North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, November 12, 1862, Image 2

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    ®|e democrat.
HAItVEY SlCKtfcti, £dit(Jf;
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 1 862
Oca SUBSCRIBERS are reminded thart next
week is court week, and as Jurors, Consta
bles, and Justices of the Peace, from all {farts
of the county, will be in attendance; a good
opportunity will be afforded them to send
the amount of their subscription along. Our
friends afe also requested t6 bring iu the
dames of all the responsible, paying subscri
bers that may be induced to take our paper.
A little effort by each man in his own neigh
borhood, wouid soon siim up our list to what
it ought to be. The time for argument with
mfen as to the necessity of sustaining the
Democratic local press, and thereby Demo
cratic principles, has passed. Every man
tOOfft abw know that to be a necessity. That
wc Cantfot piibhsh a paper without pay, also
needs no argument. We have beeu publish
ed to as poor, by Mr. Tiffauy, who
" pays tax" (over the left,) on property
worth at least " fifteen hundred dollars."—
In this charge he came nearer the truth than
he has for months before, except where he,
in the same article, gravely charges us with
paying our debts. To all of which we plead
guilty.. We wish these wild Babes, who
throw such heavy bomb shells, didn't live in
a thinner " glass house" than ours.
THE ELECTIONS in New York, New Jer
sey, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois have gone demo
cratic—with ladgt* gains in Michigan, Minne
sota, lowa and even Massachusetts. The
next congress will have a majority of what
the abolitionists call " Breckenridge Demo
crats," Breckenridge, it seems is far more
popular in these parts than he was in l®fi9.
Then, old Abe beat him by hundreds of thous
Hut-tut-tut-tut Tiffany !
Don't for Heaven's and your own soul's
sake tell any more lies about that tax. Hav
ing told one big black one on the day of elec
fidtr, f trti have considered it necessary in or
der to e£sfain that SWsy, to tell half a -Core
riiore of little while ones. Yon know or,
ought to hate kr.oWi before doing ss you did
that that worth at feast fifteen han
ded dollars in Luzerne County," was ntver
assessed to you ; and that you never paid one
cent tax on it. We know from the records in
that county which have been examined, that
it was never assessed to you. J. W. Tiffany,
it is true, has for a year or two past paid tax
on a property valued at about S2OO ; but the
payment of a small tax by him does not enti
tle you nor any of the rest of tne family to a
vote. You voted therefore without having
the legal right to do so. Now my dear little
" babe in the woods," don't further endanger
your little soul by adding to its guilt any
in >relies about this tax question. Go into
an explanation of that venison matter. Own
right up. Don't tell any lies, little Babie!
That's naughty for a Utile babe in the woods.
The High Price Of Paper.
The price of paper has risen very fast and
very high within a short time past, and is
reaching a figure that will revolutionize the
prices of newspapers, periodicals and books
throughout the country. Already newspa
per publishers, in various parts of the dodn
try, are putting up the prices ofttheirr r jour
nals, and soon all the papers in the country
tnust advance in price. Publishers will be
compelled to do this to sustain themselves".—
The price of paper, which has already advan
ed about 40 per cent, must continue to ad
▼ance while the war lasts, unless some other
material than cotten be discovered front
which to make it. Publishers having the
necessary capital are buying up large quanti
ties of paper and thus adding another rea
son why the article will soon be much High
er than at presefrt. Weekly papers that have
been and are now p-Jbltshed at $1,50 per an
num, will soon be much higher than at
present. Weekly papers that have been and
are now published at $1,50 per annum, will
soon be advanced to two dollars, and papers
at other prices iu the same proportion
Easlon Sentinel.
Served llim Right.
Tiffany, we mean the one that " hankers"
after venison, not the one that is laboring un
der the hallucination that he has paid a ax
in Luzerne County, when none has never
been assessed to him. Tiffany, " Junior" we
mean, got a snuff of wild meat on Friday last,
and it made the fellow so crazy thai he r.v
ed around until a gentlemen, whom lie i
suited, took the shortest cut to bring fiim t •
his senses, and slapped his ears, whereuj.
Tiffany, junior, the venison lover, slunk
away like any other whipped puppy. T ■
verdict of all present on the occasi- n Wax
" served him right." We remember of T
fany " Seignior," as he calls hiiu-ell,
brought to his senses on a former occ>t •• "
a smart application of judicial boo' ■
his lateral extremity. These are the -nl
kind of arguments that reach these pivci
little babes. The people have found <>u' .h -
fact, and will mako use of them hereafter on
all proper occasions.
PRESENTSTIO*.— The Democrats of Schuyl
kill county have resolved to purchase, by
contribution of a dollar to each person, a sil
ver service, to be presented to l!k>n. F. W.
Hughes for political services as chairman of
tU> Democratic State Committee.
the Demdcrrtlc Jubilee and Buck Roast.
The Democratic Jubilee and Buck Roast,
held at tlifs place On Friday, Sept. the 7th, is
au event fit fhe history of the Democratic
party of this cbunty that will long be reuTem
ered. The old ship of Democracy had been'
driven from her moorings by the whirlwind
of fauaticism. For two long years fihe has
been drifting almost without chart, compass
or rudder—tempest tossed and racked by
the waves of tyrany and corruption, her safe
ty had been threatened, and her very exist
ence had been denied. This occasion was the
gathering together of the crew and passengers
after the long and stormy voyage; aud safe
arrival in the haven of security, upon the
rock of the Constitution, to congratulate
themselves aud each other upon their deliv
fcrenCe from the dangers with which they had
been threatened. Some had been cast away
for a season upon the lone Islands of doubt,
some had laid hold upon the reefs of distrust.
Some had stuck iu the quicksauds of despair.
All but the miserable renegade who, through
fear, bad plunged head and heels into the
dark waves of niggerism, never to rise again
had sought the good old ship again, and found
her equal to the emergency. What a glad
roeetihg was this. None but suob as have
felt the crushing weight of tyranny and op
pression, removed, can appreciate the feelings
of the faithful who met on this occasion.—
But to a narration of the events of the day. It
is well known that P. W. Redlieid. the ehief
of the hunters, had by Proclamation, called
the democratic hunters to participate iu the
chase, and like loyal men they responded.—
Tne Buck was captured. A doe was also
caught to keep him company. Three coons,
cme of which was supposed to be " that same
old coon," was addeal to the trophies of the
campaign of commander Redficld and his
faithful comrades.
These animals were served up at Mr.
Wall's Hotel, in the best style of the culinary
art—the Coon, of course for the new converts
—the Doe, for those who had served a pro
bationary season—and the Buck for the faith
ful—those who stick to the ship. " sink or
About two o'clock a meeting was organiz
ized at the court heuce by the appointment
R. R. LITTLE, Esq , President.
CJI. A. Gordineer, Nathan Keim. Wni. Mc-
Kune, 11. Armstrong, Forbes Lee, Col. Thos.
Iloadly. Ilenry W. Fassett, Hiram Ilitchc ck, Billing' s , Ahira Gay, and a large number
of other gentlemen were appointed Vice Pres
John Day and Harvey Srekler were chosen
as secretaries. After a few appropiate intro
ductory remarks by the President, Ifop. E.
B. Chase of \\ ilkesbarre was called, and upon
entering the stand was greeted With roundi
of applause. He delivered a short and elc-"
gant speech in which he adverted to the try
ing time?" through which the Democracy had
passed ; the gloom that overshadowed our
once fair land and of the ray of light and hope
that i? now penetrating it. Mr. Chase spoke
as one Who feels deeply, as lie must ; having
himself been made a victim of the unbridled
lawless..?- 1 " anil contempt of constitutional
r'ghts ot the powers that now contrail the
destinies <>i his eouutrv.
Ira M ichel E-q. of Wilkesbarre was next
called. lie sai the hardly knew how to ad
dress hini-elf to the faithful, he could preach
to the unconverted, but to those who were
safe in the fold he could see no necessity for
a sermon. He did it seems, know how to
speak however and Was listened to with great
attention aaid satisfaction. Tne close of his
sermon was the " Song of the Democracy,'*
addressed to Father Abraham which he read
amid deafening cheers, at the close of each
stanua. This song was written as will be seen,
sometime after the elections in this state, In
diana and Ohio, but previous to that in New
York" At the close of the meeting it was
sung by an impronitU choir.
E; Wright was called, and addressed
the meeting in his peculiarly hippy style,
blimlmg w>l, anecdote, argument, and poetry,
in such rich and- varied profusion as to en
rapture and Chain the audience.. An attempt
to furnish anything like adstract of hts ad
dress, by us, would be futile.
At the conclusion of Mr. Wrights remarks j
the President announced that Mr. Mitchell
bad s proposition to make to the Meeting, Mr. j
Mitchell said that in the present age of civi
lization he did not" think it would be proper
to dispose of the dead body of Black Repub
; licani.-m without complying with the usual
custom of holding an inquest upon it. He '
therefore proposed that the meeting should
resolve itself into a Jury of Inquest add he had
prepared a Verdict to which he thought they
w..uld all agree. He said in looking for prc
! cedents only one ocCufred' fo him that was
at all approrriate, and that was the verdict
! of Inquest held on the body of a poor sailor
| found lying upon a Wharf bed ly mutillatedj
the verdict in that case was, thai he had fall
on from the mast of the ship on to the Deck
and killed himself, that he then rolled off in
to the Sea and was drowned, that he was ta
ken up and laid on the Wharf where he froze
t v death, and the rats ate him up alive. He
' b- thought the Republican party had as
. icauses for it> death as this poor sailor,
ami accordingly the following would be an ap
propi late VERDICT.
- We. 'he undersigned, being sulamoned
t>> P W Redfield, Commanaer-in-Chief, to
-it a- a Jury of Inquest on the dead body of
'be Black Republican party, after due inves
do dud, that .be deceased came to
u- death by contact with Abolitionism, that
II fell from the Constitution of the United
Stale* onto a pile of niggers, that it was then
suspended wiih a Habeas Corpus, died ofa
disease called Uo.r Populi, and the Democra
cy at • it up alive."
Dr. Hakes was the next and last speaker.
He spoke at considerable length and reviewed
;iomewbat the Jjietory of the past. Head
verted to the famous " Falls Resolutions" and
of Daniel Dickinsons attempt to set the peo
ple of this county fight at the last fall's cam.
gaign. lie compared scripture Dick to Dan
iel in the lions den as exhibited by the picture
show-man, who told the audience that Daniel
was not afraid of the lions and " Damn me,)
says he "if f believe the lionsVe afraid of Dan
iel." The Dr. made one of the best speeches
of the occasion and was listened to with deep
attention by the audience which filled the
Court House to overflowing. Alter whichj
the song of the Democracy was sung three
cheers for the Union were given and the
meeting adjourned.
Our report would be very imperfect did tffe
not mention the fact that a very large num
ber of Ladies were present to grace the occa
sion, And participate in the festivities from
the eating of the buck, dotfn fo the dance
which came ofi at Wall's Union Hall in the
The following letter received from Col. Y.
E. Piollet of the speakers invited, was
read by the President.
from Col. r. E. I*iolle{.
Wvsox, Bradford County, Pi., )
Nov. 5, 18G2. £ I
Dear Sirs: —Your kind lotter inviting me*
to attend the Democratic Jubilee and Buck- '■
Revet, at Wall's hotel in Tunkhannock, on
Friday, the 7th instant, has been dnly re
I thank you fndsf sincerely for this mark
of esteem, and feel flattered, that my name
was recollected on this occasion, by a Democ
racy so ftealdfa&t, and so ttue, in the dark
days through tVbifeh wc have passed, as are
the Democrats of Wyoming County.
The intelligent masses of the American peo
ple, are esentially democratic, and devoted to
the form of Government which their patriotic
sires established and bequeathed.
While our friends, and our brothers, are
contending th'fe' dfti'acf Arbitrament of the
sword, fur (he supremacy of a written Con
stitution—made and ordaiued—in the spirit
of brotherly concession and compromise—lfct
the democrats who acknowledge themselves
desciples of Thomas Jefferson, stand firmly
by the rights of the citizen, and the equality
of the States—and never be made by any
force of circumstance?, to a9k for the main
tainance of a common Government that does
not confer equal privileges upon every t chile
man within its jurisdiction.
While 1 regret my inability to be with you j
on the occasion of your rejoicing. 1 humbly
tru*t that you will present me to the com
pany, and say for me, though absent in per
son, t am entirely with you afl, in spirit and
in truth.
Yout obliged fellow-citizen,
Victor E. TxoLLEr.
Messrs. John V. Smith, R. R. Ltttle, Win.
M. Piatt, Oeo. S. Tutton, and llarvey Sick
ler, Committee of invitation, Tuukhannock.
Addressed to Father Abraham.
We arc coming, Father Abraham, Three
Hundred Thousand strong,
To save you from the clutches of the Aboli
tion throng.
You've heard from Pennsylvania, and from
Indiantia too/
And Ohio has been speaking though' htr
ballot-box to you !
The sturdy men of iron, from the furnace and
the Mine,
With the lloosiers and the Buckeye boys,
are wheeling into line r
They are marchiDg to the music of the Union,
as of yore,
And New York is c<mnß after them. Three
Ihundred Thoufsrttl more V
We are marching, Father Abrarbaui. to that
familiar tune^
With which so oft, in former years we've
seared that same old coon !
Onee more from hill and valley it rings forth
vrith cheering sound,
To gladden every household where a "loyal
heart is found.
See ! Even- star is blazoned on the baimer
we unfold:
For the Union that our Jackson saved, our
Seymour will uphold '
To scatter all the Nation's foes—the Union to
We are coming, Father Abraham, Three
Hundred Thousand more !
We are coming, Father Abraham, and as we
march along,
We'll relieve you from the " pressure" of the
Abolition throng ! * " 'y'
You told them that you couldn't make a pig's
leg of his tail—
And that against the Comet, Taper bulls
Would not avail ■—
They wouldn't heed your* arecdote6, or lis
ten' to your plea—
They swsre that White Men should be slaves
and >figgers should be free ?-
But you need not mic& their ravings now, or
tremble at their roar—
For we'er coming, Father Abraham.- Three
Hundred Thousand more !
We are coining. Fatter Abraham, so east
away your fear 6:
It's the Democratic " slogan" that is'ringing
in your ears !
They pretend to call us Traitors ! But we
point you" to the bkod
That soaks into Virginia's soil—that dyes
Potomac's flood—
That stains the bills of Maryland, the plaits
of Tennessee:
Such "Traitors," Father Abraham, this Un
ion loves to see !
It's a growing " Traitor" army that is thun
dering at your door,
And New York will swell its columns with
Three Hundred Thousand more !
We are coming, Pather Abraham, tcr.ynidi
cate the laws,
To hold the Starry banner up—to guard the
Nation's cause !
Our Motto is, " The White Man's Right—
for this we've battled long—
For this we'll fight with sinewy arms, with
earnest hearts and strong—
For this burst Fort Warren's bar 9 and
crumble Lafayette—
For this we'll crdsh the Nation's foes, and
save the Union yet !
Thus speaks the North! Oh! Abraham,
you'll heed its mighty roar,-
When New York shall swell the chorus with
Three Hundred Thousand ffcorfe !
fecmoial of Gen. McCleilan.
Gen. McCleilan, who has so long befell an
eye sore to the Abolitionists, has been re
moved from the convmatid of thfe Army of the
Poto'ma'C. This brave your?g leader ha 3 been
taken fr6ra the head of his advancing col
umns, and ordered to report himself at the
tjuiet peaceful town of Trenton, in New Jer
sey. Gen. Burnside being next in rank,
takef> command of the army for the present.
It rumored that Gen. Hooker will soon
succeed him. This removal of McCleilan
prodiiCcS inttnsi! excitement in the army,
which, almost to a man, is devotedly attach
ed to him. It is said that this change has
for some time boeff in contemplation, but was
delayed for political reasons ; the President
fearing that if made before the elections, it
tnight prove unfavorable to the Republican
party. This objection now being removed,
the Hero of Antietam has beert banished to
the only northern State, we believe, that cast
her electoral vote against the chief magistrate
of the nation, and Comii'ander-ic-chief of thfe
army. !n so doih'g, rf old Abe," n6 doubt
thinks life has banfisbed " Little Mack" ffcm
the United States. He will find the removal
of the confidence irl the army, in their
young chief, is a work of far greater difficul
ty ; and that to supply his place in the affec
tions of the thousands whose wants aud wel
fare was his care by day and his study by
night, is a task that will never be accomplish
ed. Of the effects of this change in a milita
ry pbsnt of View, Wc can only hope and pray
for the best, while we dread and fear that the
worst results will flow from if. io remove
him at this time, just when his plans were all
matured, when his advancing columns were
pressing hard upon the enemy, just on the
eve of an impending battle, to remove him
whose very presence excited deeds of endu
rance, daring and valor in his men, that are
vvithjut an example in the history of wars—
a man whose whole military life has been
without a mistake or blunder, and whose ca
r'eer has bailed the ingenuity and malice of
his detractors, to find in It a flaw, to remove
him, we repeat, seems, to say the least of it.
bad policy. We shall see.
.t Significant Sign ot the Times
■the New York Times [Abo.] in a late nu'nV
ber says, feditur'utlly
4; Martial IsvV over thfe entire North is a na
tional necessity. if the Governors of the
Northern States manifest a factious spirit, the
Provost Marshalls. it is presumed, will have
the power to keep them in order. If State
Legislatures should undertake to interfere
with the action of the General Government,
necessary to the prosecution of the war, they
wll come under the ac'ion of martial law,and
if the action of any political party shall
threaten to change or paralyze the movements
of %be Government, it will doubtless be com
petent tor the Provost Marshall in any State
to suspend political meetings and postpone
elections. If the Constitution of the United
States is to be construed according to the ne
cessities of a civil war of vast proportions, the
constitutions of individual States cannot be
allowed to stand in the waj* of its vigorous
'* Englishmen are in' g*£at frsttole ait the
illegality and unconstitutionality of the acts
of President Lincoln. Ti>ey have a great
tenderness for the Constitution and the laws,
and feel very badly that the Northern people
while conquering the South, should lose their
owh liberties. They tell us that the Presi
dent cannot do this and that—that his proc
lamation? are only waste paper. They ap
pear to hare very little idea ot what the com
mander-in-chief of the array arrd of the j
l niied States can do'. A mars of firm and j
resolute will, with a million of men in arms ,
to support hiuy, can do pretty Kirch vthat he |
pleases. They have to learn that paper eon- j
stilutious, however convenient they may be,
can be amended when necessary, suspended
altogether, and it is no lunger a question in
America what this oY that Constitution au
thoiizcs, but what is necessary to be done to
make of thirty-four States and a vast territo
ry one nation."
11ns is so plain as to reuder comment ut
terly unnecessary. Let the reader ponder it
as a significant "sign of the Times"
Democratic Rejoicing in Philadelphia.
The conservative people of Philadelphia as
sembled in Independence Square, on Friday
evening, to celebrate the result of the late
elections in Ohio, Indlanna and Pennsylvania.
That the result was the triumph of popular
constitutional liberty over Executive arro
gance and usurpation. The meeting was, in
all respects, wurty of the occasion. A dense
mass of persons filled the Square, and the ag
gregate number of those who were in, and
those who were pressing on all sides to get
in, must have been twenty-five or thirty
thousand 1 . "The vast conconrse was animated
by the mosf enthusiastic spirit.
iVe Way Some Atroliribbists Talk.
Mr. TrumbulVythe Republican Senator
from Eiinois, redentty iriade t speech id Mich
igan in which he tr >htfased God that the
Federal arms were defeated at Bull Run, and
on the Peninsula, under Pope, for without
such defeats we should not have had the
Emancipation Proclamation ! Ilsd we won
at Bull Run, or taken Richmond, he said the
backbone of the rebellion would have been
broken; and the ITnion would have been re
; stoned with slfcvery remaining in it!"
The I<ate Elections.
Two years ago Pennsylvania gave Lincoln
07,000 majority. The Wayne county Herald
says she out lleroded Herod in the fearful
work of derating a dynasty which was des
tined to rob her sons of theif most cherished
liberties, and crush freedoni iVith her iron
heel of despotism. In our national Congress,
we had but little more reason for hojtft. We
could only boast of half a dozen brave Spirits,
who had the moral courage to maintain their
rights and to proteet the interests o f their
constituents. Descending to our State gov
ernment, the picture was quite iis dafk. An
abolitionized, Knoiv Nothing Governor, a
Cabinet elected upon the sarhe platfdfm, a
hopelessly fanatical Senate, and a negro wor
shipping Ilouoe ! This tvas the fcoinplexion
to which our cpponferits had brought our glo
rious old Comihonwc'ilth.
To-day we bear a new testimony to that
oft repeated sentence, " Truth crushsd to
earth will rise again." Our triumph *eems
most glorious. Let us not, however, arrogate
to ourselves or to party management the hon-
or of this result; well directed labor has done
much, but the cnflinching Spirit of liberty,
roused to new life by the encroachments of
corruption and despotism has done infinitely
more. A land drenched with blood, a nation
echoing on every hand the wails of widows
and orphans, a treasury plundered of its last
cent, political dungeons resounding with the
tread of innocent men, national and individual
bankruptcy, an infracted Constitution, the
prospect of servile insurrections—these have
bean the great revolutionitts. The contest
was between Tyranny and Liberty ; let us
thank God fhaf the latter has triumphed.
The immediate fruits of our victory are,
the restoration of local affairs to the manage
ment of the democracy, a majority in the
State Legislature, the election of our Auditor
and Surveyor Generals, such a gain in the
lower Louse of Congress, as, with the aid of
democratic triumphs in other States, will give
us the control of that body, and by virtue of
our majority on joint ballot in our State Sen
ate and Ifuusc of Representatives, the elec
tion of a Democratic C. S. Senator, to ffll the
place of David WHtnot.
This is glory enough for one day ; yet, in i
our estimation, ail these things taken by
themselvels alone, do not give us half such
occasion for thankfulness as maty be
found in the fact that fanaticis" and tyranny
have recived a withering rebuke, and in the
new-born hope that the hrua J wings of Peace
taay, ere long, rest upon our blood stained ;
land.— Wtiyne Co. Herald.
Altered Treasury "Not"s.
A dangerous fraud in Treasury notes las
just been discovered, an apparent " ten" be
ing found to be a one dollar note, with the i
word ten pasted on it. Unsuspecting per
sons would be very apt to iake these "'rais
ed" bills for their apparent value, but a slight
exarc'inat*o;V only :s netX'SSa*y to discover
that the face ef the note is dotted wfth thr
vfotds one dollar," ' one doflar," " one dol
lar." There is also a likeness of Secretary
t'hase ; as large a? life, while the genrtirte tens
are honered by the features of President Lin
coln. (_'auti< n, therefore, is all that is i quir
ed to guard against these altered bills.
Grow and llucliana ll.
It will be remembered that one of the first'
acts of " Bull)" Grow after his election as
Speaker of the House of Congress, was ta
have the portrait of Ex President Buchanan
removed from the rotunda of the capitol.—
The peopL? of Pennsylvania in return fur the
base act of this treasonable demagogue, have
removed the vile abolition carcass of Mr.
" Buliy Grow from the Ilails of Congress.
James Buchanan's portrait will yet hang
in the rotunda of the capital while Bully Ga
lusha with the base scoundrels who partici
pated in this malignant work of iufainy will
be with oid John Brown's Soul marching 1 '
on to a jifst retribution."—
The enrollment was rru? taken reg
ularly in the Third and Fonrth Wards of our
City, consequently the draft has cue up some
queer antics. Among those drafted tire :
Charles Tooian. who has been lying peaceful
ly in his grave for some years ; a roan named
Fannigan who was drowned last Spring; and
also a Mr. floudican, aged about 7o years.
whu?e dnfeebksd limbs can scarcely support
his tottering frame. It has been suggested
by a profane friend, that the President call a
special resurrection for the first two named,
and order the latter to report for duty in
Horida, ner the ; Spring of Everlasting Youht,'
reported to have b.en found on that pen'insu'
la by the early Spanish adventurers.—Car
bondale Advance.
The Philadelphia Sheriff Case Again.
The Supreme Court, sitting at Pittsburg,
decided on Saturday morning the application
for a speeiat injunction to restrain John
Thompson from interfering with the office of
Sheriff of Philadelphia, pending the determi
nation of the writ of certiorari ia tbe con
tested election case. The injunction is grant
ed, and the decree of the Court was tele
graphed to Sheaiff Ewing's counsel immedi
ately. So Mr. Ewing is still Sheriff, and the
hungry individuals who have been watching
this crib with such loDging looks will have to
wait a little longer, as the certiorari will not
be argued until next January.
Official Vote in the State.
The official vote in this state, on the state
Ticket foot 6 up as follows:
Slenker 218,981. Barr, 248,654.
Cochran, 215,206. Ross, 215,485.
Slenker's M-aj-. 3,715 Barrs Maj. 3,179.
£2" Between 6,000,000 and 7,000,000
acres of the Colorado region of California are
reported to be immensely rich in gold. The
quartz there found contains both gold and
i aUver is large quantities.
: facial flutices.
Stravpd away from the subscriber, at Tnnkhaaaeek
Bcfroiigh, on Wednesday, the Ist of November, 1862, e
Dark Red IIEIFER, which crossed the river bridgei
and has hot bfeerr heiud of since. Whoever will re
turn said Heifer to the subscriber at Tankhaaneefc:
or give inferihatior* where she may be foead, shall
be liberally rewarded.
Nov. 5, 186"? GEO. 8 TUTTOIf.
Auditor's Notice*
The undersigned, having been appointed by tkV
CourS-nf Common I'lea* ol an sEditor to
distribute the fund arising fretn the Sheriff 1 * sale of
the real estate of Michael Sisk, will attend to the
duties of his appointment at his al&ck in ild bVfetfh
; of Tunkhannock, on
Saturday, November Bth , 1862,
! at which time and place all persons having flatmate
said fund will present them or be debarred fttd
; coming in ujxin the same.
Tunkhannock, Oet. 8, 1862, iS
TAKEN upon the Improved fshdof the tnbeeribef
on the 15th day cf October, 1862, one red twe
! year old Heifer, also, one red Oyo-year old Steer, eD
one red two-year old steer, with white under htf
belly, also, one two-year old Steer, of mixture wilff and white. The owner is requested tg Mfdte/df *
ward, prove property, pay charges, and take tnaid
away, otherwise they will be disposed of according td
! law. ... .
Falls, Wyoming Co., Oct. 29, _■ .
The undersigned, having l>een appointed admtaif
trators of fhc estate of Lewis K. WhiVcomb, late ef
Windham Township, Wyomin • County, dee'd, her*?
; by give notice to ail persons indebted to said eetatA
to call upon said aom'rs at their residence in aaiv
! township and settle the same, and to all persona W4-
irg claims against said e-tate, to present the safte;
duly authenticated, to the iubscr?b6/S th tb t!tf ft it
■ deuces aforesaid, or be del.rifrid.'
ELIZABPTff 1 L *^' r s
i TiVnirhajm'ock/ Oct.' 4. 1862.
. — r
Jlfiw Iteftismfirts.
Opposite the Post-Oflice.
Tl7" HERE may be found a general amort-
YV inent of Rih'r .n-. Bonnet Material, Flswan,'
Ruches. Straw an 1 1 r-v Bonrvpt#: Misse*. CbU
| dreu's liats ir.j Sii ikers. and all other artitllYjaflle
; millinery line, which wiil be offered at A'e lamest
market prices.
Please call and examine before purchasing else
-1 where.
I rf Bleacliing and repairing done in good order,'
and at the shortest notice.
Tunkhannock, Nor. I.', 1362—v2n11-3m
Near Pier cville, in Nicholson Township, Wyoming?
CoaDty about the -ih of October AN ACCOI'NT
BOOK, wkh l*a k oil-doth cover, containing eeverar
! note- aOd receipt? f n!te The owner can have the*
same upoh ideoti'r 5 a charges, by calling
uj*>w the subscriber. m
Picrceville. Oct 23, *62. THE*. * Ft A RK.
Court Proclaindttohi
IY.TniiPJ'.A.", H-n. A. K.
ß* * dent Judge f : 'Amrt of Common Jfrwfif and
Court o! General ' . Sessions of \i!G Pdace, and
the President Ju-ti f "2 "uurt of OyiT/aßd Ter
miner and General .Jail iter.eery, foe the fyjnl of *dp
; ital and other offence-, for the twTtfty-jftfth Judicial
District of IVms'a. 8- Roberts, andN. rr. Wells, Sags.
Astocfa tc . T u' ljr - * the Cor.Vt of Ceminob- Pleas and
i Gen*; a I Quarter Stssi ns f the etc Aasoei<-
' ate Justices of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail
j I>eliverv of fhe f Wyoming, have by tb*ir
I precept to p>e directed, ordered
• ,
; to he held at Tutikhantv>ck on Monday the 17th day
! of November, A. D., 1362. .
Notice is there!"ore hereby given to tbe Coronor, all
Justices of the Peace an 1 Constables within the Coaa
f ty of Wyoming, that they be and appear in their pr*-
; per persons at the time and place above mentioned,
1 with their rolls, records, inquisitions, exami&lioaa,
i recognizances and other remembrances, to do thes*
: things which to their offices in that behalfrespeetivs-'
ly belong.
Notice is also given that those who are bound
recognizances t>> prosecute the prisoners that are or
shall be in the Jail of Wyoming County, ttiatths'j Ve'
jhen and there to prosecute them a shall be jmst-
Sheriff's Oflb-e, )
Tunkhannock, Oct. 29, $
Sheriff's Sale.
CIAS, issued out of the Court of Coatnos
Pleas of Wyorring County, Petmsylvania, and to is#
i di.'scted, will be exposed to public sale at the Coart
: House, in tbe Borough of Tuukhanuock, in said Coea
j ty, on
Saturday, the 15th day of November,
A. D, 1862, at 1 o'clock p tn. tke tollowiog xiaherih
i ed projiertv, to wit:
j ALL of the deftnJan'is right, title and interest <
and to all of that certain piece, parcel of land, sitsaM
in Tankhaunock Township, "Wyoming County, nad
j State 1 Pennsylvania, bounded aud described as fob
j lows, to wit:
Oii' the East, by the public highway, leading frsa
j Toukbannock Borough to Montrose.
On the South by *atis ot Broughtoa.
On the West by lands of Ira AVery.
On the North by lan Is occupied by Rensaler |
t ings. Containing about nine acres of. land,
ai>out three acres thereof improved, with the
tenances thereto belonging
?eizeil and taken in execution at the suit of E
j Mitchcl, a.-s'J to Wells A Chiistie, rs. John
Will be sold for cash only, by
LEVI 11. STEPHENS, Sharif' 1
; SberifT s Office, }
Tunkhanhock Oct 29. I?T2. f , J
Fall ami Win I
I j
and _ I
have just been received at the establishßSO'
on Tioga Street, opposite the Post-otfoa, M
be found Ladies. Chilrcn, Misses, and BoVf I ,
i FLOWERS, and TRIMMINGS, aud evartfk* J
the line of Millinery, which will be sold at ,
I Cash Prices.
Repairing promptly and neatly dona- L*d ! I.g
please call and examine for themselves. It
1 TunWlmunxk Oct- ii 1862 vVnll —7? Jm