North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, November 26, 1862, Image 1
JiA±-IV23Y SICKITIEii, Proprietor.] NEW SERIES, iftortli tiranrii Sfntorrah VJ>> U Wo V A weekly Democratic paper, devoted to Pol- " f/j / > = lies, News, tho Arts (Q f Jt" 1" j and Sciences 4c. Pub lishod every Wcdncs day, at Tunkhannock, 1 H*'] "''W Wyoming County, Pa. -/ \' V jftify |;l BY HARVEY SICKLER, Terms —1 copy 1 year, (in advance) 51.50. If not pain within six months, £2.00 will be charged. ADVERTISING. lU lines or less, make three four tiro three six one one square iceek< ireeks inoHh mo'thmo'th year 1 Square 1,00 1.25 2,25 2.87 3.00] 5,00 2 do. 2,00 2.50 3,25 3.50 1.5" 6,00 3 do. 3,00 3.75 4,75 5,50 7,01 V 9,00 A Column. 4,00 i 4,50 6.51' 8,00 hi,Go 15.00 i do. 6.00 7.00 id.OO; 12,00 17,00 25.00 i do. 8,00 9,50 14,00 13,00 25.00 35.00 1 do. 10,00.12,00 17,00 22,00 2-,00 40,"0 Ilusliiiss Cards of one square, with paper, 85. JOB WOTIISI of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to su i the times. $ 1131 it f55 soHr?s. BACON STAND Nicholson. Pa. —C. L Jacksox, Proprietor. [vln49tf] HS. COOPER, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON • Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa. G1 80. S. TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ! Tunkhannock, la. Oilke in Stark s Liick Block, Tioga street. IITM. M. PIATT, ATTOLXEY AT LAW. Of- V \ floe in Stark's Brick IJSo -k, Tioga St.. Tunk hannock, Pa. IITTI.E I)IS WITT, ATTORNEY'S AT J LAW, Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannock, I'a. R. R. I.ITTLR. .T. THIWTTT. JV. SMITH, M. 1. PHYSICIAN k SURGEON, • Office on Bridge Street, next door to the b%:u crat Office, Tunkhannock, I'a. TTAKVEY SICKLER, \TTORNEY AT LAW XI and GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT Of fice, Bridge street, opposite Wall's Hotel, Tuukkun nck Pa. £T. N7CT. 31.1102Y1D5, 23., (Graduate oj the University oj i'cnn'a.) Respectfully offers his professional services to the eitizous of Tunkhannock and vicinity. He can I . found, when not professionally engaged, either at his Drug store, or at his residence on Putnam Street. DIG J. C. CORSEI.IUS, HAVING LOCAT ED AT TIIE FALLS, WILL promptly attend all calls in the line of his profession—may be found tt Bevuier's Hotel, when not professionally absent. Falls, Oct. 10, 1361 JIL CAR E) , 51. I>. - -1 • M. Institute, Cincinnati) wi .11 respectfully J announce to the citizen.--of Wyoming anl Luzerne i Counties, that he continues his rev far practice in the various departments of his profest ion. May ne found at his office or residence, when not profv. ii'unally ab sent Vet Particular attention given to the trc .tmont Chronic Diseas. entremoreland, Wyoming Co. Pa.—v2n2 1)1?. J. o. BECKER .V: Co., PHYSICIAN* A SURGEONS, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Wy* oming that they have located at Mehoopuny, where they will promptly attend to all calls in the live o, their profession. May be found at his Drug Stor when not professionally absent. e WALL'S HOTEL" LATE AMERICAN HOUSE/ TUNKHAN NOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. rllL 5 establishment has recently been refitted and turnished in the latest style Every attention will he given to the -omfort and convenience of those patronize the lfoue. T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor. I Tunkhannock, September 11, 1961. WORTH SBAWCH HOTEL, MESIIOPPEX, WYOMING COT'NTY, PA ill LEY WARNER, Prp'r. HAVING resumed the proprototAip of the above Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effi>rt to render the house an agreeable place ol sojourn for ail who may favor it with their custom. RILEY WARNER. MAYNARD*S HOTEL tcnkiiawock, WYOMING COUNTY, PENNA. JOHN MAYNARD, Proprietor. T-J taken the Ilotcl, in the Borough of AY Tunkhanneck, recently occupied by Riley Warner, the proprietor respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. The House has been thoroughly repaired, and the comforts and accomodations of a nrst class Motel, will be found by all who may favor Hwith their custom. Sipfomher 11, 1-61. M. GILMAN, DENTIST. M GILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk- bannock borough, and respectfully tenders bis professional services to the citizens of this plaee and surrounding country. ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE SATIS FACTION. A jk^P*Office over Tutton's Law Office, near the Tos Office. Dec. 11, 1861. Blanks I I Blanks !!! BLANK DEEDS SUMMONSES SUBPCENAES EXECUTIONS CONSTABLE'S SALES Justice's, Constable's, and legal Blanks of all kinds. Neatly and Correctly printed on good Paper and f.r sale at the Office of the " North Branch fetaoerat." T IME AND BRICK, CHEAPER THAN AT where else in the coun'y, for sale at M* i. VERNOY'S Mcshoppcn, Sept. 13, IS6I. [From tho Carbondale Advance,] The Prose of a Woman's Life. First, she is born, and the whole world knows, That is tho commonest kind of prose,— Commonest kind, as the census shows:— Born, and swaddled, and bandeged tight, Tn the middle of some cloud-blackened night, By the ghostly, glimmering, dim lamp'a-light,— When mortals are heavy, as pigs of lead, Huddled and cuddled, snug in bed, Heedless of all that is sung or said. And the little " woman in white" gets miss'd Colic J, and eatnip-toa'd, anl kis3ed, And bounced ai out like a corn-mcal grist : Practicing babyhood's grandest airs.— .Simpering, pouting, in equal shares, Till properly taught to lisp her prayers. That nightly she sings-?ODgs, on battered knees, Adding petitions, by sage degrees, Till included all that she hears and sees. ***##. Time iilts tho child up his laddor of years, Now in dim) les, and now in tears, — Woman's aspiring : and baby fears. Far in the distance, dimly gleams, 'Along the foldings of care-st tched seams, xhreads of gossamer, woven in dreams:— Woof of ralienee, glancing bright, In and out of th# di'jky light, As fire-flies dance in tho black mi inight; An l a dream of beauty, that all have had, Sometimes torturing—sometimes glad, Veineth ! er life-mesh sweetly sad. But beautiful visions, and all bicst thinge, Vanish on swift and invisible wings. And only their echo sits and sings,— S:ts flu 1 - lags, in the shady slopes, Down woe re gilded our golden hopes, As orioles wing through the greenwood copse. , The maiden's heart hath a new-taugbt prayer, ! II r blue-veined h m l—oh, 'tis passing fair, And she givcth it to a stranger's care ; 1 ayiig it softly in his own, Trusting the pressure and the tone, Will last, when the bridal Jays be flown. Hut spring flowers fade in the blossoming year;—- From the early frost there is inoro to fear, the blighting autumn's, chill and dresr. And a touch of coldness creeps apace, Over the love-warmth in his faee, ; And the roses droop in tho household vase. And tears ruin diwn from her saddened eyes, As she thinks of an orange-wreath that lies Off in the dawn of her year of sighs ; i Off in the dawn ! how strange it seems, That tho heart lives on, though its broken dreams Scattered lie in the morning's beams! Drifting now from the happy shore, — Leaving the robes that her girlhood wore— Leaving the paths she will tread no moro. Might sho but gather an armful of things— Fa o 1 pictures and broken rings, And a lock of hair, where the curl still clings. then would she turn with her precious freight, Back to the tread of her burdened fate— Back, where the calls of duty wait. *##*** What must the bride of a sad year do 1 Solace her lord with a savory stew, Made by hnn Is with tho veius so blue ! And yvith tho pain in her womanly heart, M<kc for dinner some delicate tart Blinding the wife's with the house-maid's art Solace herself w itli a needle and thread, Stitching, and stitching, till weary hcaif Droop ou a breast, with tho ho]>e-star fled Over tho house, with an eye of care, Watching for cob-webs everywhere, Till wrinkles groove in her forehead fair. Soothing the white dove on lier breast, Moaning so in a babe unrest, Murmuring songs that they both love best. By and by, as the years steal on, The red from the lovely lip is gone, And the rose-cheek fade l, thin and wan, Arid the Llu#-voined hands grow white each daj, And the heavy life-sands drop away, As though they would mingle with church-yard clay. And then a tale that is told of all- She falls, some day. as the pale leaves fall, And the plaintive night-winds sigh o'er all. STELLA. of Lackawanna. K'-Y TRUE EDUCATION. —Educate your children to aciivity, to enterprise, to fearless ncss in what is right, to cowardice in what is wrong. Educate them to mtke for them selves the noblest purposes of life, and then to follow them out. Educate them to de spise suffering that stands in the way of the accompli shrnant of many aims, and count it as a iit'.ie thing. Make them free by lifting them up into the storms of life, and not by covering them down with soft and downy plush. — Society, like shaded silk, must be viewed in all situations, or its color will deceive us. The Constitution as it is and theUuionas it was is democratic creed. Z Punch says that poverty must be a woman—it is so fond ofpinchiug a persons. "TO SPEAK IIIS THOUGHTS IS EVERY FREEMAN'S RIGHT."-Thomas Jefferson. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, 1862. LETTER FROM EX-PRES -IDENT BUCHANAN, IN REPLY TO GENERAL SCOTT. On Wednesday last I received (he Nation al Intelligencer, containing Gen. Scott's ad dress to the public. This is throughout an undisguised censure of my conduct during the la-t months of tho administration, in regard to the seven Cotton States now in rebellion. From our past relations I was greatly surpris ed at the appearance of such a paper. In one aspect, however, it was highly gratifying. It has Justified me, nay, it has rendered it ab solutely necessary, that I should no longer re main silent in respect to charges which have been loDg vaguely circulating, but are now endorsed by the responsible name of Gen. Scott. • I. The first and most prominant among these charges is my refusal immediately to garrison nine ennumerated fortifications, seat" t ered over six of the Southern States, accord ing to the reccommendation of Gen, Scott, in his " views," addressed to the War Department on the 29th and 30th of October, 1860. And it has even been alleged that if this had been done it miglu have prevented the civil war- The refusal is attributed, without the least cause, to the influence of Governor Floyd- All my Cabinet must bear me witness that I was the President myself, responsible for all acts of the administration ; and certain it is that during the last six months previous to the 28th December, 1860, the day on which he resigned his office, after my request, he ex ercised less intluence on the administration than an}* other member of the Cabinet. Mr- Ilolt was immediately thereafter transferred from the Post Office Department to that of War ; so that, from this time until the 4th of March, 1801. which was by far tho most im portant peiiud of the administration, he per formed the duties of Secretary of War to my entire satisfaction. But why did I not immediately garrison these nine fortifications, in such manner, to use the language of Gen. Scott' " as to attempt to take any one of them by surprise or coup de-main ridiculous ?" There is one answer both easy and conclusive, even if other valid reasons did not exist. There were no avail able troops within reach which could be sent to these fortifications. To have attempted a military operation on a scale so extensive by any means within the President's power would have been si mply absurd. Of this Gen. Scott himself seems to have been con vinced, fir on the day after the date ot his first " views" he addressed (on the 30th Oc Tiber) supplemental views to the War De partment, in which he states: lliere is one (regular)company in iioston, one here, (at the Narrows.) one at Pittsburg, one at Au gusta. (Ga.,) one at Baton Rouge"—in ail Jive companies only within reach to garrison or reinforce the forts mentioned in the "views' Five companies—four hundred men—to oc cupy and reinforce nine fortifications in six highly excited Southern States ! The force " within reach" was so entirely inadequate that nothing more need bo said on the sub ject. To have attempted such a military op eration with so feeble a force, and the Presi dential election i upending, would have been an invitation to collision and secession. In deed, if the whole American army consist- ing then of only sixteen thousand men, had been " within reach'" they would have been scarcely sufficient for this purpose. Such was our want of troops that although Gen. Scott, believing, in opposition to the opinion of the committee raised in the House of Represen tatives, that the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln might be interrupted by military force, was only able to assemble at Washington, so late as the 4th March, six hundred and fifty three men, rank and file of the array. And, to make up this number, even the sappers and miners were brought from West Point. But why was there no greater force within reach ? This question could bo better answer ed by Gen. Scott himself than by any other person. Our small regular array, with the exception of a few hundred men, were out of reach ou our remote frontiers, where it had been continuouscly stationed for years, to protect the inhabitants and the emigrants on their way thither against the attacks of hostile Indians. All were insufficient and both Gen. Scott and myself had endeavored in vain to prevail upon Congress to raise sev eral additional regiments for this purpose. In recommending this augmentation of the ar my, the General states in his report to the War Department of November, 1857, that " it would not more than furnish tho reinforce ments now greatly needed in Florida, Texas, New Mexico, California, Oregon, Washington (T.,) Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, leaving not a company for Utah," Aud again, iu his report of November, 1858, he says : This want of troops to give reasonable security to our citizens in distant settlements, including emigrants on the plains, can scarcely be too strongly stated ; but I will only add, that as often as we have been obliged to withdraw troops from one frontier'in order to reinforce another, the weakened points have been instantly attacked or threatened with formidable invasion." These " views" of General Scott exhibit the crude notions then'prevailing even among intelligent and patriotic men oa this suljeclof secession. In the first sentence the General whilst stating that " to save time the right of secession may be conceded," yet immediately says " this is instantly balanced by the correl ative right on the part of the Federal Gov ernment against an interior State or States to re-establish by force if necessary, its former continuity of territory." (For this he cites " Paley's Moral and Political Philosophy, last chapter." It may be there, but 1 have been uuahle to find it,) Whilst it is difficult to ascertain his precise meaning in this pass age, he venders what ho did not mean quite clear in his supplenentary " views." In these he says: "It will be seen that the "views" only apply to a case of secesssion that makes a gap in the present U n ion.' t The falling off say of Texas, or of all the Atlantic States, from the Potomac south, (the very which has occurred,) was not within the scope of Gencal S's '' provisional remedies ;" that is to say, to establish by force, if necessary, the continuity of our territory. In his '• views'' he also states as followsßut break this glorious Union by whatever line or lines that political madness may contrive, and there would be no hope of recruiting the fragments, except by the laceration and despotism of the sword. To effect such result the intestine wars of our Mexican neighbors would, in com parison. with ours, sink into mere child's play." In the General's opinion " a smaller evil (than these intestine wars) would be to allow the fragments of the great Republic to form themselves into new Confederacies, prob ably four." lie then points out what ought to be the boundaries between the new Unions . and at the end of each goes so far as even to indicate the cities which ought to be the cap itals of the three first on this side of the Rocky mountains, to wit, " Columbia. South Caroli na," " Alton or Quincy, Illinois," and " Albany New York," excluding Washington city al together. This indication of capitals contain ed in the origin;* now in my posession is cu riously omitted in the version published in the National Intelligencer. lie desig nates no capital for the fourth Union on the Pacific. The reader will judge what encour agement these views, proceediug from so dis tinguished a source, must have afforded to the secessionists of the cotton States. I trust I have said enough, and more than enough, to convince every mind why I did not. with a force of five companies, attempt to reinforce Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the Mississippi; Fori Morgan, below Mobile; Forts Pickens and M'Cree, in Pensacola har bor ; Fort Pulaski, below Savannah; Forts Moultrie and Sumpter, Charleston harbor) and Fort Monroe, iu Virginia. These " views," both original and suple mentary, were published by General Scott in the National Intelligencer of January, 18) 1861, at the most important and critical pe_ riod of the administration. Their publica tion, at that time, could do no possible good, and might do much harm. To have publish ed them, without the President's knowledge and consent, was as much in violation of the sacred confidence which ought to prevail be tween the commanding general of the army and the commander-in-chief as it would have been fer the Secretary of War to publish the same documents without his authority. What is of more importance, their publication was calculated injuriously to affect the com promise measures then pending before Con gress and the country, and to encourage the secessionists in their mad and wicked attempt to shatter the Union iuto fragments. From the great respect which I then entertained for the General I passed it over in silence. It is worthy of remark that soon after the Presidential election, representat ions of what these " views" contained, of more or less cor rectness, were unfortunately circulated, espe cially throughout the South. The editors of the National Intelligencer , in assigning a rea son for their publication, states that both in public prints and in public speeches allusions had been made to them, and some misappre hensions of their character had got abroad. II and 111 General Scott states that ho ar rived in Washington on the 12th, and, ac companied by the Secretary of War, held a conversation vrith the President on the 15th December. Whilst I have no recollection whatever of this conversation, he doubtless states correctly that I did refuse to send three hundred men to reinforce Major An derson at Fort Moultrie, who had not then removed to Fort Suuipter. The reason for this refusal is manifested to all who recollect the history of the timo. But twelve days before, in tho annual message of the 3d De cember, I had urged upon Congress the adop tion of amendments to the Constitution of the same character with those subsequently proposed by Mr. Crittenden, called tho" Crit tenden Compromise." At that time high hopes were entertained throughout the coun try that these would be adopted. Besides, I believed, and this correctly, as the event proved, that Major Anderson was then in no danger of attack. Indeed he and his com mand were then treated with marked kind nets by the authorities and people of Charles ton. Under theso circumstances, to have sent such a force there would have been only to impair the hope of compromise, to pro voke collision and disappoint the country. There are some details of this conversation in regard to which the General's memory must be defective. At present I shall spec °nl * V ° nU coul( * l,ot havc stated that graph " Major Anderson of Fort Moultrie t-> hold tho forts (Moultrie and Sumpter) against attack ;" because, with prudent precaution, this had already been done several days be fore through a special messenger sent to Ma jor Anderson for this very purpose. I refer to Majer Buell, of the army. The General's supplementary note of the same day, presenting to me General Jack son's conduct in 1833, during the period of nullification, as an example, requires no spe cial notice. Even if the cases were not en tirely different, I had previously determined upon a policy of my own. as will appear from my annual message. This was, every hazard, to collect the customs at Charleston, and ont side of the port, if need be, in a vessel of war. Mr. Colcock, the existing collector, ae I had anticipated, resigned his office about the end of December, and immediately thereafter 1 nominated to the Senate as his sucsessor a suitable person, prepared at any personal risk to do his duty. That body, however, through out its entire session declined to act on this nomination. Thus without a collector, it was rendered impossible to collect the revenue. IV. General Scott's statement alleges that "the Brooklyn, with Capt. Vodges' company alone, left the Chesapeake for Fort Pickens about January 22J, and on the 20th Presi dent Buchanan, having entered into a quasi armistice with certain leading seceders at Pensacola and elsewhere, caused Secretaries Ilolt and Toucey to instruct iu a joint note the commander of the war vessels off Pensa cola, and Lieut. Slemmer, commanding Fort Pickens, to commit no act of hostility, and not to land Capt. Vogdee' company unless the fort should be attacked." He afterwards states, within brackets, " That joint note I never saw, but suppose the armistice was consequent upon the meeting of the Peace Convention at Washington, and was under stood to terminate with it." j These statements betray as ngular want |of memory on the part of General Scott. ; It is scracely credible that this very joint note presented in such odious colors was submit ed to General Scott on the day it was pre pared. (29th January), and met his entire approbation. I would not venture to make this assertion if I did not possess conclusive evidence to prove it. On that day Secretary Holt addressed me a note, from which the following is an extract : u 1 have the satisfac tion o1 saying, that on sbmitting the ppera to General Scott, he expressed himself satisfied xrith it, saying that there could be no object ion to the arrangement in a military point of view or otherwise ." this requires BO com ment. That the General had every reason to be satisfied with the arrrangement will ap pear from the following statement : A revolutionary outbreak had occurred ;ri Florida ; the troops of the United States h n been expelled from Pensacola and the adjacent navy yard ; and Lieut. Slemmer, of the artil lery, with his brave little command, had been forced to take refuge in Fort Pickens' where he was in imminent danger every mo inent of beiug captured by a vastly superior force. Owing to the interruption ofretMlar communications Secretary Holt did not re' ceive imformation of these event* until! -< r. eral days after their occurrence, and f i through a letter addressed to a third per-. n. lie instantly informed the President of the fact, and reinforcements, provisions, and inilh tarystores were dispatch by the Brooklyn i- Fort Pickens without a moment's unness.n delay. She left Fortress Monroe on the 24ri of January. Well-founded apprehension were, howev.-i entertained at the time of her departure that the reinforcement, with the vessels of war at no great distance from Fort Pickens, could not arrive in time to defend it against tin - impending attack. In this state of suspense, and whilst Lieut. Sleminer was in extreme peril, Senators Slidell, Hunter, and Bilger recieved a telegraphic dispatch from Senator Mallory, of Florida, dated at Pensacola, on the 28th January, with the urgent request that they should lay it before the President This despatch expressed an earnest desire t<>- maintain the peace, as well as the most posi tive assurance that no attack would be made on Fort Pickens if the present status should be preserved. This proposal was carefully considered, both with a view to the safety of the fort and to the unhappy effect which an actual collision either at that or any other point might pro ducc on the Peace Convention then about to assemble at Washington. The result wa> that a joint dispatch was carefully prepared by the Secretaries of War and Navy accepting the proposal, with important modification, which was transmitted by telegraph on the 20th January to Lieutenant Sletnmer and t< the naval commanders near the station. It is too long for transcription ; suffice it to say it was carefully guarded at every point for the security of the fort and its free communi cation with Washington. The result was highly fortunate. The Brooklyn had a long passage. Although she left Fortress Monroe on the 24th January, she did not arrive at Pensacola until the 6th February. In the meantime, Fort Pickens, with Lieutenant Slemmer, (whose conduct deserves high commendation,) and his brave little band were placed, by virtue of this ar rangement, in perfect security until an ade nuata l-ml <■■ >-; ".wi [TEnivrs: peii. aiv *or Wi' .-V General Sr.>tt express Mtiefict' , *I'I r; s arrangement. Thjl I Genera! *ra< correct in the supposition tha this arrangement vast > expire on the munition of tin Peace Convention jfl V I*s' w !)■ u ci>me loan important pe|ilfl| r: a!, when dates will be essentially uecessa l.jfl ry to disentangle the statement of Gen ScottJ fi Ihe South Carolina Commissioners were ap 'jfl pointed on the 22nd, and arrived in Washing : ■ ton on the 21 th December. 7he day after Si their arrival it wis ann< unced that Major |9 Anderson ha.i r> • from Fort Moultrie to Fort bumpier. Tnis rendered them furious. 'l.l On the same day they addressed an angry 1 ■ letter to the President demanding the sur- 1 S render of Fort bumpter. The President an- > I swered this letter on 30th December by a | I peremptory refusai. This brought forth a ffl reply from the Commissioners on the 2nd" ffl January 1861 of such an insulting character H I that the President instantly returned it to | them with the following endorsement: "This | ! paper just presented to the President, is of P such a character that he declines to receive <*; it. From that time forward all friendly, | g politic 1 and personal intercourse finally ceas ed between the revolutionary Senators and pjll 'he President, a->d he was severely attacked by them in Senate, especially by Mr. Jeffer- ? son Davis. Indeed, their intercourse had || previously been of the coldest character ever 11 >ince the President's anti-secession message ? at the commencement of the Session of Con- ' gress. I nder these changed circumstances, Gen eral Scott, by note on Sunday, the 30th De cember, addressed the following inquiry to' the President: u Will the President permi' General Scott, without reference to the War Deparament,' and otherwise as secretly as possible, to send two hundred and fifty recruits, from New- York harbor, to rein.orce Fort Sumpter, to gether with some extra muskets or rifles, ammunition and subsistence i It is hoped' that a sloop of war and cutter may be or dcred for the same p irp<j-e to-morrow." The General seem- nt - *ve then known that Mr. Floyd wi< -ut >f tfice. Never did a reque-o meet a more prompt coraplience. It ws* receive' 1 on Sundav ev ening December 30rn. O , Monday evening General Scott cam- oc ; r, late me that the Secretaries ad issued the i.ecessarv or ders to the army and navy , fficer,. and that they were in hi* p The Brooklyn with troops, military stores and provisions was to sail forthwith tmm Fortress Monroe for Fort Snmpter. i am, therefore, utterly at loss to imagine why the General, in his statement, should have asserted that " the South Carolina r n issi..r rs had already been many dat . W- t> n and no move ment of detent.-,- , , p..,., , f lh(f United States) as pet ; - ' omm-ssmn ere arrive I W-, , M „o 7 ri l)eCera . ber ? : fas made to the President on the 30th. It complied with ' ' "'g'e day i, ati that, r*>p ments the ""many days" f-he General. A ... ■ Qe awner - tbe fe-'e of •' tV : ' ■ 1,1 refused to allow anV ttemriT t.~ f-i i ; , i-. v -ii. jtit — IH remtorce Fort ■ 1 t'llg UegOtsA iniuissioners H " ' :! i - C m vain, to ob 'atn a snip ,( . se. were ti,, ,t; i > obinrud tr ... ~ ' r' ' ) toe pauenger steamer- Star oft . Will itbeba lieVe-i ti;u the sub (he u Star of the West?' for the *t-' • ir tearar Brooklyn, oi wi - va s by the aiiv '- . G * ? £ have i vy. . , , n . ad tbe su.t-u:. At liit , tQbe . ween if < ~ , tne even ing of Monday i. . 31. U, vmber, I sug gested to him I :!. althoin-i [ had not re reived the South Carolina Commissioners in ! heir official capacity, but merely as private gentlemen, yet it mig.-i he considered an im proper act to send the Brooklyn with rein forcements to Fort Sumpter until I had re ceived an answer from them to my letter of the proceeding day; that the delay could not continue more than forty-eight hours He promptly concurred in lids suggestion as gentlemanly and projit-r. and the orders were not transmitted to the Brooklyn thateven ig. My anticpations were correct, for on he m -ruing of the 2nd of Janoary I receiv <d teir insolent ome, and sent it back to hem. In the meantime, however, the Gen t iai hau become convinced, by the represen tations of a gentleman whom I forbear to name, that the better plan, as the Secreta ries of War and tl N ,vy informed me, to -ecure -ecrecy and reach the iort, would be -< u a iast side-wheel mer cantile steamer ir- m New York with the re ndorceraent. Accordingly the •• Star of tbo U est was selected for this duty. The 6ul*\ stuutiou of this mercantile *teamer for the Brooklyn which would have boon able to do feud herself in case of attack. was reluctantly >ielded by nio tu tf.e ,i ( . -'t rv judgment ot Gen. Scott. The c! ar g. <f ; . „ r quired a brief space of time; out >,, , lhe We-t left New York ft,r 0; . . the evening of the oth •li-t o.ti.. , i iOv. tii.nuiaj V r OL. 2, NO. ieM