o r hate a job lot of note Ljs on hand. They mutt go Ct 'The price wlS do It Wples Price ,or , , We furnish them printed less than you can buy them Ithout printing. .. '.,. If . v - ' JT eTV Wi 1. &::tmswm L V. WiftaMlUr, Ulte aaa Fwyrhew. hjL. XXXX. V Uvely Little Liners. rlestle and the Battle of the Ceaaty Seat, ToM la Brief Paragraphs. Lie More or Leea Prominent. Fnatlaf Pspwfwtlaa aaa'JSYeerU af la tere thrt Satterr CarlasM ' Aptmi tfcs Tklrct lac A "sally Jeerssl, Dersttc U lews, acUaca, Art, PstlUcsl Itaiear aa Carrtst Ihamsra. Raua: Om Dollar Pir isssa, ia Advaaca MIDDLEBTJRQH, SNYDER COTJ2JTY. PENNA. DECEMBER 24, 1903. Jit yoor pictures taken. n. Amelia Showers, of Phlladel- k paid a visit to Mrs, Merti, over L.J. F. Kanawell, of Penns Creek, democratic physician, was at the It; teat one lay last week. lie Post one year ; ."Farm Life' i year and a Map of Snyder County, ill for a little dollar. Bee partleu- oa fourth page of the Post. LM. Mots left for Akron, Ohio, i hk dauabter. Mies Maude E- ia tadlof a private seminary on Tneav He will remain with bar a few ka Vi Sals A house and lot at Krea- Pa., opposite R. R. depot, contain- 2 teres offend. Nicely located. J. M. Matron, liS-tf. Kreamer, Pa. E Boost, postmaster of rihreiner, Wted business at the ooart house Thursday, and dropped bis annual in tne Doaineas omoe 01 uua n Bowersox, one of the esteem Means of this town, was a cat tab office and paid ap bis arrear aod a year la advance, Friday of week. : ' ' nail wis of boaday goods wUl Tuesday, Dee. 15. A splendid as- t to select from, including flnej es, and lots of them. A. a 8KCHM8T, Verdilla, Pa. k Perclval Herman, whose name been mentioned in connection with State Senatorship, was in town Inesday to meet with the Pension rd, and Incidentall dropped in to the Post. were favored with a call from fry Benner, assessor from Selins e, and Alpbeus Keyser, of gbamo- Dam, oue of the bright young men liit locality, last Thursday. Call a. geutlenien. Ml on A. E. Soles in hid new shav- uid hair nutting parlor f i youi sham-patron (he north side of Market au u a re op to Central HoteL Satisfaction guar- N. tf. m Bertha (.'rouse, daughter of our psnian, Attorney James O. Crouse, iug in Philadelphia sick with dip- pa. Mrs. Crouse has gone to Phila- lhi& to assist in caring for her wants. trust the young lady may have a tly recovery, 'a. Albert M. Smith, of Beaver ugs who has an eagle eye on the kSeuatorshir, was at the county last Thursday morning. The pfs name has also been nieu W in counection with the Leglala- aght. Meudare galore at this office. There Jwigus that carry you away in kyof delight You may And your li'titorout distancing you if you do u- your calendars here. Our de are all Topyrlahted and the Post Mttexcluaiveaale of them In Snyder fty. Order at once so you will not tayd in getting them early. & Hoot, of Dundore, was a oouu- at visitor last Thursday and he has iwl to appreciate a good thing by g others have the Post. He ht the newspaper business was Soiling married. He wants his So he dropped In and became a iU-edvauce Bubtcrlber. and wa N him up with the Pobt and Farm 'or a year and a map of Snyder in hut big overcoat pocket y Mover, nf Xuur Purlin Mughter were at the county seat of h county last Friday afternoon, io nave a new set of teeth f by 3. W. Orwlg and the form- lnsao( some business at this of r. Moyers son. Dr. C. O. Moy one of the most successful practlo oyalciaua lit Llueoln, Nebraska. 7 Moyer u ifntn.,1, w.u '.. not as active as he was In hla J days, but he likes the Post Xthaae?er. 1 h cleaued with a refresh m aud a clean towel to each The X Ray Photo Car will be ocen on Christmas. All work guaranteed. Mm. Lizzie J. Smith, one of the most Intelligent radire of this place, dropped In last Friday and made heneli good on our Ibt for anothi r year. Albert J. DuDklebunrer, of Kreamer. had read about our great offer and last irlday dropped in to be loaded down with the greatest newspaper bargain he bad ever heard of. . Miss Eva Steininger, daughter of Oeorge H. Stelninger and wife, return ed from Irving College, Mechanksburg, where she is a student, to spend her holiday vacation with her parents. Benton Moyer, of Hotter, drooped In lest Thursday while In town on busi ness. He paid the subscripts for William H. Hlle, who has learned the fact that tlte Powr la the paper ft him. Lost A solid gold eharm from watch fob opon whleh Is the monogram O. K. M. aod on Inside N. B. The finder will be liberally lewarded by re turning same to George Mots, Middle- burg, Pa. 60tf I just received a new lei of Sewing Machines from (IS. WO op. The White, Wheeler six) Wilson makes a speciality See display advertisement FfcAiTK S.RIBOEL, Mlddlehnrg, Pa. 'Squire Thomas Page and M. A. Shaffer, ef Hofler, were at the ooart house en business and dropped la to pay their subscript too, and each want away happy with a map of Snyder county under their arm. FOR SALE. Ia Middleborjr, Pa., a good (rams house, 7 rooms, and let of land. Also a good livery stable on the same lot For terms and particulars apply to F. V. Walter, 1 mile west of Middlebarg on road leading to Beaver- town. ' : tf. William W. Fisher, of Port Trevor- ton, paid a visit to William A. Smith and wife, in Swineford, last week and dropped in to order the Post and pay for it, Wednesday of last week. Mr. Fisher is a wide awake man and is highly respected in Union township. By an accident a hammer in the hands nf Charles Roush, last Wednes day, struck Mr. Cole's assistant plumb er on the forehead, nd knocked him unconscious. Fortunately the man soon recovered aud made all hands feel happy that the resulc was n t more serious. J. B. Weller, of Washington towu- ship, was in town Thursday ou his way to Lewistown. Before lew ving he drop ped in to pay his subscription aud like many others, he carried with him oue of the highly prized maps of Suyder county. Mr. Weller is a very success ful farmer. The beautiful and oorupiehensive map of Suvder county we give away with the Post to advance paying sub scribers, is 7 inches by 'l iuchfg print ed on Brunswick Litieu Ledger, 11 in. by 17 iu. It is large enough to frame aud will be an oruameut to any o I rice or a parlor. Charles P. I'lrich, Esu,., oue of the Attorneys ot Selinsgrove, dropped In to see us last Thursday and to leave au order for some priutiug aud a check iu full for our accouutagaiust the assigned estate of Gray bill, Dobsou Jt Co. Mr. I'lrich is an agressive tighter for the rights of his clients and has a nice practice. In accordance with our usual custom to give our employees a vacation about the holidays, there will be no paper is sued from this office next week. The office will be open, however, for the en rollmeut of subscribers, payment of subscription, ieceptiou of orders and execution of job woik and usual busi ness that may be presented. The Poer last week Improved its out fit by the addition of a large Chandler A Price 9ordou Job press and a uew Reuilugtou No. 7 typewriter. A grow ing Institution must always be up-to-date and have the latest and most im proved machinery on the market The New Remington produces a letter iu two colors with the same ease that the old style produces a letter iu oue color. This is the latest and most improved machine ou the market When you need up-to-date work, give us a csiL Farm Journal Clubbing Oiler. We will send the Poar oue year, Farm Life, oue year, Farm Journal one vear aud a map of Snyder County. 11x17, for only l.lO. Or we will send the Post oue year, Farm Life one year, Farm Journal Five Yews and a Map of Snyder County for ouly 1.60, prepaid. tfc . Howard Folk was a Runbury visitor Monday. . D. A. Kern is putting a furnsce In his residence. ' Bruce H. Crouse, of East Pittsburg, cams homo to spend the holMsvs. W. L.Garman has secured a trained nurse to care for bbsick daughter, May. The U. B. church wiU hold their Christmas entertainment Wednesday evening. Miss Eva Wetiel, of Sunbury, spent several daysin town this week with her parents, David Wetzel and wife. H. K. Hornberger, of Aline, dropped in Tuesday to subscribe for the Port and put a sale notice In our register. W. W. WltMumyer is making a tour ooverlng Pittsburg, Akron, Mansfield and other places daring the holiday STARS ARE SHINING Thomas J. Specbt and family spent Sunday In Sunbury with Edgar W Caster and wife. Mr. 8prcbt Is the obliging assistant at the MHdleburg depot. Mrs. Dr. J. C Amlg, of Lewistown, nea Nettie Marks, of this place, had the misfortune to nave eight rings, three of them containing diamonds, and $25 in easp stolen from bar room last week. Our readers should taks advantage of our special offer of iba Post and Farm Life, each on year, and a map of Sny der county for one dollar. Good only one week mora. Jupires with Dec. 31; 1901 ' Thomas J. Hostenian-, who had been lying in the Homeopathic Hospital ill with typhoid fever, returned borne Fri day evening, mnch to toe ddlacbt of bis many friend and the pleasure of his family. He Is rapidly eonvslescing. . William I. Bllger, of Middlecreek. la sending a remittance, ;.enuiossd a do ping annsssnclng the death of bur gran. daughter, Jennie E. .Yocom, of Lewis town, at the age or 14 years: Bne Is the daughter of Samuel Yocum and died December 12. 1 "Sky Pilot," our new serial story, will begin in the Post shortly after New Year. Those who have read it pronounce it one of the best and most interesting pieces ot writing that has ever comefrom the pen of any writer. Tell your friends about it, ho that they can subscribe In time to g t the opening chapters In the Post. A new Lodge of Free Masons, called Maclay Lxlge, No. 8.!2, wa constituted iu sunbury, Saturday at one p. m., by kdgar W. tennis, R. W. O. M. of Masons in Pennsylvania. There were twenty-nine new members. A bamiuet was served at the Central Hotel after the ceremony. Snyder county was re prusented by Ira C. Schoch, ot Selins grove, and the Editor of the Post. Among the uew members were Edirar W. Custer, of Swineford, F. E. Specpt, formerly of Beavertowu, and H. H. Harter, all of whom are well-knowD in Suyder county. CHRISTMAS CAROL WarS mm mm la kjr RT. . B.tlnw r4. Mj fAtthor of "Onward, ChrutUn Soldlerm." U- U m ! - Wkl - tU fa ik kwt . i mm I amldat that bUaa sf fluty tandt s rapb, uta anipraT. Radlanc aa or auauawr Bhrmls( O'ar tlla barren landjeana mhmi Rous, ya ahapbaria! ahaSia aff Inirws BanlabaS tram aacb draway kaad-l , UlorUr la txaaiaia Oaa f ttdTasn itedt tSa haaru - I Sat eoau. aaS saws 1 Salaaa - as aarth this Jas a asrUuir Cbrlat ta Jaw Uaallta srhta aUsaa a, sbarsron. Uah ssvrveissm. Taaa wltb aasaay aarola aUujt ' s Worim as asUls Oast "Paaaa aa aarth. ts man wood fawwsa. Token tkIS tka HtaMalr CaUa Lrlas naw la Bath. (ham a BUfir, ' Bars of Vtrgla undaflUd. ChrUt, Maaatss, lao aspaata4 . ' Bartfe and Ilaawan raeeaefUtf: ' Otsrla la sseaisls Oaer Thaa from rhsus 4 ueaas tea AACals. IS aupaaaaj Uwftt. BisTst a akoraai "O ra saopia, ,. Bast sa4 Waat. la aaa aaMa. Pralslns OoS, tka Lord JaaovaAl ta with anaela la tha hetsU: CUrh ia axoalata Paal" K iL E;Zechman moved hla saw-mill rrom Dnlendert woods to tract two nJlae Vest ofCfcntreTlIle Iawt week. Quite a number of our boys spent Saturday evening out of town. We have not been able to find out where. W. W Fisher and Mrs. Nathan rSchambacb, of Port Trevorton, visited mends in our vicinity a few days last week. Serenus Bowersox and Elias Brunner two of Centre township's industrious farmers transacted business in town, Friday. The llkldlenurg Leather Company are now running a hundred hides per day. Twenty-three men are now em ployed In the plant. Remittances Acknowledged. We beg to acknowledge the receipt of lemittances since the last issue from the following named persons : John R. Knepp, Juo. J. Bolender, Wm. (). -. ; frecger Danklebarger. Tnaada? morning at fl o'clock, John' R. Kreeger, Cashier rrt the First Na tional Bank of Swineforti was quietly married to Miss Elizabeth Dunklecur ger, one of the well-known milliners of this section of the State. The cere mony was performed by Rev. W. K. Diehl, being witnessed only by the father, mother and sister of the bride. The biidal couple boarded the 8:40 train for a week's trip to Philadelphia. This wedding had been looked for, for quite a long time, but as it bad not occurred and then occurred so sudden ly, and the secret kept so sacredly, the surprise was all the greater. notii or me contracting parties are uell-kuowu among a large circle of friends who join the Post in wishing them a long aud huppy voysife down life's pathway. NUMBER 50." THE FUTURE REVEALED. Ceming Events Cast Tbtk Shadows 1 Before. The read of the Post are request ed to send us snnouncenienN of all evenU No charge will be made to publish the same when the event Is of public importance. THCRsnAY, Dec. 24, the Lutheran Sun day school will render a cantata. Friday, Dec. 25, Christmas Day. Legal holiday. Bank will be closed. Hdxdat, Dec. 27, St John's Day. FaiDAY Jan. 1, 1904 -New Year. Thitosday, Jan. 7, 1S04, The Hnyder County Directors' Association will" meet In the Court House at 10t4r7. m. Sunday, Jan. 17, Benjamin Franklin'e- jsinnaay. Tuesday, Jan. 19, Meeting of Stock holders of First National Bank,. of Middleburg. Friday, Feb. 12, Lincoln's Birthdsy. Sotday, Feb, 14, Ht VslenUnes Buy. Tursday", Feb, 18, Hhrove Tuesttoy. Monday, Feb. 22, Washington's Birth day. Legal holiday. Banks will be clossd. Mowday, Feb. 22, February term of court ooens. Monday, Feb. 29, Extra day for Leap Year. This Is the first that wiU have occur for eight years. Thursday, March 17, St Patsiora Da. . Clubbing List ' For the economy of time and money to our subscribers, we offer tha .link ing reduced rates for clubbing the fol-. lowing named periodicals with the Post. The first column Is Ilia l-Mmlav price of the publication named. On receipt of amotfnt named In tha Mn column, we will send the mihiia.ru narnd, the Post one year, Farm Life. on J -, and a Unre Mao of r- . County. The list is as follows r 3 r.. Farm Journal, 1 year. Fiirm Journal. ) years, Tribune Farmer, X. V. Tribune. Tri-Wkly, .:m i. ori(i. in-weekl-, Woman't Hume C.nupaii ion. Farm and Fireside. Joe ,7or 1.IX) l.'XI - 3 11.10 l.."0 1.73 l.tM l.ii Chrisiaias Candy. Stop at I. II. Bowersox's cotifection- erv store. H hus thx niMt oj.i.'Lr ,f uamoy, vm. W. rlsUer.Thomas Page, Candies that ever wiis iu Middleburg H A. ShafTer, Wm. H. Hile, J. S. a"( at tbe lowest pru-es. Heintzelman. Auirimtus ni..r fr Sunday .School orders rlll.Kl at u trifle I The map of Suvder County we give I away is printed on a -iwt jLetler paper. 11x17, large enoiiti to frame. ,Se- oiler on piige lour. SWINEFORD. Boru to John Libby and wife a son. Our citizens have their ice houses tilled. Reed ejhamory, of Kantz, spent a day with S. B. gpltler last week. Wallace TeaU and Milton Erdley, of Kreamer, spent Saturday in towu. James Detrich, who Is working at Beaver Springs, spent Sunday at home. Clayton Wetzel, of WUliamsport, is spending a few days under his parental roof. Amos Bowersox and wife spent Sat urday with Isaac Brunner Jt Paxton vllle. Frank Scbanibactjand H. W. Smith transacted business near Beavertowu, Friday. Mrs. Reuben Welrick and daughter, Kate, spent Sunday with Mrs. C. A. Itathfon. John Moyer, Sr., and Reed Libby spent a day shopping at Troxelville last week. Dauiel Millhouse, who has been ail ing for several months, Is still unable to be about Ralph and Celestla Wagner left for Selinsgrove on Monday to work in the shoe factory. Saturday the directors of the Frank liu township School Boardmet to pay their teachers. Butchering aeason is about at an end. Next issue the cbamplou porker raiser's name will appear. John Rodgere, of Dry Valley Cross Roads, spent a day with his father-in-law, Henry MJUcr, reseotty. Cath. Howell, J. B. Weller, M. It Hoot, Alpheus keyser, I. E. Boust, S. H. Reich ley, J. L. Meiser, W. C. Teats, Curtin Bowersox, Mrs. Mary Witten myer, Henry Moyer, A. J. Dunkle burger, Calvin Fierick, Lizzie J. Smith, Hon. P. F. Rigel, U. S. Sholly, Hurley Shaffer, James Middleswarth, D. O. Snyder, Adam W. Aucker, S. H. Kemrer, J. W. Deppen, J. S. Brubaker, Wm. I. Bilger, Mrs. ElmiraReed, S. O. Dengler, Mrs. Caroliue Peters, Bennett Kaufman, Joseph Heimbach, James W. Steffen, Isaac Ramer, Edward Hummel, S. P. Sampseil, P. A. Stuck, James F. Hoover, W. L. Stmwaer, Wm. H. Wise, Wm. Sholl, Jesse Bolig, Henry Snook. more than cost. If not so, do not buy. Sale Regjater. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Swartz A Graybiii's store, Swineford, is headquarters at which to buy your Christmas gifts. Do you wish to make your friends happy ? Then come and examine our large assortment of holi day gifts. We will mention a few : Do you want dolls, jewelry, gloves, linens, lamps, hankerchlefs, furs, um brellas, books, glassware, Chinaware, etc. The articles mentioned are but a few of those we should like to show you. You should see the many novel ties we have. Do not wait till the last day, but oome eaxry. Oar farmer In the show window bids you oome In, select your gifts and make your friends happy. Respectfully yours, 50 Swartz & Gkaybill. J. A. Smith. Globe Mills, is prepared to shoe horses with Never-slip horse shoes at $1.50 p r horse aud the com- mou shoes at W ceuts. Give him a all., . ... . . 12-10-5 1. r "I sound him in the act.1 An intkrestiag bit of femininity is Gwrn, oneof the picturesque characters ia "The Bky Pilot" The artist caught'her here in one of the interesting situations which abound in the story. THE SKY PILOT Will be oar Next Stacy Aad'itieaneof the best yottfrava mad. ft js not only absorUaw eabMsWng, f or th Pint Gbmptat aK pac'tnu to ham aaia ahuuiu wlscl n ,ita anu bare i tnwrtad in thia column. WKDNKSDAY. Dec. W. ,nile wutheart f U oba Mllla H S. W. c. T ",11 L , . ,K'k- !rm linpleuienia. miU bouaenoid gnaUa. TcKaDAY. March 1 one mile wmh-wea or ii'T"1" Mr ''"hrnnB Moyor will all live tluvk anU rarminic impleiDaala. TlDAr. March S 1 milm, anuth ..f HMiflelU. Mary Swartz. for the helm ot .1 W. Swartz. drceaaeti. will wit live Hock, farm im plenianla, honachoid irooda and raal eataic. Thubsdat, Mareh.l(l, the adminiatratom of tha mtata l John Zicber will Mil Uva alock. farming implementaand hoiuelmld gooda. SATtKDAT, March 12. Wm. .V. Rullck will Mil Ht stock and farming impleaMiua, una. half mile north of Seliusgrore. Saturday, March 11. in Waahingtoa township John H. Miller will mi I liorwim cowa aud farm I tuple menu. Tvsiay. March 13. S. M. Kcntetter. Mr'enlai will aall household gooda, Cum imola' menta and lire atock. Wedhmday, March l, mile waul of Meiser vtlle, (Jeo. U. Uoodling will aail Itvw alotk and farming Implementa. WaOBmixAY March 1, at Saiem. Wm. J. Rotm will sell S horses, ju bead of cattla aud farming linplemenla. Thuuhbay, Mitrch IT, one aiila south of Sellna grove, Wm. H. Kanninger will aall borer. cowa aud farming uupiamanla. Thuskuay, March !7, at Uloba Mills, B. P Wal. tar will sell live stuec and farm I mule. mcnls. Fbiday, March:. In -iin Twp., William M. Maaea will sail lire slock aud farming impicmeiita. Satcboay, March north of SelinagroYa. Amoa Bollg will sell lira stock aud farm Implements. Monday. Maruh 21, ona mile east of Melaarrill Wm. Kice will sell lire stock and farminv Implamaaas. Mokoay, March '21, ona-fourth mile south ot Helinsgrove, on H. K. Daris farm. R. H. Wirth will aall S horses, 8 cowa, S bead of young cattla, ttt suoala and good far nil na lmplemenla. TvnaoAY, March 2S, north of 8allnumM Samuel Bullek will aall stock, firming tinpleaienta and household gooda. Tcbuiay. Mareh , near Kauka, Hear Bomlc will salt hva stock and farm implements?. W,"iAlr Mn,,l, tw mllaa south of "''"'" '"" n. rawar wiu aall Ura " atosk aad facaalnc Implamaula.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers