THE AGGREGATE Q,UOTA OF TROOPS TO BE RAISED BY EACH COUNTY. The following table shows the number of troops to be furnished by the several coun ties. The quotas embrace all the troops call ed for since the commencement of the war, excepting the three months' men. The num ber assigned to each county will be appor tioned among the several townships, and bor oughs and precincts by tho Commissioner, in accordance with the enrolment j and he will credit each township, precinct, &c., with the men already furnished, as shown by the en rolment, and make a draft for the number necessary to fill the quota, unless volunteers are furnished on or before the day fixed for the draft. Credit cannot be allowed for teamsters, mechanics in the army, men en listed in regular army or marines, or for vol unteers enlisted in regiments of other States. Several counties have already raised their full quotas, and there will be no draft in such counties. The troops to be raised for the old regiments are not embraced in this table.— There will probably bo a special draft for those: Adams 1,G46 | Juniata 959 Allegheny 2,114 j Lancaster 6,860 Armstrong 2,124 j Lawrence 1,369 Beaver 1,725 | Lebanon 1,706 Bedford 1,577 | Lehigh 1,878 Berks 5,532 J Luzerne 2,358 Blair, 1,694 j Lycoming 5,209 Bradford 2,944 | Mercer 2,18G Bucks 4,753 | McKenn 2,529 Butler 1,986 j MilHin 963 Cambria 1,725 | Monroe 987 Cameron 278 | Montgomery 4,147 Carbon 1,250 | Montour 771 Chester 4,397 j Northampton.. 2,810 Centre 1,593 | N'thumberl'd.. 1,343 Clarion 1,504 | Perry 1,343 Clinton 1,045 | Philadelphia. .33,414 Clearfield 1,113 | Pike 433 Columbia 1,347 j Potter 674 Crawford 2,885 | Schuylkill 5,304 Cumberland... 2,377 | Snyder 890 Pauphin.< 1,891 | Somerset 1,583 Delaware 1,801 | Sullivan 244 Fric 2,923 | Susvuehanna. ..2,157 Elk 344 | Tioga 1,837 Fayette 2,363 | Union 837 Franklin 1,182 j Venango 1,482 Fulton 583 | Warren 1,113 Forest 52 | Washington 2,783 Greene 1,436 j Wayne 1,892 Huntingdon... 1,659 j Westmorel'd... 3,178 Indiana 1,902 j Wyoming 744 Jelferson 1,083 | York 005 THOSE WHO ARE EXEMPT. 1. Minors. 2. Those having conscientious scruples, 3. Those who are physically disabled. 4. Persons in the military service of the United States. 5. Telegraph Operators and Constructors engaged on Aug. sth. 6. Engineers of locomotives on railroads. 7. Artificers and workmen employed at public arsenal or armory. 8. Vice President of the United States. 9. Judicial and Executive Officers of the United States. 10. Members of both Houses of Congress. 11. Officers of both Houses of Congress. 12. Custom House Officers and Clerks. 13. Post Officers and Stage Drivers in gliarge of mails. 14. Ferrymen on post roads. 15. Pilots. 16. Marines actually in sea service. 17. Engineers and Pilots of registered steam ships and steamboats. 18. Persons in the army and navy of the United Statea. 19. Ministers ami Preachers of the Gospel. 20. Professors of Colleges. 21. School Directors. 22. Judges of the State Courts. 23. Persons who have been honorably dis charged from the army and navy in conse quence of the performance of military duty. 24. Commissioned officers who 6hall have served as 6uch in the militia of this State, ir any one of the United States, for the space of five consecutive years \ but no officer shall be so exempt unless by his resignation after such term of service duly accepted, or in such other lawful manner he shall have been honorably discharged. 25. Loss or imperfect vision of right eye. 26. Loss of all of the front teeth, and enough of the molars to render mastificatlon ira perfect. 27. Large or frequent attacks of hecsorr fcoids, or chronic diarrhoea. 28. Deformations which impair free mo tion of limbs. 29. Loss of more than one finger of right, or two fingers of left hand. ' 30. Large varicose veins above the knee. 31. Large or irreducible hernia. Cases of neducible hernia are left to the sound discre tion of the 6urgeon under the general princi ples herein stated. 32. All organic or functional diseases caus ing marked debility—heart diseases, epilep sy, or organie diseases cflungs—will be caus es of exemption. As hints of what will not exempt, the fol lowing may be remembered with profit: Ist. Loss or imperfect vision of left eye. 2d. Partial loss cf front teeth. 3d. Slight or frequent attaeks of hemorr hoids. 4th. Slight deformities of limbs—with un impaired motion. sth. Loss of last joint of one or two fin gers of left hand, or of one finger of tho right Hand, other than the forefinger. 6th. Slight varicose veins, below the knee or slight variococcle. In regard to foreigners, the following may be regarded as what will govern the Commis sioners : 1. Every white male, of foreign birth, of the age of twenty-one years and up to forty five years, who shall have resided in the United States one year, who shall have resid ed in Ins state six months immediately pre ..on. to enrolment, „4 ,h.ll have Scranton, Nov. 25, 1861. ) WANTED -A RESPECTABLE PERSON OF EITHER SEX in every neighborhood to sell J R. STAFFORD'S OUVF. TAR, and also J.R. STAFFORD'S IRON AND SUM-HUB POWDERS. Olive" tar is a thin transparent fluid; it is the best remedy known for diseases of the Throat, Lungs, or Catarrh. Also for Diptheria, Oonp, Whooping Cough, Ac. My Iron and Sulphur Powdors strengthen the system, aid the digestion, and purify the blood. I have al6 page pamphlet containing full explanations, and over 100 testimonials from well known prominent persons which I will ond to any one frte. by mai'. J. It. STAFFORD, Chemist, v1n24,1y. 442 Broadway, New York New Arrangement, ——— — | AT THE | Farmer's Store, s§' ■ • * NICHOLSON, WYOMING CO. PA. i Wj < ~ r! Jfcw •Arrangements ® s < < O .AND £ 5B 3WEW GOODS ! ft © i TERMS: POSITIVELY READY PAY. J** m I pB ( L. HARDING & CO, have on hand and are constantly gO I* c receiving a large Stock of j £ I\l LI. & WINTER "S I 189 g\ CS-ooti.s, r"N ( ■ Tfl ( which they will sell for CASH OR &JD At least 20 PER CENT LESS ©j © J than those selling on the OLD CREDIT SYSTEM, > Z Our •Motto: t SMALL PROFITS & READY PAY f Si Bl WANTED.—AII kinds of Grain Produce, Lumber, good v w ) Hemlock Shingles, Wool Socks, Sheep Pelts, Beef Hides, in I fact everything that will sell, for which the highest market ( # ; price will he paid. E. HARDING & CO. fr* Nieholson Depot, ; Oct. 30th, 1861. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, BINC.IIAMTON, N. Y. An Institution to Qualify Young Men for Business. D. W. Low EM., Principal, Professor of the Science of Accounts, Practical Accountant, Author of Lowell's Treatise upon Hook-Keeping, Diagrams illustrat ing the same, Ac. J.vo. RANKIN, Commercial Accountant, Professor of Book-Keeping and Practical Mathematics. A. J. WARNER, Professor of Practical and Ornament al Penmanship, Commercial Calculations and Cor respondenee. J.J. CIRTII., Assistant Teacher in Bookkeeping Dopartment. LECTURERS, lion. DANIEL S. DICKINSON, LL, D Lecturer on Com mercial Law and Political Economy. Hon. RANSOM BALCOM, Lecturer on Contracts, Prom isary Notes and Bills of Exchange. Rov. Dr. E. ANDREWS, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. Students can enter at any time j no vacation. Graduates arc presented with an elegantly engraved Diploma. Usual time required to complete full com mercial course, from 8 to 12 weeks." Every student is guaranteed to bo couipoteut to take charge of the books of any business firm, and qualified to earn a salary from SBOO to SISOO per annum. Assistance rendered to graduates in obtaining situations. Board $2 00 to $2 50 per week. For particulars send for Circular, enclosing stamp. n5-ly. TtiTuiTiTiiitr Sljauiiifl, flair rutting, AND SHAMPOOING SALOON. Shop Opposite May nard's Hotel. Ladies' hair cut in the most fashionable style, ci ther at his Saloon, or their residence, if desirable. Mr. Berlinghof is recently (rom New York city, whore ho was employod in tho boat establishments, and consequently feels warranted in guaranteeing satisfaction to all who may favor him with their cus om. " WTKE JJLSIES ~ NEW SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY ! ! AT MRS. BAHDWET.L'S, Opposite tlie Post-Oflicc. WHERE may be found a general assort ment of Ribbons, Bonnet Material, Flowers, Ruches. Straw and Fancy Bonnets, Misses' and Chil dren's Hats and Shakers, and all other articles in tho millinery line, which will be offered at the lowest market prices. Please call and esamino before purchasing else where. |-sf* Bleaching and repairing doao in good order, and at the shortest notice. 36—3m FRUIT CANS, for preserving fruit, for sale by MILLS & ROSS. Tunkhannock,September 11, 186!. STOVE & TIN-WARE MANUFACTORY, TUSK II A N NOC K, Pa. MILLS & ROSS, MANUFACTURE ANI) DEAL IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF TIN, SHEET-lE©^ AND (Topper ®irr, COOKING, PARLOR, AND BOX STOVES STO VE PIPE & FURNITURE, Heaters and Registers, PUMPS, ZINC, LEAD PIPE, JAPANNED AND BRITANIA WARE, And, indeed, everything pertaining to their business which they offer at PANIC PRICES. ROOFING, GUTTERS and CONDUCTORS, put up, at short notice. JOBBING and REPAIRING of all kinds, prompt ly and neatly done. Give them a call. Tunkhannock, Sept. 11, 1961. ly. TRYTHE NICHOLSON MILLS!! (NEAR DACONS OLD STAND.) TJIIS Mill has been lately rc-fittod and all tho modern improvements added and is now in charge of MH. WIUT, of Proviaenec, Lnicrne county, one of tho best Mil ler ihccountry. Particular attention paid to Custom Work, which will be dono on short notice. ALL WORK WARRANTF.D, and if not satisfac torily done may be returned at tho expense of tho subscribers. FLOUR of all kinds, MEAL and FEED, constant ly on hand and for sale, at tho Lowest Cash prices t Cash or Flour paid for grain at tho Highest Cash prices. N, R. WINT, P. B. BALDWIN, Miller, Proprietor- ANEW and singularly successful remedy for TBI cure of all Bilious diseases Costliness, liufi. 1 gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, llheumatisui. Feverj. Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Bach and Limbs, Female Complaints, t results. Thiß ' system of composition for medicines has Iveon found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce u more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with more or less of acri monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curativ* effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, th* curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove, as they have proved, more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be takcu under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate formulae by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of Practitioners in the States ai.d British Amer ican Provinces. If, however, there should l>c any one who has not received them, they will be promptly forwarded by mail to his request. Of all the Patent Medicines that arc offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known Their life consists in their mystery. 1 have ue mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men. and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific nien to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and arc will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized" by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on th* internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into he lthy action—remove the obstructions of the ston.aeh. bowels, liver, and other organs of the bodv, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as are the tir>t orisrin of disease. Being sugar-wrapped, they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arhic from their use in anv quantity. For minute directions, sec wrapper or, the Bex. PKF.I'ARED BY DR. JAMES G. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Jrico 25 Cents per Box. Five Eoxe* for $1 SOLD BY S. Stark, Tunkhannock ; T D. Spring, Laceyville Harding & Co., Nicholson; E iJ. Frcar, Fnctoi y ville, and by dealers in Medicines everywhere. MRS. WOOD'S NIMIINIIR OIUIIT. FOR WHISKERS AND HAIR. THE STIMULATING ONGI EXT AND INVIO ORATOR will restore hair to the bald head, give now life and restore to original color gray hair cause red hair to grow dark. Is warranted to bring out a thick sot of WHISKERS CR A MUSTACHE ! in from three to six weeks. This article is the onli* one of the kind used by the Fiench, and in Londoy and Paris it is in universal use. It is a beautiful economical, soothing, yet stimula ting compound, acting as if by magic uicrior NUTRI TIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspep sia, and all billious disorders. Thousands who have been compiled to abandon tho use of coffeo will use this without injurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds ef ordinary coffee. Price 2S cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAINj Tho purest and best BAKING POWDKR know*, for making light, sweet and nutritious Bread and eakes. Price 15 cents MANUFACTURED BY M. 11. KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad aud Chestnut Streets, Phil'a., And sold by all Druggists and Grocers. vlujOly