North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, September 17, 1862, Image 4

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The following table shows the number of
troops to be furnished by the several coun
ties. The quotas embrace all the troops call
ed for since the commencement of the war,
excepting the three months' men. The num
ber assigned to each county will be appor
tioned among the several townships, and bor
oughs and precincts by tho Commissioner, in
accordance with the enrolment j and he will
credit each township, precinct, &c., with the
men already furnished, as shown by the en
rolment, and make a draft for the number
necessary to fill the quota, unless volunteers
are furnished on or before the day fixed for
the draft. Credit cannot be allowed for
teamsters, mechanics in the army, men en
listed in regular army or marines, or for vol
unteers enlisted in regiments of other States.
Several counties have already raised their full
quotas, and there will be no draft in such
counties. The troops to be raised for the old
regiments are not embraced in this table.—
There will probably bo a special draft for
Adams 1,G46 | Juniata 959
Allegheny 2,114 j Lancaster 6,860
Armstrong 2,124 j Lawrence 1,369
Beaver 1,725 | Lebanon 1,706
Bedford 1,577 | Lehigh 1,878
Berks 5,532 J Luzerne 2,358
Blair, 1,694 j Lycoming 5,209
Bradford 2,944 | Mercer 2,18G
Bucks 4,753 | McKenn 2,529
Butler 1,986 j MilHin 963
Cambria 1,725 | Monroe 987
Cameron 278 | Montgomery 4,147
Carbon 1,250 | Montour 771
Chester 4,397 j Northampton.. 2,810
Centre 1,593 | N'thumberl'd.. 1,343
Clarion 1,504 | Perry 1,343
Clinton 1,045 | Philadelphia. .33,414
Clearfield 1,113 | Pike 433
Columbia 1,347 j Potter 674
Crawford 2,885 | Schuylkill 5,304
Cumberland... 2,377 | Snyder 890
Pauphin.< 1,891 | Somerset 1,583
Delaware 1,801 | Sullivan 244
Fric 2,923 | Susvuehanna. ..2,157
Elk 344 | Tioga 1,837
Fayette 2,363 | Union 837
Franklin 1,182 j Venango 1,482
Fulton 583 | Warren 1,113
Forest 52 | Washington 2,783
Greene 1,436 j Wayne 1,892
Huntingdon... 1,659 j Westmorel'd... 3,178
Indiana 1,902 j Wyoming 744
Jelferson 1,083 | York 005
1. Minors.
2. Those having conscientious scruples,
3. Those who are physically disabled.
4. Persons in the military service of the
United States.
5. Telegraph Operators and Constructors
engaged on Aug. sth.
6. Engineers of locomotives on railroads.
7. Artificers and workmen employed at
public arsenal or armory.
8. Vice President of the United States.
9. Judicial and Executive Officers of the
United States.
10. Members of both Houses of Congress.
11. Officers of both Houses of Congress.
12. Custom House Officers and Clerks.
13. Post Officers and Stage Drivers in
gliarge of mails.
14. Ferrymen on post roads.
15. Pilots.
16. Marines actually in sea service.
17. Engineers and Pilots of registered steam
ships and steamboats.
18. Persons in the army and navy of the
United Statea.
19. Ministers ami Preachers of the Gospel.
20. Professors of Colleges.
21. School Directors.
22. Judges of the State Courts.
23. Persons who have been honorably dis
charged from the army and navy in conse
quence of the performance of military duty.
24. Commissioned officers who 6hall have
served as 6uch in the militia of this State, ir
any one of the United States, for the space of
five consecutive years \ but no officer shall
be so exempt unless by his resignation after
such term of service duly accepted, or in
such other lawful manner he shall have been
honorably discharged.
25. Loss or imperfect vision of right eye.
26. Loss of all of the front teeth, and
enough of the molars to render mastificatlon
ira perfect.
27. Large or frequent attacks of hecsorr
fcoids, or chronic diarrhoea.
28. Deformations which impair free mo
tion of limbs.
29. Loss of more than one finger of right,
or two fingers of left hand. '
30. Large varicose veins above the knee.
31. Large or irreducible hernia. Cases of
neducible hernia are left to the sound discre
tion of the 6urgeon under the general princi
ples herein stated.
32. All organic or functional diseases caus
ing marked debility—heart diseases, epilep
sy, or organie diseases cflungs—will be caus
es of exemption.
As hints of what will not exempt, the fol
lowing may be remembered with profit:
Ist. Loss or imperfect vision of left eye.
2d. Partial loss cf front teeth.
3d. Slight or frequent attaeks of hemorr
4th. Slight deformities of limbs—with un
impaired motion.
sth. Loss of last joint of one or two fin
gers of left hand, or of one finger of tho right
Hand, other than the forefinger.
6th. Slight varicose veins, below the knee
or slight variococcle.
In regard to foreigners, the following may
be regarded as what will govern the Commis
sioners :
1. Every white male, of foreign birth, of
the age of twenty-one years and up to forty
five years, who shall have resided in the
United States one year, who shall have resid
ed in Ins state six months immediately pre
..on. to enrolment, „4 ,h.ll have <lhred
l"*is, , D ? bcojr ". citizen of the Uni
ted States conformab yto the lu
United States on the .object o} "ato ati,
tion, should be enrolled by the UommliT
sioners. wiiumis
| 2d. All persons of foreign birth, between
" rt, a S e3 of twenty-one and forty-five years
who have exercised the right of suffrage in'
this State, should be enrolled.
Of tho Democratic State Convention, held at Harris
burg, July 4, 1862. '
WHEREAS, The American Constitution is as or
dained and established by our fathers, in order to
form a more perfect Union, establish, justice, ensure
domestic tranquility, providefor the common defence , j
promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings
oj liberty to posterity; therefore,
Is/, RESOLVED, That the only object of (he I)cm
! ocratic party is the restoration of the Union as it
wa *, the preservation of the Constitution as it is.
j 'ld. RESOLVED, That to the end that the Union
be restored, and the Constitution and Laws enforced
\ throughout its whole extent , we pledge our hearty
I and unqualified support to the Federal Government
in the energetic prosecution of the existing war.
id. RESOLVED, That the true and only object of
the war is to restore the Union and enforce the laws.
Such a purpose alone is worthy the awful sacrifice
which it costs us of life and of treasure; with such
a purpose alone can we hope for success And those
who from sectional feeling or party or private mo
tives would give any other direction to the efforts of
our armies are unjust and unworthy to be entrusted
with power, and would cause all our exertions, ex
traordinary and unparalleled as they are, to prove
futile in the end.
4th. RESOLVED, That ice justly view with alarm
the reckless extravagance uh ich pervades sim.e of the
departments of the Federal Government, and that a
return to rigid economy and accountability is indis
pensable to arrest the systematic plunder of the pub
lic treasury by favored partizans, and that in view
of the recent startling developments of frauds and
corruptions at the Federal metropolis and through
out the country that we hold an entire change of ad
ministration to be imperatively demanded.
sth, RESOLVED, That the party fanaticism or
crime, whichever it may be called, that seeks to turn
the staves of Southern States loose to overrun the
North and enter into competition with the white la
boring masses, thus degrading and insulting their
manhood, by placing /hem on an equality with ne
groes in their occupation, is insulting to our race,
and merits our most emphatic and unqualified con
6th. RESOLVED. That we denounce Northern Ab
olitionism and Southern Secession as the co-operat
ing sources of our present calamities—alUce treason
able to the Constitution and inimicable to the Union.
The only way to a restored Union and a respected
Constitution with returning peace and prosperity
is th rough the overthrow of both.
7th. RESOLVED, That the Democracy of Pennsyl
vania is equally opposed to all sectional legislation
and geographical parties, which base their hope for
continued partisan success on the agrarianism of
emancipation and hypercritical philanthropy—abo
lition : because neither is known to the Constitution,
and both are intended to aid disunion and subvert
the Constitution, and to prevent the restoration,
unity, peace and concord among Stales and people.
Bth. RESOLVED, Th it the Constitution and the
laws are sufficient for any emergency, and that the
suppression of the freedom of speech and of the press,
and the unlawful arrest of eitizens, and the suspen
sion of the writ of habeas corpus in violation of Hit
Constitution in States where the civil authorities are
unimpeded, is most dangerous to civil liberty, and
should be resisted at the ballot-box by every freeman
in the land.
9th. RESOLVED, That this is a Government of
white men, and was established exclusively for the
white race; that the negro race are not entitled to
and ought not to be admitted to political or social
equality icilh the white race, but that it is our duty
to treat them with kindness and consideration, as an
inferior and dependent race; that the right of the
several States to determine the position and duties of
the race is a sovereign right, and the pledges of t/ie
Constitution requires us, as loyal citizens, not to in
i terfere therewith.
10 th. RESOLVED, That Congress has no power to
deprive any person of his property for any criminal
offence, unless that person has been first duly convic
ted of the offence by the verdict of a jury; and thai
all acts of Congress like those lately passed by the
House of Representatives, which assume toJorfcitor
confiscate the estates of men for offences of which
they have nut been convicted upon due trial by jury,
are unconstitutional, and lead to oppression and ty
ranny. It is no justification for such acts that the
crimes committed in the prosecution of the rebellion
arc of unexampled atrocity; nor is there any such
justification as Stale necessity known to our Govern
ment or laws.
1 1/A. RESOLVED, That the Constitution and Un
ion and the Laws must be preserved and maintained
in all their proper and rightful supremacy, and that
the rebellion now in arms against them must be sup
pressed and put down, and that it is our duly to use
cUI constitutional measures necessary and proper to
that end.
1 2th. RESOLVED, That the soldiers composing our
armies merit the warmest thanks of the nation.—
Their country called, and nobly did they respond
Living, they shall know a nation's gratitude; wound
ed,| a nation's care, and dying, they shall live in our
memories, and monuments shall be raised to teach
posterity to honor the patriots and heroes who offered
their lives at their country's altar. Their uiiloics
and orphans shall be adopted by the nation, to be
watched over, and cared for as the objects truly
worthy a nation's guardianship.
Adopted at the late Democratic County Convention,
held at Tunkhannock.
Is/. RESOLVED, That we unanimously endorse the
Resolutions of the Democratic Stale Convention held
at Harrisburg on the 4tli of July last.
'id. RESOLVED, lhat the unnecessary and injur
ions civil war," that is now desolating the country and
threatening the permanency of our government ceased
to be a political question from the. time that Congress
refused to adopt any measures of honorable compro
mise of the difficulties that had grown out of North
ern and Southern sectionalism, and the consequent
commencement of hostilities in the bombardment of
Fort Sumter—that from that lime there has been but
one proper mode of dealing wilh Hie question, name
ly, by keeping it distinct and separate from politics,
to unite the whole North in the effort to brin the re
bellion to an end by force; and this end, all conserva
tive men are called upon to unite with us in a deter
mined effort to create a United North, by putting
i down arid driving\to the wallthat misguided and'mis
chievous faction, whose sole aim is to impair northern
unity of purpose, and paralyze northern effort, by
forever intrudes" (he most unfortunate, fatal, and
disasttrous qf all political issues, (the issue of Nero
emancipation\ upon the peoples counsels; by persist
ently striving to coerce the President into the adop
\ tion of a policy that must prove fatal to the Union by
seeking to impair public confidence in the integrity
of the Administration ; ami by creating in the ranks
of our armies suspicion and distrust of the fidelity
and loyalty of their leaders.
3d. RESOLVED, That the "suspension of political
parlies until the close of the war," is only advbeated
by Ihe party in power, and because it is in power
that the utter hotloicness and hypocrisy of the advo
cates of this policy is shown by the fact that they are
scrupulously careful to keep up their own political
organization, and to keep all their political machinery
in full operation, as well as by the fact thai in the
multitude of civil appointmente made and being
made under Republican authority, none but Repub
licans "of the straightest sect," or renegade Demo
ocrats, are recognized.
4th. RESOLVED, That in all free governments there
have always been, ami must of necessity bo nt least
two political parties—that tho integrity, permanency
and fidelity of such governments to constitutional au
thority, imperatively dem and an opposition party
that without such party, there would be no accounta
bility, and without accountability no government can
be trusted. "No Party," therefore, simply means
"let there be no opposition to the plundering of the
government by government officials and favored par
tizans" It means, " let the party in power remain
in power, without question as to the mode in which
power may be exercised." It means "no criticism of
the conduct of government officials, whatever disaster
or ruin may follow." It means "no discussion of
measures of governmental policy." It means " silence 1
acquiescence, or imprisonment."
sth. RESOLVED, That in sustaining tho President
under the tremendous pressure to which he has been
subjected by the Radical wing, of his own party, the
Democratic party has afforded ample and conclusive
evidence of its desiro to give all its strength to the
suppressson of the rebellion and the restoration of tho
Union ; and that the responsibility for that absence of
unity of purpose in the North which is essential to
success, rests sololy with that party whose whole arm
has been to convert tho war into a miserable crusado
against the domestic institutions of the Southern States!
and in doing so, to overthrow the Constitution, and
render disunion perpetual. Therefore,
6th. RESOLVED, That the arrest and imprisonment
of loyal Democrats by order of an administration that
! ignores the open and avowed treason of a large body
of the members of its own party, is a monstrous exer
cise of despotic power that tho Democratic party of
the North is called upon to resist by all lawful and
constitutional means at its command—that it is no
part of the business of Democrats to discourage enlist
j ments and that this is not the truo motive of their ar
rest, is abundantly shown by the fact that those mem
bers of the Republican party who have constantly and
persistently labored to discourage enlistments because
the war has not been prosecuted to an unlawful and ru
inous purpose, (thatof nogro emancipation) have been
allowodtocontinuctheirlabors without even a word of
censure from the government.
fHI 3?MfiS TO
as ho intends for the future to sell exclusively for
thus making every man pay for his own work, with
out taxing him for the debts of those that never pay.
He will sell all kinds of the best custom made work
aLa lower figure than the slop work usually found in
oountry stores can be bought at.
lie ia constantly adding to his Urge stock of
and will keep on hand and make to order ell kinds o
SHOES, &e., Ac.
The Best Workmen
are employed in his manufacturing establishment,
and ho feols confident of his ability to give tho most
perfect satisfaction.
is noted for making the BEST and CHEAPEST Boots
and Shoes ever offered to the public, and in order to
sustain bis reputation, ho will spare neither earo nor
Ilis shop is first door below R. R. Little's Law Of
fice, where he is prepared to make to ordoi, and do
repairing on short notice.
My motto is, to use none but GOOD LEATHER —
not to purchase that which is boiled or rotten.
P. S. Orders for fine Sowed Boots particularly so
Tunkhannock, Aug 14, 1861
Tmikhaiinock to Pittston,
CONNECTING with STAGES running to and
from Wtlkes-Barre, and all other points, from
Pittston. Also, with stages running to and from To
wanda, Laecyville, Meshoppcn, Alontrose and other
oints, from Tunkhannock.
are engaged on this Line.
Extra Horses and Carriages constantly on hand,
from Tunkhannock to Springville, Mehoopany and
all other points off the line of regular Stage route.
J. RITTERSPAUGH, Proprietor.
Tunkhannock, September, 13, 1861.
ON and after Monday, November 25th 1861, Trains
will run as follows :
Leave Great Bend at 7:20 A. 51.
New Milford 7:39 "
Montrose 9:00 "
Hopbottom 8:23 "
Nicholson 8:40 "
Factory villc 904 "
Abington 9:20 "
SCRANTON 10:00 "
Moscow 10:41 "
Gouldsboro 11:07 "
Tobyhanna 11:20 "
Stroudsburg 12.32 P. 51:
Water Gap 12:46 •'
Columbia 1:00 '
Delaware 1:25 "
Hope (Philadelphia connection) •. 1:35 "
Oxford 1:53 "
Washington 2:10 "
Junction 2:32 "
Arrive at New York 5:30 "
Philadelphia 6:50 "
Leave New York from foot of Courtland
Street 8:00 A. 51.
Pier No. 2, North River, 7.-00 "
Philadelphia, from Kensington Depot 7:10 "
Leave Junction 11:15 <
Washington 11:33 "
Oxford 11:50 "
Hope (Philadelphia connection)•• 12:14 P. M.
Delaware *12:43 "
Col umbia * I .-00 "
Water Gap * 1:16 "
Stroudsburg •••1:30 "
Tobyhanna 2:42 "
Gouldsboro 2:55 "
Moscow 3,17 '•
Abington 4:40 "
Factory ville 4:56 "
Nicholson 5:16 "
Hopbottom 5:38 "
Montrose 6:00 "
New 51ilford 6:21 '
Arrive at Great Bend 6.-40 "
Tliesc Trains connect at Great Bend with tho
Night Express Trains both East and West on the
New York and Erie, and at Scranton with Trains on
Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, for Pittston,
Kingston and Wilkesbarre; aud the Train moving
South connects at Junction with Trains lor Bethle
hem, Mauch Chunk, Roading and Ilarrisburg.
Passengers to and from New York change ears a
Junction. To and From Philadelphia, via.B. D. U.
R., leave or take cars at Hope.
Foi Pittston, Kingston and Wilkcs-Barre, tako L.
& B. R. R. cars at Scranton.
For Jessup, Archbald and Carbondale, tako Omni
bus at Scranton.
Leaves Scranton 9:50 "
Abington 10:35 "
Factory villo 11:00 "
Nicholson 11:30 "
Hopbottom 12.05 P. M
Montrose 12:45 '•
New Milford "
Arrives at Great Bend 1.45 ••
Leaves Great Bend 2:10 P.M.
New slilford 2:35 "
Montrosein 3:05 •
Hopbotto 3:45 <1
Nicholson 4:15 u
Factory villo •••5:13
Abington 5:40
Arrives at Scranton 6:30 "
This Train leaves Scranton after the arrival of the
Train from Kingston, and connects at Great Bend
with the Day Express Trains both East and West on
New York and Erie.
Superintendent's Office, >
Scranton, Nov. 25, 1861. )
EITHER SEX in every neighborhood to sell J
IRON AND SUM-HUB POWDERS. Olive" tar is a thin
transparent fluid; it is the best remedy known for
diseases of the Throat, Lungs, or Catarrh. Also for
Diptheria, Oonp, Whooping Cough, Ac. My Iron
and Sulphur Powdors strengthen the system, aid the
digestion, and purify the blood. I have al6 page
pamphlet containing full explanations, and over 100
testimonials from well known prominent persons
which I will ond to any one frte. by mai'.
J. It. STAFFORD, Chemist,
v1n24,1y. 442 Broadway, New York
New Arrangement,
——— —
| Farmer's Store,
s§' ■
Wj < ~
r! Jfcw •Arrangements ®
s < <
O .AND £
5B 3WEW GOODS ! ft
m I
pB ( L. HARDING & CO, have on hand and are constantly
gO I*
c receiving a large Stock of j
£ I\l LI. & WINTER "S
I 189
g\ CS-ooti.s,
r"N ( ■ Tfl
( which they will sell for CASH OR
&JD At least 20 PER CENT LESS ©j
© J than those selling on the OLD CREDIT SYSTEM, >
Z Our •Motto:
Bl WANTED.—AII kinds of Grain Produce, Lumber, good v w
) Hemlock Shingles, Wool Socks, Sheep Pelts, Beef Hides, in
I fact everything that will sell, for which the highest market (
# ; price will he paid.
E. HARDING & CO. fr*
Nieholson Depot,
; Oct. 30th, 1861.
An Institution to Qualify Young Men for
D. W. Low EM., Principal, Professor of the Science of
Accounts, Practical Accountant, Author of Lowell's
Treatise upon Hook-Keeping, Diagrams illustrat
ing the same, Ac.
J.vo. RANKIN, Commercial Accountant, Professor of
Book-Keeping and Practical Mathematics.
A. J. WARNER, Professor of Practical and Ornament
al Penmanship, Commercial Calculations and Cor
J.J. CIRTII., Assistant Teacher in Bookkeeping
lion. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, LL, D Lecturer on Com
mercial Law and Political Economy.
Hon. RANSOM BALCOM, Lecturer on Contracts, Prom
isary Notes and Bills of Exchange.
Rov. Dr. E. ANDREWS, Lecturer on Commercial
Students can enter at any time j no vacation.
Graduates arc presented with an elegantly engraved
Diploma. Usual time required to complete full com
mercial course, from 8 to 12 weeks." Every student
is guaranteed to bo couipoteut to take charge of the
books of any business firm, and qualified to earn a
salary from SBOO to SISOO per annum. Assistance
rendered to graduates in obtaining situations. Board
$2 00 to $2 50 per week.
For particulars send for Circular, enclosing stamp.
Sljauiiifl, flair rutting,
Shop Opposite May
nard's Hotel.
Ladies' hair cut in the most fashionable style, ci
ther at his Saloon, or their residence, if desirable.
Mr. Berlinghof is recently (rom New York city,
whore ho was employod in tho boat establishments,
and consequently feels warranted in guaranteeing
satisfaction to all who may favor him with their cus
Opposite tlie Post-Oflicc.
WHERE may be found a general assort
ment of Ribbons, Bonnet Material, Flowers,
Ruches. Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Misses' and Chil
dren's Hats and Shakers, and all other articles in tho
millinery line, which will be offered at the lowest
market prices.
Please call and esamino before purchasing else
|-sf* Bleaching and repairing doao in good order,
and at the shortest notice.
FRUIT CANS, for preserving fruit, for sale by
Tunkhannock,September 11, 186!.
(Topper ®irr,
Heaters and Registers,
And, indeed, everything pertaining to their business
which they offer at PANIC PRICES.
up, at short notice.
JOBBING and REPAIRING of all kinds, prompt
ly and neatly done. Give them a call.
Tunkhannock, Sept. 11, 1961. ly.
TJIIS Mill has been lately rc-fittod and all tho
modern improvements added and is now in
charge of
of Proviaenec, Lnicrne county, one of tho best Mil
ler ihccountry.
Particular attention paid to
Custom Work,
which will be dono on short notice.
ALL WORK WARRANTF.D, and if not satisfac
torily done may be returned at tho expense of tho
FLOUR of all kinds, MEAL and FEED, constant
ly on hand and for sale, at tho Lowest Cash prices
t Cash or Flour paid for grain at tho Highest
Cash prices.
Miller, Proprietor-
ANEW and singularly successful remedy for TBI
cure of all Bilious diseases Costliness, liufi.
1 gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, llheumatisui. Feverj.
Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma
tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Bach
and Limbs, Female Complaints, <ftc. &c. Indeed,
▼cry few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi
cine is not more or less required, and much sick
ness and suffering might Ire prevented, if a harm
less lmt effectual Cathartic were more freely used.
No person can feel well while a eostire habit of
body prevails; besides, it soon generates serious and
often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided
bv the iimelv and judicious use of a good purgative.
This is alike' true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and
Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or
produce the deep seated and formidable distemper*
which load the hearses all over the land. Hence
reliable family physic is of the first important* t
the public health, and this Pill has been perfected
with consummate skill to meet that demand. An
extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profes
sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing
any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cure*
have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub
stantiated by persons of such exalted position and
character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Among the many eminent gentlemen who have
testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention:
Prof. J. M. LOCKE, Analytical Chemist, of Cin
cinnati, whose high professional character is en
dorsed by
JOHN MCLEAN, Judge of the Supreme Court el
the United States.
THOS. CORWIN, Secretary of the Treasury
Hon. J. M. WRIGHT, Governor of Indiaua.
N. LONOWORTH. great wine grower of the West
Also, DR. J. R. CHILTON, Practical Chemist, of
New York City, endorsed by
HON. XV. L. MARCY, Secretary of State.
WM. B. ASTOR, the richest man in America.
S. LELAND & Co., Propr's of the Metropolitan
Hotel, and many others.
Did space permit, we could give tnany hundred
certificates, from all parts where the I'ili* have
been used, but evidence even more convincing than
the experience of eminent public men is found iai
their effects upon trial.
These Pills, the result of long investigation and
study, are offered to the public as the best and
most complete which the present state of medical
science can afford. They are compounded not of
the drags themselves, but of the medicinal virtues
only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical
process in a state of purity, and combined together
in such a manner as to insure the la>t results. Thiß
' system of composition for medicines has Iveon found
in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce u
more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob
tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob
vious. While by the old mode of composition, every
medicine is burdened with more or less of acri
monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi
vidual virtue only that is desired for the curativ*
effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual
ities of each substance employed are left behind, th*
curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is
self-evident the effects should prove, as they have
proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer,
more powerful antidote to disease than any other
medicine known to the world.
As it is frequently expedient that my medicine
should be takcu under the counsel of an attending
Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a
remedy without knowing its composition, I have
supplied the accurate formulae by which both my
Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of
Practitioners in the States ai.d British Amer
ican Provinces. If, however, there should l>c any
one who has not received them, they will be
promptly forwarded by mail to his request.
Of all the Patent Medicines that arc offered, how
few would be taken if their composition was known
Their life consists in their mystery. 1 have ue
The composition of my preparations is laid open
to all men. and all who are competent to judge on
the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of
their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was
pronounced by scientific nien to be a wonderful
medicine before its effects were known. Many em
inent Physicians have declared the same thing of
my Pills, and even more confidently, and arc will
ing to certify that their anticipations were more
than realized" by their effects upon trial.
They operate by their powerful influence on th*
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it
into he lthy action—remove the obstructions of
the ston.aeh. bowels, liver, and other organs of the
bodv, restoring their irregular action to health, and
by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange
ments as are the tir>t orisrin of disease.
Being sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take,
and being purely vegetable, no harm can arhic from
their use in anv quantity.
For minute directions, sec wrapper or, the Bex.
Practical and Analytical Chemist,
Jrico 25 Cents per Box. Five Eoxe* for $1
S. Stark, Tunkhannock ; T D. Spring, Laceyville
Harding & Co., Nicholson; E iJ. Frcar, Fnctoi y
ville, and by dealers in Medicines everywhere.
ORATOR will restore hair to the bald head, give
now life and restore to original color gray hair
cause red hair to grow dark. Is warranted to bring
out a thick sot of
in from three to six weeks. This article is the onli*
one of the kind used by the Fiench, and in Londoy
and Paris it is in universal use.
It is a beautiful economical, soothing, yet stimula
ting compound, acting as if by magic ui<on the roots,
causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If ap
plied to the scalp it will euro BALDNESS, and cause to
spring up in place of the bald spots a tine growth of
new hair Applied according to directions, it will
turu RED or light hair DAIIK, and restore gray hair
to its original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flex
ible. The " ONGUEXT "is an indispensable artiel.
in every gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use
they would not for any consideration be without it.
The subscribers are the only Agents fur tho article
in the Inited States, to whom all orders must be ad
Price ONE; DOLLAR a box—for sale by all Druggists
and Dealers —or a box of the " onguent," warrsuticd
to have the desired effect, will be sent to any, who pa
sire it, by mail, (direct) securely packed, on reecip
of price and postage, SI.IS,
Apply to or address HORACE WOODL
South 7th St., cor. Grund, Williiimsburth.n
For the Relief of the Sick iS- Distressed, afflicted iritli
Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially
for the Cure of Diseases if the Sexual Organs
Medical advice given gratis, by the /Voting Surgeon
Valuablo Reports on Spermatorrhoea or Seuiinal
Woakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs,
and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensa
ry, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, freo
of charge. Two or three stamjis for postage will ho
acceptable, Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH
TON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 S.
Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. [vlnsoly.
This preparation, tnado from the best Java Coffee,
is recommended by physicians as a suj>crior NUTRI
TIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspep
sia, and all billious disorders. Thousands who have
been compiled to abandon tho use of coffeo will use
this without injurious effects. One can contains the
strength of two pounds ef ordinary coffee. Price 2S
Tho purest and best BAKING POWDKR know*,
for making light, sweet and nutritious Bread and
eakes. Price 15 cents
M. 11. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
Corner of Broad aud Chestnut Streets, Phil'a.,
And sold by all Druggists and Grocers.