The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, December 24, 1903, Image 5

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Mr. Arthur B-dley ?iitri:ii.
atr hMher, rtephares (.Femherlin...
jf Philadelphia, and her amir. Mr
Mimiic I'Jeinberliiijr, of Selinsirrtnv,
rjh Miller is vi-iting relative
it York.
Tuesday Augustus Spriiigman, i
tine ot the most litx-ral iinrte1 men I
o this community, donated about
thirrv-tive wks t m.nrand potatoes
Minns? fl,e industrious ami pour c
pie ot' litis place, which is hi annual
Christmas gilt. Mr. Sprinjrmao is
,leervint( of the highest praie from
the people "f this locality.
TI cotiduct of several ot our
would-1" ymirg Indie in the devo
tional meeting Hmidav evening
was anvthing but h coming to t oiwir
lailiw. Hofsnppledid soni 'liri
mas shopping in Siinbury Saturday.
Anna Arhogast, of Philadelphia,
ia visiting her father, avid Arho
pot, who is in a very serums con
dition. Nina Ranch spent Saturday at
Dr. Williams E. C. Williams
has atrain beetin the practice of
medicine and came to hi home a
few days ago.
Christmas is coming and the pros
pects are that we will have a grand
entertainment in the L. ii. church.
Francis Strawser and wife attend
ed the funeral of the tatter's, mother
at M&hantongo Sunday.
Mrs. George Flanders wan to
Selinsgrove one day this week to do
some shopping.
Master John Herrold was to Se
linsgrove one day last week and on
the way home lost a valuable dog.
Ed. Klock is hawting coal for
H. F. Charles at Selinsgrove.
Philip H. Daubert, son and Lenig
Bros, came home from ltheems,
Lancaster County to spend the holi
Mrs. Samuel Gemberling ami son
passed through town Thursday en-
rout, to Chapman.
Quite a number of our people at
tended the hoc sale at Herndon.
Merrv Xmas to all the
The shortest dav, and six weeks
of steady cold weather already past.
Several of our ice men have al
ready tilled their ice houses.
Rehearsals tor Christinas enter-
tainineiits are keeping a lot of 5. S.
people busy.
Tom lUekel, the barlnr, had the
misfortune of breaking a boue id his
rilit foot sometime ago; he is about
vu ot'uti'hes.
Mrs. Joseph MeClelleu ot'Tussy-
vuie Neuter to. is visiting anioui:
relatives in this pi we.
Mrs. W. K. Feese, Aaruu llas
iugor, Mrs 11. R Milliard and Mrs.
1 J. llci-hster are listed with the
Mr. and Mrs. Jumes It. llusoiuger
are rejoicing over the arrival ot their
lut Luii, its a boy. and Mr. and
Mr, V. l Dule are also the
ucuts of a brand uew sou.
Mr. Ly aunt Maker and baby of
Uwiktuwu and Veruou N. Heilter
Uun Hnveinl daya laat Wevk.
Able C Wiuey vaiuo home from
Ituiuhuiii, h hcr ho hud btxui woi k
ii'g with severely Uuuwd tiuger.
Mm. A. M. lUwcrsoi and child
rui r Mpoudiug a week in Middle
burj. Itev. S, L Shortfall deliveiod a
lwtur iu Urn U. K. church ou
Thurmlnv evenim? ou aceuua aiwl iu.
dilwiU oftbCiva War.
Mrs. Joadiph MidUleowovth (uee
liiiiumunu) after nntTevin very
uimih, iiUunul vrnvvt Ar a
lung time passed peawfully uway
(u thu 131U agwl G!J yeara 3 tu 6 d.
Shu was mumlnsr o tl? Luthvrau
tilmrcK nui) In auj-yivl lw V'J; ha
Wml mul twa duuehteru. Mm. Wiu.
The Iithenn and Refurme
churi'ii is undergoing some im
;r.vetiienN. a new lnsetiint f-irnar
is lieimj pot if, the outside is 'win.
irtin'eil nn the inside painted, pn
jtTed and wahwcoiited.
Mrs. Austin Piiir.iiii;oi, Mr.- A
W. F..HT!e and Miss Man-, Pint. J
W. KnijSe, isses r.iilie Biiiainaii
Ly.lia Beaver, C-ar. Faut aif
.lwtiine Paehnieke, did some sh- j
ping in Sunbury on Saturday. ,
Tlie S. S. electfl the folhnvinv
.'t1i'er, .upt. V. F. Fiese, asst.!
"ipi. rlward M.ddlesworth, ev :
Harry Freed, a.s.t. sec. Ira Haine.
Uliririun, Miss Florence Aig'er.
:s-t. .Mi Katie A l trier, 1 rens
W. M. Keller, Or janist MissCarrii
FW?eriox, asst,orgnnist Mis Ivy
The Y. P. S. C. E. electe.1 for
Pres. Elward Midillesworth, V.
Pres. Mrs. W.F. Feese, Rec. Sec.
Miss Susie Derr, Cor. sec. Miss
Nettie Shirk, Treas. Mrs. Ufred
Smith, Organist Miss Carry llower-
r, ast. organist Miss Elua Winer,
TTshers, Rarner Rine and Miss
PrfTtha Rearich.
Wm. Arhogast for nine years the
trusted and faithful hostler at H. H.
Faust's hotel, was suddenly killed
on last Thursday nonn while engag
ed at his work he crossed the rail
road tracks as was his custom to
empty a spittoon while a freight
crew were shilling some cars and
another train stood near by and it
appears that he watched the wrong
train and waa run down by a fi eight
car and his body terribly mangled
causing instant death. The body
was gathered up and taken in charge
bv undertaker J. F. Herbster who
prepared it for burial, placed in a
box anil shipped it to Sunbury on
Friday morning where his mother
re-ides. From there it was taken to
Georgetown where interment was
made. He ia also survived by seve al
brothers and sisters, his age was 52
years ami 1 month.
J. D. Marks makes occasional
trips to Aline.
Beuj. F. Shalier will move on
Hughes' plai-e near Kantz.
Charles Shatfer killed a !eef
weighing nearly 8(H) pounds.
Mrs. Cotta Shatfcr was visiting
her sister-iu-law, Mrs, M. It. Miller,
near Ivantz, on Tuesday.
Schlabiir sisters are iroiu to kill
7 a cj
their big porkers on the 2-tth. of
this mouth.
Mr. Jacob Ileudnx is listal with
the sick ami Dilla Ramer who was
sick for a long time is slowly im
proving. Capt. Geo. Itihu went to Sun
bury ami has not returned vet.
Mrs. Ed. Cawley and James
Hendrix were visiting their parents
Philip llendrix on Sunday.
Isaac Uamer w:is visiting Pierce
Holtzapple Sunday.
Lewis lL'iiiiUich at tended the
church al Hoover's on Sunday.
The pareuts of Geo. Ueieheubach
were visitiug hiiu ou Suuday.
CJeo. Uamer reiivel wonl that
his sister Mrs. Struuk died nenr
Middleburg. Mr. Arnold brought
the wonl.
Jacob Moyer was visiting Geo.
liauier ou Su inlay.
Mr. Geo. Ueieheubach and sou
G rover are going to Hummelsville
to drag logs for Jellersou Luuig.
Miss Virgie Reicheubtich was
visitiug Geo. liaiuer Suuday.
Miss Sullie Uauier was under the
piireuUl roof ou Suuday.
Clareuco Reicheubuch was visit
ing Hilly Mull ia Little Towu.
Istwo Rameraud Grover lteich-
eubueh speut Saturday anight in
LHtvid Maj k inUuda to kill his
big Kukcra ou Tuesday,
Mrs, HeurnetU Walboru was
visitiug Capt. Geo. Kuhu. Shu is
old but didu't have a lauteru with
Capt, Geo. Kuhu aud Johu 1.
Mai ks woio iu your Boto Saturday
aud Sumlay.
Philip Ueudrix wad U) Samuel
Uilgur'a Uauk Stuith sliop Satur
Mi. Efwiu v.'aw!e if Kant j are
.join rt move to Williamsport. j
Frank Mull of IJrtletown was
visiting Geo. Reich. j
James Haines was exatuiuiug
B.u!oits new saw mill Friday.
James is a good --.iw mill inspector, j
Isaac, Philip and Agnes Rmiwr j
and Elizabeth Stiver were- visiting:
lieo. lieich Satimlav night.
Elward ami Charles Schaeileri
li.iv !i!!e.l thnir i.-e houses this I
Mr'. Pliiiip llendrix and Mis
Lillian Marks are liu-d itl the
Mrs. Joseph Heimliach of Deiller
is visiting her wrents in this Val
ley. Miss Verie Reich was visiting
Miss Minnie Haines in Freebnrg,
Charles Shntler and wife were to
Dundore. butchering for Henry
Philip Ranier was visiting 'Geti.
Ranier Satunlay night.
J. P. Romig sold his house and
let to Wni. II. Thomas.
The Lical Institute compose! ot
Spring, Adams, Beaver and Beaver
West, will lie held on Friday even
ing, Jan. 8th, in the liatement of
the Lutheran Church. The ses
sions will le held on Satunlay in
the High School Room. All are
cordially invited to attend.
It is being harvested rather
early this season.
H. I. Romig went U the I. O. O.
F. Orphanage, where he is finishing
some contract work.
Mrs. Hiriam Siegfreid of Selins
grove, who spent some days very
pleasantly at this place, returned to
her home Friday.
Assistant Editor A. W. Aurand
made a business trip to Harris-
Frank Youngman and wife left
tor their home in v i.
ine v antara to lie reiulcmt in
the Lutheran Church, will take
place Dec. 25.
J. W. Snook made a business trip
to ( Ti-atnpiau.
We are pleased to note the recov
ery ot Master Geo. Haines trom a
severe attack of typhoid fever.
Isaac Basliore aud tiunilv, t Mo
Alisterville, sjient Sunday with
William Winey's.
Our young ?eople are preparing
the Christmas exercises to lie render
ed iu the IT. Ii. church Christmas
Frank Naugle and )scar LXi'kard
left for Philadelphia.
The sale of Peter S. Graybill was
well attended Tuesday.
O. U. Suloutl and wife were iu
town Friday.
Henry Will is busy sawing for
our people. He uses steam ow-r.
Johu Boers has a very ore lip.
While cutting wood a piece struck
hiiu ou the lip, badly lacerating it.
Reader, whose heart will yon
gladden or bunleu lighten on Christ
mas Hay ? By gift or kiudly word
and deed. We all oau do our part.
Wilsou Glolfelter, of Bedford
county, speut a few days with friends
iu our viciuity. Samuel St roup ac
compuuied him ou his returu home.
He will work for him at his saw
mill. Every reader of the Post should
prteul a year's subscription to their
distaut irieuds, ,
A merry CbrisUuas aud a Happy
New Year to ik
A few ion houses went tilled here
last week with tc about 7 inches
Johu P. Fisher bought a fat hog
from All. Waguer, In getting the
head ready for Xh stew kettle, they
fouud some of th teeth filled with
lead. Johu said: "O,. Mamma, if
it ouly was guld, we certainly would
go to the world's fair."
The raiu aud suow w had Sat
urday night, aud Suuday stopped
thu m lucu from taking this crop
of icet
Samuel Wagner of MitSiu Co .
sjent a few days here- last week a.-
"''"g Daniel Howarl with hi
John TjisIi of Iwistown burieo
infant child at Bakei's Chun-:.
Sylvester Peter is home from E
burg, to sp.i Xoum wth
his parents and triends at C'n-
Robert Peter: of Xew
Lintr str
was to se
mother at Mct.'.urf
L. A. Jenkins Ii.-ih Keen
to iiis lii:ie tir the wt
cun tine.!
few ii.i -
with a -evere sim-11 of tMilliacfie.
Siime ot uiir nii-.rtHi
are nit;iii' -
in tlieir spare time Iiiiiitn-g opus- !
Willis. No iloiil'f rhev .f ;, .Tt !
t:nU"l line ncca-ionail v in a mis- i
take. ' j
tuiie a xliiM-k was telt
in hit
communitv to hear ut the ileath of '
Mrs. Henry Hookenbroiight, t'cr-i
merly ot this place.
Arnold's School was elo.-d Fri-!
day on accniint of the teacher, .1. A. I
Herrold lieing -ick. Under the i-.irei
of Dr. Williams he is rnpidlv im-'
Some of our young folks expect I
to go out to make some hearts glad
in the form of Santa Clans Weil- j
nest lay evening. In connection with
gifts, they expect to render some i
music, both viteal and mstrnnietital. j
Mrs. Samuel Gemberling of Sel-
msgrove had been visiting her par -
enu, uuam outiei ana wile, a tew
days last week.
Richard Letrig ot'Snnhury, viit
ih! his family at this place Saturday
and Sunday.
Jm. M. Garman of Hotter, and
Homer Swartz of Pallas were visit
ing in our vicinity Sunday.
We have had a tree bridge across
the Susquehanna, but it was not as
substantial as it should have lieen
for safety. Although some had
walked across at different places.
Some of our vountr folks attended
the spelling "B" at Hout's school I
iasi wees ami reHirt it uau m-cu a I
sucifs. Great interest was main-'
fu-t.,.1 ; .1,..;,. U' ...
1.. ... .. I 1 1
going hovs and you'll make vou;-
LJeuj. Rowe went to Stinlnirv . u
T,,..l... ...I i... :,. i...:
.1., imionuii "line uc .s "emir
cmployiil as a lutikeuian.
Mr. Millard Hollingerof Lewis -
town is visiting friends iu town.
J. .1 Mlfehid ui.i luin. return,!.;
home from their visit in Philadei
J. I'j. .Mairee has ;i tine
-tOCK ot
Christmas gotnls this vear.
Alvm Shrover and Samuel
ber went to Siiuburv Mondav.
(Jeo. (Joniou. who was working,
, i i, i ... s I
at Lanstopl, I a., is home visitmm
his f'amilv.
Perry Auniud's sale Satunlay was
well attended.
Geo. Hoke of Danville fame
home Satunlay to get ready to
Mrs. Nora Gearliart of West
Milton is at home visiting her par
euts. SCHNEE.
Ben StelTeu and family of Pax
tonville visited his brother, Isaac
Stelleu, Monday.
David Hoover aud daughter,
Stella, were doiug some shopping iu
Suubuiy Mouday.
Frauk Yearger of Freuiout, who
had speut the summer iu the State of
Washington, and various other
place, was seen in our locality oue
day last week.
Sheriff C E Sa unwell transacted
busiuosa in towu Friday.
Mrs. S. M. Sweigart, of near this
place, died of heart disease in Har
risburg Saturday eveuing aud was
buried at th stuui place Tuesday.
LOST A watch betwetui this
place aud HeUter's Valley school
house thm wwks agooobt $11.4
return to Schuoo 1' O.
lieaders of thu Middlebuig I'oct,
1 as the Schuoa scribe wish all a
Merry Christmas aud a Happy
New Year, beaum joa nuT the
best and large ctrctjlation paper ii
n viler Conntv.
Mrs Sinvnon Arb.gast and Mr!
Henry D Swinetbrd are still on the
"ok list.
Merchant I.evi Geluett ami Wil
sou D Snvder attemleil the publi.
ile of Peter Gravbill dec"d Tues
Butcher Troup and Stewart Gei
nett wete busiuess callers in Selin
imve Monday.
Isaac Seiler a jolly young man
of Selinsgrove was -n among mil
petiple Mondav.
riiiirilav D-c. 24, the St. John'
I'nion Suiidav S-hool will bold their
t'hristmas entertainment.
NV m HutTman, who was cmploveit
iu Harrisburg by the P R R
imtiivil in town Situnlav.
Mrs. Levi Gel nett visited Am
moll Lvv, r I .ii'iU . VW ilavs
last win'k.
! 1 1. . r"e W l'Tiier. F. J. Kervteter
,M(.n.i,.,( ,,v steward, were
i: i; ...i.., , r . !' i-r' j
Fii.l iv.
Deafness cannot be cured P- Al!erT and vUe. etl Tues
day tor a :ni to Ptiihutetohia arsl
l.MM!app.i.-u(i..ns asthe tin- : titer p.iints.'Tl.ey ,.jjrt ti s ah letldi '.lie diseased piM'tioii of the ' .,,nf :ln,nit 2 weeks.
ear. I Here IS mil v one wav tn cure'
iii-atncs. ai.ii M-. ir !i - iiinstitiition-
.1 I .im.ui:.!. T".mi In.ia i . mi 1 1 Uiu I liw '
an ,nti.-,n,,t n.nmt, f the m. is
iiei, r of tl,e Eusta.-I.inn 1'uk...
When tl'is tube is n tl:imt vo 1
have a rumbling -ound or impertl'ct
lierinmr und when it is entirely clocd
P.-i fiis is the result. :.nd" unless
the inflammation .tin If 'aken out
ai..i i Lis luU- restored to irs normal
inmlii inns, heariuu will tie destroyed
for ever nine oases out of ten :ire
causiil bv Ca fcirrh, which is nothing
but an iutlaneil condition t' '.he
miitnus services.
We will give Gue Hnmired .
Dollars for any itise ot IVatness'
causeil bv infarrh that -aunoi ie
,,v fa,..s , Urrh (
F. J. ClfFNEY .V t '.., Tolt-lo I
Slid bv druggists, 7"'.
Hall familv Pills .ov ihe in-sf.
llev. 1). (.'. lleichlev of Yorn. '-v.
ullil litlllilhftT wem vsifor il " 1.
H. Itowerso home !' ' ; t --. I i v oriilinf.
Iu theafttfriuMin iliey fit ;W I'untre
ville, wnere they will spend the Uuli
ilavs with his relatives and friends.
A lan comnlioii irty -lerh tb
nMMt ! luamlu ur.. i I nih liv
f. V. itravbill. iirourietorof the Kurfie
Hotel. Swuiuinrit. this weeK. lie like!
ni'iiiv ,rl.ii. iL'ltali 'nr ,ti . n.iMirl :i ml V
. - w"-' '
t UHe U
IVrmiisespeciim: i.i have i.utiiK- aie
in theSlTlllkt -liould -eleel ttleir uiies
as early as j'ossitile ami l'.avn them m
lerti'ii ;il "he Middlemiri; 1'oS't ''s -aie
-- l oi or .11.1. ill. m.ik I""' - .--
I Let;isler s.i t hat io tie '!.-.' will -eu-i't
the Mime date. I'hi.- will :nsure ymir
late 'n ttiat no one else near von will
elect .-ame dale 'A'e niaKe no . narire
for mjvrt:ni: a nouee ..f ymirsaie in .air
( Kenister when vim uei the nills i rmud
i at this ottlce.
1 "
I MarnBKe t.iten.
Vumistus 1. Swartz, l'ruxeiville.
ar;m L. lUiwer, I'eiinscreeK.
Wm. S. riiari. Ida M. teit'en.
o in
oi Kreeouru.
John A. I'oidori', i era V 'vi.-nuer
holll oi Freeiiuiu
John K. ivreeijer. l-'Iiaoei h Pimsic"
luiwr, olil ul Middieiuiri:
, ,;,7'- K- i"t.eiv,lle.
I.. Ilumuul, W mneid.
-, , . , i. .,,, . ..
.'.111.111117 1 ll,..lll. V ....... . - ,
.ii' M. I'lars, I'erry iowninii.
Wm II -diealter, tHoel I' Hnriioei-
i;er. noili ol Aline.
Com I Notes.
ftie City Trust, Sate Dt.i audi
purely t-om.auy, of l-hiliuieldim, ! a. ,
has hwu appiovetl hy, :iud wmloMetil
to hetaime surely ou ail liomis and j
underiakiiiKS iu the Unmans' Court, j
C'ouris of fo-muou I'leas and Viutirler
Sioiis, iu ud for the C ouuiy ol Mi-1
der, No. audjt ChesUiut St.
Iu the matter of public ntd hi Ve.i
r,etver towuithip, the court tiled au
opiuiou refusing th rond.
Ortltjr to view free ItuIkw uortos the
Weal UraucU of tho Sumjueliauua
river at Norihuiuberlauii, euiMfed,
viewer to report to next term.
Saturday, IXv. ltl, A. V., lima, court
adjourned to Mouday, Keb. 1, ItHM, at
11 o'clock a. iu.
J. ( J. Choubk, Iteporier.
Kttlucvtl Kates to New Orleans,
Ouaooouutof the luvntuiga of th
Amurleau Koououiio Society aud th
Auiericau llisiorica1 Hociety, at New
Orleaus, La.. lHvembor IS to Jauuary
1, tht l'euusylvauia- ltailroad t'oua
piuiy will uU rouud-trip tickets to
New Urleaus aud returu from alt ta
Uous ou lta llues, Lfcoauiber --t, 26 aud
26, good for returu paai uutil Jauu
ary 3, Inclusive, at rwduood ratea, Kor
gpociflo luforuiatiou cousuit Ticket
Mr Jmitn i being entertaineti
. bv iirr sict-rv Mrs, & M. Huiuiarl.
D. K.liogIer anl bri.l mnroeil
f'oui their wedding trip Uft week.
Mis Marie Snytler !a go U
Sadole River, X. J. to peiif llw
Imlidavs -viil: Iw-r (
lnj. Pluliijie, wii" !.a lieeo el
gagid Ly i tinn near .'iiery Hill
for the last mx nnniths is jwndiiij
some time with his parents.
)nr u - ilralrlx are t nif-v imosinyj
the cioji i if ii-e .hi the . .on: it is ot
very :i.,e p.aiiii, auo .it lesmt uinw
mh-Ik- thick.
I ..e vai lulls iiii v -i l.iaii ar
(in I wo Uiu eercis t,.r 'liristlllMS.
Mr-. .Vt ttie Miit'i , io. n do
i several weeks with her wreiits at
i beaver'Sprin, returned iioine Fr
jday. I Mr. I'arne tewart. :'ormerlT
I Miss lirrie SimpHu, -tient -everni
! ' verv pieasaiitlv
with iinitr
Hummel ,nt wife.
i Mij Vir.. 1 1 ,,n,.,,..l ,.! f;-
Man- Si'hnure are home with then-
parents for the liolidav vacation.
nr -rores are husv with -hooiers,
who are -ecitrini; Cliristniss presents.
M"S I","V ,H',,!tz ,s '!"''B
V!,4''t",,,,'lf Alt,,"m U.t other Hiintf.
wer, .imt .;er ' mtlier .iclui s visit
trtends in i 'en! re ( i.
i Uollent -nvr t l'!,lla. --nt
Rollen l.vr f Pliila.
: !i""rt 'v,,l) ilis parents,
Iniel Suyder ind wile :turnel
i we,-k !rm. their vi-tt c
tieo. i 'ft of C.tmttanooira. Peim.
is visiting thelitis iu 'lii -ection.
He has not been here for itmit 2J5
vesrs. He wtis a former N-mirov.
II. .L Duck, iornman of the FJicta
hethville -",tho -iienttiin; i v':
'itli his tamih .
Mr. V. M. i 'arev of I Iuiitiigiiin
liett Sunday. V teietrraui .vas ft-
(eived bv 'ter -on A. L). fa rev,
The tliini ivfi-lt
ni-urriM in nie ir ,
;i ttrtit liiout "in
wit hiu ,t week,
ji'if. "undav
I'cim'k. Hie1
Mr. M. S.. t '. S. ami L. ( i. iwiver
i s!x!nt
"mtuntay at !?unourv.
Mrs. Sji-ah
..wefM.ic jiiviii her
i .i lo A tl W IUTR
it t ittire home wiia
ion- Li e,
lie will make
iiT -oil 'lo:
11. i . i.ta.i
: .no
.s i.oiLte
!' 'lel'tT
Ml irtfl
- illMiii
- .11, o
' l i -M '
' a i r
...i illl'til
;u :te 1 mi:
in ".a-eo :'
' 101,1 ,
' ' i i :u' i a--
H'V el'iH. .
'Me -UU"
'i i .'
lent Mill:-
i : i - . n t
in. i
ia v
L---. K lai ii - i
.T'oilMN . lie
HI -O.llr I I lli'l'' .
vt r w u i
' ; tic .f t I
.'. i i;o
lini'-i'M i
II,-- I 'i ie
M louit
it-. - . '-l l ':; s
.ti.i i a 1 1. w v i k .
' oil I oil i Mil
lejen i i iuiio
' til '..lie.
I op t i'iota4rtu
"I o ll'o- o . -.n-IHUH
f lirisimas at tii line: ' itti. C l.tiiou ami
I'llijiiia.- lu'ioiii'v.
"'".' :H,,i
' A "ev. V. J. .olsiiail, J. 1. dill.
Mr. femeim ami Amos. 1'iowerxuu
A. A. Attic ami fiimiiv oi Keliua
,v s.H.'iniiuj; a I 7 vla iU wiLk
While U'luiuiai ily iuanw, Mrs. V
u Krenru, ol I eseur. Minn., !rou4
bri( aud two children in a clt
al her tiouiu.
Theodore, Jr., aud Kwuiit Koonu
roiurited to W aiiiliKlou from ttttg
sctioul al ;roum. Mitt., tu yud Urn
bwiiday al lti Wbils Housk.
Monday, OaiiAr 21.
Uota him mi of cvudiwu haw aa-
)uuraU uau! Jnuuty 4 for tho ChrMfr
bw holiday .
Thirty faotUlea wr muUorvU h nt
1m at Bajicuu, N. J., by a flra Lha
daalruyed avvwtai ttaiau( i nuiM
Uh, 1 30.000.
Uavlug wcurd tb Kaalcaia aa.
tloual coavaatloa, Dwaocrata ot CM.
cjao oraaulMU to auu( tnair party
prtMiiUantiai KaUieriii.
A uiob ot loo masked aia towk J.
wp4 lirakh ctilorud, fruiu Jail at Kip
ley, Teun, aud hauc(t.-d hiu. Ha waa
cbargad witb murderiu6 a wbiitt tuau.
la a ubouUng atlraj at a party A
Marlatta. Cav Clarauc CautruU aaal
WUUaui Soipp war killed aud tvav
otnura tiguxua. inara waa blttar
I04 batwaaa U participant. lor 1
i'i-riit.iM?m-' t