The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 24, 1903, Image 8

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All Kii)J o Prpsepkj For
Mpi) ar)d Boy;?.
The Goad Sensible Kind.
Christmas Tux, lrom 10o, to $1.00.
Hats of all kinds 60c. to $5.00.
far of all UV. ti $5.00.
Ah ii's Suits from $5.00 to $'20.00.
Men's Ovrwmt- from $5.00 to $25.00.
Hoy Suit ami OvorooaU, fiom $1.5() to $7.50.
M.'n's Knit Jackets from $1.00 to $5.00.
Suit oasos from 90 cents to $ 12.50.
Aim's Trousers from $1.00 to $5.00.
Trunks, from $2.98 to $12.00.
Glotc every known kind 10 cents to $10.00.
Umbrellas from 50e. to $7.50.
Shirts, from 45 cents to $3.00.
Fancy and lull dress vests $1.00 to $5.00.
Smoking Jackets and House Coats, $3.9S to $8.00.
Handkerchiefs, from 5 cents to $3.00.
.Men"sSitk HaN 15.00 $6.50 and $$.00.
Misses Skating Coats, $3.50.
sUNbUrY, pa.
The Aost RELIABLE Clothing flouse.
4.! ! 1-1 I I IH III 111 1 I II I M M
:j (Sifts I r?
i: olid gold.
Litiiig (.lift, Personal Gifts. Gifts remind one of the giver
even- day. A large variety io this Jewelry rtore all
carefully selected
s Sol Hi Jewelry for to
Scarf Pins - - -$1.00 to $25.
Studs, eet of 3 2.00 to 6.
Watch Vhains - - S.25 to 25.
Watch Charm ' 2.50 to 35.
Key Rings? - - 5.00 to - 7.
i Soli fid Jewelry for inn-
Jimchw - - -Htudt..
net of K -Rracelt-tn
- - -Neck
Fnt ....
Hat Pins - - -
$2.2i to S225.
2.00 to 5.
3.75 to 2-r
2.S5 U
3.50 to
2.50 t.
Tu etore is a tiUiiV store
efficient clerks- who will help vou in vour wants.
The Leading Jeweler.
H-!-K"i-H"H"l"i"H"i i i i I i 1 i
car.eesay. December 16.
Tw in"! werf found dead and a
-:r rv:cfc. ir. N York, trom drinU
iuii i rii e foiio.
Tie P-m:vyivania rolling mills, at
V-incasio- i a., employing 400 hands,
tiavt siiir riowii indefinitely.
Th? Virginia legislature has passed
a till! apr:('l'ri&tine; $10,000 for a stau
funding a; U Bt. Louis lair.
William J. Buchanan, the first L'ntt
d Slates minister to U Republic of
Vanama. saiied from New York for
Jaaauia to take up hie new duties.
Genera: benjamin Viljoen, a Boer
HM&manuer, who comae to arraege for
.am exhibition ol Boer life at the fit
ljuui fair, has arrived In New York.
Thuraaay, December 17.
The national convention of the Pro
nation party will be held at Kanaai
City. Wo.
President Rouaevelt aeni to the aen
Xe the nomination of Jvaepfa W. Filer,
f Illinois, to be as intr-eiae com
anerce couimiaaiober.
The empiuyee of the WUkeeuarre
.autd Wyoming Valley (Pa.) Traction
auipany nave accepted an increaae of
K cecu a day in itage and will not
Mrs. Iuniel Manning, of Albany,
H. Y.. has been elected president of
the World g Pair hoard of iady uian
aLKers. vice Mrt. Jaiuee L. BoUr, re
signed. White running at high speed, an
electric car at Ciev eland, O., aa
tUrown di'wn a high embankment by
Ike breaking of a wheel and 20 pw
fcubs were injured.
Friday, December IS.
William 4J. Bryan apent a day at
M&acoa. Kuuia. and paid i. viait to
Count Toiaiol.
titiixeral Lew Wallace is in New
York taking the X-ray treatment lor a
auuceroua growth on the bote.
Colohel B. Frank Lsheinian. judge
advocate genual of tiie Puioaylvauia
NaMoiml Guard, died at hii hm at
?op I?er- oipd
JDon?ei-. I
Cuff buttons - $20to$S5.
ScartClaepe - - 2.25 to 6,
Watch Fobs . - 8.25 to 20.
Uottar Buttons - .85 to 1.50
Fen Knives - - JX to 7.
Stl.-k Pins - - -Cuff
Buttons - -Lorrnette
Locket - - - -Watch
Pins -
Cuff Pine - - -
11.00 to $25.
3.00 U. 25
6.25 to
4.50 to
2.50 to
1.75 to
WeuHve ample ruoni ana
Graduate Optician.
H 1 I 1 H 1 i H-i-l"H-H"H 11111 H-t
Lancaster ot a complication ot Ql
easee Benjamin Benedict, his wife and 3
y ear-old dauphter were burned to
deatt anc1. a 17-year-old daughter fa
tally injured in a fire which destroyed
their home at Aashland, Ky.
Saturday, December 19.
Coffin manufacturers from all parts
Of the United Status met In Chicago
to form a combine.
Presldert KooBevelt has nominated
I. Snowd!! Haines to be collector of
custom? tor the district of Burlington,
N. J
In ar explosion following an attempt
to oieu "a "r;ii ot powder, one man was
killed and twj iatally injured at Avon-
Phliadelphla. Pa.. Dec. 22. Flour
steady, winter superfine. $3.1063.30;
Penua. roller, clear. $3.60 3.75; city
, mills, fancy. $1.76&u. itye flour ate
uuiet. at I3.!j(& 2.40 per barrel. Wheat
firm; No. 2 Peuna, red, near, tbQhhr.
I Corn arm; No. 2 yellow, local, &4Vic.
Oats quiet; No. 2 white, clipped,
. 424c: lower grades. 41c. Hav steady;
i No. 1 timothy. $16& 10.60, large bales,
i Pork firm; family. $20.50. Beef steady;
i beef hams, iZWgtl. Live poultry. 11c.
for bens. Sc. lor old roosters, brcsbed
'poultry, llc. for choice fowls: 9c.
for old rcHjRiers. Butter steady; cream
i ery 'i': tsst steady; New York tad
) Peuna . Sl-. uoaeu. Paiat'-tv h.tajy;
per 7V 'j 80''.
Laltiui-t"-. Mi., L,-c. 22 Wheat was
duh: bp-jt oiitract. 80fc t6',4C.; tpot
' No 2 redwt:rn, " .. atuuner
No. I rei, 2 'j v .; juti,er. by
' Muj.i'-. 7. j o.'U".; suir.i-i-rn. ou grade,
Ihii, Ct-JD v. til!.; aput.
old i,-r'.4b-eC.: tput. new.
, 4 V c. : :uv.- juixed. 46V&4tic;
new sjoti.ern white torn, 4o4j 47c;
' new rjutie.-a yeiiow orn. 404&47c
Oats steuuy; No. 2 white, 406 41c;
! No. 2 mixed WuMfa. Kye firm;
No. 2, C)' .; No. 2 western, Clc.
Liva Stock Markete.
talon Stock Yards. Pittsburg, Pa.,
i Dec. 22. Cattle hlher; choice, I5&
1 CIS; prime. S4.70&4.7&; (air. $;?160.
1 Hogs higher prime, heavy, medium.
I teavy and Ugat Yorkers a& pigs. 14.60
1 C4.66; roughs, f3tj4.t0. &Leep were
lower; nrlme wethers, 14.1004.25;
culls and wmmon, $1.60422.25; choice
lambs. $$.10&6.I5; real caivea, $7fi
IXt pv IM bouada
Quest of the Magi the Theme
of Dr. Tal mage's Sermon.'
T Eloejaaat Dlvlaa Drawl m l,tim
I CarUUaa Hon tEacnar- . From taa Exaarl
aoa of the Wlit Has.
Copyrtght, llot, by Louta Klopach.)
CHICAUO, Dec. 20. In this sermon
the story of the magi's quest receive a
new setting and the lesson of Chris
tian hope and encouragement If drawn
from their experience. The text la
Matthew U, 1. "Behold, there came
wise men from the east!"
When, In BUtf A. D., St Augustine
was sent to convert the British isles to
Christianity, I'opo Gregory cotuniutuled
bis missionary as far ns possible to
hartuoniae the Christ lun ordinancea
with the benthnu fensta. The result la
that many of the customs associated
with Christmas iiave their origin not
in the birth of ChrUl, but la heathen
festivities. It ts my purpose today to
tell the sinniV Christian story, aa found
in the Bible, j'livl to apply eome of Ita
beneficent ttnolii:iji to the practicall
ties of cverjni.iy ..:.
The account of Christ's birth la not
only simply told, but very briefly told.
Pome of us are apt to think too briefly.
We would like to have known all the
details of that wondroua event which
hi desthied to transform the world. VP
deplore the loss of auy fact relating to
onr Lord. But the historians would
not have ns concern ouravivea with the
accessortea of the picture, but with that
glorious life and death in which our
eternal destiny Is bound np. They'
briefly itat tbe main facts and proceed
to tbe narrative ao momentous to the
whole world.
A few years ago a southern corre
spondent hurried to tbe telegraph office
and aeat this message to the editor of a
great New York dally: "Fearful rail
road accMent! 'Many killed! Many In
jured! Column story ! Mail I tend Itr
The New York editor telegraphed back,
Tend me 000 wards all I want" The
correspondent tele-erapbe again, "Can
not be told In leas than 10." Tbe edi
tor tersely replied: "Story of the crea-'
tion of the world toM In 900 words.
Try It." But K she story of the crea
tle as. told tn (100 wards, the story
the nativity ts even more simply and
briefly told. The account of Jena
Nrth Is about aa altoply told aa the rec
ord of her fcatry adeemt which 'a fond
another - writes in the-family Bibta.
"9ertrnd or Jane, or Mary; horn June
S, 1886V A doeeo verses in all mora
than contain the alnaalo story c
Christ's birth. Tbe second chapter JOt
Matthew's foapal runs like thlo: "Now.
when Joan was born, tn tbe days -ml
erod the ting. In the east thoydM
not rschoa time ao mnoh hy the yearjss
by the tlaat thla or that ktng act npaq
his tarstaa. - . '
Then thla simple account of the na
tivity (roes step furthar. The birch
sf Chrtst to conaocted wtth a etsctiing
Incident The name of rerefrme White
is never mentioned bet the explanatory ;
statement la also made that "she wss
born on the Mayflower when the pU
prlm fathers were on their journey. to
Uve in a new world." Christ's birtkOs
hardly ever mentioned witbout an as- J
aoclate statement When Jesus .was
born mat was the year the wiae men
e&me Trom the east saying, ."Wberawls
be that is born King of the Jews, tor J
we have seen Lis star in the east and
are come to worship him." Tbe magi '
have been the theme for many an wrt-1
ist's brush, poet's song, aa well as min- ,
ister's sermon. If in the abort account
of the nativity It was important eooagb
to note the visit of these wise men. '
an rely it will not be wasted time for
us In a ChriKtmaa discourse to consid
er who were the wise men, from
whence they came, what they did when
they knelt and worshiped at the man-,
fer, where they went after they ad
seen the newborn Cbriat.
Who were the magi? They were the 1
wise men. They were not fools, not ,
ignoramuaea. not silly star gaaera.
They were not tramps going from '
place to place because they were too
laxy te work. They were the intellec
tual giants of the eaat They were
uch intellectual gianta that when they
appeared in Jerusalem they startled all
the sagas of the Herodian era with
tbeir grasp of affairs and mental pow
er. They belonged to a claas that waa
the repository of all the acientific
knowledge of the time. They were the
observers of natural phenomena, the
philoewphera of their day, the leaders
la the world of in hid. When Matthew
described them as "wiae men" he knew
that the deeeription would be clearly
understood aa applying to men whooe
erudition ' and mental ability placed
them among the ariatocracy of kuowl
dfe. Aa with Uomer er Socrates, the per
sonal lives of these men are all wrap
ped up in mystery. Their uamea, their
poaitiuua, their influence over their
countrymen, are all matters of conjec
ture. Profweeor bandy in bis "Christ
maatide" gives strange legend. lie
writes that tbe number of these wlae
ben who came from the east was
three. Me writes that the first of these
magi waa a very old man, with a long,
white beard. Iiia face was wrinkled
with thought and his limbs were tot
taring. His itaiue was Melchior. The
aecoud was a very young man. Ills
cheek was smooth and ruddy, his step
firm and athletic, his arm strong and
powerful. Yet his mind was clear as
hie aearchlng eye. His name waa Cas
par. Truly he was a prince among
men! The tli!-1 aage was a middle
aged Moor 4-alW "..lltbasar. In his 1
hair and beard was tle UladuieaS' of 1
tbe midnight The muscles stood out I
in knots upon bis swarthy neck. The
legend 4Veclare that these throe jaen
foUowod the raiding ot a bug bird, ,
whose one eye glittered Ilk a monster that Tftey gave Then prssanta, beeaoaa,
star. But . whether the aagea wore from VaaM hnmeaioriai, tbs gold, the
three or five or ten, , whether their frankincense and the myrrh hav al
as mea wore Melchior, Caspar aud Bui- waya been suggestive symbols la wbr
thaaar, whether tbe star In the cast wna , ship. It Is one act to bow at tbe man
tne monater eye of a huge eagle or no, ' gvr; It la another act to give yourself
whether there la any truth among the j as an offering to Christ Tbe motive
many legends that are told about these which prompt the Christmas gifts Is
noted traveler, thla fact is ccrtn'.n 'of more Importance than tbe intrinsic
they were wise men. The Bible dls- value of the gifts themselves,
tinctly atates that "there came wlso . Whore did the wise men go after
men from the east to Jerustilrni, say- j tl:ey bad scon the Infant Christ anil
ins. "Whore is he that la born King rendered tholr liotungo at the innntjvr?
of the Jews!"
We have seen hundreds of pictures
descriptive of tbe wise men coming to
the manger. In every one of which the
artist has tried to put the highest In
telligence Into the face of the men
who were riding upon rnniel back or
trudging afoot over the desert's snnds;
but though it la algnlflvant that the
Drat seekers after Christ were the wis
est men of their time, the fact need
not aatonlsh ns. In every age since
that epoch the mightiest Intellects of
the world have been found among the
follower of Christ the wisest of men
have entered that Bethlehem caravan
sary to learn of hlin.
Where did (be wise men come from!
The far east? The word "east" Is very
Indefinite. It might mean eastern Asia
or China. It might and probably does
mean rersla or India. At all events,
the eaat was far off. It was so far off
that these strange travelers must have
startled the Inhabitant of the west
ern capital with their peculiar garb
and their foreign accent It waa ao
far off that In aU probability the wise
men would have been nnabl to find
the Jerusalem capital had they not
been led by that wonderful atar, the
star of the east Ah, yea, the magi. In
order to And the manger, had many a
weary day's march. Traveling In their
time had to be don on foot or on bora
or camel back. Tbey had to tramp
through the parched deserts. They
had to ctluib the loftiest of mountains
and fathom many a deep valley. Bow
tired they mast hav become! If Mel
chior was old In all probability he
would never bar reached the manger
but for the strong arms of bis two
friend. Bui wherever the three wis
man balled from, that gloaming atar
would beckon thesa on and on and on.
And yet, say friends, though the wlae
men bad to travel a long distance, they
did not hav to go any farther than
some sinners will hav to travel to find
Christ My, my, my, how long a dts
tanc sob of ns hav wandered forth
Into the land of sM Jtn, twenty, thir
ty years ago w started. Young man,
ye have not worshiped at the man
ger sloe your mother died. . Young
woman, yon -hav not felt the touch of
the m anger since tb day you almost
gave year heart to Christ In the vil
lage revival- Imeet, but refused. Old
man., -for a quarter of a century yon
bar never uttered the nana of Christ
Mcpt In blasphemy. Tea, yea, tb
sinner will have a long distance to trav
el to find the manger. He must travel
back over tbe crooked paths of many
sinful year. But this Christmas, if
ha wlB, bo-can find the manger find It
beckoning blm from the far country of
sin even, as the star la the east guided
the thro wlae men to the Infant Cbriat
Oh, that today we might see a great
emigration foam tbe faroff land of aln
toward the manger. Oh, that today
the prodigals in the far country might
seek tbe old homestead of mercy, even
as the Bethlehem caravansary ws
sought of old. . In Imagination we can
picture bow tbe wlae men started. Per
haps weeks, perhaps months before
that first of all Chrietmaees these ori
ental aagea were working diligently at
their allotted tasks. One la studying
In one part of tbe house, another In an
other and the third in still another.
Perhaps Melchior, the aged astrologer,
with an astronomical glass is silently
and earnestly studying the beavena.
Patiently the aged scientist Is watching
and waiting for the stars to change
their relative positions. Suddenly a
tremor of excitement shakes his frame
Silently, swiftly, awfully, divinely,
there pasaea before tbe lens a strange
light it does not look ao much like a
star aa a great orb of light like a dia
mond glittering upon the finger of God.
beckoning, always beckoning. In great
excitement tbe old man ataggers to bis
feet and caija his two comrades. Cas
par, the smooth faced sage, rushes
qulckly into tbe room because be Is
younger than tbe awartby middle aged
Moor. At first tbe three aay nothing.
Tbey at too absorbed to apeak. Then
Balthaaar opens a musty parchment
written hundreds of years before, and
begins to read from tbe Hebrew prophet
Micafa: "But thou Bethlehem Ephratab,
though thou be little among the thou
sand of Judab, yet out of thee shall be
com forth unto m that la to be ruler
m Israel, wboa going forth hav been
from of old, trom overlasting." "Yes,"
answered the old man Melchior, "that
remind me of another passage from
the Hebrew prophet Isaiah: 'Unto us a
child is bora, unto us a son la given,
and tbe government a hall be upon bis
abouidw, and hla nam shall be called
Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God,
tb EvarlaaUng Father, the Prince of
Peace.'" "Yea," may buve answered
tb poetic young aage, Caspar, "that
reminds me of what the Hebrew psalm
ist wrote, Thou are my son; lo, I come;
In the volume It is written of me.'"
"Come, oomrades!" they shout to each
Other. "Come, the star is beckoning
us. Come! Cqpie!" And they leave
their instruments and their manu
scripts and aet out on their journey.
Would that before the duwn of next
Christmas many exiles from Christ
might start aud take this journey with
the wise men! Would that all who are
lost In the mountains of sin mlht leave
behind their dead selves and seek the
nanger, which Is afar ot la the ' "1
ot purity and 'y'.
What did the tvlao jn-1 .-o tvi -n
thy found the D,r.'r: ' 7 kiidt
ana worship, Ycx, bo.', w.. re than
. -
Why, the Bible tells us explicitly they
went back home. God spoke to them,
as he has spoken to the hearts of many
who have bowed at the manger, and
they went back to their own country.
History Is silent about their later Uvea,
but we cannot think that tbey would
ever forget that strange experience.
No man come In contact with Christ
without results. Tbey probably thought
of lilm aa a world contpjeror and bade
their disciples expert to hear of bis
victories. Little could they hav Im
agined the extent of hla empire or un
derstand how, through the croaa, he
would attain his crown.
What ts tbe simple deduction of this
thought and lessonT Is It not this:
After you aud I have worshiped at tb
manger, In the fuller light of our later
day, then we should everywhere, but
first among our own people, tell the
newa, the glorious new, that Jesus,
the Son of God, has been born. We
must toll It to our children. We must
tell It to our brothers and sisters. We
must tall It to our parents and to all ur
friends and neighbors. "Behold, Jesus
has been born! Jeaua, our Saviour haa
been born! He lives! He Uvea! Jesus,
the 8ou of Mary, Uveal Jeaua, the Bon
of God, Uvea!"
Thus our mission on thla Christmas
day ia to seek the manger and while w
study Ita lessons and meditate on Its
humiliation to practice the aweet teach
ings of Jsn Christ, which cannot bet
ter be summed up than by briefly re
peating on of tb most beautiful of all
Christmas sterle. It Is that written
by Henry Tan Dyke. It la appropriate
ly called "The Other Wlae Man." Dr.
Van Dyke wrote the story lb groat
It waa the year hla father died and a
year of much physical suffering. On
night while lying awake, unani to
sleep and tees tog upon hla bod, he be
gan to think of the legends clustering
about tb "three wise man." Then
thee casa to aha a vision f a "fourth
wis man," who had tb gentle nam
of Artaban, Tb abbreviation of tb
whole stary Is this: When tn stsr ap
peared tn tb oast for magi fait that
they nut pot their household goods la
order before they took, then Journey.
Tbey deeidad to meet at a ertaln place
at a eartaln Oote poa tb tg of tb
groat desert Artaban mad geady for
bis Journey by selling his bouse and
worldly goods and buying three bean
Mfttl gems wnieh he could carry name
ly, a aanphrr, a ruby, and a pearl. ' On
his way, to meet his appolntmeht Arta
ban came across a poor beggar who
waa dying, a beggar who had no
frienda, a beggar who waa dying alone.
After nursing the poor beggar until be
died Artaban hurried on to meet his
appointment, but the three magi had
already gon. The other wise man bad
to retrace his steps, sell one of hla
gema, bis sapphire, and buy a train of
camels to make tb journey alone.
Tbe next, scene In tb story of "Tbe
Other Wise Man" la found In the vil
lage ot . Bethlehem. Jeaua had been
born, and the three magi bad disap
peared. ' A Artaban entered the vil
lage he heard the tramp of bloody
Herod's troops, who bad com to mas
sacre all tbe male children In Judasa,
with the hope of slaying tb infant
Christ A poor woman rushes out
pleading for the rescue of her child.
Tbe young mother'! fade grew white
with tenor at the cry: "Tbe soldiers!
The soldiers of Herod! Tbey are klll-
ing our children!" When a captain of
Herod's troops wanted to outer this
woman's house to slay her child Arta
ban stood In the doorway and offered
to the murderous soldier his second
gem, tbe beautiful ruby, If be would
save the child. Now two-thirds of Ar
. taban'a fortune waa gone, and still b
kad not found Christ
Then Artaban started on a journey
I to Egypt to And Jeeus. H bunted for
i him everywhere until he was a vary
old man. One day, In hla wanderings
to flof tbe Saviour, he beadsd back to
tbe dty of Jerusalem. Tb capital of
David was In groat excitement. There
was to be a pubUc crtirlflxioa of three
criminals two thieves and on a po
litical prisoner, Jeans by nam. As
Artaban catered tb dty be saw
young girl In great distress. She wai
to be sold as a slave for debt She
broke loose from her captors and flung
herself at bis feet, Dogging for deHv
era nee. Artaban gave his last gem, tb
beautiful pearl, for her iwsca. And
now alt hla money was gone. He was
now aa old man, and still he bad not
found Cbriat
Just then the darkness of orudfliloa
began to gather around tb areas and
to settle over the tempi. Whan tb
awful earthquake cam, a heavy til
lipped from one of tb house roofs
and fell upon the old man' head. Bat
as b was dying a Strang spirit ap
peared before Artaban and practically
aald: "Thou, 0 noble man, thou bast
seen me aU these years. Vsrlly I say
unto thee, Inasmuch as abssj bait dea
It unto one of the least of abas my
brethren thou hast don it unto a."
If the Christian living today cannot
belong to the first group that started
for the manger, If be cannot be Mel
chlor, Caapar or Balthaaar, perhaps h
may belong to the second caravan. H
may be Artaban. Ua may be tb "oth-
er wlae man," He may be the "fourth
Jinan." He nry soon-yo, yry soon
eee bis Chrtst I see to face. He may tea
him before ven another ObrlstmM
1 rolls around. He may blm to part
from bin again nam fhwngt nil tf
'nlty. ,
. .. :
This falling of your htirt
Stop it, or you. will soon be
hllH P.lva vane h.l .Am.
w,v JVUI 1111 OOIIJW I,
Ayers nair Vigor. The rail-
ffflffa? tariff ttafa ttl aI1l
UK win okvpi iu uia win
Hair Vigor!
trow, and the scalp will be :
ciean ana Healthy, why be
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make it rich?
falllM. Maw kalr la nal Uilrk aaa
!" l"'l eurtj." - Mat. L. M. Suits.
flM 1 MH1.
f O. ATUM CO.,
Thick Hairl
r.Jhi'ii by gives that letter unit-nine) ui
' ui vnapu, uiana, ibuj
Krm-hiira, Washington Tr , Rimler ., pi
I. i' itnti, I 1 111 imumI 111 dw lurm ot la
min- ui'iVrHvtmt, to vrliMin nil ludehtM I
mini t iMiimiu iiiiikh intuii'murj pnrne
and ttw 1'iivlni; rlalinn nyiilniit H xhiniid ni
arm tbintul.v anlhrnifrMrd tor wniemeat.
JAOOB M.HCIIIMlll. Kiunla,
I'hllatlalphla, Dm. U, MM. x franklin f
. .
T Ibt labile.
My wUV, Enmia F. Elliott baa lei
my ImhI and Imard without just cause;
1 nerei.y oauuou any one not 10 sell be
aiiviiutig 011 my cretin aa 1 will pay 11
uiiis contracted oyner.
IS. K. Elliott.
Bbenmkln Dam, Pi
Tor Infants and Children.
Tki Kid Yea Km torn lr.$
Bear tb
I have on hand a cumber of so
second-hand orgaus, also a full line
New Organs. Come and sea then
Frauk S. Rlegle, Mlddleburg.
What Shall We Hare for Dessert 2
This question arise In the famll
every day. Let ua answer It to-da
Try Jell-O, a delicious and healthf
dessert. Prepared In two minutes.
boiling I No baking t simply add bo
ing w .ter and set to cool, Flavors 1;
Leniou, Orange, Raspberry and Htra
berry, - Get a package at your, groo
to-day, 10 eta.
Blectioa Netlcs.
The annual aneetlng of the stockholders
The Pint National Bank, of Mlddlaburj, Pal
tor the election ol director to serve the ensnlp
year; will be held In the offlcee of the Bank
the 1Mb day of January, MM, between I
hours of 10 a. m. and 13 a. m.
Gold Rings
Christmaa is coming and intact
will be here before many of us
are ready for it. Now we have
made arrangements whereby we
can offer our trade 125 beautiful
Gold Kings free. J oat the thing
to give to a friend for a Christmas
present. Remember we only have
I'JD or these rings and nrat oome,
first served. Come In and we will
talk it over.
Butter and Eggs!" exchange.
Yours for Buainess,
Geo. W. Burns.
Watch our advertisement.
f;.DDUBncn Market
Butter 20
Eggs. ...... 26
Onions 75
Corn K
Oat 32-K
Lard 10
Tallo 6
Chickens.... 0
Side 8
Shcdider 10
Ham 12
Potatoes V
Brau per 100.1.
Middlings 1 1
Chop 1.!
Turkeys 15 Buck wheat,
Appetite poor? Bowo
constipated? Tongue coate
Head a chef its your uv
Ayer's nils are liver piiii,
sola nit
ilytj rarjj
Want vo-r uGustacbe or b
a taAa.IJ.l haMteaafsa. Jaffa e falsa f.
r y 1.1
4 H