LOCALS. Camp Meeting, ne ftr Lylin, commences to-day- Wednesday—and will continue throughout the week Volunteers, under I. S. Little; to the number of fifty, and no more, will be received into a tegiment bow'nearly filled* at Ilarrisbcrg. They will start from Factoryville this—Wednesday—evening. The Enrollment cf men liable to military ser vice, in this county, is now being vigorously pushed forward. Every man between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, will probably have notice of his enroll ment within the next week. Peterson's National Magazine for Septem ber is on our table. For beauty and variety of en gravings, sound and instructive reading matter, it is unsurpassed by any. It is offered at Two Dollars per annum, and at a greatly reduced price to clubs.— Specimen numbers sent on application. Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut St., Pliila. Volunteers for old Regiments will be receiw fed until the Ist of September, and the same pay arid bounty allowed as heretofore. Mr. R. S- Searle of Nicholson is authorized to receive and forward one hundred men to any regiments they may choose to •join. Persons desiring to 'avoid the draft about to be made, should report themselves to hitn at that place, immediately. Appointment of Marshal.—Peter M. Oster bout of this boroUgh, has been appointed United States Marshal for the enrolling of all citizens be tween the ages of IS and J 5 years in this county, pre paratory to drafting. The following are the names of the persons thus far appointed by him in the sev eral Townships, as Deputies: Lemon —Daniel B. Avery. Eaton—Stedman Harding, Monroe —Rufns Frear. Mehoopany.—Jos. T. Jennings. Vinditam—Alvah Fassett. Forkston—Griffin Lott. Washington—B. Bullion. Clinton—S. C. Reynolds. Nicholson —Sherman Driggs. Tunkhannock Township—P. A. Bardwell. Tunkhannock Borough—A. E. Buck. Meshoppen—Win. M. Sine. Braintrim—A. Cone. ■ ■ -*•►- Court Proceedings.—Commonwealth rs. Chas. Mahon, Jefferson Sickler, and Anderson Sieklor. C.iarge, disturb inee of Sinp.ig Set o'. Certiorari from proceedings of Justice. Exception sustained and proceedings set aside, Abigail Montross rs. Elijah Montross Divorce de creed- Com. rs. Oliver Dickson. Surety f the peace.-—' defendant to pay costs, aud give bail for good beha vior for one year. Com. rs. Hiram Carey and Chas Ball. Abnei Lewis prosecutor. Charge, As-ault and Buttery Prosecutor having enlisted the case adjourned. Com. rs. Thus.Cameronani Jno. Cameron. Charge, Larceny. Solomon Taylor, prosecutor. The defendants in this case were charged with ap propriating, feloniously, two over u its, which the ev idence showed, they kept about four weeks without returning. They alledgcd as justification, that they had some ten miles to travel through a rainy night, nnd took the coats as a man would an umbrella, un der like circumstances. Verdict not guilty. Com. rs J. 11 Castcrline. Charge, Disturbance of the peace. Jothau, the defendant inthiscise, it seem?got a little dh'-be-joyful—the result of partaking rather too fifeely of a certain have irt Niehbl'on—and took occasion to show off the speed of his horse, (Mote always has a good and well trained horse), which he did to the dangft and annoyance of the traveling community in those parts; he was there-tore arrested hv the Constable for disturbing the i>eace ; and with out trial, submitted to the imposition of tho costs. Com. rs. N. W. French. Indictment, Assault and Battery. Mary E. Plynri, proseeutress. Mr. French, while engaged sawing logs, found that poino evil disposed i>erson had driven spikes into them : having strong suspicions of tho Fljni family; he thereupon proceeded to deal out summary justice in the case. In order that the guilty party should be he commenced at Bill the father, and go ing on down, gave the whole family a sound whip ping. When the turn of tho little Flynns (the sUp -4 posed real authors of the mischief) came, Mrs. Flynn Interfered, and alledgcd that she, too, g< t struck, and or bruised in the affray Mr. Frene'i stood trial tji and no doubt supposing that, the end of the case, for got to stay and receive the sentence of the court upon H the finding by the jury of a verdict ot guilty. I Com. rs. Peter McQueen and Hofton Kasson, Su pervisor of Forkston Indictmeht; r.bt repairing road True bill. Com.rt. Honry Champin and Johu Wintermnte, Supervisors of North Branch. Indictment, not re pairing road. True bill Com ts. Hiram Jackson. Indictmfent, selling li _ quor without license. The Defendant in their case, was charged with having, at sundry times, sold Liquors of various kind', to his neighbors, without first having obtained a license so to do. Not being in court, the case was 5 put over. Com. rs C. W. Carr and J. L. Carr. Indictment, Assault and Battery. J. C Rose, prosecutor. iThe Carrs in this case clearly got off the track, an 1 running rathe# violently against the Prosecutor, knocked him do>n, and as he alledgcd, gave him a pounding, after he was down. Not conreo* hith this, they tied him with a strap, and gave hiui a free ride in their train to Factory ville, tho nearfest station, where he concluded to go afool, and proso ecuted the Carrs, not lor delay or damages, but for an Assault and Battery Tire jury thinking the charge well foutided, returned a verdict of Guilty.— De'endonts sentenced to pay a fine of 815. and ihe Costs of prosecution. " Every rose has its thorn." Com rs. Johnson H. Wandall. Indictment, Lar ceny. Thoron Vaughn, prosecutor. Mr. Wamlall took a strange liking to a grain ra- I file belonging to the Prosecutor, and after trying to borrow jf, and being refused the loan, it was alledg ed. took it tho knowledge or consent of tlje Prosecutor, with a felohious intent, Though the ev idence as to this point was somewhat circumstantial, Ihe jury brought in a vordiet of Guilty. Just at this time Mr. W. was seized with an nt'tnek of the Quits and departed the Court without leave. It is I said that he has since declared his intentions to en list, Which lat resolution as far as we know, m : ets I the approbation of all parties. It is to be hoped that his career as a soldier will terminate more hon orably to him, thafl as a citizen. Verdict Guilty. I Com. re. Belinda Reynolds. Indictoiont, Assault and Battery. David Turner, prosecutor. The Prosecutor in this case, for srtme reason which rn aid not eppear, was about CofintTa a vail, when he was met at the door by her, and sun dry kicks and cuffs were administered to him, by Iher, which he considered amounted to an assault and Battery. He therefore commenced a pVoseeution, but failing to make out his case, the Grand jury di rected him to pay the costs of prosecution, which is fti substance a verdict of "served him right" Married. SMITH—SANFORD—At I.a Grange, August 17th, 1862, by A Knapp, Esq., Mr John SinfUL of Mill- Ville, N. J., to Miss Nelly Sanforl, of Derrick Bradford county. Pa. i .(Wire. Sf ingredients in these Tills arc tho result of n long and en tensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all i-regularities, Painfui Menstruations, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pa in iij the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, alt nervous(fectfonS,"hysterics, fatigue, pain in tho back artd limbs, See., disturbed sleep, which arise from interruption of nature. DR. CIIEES UMAX'S TILLS was the commencement of a new era in tho treat ment of those irregularities and obstructions which have consigned so many to a premature grav . No f.onale can enjoy good health unices she is regular, and whenever an u'strujUon takes plat a the general health begins to decline. Dlt. CIIEESEMAX'SPI I.LS are the most effectual remedy ever known fur all copiptaitits"peculiar to Females. To all classes they are invaluable, inducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are knowtt to thousand.-, who have used them at different periods, throughout the coun try. having the sanction of Seine Of tho Pioft eminent i Physicians in America. t Explicit lirect ions, statin? when they s lion id not be used, with each Box—the Price One Dollar per ' Box, containing from 50 to 60 Pills Pills' sent by m -if, promptly, by remitting to the Proprietor Id by Druggists generally. ILK HITCHING?, Pnorn.rr.Ton, 2i) Cedar St. ? Xew York. J. W. Lyman. Agent, 'fun 1 * hit &<••!' I'a. 1y34 In v. Jlffo litorti.sniinits. 3FIDBE REPAIRIfiS, Notice is hereby given, that the Wyoming County, will let lo the lowest responsible bidder, on Friday, >h: 20th day of August, 18G2, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, on sail day, the repairing and placing in position the bridge late ly injured by the gafe'nf the oth inst. The letting to be at the bridge iu Forkston Township, at or near Hiram Hitohcocks. W.v, F Terp.v , Clerk. Commissioners Office; ? Tunkhannock Aug. 20, 1852. ) NICHOLSON JSLo ademy! fi. M STONE will commence the nest Term of his School, Sept. Bth, 1862. and continue 12 weeks. Tuition from s.l to $5. Board $2, and rooms for thore wishing to board themselve#. Nicholson, Aug. 20, 18)2.—v2n23w. MEDICAL HALL f BRIDGE ST., TUNKHANNOCK, NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF C. M. KOON'S. 98. J. f. BHBAIS. PHYSICIAN AIVD DRUGGIST. JUST RECEIVED at the Tunkhannock Medical Hall, the largest ah 1 best assortment of Drugs and Medicines ever brought to this section df country. These medicines have been selected by the sub scriber himself, with great care, and hence he cah recommend and warrant them as being pure and un adulterated. llis stock comprises in part, the following, to wit: DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIIEMrCALS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, FANCY NO TIONS, FINE WINES AND LI QUORS, (FOR MEDICINAL PUR POSES ONLY) COAL OIL, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, CAMPIIENE, COAt OIL LAMPS, ALSO STATIONERY, WRITING INK, PIIOTO - ALBUMS, TOBAUCO, SEGARS, PIPES, AND ALL THE PROMI NENT PATENT MFDICtXKS OF THE DAY, ALL OF WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT ON THE MOST REASON ABLE TERMS, FOR f.Mlt OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS a'ccnratoiy com pounded at all hours of the day and lijght. Drt J. W. RHOAD.V, Physician and Druggist, funkhannock. Mar \4. 1862. nfO —ly HARDWARE & IRON!' HUNT —OFFER FOR SALE IRON", STEEL NAILS AND , SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD v SPIKE®, ANVILS, BELLOWS, lIOIttJS-liIIOES, anb (Cnflitst) gcrsr Hails, WROUGHT NAILS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) IITBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPIN DIA'S, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES, PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, LOTTS, NUTS, WASHERS. BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES : PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. IT AIR. SHOVELS, WHITE LEAL, FRENCH WINDOW f G 4c , Ac., Ac. ALSO SASH, DOORS AND FUNDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT, AND MA NT FACTOR- - ED TO ORDER. I.HATH I.K'AX LI FIN DINGS, fair bank's Scales. , ScrantoA, March 26, 1862. vln3'3 —lv. NNN NN EEEEEE WW WW WW NNN N -EE E W W W N NN X EE W WW W NNN N EEE j, X7 W W AV N NN N EEL;: - w W>\f w N NN N HE lj W W W W N NN N EE E WW WW jNN NNN EEEEEE AY AY ftSfSTT*'- FLCVKj ,TCU-. U <•. j , fL * T < H KjrM®W4®i I AND |lrobisiott t?torc! The subscriber has opened a ©raicrij nub ttrouisiflit S'tcre at the f OLI) STAND OF THOMAS OSTERHOI'T, OSE D'JJll VELOW lAYNARjyS HOTEL in the Borough of Tunkhannock. The goods wilt be sold at a very small advance on cost; —at a fixed price to all, and lor RE ALT-PAY only. Hoping by upright, honorable dealing, to com mend the establishment to the favor of the communi ty—their patronage is respectfully solicited. Among the articles for sale may bo found : i Flour by HC barrel oc,sack. at and $6.75 per barrel. Fork per bCircl, sls. Pork, per pound, 8J cents. Mackerel, dot sto 8 do AVhite Fish, do 6 do Trout; do 6 do Young HysoftTca, good Jo. *lls do Sale rat us, do. • 8 do Candles, (mould) do 12J do Cheese, do 10 do Soda Crackers, do 8 do Syrup, (good) per gallon, 58 do Kerosene, do 40 do Paper, per quire, Foolscap, 15 do Note and letter, with package envoi. 20 do COFFEE, SUGAR, GLASS, NAILS, STARCII SOAP, BROOMS, TARI.E and DAIRY SALT, I!UTTER PAILS, with covers' STONB - AY ARE, Ac., Ac., Ac. . The highest market price paid fur EGGS and GOOD BUTTER. GJ:O. LEIGHTON. P S.—No white or pied butter wanted. G- L Tunkhannock July 16. 1362.—v1n J9tf. UNT HI -W" t 1 k H ; i 1$ h A U % li & j AND C H JSI I %rL g jj^ MANUFACTORY! The subscriber has just opened a ijetv Furniture, Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannock, neat door to C. M. Koon's grocery store— are kept on hand and manufactured to order : TABLES of all sizes, patterns, and styles. CHAIRS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, and common. BUREAUS of all styles, sizes, and prices. BEDSTEADS, Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLLS, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES; and indeed every thing wbkh can be found in the largest furniture establishments fa the country, which he will sell at priges as low as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, Roth in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, ho so licits the public patronago. REPAIRING of all kindsduiie in a heftt, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-scat chairs, iiew-seatod and re paired. UNDERTAKING. —Having a Hoarse of his own, and having had much jeiperlecuc, he will attend to this department of tko birinots on short notice, and rn a satisfactory manner. ABRAHAM HAAS. July 16, 1862. —vln49lv LIME FOR FARMERS, AS A FERTILIZER for sale at VERNOY'S. Meaboppen. Sept 19, 1861. T IMR FOR PLASTERING. AND MASONRY IJ 'prsaWAif VKRNOVfi cppcn,Sept IS;-1861. NEW akIRNT LIME AND BRICK With a full and well selected stock of Dry Goods, nmsilfs, fj ssii us vmm CROCKERY, &c., constantly on hand, and for sale at the i VERY LOWESTMARKET'a'i: for cash or produce by ii & ■ MESHOPPEN. WYOMING COUNTY, PENNA " I He is no*Y burning at his Kiln $ Superior Jlrtirlc of £ime, j Which highly recommends itself to all who inspect ; it. Price, from ten .o twenty-five cents -per bushel i lie is BOUND TO SELL, I AND A3 CHEAP AS TIIE CHEAPEST. I r past favors, an 1 an increased patron age, he hopes, by strict attention to tbe interests oi his customers,and by furnishing them GOOD GOODS, j at LOW PRICES, to merit a continuance of past I favors. Call and see him. Mcshoppcu, September 18, ISol. j MARBIACE ITS LOVES AND I hates, sorrows and angers, hopes and j fears, regrets and joys; MANHOOD, i bow lost, how restored ; the nature, treatment and ! radical cure of spermatorrhoea or seminal weakness ; involuntary emissions, sexual debility und impedi ments to marriage generally ; nervousness, consump tion, fits, mental and physical incapacity, resulting from SELF-ABUSE—are fully explafned- in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. if.- This most extraordinary book should be iUjthe hands of every young person contemplating inapiage, and every man or woman who desires to limit tho number of their offspring to their circumstances Every pain, disease and ache incidental to youth, maturity and old age, is fully explained ; every particle of knowl edge that should be known is here given. It is full gt engraving- In fact, it discloses secrets that every one should kriow ; -still it is a book that must be lock ed up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in spe cie or pj.dagc stamps. Address DR WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPRUCE Street, above Fourth, Philadel phia. j xj [,>>' AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be your disease, before you place yourself under the care of any of the notorious Quycks —native or foreign iyho advertise in this or any-other paper, get A copy of Dr. Young's book, and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. DR YOLKG can lie cohsulted on any of the dis eases dpser'bed in his publication, at his ofiice, No. 416 SPRUCE Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. Ofiice hGurs from 9 to 3, daily. vln3oly IIW if©ll —OF— -3PRWO AND SUMMER Goods. THE SUB SCRIBER, begs to inform his customers and the Publi in general, that he ha* ji'st re turned from NEW YORK uud PHILADELPHIA with a complete and carefully selected Stock of . DRESS M of all descriptions of the latest importations, SHAWLS, r CLOAKS, MANTELS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF Fancy Goods Cdssinifrrs, |aiiiiftts AND MEN'S WEAR GENERALLY", which lie is willing to sell for CASH & COUNTRY PRODUCE, At the lowest possible market price. Notwithstanding the rise ill Cotton he is enabled to sell Good Calico •WARRANTED FAST COLORS, at ONE SHILLING per Yard, and other Domestics in proportion. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore be . stewed on him, be solicits a continuance of the same under the promise of strict attention to Business and honest, straightforward dealing. JOHN WEIL, NEW BRICK STORE, next door to Wall's Hotel, Tunllhahnock, Oct. 16th, 1861. CLOCKS! "TO7" atches! • % m JEWELBYBEMIBED. P. C. BURNS, Takes pleasure in annodhefrigto ttiS people of Tunk hannock and vicinity, that he has opeued a lUatfl) and CteeS Sliap two doors below Wall's Hotel, whore he is prepared ; to do the most difficult jobs in his line in an AP ! PROVED and SKILLFULL MANNER, on short notice. Having hid long experience in fhe business, he feels confidnt that he can give entire satisfaction to all favoriag him with their patronage. TERMS —Low as the lowest that do their work in a workman like manner. ALL WORK WABRANTED TO GIVE SATIS- j ' FAPTION OK MONEY REFUNDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL. jV. B.—Parasols, Fans S. A. LAMUURT, ) This Company, so well known for many years for promptnesss and satisfactory sales, hare better facil ities for the disposal of BUTTER,' STOCK. POUL TRY, and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE on corumisaion, the coming season than ever before. L. HARDING & CO., will attend to FORWARDING and paying Bills at their STORE in NICHOLSON fur the above firm. Returns made in current funds. J S. & j. C STOUT & CO. L. HARDING 4. CO., will keep constantly on ha g, ASHTON SALT, jrhich is especially recommended for salline Butter , (none other should be used) also BUTTER PAILS and FIRKINS, CLOVER and tIMOTIIY SEED. vln32—!▼. T TME AND BRlCft, CHEAPER TOAN AT ~ ~ 1J where else in the county, for sale at VERNOY'S Mesh oppen, Sept 19, I K 6I • THE T.ADIES FRIEND. mm LADY'S BOOL FOR 1802. THE WORLD'S FAVORITE. For 32 Years the Standard Magazine* Pronounced by the Press of the United States, THE BEST LADY'S MAGAZINE IN THE W3BIO & TH CHAPST THE LITERATURE Is of tKat kind that can be read aloud In the family circle, and ibe.clergy in immense numbers Are subscribers fqr the Book, , THE BEST LADy WRITERS in America contribute to its pageq, and we hare some that write for no other magazine. THE MU&IC .J ** * % is ail original, and would cost 2r cents (the price of the Bonk) in the music stores | but most of it is copy righted, and cannot be obtnined except in "Godey." OUR STEEL ENGRAVINGS. All efforts to rival us in this hA 7# ceased, and we now stand alone in this department, giving, as we do, many more, end infinitely better engravings than are published in any other work. GODEY'3 . . IMMENSE DOUBLE SHEET PASHIO?f PLATES CONTAINING .* . From fire to seven full length Colored Fashions on each plate. Other magazines give only two. Far Ahead ol any Fashions in Europe or . ... , . America. Order's is the only work in the world that givep these immense plates, and they are such as to nays excited .the ponder of publishers and the public. The publication of these plates cost ... SIO,OOO More ~ than Fashion-plates of the. old style, and nothing bet our wonderfully large circulation enables us to givf them. Other magazines cannot afford it. We never spare money when the public can be benefited* „ These fashions may be relied on. Dresses m,ay be mado after them, and the wearer will not subjeet Uergelf to ridicule, as would be the case if she visit ed the large cities dressed after the style of tbe plates giveh in some of our so called fashion maga zines. OUR WOOD ENGRAVINGS, of which we give twice or three times as many at any other magazine, are often mistaken for steel. They aie so far superior to any others. IMITATIONS, Beware of them. Remember that the -fiady's Book is the original publication and the cheapest. If you take Godey, you want no other magazine. Everything that is useful or ornamental in a Home can be found in Godey. DRAWING LESSONS. , No other magazine gives them, and we hare givon enough to fill several largo volumes. OUR REC IPTS . . *. , are such as can be found nowhere else, Cooking in all its variety—Confectionery—the Nursery—the Toilet—the Laundry—the Kitchen. Receipts upon all subjects are to be found in the pages of the. La-, dy's Book. We originally started this department, and have peculiar facilities for making it most per fect. This department alone is worth the priee of the Book. LADIES' WORK TABLE. This department comprises engravings and de scriptions of every article that a lady wears. MODEL COTTAGES. Mo other magazine has this department. TERMS, CASH IN ADVANC& One copy one year, 83. Two copies one year, 85, Throe copies one year, 86. Four copies one year, 87. #I _ , Five copies one year, a*id an extra copy to the person sending the club, 810. Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the per son sending the club, 8!£. . .. Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, 829. And the only magazine that oan be introduced in to the above clubs in place of the Lady's Book is Ar thurs Home Magazine. i Special Clubbing with other Magazines. • Godey's Lad.y's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine ! both one ylar for 83 HO. Godey's Lady's Rook and Harper t s Magazine both one year for 84 50. Godey, Harper, and Arthur, will all three be scni one year, on receipt of 86 00. * Treasury Notes and Notes of all solvent banks tak en at par. Be careful and pay the postage on yonr letter i Address L..A. GODETf, 323 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 4, 1861. ' THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, DOUBLE SHEET, FOU&TY-EIGHT COLUMNS, Publishedevery Morning, (Except {Sunday, J by WILLIAM W. HARDING; No. 1 fl South Third St., Philad'a. THE GREAT NEWSPAPER OF PHILADELPHIA! The trying times of the nation's history in which' we live, render a LIVE NEWSPAPER 1 ♦e* * f an indispeseihle necessity to every man who would keep himself informed of the important events which arc daily transpiring. To furnish a paper which will meet the just expectations of the public in such a time as the present, requires ati amount of labor and of extraordinary expense of which the communi ty at large have no conception. The Rdblisher of THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, has sfafedho efforts or money to make it all that it could be mado Besides improving and strengthening the home fore* during the past year, several of the best Reporters and Letter Writers in tbe country, have been sent, at a great expense, with the Army and Navy, and have frequently given, tbe public the first and fullest ac counts by telegrnph and by mail, of imptvtaQtevmits at the Seat of War. THE INQUIRER was the first, northern paper to give tbe account of the Batteraa and Port Royal victories, and was twelve hours in advance of any paper in the country, in its publica tion of the details of tbe Bull Run Battle* What THE INQUIRER has done, is but an earnest of what will be done, in order to give its readers tbe earliest and best accounts of every event of interest connect ed with THE GREAT REBELLION,' and nt the same time hare it maintain its reputation as THE BEST GENERAL NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTRY. The increase in the circulation of THE INQUIR ER during the year, is the best of the ex tent to which' the public rely upon it fo# the news of the (lay. Its circulation has aver&gdd for SEVER AL MONTHS past, Over Two Hundred Thousand Copies a week, or nearly Forty Thousand A Day } and it has, during the year, in times of excitement, reach ed Over Seventy Thousand a day—testing the capacity of OUR FAST PRESS to the utmost to sup ply the demand. It commenced the New Yezr with new and beautiful Copper-faced Type, and with re newed vigor and activity in its News and Editorial departments Tbe INQUIRER is independent in politics. Prices at which " "fhe Philadelphia Inquir er" 18 furnished: Single Copies, Two Cents, or Twelve Cents a Week. Dally Paper, 6 OO per aiinum, la zdvauce. Tri-Weekly, 4 OO ' All Letters should be addressed to WILLIAM W. HARDING, Publisher, . . Inquirer Buliding, 121 South Third St., Phil's. Nt isTHpmir The subscriber has opened a NeW Store at Meshop pen, for tbe sale of BOOTS AND SHOES. An experienced workman frc'm Massachusetts ta constantly employed, and all c'rdirs executed on short notice and reasonable terms. Shop next door to Vorr nny'e store. A team will be run, as usual, through' the adjoining townships in Wyoming aud Susquehanna Counties. V N. R Persons indebted for goods, purchased of Mfti' subscriber, or of Philips, orAyqry, are requested to' make payment ae soon as possible, to me. WARREN TAfLPli'.' Sterliegville, June 11 188?.—vln448w.'