LOCALS. The Very Latest arrival of fancy Dress Goods, <or men and women, vankee notions, Ladies Slices and Gaiters, Fancy Fu<s, Ac , c/n now be found at Ibe store ®f John Weil, one door below Wnlls Hotel. John is ahead of all competitors in his line, in our Borough, both as to quantity and quality; and be low all in prfces. Give him a call and satisfy your eelves. The lii'Jy < 8 Doolv.—Godey for November, has been received by us, and is replete with good things. Now is the time to begin getting up clubs for the ■new year. The Lady's Book is furnished to clubs •oi five, and one to the getter up of the club, at 810, 'and far 83 per annum to single subscribers. Address L. A. Godey, 323 Chestnut Street, Phila. The Draft.—-Yesterday oemg the day for thosa drafted In this County to fejiort themselves, large j numbers of that wnforttmnte class we're in town. A few who were arbleto do So, succeeded in procuring - substitutes at rather onerous rates. Some paying as high ta $3OO for a man. The men left for Camp Curtin to-day in charge of ihe Cotrnnissioher of draft ing. A Rare Chance is now offered to persons who wish to educate themselves or their children, at the ! High School now started at this place, by Processor i W. La Monte, whore qualifications lisa TeaJher, are i well known to many of the attendants of the tfyom ing Seminary, where he has for "some years, filled the ! post of Professor of Mathematics with honor to him- ! self, and credit to that Institution. . T'ash Store.-- Id the excitement and hurry of ! lhst week, we forgot to notice what appears in anoth r column, the advertisement of Beemer's Cash Store in Falls. Mr. Beemer has just received at that place, a full and complete assortment of goods of every de scription, which he will sell at prices far below the market prices, for cash or ready pay—the best kind 'hf pay ta the world, both for buyer and seller. — Look at bis advertisement, and then go and look at the goods Beemer performs all he advertises. "The "Fashions have changed greatly since last ' fall," is all that we recollect out of a world of talk, ! while on a visit with our "better half," to the millinery establishments of Mrs. (Stddwell, and Miss Hepburn, ! who have just received what is said to be "the very latest styles" of Fall and Winter goods from the citv. j What wo saw, while on this visit, it would be as im possible for us to name, as to repeat all that we heard. The innumerable, and (to us.) nameless and rum deseript fancy fixings, found in such profusion at these shops, confused u* as tnueh as the incompre liensible chit-ohat which was held over them. All that we now remember of having seen, are sktUtona. List ol"Persons Drafted in this Co.. on the 16tll ilist.—- 1] ra intriui Win. A. Lee. llcnrv Piatt, C. F. Lake. Frederick Arnold, Wia. B. Lacey Philip Thomas, Mirtiu Keeney, Julius Skiff. hxrter —Jas. V. Iloadly, Lewis Whit'ock, S. 11. Sickler, Dennb Sickler, Win. Coolbaugh, Jr. holU— Jatncs Winficld. Orrcn Masters, H*nrv Lee. Xorlkmerela nc£--Juhn Ellsworth, Gordon Het field, Wiu. 11. Jackson, John P. Ila rrison, Abel Turner, Augustus Ellsworth, Abram Trassue, It.C. Philips. M critt Hallock. Francis Manning, Si in on Arnold, M T. Brooks. Jacob T Diutond, E. Agncw. Xicholson —Horace Barnuin, James Justin, ('has Jtiker, C. M. Bacon. Alfred Ilouik, Warren Brown 'Get rfir Id —Charles H. M ihon, Martin V. Trauger. Andrew Ager, Elias T. Masters, Scuyler Gregory, ! 'Charles Carey, Jcssce Wall, Miles Avery. Tunkhannoek Tmrnship —Zen as White, Xehenri eh Dickson, Jacob M ilscy, James Wagner, Truniati dlurlburt. George S. Harding. Washington —Aaron Jayno, Edward .Taytie. Je •Tome Avery, Urbane Avery, John Flory, Michael Vlory, Stephen Place, I'hKandcr Xuttenburg. Windham —Meritt S. Comstock. A J Garey, Chas 4*. Cham pin, Rollin Stnrdevant, Win. I. F!ynn, Eli sha F. Keeney, Lorenzo W.Myers, Jason Harris Officii Dotirfs. BRIDGE LETTING. Notice is hereby given, that the Commissioners of ] tVynming County, will let to the lowest responsible ' bidder, the finding of the material, and repairing of j The Bridge, over Tunbhannoc-k Creek, in the Town-! chip of Nicholson, N. Bacon's on Tnesday the CSth day of October, 1362, at two o'clock P. M. IJy Order of Commissioners. Commissioners Office, *Vt 22nd, 2862. . Wm. F. TERRY, Clerk REGISTERS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given t> all persons interested in ffie following account, Viz. The account of Laura Garey, Ex"cutix of the < s tate of Ambrose Garey, late of Wiudham Township, deceased, Filed Oct. 20th, 1862. that the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Wyoming Co., ♦o be held on Monday, the 17th day of November next, tor confirmation an 1 allowance. Register's office, Tunkhannoek, oct.2lt, 1562 SINTOX WILLIAMS, Register HXT otice. JliiApqiAnTKßS, 57m Reot.. P. V., Camp, near ♦ Conrad's Ferry, Mil , Oct 8, 1862. The following named members of Company A, 57th Regiment,' P. V., will save themselves trouble and ' money, by reporting at once to tho Commandant at | Camp Curtin for transportation to join their Regi- j tuefit. Also, any others of the Regiment absent with- 1 out leave." t*T Furloughs no excuse, if aide to travel. , T. S. Clink, M 0 Stark, Jos. Shaddock, H. W. Terry, G. D.Gregory, D. L. Bump. Win 1! Keator, 1 Michael Saxton, Julius B Van Winkle, F M. Hind', j PETER SIDES, - Captain Co. A. estray. I .Strayed away from the subscriber, at Tunkhannoek Borough, on Wednesday, the Btfc day of October, 1862*4 1 * c ' "EIFKR, which tsfoxsed the river bridge, and ate not been heard of since. Whoever will re tard tAid Heifer to tEe subscriber, at Tunkhannoek, or gfve information where she may be found, shall ' be liberally rewarded. • 7: ~ i Oct 15, 1862. _ GEO. S. TUTTON. • ' Administrator's Notice. The undersigned, having been appointed adrainis- j Oators of the estate of Lewis K. Whitoomb, late of j ** indham Township, Wyomin- County, dee'd, here- i 1 |>y give notice to all persons indebted to said estate j to call upon said aom'rs at their residence in said township and settle the same, and to all persons hav '' g claims against said estate, to pieseht the same, duly authenticated, to the subscribers at their resi dences aforesaid, or be debarred. ' feUZABETII J WniTCOMB, ) . , , HENRY w. FASSETT < Adm'rs. , Tnnkhannock, Oct. 4. 1862. ' ESTRAY~ ; /"N AME to the enclosure of the subscriber, in Tunk- VJ bannock Tswa-bip, Wyoming County, Pa., oa ihe , Wth September last a two-year old, dark-red HElF with a spot of white on belly, and white ' enJ of tail. The owner is requested to < oome forward, prove property, pay charges and take to law erw,!e #he wi " be disposed of according LEVERETT W. RORESON. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned, having been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas ol Wyoming, an auditor to distribute the fund arising from the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of Michael Sisk, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough 'of Tunkhannoek, on Saturday, November Bth, 1862, atbvhieh timo and place all persons having claims to saill fund will present them or be debarred from con&ng in upon the same. HARVEY SIOKLER, Aud'r. Tiihkhannock, Oct. 8,1862, 4w gfcfa ItertijsentfitL. o R p ii TF'i Court Sale -OF Dalnablc cal Qrstatr. Estate ot'Cieo.VY. Lac y late <f~ Braintrlm Township, deceased. BY VIRTUE of an order issued out of the Or phans' Court of the County of Wyoming, Penfif- I sylvania. tested, October 2d. 1362, will be exposed to I public sale by Vendue or Outcry, at the Hotel of . Joseph liobison, in Laceyville, Braintrim Township, j in said County, on Saturday, November Bth, A. D , 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. m., of that day, the fol ; lowing described lands and tenements, late the Estate i of George G. Lacey, late of said township and coun | ty, deceased, to wit: All that certain messuage and tract of land, situate lying and being in the township and county aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post near the little Tusoarora creek Thence North seventy-three degrees. West to a white pine stamp. Thence South seventeen degrees. West six perches and two-tenths of a peareb to a i post by the little Tusoarora creek Thence up said creek to the pi ace of beginning, viz : Bounded on the North aud West by lauds now oc ' cupied by C. I. Lacey. On the South by lands formerly of Geo. G. Lacey A Co., and now occupied by Henry Williams as a | tenant, and j On the East by the little Tuscarora creek. Cafntaining two-thirds of an acre of land, more or less, with a Two-story Frame store-house thereon. ALSO, one other piece or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the township and County aforesaid, and j bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a Hickory sapling or the the North side "of the road, leading up the ri .gr near the house I now occupied by Geo. G. Keeney. Thence a Northerly direction thirteen rods to a Chestnut cottier. I Thence Easterly if.x and half rods to a comer post and stones. Thence Southerly tiurtecTi rich; to a corner on said road to a post and ston*^ ! Thence Westerly along said road to the place of beginning. j Containing eighty-one perches, be Ac same, more or less. ALSO, another piece, or lot of land, and connected with the last mentioned, and described piece, bound i ed and described, as follows : Beginning at a Hickory sapling on tbe North side of the road leading up the rirer, near the house Bow occupied by Geo. G. Keeney, and the South-east eor ( ncr of the last above des-ribed lot of land. Then c Westerly along said road fifteen rods to i land formerly belonging to David Lake, Jr , and now to the estate of Geo. G. Lacey, deceased, to a Dost r.rd stones. Thence Northerly thirteen rods to a post and stones Ther-ce Easterly ten rods to a Chestnut corner, to j lands "formerly of Joseph Spaulding (now-the above 1 described lot). Thence Soatber'y thirteen rods to the place Of be grnnrng Containing one hundred and seventy-five perctier ( of land, more or less, with one Frame Dwelling House thereon. Said two last mentioned and described pieces of land, otherwise described, as follows, to wit: ; Bounded East and North by land of Ebenczer La- j j cej- On the West by lands of Geo. G. Lacey, deceased, formerly of David Lake, Jr., and On the South by tbe Main toad, leading up the j Susquehanna river. * i ALSO, otto other piece, or lot of land, situate, ly ing, and feeing in tV Township and County aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginn ng at the river bank, Thence North one hundred perches, adjoining lands lato of [saae Lacey, now Ebenczer Lacey. Thence North sixty-eight de grees West, on old town line. Thence South, thirty three degrees West, fifty-six perches to a corner Thence North, sixty-eight degrees West, four and a half perches to a corner. Theuce South twenty-two degrees West, seventeen perches on old town line.— Thence South fen degTevs East, one hundred and j eleven perches to the Susquehanna tiver. Thence ! dwwn said river to the place of beginning. Contain- ! ing fifty-acres, be the same more or less, all miprov- ! ed, with ovio Frame House, one Frame Bartq one lee j House, and an Apple Orchard thereon. ALSO, the undivided one half interest in and to the j following described piece, or lot of land, situate, lying and being in the Township and County aforesaid, bounded as fellows, to wit: Beginning at a post on the little Ttucarora creek, being the South-east cor ner of a lot tleeded to H W. Lacey by Isaac Lacey, on the 24th day of July. 1837 Theuco up said creek seventeen degrees East, three and one-tenth perch es to a post. Thence North, seventy-three degrees to i a post on the back line of said lot. Thence South, seventy degrees West, to a corner post of sai l lot. Thence South, seventy-three degrees East, seventy and three tenths perehes to the place of beginning j Containing one-third p>artof an acre of land, more or ! leas, with a Frame Dwelling House, and smail Barn i thereon. ALSO, one other piece, or lot of land, situate, lying, j and being in the Township an"? County aforesaid, and ' bounded and described as follows, to wit f Beginn ing at a Chestnut tree, in ravine above the Saw Mill j <?f Ebenczer Lacy, on tho little Tuscarora ereek, on i line of lands of C. I. Lacey. Thence Northerly along line of land of C. I. Lacey, to a corner stake on line of hm<l> of C I. Lacey, and Abial Kocnoy. Thenco sterly course along the line of land of Abi l Keeney up to the land formerly of the Lake Estate. I Tj)# Southerly, along the line of land formerly of the fiuke Estate, to a corner on line of land of E. j Lacey, tiear head of the rav no. Thence down said i ravine along line of land of E. Lacey to the place of beginning. Containing about twenty-two acres of land, more or less, all improvod. ALSO, the undivided two-thirds interest in and to ' one house and the ground It stands upon, situate, ly ing. and being in the township and county aforesaid, | upon tbe Main road leading trom Laeeyville to Kecney's Ferry, on tbe line between lands belonging to C. B Lacey and Mrs. H. Brown, and now occupied by 1). D. Wilson. Terms of Sal®: One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the salo by the Court, and tbe remainder in one year thoreafter, with inter eet, to be seenred by good and approved security. fc. u'laCEy"' o, j Administrator*. Laceyville, Oct. 15,1562. By Order of Court. Latest £ . AND— Reliable News! Arrival of a "—OF— " Fall & Wiliter SOObS. TIIE subscriber begs leave to inform his numerous friends and customers, that he has just returned from Philadelphia and New York, with the fatgrat vn& f tst Stlctttb Stock tif Fancy Goods Shawls, Cloaks, I &wsim tm,^atinrtb MEN'S WEAR IN GENERAL, YANKEE fIOTKWS, M, Ever brought to this County. He has also bought a Fine Stock of Ladies' Shoes ! GAITERS, HATS, and a Full Line of jJMCTIfSS, j bought at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. As regards the Qualify and Style* of Goods, he de fies competition As regards Prices, he only assures his friends, that long experience in the trade enables hiiu to buy, and therefore, sell cheaper than any one . else outside the city A fair trial is all he asks. sVo Trouble to Show Goods. Thankfal for Ac very liberal pC'ronage heretofore J bestowed on hiiu, lie will, by strictly honest dealing, j and hereafter, a-close attention id IfOsiness try to merit a continuance ol the same, John Weil. | Tunkhanno. k, Oct 15, 1>62. Beemer's X3L f v fi &, I at Falls. i —- A LARGE, NEW AND DESIRABLE STOCK of Seasonable Goods, . of all kinds, it now being received at BEEMER'S ! CASH ST011E! AY MSLIL3. Having 1-een purchased at PRICES far BELOW % MARKET RATES 3 and selling exclusively for Ready Fay i he is enabled to undersell any ftoro in this part of the country. In the line of Domestic Goods, BOOTS & SHOES, —and— Groceries, HE DEFIES COMPETITION. His stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, 1 is complete. Also, HATS and CAPS. In fact he has (Oocnjtljing la Sujijili) tlje Itlaats of tl)e i PEOPLE. Tho HIGHEST CASH PRICES will be paid for l BI TTER, EGGS, and GRAIN of all kinds, in ex change for Goods. lie returns his thanks to the peoplo of his neigh- | borhood for their liberal patronage ; anil by fair and ' honest dealing, hopes to merit a continuance of tho same ■ Auditor's Notice. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE or ELISIIA HARRIS, deceased The undersigned haying beer, appointed an Audit- I r>r by the Orphans' Court of Wyoming County, to ex- ! amine and report on exceptions filed to the account j of Rosina Gardner, Administratrix to the Estate of j Klisha Harris, deceased, and elso to the account of Silas Sutton, Administrator to said Estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in tho Borough of Tunkhannock, OR Saturday, November Ist, 1862, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all per sons interested are notified to attend. F. C. ROSS, Aud'r. Tunkhannock, Sept. 21, 1852. To Carriage Makers. WANTED at the shop of the subscriber, in Centre inoreland, Wyoming County, Pa., one or two GOOD CARRIAGE MAKERS. One competent to do Paint-"] ing and Trimming preferred. Good wages and steadv employment given to these applying soon Seftv2n7-sw) R. J HALLOCK. i Traveling Publie! " j TO accommodate persons wishing to go by public conveyance from this place to any section, or re ■ turn, the undersigned continues to run a Daily JL.ii*© OF 5 If J1 fi 11 SI 3 to and from Factoryville Dopot, leaving his hotel at 6 o'clock, a. in., arriving at Factoryville in time for j Trains to threat Bcub, Bcranlon, Hem-^atfe, and PHILADELPHIA. Returning, leaves Factoryville on the arrival of the New York, Philadelphia and Accommoda tion Train from Groat Bund, arriving in Tunkhan nock at 7 o'clock, p. m. N. B.—All Express matter, packages and goods will be conveyed to and from the Depot, at reasonable rates; the proprietor holding himself responsible for the safe delivery of all such entrusted to his care. Towanda stage arrives at this hotel at 12 o'clock, in. Returning, leaves at 3 o'clock, p m Stages for Pittston, Wyoming, and Wilkesbarre, leave on tho arrival of the Towanda stage, and re j turning connect with the same. Montrose stage leaves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and ] Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, a. nr., connecting at Montrose j with stages for Biughainton, Ac. Returning, connects with stages for l'ittston, Towanda, Ac. Persons wishing to be called for at their residences will he accommodated by leaving their names at the hotel of the proprietor. Ilorses and Carriages in readiness to forward pass j cngcrf at all times. T. B. WALL j sept? 4 v2n7. | HARDWARE & IRON! HUNT 3RD S & BLAIR —OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STEM. NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, HORSE-SHOES, anb (£ngliat) gorst Hails, WROL'GHT KAILS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, I CARPENTERS' fOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED, I lil'BS, SPOKES. FELLOES, SEAT SI'IS DLES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BUTTS, NITS. WASHERS, BELTING, PACKING, GRIM) STONES : PLASTER PARTS, CEMENT, lIATR. SHOVELS. WHITE LEAD, FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac, Ac., Ac. ALSO SASH. DOORS AND BLINDS ON IIANI) IN ASSORTMENT, AND MANFFACTFR- El) 10 ORDER. IEATnER AM) FINDINGS, Fair bank's Scalee. Scranton. March 26, 1862. ' vln33—ly. SINGER & CO/S LETTER "A" FAMILY SEWIIB MACHINE 11 ith all the Recent Improvements, Is tho Best and Cheapest and Most Beautiful of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarletnn to the mak ing of an overcoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth, down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do its work to perfection. It can fell, hem, hind, gather, tuck, quilt, and has ca pacity (or a great variety of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine that can hem, fell, bind, and so forth, but it will do so better than any other Ma chine. Tho Letter 11 A" Family Sewing Machins in a v be had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case, which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can be folded into a box or case which, when opened, makes a beautiful, substantial, and spacious table for the work to rest upon. The cases are of every imaginable design— plain as the wood grew in its native forest, or aj elaborately finished as art can make thein. The Branch Offices tiro well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very best qual ity. Send for a copy of " Singer A Co.'s Gazette." I M SINGEk A CO.. 458 Broadway, N. Y. PNILADKLPHTA OFFICE, SI O Chestnut St. Mrs. C T. Marsh, and 1). A. Bardwell, Esq., agents in Tunkhannock. Auditor's Notice. IN THE MATTEKOF THE ESTATE OF D. B JENKINS, deceased. The undersign© 1 having been appointed an Audi tor by the Orphans' Court of Wyoming County, to ex amine and report on exceptions filed to tho account of Newman Miller, administrator to tho said Estate of I). B. Jenkins, deceased, will attend to tho duties of j his said appointment, at his office in the Borough of < Tunkhaunock, on Friday, October 31s/, 1862, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when and where all persons interested arc notified to attend. F. C. ROSS. Audf 3 * Tunkhannock, Sept. 24, 1862. NOTICE ! Persons indebted to the subscriber, ei her on Note or Rook account, are notified that said notes and ac counts have be n left with my Father, A r Eastman, I who is fully authorized to receipt and settle the same J If not settled soon, they will be left in the hands of an officer for suit and collection. O. 11. EASTMAN. The business of BOOT and SHOE making will be continued by the subscriber, at the old staud. where everything pertaining to the busine s, will • c done in a substantial ami workmanlike manner, and at low prices for ready pay. He solicits a continuance of the public patronage. A. F. EASTMAN. Tunkhannock, Sept. 3, 1862. Stray. Taken up on the 20th day of August, 1862. stray ing on the improved land (enclosed) of the subscriber, in tho township of Nicholson, Wyoming Coiinty, a Red Calf, with white belly, white hind feet, and white at qnd of tail, The otvDr is required to prove his property, pay damages and charges, otherwise said Stray will be sold agreeable to law in such eases made and provided. <ii i . CHRISTIAN HAPNER. Sept id, 1562 RUNNING STILL! THE. OLD ESTABLISHMENT of the subscriber, is still in running order, through all the reverses an t panics of former days, since 1833, wlfbottt befftg ' wound up, at tfchfeh place you can find u good assort ment of DYES. DRUGS S ItKDICINES. as can be fouud in the county, warranted genuine aod pure. . ; Pools, Shoes, Harness and Leather, \ as good as the best, and as cheap as the cheapest, and t all the WORK WARRANTED. You can get all kinds of Job Prii ting done to or- I der, and blanks of every kind constantly on hand, j which, in style, are no'. 'Surpassed by our large or ' county offices. TO THE LADIES. rest froin your toil, ar.d buy a SEWI3MG IVIAXZCIINrE I The subscriber has also succeeded in obtaining one of the best, and most reliable Sewing Machines, for | the money, now iu market, viz: Davis's .<45 jshuttle, | and the <3O Franklin Machines, equal in capacity to : Wheeler k Wr!*mi*s <75, cr Grover k. Baker's 845 I machine, and making the same, stitch, which is one : 'third saving in buying here than at any other agency j iu Northern Pennsylvania. Every liusinees Man do your own Printing ' i IT WILL PAY! LOWE'S PATENT PORTABLE PRINTING PRESS. (the cheapest in tho United States.) for sale. Price, from 85 to <25 for a press. Office complete, from 810 to 875 with tyjie and all necessa ry materia) Call and see them, or send for a circu ■ far of full particulars. Particular nttenf'.bh ft called to SPRING'S RHEUMATIC ELfXER, j and very effective Lhfeiment. for-all Rheumatic -pains, j Headache, Dyptheria, Ac, for sale in Mehoopany by Dr. Becker A Co. and Henry Love ; on RusseTt Hill j by T. Stenipbs; at Fork-ton by Mr. Garey ; at Me ' shoppen by Henry Stansbury. A trial of the rfiedi j cine, will in H cases, prove satisfactory. Try it.atad 1 • be convinced. I BRICK. 1 50,000 Brick for sale. Thankful for past favors, the subscriber is determ ined, by strict attention to business, to merit still fur- > ther patronage. T. D. SPRING. Laceyvillc, Sept. 24, 1862—v2n7. NEW BURNT LIME AND BRICK With a full and well selected stock of t • - ... Dry G-oods, A/ JU 4J Ai JA JA I S) 0 ESS3WAEES P22 0 3 MS! 1 CROCKERY, &c., constantly on hanl, and for Sale at the | VTRY LOW € S TNI AIU ER ror cash or produce by s. vsmmw, MESHOPPEN. WYOMING COUNTY, PENNA Ho is now burning at hij Kiln Jl Superior of £intr, ! Which highly recommends itself to all who inpfcl ! it. Price, from ten .o tkentv-fjve cents per busuel He is * j BOUND TO SELL, I AND A3 CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Thankful for past favors, an! an increased patron age, he hopes, bv strict attention to the interests of his customers.and by furnishing thein GOOD GOODS, at LOW PRICES, to merit a continuance of past favors. Call and see hitn. Meshoppen, September 28, ISCI. N E tXT. AND CHAIR MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture, Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock. next tkoor to C. M. Koon's store— \vhere flVe kept on haPd and manufactured to order : TABLES of all sizes, pattern.*, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-sent, Flag-lwAb mi, and common. BUHEAFS of all styles, siz**', and prices. BEDSTEADS. Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and Indeed every thing Wn'efi can be found in the largest furniture establishments in the country, which he will sell at prices as low as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, he so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kinds done in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated and re pa'red. t NpERTAKING.—Having a Ilenrse of his own, ! and having had much, experience, he will attend to I this department of tho business on short notice, and in a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM lIAAS. July 16, T q G2. —vln49ly* " $lOOO REWARD! Protected from Counterfeits. THE WHITE ENAMEL ARTIFICIAL BONE FILLING FOR DECAYED TEETH. United States 1 ate fit applied for. j ACHING TEETH, *£ Breserved and Superior to Gold. As hard and dySHwas Male and Female Agents IVantedvl SIOO per mouth, and steady employment at home or abroad. The manufacturers, having met with great suc cess, continue to supply this article in sealed pack age# containinff enough to fill one hundred teeth, for $5, or for <lO, w'th a comjdcte set of instruments, in a handsome Velvet and Satin lined case, with in-, structioos enabling any person to make a good liying and steady employment in au honorable profesribn. Agencies giyen in different sections of the country. Letters requiring sn answer nitlst Stlclose a stamp. AM *>"• E ROSSEAU A CO., '466 Broadway. N Y MEDICAL H7tt.tr? ' f Wf-'' ' " ' 1,41 J '° f * - - n m*,/} k iB jp,- " BRIDGE ST., fHNKHANNMKy , NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF tJ MJ KOo'tf'fe;* N J. I. lIIKS.'- PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST. JUST RECEIVED a r-the Tunitb4tatA* M**Ul Hs|l, the largest nnJ best'ftssvyfniept .o£ Drug* ami Mt liomos ever . brought to> tU3 section .bf \ c<,untr . v - . aiJm 1 These cedicines have been selected by the. Salt- - eeriber hirrselfj with great care, and hence he can '* recommend *nd warrant fl(em as being pilre and un adulterated. s . u.. Ills stock comprises it} part, the following, to wit: S . mVv • . ' tn . MKDD !XE.< " ' "S* ciiemic'als. DYE J STUFFF, PAINT*. OILS, 1' A. PERILMKKY. FANCY NO, A , TION.<, FINE WINE.? AND LI, l fc „ )(ij QUOJR3, (F<>K MEUTCI,N AL. Pl'tf- PO.SES ONLY) COAL OIL, TERPENTINE, ' " ALCOHOL, CAMPJIEXE, COAL OfL LAMPS, ALSO STATIONERY, VIUTrVf! ?XK, GR A PHIC ALT.DUS. TOR A CPA, BEG A KSf I PIPES, AND a'LL THE PGOMI-. - - ; ~ NEX T (' A 'L'XLff r ,M LDICLX ES , .. 7 ifr I OF THE DAY. AI.L DP . , ff II IC II CA N. BE '* •' i L r > "CUT "OX THE' ' MO'-'T REXS'OV ' 4 AF.UF TERM- ' ■ • j " ' FOR CASH OR tOIfVTRY PR iDPCE. '' PHYSIC I \NS PUK rt 'l' .V 4t> nir adt-cOim* poan led at alt hour* of tin* d v ail 1 ui_'hr. H On J. b, imOAOS, i* *3 • t Physician and Druggist. . Tunkhannoek, May 14. 1b62. , n4o—ly I "" ; ———~—• CLOCKS! W atoh.es! JEWELRY RERAISED." : P C. B U P. N S, Tabes pleasure in annnun ing to the people of Tunk- " liftnnurk and v*einity, tii.it he finis opened a llktri) mill sf)ec two (lonrs below Wall's TTopel. Where 'be is prepared to do the mo-t difti uit jobs in.hit line in air AA > PROVED and SKILLFULL MANNER, on notice. Having had long experience in the bifsines.y, he feels confident that he can give entire satisfaction to all favoring hiui with their patronage. 4S . ' ' TERMS —Low as the lowest that do their work in a workman like iuuuner. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO OTVf! ATIST-"' s FACTION oil MONEY REFI XDEi> r. :j Al,lii!i A I'AIL TRIAL. . . rs - a v tas y. B.— Pcrfrsnfct. Pan ft df- Uinbrelhtsfepairtd Also, Aceordeons nn 1 other tnusieal idstfuments tuned and but in order en -short notice. * i - A large assort men tof U itchi s oud Clocks ouhand or can he ordered at nnv time Tunkhannoek. July jO. IHti'J. < 600,000 AoE^ ' LLOYD'S NEW STEEL PL \I E COUNTY COL ORED MAP OF THE FN 11 EDST \TES, CAN ADA*, AND NEW HRI'NSWICK. 1 - From reeent snrwys. enu.plote I Aug. 10, 1862 ; cost B'2U,ot oto engrave it an i one ir's time Sujierior to tinv SIT map e;-'e? in ij'e by Cotfon or Mitchell, snl sells at the low pti.i. Lf fifty cento; 370,0f 0 names arc engraved onauis tnapl It is nt onlv a Countv M ip, but it is also a, COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP v. of the United States and Cans ins rrrmbtned in one, giving c id aHi*4i-ikon<3r i between. Guarantee any woin in jw ni .n S3 to Si per da r , and will take back all maps that cannot be sold apd reftSnd Mre rimrtey • ■■■>&/ fiend for iji worth fo tpy. * , Printed instructions how to canvass well, furnish d | all mr agents Wanted —IV holesale agents for ott nuips it* e*ery ! State, Calitornia. Canada, Eugland, France iwd Cu- I ha. 'A f irfune tnay he maile t\4tli "a few hundred l dollar-capital jVo C&npetUion. a, r .' J. T. LLOI i>. No. 164 Ilromlway, New York. ! The Way Department uses our Map of YTrginifl, ! Maryland, and Pentisyl.anin, cost 8100,000,0n wkivh I is tuarke I C'rei-k.. Sha psburg,. Maryland [ Hights, William.--} ort Ferry* P.in.rersvilTe, No la ad's Ford, aa d nil o:iters on tho Potion n-, ait I every oth r place tn Maryhui I, Virginia, and Tcunsylvauia, or money refunded. LLOYD'* TOPOGRAPHICAL MAR OF KENTUCKY- a,T,. OHIO, INDIANA, and ILLINOIS, is the only authority for Gen Rne'l arid the War De ' partuient. Monev rviun led to auy.iiue findingnner rot in it. Price 50 cents. From he Tribune; Aug. s. •" ■*' " LLOYD'S MAP fti- VIRGINIA. MARYLAND, AND PENNsY I.\ ANIA —Ltiis map is very large ; its cost is but, 25 ce ts, and it is the best winch can be purchased." • . - LLOYD'S GREAT MAD OF THE AIIpSJ.SSIPPT RD ER—From Actual Survey* by Cut a - Dart and W-m. Bowcn, Mississippi Hirerd*!-*, |,f 8N iMVAsf Mo., shows < very man , pi tat itjori .ridowner'snvxua front St Louis in the Gulf ot ?!e.\ic -FGoO tnilea—" every s ind-htr. tlland, town. Inn Rrt# nut .4ft pla-'es 20 miles t n-k from 'he ri \c r-T-n.! nvl MI pimniies fan slates Pri e, 81 in sheets! S3. p,..", 't j.rm, aiv! $2 50 oh Itiien, uithro -ers Rotli • Navv DtPAKTMKXT. Wn-ihugu.ii,S,,.p 17. IStVi J I I.t.ovn—Sir : Synd tin* l ur Map of the Mis sisSippi Rit-erwitli 'trice fie* httfi I red 'eople'sr Rear- t Admiral Charles 11. Divi-* tho NHssjbx sippi squadron, is authorized to purchase a>mauy ua are required for use of fb*tl sqtin Mift. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary nfthe Navy. in isii|iisfiin..7. The suhjeriber has opened a Store at pen,for the sale of y ~, I v BOOTS AND SHOES. 3V. An expetienofd. Mttrkman from Massachusetts t constantly employed, and all orders notice and reason.;bi e terms SW. next door t, \2l miy> S store A tea,,, wil, he run,'as untv ih^igh Co # uSueT Xn6 toWU>h '^ftftdKusquehusnK; N. B -Persons indebted Vfeoods. purchased of the subscriber, or ot Phillips, oFAvery, are rpoutsted tJ" make payment as possible, tu me. •. ~ , , Stejliitgrille, J„ ne }} *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers