cite Storih Brandt iSror A -BLVJITV SICKIJEH, Proprietor.] NEW SERIES, .Jft Terms —1 copy I year, (in advance) 91.50. If Snot pain within six months, 92.00 will be charged. ADVERTISING! 10 lines orj . I i I less, make three four 5 two \three j six j one one square wceks'^weekswio'th^mo' thiino' year 1 Square I,oo< 1,25> 2,25; 2,8/\ 3,00; 5,00 2 do. 2,00 2,50 3.25 3.501 4,50 6,00 3 do. 3,00 3,75 4,75; 5,50; 7,00 9,00 4 Column. 4,00 4,501 6,50; 8,00510,00; 15,00 * do. 6 00j 7,00; 10,00112,005 17,00? 25,00 * do. 8,00 9,50! 14,00 18,00s 25,005 35,00 II do. 10,00! 12,00; 17,005 22,P0R23,00*40,00 Business Cards of one square, with paper, 85. JOB WORK of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit the times. slrafss BACON STAND.—Nicholson, Pa. C. L JACKSON, Proprietor. [vln49tf] TJ S. COOPER, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON XI. Newton Centre, Luzerne County Pa. pEO. S. TUTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ij Tuukhannock, Pa. Office in Stark's Brick Block, Tioga street. WM. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Of fice in Stark's Brick Block, Tioga St., Tunk iPianiwek, Pa. |§T ITTLE & DEWITT, ATTORNEY'S AT mLJ LAW, Office on- Tioga street, Tunkhannock, R. R. LITTLK. 3. T)KWITT. J V. SMITH, M. D , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, • Office on Bridge Street, next door to the Demo unt Office, Tunkhannock, Pa. H ARVEY SICKLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW and GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT—Of fice, Bridge street, opposite Wall's Hotel, Tunkhan iiock Pa. , pwR. J. C. CORSELIUS, HAVING LOCAT- U ED AT THE FALLS, WILL promptly attend all calls in the line of his profession—mu v lie found at Boomer's Hotel, when not professionally absent. Falls, Oct. 10, 1861. T M. CAREY, M. D. — (Graduate of the E. J • M. Institute, Cincinnati) would respectfully announce to the citizens of Wyoming and Luzerne Counties, that heemtinues his regular practice in the various departments of his profession. May be found at his office or residence, when not professionally ab sent Particular attention given to the treatment Chronic Disc as. Contremoreland, Wyoming Co. Pa.—v2n2. I)R. J. C- BECKER Co., PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Wy oming that they have located at Mehoopany, where they will promptly attend to all calls in the live of their profession. May be found at his Drug Store when not professionally absent. H.HOADS, JVC. z>., (Graduate oj the University of Penn'a.) Respectfully offers his professional services to the [citizens of Tunkhannock and vicinity. He can he [found, when not professionally engaged, either at his [Drug Store, or at his resideuce on Putnam Street. WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE/ I TUNKHANNOCK, WYOMING CO., PA. jV 1 GIIS establishment has recently been refitted and B X furnished in the latest style. Every attention Swill be given to the comfort and convenience of those |wwiio patronize the House. T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor. Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861. INORTH BRANCH HOTEL, MESHOPPEN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA JptILEY WARNER, Prop'r. I' rT A VINO resumed the proprietorship of the above MQ Hotel, the undersigned will spare no effort to the house an agreeable place of sojourn for ,I*ll who may favor it with their custom. RILEY WARNER. Ig September 11,186 L MAYNARD'S HOTEL, TUN KFI AN NOCK, WYOMING COUNTY, PENXA. JOHN MAYNARD, Proprietor. ILTAVING taken the Hotel, in the Borough of Li Tunkhannock, recently occupied by Riley Varner, the proprietor respectfully solicits a share ot rnblic patronage. The House has been thoroughly epaired, and the comforts and accomodations of a irst class Hotel, will be found by all who may favor t with their custom. September 11, 1661. M.GILMAN, M OILMAN, has permanently located In Tunk • han nock Borough, and respectfully tenders his t||brofessional services to the citizens of this place and jßurroundlng country. W ALL WORK WARRANTED, TO GIVE >ATI3- ■HI'ACTION. HB tif Office over Tutton's Law Office, near th e Pos Jjgpffice. jj| Dec. 11. 1861. ' Blanks 22 Blanks !2 2 ■JF BLANK DEEDS SUMMONSES SUBPOENAES EXECUTIONS CONSTABLE'S SALES I Justice's, Constable's, and legal Blanks of all ■kinds, Neatly and Correctly printed on good Paper, for sale at the Office of the " North Branch LIMB FOR FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZER for sale at VERNOY'S. I Mesboppcn, Sept. 18,1861. |M's Corner. The Soldier's Letter. How sweet when night her misty veil Around the wear; soldier throws, And twilight's golden skies grow pale, And wooing winds invite repose, To sit beside the watchfire's blase, Where friendly comrades nightly oome, To sing the songs of other days, And talk of things we love at home— Of those we love, who list and wait, Beneath the same benignant moon, The postman's step behind the gate, With tidings from the absent one; And beaming smiles their thoughts reveal, And love is mirrored in their eyes, As eagerly they break the seal, Elate with joy and glad surprise, But dearer yet the shout that rings In exultation loud and clear, To hail the messenger who brings Letters from home and kindred dear: And 'neath the pale moon's shining light The soldier reads his treasure o'er, And through the hours of silent night, In dreams he visits home once more. In dreams he sits beside the hearth, Afar from camps and traitor's viles, And deems the dearest spot on earth Where loving wife and mother smiles; And many a faco almost forgot, And many a word so fondly spoken, Come flitting round the soldier's cot, Till the sweet dream at morn is broken. O, ye, who love the soldier well— Bid him be hopeful, brave and gay; Better he knows than you can tell, The perils that attend his way. Some word of hope in battle's hour, While striving with a vengeful foe, Has nerved the soldier's arm with power, To strike or ward the impending blow. The soldier brave is often prone To deem himself forgotten quite, A wanderer on the earth alone, When friends at home neglect to write. Then cheer him oft with words like these, And thus your deep affection prove; Let every keel that ploughs the seas Bear him some message full of love. I!)istcll;me