North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, September 17, 1862, Image 2

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    States and of the several States shall be bound
by oath or affirmation to support this Con
stitution ; but no religious test shall ever be
required as a qalideation to any office, or pub
lie trust, under the United States.
1. The ratification of the conventions of
nine States shall be sufficient for the estab
lishment of this Constitution between the
States so ratifying the same.
1/one in Convention, by the unauimous con
sent ®f the States present, the seventeeth
day of September in the year of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and eighty
seven, and of the Independence of the United
States of America the twelfth. In witness
Whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our
President, and deputy from Virginia.
John Langdon, George Read,
Nicholas Gilman. Gunning Bedford, jr.,
John Dickinson,
MASSACHUSETTS. Richard Bassett,
Nathaniel Gorman. Jacob Broom.
Kufus King.
William S. Johnson, James M' Ilenry,
Roger Sherman, Daniel of St. T. Jenifer,
Daniel Carroll.
Alexander Hamilton. John Blair,
James Maddison, jr.
William Liviingston, William Blount,
David Brearly, Richard Dobbs Spaight
William Patterson, Hugh Williamson.
Jonathan Dayton.
Benjamin Franklin, John Itutledgc,
Thomas Mifflin, Charles C. Pickney,
Robert Morris, Charles Pickney,
George Clymer. Pierce Butler,
Thomas Fitzsimons,
Jared Ingersoll, GEORGIA.
James Wilson, William Few,
Gouverneur Morris. Abraham Baldwin.
Attest, WILLIAM JAGKSON, Secretary.
Art. 1. Congress 6hall make no law respect,
ing an establishment of religion, or prohibit
ing the free exercise thereof: or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peacably to assemble, and
to petition the Government for a redress of
Art. 2 A well regulated militia being ne
cessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed.
Art. 3 No soldier shall in time of peace be
quartered in any bouse without the consent
of the owner; nor in time of war, but in a
manner to be prescribed by law.
Art. 4. The right of the people to be secure
in their persons, houses, papers and effiects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures)
shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall
issue but upon probable cause, supported by
oath or affirmation, and particularly descri
bing the place to be searched, and the per.
sons or things to be seized.
Art. 5. No person shall be held to answer
for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, un
less on a presentment or indictment of a grand
jury, except in cases arising in the land or
naval forces, or in the militia when in actual
service in time of war, or public danger: nor
6hall any person be subject for the same of"
fence, to be put twice in jeopardy of life or
limb ; nor shall be compelled, in any criminal
case, to be witness against himself; nor be
deprived of life, liberty or property, without
due process of law ; nor shall private property
be taken for public use without just compen
Art. 6. In all criminal prosecutions, the
accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and
public trial, by an impartial jury of the State
and district wherein the crime shall have been
ccmmitted, which district shall have been
previously ascertained by law, and to be in
formed of the nature and cause of the accu
sation : to be confronted with the witnesses
against him ; to have compulsory process for
obtaining witnesses in his favor ; and to have
the assistance of counsel for his defence.
Art. 7. In suits at common law where the
value in controversy shall exceed twenty dol
lars, the right of trial by jury shall be pre
served ; and no lact tried by jury shall be
otherwise re-examined in any court of the
United States than according to the rules of
the common law.
Art. 8. Excessive bail shall not be required
nor excessive fines imposed, nor "cruel and
unusual punishments inflicted.
Art. 9. Theennumeration in the Constitu
tion of certain rights shall not be construed to
deny or disparage others retained by the
Art. 10. The powers not delegated to
the United States by the Constitution nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to
the States respectively, or to the people.
Art. 11. The judicial power of the United
States shall not be constructed to extend to
any suit in law or equity commenced or pros
ecuted against one of the United States by
citizens of another State, or by citizens or
subjects of another State or by citizens or
subjects of any foreign State.
Art. 12. Sec. 1. The electors shall meet
in their respective States, and vote by ballot
for President and Vice President, one of
whom at least, shall not be an inhabitant nf
the same State with themselves ; they shall
name in their ballots the person voted for as
President, and in distinct ballots the person
voted for as vice President; and they shall
make distinct lists of all persons voted for as
President, and of all persons voted for as
C ice President, and of the number of votes
• for each, which list they shall sign and cer
tify, and transmit sealed to the seat of Gov
ernment of the United States, directed to
the President of the Senate ; the President of
the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate
and House of Representatives, open all the
certificates, and the votes shall then be
counted; the person having the greatest niyu
ber of votes for President shall be the Presi
dent, if such number be a majority of the
whole number of electors appointed ; and if
no person have such a majority, then from
the persons having the highest numbers, not
exceeding three, on the list of those voted for
as President, the House of Representatives
shall choose immediately by ballot the Presi
dent. But in choosing the President, the
votes shall be taken by States, the repre
sentation from each State having one vote ; a
quorum for this purpose shall consist of a
member or members from two-thirds of the
States, and a majority of all the States shall
be necessary to a choice. And if the House
of Representatives 6hall not choose a Presi
dent whenever right of choice shall de
volve upon them, before the fourth day of
March next following, then the Vice Presi
dent shalPact as President, as in the case of
the death or other constitutional disability ef
the President.
Sec. 2. The person having the greatest
number of votes as Vice President, shall be
the Vice President, if such number be a ma
jority of the whole number of electors ap
pointed : and if no person have a majority,
then from the two highest numbers on the
list, the Senate shall choose the Vice Presi
dent ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist
of two- thirds of the whole number of Sena
tors, and a majority of the whole number
shall be necessary to a choice.
Sec. 3. But no person constitutionally in
eligible to the office of President shall be
eligible to that of Vice President of the United
NOTE.— At the fourth Presidential election, Thom
as Jefferson and Aaron Burr were the Itemocraticcan
didates for President and Vice President. By the elec
toral returns they had an even number of votes. In
the House of Representatives, Burr, by intrigue, got
up a party to vote for him for President; and the
House was so divided that there was a tie. A contest
was carried on for several days, and so warmly, that
even sick members were brought to the House on
their beds. Finally one of Burr's adherents with
drew, aud Jefferson was elected by one majority—
which was the occasion of this twelfth article.
The New York If or 11, a strong Republi
cau paper, has the following remarks in a re
cent issue :
" President Lincoln and his chosen advis.
ers must be less tenderly dealt with. They
must be held more sternly to their responsi
bilities. They must be made to feel some
thing of the dreadful earnestness which sur
charges the heart of the people. They must
learn to respect the right of the people, and
to treat the people as their masters, and not
as their servants. They must tolerate free
dom of loyal speech, and renounce all idea of
intimidating the loyal press.
We have shut our eyes to much that, in
our sober judgment, was worth}' of blaine—
believing that almost any evil was less inju
rious than distrust, and hoping that time
would amend all errors. Time did not amend
them. It aggravated them. When it at
last brought the arbitritary arrest of loyal
men. we could hold our peace no longer.—
Faithfulness to the cause forbade it. To our
mind, such a violation of law and justice was
contrary to every principle this war seeks to
vindicate* It was robbing loyal minds of
their highest ideas, and loyal hearts of their
holiest supports. It was arming the rebels
with new arguments. It was providing for
eigners with new sneers. It tended to noth
ing but discouragement, disgrace and ruin.—
We protested against it. We shall continue
to protest. We shall piotest against all
things like it. From this time forth wc shall
do our whole duty in respect to this Admin
istration. We shall criticise without reserve
—approving aud condemning, applauding and
denouncing, as freely as in the days of puace.
The conviction has been forced upon us that
so only can we fitly discharge our duty to
the country in its awful perils.
The people are now realizing the bitter
consequences of undue confidence in the man
agement of the administration. The aban
donment of free criticism, which followed the
disaster at Bull Run, and the disposition to
trust everything to the discretion of the
President, have terminated in an accumula
tion of disaster and disgrace, that appals and
sickens every heart. Magnificent armies
beaten, incomputable treasure wasted, and
two hundred thousand lives sacrificed, the
capital still beleaguered, the border States
lost, loyal States menaced by invasion—all
this, too, when the enemy started with an
almost absolute destitution of every war nec
essary, and is still imperfectly equipped, rag
ged, and haif furnished—it is enough to drive
even calm men mad. Considering the avail
able means and the actual icaults, it is the
most disgraceful failure recorded against any
government in modern history. And this is
the requital of the people's confidence. This
is the fruit of deferential silence when Abra
ham Lincoln choose to relieve his subordi
nates by making haste to assume the respons
ibility. It is high time that this paisiveness
was ended."
The following is the sixth of the series of
resolutions composing the platform of the Re
publican party, as adopted at the Chicago
Convention, in 18G0:
Resolved, That the People justly view with
alarm the reckless extravagance which per
vades ever}' department of the Federtl Gov
ernment ; that a return to rigid economy and
accountability is indispensable to arrest the
systematic plunder of the Public Treasury by
favored partisans—while the recent startling
developments of fraads and corruptions at the
Federal Metropolis show that an entire change
of Administration is imperatively demanded."
The following confession was made by the
Hon. Mr Dawes, a Republican member of
Congress from Massachusetts, on the 25th
of April, in which he exposed the corruptions
of Lincoln's Adininistuation :
" The gentlemen must remember that in the
first year of a Republican Administration,
which came into power upon professions of
Rcfore and Entrenchment, there is indubitable
evidence abroad in the land that somebody
has plundered the public treasury well nigh
in that single year as much as the entire cur
rent yearly expenses of the Government du
ring the Administration which the people
hurled from power because of its corruption.'
®|e thmocvat.
Wednesday, Sept. 17, 1862.
ISAAC SLENKER, of Union County.
JAMES P. BARR, of Allegheny Co.
HON. WM. EL WELL, of Bradford County.
GEORGE D. JACKSON, of Suliivan County.
JOHN C. ELLIS, of Montour County.
TIIEEON VAUGHN, of Mehoopany.
HARVEY SICKLER, of Tunkhannock Bor.
JAMES R. MULLISON, of Tunkhannock Tp.
J. M. CAREY, of Northmoreland.
JOHN G. SPAULDING, of Forkston.
We intentionally delayed any notice of the
covert treason that characterized Senator
Landons speech before the Rep. Co, Conven
tion, in this place, on the 3d inst., hoping that
some of the members of his own party, im
itating the example of the conservative re
publicans of Bradford, would come out and
openly denounce and regret such insiduous
attempts to undermine and overthrow the
government of our fathers. This we had a
right to expect of them, and we were willing
that they should take to themselves, the
credit_of voluntarily inaugurating the move
ment. We knew, also, that under their "no
party" profession, they have wrought their
partizan fanaticism up to such a point that
they would want no better reason for put
ting a man forward for office, than that h#
was objectional to those who might claim
the right to disagree with them. We were
not willing that any thing we might say,
should influence them, to inflict such a scan
dal upon themselves, as his nomination
would be, in such times as these, when the
country must also suffer immensely from the
The most influential rnon of his party, have
denounced him in unmeasured terms, and
declared that they would never again sup
port him for any office. We did not wish
that our denunciations of this gross viola
lation of his own pledges, voluntarily made
of his base betrayal of his constituents, in
supporting the tonnage tax swindle—should
induce these '• no party" men to put him in
nomination, simply to gratify a spirit of par
ty opposition. We had a right to take them
at their word, depending upon their own
pledges that we should never again be made
the victims of this man's treachery. We had
a right to expect of them, claiming as they do
to be loyal, conservative men, that they
would not thrust upon us this foul mouthed,
foul hearted radical. As men who profess to
be fighting for the Union and the mainte
nance of law, we did expect that they would
not put the man, who declares that the con
stitution is wrong, and should be overthrown,
and who prays for the success of our arms,
and for the restoration of the Union, but for
neither until slavery is done away with, —we
say that we did not expect that they would en
deavor to put such a man in a position whero
he might the better bo enabled to accomplish
bis treasonable objects. In this, however, wc
have been disappointed, and as a last resort,
we appeal to the loyal heart of a loyal people,
to resist the slanders of this foul-mouthed
calumniator, who declares that the Consti
tution of our fathers should be torn to shreds
and trampled under foot, and that the govern
ment established by Washington " has been
grinding the r erg souls out of men" Such
were the infamous slanders that were offered
to the sacred memory of Washington, and
were cheered by the pretended patriots, who
composed that convention.
They were told that they were abolitionists,
and that they must not deny it, that these
are the times for radicals.
Not only this, but the speaker had the
daring effrontery to assume to tell them what
Washington would say if he was here. "It is
not far us to say what he would say if he
was here. He has spoken for himself and
with a pertinency and potency that could not
be bettered if he were hore among us. He
has admonished us that we should " cherish a
cordial, habitual, immoveable attachment to
our union, accustoming ourselves to think and
speak of it as of 4 the palladium of our politi
cal safety and prosperity, watching for its
preservation with jealous anxiety, and dis
countenancing whatever may suggest a sus
picion that it can in any event be abandoned.''
Such arc the admonitions that Washington
himself has bequeathed to us, Washington
himself a slaveholder, and yet the man
who dares to speak for him ,in the same
speech, proclaims the infamous dcgma " no
union with slaveholders." We appeal to the
people to say whether they will endorse this
slander by voting for their author.
The conferees representing the Representa
tive District composed of the counties of Co
lombia, Mountour, Wyoming and Sullivan,
met at Laporteon Friday Sept. 12th, 18G2,
pursuant to adjournment. The following
conferees were present:
Columbia—Alina9 Cole and W. T. Sbu
Montour—Dr. L. F. Caldwell and Wra.
Wyoming—Harvey Sickler and John G.
Sullivan—John G. Wright, and Michael
The Meeting organized by choosing Dr. L.
F. Caldwell, of Newton, Chairman, and Har
vey Sickler and Michael Meylert, Secretaries.
The conferees having presented their cre
dentials, and all proving satisfactory to the
conference, William Mowry nominated John
C. Ellis, of Montour County, and John G.
Wright, and George D. Jackson, of Sullivan
County, as candidates to represent this Rep
resentativo District in the next Legislature
of this State.
On motion, the Nominations were closed,
and John C. Ellis, of Montour County, and
George D. Jackson of Sullivan, were declar
ed unanimously nominated by this confer
Ilarvey Sickler, of Wyoming, moved that
in consequence of Montour and Sullivan
Counties, having the candidates for Repre
sentatives, the Delegates to the next State-
Convention be conceded to Wyoming anu
Columbia—which was unanimously agreed
J. G. Spalding, of Wyoming, moved that
in accordance with the resolutions of their
County Convention, the candidates for the
next year be conceded to Wyoming and Co
lumbia, which resolution was voted down.
Michael Meylert then moved, that, in ac
cordance with previous arrangements, the
candidates be conceded for the present term
of two years, to Columbia and Wyoming
Counties, and that this be considered the
permanent arrangement, while our Repre
sentative District remains the same.
Messrs Sickler, Sherman and Cole, were
appointed a committee to wait on the Candi
dates, and inform them of their nomination
the candidates being introduced, to the
conference accepted the nomination with
There being no mere business before the
conference, on motion, adjourned, to meet at
Wall's Hall, in Tunkhannock. the second
Friday of September A. D., 18G3.
L. F. CALDWELL, Chairman.
11. S.CKLER. ' I Sc<-retar,es.
The following letter from a participant in
the late battle near Fairfax Court House, will
be read with interest by our readers. The
papers sent by us to the 57th Regt. to which
the writer refers, are sent gratuitously without
even the request of the person to whom thoy
are scot:
Sept. 10th, 18G2.
DEAR EOITOR :—The North Branch Demo
crat still continues to make us its weekly vis
it. Not a week has,past since we left our
homes, without having something fresh and
new from little Wyoming, by the way of this
worthy sheet. I cannot say whether the ed
itor is paid for his trouble, or not. But one
thing is certain, wc can but ever feci grati
fied to him, for his punctuaht}'. The editor
of the Republican, who professes to represent
the party to which many of us belong, does
not seem to think us worthy of remembrance
as we have scarcely seen a copy of his paper
since wc crossed the Potomac early last
Spring. The poet tells us " Tis but when af
flictions cold hand doth surround us, we find
who the friends are that love us the best.
The Division of Gen. Kearney, left Ilarr
son's Landing, August 15th, 4 o'clock A. M.,
taking the left hand road, by the way of New
Kent and Cumberland Landing, on the Pa
munkey river. This course was given us to
prevent the rebels making a dash upon our
trains moving down James river road. We
passed through Williamsburg on the morn
ing of the 19th, reaching York Town the
same night. Here we embarked on the
steamship, America, reaching Alexandria the
22d, taking the cars immediately for Mauas
ses Junction, reaching this place the same
night. Early next morning moved toward
Warrenton, reaching the outposts of our ar
m}' in time to hold a portion of our picket
line through the night. On the morning of
the 27th, we again took up our line of march
toward Manasses, having received intelli
gence of the destruction of that place by the
rebel. This march vss a forced one, and the
weather excessively hot. Hundreds fell by the
road side, with exhaustion. We succeeded
in reaching the smoking ruins of Manasses, at
11 o'clock A. M. next day. Here we found
the rail road bridge destroyed, long trains of
cars burned, engines precipitated down the
banks, and the town in ashes. Wc did not
halt long, having been notified that our sup
plies were entirely cut of, and that our haver
sacks could not be replenished with food, un
til we succeeded in cutting our way out. We
followed the trail of the rebel army toward
Centrevillc, coming up with the guard, about
4 o'clock P. M. Here our Brig. General
Birney, came near being captured by the reb
el cavalry. One of them had the boldness to
grasp the bridle reins of his horse. The Gen.
succeeded in loosing his grasp, by sending a
small chunk of lead through his heart, and
returned unhurt. Here we remained in line
of battle until after sunset. Occupying Cen
trevillc heights, we had a splendid view of
the artillery fight already raging in the val
ley towards Bull Run. Early next morning
we moved rapidly toward the 6cene of action,
the old hattle field of Bull Run, and before
noon our Brigade, (consisting of the 3d mid
4th Maine, Ist, 38th, 40th, and 101 st N. Y.,
and 57t!i P. V., was orderld into action, our
Regt. taking the extreme right, to support a
battery belonging to the corps of Gen. Sigel.
The rebel cavalry were drawn up in line of
battle, stretching across a large Held still far
ther to our right. Cavalry scouts were con
stantly bringing us intelligence of the suppos
ed intention of the rebels to make a dash up
on this battery. Our boys for the first time,
expected to have tho ch.rnce to use their
bayonets, in a charge against cavalry. How
ever, for some reason they did not make the
charge, and left us to play upon them and
their works with both shot and shell, through
out the day. At sunset this battery was
moved back, we joining our brigade some
time after dark. Five o'clock next morning
found us again in Hue of battle, behind the
rail Barricade, near the euemy's left. We
immediately threw out a few skirmishers,
and the firmg commenced, and continued for
two hours, when we were relieved by two
Regiments from another Division. Our loss
was slight. Strange to say, these two Regi
ments did not hold this position thirty min
utes, before they tell back in disorder. Gen.
Kearney declared the little 57th was worth
more than both these Regiments. Through
out the day, the battle raged furiously the
roar of musketry from one end of the line to
the other; tho constant crashing and thun
dering of artillery, bursting of shells, shout
ing and cheering of Regiments during bayo
net charges, ratling of s a bres, and the groans
of the wounded, tilled the valley of Bull Run
with sad sights and sounds, which, to a sens
itive person was decidedly unpleasant. Dur
ing the afternoon, the shot and shells flew so
thick around us, we moved back about half
a mile, where we remained until after dark,
then fell back with the whole army, to Cen
treville during the night, wading Bull Run,
nearly waist deep, gabout midnight,"and ly
ing out the remainder of the night, and part
of next day, without tents, during a drench
ing rain. Here we remained Sunday night,
and part of Monday, Sept Ist. The bugle
sounded to arms about 2 o'clock P. M. All
hands seemed to understand the nature of
this movement, as cannonading had already
commenced some four miles to our left, on
the main road,leading to Fairfax Court House.
Our Regiment reached the scene of action af
ter a inarch of one hour and 30 minutes
The 38th and 40th New York, were first, or
dered in, the remainder of the Brigade form
ing line of battle, in the valley, to the rear of
our batteries. Cannonading and musketry
by this time was very heavy along the entire
line. A dark and heavy cloud hung over the
valley, and soon the rain commenced to pour
down in torrents. Streaks of lightning were
playing across the heavens in every direction.
Loud crashing of thunder mingled with the
| roar of artillery, seemed to make the hour
I one of fearful and solemn interest. Tho mus
j ketry had almost entirely ceased, but was
renewed with increased vigor, as soon as the
1 heaviest of the shower had passed. Night
was fast setting in, as our Regiment with the
3d and 4th Maine, was ordered into action.—
iAs we passed our batteries on the hill, and
commenced to descend- into the valley, we
met scores of wounded being borne from the
field by their comrades. The thick smoke of
the battle, borne down by the heavy mist of
the storm, filled the valley with darkness.—
Our artillery opened, just as we passed,
throwing shot and shell directly over our
heads. Their long streams of tiro dazzled
our eyes for the moment, and the sharp con
cussion almost prostrated us upon the earth.
But without faltering, we moved on, taking
i our position in line of battle at the edge of a
' corn field, where the heaviest of the fight
had been going on for the last five hours.—
Here our brave and noble Gen. Kearney fell.
| (It would be useless fur me to ottcmpt to de
scribe the feelings of our division at present.
! Others, far better qualified, have undertaken
it and failed. Suffice it to say, we are deter
mined to aveuge his death, or die iu the at
, tempt.) Our Regiment held the fine during
, the night, moving back before daylight, to
: wards Fairfax Court House, reaching that
place about 10 o'clock, Tuesday. From
thence to our present camp near Munsons
Hill, without any other casualty worthy of
notice. Capt. Peter Sides, of Co. A. has
' been in command of the Regiment, for the
! past few days, he being the seignior officer,
i and one of the most efficient in the service.—
We are now hoping for a few days rest, as
we are nearly worn out. You will, undoubt
edly hear from us soon again, as the rebel
i pickets arc but a short distance from us, and
an attack is daily expected.
Yours Trulj-.
Kearney's Div. Birncy's Brig.,
• 57th Regt. P. V.
The Louisville Journal (Prentice,s paper)
has the following on the subject of McClellaifs
; recent rc-instatcinent in the command of our
" The appointment of General McClellan to
the commaud of the army of Virginia is, un
der all the circumstances, a glorious vindica;
| tion of the most gilted and accomplished
soldier. It needed not the acclamation of the
j amy, with the echoing plaudits of the nation,
to round off its glory ; yet these it has.
"Now that, in spite of the calumny of
zealots and of the railing of madcaps and char
latans, the first soldier of the country, if not
the first soldier in the world, is once more at
the head of the army, the nation may well
breathe freer. The change is not only a guar
antee of safety, but a presage of victory. In
the mingled joy and peril of tho hour , we will
not stop to inquire why General McClellan
ever ceased for a moment to bo at the head
of our forces in Virginia, or how many of our
mischances in that field have arisen from his
retirement; it is enough for tho present to
know that he is again in the station which
belongs to him by tho sovereign claims of
genius and of character, and that he rc
assumes it amidst the joint applause of th e
army and nation.
"We believe there have been in the recent '(
fighting no blunders that he cannot redeem
no reverses that he will not speedily turn
back in a tide of triumph.—Such, assuredly,
is our fervent prayer."
gyfi'e publish to-day the "Constitution
of the United States"; this day be ng the An
niversary of its adoption in 1787. Every
American freemen should study this ioestinia*
ble charter of his liberties, ana learn to look
upon those who would break down or impair
its provision as enemies, not only to hiuj, but
to free institutions everywhere.
~\W£ir UNTexvs
The Union Army Successful at every Point
The Rebels lu Full Retreat—Mc-
Clellan In Pursuit,
FREDERICK, Sunday Night, Sept. 14.—The
entire army moved at daylight this morning.
They will take the road to Harper's Ferry, in
the hope of coming up with Jackson and Hill
before they cross. If they are this side or
the river, we shall probably have a battle
before night. It is expected our main col
umn will come up with the eiemy this after
Further Reports.
BALTIMORE, Sept. 15.—The American says
that General Franklin's corps, nearly 30,000
strong, left Frederick on Saturday nn ruing
at daylight, and marched towards Harper's
Ferry, to relieve Gen. Miles.
The firing heard on Saturday, in the direc
tion of Harper's Ferry, ceased about 5 P. M.
at which time Franklin is supposed to have
reached there. Gen. McClellan speaks of
Franklin being on the his extreme left yester
day, which indicates that his line extended
from Middletown to the Ferry.
Official Despatch fi om Geu. McClellan.
0,40 P. M. —To 11. W. Hal leek, General in-
Chief : After a severe engagement the corps,
of Generals Hooker and lteno have carried
the height commanding the Hagerstown
Tho troops behaved magnificently. They
never fought better.
General Franklin has been engaged on the
extreme left. Ido not yet know the result,
except that the tiring indicates progress on
his part.
The action continued till after dark, and
terminated, leaving us in possession of the
It has been a glorious victory. I cannot
yet tell whether the enemy will retreat dur
ing the night, or appear iu increased force iu
the morning.
I regret to add tjiat the gallant and able
Gen. Reno is killed G. B. McClellan,
Major General
The Rebels iu Full Retreat.
September 15, 8 A. M.—To Henry W. Ilal
ieck, General-in-Chief:—l have just learned
from General Hooker, ir. 'tie advance, who
states that the information is perfectly relia
ble, that the enemy is making for the river
in a perfect panic, and General Lee last night
stated publicly that he must admit they had
been shockingly whipped.
I am hurrying everything forward to en
deavor to press their retreat to the utmost.
(Signed,) GEO. B. MCCLELLAN,
Major-Genera I.
Still Movement a Com
plete Success.
Sept 15—3 o'clock, A. M. —Major-General H
\Y. llalleck ,General in-Chief:—l am happy
to inform you that Franklin's success on tho
left was as eomplete as that on the centre
and right, and rssulted in his getting possess
ion of the Gap, after a severe engagement in
all parts of the fine
The troops, old and new, behaved with t,he
utmost steadiness and gallantry, carrying,
with but little assistance trom our own ar-
every strong position defended by ar
tillery and infantry.
1 do not think our loss is very severe.
The Corps of A. S. Hill and Longstreet
were engaged with our right.
We have taken a considerable number of
Tho enemy dispersed during the night.
Our troops are now advancing in pursuit of
Ido not yet know where he will next be
Major- General Commanding.
TOMAC, AT BOLIVAR, Sept. 15, 10 A. M.— To
Gen 11. W. llalleck, Cominander-in Chief—ln
formation which has this moment been receiv.
Ed completely confirms the rout aud demor
alization of the Rebel army.
Gen. Lee is reported wounded and Gen.
Garland killed.
Gen. Hooker alone has over one thousand
more prisoners—seven hundred having been
sent to Frederick.
It is stated that Gen. Lcc gives his loss at
We are following as rapidly as the men can
(Signed) G. B. MCCLELLAN,
Latest—Battle Not Renewed This Morning.
BALTIMORE, Sept. 15.—A despatch from
Monocacy says that there has been no firing
this morning.and it is presumed that the bat
tle has not been renewed.
Gen. Reno's body is expected to arrive here
this afternoon*