LOCALS. Returned.—Lieut. Chas. Russell of Co. B. 52nd fcegt., returned home on TliilHday of last week, in quite feeble health. We learn that he has resigned, and will not, therefore return to the service. Donation.—-The friends of Rev. C. R. Lane will visit him, at his b'oili'ei on the afterhoon arid evening of the-27tb Inst., (Thanksgiving day.) Those who are Intending to furnish the eatables, will prepare thetn ,without further notice* tUiig£r3usly Ill.~Dr. C. H. Dana of this place Surghon of the 52nd Regt. is now lying dangerously ill from disease oontracted in camp. The services-of the Br. from reports are now very much needed in the Regt. to which he was attached. - Millinery for the Million;We have Heg- Iscted to notice the fact, except iticlderitalH. tiidt Mrs. Bardwell has a most splendid slbctt of tnillihery goods, which She i§ selling at fait prices for tlie times. Her judgment and taste in this biisHless is Unquestioned- Ladies who are looking aher tall bb'ti ,nets trimmed in the very best style of the tirt, crih find them at Mrs. B's. A Snow Storm.—One of the most remarßablb for the season that we ever remember, occurred on and was resumed on Suuday. In this legality it fell tKo depth of five or six inches.— Most of our farmeis have not yet gathered their corn, tud some have not dug their potatoes. Tbtiy ivill be admonished that " old winter's coming," and fUreafter will not let tne grass grow under tueir fi'ei 'fesfote securing their crops. . .y • . fe'b'Hls Agkln. —•John Weil, onr enterprising townsman, hits gbne, for the second tithe this fall, to •tie city in order to make greater additions to his al ready large stock of dress goods, cloth's, cassinieres, •te., etc. His late stock of cheap and elegant furs and winter goods having gone off so rapidly he in tends paying particular attention to these articles in his purchases at this time. The ladies can look out for something fine ft! this line in a day or two. Go and see them. Lady's Book, for December, has just been received; arid is a irtost sujierb number. No la dy BO iovcr of choice reading iniitter should hesitate for A fflotHent to subscribe for it. Tfic slify-' sixth volume o'f {HI* bcM! commences vtith' tHe next number. No time sCoiiltl be lost, by tPbse who want it. in getting up cltfbs. The terms are cash in ad vance. One copy, one year, FL. Two copies, $3. Three copies, #6. Four copies, Pt, etc The pfos cpecsue-tjpji 1863 will be found in o'tfr fli'xt isiuL "to y order, aii/riufo be rof copies you plfc'ase, ridßess L. A. Godey, 323 Chestnut St., Pbil'a. Wanted—At this office on subscription— Forty bushels of ears of corn, Forty bushels of Buckwheat, Forty bushels of Oats, Forty bushels of Wheat, ' Forty bushels of Rye, Forty bushels of good, unbruised winter apples. Forty bushels of good patatoea, Forty pounds of honey, Forty gollons of sweet cider, . -Forty pounds of pork, Forty pounds of beef, Forty cwt of Hay, Forty bundles of good cornstalks. Forty pounds of dried apples, Forty pounds of white beans, and *Forty dollars in money, shin-plasters, postage Itariips, Lincoln scabs, or anything authorized or al ffiVed to pass, current a? a circulating medium in thefe timit of "great fihnhfciiii brospcrity." , 4 ,Slt.-*Ttiis vetf fitcessarv •••rlii iiiiisp'casiblc ar- Lc|# i9-,fow, without triy substahtiti! ftiag/n, as de fau-Uown, almost four times l?s iifrrficr fir-ce. Tho trade, so far as this region is cotieortffcd, is mo hopoltfed by the inaffutacturef* at \*e seen a circular signed by the 'fficcrs of an asso ijAfion t that place; wfiich the price for the •oinmou ground salt, fled Htoit in rise at 83.10 {ier barrel, to all person? purchasing fiif safe fri l'efmsyl vania arid other States. A deduction or *' dnfw as they call it. of nearly brie evMl'nce is produced tlfaf tlio ar'i- Ile has been consumed in the State of New York. Thus it will le seen that we aro obliged to pa - these New Ydrk rrioriopolists a tax or tariff, almost unprec edet'ed fit hisiSrf, ori an article of which tlicy enjoy ilmost affeielusive nionoptlfe. Trie fact that it Is furnished to those of that Sfaie fit a far less price 'hid to b'riyers for consumption ir hi'fer StJfes is con ducive evidence that this high price is riot noccsSi tated by tlie t"fet nr the fate dutic? imposed upon , i'hat article by Congress. These New York skin 's'M* hrs. drawers, 6 prs. woolen socks, ? lbs. linen pieces, 2 lbs. cotton, lj bushels apples, i-t peaches, 16 qts. blackberries, 3) qts. raspber ties, 3 qts. currants and gooseberries, 1 qt. mulbor- Les, 1 qt. pears 3 qts. cherries. Of the abovo was contributed from Eaton, 2 prs. 3twers, 13 yds. flannel, for shirts and drawers, aridages, lint, roll linen. Monroe —3 pillows and es, 1 quilt, I shirt, 2 lbs. linen, roll muslin Nofthmoreland—l shirt, 3 lbs. linen, roll muslin for •udages. Washington—3} lbs. linen, 1 haudker rhif, rell muslin for bandages, 11.60 omitted through Mistake informer list. Windham— H bushels Sp elts, 14 qts. peaches, Ifj qts. blackberries, <^ts. fer•pberr^es 1 3 qts. currants and gooseberries, 1 iA. ulberries, 1 qt ja-ars, 3 <{i°. 'cfiei'rles, 1 lbs. lint, I ... b n*Hges Junkhannock-f3f yds. flwnricl, 4 ® •oeffs, 1 cotton shirt, picked 17 fb'l.ficY _ LIW of persons drawS to serve as Jrifors, for November Term, i 862: N . 6L M-ND JURORS. V ' Kusael1 ' Bnrr B Vosburg, Bodel, Chas. II irris. Forkston— Ira Bobinson, Albert Garey. Overfield—Abram Frear. Lemon—Nathan Keim, Michael hffffdnf. , " *fwn 0n Ba ''y. Asahel Gardner, La S HrnKjiHTy -J Wr ' Bht ' Peter F * . Tunkhannock Bo rough—C. D Gearhart. , Meshoppea— Ellis Dunlap. Nicholson—H. ,J Shibley, Exeter— Aaron CooTbougfi. Mehoopany—U. F. Burs, Luke Vose. F,b "' p a- Miu "' w -- Rio1 "'. fl."," 4 sw ™' T F - Exeter—rSolomon Drown l?™*, Mile, Sickler, Warren John Jacob Strubie, Henry Vancamppen, Whitney L Bacon, Amos Wright, J. W. Rey- Clinton—Benj. Carpenter. Townshipr-D. J, Bardwell, Zenaa ' Em''- Voshimer, Adam .Winger, Lute,, Sanrtnrt O. Hdwell, Miller THOMI^° NOCK BOROUGH_O B WHI PP R# - H Ov'Sij2 OB r7 A / mstroD S* Edward Trevost. v -v s - Ager. - orthßiorelsnd; -Simon Kerarv. Saml Vanecoy w, uth seventeen degrees. West six perches and two-tenths of a pea re h to a pest by the little Tuscarora creek. Thence up said creek to the pi see of beginning, viz: Bound d on the North and West by lands now oc cupied b\ l'. I. Lacey. ; On th< South! by lafids formerly of Geo. G. Lacey | A Co., ah t how occupied-by Henry Williams as a tenant, e ri i Ori the Last by the little Tuscarora creek. Containirig two-thirds of an acre of land, more or less, with \ Frame Store-house therein. one other fiicce or ldt of land, situaie, lying and being in the tcwriiliip arid County aforesaid, and bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginuingata Hickory sapling on the the NoMh ; side of ihe road, leading up the river near the house 1 now ocou] ied by Geo. G. Keeney. j Then e a Northerly direction thirteen rods to a Chestar t corner. ! Then r Easterly six and half rods to a corner post i and stones. Thcrer Southerly thirteen rods to a corner on said road to a post and stones, i Thenci- Westerly alorig said load to the place of b'eginn rig. *"ont ii drig perches, be the same, more ! of Hss. ALSO, aftother piece; or lot of land, and connected with the last mentioned, and described bound ed an I ■ escribed, as follows : Beginning at a Hickory sapling on the North side of the road leading up the river, near the house now occup e J by Geo. G. Keeney, and the South-east cor ner ol the last above described lot of land. Th n c Westerly along said road fifteen rods to land merly belonging to David Lake, Jr., and now tr> th < state of Geo. G. Lacey, deceased, to a post aud s cues. Tb -lice N Ttbri-ly thir'eeri a posl and stones Th nee Easterly ten rods to a Chestnut corner, to lands formerly of Joseph Spaulding (now the above desciiled lot). Thence Southerly thUteeri fods 15 tyc place of be , S'nn Co i tnining one hundred and seventy-five rierches of I:mi I, more or less, with one Frame Dwelling House tber. (n. Said two last mentioned and described piece of land, otherwise described, as follows, to wit: Bo nded East and North by land of Ebenezer La cey. On th Vest by lands of Geo. G. Laeey, deceased, form riy of David Lake, Jr., and C®ri the Scath by the Maiu road, leading up the Susq charina river. 1 A! 80; C'riri other piece, ir lot of land, situate, ly ing, ud being in the Township and County aforesaid, boun led Ithd described as follows, to wit ' B ginn'rig a{ the river bank, Then.-e North one hriri iod peN-fcfi, adjoining 'ands late IT Isaac Lacey, now Ebenezer Lacey. Thence North sixty-eight de gree i West, on old town line. Thence South, thirty three' degree! West, fifty-six perches to a corner.— Then ■€ No'rtß, sixty-eight degrees West, four and a hall j erches to a cc'rnet. Thence South twenty-two dhgiecs \telt, severiteeid pfefclies c'n old town line.— Then e So 818 tfefi degrees East, one hundred and eleven perches t6' tile Susquehatfria river. Thence down said river to tßc jdace of btgitining. Contain it J g fii'vActe* be the satrie iric're or less, all improv ed, wuh otic t'fa/iie Ilouse, one Frame Barn, one Ice lit u e, and an .-tpple Orchard thereof*. A the undivided one half interest in and to the hi lowing described piece, of lot of land, situate, lying aii 1 Wing in the Township and County aforesaid, boU' Jed lis follows, to wit: Beginning at a piost on th: little Tuscarora Creek, being the South-cast cor ner T a lot deeded to II W. Lacey by Isaac Lacey, on the 24th day of July. 1837. Thence up said creek seventeen dtgrees East, three and one-tenth perch es t" a post. Thcncc North, seventy-three degrees to ap st on the back line of said lot. Theneo South, ev. nty degrees West, to a corner post of said lot. Th uce South, sevenfj'-threo dogreez East, seventy and three tenths perches to the place of beginning Containing one-third part of an acre of land, more or lr& with a Frame Dwelling House, and small Barn t'-e eon. A LSO, one other piece, or lot of larifcf, shu'ate, lying, au being in the Township and County aforesaid, arid loi nded and described as follows, to wit: Beginn i ig at a Chestnut ;ree, in ravine above the f?aw Mill of Ebenezer Lacy, on th'c I'ttfe Tu'sc afrir'A' oTeek, tm I roc of lands of C. I. Lacey. Thence Northerly along I ine of land of C. I. Lacey, to a corner stake on line ■ f lands of CI. Lacey, and Abial Keeney. Thence i Westerly course along the line of land of Abiaj K eney up to the land formerly of the Lake Estate. Thence Southerly, along the line of laud formerly of ihe Lake Estate, to a corner on line of land of E. Lacey, neri'r head of the ravine. Thence down said .ravine along line of land of R Lacey to the place of beginning. Containing about twenty-two acres of fand.'ii'ore o'i fess, all improved: ALSO, tho undivided two-thirds interest in and to one house and the ground it stands upon, situate, ly ing, and being in the township and county aforesaid, u| on the Main road leading trom Laceyville to Keeney's Ferry, on the line between lands belonging to 6. B. Lacey and Mrs'. H. feowri, and now occupied by D. D. Wilson. Terms of Sale : One-third of the purchase money ti> lie paid on confirmation of the sale by the Court, and the remainder in one year thereafter, with inter est, to be secured by good and approved security. c. f lace? 7' \ AdminUtrators " Laeeyvitle, Oct. 15,1862. By Order of Court. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FA CIAS, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, and to me Erected, will be exposed te public sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhannock, irisaid Coun ly, on ~ Saturday, the 15th day of November," A. D. 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. m. the following describ ed property, to wit r ALL of the defendant's right, title, and interest Til and to all of that piece, parcel or lot of land, situate in at °n and Northmoreland Townships, Wyoming bounty, and State of Pennsylvania,'bounded and do scribed as follows, to wit: OB the East by lands of Drinker's h "SHERIFF'S SALE. B' Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wy | oining County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will ! be exjH>sed to public sale, at the Court House, in the I Borough of Tunkhannock, in said County, on [ Saturday, tlie 15 th day of November, I A. D 136-, at 1 o'clock, p. m. the following describ- I ed property; to wit: ALL of the defendant's right, title; and interest in ; and to ail of that cert ain piece, parcel or tract of ' land, situate, lying and lacing in Forkstou Township, • Wyoming County, aha Mate of PennsylvariiS, bound j ed and described as hallows, to wit: j On the East by lands, owner unknowri. On the South, by lands of John G. Spaulding. On the West by lands of Giles Burgess. tn the Noith by lands of Albert Garey. Containing about fifty acres of land, more or lees, with about thirty-five acres thereof improved, with one Log House, one Frame Barn, one Apple Orchard, an where elfc the ccuni v, fei sale, at VERITY'S Mssbepyen, Sept. 18, 1861. Traveling Public! TO accomnxidate person? wishing to go by public conveyance from this place to any section, or re turn, the undersigned continues to run a Daily Lane OF to and from Factoryyille Depot, leaving ilia hotel at 6 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Fsctoryville In time f 'it Trains to ©relit Jen#, Srranfnn, Uftu-^ork; and PHILADELPHIA. Returning, leaves Factoryville on the arrival of the New York, Philadelphia and Accommoda tion Train from threat Bend; arriving in Tun&han- Dock at 7 o'clock, p. ra. N. B.—All Express matter, packages audgpqd* will be conveyed to and from the Depot, at reasonable rates: the proprietor holding himself responsible t'r the safe delivery of all such entrusted to his care, Towanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock, in. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p in Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and WUkesbarre. leave on the arrival of the Towanda stage, and re turning connect with the same. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdayg and Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. in., connecting at Montrose With stages for Binghamton, Ac. Returning, connects with s'ages for Pittston, Towanda, Ac. Persons wishing to be called for at their residences will be accommodated by leaving their names at the liote! of the proprietor. Horse? am* Carriages in readiness to forward pass engerf at all times. . . T. B #AtL I Sept >4 v2n7. HARDWARE & IRON! HUNT —OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STEKL NAILS AND SPIKES, MINK RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, HORSE-SHOES, | jlmwran aitir ©itglist) garsc Hails, WROUGHT NAILS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPIN DLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, B9TTS, NETS, WASHERS, BELTING: PACKING, (jKINI) STONES : PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. IIAIR r SHOVELS WHITE LEAD. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac , Ac., Ac. A I.SO SASH. DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT, AND MANUFACTUR ED 10 ORDER. LEATHER %XD FINDINGS, Fa 1r ban k l s Scales. _Scranton, March 26, 1862. v!n33—ly. TXTOTICEi! Persons indebted to the subscriber, either on Note or Book account, arc notified that said botes and ac counts have ben left with mv Father, A. F. Eastman, who is fully authorized to receipt and settle the same t ff If not settled soon, they will he left in the hands of en officer for suit and collection. G. 11 EASTMAN. The business of BOOT and SflOE making will be continued bv the subscriber, at the old staa'tf where everything pertaining to the ,busi.ne ; B, done in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and at low prices for ready pay. He solicits a continuance of the public natronage. , - ~ A. F. EASTMAN. 6cpL 3, 1362. Stray. Taken up on the 2Cth day of August, 1862, stray ing on the improved land (enclosed) of the subscriber, in the township of Nicholson, Wyoming County, a Red Calf, with white belly, white hind feet, and white at end of tail. The owner is required to prove his property, pay damages and charges, otherwise said Stray will he sold agreeable to law in such cases made aud provided. CHRISTIAN HAPNER. Sept 10, 1562. Auditor's Notice. Is THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELISBA HARRIS, deceased The undersigned having been appointed an Audit or by the Orphans' Court cT Wyoming C6onty, to ex amine and report on exceptions filed to the account of Rosina Gardner, Administratrix to the Estate of Klisha Harris, deceased, and also to the account of Silas Sutton, Admiurstpitoy to said Estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at Lis office in the Borough of Tunkhahnock, on Saturday, November Ist, 1862, at.l o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all per sons interested are notified to attend. , . F, C. ROSS, Aud'r. Tunkhannook, Sept. 24, 1832. REGISTERS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the followiug account, Viz. The account of, Laura Garey, Kxecutix of the es tate of Ambrose Garey, late of Windham Township, deceased, Filed Oct. 20th, 1862, that the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Wyoming Co., to be held on, Alenday, tl o 17th day of November next, tor confirmation and allowance. Registers office, Tunkhannook, Oct. 21st, 1562 SINTON WILLIAMS, Register. Auditor's Notice. Is THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF D. B J.EVKISS deceased. * * ' The undersigned having been appointed an Audi tor by the Orphans' Court of Wyoming County to ex amine and report on exceptions filed to the aceount of Newuian Miller, administrator to the said Estate of D. B. /enkins, doceased, will attend to tho duties of his said appointment, at his office in the Borough of Ttmkhanaock, on | Friday, October Zist, 1862, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon', when and where tR po,sons interested are notified to attend. . F C. ROSS Aud'f Tuukhtnuock 24. 1562. MEDICAL HALL! BRIDGE ST., TUNKHANNOCK, TFEXT DOOR SOUTH OF C. N. 11. 1.1. inns. . PItYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST: JUST RECEIVED at the Tunkhnnnook Medical Hall, the largest and best assortment of Drugs aDjJ Medicines ever brought to this section of country. Tfiese medic'ncs have been selected by the sub serfber himself, with great care, and hence he can recommend and warrant them as being pure and un adulterated. His stock comprises in part, the following, to wit : DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, FANCY NO- r TIONS, FINE WINES AND U . QUORS, (FOR MEDICINAL PUR POSES ONLY) COAL OIL, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, CAMPIIENE, COAL OIL LAMPS'; . . . ALSO STATIONERY, WRITING INK, PHOTO GRAPHIC ALRUMS. TOR ACCO,SEGARS, PIPES, AND ALL THE PROMI NENT PATENT MEDICINES OF THE DAY, ALL OF W 111 C H CA N* H E BO' GUT ON THE MOST REASON ABLE TERMS, FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE.' PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS accurately com pounded at all hours of the day ard night. Dr. J. W. RHOAD3, Physician and Druggist.', Tuikhannocft. May 14. IS6-2 n4o ly RUNNING STILL! THE OLD ESTAPI.fSIIMENt of the euincriber, is still ir running order, through all tire fevers and panics of former days, since 1533, without being wound up, at which place you can linda good assort ment of DYES. DRUGS S MEDICINES. as can be found in the county, warranted genuine and pure. Boots, Shoes, Harness and Leather; as good as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest, and all the WORK WARRANTED. You can get all kinds of Job Prir.ting done to or der, and blanks of every kind constantly on hand, which, in style, are not surpassed by our large or county offices. TO THE LADIES'. rest from your toil, mid buy a SEWIDJGr MAIICINE The subscriber has also succeeded in obtaining ope of the best, and most reliable Sewing Machines, for the money, now in market, viz : Davis's $45 Shuttle anu the S3O franklin Machines, equal in capacity to Wheeier A Wilson's $75, or Urover A Baker's S4S machine, and making the same stitch, which is on® third saving in buying here than at any other agency iu Northern Pennsylvania Every Business Man do your Printing ! IT WILL PAY! , L6W E'S PATENT PORTABLE PRINTING PRES& (the cheapest in the United for sale. Price, from $5 to for s..f>rets' jWRce complete, from $lO to $75, wath, type and all neeepsa; ry material Call and see them or send for a circu lar of full particulars. Particular attention is called to SPRING'S RHEUMATIC ELIXER, and very, effective Liniment, for all Rheumatic pains. Headache, I'yptheriu, Ac , for sale in Mehoopany by Dr. Becker A Co. and llenry Love ; on Russell Hill by T. Stcmpif s ; at Forkston by Mr. Garey ; at Me shoppen by Henry Stansbury. A trial of the medi cine, will in all cases, prove satisfactory. l"ry it, amf be convinced. BfcICK : 50,000 Brick for sale Thanktul for past favors, the subscriber is determ ined, by strict attention to business, to merit still fur ther patronage. i. ? D. SPRING. Laceyville, Sept. 24, 1962^-v2n7. 3NT 3±3 W CABINET AND CHAIR MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture, Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhaonock, next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store — where are kept on hand and manufactured to order : TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, arid common BI REAUS of all styles, sizes, and prices. BEDSTEADS, Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS BOOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can be found in the largest furniture ekablishraents in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, he so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old caoc-seat chairs, new-seated and re paired. UNDERTAKING- —Having a Hearse of his own, and having had much experience, he Will attend to this department of tkq business on short notice, ami in a satisfactory manner. ~ . ABRAHAM HAAS. July 16, 1862.—1n49*y t>R. J. c beokAß A FHYSKTAWI* SURGEONS; announce to the citiseijso'' Wy oming that they have located at Meboopany, where they will promptly attend to all t-alU4n the live of their profession. May be found at his Drug Stbriff wbe not professionally absent.