North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, November 05, 1862, Image 1

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    £hc Slodlt Stanch Dcm m eal.
HARVEY SXCKT E±i., Proprietor.]
gjjctji flfraorral.
A weekly Democratic
tics, News, the Arts f|j
and Sciences Ac. Pub- "
Jay, at Tunkhannock, |ffc*> * f^^PF
Wyoming County, Pa. 4 /I*\ WW IJ p
Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advanco) 51.50. If
not pain within six months, £2.00 will be charged.
1U lines orl > ! I >
less, make three four two ahree six '< one
one square veeksaceeksmo'th mo' th' mo'th\year
1 Square I,€o> 1,25] 2.25' 2.87§ 3.00? 5,00
2 do. 2,00 2.50 3.25 3.505 4,50? 0,00
3 do. 3,005 3,75 ? 4,75 5,50; 7.00! 9,00
I Column. 4,00; 4,50; 6.50> 8.00? 10,00- 15,00
4 do. 6,00 7,00 10,00 12;00i 17,00; 25,00
I do. B,oo' 9,50' 14.00? 18,005 25,00 35,00
1 do. 10,00 12,00:17,00* 22,00,23,00 40,( 0
Business Cards of one square, with paper, $5.
of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit
the times.
ghisinrss flotirfs.
BACON STAND.—Nicholson, Pa. C. L
JACKSOX, Proprietor. |vln49tf]
• Newton Centre, Luzerne County P'a.
Tunkhannock, Pa. Office in Stark's Brick
Block, Tioga street.
YY fice in Stark's Brick Block, Tioga St., Tunk
hannock, Pa.
J LAW, Office on Tioga street, Tunkhannock,
• Office on Bridge Street, next door to the Demo
rat Office, Tunkhannock, Pa.
fice, Bridge street, opposite Wall's Hotel, Tunkhan
nock Pa.
J. T7HEIOA33S, M. D.,
(Graduate qf the University of Pcnna.)
Respectfully offers his professional services to the
citizens of Tukh'innock and vicinity. He can be
found, when not professionally engaged, either at his
Drug Store, or at his residcuce on Putnam Street.
JM. CAREY, M. I).— (Graduate of the E.
• M. Institute, Cincinnati) would respectfully
announce to the citizens of Wyoming and Luzerne
Counties, that he c mtinues his regular practice in the
rarious departments of his profession. May i>e found
•t his office or resid- nee, when not professionally ab
jj Particular attention given to the treatment
Chronic Diseas.
Centremoreland, Wyoming Co. Pa.—v2n2.
Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Wy
oming that they have J oca ted at Mehuopany, where
they will promptly attend to all calls in the live of
their profession. May be found at his Drug Store
when not professionally absent.
ED AT THE FALLS, WILL promptly attend
all calls in the line of his profession—may be found
r.i Beemer's Hotel, when not professionally absent.
Falls, Oct. 10, 1861.
THIS establishment has recently been refitted and
furnished in the latest style Every attention
will be given to the comfort and convenience of those
who patronize the ll<>ue.
T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor.
_ Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861.
HAVING resumed the proprietorship of the above
Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to
Fender the house an agreeable place ol sojourn for
ill who may favor it with their custom.
September 11, 1861.
Jt)II N MA Y N ARI) , Proprietor.
HAVING taken the Hotel, in Hie Borough of
Tunkhannock. recently occupied by Kiley
Warner, tho proprietor respectfully solicits a share ot
Public patronage. The House has been thoroughly
repaired, and the comforts and accomodations of a
first class Hotel, will bo found by all who may favor
it with their custom. .September 11, 1861.
MGILMAN, has permanently located in Tunk
• hannock Borough, and respectfully tenders his
professional services to the citizens of this place and
surrounding country.
r"tf Office over Tutton's Law Office, near th e Pos
_ Dec. 11, 1861.
Blanks ff Blanks !!!
Justice's, Constable's, and legal Blanks of all
kinds, Neatly and Correctly printed en good Paper,
*od fer sale at the Office of the •' North Branch
for sale at VERNOVS.
Meshoppen, Sept 19. 1861. I
|1 oct's Comer.
The Printing Press.
Hail, mighty Lever! whose unwearied power
Sends rays of genius o'er each darken'd land ;
Where memory's record, changing every hour,
Gives place to truth, stamped by thy giant hand.
What glorious thoughts flashed in chaotic waste
For want of thee to register their birth;
And sparks of genius, poetry and taste,
Just kindled up, then sank again to earth !
But thou, Mind's railroad, bearest along the store
Of Knowledge, Science, Fancy's pleasing strain ;
Or the design of Nature to explore,
Where peace and harmony and order reign.
Yo whose high trust it is to rule the Press,
0 guide it Peace and Freedom's cause to bless;
With man's best hopes ye have a great account — *
Taint not the life-stream at its sacred fount.
0 " ponder well" what thousands every day
Ye guide to truth, or basely lead astray j
Let no mean dread of indigence defeat
What Reason dictates from her judgment seat.
Be honest, faithful, seek with noble zeal
To teach expanding Mind her power to feel;
Then clouds of ignorance shall pass away,
And Truth's resplendent sun make endless day.
— -
Woman's Heart.
Music, wild, thrilling music,
Throbs out o'er the midnight air;
A thou.-and lights are flashing,
And happy hearts are there.
I hear the tread of dancers,
As graceful forms glidi past ;
'Tis ascene of wildering beauty—
Too fair, too bright to last.
And I have been the gayest
Amid these scenes so bright ;
They think that I am happy—
But oh ! I'm sad to night !
'Neath the diamonds coldly flashing
Upon my heaving breast,
Though my laugh has rung the loudest,
My lone heart would not rest.
And he hath viewed my conquests,
And heard my mocking laugh,
And his burning eyes have followed
Whene'er I near him passed.
He hath knelt in love betore me—
Oh ! his anguish I could see—
But I turned as coldly from him
As once he turned from me.
And in liastv words I told him
I could ne*er love hiin more !
'Twas wild, wild agony for me,
And my heart grew sick and sore,
Yes, I masked my love in coldness,
And from him turned away—
From my wildly worshiped idol—
And my heart strings shattered lay.
There was ever in my memory
Vows uttered long before,
And though I smiled upon them, .
They soon forgotten were.
For another form had won him —
An angel form he thought;
But soon he wearied of a love
By golden purse-strings bought.
And to-night again he met mo
' Mid this scene of revelry ;
And I viewed his pale lips quiver
in love's fearful agony,
llisface was pale and ghastly,
As he stood from the rest apart.
Wtth his proud arms tightly folded
Upon his bursting heart.
I could have died then for him;
But I seemed as proudly gay,
And the grandly swelling music
Bore my merry laugh away,
0 woman ! thou canst worship
And still be proud and cold,
Though a weary heart is breaking
' Neath the satin's gleaming fold.
It is all very weH for " Ilamlct" to talk
about taking " arms against a sea of troubles,
and by opposing end them," if he had been
George Martial, he would have found that
there are some thoughts not so easily dispos
ed of.
All the arms I have taken have only sunk
me deeper and deeper; and the man who
thinks that " opposing" can put a stop to
troubles, has never seen a Mrs. Polly.
1 think I have often mentioned my eldest, a
girl, and likewise a Polly, arrived at this pres
ent writing at the mature age of sixteen,
whose existence has been principally obtru
ded on my notice quarterly ; that is, when
the bills came in : as she never came to break
fast before I left for down-town, passeed her
time in school and at small evening parties,
except the Sundays, which she divided as im
partially as possible between the bed and Fifth
She was also reoommended to my notice on
the occasions of moving up-town, getting new
curtains, giving a party, and other such steps
in the geateel ladder as " the poor child for
whom I might be expected to have some con
sideration, if I was low and vulgar in my
tastes myself." I have also bowed rather
doubtfiilly to a very stylish your.g lady, whom
I thought, from the family resemblance, must
be my daughter; for it was about three
months ago that she became a portentous and
very fixed fact, to be taken into account in all
my domestic calculations. One morning, as I
was peacefully munching my toast, Mrs. Pol
ly, who had been nncommonly and portentous
y bland for a week, brought her heavy guns
into position, and suddenly opened fire after
this fashion. •
"My dear, T have concluded to take Polly
out of school. I have also stopped Signor
Tittertivia, and Madame Smolenski's lessons."
" Quite right," answered I, in the innocence
of my heart. " One of our chief follies in this
age of folly is, the manner in which we edu
cate our girls. They must know all things;
never mind about knowing them well; and
the girl whose position in life makes a knowl
edge of Mrs. Glass and proficiency on the
sewing-machine desirable, must have a list of
accomplishments that might well stagger an
intellect of the best calibre, if each well learn
ed. I hope Polly that our daughter—"
" llow perfectly intolerable you are !" an
swered Mrs. Polly, with a snort of disdain.
" Polly a proficient on a dirty sewiDg-machine,
indeed ! Why sue has finished her educa
" She is to be congratulated," I returned,
with a how. " She has accomplished what
has never been done before, and put Solomon
entirely to the blush, as he went on learning
to the end of his days."
" She is a young lady,—then ifyou like the
phrase better."
I turned and examined my daughter—a
pretty, fresh colored blonde, with a good deal
of what is called " style".
" A young lady, as you nay," I pursued,
looking again at Mrs. Polly. "\\ hat is to be
done with her ?"
" George I wouldn't be a brute," answered
my wife, aud Molly giggled and colored, and
said :
" Dear me, Pa you are so odd."
Mrs. Polly swelled a few minutes in silence ;
that is her way of asserting her dignity.
Then came the storm.
" Now Mr. Martial, this is a serious matter ;
and if you can give your attention (though it
is hardly to be expected that you should be
stow any* of your thoughts on your own faini
ly), I should like to have a little sensible con
versation with you. Yawn, of course !if it
was only Lou Baracole, or that flirt of a Yi
via ! but, as it is only your own daughter,
who is twice as smart and three times as good
looking any day, I must expect to be only
half heard."
" It would be only a deaf man who could
give you just cause for that reproach," I could
not resist saying.
" That's right Mr. Martial ! Sneer and gibe
at your wife ! She is fair game. However, 1
can bear it. I have stood it all these years,
and it shan't prevent me from speaking my
mind now, and doing my duty by my poor
child. I have the feelings of a parent, if you
haven't. I can see how she might shine in
the world, if she was only advantageously
placed, and it shall not be my fault if she is
not. She is now a yoang lady." ( Immense
emphasis.) " Parents possessing the ordina
ry amount of feeling would be anxiously con
sidering how to secure for her the position
she is so well qualified to fill. Even personal
sacrifice would not be regarded by them, and
shall not by tne. I have always been weak
and yielding ; but on this one point I am de
termined, and I will stick fo it if I fall a mar
tyr to the cause. Oh ! you may sneer, Mr.
Martial! I know very well how brutal you
can be, and how obstinate and pig-headed,
and that you are a perfect dullard where any
of your own family is concerned, but lam
ready for you. I intend to spend the season
at the Bel lev ue. Mrs. Sturges and Josephine
are going ; so are everybody that think any
thing of themselves; and I am determined
that Molly shall have the advantages of a fair
start in the world,"
" A start in the world !" I answered (you
see I don't generally oppose Mrs. Polly, but
as the future of my eldest daughter was in
question, I couldn,t help at least remarking
upon it). " That child is sixteen ;she knows
—what? a little smattering of French, a
perversion of music, and the system of ma
king caricatures facetiously called drawing;
the English branches 6be probably knows by
name. I have heard you say that she dances
very well; she shops very well, and is au fail
in the fashions. Doubtless, under) tuition,
she has a proper comprehension of the people
she is to recognize, and those she should cut.
Having diligently read all the sensation read
ing, is probable that she has exceedingly
developed views on the subject of matrimony,
but very crude ones or none at all, on the way
in which to regard and enter upon that holy
estate; with this knowledge, you, madam,
propose to start her into the world into which
men and women of long experience, purest
hearts, finest minds go daily crying out, like
children to their father, " Good Lord deliver
os !"
" Hadn't you better save that for the next
time you want to do the pious in some of the
papers 7" remarked Mrs. Polly, rather con
" And I must aay, pa, that I don't think I
am quite a baby," says Mils Molly, reddening.
" You have euch old-fahioned idts-r calling
young ladies of sixteen, children. You 6ee
we live faster now than in those slow old
times. We develop young ;we have better
training ; every possible forcing and pushing
influence is brought to bear on us mentally
and morally. Girls of sixteen might have
been iufants in your day sir ; but I assure
you, now, they are beings of thought, and
feeling, and emotion: and 1 think parents
don't sufficiently consider this, and are not
attentive and obedient (I don't mean obedi
ent)' but miiylful of their children's wishes
Bread-and-bu; ivr systems don't answer, for
minds and hearts filled with the poetry, and
the wonder, and the magic of the universe ;
beating with ardor for the untried life , full
of mysterious thought and aspiration.
"There," said Mrs. Polly, "do you call
that childlike."
"I ? Truth forbid ! What have the race
of children done to me, that I should so ma
lign them ?"
"And then, j'ou see, pa," said Miss Molly,
in a much more natural tone, "we must go,
for everybody is going ; and we could never
hold up our heads, if we stayed at home iu
this horrid place. As for the expense, we'll
make that up somehow. We needn't send
the children to school, this winter. I can
teach tbein at home."
I don't think it necessary to say, that I
yielded the point. I had simply argued by
way ofrelieving my conscience; the idea of any
one man offering systematic and deliberate
opposition to two women, is simply prepos
terous. I said Yes, of course, and stumbled
over a dress-maker, aud boxes, and trunks,
for the next two weeks, and bought all kinds
of things on being bid, and, finally, took my
wife and daught r to the hotel, saw them and
their boxes safely landed in their room, and
left them alone in my glory.
It had been arranged that 1 was to remain
in town with the children during the week,
and only on Sundays make my affectionate
wife and daughter happy by my presence. I,
therefore, knew very little of what went on.
Mrs. Polly told me that Molly was vastly ad
mired, that she was quite the bell of the ho
tel, would doubtless make some brilliant
match before she season was over, etc.
Occasionally, I saw Molly, and was treated
by her in a very kind and condescending
way, indeed; and I frequently caught a
glimpse of her on the piazza, in one of those
jaunty little hats, in which she really looked
very well, walking with a very mustached
gentlemen, who, it struck nie, looked into
Modie's eyes in what old-fashioned people
used to call "a lover-like fashion;" but, on
mentioning it to Mrs. Polly, she assured me
" that it was nothing at all—all the gentle
men did so ; and, even if it were serious, it
was Count Lusigniani, and, therefore, a very
desirable person."
Long exper.encc has taught me the utter
uselessness of argument, so I tried to believe
tnat it was as desirable as Mrs. Polly assured
me, till one morning, sitting peacefully in the
grocery, smoking a cigar, and half dozing at
that, I was somewhat startled by the unlook
ed-for entrance of iny wile.
"\Y here is Molly ?" was her first ques-
" Molly—Molly who."
" Dear me, you are so stupid. Mr. Martial;
our Molly, of course."
"I am sure I don't know. I haven't seen
" Haven't seen her ? You dare to tell me
you haven't seen her ? Why, she came to
town yesterday, and was going to 6pend the
nigh tat the house. You haven't been home
yourself, you pitiful, sneaking thing, and are
found out in your meanness, as usual. You
see, you never can cheat me. I knew that
was the way you would go on, and that was
the reason you was so willing to let us go
so that you could flirt with every widow and
forlorn old maid in the neighborhood."
"Save tho abuse ; you have always time
for that, and a stock on hand ; but the ques
tion is now, Where is Molly ? I was home
last night, and she was not there, nor had
been there."
Mrs. Polly did not answer. A letter lying
among a pile which I had just received, and
had not yet opened, caught her attention
She opened it, and read, growing pale—read
it once, twice, and tossed it over to me. It
was from Molly, and was as follows :
"MY DEAR FATHER : —I write to you, because
you are not so prejudiced as ma, and can make more
allowance for the irrepressible instincts of the human
heart. 5\ hen you receive this, I shall be married to
Guido Lusigniani, not Count; he assumed that title
only to win my love ; that done, his noble nature for
bade bim to deceive me, and he confessed to mo that
he was a disciple of one of the highest and purest of
the arts, when not debased to ploose public taste—l
mean the drama. Knowing the idle prejudices ex
isting against his profession, we thought best to mar
ry first, and seek your forgiveness afterward. Ad
dress, Mrs. Guido Lusigniani, 2364 street. Give
my lovo to ma arid the children. Your loving daugh
ter- MOLLIE.
I sat stupefied, but Mrs. Polly is equal
to any emergency.
" You see, now "'she comenced, " the ef
fects of the example you have set your chil
dren. I always told you it would be so.
llow could she have any ideas of what is
right and proper, seeing her own father cut
ting up and gallivanting with everybody and
everywhere. I shouldn't like to have your
conscience, Mr. Martial." Walking out of the
store with such dignity, that I couldn't but
smile. But, alas! poor Molly !
It is now more than forty years ago that
Mr. L. called at the house of Dr. T., on ve
ry cold morning, on his way to H
Sir," said the doctor, the weather is ve
ry frosty will you not take something to
drink before you start ?"
In that day ardent spirits were deemed in
dispensable to warmth in winter. When
commencing a journey, and at every stopping
place along the road, the traveller always us
ed intoxicating drinks to keep him warm
"No," said Mr. L., "I never touch any
thing of that kind, and will fell vou the rea
son : my wife is the cause of it. "
"I had been in the habit of meeting some
of our neighbors every evening for the pur
pose of playing cards. We assembled at each
other s shops, and liquors were introduced.—
After a while we met not so much for plav
•ng as.drinking, and I used to return home
late in the evening more or less intoxicated.
My wife always met me at the door affection
tionately, and when I chided her for sittin
up so late for me, she kindly replied :
I prefer doing so, for I cannot sleep when
you are out." p n
• This always troubled me. I wished In
my heart she would only begin to scold me.
for then I could have retorted, and relieved
my conscience. But she always met me with
the same gentle and loving spirit.
things passed on thus for months, when
I at last resolved that I would, by returning
much intoxicated, provoke her displeasure so
much as to cause her to lecture me, when I
meant to answer her with severity, and thus,
by creating another issue between us, unbur
then my bosom of its present trouble.
"I returned in such a plight about four
o clock in the morning. She met me at the
door with her usual tenderness, and said :
" Come in husband ; I have just been mak
ing a warm tire for you, because I knew you
would be cold. Take off your boots and
warm your feet and here is a cup of coffee."
'■ Doctor, that was too much. I could not
endure it any longer, and I resolved that mo
ment that I would never touch another drop
while { live, arfd I never will.
He never did. He lived and died practic
ing total abstinence from intoxicating drinks,
in a village where intemperance has raged as
much any other in this State.
That man was my father, and that woman
my mother. The facts above related were
! received from the doctor himself, on a visit
! to my native village not long since.
Ihe fallowing is a beautiful tribute of la
bor :
H h\*, man of idleness, labor rocked you
in the cradle, and has nourished your pamper
ed life—without it, the woven silks and wool
upon your back would be the silkworm's
nest, and the fleeces in the shepherd's fold
For the meanest thing that ministers to the
human want, save that of the air 'of heaven,
man is to toil indebted; even the air by God's
wise ordination, is breathed with labor.
•' It is only the drones who toil not, who
infest the hive of the active like masses of
corruption and decay. The lords of the earth
are working men, who can build or cast down
at their will, and who retort the sneers of
the ' soft-handed,' by pointing to their tro
phies wherever art, science, civilization and
humanity are known. Work on, man of toil,
thy royalty is yet to be acknowledged as the
lator moves onward to the highest throne of
" I.abor is not only essential to true digni
ty and independence, but to happiness. It is
necessary to ensure the strength and health
of the body, without which the mind must
suffer and become the prey of anxious and
featful thoughts. Without occupation of
some sort, there can be no contentedness of
heart. It is the greatest preservation from
both sorrow and sin. The hardest work in
the world and the most demoralizing, is do
ing nothing. No state or individual can pros
per where labor, in any form, is despised.
Steele wrote excellently on temperence—
when sober. Sailusf, who declaimead so elo
quently against the licentiousness of the age,
was himsels a habitual debauchee. John
son's essay on politeness is admirable, but he
was himselLa perfect boor. The gloomy ver
ses of Young give one the blues, but he was
a brisk, lively man. " The Comforts of Hu
man Life," by B. Heron, was written in pris
on, under the most distressing circumstan
oes. " The Miseries of Human Life," by
Beresford, were, on the contrary, composed
in a drawing room, where the author was sur
rounded with every luxury. All the friends
of Sterne knew him to bee selfish man ; yet
as a writer, he excelled in pathos and chari
ty—at one time beating his wife, at another
wasting his sympathies over a dead monkey.
So Seneca wrote in praise of poverty on a ta
ble formed of solid gold, with millions let out
at usury.
C3C Another political priest wants to go
to Congresp. Rev. T. Starr King is being
urged for successor to Senator Lathatn. from
California. ,
• V r OL. NO. 13.
A countryman went into a store hi Boston
the other day, and told the keeper that I
neighbor of his had entrusted him with some
money to be spent to the best advantage, and
he meant to do it where he would be treated
the best.
He had been very well treated in Boston
by the traders, and woukl not part with his
frietSd's money until he found a man who*
would treat him about right. With the ut
most suavity the trader says :
" I think I can treat you to your liking,
how do you want to be treated ?" .1
Well," says The farmer with a leer in fii#
"In the first place I want aglqsß,of tod
dy," which was forthcoming. "ow I wfll
have a nice cigar," says the countryman. It
was promptly handed him, leisurely lighted,
and then throwing himself back, with hfe
feet as high as his head, he commenced puff
ing away like a Dutchman.
" Now what do you want to purchase ?"
says the storekeeper.
" My neighbor handed me two cents when
[ left home to buy him a plug of tobacco,"
answered the farmer " have you got the arti
cle ?"
The storekeeper stopped instanter, and the
next thing that was heard from him was thst
his sides were shaking and his face on fire as
he was relating the sell to his friends dowtr
' i S i -V
Not long since a lot of us—l am an Hu'R,
" high private," were quartered in several
wooden tenements, and in an inner room of
one lay the corpse of a young secesh officer,
awaiting burial. The news soon spread to a
village not far off, and down came tearing a
sentimental, not bad-lookidg specimen of a
Virginia dame.
"Let me kiss him for his mother!" she
cried, as I interrupted her progress. "Da
let me kiss him for his mother !"
" Kiss whom V
" The dear little Lieut., the one who lie#
dead within. I never saw him, but oh !"
1 led her through a room in which voung
Lieut, ,of Philadelphia lay stretched out
on an upturned trough, fast asleep. Suppos
ing him to be the article sought for, sbe rush'
ed up exclaiming—
" Let me kiss him for his mother,* and ap
proached her lips to his forhead. What was
her amazement when the " corpse" clasped
his arms around her and exclaimed :
" Never mind the old lady, Miss, go it on
your own account. I haven't the slightest
A large meeting of the Democracy of Ohia
was held at Chilicothe, on the 4th at
which ex-Senator Allen delivered a speech,
in the course of which he presented the fol
lowing picture of the eSects of negro emanci
pation m consequence of the President's Proc
lamation :•
Suppose that the contemplated Emancipa
tion should be inaugurated successfully, sev
en or eight hundred thousand negroes, with
their hands reeking in the blood of murdered
women and children, would present them
selves on our Southern border, demanding to
cross over into our State, as Ohio's share of
the freed slaves—seven or eight hundred
thousand negroes, without money, without
food and without personal property of any
kind, who, in virtue of nature's law, were
compelled to eat and be clothed. Then would
come the conflict between the white laborers
and the negroes. The negroes would euter
into such a competition with the white la
borers that the latter would have to abaudou
the field of labor here make way for the
negroes—or maintain their ground by waging
a war on the negroes, that would result in
driving them from the State, or in their ex
termination. It was hard to compel a while
man who earned seventy.five cents a day to
contribute twenty-five cents of that Bum to
be expended in schemes to buy the freedpm of
the negroes. He won't like that. The fanat
ics claim that these schemes are prompted hy
philanthropy. Carried out they would end in
the death of the negroes. If it were possible
to colonize the negroes in Central America,
where it is proposed to colonize them, they
would starve, and if emancipated and not re
moved from our country, their extermination
were sure to follow.
L ntil the negroes shall be recognized as
socially the equai of white men, they cannot
be politically their equal. None of those fa
natics, who claim to be acting in behalf of
philanthrophy, would consent that their son#
and daughters should inter-marry with the
negro. From the marriage altar spring our
political privileges ; if not equal there, we
are .lot politically equal. No objection# are
interposed to our sons and daughters inter
marrying with Englishmen, Germans, Inth
men, Frenchmen, Ac. We all belong to the
same family. We are simply "the advanced
guard—they arc the guard—our father#,
mothers, brothers, and sister. All these in
termarry, and soon their blood becomes melt
ed into the great pool of American blood
Not so with the negro. He does not belong
to the same family. That he is different 1#
palpable to the philosopher, if not the theo
logian, and why he was created differently is
immaterial for us ty know ; it is suffiaeat to
know that he is different, without seeking to
obtain the affidavit of the Almighty on the
Bubject. *