Sbt otmo(rat. J IfARYEY SIOKI/ER, Editor. -■ "TUffKHAinracK, PJt. m " '"j , ... ■ Wednesday. Oct. 8, 1862. STATE, DISTRICT & COUNTY TICKET FOR AUDITOR-GENERAL, ISAAC SLENKER, of Union County. FOR SURVEYOR-GENERAL; J AMES P. BARR, of Allegheny Co. FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE, HON. Wax. ELWELL, of Bradford County. FOR REPRESENTATIVES, GEORGE D.JACKSON, of Sullivan Cbunty. JOHN C. ELLIS, of Montour County. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, .THERON VAUGHN, of Mehoopany. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY", HARVEY SICKLER, of Tunkhannock Bor. FOR COUNTY TREASURER, JAMES L. MULLISON, of Tunkhannock Tp. FOR CORONER, J. M. CAREY, of Northraorefa.wJ. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR, JOHN G. SPAULDING, of Forkston. w —> .... We observe by our exchanges that the stamps under the late law of the smaller denominations are now being furnished by the authorities in small quantities, The stamps for deeds, leases, bonds, mortgages, etc., have not yet been issued by the govern oaent, 7; ' Auother Draft. Tnstead of the ill-advised, unconstitutional and absurd negro proclamation crushing re bellion and bringing the war to a sudden close, as the Abolitionists said :t would, it now appears that the President contemplates an additional draft for 800,000 men, to take effect as 6oon as the first draft is filled. As these 800,000, if called out at all, will be called out in consequence of the enlarged - proportions of the rebellion, caused by the proclamation, justice would seem to demand that the Abolitionists should furnish the whole number. They promised that if the war should be converted into a war for eman cipation, " every road and by-way would throng with volunteers," from the Abolition ranks, who were only waiting to show their valor in defence of negro rights. They didn't care much about the Constitution and the Union, they said plainly—but for the free dom and equality of the negro they were not only willing but anxious to lay down their lives. Let us see them do it. Stamp Duties, The stamp act of the last congress went in tio effect on the first of the present month. After this date by the terms of the original act, all chuck*, proruisory notes, leases; mort gages, bonds, deeds, contracts, warehouse re ceipts, etc., made without affixing the stamp imposed by the act are void, and subject the pe.son thus making them to heavy penalties By a supplimeutal act. approved 'July 24th, 18fi2, it is provided " that no instrument, pa " per or document, executed without a stamp " prior to January Ist, 1863, shall be invalid "or void ; but no such instrument, paper, or " document shall be offered in evidence in "any court until a proper stamp is affixed, " and the holdei thereof has proven to the " satisfaction of the court that he has paid to " the Collector of the district five dollars for " the use of the United States." By this it would seem that it was contemplated that (as is actually the case) the stamps denoting the duties on these several instruments could not be furnished' in time for general use. Ilence the supplimental act above mentioned, the probable effect and meaning of which is, that checks, promissory notes, etc., executed without a stamp prior tothe first of January, 1863, will be valid between the parties, but will not be valid as evidence, if suit is brought upon them, until the stamp tax and five dollars are paid a* above. The supple ment does not say whether the penalty will be remitted or not. This five dollars, then, on all transactions between this and January next, must be paid by the person who brings suit upon the note, or other instrument, as a penal/4/*{uv his living in a government where taxes are imposed faster than steain presses, and engravers can manufacture the evidences thereof. The supplement is silent as to whether the two huudred dollars penalty im posed by the original act, will be collected or not. It is presumed, however, that our magnanimous rulers will remit that until af ter they shall have furnished the stamps. In another part of our issue to-day will be • found some of the penal provisions of this act. Daniel Webster once said, "The time will come when all good men and true, will be called to rally around the Constitution ; and when we raise that banner it shall glitter like the Ori- flame." The time has come ; that banner is in the hands of the old standard bearer—the Democratic party. A cry has gone forth through the length and breadth of the nation for all " good men and true," to the rescue. Let them respond as men know ing their rights dare maintain them. DEMOCRATIC MASS MEETING. The Democrats of Wyoming County met in the Borough of Tunkhannock on Saturday October 4th 18j52, and was organized by call ing Hem Henry Love to the chair and select' ing the following named persons as Vice Presidents} John D. Myers, Northmoreland. Benjamin Stemples, Lemon. v Ahira Gay, Meshoppen. Thomas Headley, Exeter. Lawrence Ager, Overfield. M. W. Dewitt, Tunkhanock Borough. John Niver, Nicholson. H. L. Furgerson, Falls. J.-*' ( H. W. FasseU, Windham. * Grbrdon Pike, Northmoreland. Lewis Armstrong, Clinton. Edward Meritt, Braintrhn. Harrison Comstoek, North branch. J. G. Spatflding, Forkston Threron Vaughn, Mehoopany John Jackson, Tunkhannock. Harvey Sickler and Alvin Day were named as Secretaries. Col. V. E. Pioiette of Bradford County, being called upon, proceeded to address the meeting on the issues now before the people, which he did in a clear and forcible manner, showing most clearly that the old Democrat ic party was true to all the great interests of this "country, and pointing out the duty of all Union men to stand by the government in this her hour of peril. His remarks were well received and listened to with marked at tention. He was followed by Ira C. Mitchell of Luzerne County, in an eloquent and lucid address, which was received with applause, lie tore off the thin gauze of no party, behind which oiif republican friends hate so long concealed themselves, and said truly that there was but the one known when it came to the dispensation of favors, for no man, un less he idolized and paid devotion to the par ty in power, worthy of place-—-showing that democrats were worthy of a place in the front ranks and in the hottest of the battle, but for office and its endearments, they were reserved for men of this no party. Ilis speech was replete with sound reason and forcible arguments, addressed to the understanding and common sense of men, and was received as such by bis attentive audience. The meeting adjourned to meet at the Court House in the evening. EVENING MEETING. At the ringing of the bell the court room was filled, when E. Mowrey Jr. was called to the chair. Win. M. Piatt, being called upon, addressed the people briefly, joining with the masses in thanking the distinguished speak ers from abroad for the able and eloquent ad dresses made by them in favor of the old con stitutional party, and for the perpetuation of our government, ami the preservation of the Union. Ira C. Mitchell being called for, responded to the call in a forcible and well -timed speech, showing the true cause of our pending diffi culties, He stated that last season he had boen engaged in raising volunteers to go forth to fight the battles of our country, that men of all parties flocked around the banner of our country, except the abolitionists, and they, for some reason was opposed to engaging in the strife. He made a powerful appeal in fa vor of the Union, a rigorous prosecution of the war, and the salvation of our couutry. Col. Pioiette was called for and proceeded to address the meeting. He made a most el oquent appeal tn the ladie, (many of whom were present) showing that they too had a duty to perform in this our country's peril. He spoke of the many difficulties which now surrounded us as a nation and a people of the importance of a vigorous prosecution of the War, that peace, happiness, and prosperity might again smile upon us, to prevent the in crease of an already enormous public: debt, and to the end that this vast expenditure of public raoney might cease, which, at the pres ent rate, would soon swallow up the entire earnings of the people. His remarks were received with favor and listened- to with attention. At the close of Col. Piollet's speech, Mr. Little was called fbr. but he excused himself from the lateness of the hour, when the meeting adjourned. Democratic Senatorial Conference Mfeeting. The Conferees of this Senatorial District, met, according to adjournment, at Laceyvillc, Oct. 2, 18C2, Thomas Johnson, president of the confer ence, called the meeting to order ; when El mer Horton was chosen an additional Secre tary. The List of counties was called and the following persons appeared as conferees. GEOHOE STEPHENS, ) W. It. STORRS, [ T, J/. J n ELMER HORTON, Bradford Co. MOSES EILINBERGER, J THOMAS JOHNSON, j. C. D. LATKROP,. I L Ross, £• Susquehanna Co; R. WELLS, I A-BNER GRAFFIS. J Col. JAMES DEEGAN, ) E „. „ WON. RICHARD BEDFORD, €O. WM. M*. PIATT, ) C. D. GEARHA-RT, > Wyoming Co. WM. P. TERRY, J On motion- of Wra; M. Piatt, the following resolution was unanimously adopted Resolved, That! under the existing circum stances we deem it inexpedient to place in nomination a candate fur Senator, at this time. Resolved, That the proceedings of this con ference be published in the papers of this senatorial District. On motion the conference adjourned sine die. THO'S JOHNSON, President. RICHARD BF.DFORD, ) C . , EI.MRR HORTON, ( SECRETARY " CLING TO THE CONSTITUTION AS THE SHIPWRECKED MARINERCLINGS TO THE LAST PLANK, NIGHT AND THE TEMPEST CLOSE AROUND HIM."—DANIEL WEBSTER. That" Nonsense." The Democratic meeting held at the Court House on the l7th ult., did not seem to*please oar republican friends. Surely nobody ex pected it to do so. Probably the one held on Saturday last was equally unfortunate Mr. Little's speech at the former meeting seems to have called out a very strong ex pression of republican disapprobation. Prob ably Mr. Little himself would not have felt very well pleased with it if it had done oth erwise. That pink of journals, the Wyoming Republican., speaks of the meting as a " fiz zle," and of the speech as " nonsense," and yet devotes * column and a half of its valuable space to a miserably futile attempt- to reply to the latter. Other peoples w nonsense" is usually passed by as unworthy of notice.— " Mr. Little's nonsence" however, 6its so un comfortably upon the Republican stomach as to require a column and a half from Richard's trenchant pern to set the editcrial stomach right again. This must be a very dangerous kind of u nonsense," and ought not to be free ly indulged in. In his wrath the profound writer hints darkly at that " Kedron speech" on the 4th of excited so much holy horror in republican quarters, and of which the Montrose Republican some time since professed to give a partial report.— Does not Richard know that the author of that monstrous libel has written to Mr. Lit tle an abject withdrawal of his allegation in that article, and a distinct acknowledgement of its injustice? This is, however, no reason why it should not be used by the republicans. A lie well stuck to is almost as good for some purposes as the truth. But the climax of this terrible column and a half is the alle gation that Mr. Little writes our editorials. Richards- sources of information afe, doubtless very valuable, bat we must beg leave to 6ay that we write our own editorials. No article from Mr. Little's pen, except one or two over his own signature, or bis own initials, has ap peared in our paper for many months. In the early part of our editorial career, we availed ourself of such assistance as we were able to command, as we supposed we had a right to do in case of need ; for it is our pur pose to make our paper just as valuable and useful as we can. We believe it has been quietly hinted that the readers of the Repub lican would feel greatly gratified if its learn ed editors would employ some gentlemen to write their editorials. We feel bound to ac knowledge our thanks for the unintended compliment they pay us in attributing ours to so respectable a source. '♦Union to the Rescue/ The approaching election is the most im portant one, with perhaps, a single exception, that has been held since the organisation of the government. Upon its results will de pend to a very large extent, the question whether the government of our Fathers shall survive or perish, whether (he constitution shall be supreme, and constitutional liberty preserved, or whether these only safeguards against the steady encroachments of a milita ry despotism shall be undermined and utter ly destroyed. Upon Dentfocrats and the con servative element of the North, the responsi bility of deciding this momentous qucsflkn now depends. The battle is between conserv atism and radicalism—between the wish to preserve and perpetuate the Union and gov ernment of the Fathers, and the desire to crush and utterly destroy both through the destruction of the great charter upon which both depend. It is madness to expect the government to survive the Constitution.— Let the avowed enemies of the latter be put down. Until the day of their rule commenc ed, the government was strong and prosper ous, and the people were free from burtheDS. For many years they have declared their hos tility to the constitution, and during the 6hort period of their power, they have 6teadily la bored to destroy it. In conservatism, is the last hope of the country. To the supporters of the constitution " in time of peace, in time of war, and all time," we appeal now in this hour of the country's dire peril to show a united front' Let the ballot box speak in tones of thnn der, its condemnation of secession, whether it take the form of abolition fanaticism, and secret, conspiracy at the North, or of open re bellion'at the South. Let the government plunderers and the enemies of the constitu tion be put down, and there may 3 r et be hope for the country. Allow them to continue in power, and the history of the past eighteen months, points unerringly to the end of Rep resentative government, tfnd constitutional liberty in America. " Union Savers ," to the rescue. If this opportunity be allowed to pass, who can say that another wil l ever be afforded ? The Congressional and Senatorial Q,u jstion. As will be seen by reference to the pro ceedings of the Democratic Congressional, and' Senatorial conferences, published in our issue of to-day, we have no candidate for these offices In - the field. The conference at Bloomsburg, recommended the support of Henry W. Tracy as against his corrupt and unscrupulous competitor, the Reverend George Bandon. Since the result of this conference has been known, that pet and tool of Wil mot has been withdrawn from the contest.—' This is a virtual admission of his unworthi ness. The people whoso rights he had sac rificed, whose taxes he had voted into the coffers of a soulless corporation, were about to consign hita to a politico! grave, so low, that his day of resurrection would neter have come. Wilmot, thought that by a change of men, at the last hour, the people would as sume that a change of principles had also been made. Robert F. Clark, an obscure man of Columbia Co, is pushed forward upon the board, in the desperate game this tyrant is now playing, for a place in the senate of the Gmted* States; Every vote, therefore, cast for Clark, is a vote to return that blackest of all abolitionists—that most unprincipled and corrupt of all politicians, David Wilmot, to tbc place he so much covets. Having no candidate in the field, and with these to choose from, it will be for the Demo crats of this district to decide, whether they will, by neglecting to vote for Henry W. Tra cy, aid Wilmot in his schemes of pltlnder and corruption, or not. Whatever may be said of Mr. Tracey's views on the negro ques tion, he showed himself, by votes and speeches in our legislature, a mtlh capable of resisting the poisoning and corrupting in fluence of that hydra headed 6erpant, under whose glittering charms the pioua Landon fell. A) e more, he, like Ilercu)e3 with club in hand, stood up day after day, and dealt blows at the monster which, had it been less a monster, would have destroyed it. Thus much we feel It but just and proper to say of Henry W. Tracy. That if elected to a seat in congiess, he will carry into that festering pool of Corruption and profligacy, the same honesty, the same fearlessness in defense of 1 the rights of the people, we cannot doubt That his votes and influence will ever be found on the side of the conservative men of the counrty, we firmly believe. Wm. J. Turrell, the abolition candidate for state senator, commg as he does from the hot bed of abolitionism, fostered and brought out under the nursing hands of Wilmot and Grow, will lend all his aid, to further their schemes of ambition, corruption, and ngro equality. His vote, if elected, will be cast, for Wilmot, as the next United States Senator. As in the cas9 of congressmen, the democratic par ty having no nomination for state senator ; the choice will be between Col. Elhanan Smith who has been placed in nomination by the " People's Union Party," and this man Tur rel. Col. Smith is personally well known to the citizens of our county. His views upon the political question of the day, are also well known. We need not therofore, speak of him or them. He has but recently address ed the people of this county, and defined his position and principles * We have thus briefly noticed the candi dates for these offices, that our friends may choose from among them. Wc wish it to be distinctly understood that we ask no man to vote, neither for Mr. Tracy nor Mr. Smith But, as it is the right of the people to choose their own representatives, it is their duty when the} r come to make that choice, if they find two mei, both perhaps, in some respects objectionable, to follow the teachings of that old maxim, which saith : " Of two evils choose the lesser." Republican Meeting. Our " no party" friends held a meeting on Monday last, at this place. Steven Dana was made President, when Wm. J. Turrell, was called for. He stated he supposed that the people were anxious to see him as he was, a candidate for Senator. He made a mild speech, which was strongly diluted with weakness, and read at length from the speech of Hamilton, from Texas, to'show that the republicans were right, and that the demo crats were wrong—after which he closed, when Ex-Congressman took the stand, and commenced, by cha ging Turrell with failing to speak the truth because he was a candidate for office, and wanted the votes of the people. Our red headed friend was wrathy, probably for the reason that public opinion, and Bradford dictation, had compelled him to, foregce the fond pleasure of filling a place in Congress, and left alone " standing in his own boots." He charged the democratic party with being corrupt, and forgot to 6y anything about the immense frauds perpetrated under the present admin stratiou. He said nothing about the vast fortunes that had been made in army con tacts, and never said one word about the corruption of the Penna. Rail Road company. He charged the democrats with having driv en him out of the field for Congress. lie de nounced Tracy for being a candidate, and un worthy of support; abused Piollet and the democrats fur not putting a candidate for ward, and went on to state a bargain that had been made between the democrats and Tracy, which he knew was false when he was making it. He said the nomination had been tendered him, it was no effort of his. Here too, he forgot to state that he had stumped Bradford Sir delegates to the County Con vention. He also neglected to state that he was here and helped to manage matters, so he would ge? the conferees of this county. He did not state that the delegates of the re publican convention retired to the Grand Jury room, and there, in secret, fixed on the conferees, and then came into convention) and had the trick ratified. Now does he think the people will believe him when he thus speaks, when the facts are before the public which give the lie to his declaration ? It is time he was driven from the sacred desk, as he has been forced out of political position and place. lie said it was no time fur party, and stat ed, he had seen hand bills headed "Rally Democrats," calling together a party, as a party in these times of peril. Here too, he forgot that he had come at the call of im mense posters, that had been scattered far and near, headed "Rally Freemen." It would appear that our truthful friend, who is not now a candidate for Congress, for the peo pie beat him about twelve days before elec tion, regards it all right for the republicans to hold meetings, abuse body who do not agree with them, and devise ways and means, by which they may retain power.- But how wrong, and what an outrage it is for democrats to assemble and discuss the exciting topics of the day. The democrats yet claim the right to meet in public and de vise ways and means to save our bleeding country, and to rally the people to support and sustain our government, while our opposition friends seem to be thursting after the spoils of office, and feasting on the ruin and misery they have created. When the Rev.Landon paid his respects to Col. Smith, and took occasion to warn the people not to vote for the Col. because he was not the regular republican candidate for Sen ator and had not been willing that he, Laudon should go to Congress. He then wound up by asking men to watch if they found any man, who would not vote the regular repub lican ticket, put him dowm a traitor , he was opposing the President and the Administra tion. Mr. Landon seems to regard every man < loyal Who endorses the Republican doctrine* with all of its hefisies* and every man a trait l or who will not come tip to the support of these vile doctrines. Mr. Chamberlin, our light complezioned friend, and, as Col. Smith termed him, Ter rill's AS6 " spoke. 5 ' He made a dashing charge upon the Rebels. Lincoln mnst he ignorant of the fact that any such man lives, or he would have called him into the service. He created a great whirlwind, at times his hair appeared almost wiihovt a kink. Well, he blowed his blow out, odjt was over. /Dpi. Smith was then called for, when it waa announced that he would speak in the even ing at the Court House. Landon, Terrill, and Terrill's "spokesman" left soon after the meet" ing adjourned, and thus ended the Republican fizzle, and our town was freed of three sore heads COM. Another Proclamation* Following close npon his emancipation proclamation, President Lincoln has issued another, declaring martial law throughout the whole North and suspending the habeas corpus in all cases of military arrest. We ask the people of Pennsylvania to read it carefully—to weigh it well. For our OW6 part we know not what to Bay. We can scarcely realize that we are living under a despotism, and yet it is plain enough that this is no longer a Republican Government, guided and restrained by a written Constitu tion. The habeas corpus suspended in the' loyal North 1 Great God' ! what does it mean 1 Where, in all the North, has the legitimate action of the Administration been resisted ? Who of all the citizens of the North has com mitted treason, or connived at it, or aided and abetted it, or given it aid and comfort, or discouraged enlistments, or resisted the mili tia draft,or committed any other offence that could not be punished under the Slate laws ? And yet the habeas corpus is suspended, and men are subjected to seizure and imprison ment, to military trial and ignominious death, without constitutional authority or form of law 1 Whit atmosphere do we breathe. now ? Yesterday it was one of freedom,- expanding the lungs and making the heart buoyant with vital blood. What is it to-day ? Answer, some one who knows. What is it oppresses and weighs us down—makes respiration difficult, the blood sluggish, and the heart faint ? Ts it an atmosphere of slavery ? Who says so ? Trembling coward, it is false ! Heav ens, that we should live to see the day when our children call us slaves, and shrink from us, and ask us where is the blood of our fathers, and whether we are bastards 1 Nay, nay, it cannot be. This is all a hid eous dream which Wifl vanish Vrith to-mor row's dawn. But yesterday we knew that we" rfete {tee —that we lived in the United States—that we were American citizens, under the pro tection of the Constitution—proed of oar country—happy in the pursuit of our humble calling—free as the Constitution made us, and guaranteed that we should he. What, then, has so suddenly changed ortr condition? Yesterday was bright—what has cast a shadow upon to-day ? A slave ! What, again repeated—still ring ing in onr ears ! What devil whispers it to marthe Eden in which we but yesterday dwelt, and in which we hoped to live for ever ? We say again, it is false '. The blood of the Revolution cannot be enslaved. Gur fathers would rise from their graves and curse us—Heaven would shut its gates upon us—the very earth On which we tread would spew us out, were we tamely to submit to be slaves'. No, no,-it is art inenbus Which We shall soon shake off— a horrible dream which the night will end. But the proclamation ! Aye, that is the subject of our article, and We close air we be gan—People of Pennsylvania, read it careful ly, and weigh it well.— Patriot hate a President, whose pen, mightier the the sitord—more effective than the oombis ed efforts of twenty million of ended the rebellion by a single dash. All hail, Abraham Lincoln! We canoe; sufficiently eulogize this saviour of our co© • try i bllt we confess to feeling a little dash of || sorrow in this cup of happiness, when t. think of the many thousands of lives tha: have been needlessly sacrificed, the million ) of treasure that have been wasted ; for the?; is no good reason why fhis proclamatiut might not have ended the war a year ago. ; well as to-day. But it is supposed that tL* Almighty passed an eternity in inaction U || fore He walked up to create a world, and n |jpa must be satisfied to wait for the fulneajjf '} time. And we say again—All hail, Abn ham Liucoln !— Patriot $ Union. — TUB WHITE MAN ENSLAVED I Proclamation. 't • * v,JI . ,-m By the Presigent of the United Slates o America. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, It has become necessary to ca! into service, not only volunteers, but also por tioos of the militia of the States, by draft, ir order to suppress the insurrection existing it the United States ; and disloyal person* an not adeqately restrained by the ordinary pre cesees of the law from hindering this mcasun and from giving aid and - comfort iu variou ways to the insurrection ; Now, therefore, be it ordered, First —That during the existing insurret tion, and as a neccesary measure for sup \ pressing the same, all rebels and insurgent? itheir aiders and abbettors, within the Unite: > States, and all persons discouraging volunteer enlisments, resisting militia drafts, or gulin of any disloyal practice, affording aid and cow fort to the rebels against the authority of the United States, shall be subject to martial l*w and liable to trial and punishment by couru martial or military commissions. Second— That the writ of habeas corpm is suspended in respect to all persons arre-uvi • or who are now, or herafter, during the rebel ion, shall be imp-isoned in any fort, camp afsenal, military prisin or other place of con - finement, by any military authoiity or by tk 3k sentence of any court martial or military | Commission. In witness whereof, I have hereunto se' my hand and caused the seal of flic Unite. States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 24th dav of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, an. of the Independence of the United State-" the eighty seventh. ABRAHAM LIN COIN. By the President i WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. — *HE CONTRAST. DISLOYALTY. Benj. Wade, a peculiar favorite of the Sumner-Greeley-Wilinot-Landon Aboil tier ists, said in" his place in the United Statr* Senate, that the man who " quotes the Co stitution in this great crisis'is a traitor." LOTATTT. Daniel Webster, said :—•' The C institution of the United State is a written instrunu* a recorded FUNDAMENTAL LAW, it"■ 1 the bon I, the ONLY BOND OF HTE D ION of the Statesit is all that gives us n • tional character." All Gammon. The idea held out by some that Preside Lincoln isßued bis emancipation proclamstif when he did for fear of being forestalled b Jefferson Davis, is simply gammon. Abolition proclivities, and his fear of Gr ley & Co., hurried him into the measur That'B all there is of it.— Ex. Auditor's Nolhe. The undersigned .having been appointed by tb' Court of Common Plearof Wyoming, an auditor t distribute the fond arising from the Sheriff's sale 4 |j the real estafih Of Nlichael Siak, will attend to tt f 1 duties of his appointment at dir office in the borouf of Tankhannock, on Saturday, November Bth, 1862, at which time and place all persons having claim* said fund will present them or be debarred fW J coming in npon the same. IIARVEY SICKLER, Aud r Tankhannock, Oct. 8,1862, ** Administrator's Notice* The undersigned, having been appointed admin" trators of the estate of Lewis & Whitoomb, late * Windham Township, Wyoming County, dee'd, here by give notice to all persona indebted to said **" to call upon said aom'ra at their residence in ***' township and settle the samo, and to all persons b' ing claims against said estate, to present the - duly authenticated, to the subscribers at their | denoes aforesaid, or be debarred. ELIZABETH J, WHITCOMB, > . Wrf . I HENRY W. FAS6ETT, \ Tankhannock, Oct. 4, 1862.