U. < a ltor from Orepnn, we sec, by the last eve.lings' j qi r. I.e.- nr. Red in New Yerk. He will probably make a visit to his father and frien Is at this place before the meeting of Con gress, which will take p!a eon Mood iy nest "Thanksgiving Day" we 1 eli ve i an in-ti tution which belongs perultsrly to the I" ited States, and liko M corn buckings'' bad its origin with the early setlers of tie Nev England Si tU - We wi-h their originations had all been ha: We might, then, have ha 1 m re to 1-e th .ak.'ul for. Funeral Sermon.—The Fur. -ral Sermon of William 11. McL'riJe, s>n ofS.u-ih 11 .M -Uric, of this Borough, who was hiilel -t the bat:! b-f.,rc Manassas Sept. 30th ] u 62, will be pr- -h i ii I'.SC M. E! Church in this F r c.g'i. S c y t'.c 7 h day of Dec. next at tU o'clock A. "*' . by Rev. J. Konne y. Shin Plasters.—ll, • m■ i men in the surrounding T ovn- an! \ .a.;- - • . -u, ing shin plastcsr at e. fearful :• '! h . ' e more honored in the breach than in tbe obs n has not yet been loj te Iby any o! our t twnsti and we hope it may not be. N thing at \ of small change can ju- o' it, at. 1 ctoi t• >* lit :% w would prefer the nnn-udk -tvo stump.*. B.IJ - w are not altogether certain of it- legality. I To-morrow.— Thut i y 27 it ins the day svt apart by the Governor this commonwealth as day of thanksgiving an ipi tv-r If -a!> th - day set apart by the frdenlsuf t It v"I Line, n-w the ouly resident minis! r -ft' •-.-(■ make bitti a donation visit. Mr ! arte . a as a i-icr of the gospel, in our mi.lst, iV m their un nta tious character are hardly npptv iitel. Wo can therefore, safely say. that ho \ lit.cr.il th • don - tion of to-morrow afternoon an 1 cv< nirg maybe, they will hardly repay him who ma!, * tit • pre - ■:.* prosperity and happw-s, and th- fu'are welfire an 1 salvation of all in this community his esj,- -ial an i constant care. Fust at the be L-ide- of the sick, r.ni last at the graves of tho -loparte I. His ministrations of mercy are unceasing. Let him be remembered to morrow. IfcZE ehTT-ii-Io
LIST OF POST-OI'FK I'S Foil THE DIFFERENT TOWNSHIPS To W NSIIIP3, POST-OFFIC E3. T , , • Lacevville Braintran. ... . , I f-kiiuiers Lddy. Clinton, l'actoryvillc. ! Exeter, Exeter Luz Co Eaton, 5 Eaton. I South Eaton. Fall?, Falls. r Forkston, \ kst T'. ( Uellasylvta, , j Lemon Lemon. Meshopjien Sterlingviile. C M -hoopinv, Mehoopany, Firman Hill, ( Jen ingsville. Monroe, < Bowmnn'sCreek, - j ' / Even s 1 ali s. Nil holson, | Nicholson. • Picievi!le, j j r Niven, Su-q Co. v.-ii „i „i Ceiilretnorelan--1, ■ -Nortbtnorel ind. •; ~ I heelersourg. ' North Bran !i Lovelt< n. OvcrfieM I'linton Corners. Tunk. Boro Tunkhannock. Tunk. Tp. 5 Tunkhannock.. ii 1 ( Lit.i i-ge i Ril-ell 11 1., l\ ashington, < . • j ( K( ic'Tvitle. i ~ Seottsville, irdh im, ] .... ( G->! len Hi:l r iraiIIITITHES! PETERSON'S MAGAZINE The Best and t'licapi'st in the World for I,adii s ! Tics j* pnl -r monthly Magnz ne will b- creathj im vrred for !-03. It will ntain \ S ' ONE THOI'SAND PAGES OF READING! I'OIT.TEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES! T'WELVE COLORED FASHION PI, \ rilS ! | TWELVE COLORED BERLIN M'ORK PATTETNS I NINE IfCNDRED WOOD CRTS ! IV. 1 NTY-FOT It PAGE OFMI'SIC! Ail t'i'c* will i n rv.v f.. r only. TWO Df'LL \P.S a yrrr, or a d j'lsr !f--linn Mag-zine of tho class of I " Pete s>n " Tt: (Thriitlai] Calcs onb llDrclcttrs !•*• I u' lib nnrwherr. All /he mosf pon- j I tt/ar vriter* are employed to write t wrin'ilb/ for I** Peterson l 1563, in ml tit:- n in neual qn m- ! ; t'tv fsh "'t-r sir". EOI K ORlt.'N' AT, I'dpy. ! RIGHT NO YET. KITS will he given, by 41 nS. S-< i - . bens, L. C Moulton, Frank Lee lb> i di , smith*, \l> r ff '* The Mur lcr in the o!en Ro-s." It ilso. , t it' lislus | FASHIOiIS AHEM 9F ALL OTIEBS. i Each r.'i'c.J er, ii aibltiion to the • br< d ]-itip j ti <* It- in •:. 7*1.11,Vs V . ;*ss->*. er gritved on wood . Also, A pat tern, j.- M wlii ha DI*I*S, Mantilla, or : Cinl-l's drc-s can !*e cut pio*. for Opp YVnr 5 00 Five C"tiie°. for One Year 7 r>o Eight Copies, fin* One Ye*ir TO OR Sixteen Copies, for One Year 20 00 RI:WIR>I* rone; ITTTIVG RRCUIUS Tliree, Five, Light or mora • optes mike a -lup. T< evei v tier-on g'*tntig up a club of Th -te, 1 ive, Eight i orT'vehe que.", an extra copy of the Mig izine for I**' >' II '• • given. i* our mez/.o iut lot" tr.uuiiiiz, *' 1 uny.m P nitigfroiii bis Blini Chiid In Prison" | To every pierso t g -ttiug up a cluof sixteen, two Comoiis*i*ner T. VAUGHN S Attest T7MILIAM 7 TERRY, clerk. Comauesioners efflee, Tuakhnaock Wyoeiing Ce. 1 mil n i i i iMnnaii i ■ii ii Mm iii ■—i i ii i ii mii in I STOVE & TIN-WARE I I f • h| ;i H - ;. -4 | T 1 ; 1 ' MANUFACTORY. T U N K I! A \ X OI K, la. ROSS, BRO'S. i 7 MANIIKACTriiK AND DEAL IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF T! Fl, SHEET-IHOfi, AKI) (toji. :r Matt, COOK! N (J, P A IIL OR, AND DON STOVES STO VE t PIPE d- FUIINITU HE. Heaters and cgisters, PIMI'S, ZINC, EE AD PIPE, JAPANNED AND EPA TAMA WARE, ' And, indeed. everything ; ertaining to their business, ! i which they offer at PAN It' PRICES. ROOFING, GETTERS and CONDUCTORS, put i up, *.t short noti e. JOBBING nr.. I I! EPA I ill NO of nil kinds, prompt- j | ly on I neatly dotm. Give tlniii a call, j Tunkhannoek, Sep: 11, 1861. I v I Jlrfca i *~f *"\ y "<" " r< t y T\ "V-T* r* A '--J" A AX.I ; IAA•> J A. O f — 'i Vi '\ -*• .-fV j NEW FALL AV WINTER MILLiIEHY BIS! AT MliS. Ii Mil IWI.I l.'S, Opposite tfie I'ost-Oflice. \\T HERE- inny ic !"<■ nn 1 a general evort ! VV Tuent J I*it-'* >n- Bonnet Miterial, Fl wers, Ruihc* Straw -in-i Fancy Umncts, Mi- and 'hii | tinea's (fats an I Shakers, an I a I other articles u the mi!linerv line, which will be offered at the 1 >vest market prices. Please call and e.-r.tuii: c before pnr.-h.i.-ieg else- 1 wii.-re . ] T •* P! -aching jiti-1 repairing r • in good order, and at the short- -t notice ! Tunkitannuek, Nov. 12, l~d2—v2cl4-3m FOTNI). Near Piereeville, in Nicholson Township Wvoming C..:.tv, about the Bth of October AN A CCD! NT | ROOK, with W i k oil- loth cover, rout init.g .ever.. 1 no'Cs i I loci;- ifvlue. Hie t-tti.i-r i-att have the j siiitic ii| • n identifying a paying tbarges, by callit g ; upon the subserih'er | Pierceville, Ot. 25, '62. THER. R STARK. bos making ererjr men ;ay !- r bis own work, *4tb out taxing him for the deb's of those that never j.av. He will sell all km Is of the best eustnm mad- work at a lower figure tli in the slop work usually found in 1 country stores can he bought tit Ho ;e< nt ir.tly - i img to his large stock of TIIE 11E S T M A TEIi IA L , and will keep on hand and make to order all kinds < LOOTS, SHOES, L( SKINS, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, GLOVK-KID SHOES, Ac., Ac. The Best Workmen are employed in In-- HI nut.: till ing establishment, an l he feds confident of his ability to give the most perfect satisfaction. G. 11. EASTMAV is noted for m -iking the ni'ST and cur U"'ST Loots tin I Shoes ever oik-red to the public, and iu order to - sustain his reputation, he will spare neither care nor , oxp"nse. His shop is fii't door Ivlrnr R R. Little's Law Of- I flee, where he is prep nv Ito make to ordet, and do repairing on -hurt notice. My motto is, to use none but root) M.ATHER— not to pirn- base tli at whi< h is boiled or rotten P. S. Orders tor fine Sewed Boots particularly so licited. . 11. EASTMAN- Tunkhannoek, Aug 11. 1661 fii ii in ID :o"0""2r BEST AND CHEAPEST, ir> AT G. H. EASTMAN S BOUT 1111 mSlfi?, ; as he intends for the future t< --oil exclusively for 1 CASH OB READY PAY;! Mi AMTED - A RESPECTABLE PERSON OP 1 V\ EITiIER SEX in every Height.orhood to sell J. F R. STAFFOIUI'k Oi.ivk TAR, and also J R. STAFFORD'S IRO.V AMI Srr.iuii R POWHERS. Olive *ar is a thin, ! transparent fluid ; it is the best remedy known for diseases of the '1 hroat, Lungs, or Catarrh. Also for j Diptheriii, Croup, Whooping Cough, Ac. My Iron ; 1 ati'l StPphur Pow lcrs strengthen the system, aid the ■ J digestion, and purify the blood. I have a 1(> page pamphlut. containing full explanations, and over 100 testimonial!* from well known prominent p-rsous which I will £cid to any one free by mai'. J. R. STAFFORD, Chemist, v1n24,1y. 4-12 Broadway, New York Executor's Notice. Whereas, letters, • test omenta ry to the estate of Peggy Flannery, Pile of North Branch Township, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to lb-: said estate are requested to make immediuto payment, and those having claims or demands against sai l ostato will make the atno known to the Eubseiiber3 without delay duly au'hen tiatod. c JOSEPH RDRRESS, ) I HENRY CIIAMPIN. j 11 North Eraneb, Ncr. 17, 1362. J IME FOR FARMERS, Ai A FERTILIZER < ILJ for sale at ViiiUJOY'S. j JJeeheppen, Sept. 18. 1861. I • T-eStt&mt ASD Reliable News! ~ Arrival of a OT SfCBS j | ' rni. su'iseriber begs leave to inform his numerous X fiicn-ls tin I customers, that be has just r< turned : from Philadelphia and New York, with tho forest oiib Deiit ! jr % r ♦ * i ' ' -1 '\^ m A 0m | Funcy Goods Shawls, Cloaks, Cassinifrrs, futinftts MEN'S WEAR IN GENERAL, YANKEE LOTS OH 3, &3. i i Ever brought to this County He has also bought a j Fine feto :k of j —AND— j GAITERS, HATS, ! an l a Full Line of T5 f\ WT .fl ' 7 w *TT TO TO a -iLJJ h S fU Ai ! bought at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. As regards the Quality an 1 Styles of Goods, lie de fies competition. As regards Prices, he only Jtssures his friends, tli it long experii-n e in the trade enables him to b ay, an I therefore, sell cheaper than any one els-j outside the city. A lair trial is all he asks. No Trouble to Show Goods. 'i hankful f-'r the very Pberaj patronage heretofore la stowed oil him, lie will by strictly honest dealing, in 1 Imic ifier a close uiteu'ion to business, try to meri: a cvntii.u.iLice o'. tiie same, Job ii Weil. Tunkhannoek, Oct 15, IR' 12. Beemer's ssSssssS' S -,ia> J^jta gr7i~~h X*— ■' e.-'fi I & i VB* I at Falls. A I.AP.GE, NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK I ii. ot Seasonable (loads, of all kinds, it now belrg received at BEEMER'S . CASH STORE! Ai 7A3AS. Having been purchased at PRI32S ftit BuLOW the MARKET! ' \ '?' >a a fl r\ i c D I an 1 selling <-x lusively for ; —" ? (i-rZK fTA -7-7- ' ' TOTT" lie is e.iabled to under- il any Store in this part of the country. In the line of Domestic Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, —and— I G-roosries, ; HE DEFIES COMPETITION. ILis stock ot C'/ofhs, Cass is complete. Also, IIATS CAPS. 111 fact ho has (Dcri)t!)ini) tn ilje lUauts of the' ' P E 0 R L E. The HIGHEST r-APIf PRICES will bo paid for 1 111 1 I'Elt, EGGS, an-1 GRAIN <>'" till kinds, in er- j change for Goods. lie 1- turns his thanks to the people of his neigh luihoi.il fir their liberal pltrnnago ; and by f:iir aid Inmost dealing, hopes iu merit a continuance of the | same j , " THE LATEST STYLES T. or • Fa 11 and W into r iBOLTETSi ! ! c and I c MILLINERY GOODS, 1 have just been received nt tho es'abifshment of j AIISS LOUISA IIEP3UBN, on Tiog-v Street, f:pp.sito the Post -office, where will | he found Ladies. Cbilren, Misses, nn-4 Boy's FLATS, HATS, tul CAPS; HEAD-DRESSES, RIBBONS, c I LOWERS, anl TRIMMINGS, nr. 1 everything i/ t tho line uf Millinery, which will bo soi lat the IOLCC* \ Cash Prices. I Repairing promptly and neatly done. Ladies wil j please call and examine for thmuelves. Tunkhannoek, Oct 23, 1662.—v2n11—1y. TV> ■ii hi in— i imiiw > i—mi i ri inn I 1 —i ?J||! AYER'S ■ # : H fixes; FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A ! FAMILY PHYSIC TlM.':': ' '.on i esiated public demand fcr an eiliviAi* , r.i .•'lie pill 11'• !i could In* relifd on as sure it p't.'ilK >,\fc hi its opeiatiou. I liis has j >V'i 'id !r, inert that dematid. and all exteil c ne trial til its virtues has conclusively shown with w.iat siirct ss it accomplishes the purpose designed, i It is easy to make a physical brit not easy to •i. tl.o "st of ;J1 p'Ui one which should have | n' ue of tli"- o r ;ft.-i ii.iis, lint iil the advantages, of 1 ! . . V t.'.i.i". his has 1 r-sn attempted here, and with what sue, ( .ss we w mid respectfully submit to tie public decision, it has been unfortunate for the oaiieiit hitherto that almost every purgative m-'dieit. is aer'moiiious and irritating to the bow el-. "1 his is not. Many of then produce so much griping paiu and revulsion in the vstem us to more than counterbalance th" good to lie deriyd from tin m. '1 hese / •. prod- -e no irritation or pain, mil •< it arise from a pi eviously existing obstruc tion or net at anient in the bowels. Being purely vegeta .e. Ie i 11tsr can ari < from their us< in any •' i ! ; ; I -.1 ii i hi i:■ r that ny me.'it ine should he taken judiciously. Minute dix ctioiis for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap p-ii :e ic are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have her n speedily cured by them, we may mention l.iver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and I oss < f Ap ril tite. l.istle-sness, Irritability, Itilions Headache, lid .us Fever, Four and Ague, Paiti in the Side and Loins ; for, in trnlh, all these are but the con -cipienre of d'sensed action in the liver. As an .p'rient thev alhord pr< nipt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, Piles.< nlic. Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula and Scurvy, Coldwsvith -orom-ss i f the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood, Irregularities; in short, any and gv >rt case v.here a purgative is required. Thev have also produced some singularly suc cessful cure -in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel. Fry sip; his. Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the ! eh. Sn in eh, and Side. They should he freely taken in th • sTtifg of tl e year, to purify the blood i n d piepare the tefn for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimqlates the stonuu-h and •ovvels into he.t : v a. tiiiiif and restores the appe ite a- iv . or. i hey t.uritv the blood, and, by their h . • ;)-e cirenlatory system, reno vate the strcrgtli of the bod v. and restore the vv. n d m- di-i asi d energies of the whole organism, lieiu-e HI (;•■:-ional d<-e i- ail ian lagoons, even though no serious derangement exists: hut un nece-aarv :u ri.iir use m any quantity. For in in nte fiber ins. see wrapper on the P I'l'Kl'A KKI) BY 1)11. JAMES ('. AYE It, I*i':trti4-:i! A MI; I v I I ;il ritelliisvl, LOWK 1.1 . M ASS. Price 25 Cents per Fez. Five Eoxes for SI ! AY HP'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Kor ll* ( it rr of fOKJfS. tOl.f'S. intOM' Pins V, J HLPi U=-t 05 mmiii.i r* has been eiopi ytd. No wide .tl i.-. fulnesand -ii r ' il.< ra- of its <•■;• t that almost cv - f '1- >■• • i,\ -o- • in persons pu 11. ■ -ai ■wi, v 1 . • from alarming and vend, .oir.de (IIMMSC* uf i lungs by its u>e. When once ;i tl its euperiorit yvcr evcrv othei n:i i. e th n . people its quality is kept up to the I est th - • t • v has been, and that the gennif.e at ie l. : -.t-t II £tark, Tunkhamur k : T It. Spring, Lr.ehyvi v viurding A Co., Nicholson; E A J Krenr, Fact- ville, and hy dealers in Medicines everywhere. HARDWARE & IKON ! .. -■ ill I: ' i y-V./ "■ HUNT BHD'S & BLAIR —OFFKR FOR SALE — IRON, STE L NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL. RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, UORSE-SIJOES, cHincriran nnb (gngiiiil) tjarsc Hails, WRCL'GHT N A11.9, BUI hD E US' 11A li D W AIIE, CARPfINTERS' TOOLS. ( \I.L WARR.-WTED.) IK ISS, SPOKES FHI.LttKS sKAT SPIN DLES, CARUI \<5E SPIHNtJ.S, VXL S PIPE BOXES, SPiUNO STEEL. BOTTS, N I TS, WASII hi IS, BELTING, PACKING, GIIIM) STOXKS PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOV'VT . WHITE LEAD, FRENCH U iNPGV GLASS, Ar , Ar., Ac. ALSO SASH, DOOR? AND P.LTNItS ON HANI) I.N ASSORTMENT, AND MYNI FAOTUR ED TO ORDER. LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Fairbanli'i Scales. Scranton, March 2G, 1862. vln33—ly. Persons indebted to the subscriber, ci her on Note or Rook account, are notified that said notes and ac counts have be n left with my Either, A F Eiistmai, who is fully authorized to ret-efpt and settle tlio s.uue ["*J~ If not settled soon, they will ho left in the hands of an officer for suit and collection. G. II EASTMAN. The lus'ncss of BOOT nn'm-YTOE making will be continued by the sub. riher, r.t the old stand, where everything pertaining to the husino s, will e done in a substantial an I workmanlike manner, and at low* 1 ri. c* fr ready pay. He solicits avontinu.iuce of the public patronage. A. F. EASTMAN. Tttakhanaetk, Sept. ?, 18C2. | MEDICAL HALLfI BiiliiGE Si.i u .v va. DuK.J NEXT DOOR OITTI! OF t . M. KOON*dH ! OS J. f : PHYSIC A 'IST. j| JUST RECE \ i' Me licaj f; Hall. th<- 1 rs I DlUgfil and Medi unrs ei r . - -'iction o) country. 'These medicines ha t . ! -v. the sub, f scriber himself, with go ; ben e Le ca| K recomtnett I and wnrra e ig o-e and un[| adulterated KB His stork comp.i- sin i , vicg --> witpAj DR tl MED' CHEM ( ..i - i , . STUFFS, P.' INTS OILS. PERFL'M EH\ r'*,y r. \u. TIONS. FINE W iv-.vN.'Ll ; (FOR MEDtLINAI. i'UR- I POSES 0.N1,Y) t O.VL Of LTI*'RPF\TINE, ' If ALCOHOL, CAMPHEME f*O.VL'?-'. LAMPS, I A> STATIONERY. WKITIX.J INK. P.!OTO- W GRAPHIC ALBUMS. 'I di Yo''< . >EGARS, PIPES, AND ALL T..E PROMI NENT PATENT .MEDICINES OF THE DAY, ILL OF WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT ON Tlir MOST REA>O.Y. ABLE TERMS; Ft lit ( ASH OH cor NTH \ I'llODl'CE. . i PHYSFCIVNS P|{ES( RIPI lOXS accurately cooli j pioun led at ail hours of the day and night. I>R J. W. RIJOADS, Phys'ciaii an:! Druggist. || i Tunkhanno k, May 14. D 62 n 4o—ill *§• RUNNING STILL! ff TMIE (>LI) LSI .ABi.IoiIMKXT (if the subscribJß is still in runninir > tth<{ Ltalherjm ;i I the WtiRK \V " c "P'- S t, uH Y.. hi ire. ,i; ! , l D(5 p. OI H a . hiMB T O TH S • A 1r S . te-t to.in your t .1. and i.uy a ZHIG"VvT"S.T-T. vA- IV7 ..*>. TJiCTjI iXTIS 11. obtaiuiogoafl ° 1 1 te.it'ole Sewing ( uin. fl the ui ijjio-*— e t. Flag- 1 *t :a, and eomtuon, ! ' HI RE It S-o! all . vh s. sires, and prices. i !■K DS I E \ I>S. tit: ,go and i-aino -n. CENI RE T .n: i.s, WORK STAND?, rooKr-1 • an be fov^l tu i e1 ii tu. ! i.• est ' !i'iiufiiis in the countrjt wiiclihe w ' 11 ii pri. it as low as they can uffl i-euvhi in any town outside of this cities. Being 1 i-fied th ,t he u ei.—Oel vane-s.at chairs, new-seated und 1 NDERTAKTXG 11-rifg n Hoarse of his (n*|K au 1 having h i 1 mil -h e\ t fully am larce to .he eitisenso r Wjfijy! "•tiling that they have lm a, i M h